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l. She thinks [tl:!!!!Js.s/does think/think] (think) Manuel is crazy.

2. They don't know [not know/doesn't know/don't know/] (not know) what to say.

3. Does she feel [Does ~he feel/She does feel/She feels/] (feel/she) ok?

4. He isn't [aren't/isn'y'doesn't be] (not be) a relative of mine.

S. 1don't know [not know/don't know/doesn't know] (not know) who she is [are/does/is]

6. She washes [washes/washs/washies] (wash) her car every week.
7. Paul sleeps [sleep/sleepes/sleepsJ (sleep) seven hours a day.

8. Mary and John are [be/is/fil] (be) my cousins.

9. She always wines [win/win§/wins/] (win).

10. James cries [crys/cri~/does cry] (cry) very easily.

11. She~ [prays/prayes/praies] (pray) in church every sunday.

12. Sarah doesn't like [doesn't likes/don't like/doesn't like/] (not like) pop music.

13. Ooes John play [Does John plays/Does John play/John does play/] (play) football everyday?

14. Is [Are/Is/Ami]
,.. (be) she a friend of yours?

15. Are [A_re/Be/Do/] (be) they in love?

16. Does Mary believe [Does Mary believe/Mary does believe/Does Mary believes/] (believe/
Mary) in God?

17. Who is [!!fare/am] (be) your favourite football player?

18. Alice washes [washes/washing /is washing] her hair twice a week.

19. She wants [wants/is wanting/want] a reply right now.

20. He often [every day/often/now] visits his grandparents.

21. They go to judo lessons twice a week [always/twice a ~eek/never] .

22. When [When/Who/What] do you go to the dentist?

23. Sarah is sel dom [always/s~ldom/often] late for class. She usually arrives on time.

24. Do [Does /.Q9/ls] you go to the theatre every month?

25. Ooes Tom like [not líke/likes/like/] chocolate ice-cream?

26. Do (~/Who/What] you want an answer?

27. He usually tries [try/do try/tri~] to solve problems by himself.

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: t.· _Worksheets PDF - ~;,;;e~-º~:--;::_:-----:
:4 reaching Resources Date: 2ó2o 1
1 1
l 1
: Simple Present :1
Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in 1
the box.

1gp work ri~e dejlver lo/e j9'.9 rtst f~h ~alk 1

Mr Letty is a postman. He doesn't work in the post

office. He always works outside in the streets.
He V''-"vEi.. letters to all the people in the
neighbourhood every day. He doesn't Jo~
but he t..ov~ his motorbike.
At the weekend, Mr Letty doesn't work.
He n..i::-si . He G:io the countryside,
so he always ~ 91z.. to his country house with
his wife. Mr and Mrs Letty T ~e; A in the river
and they wA-lK in the woods every weekend

1 Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

1 play ~ l,~y~ go G,~<;
1 teach ··n:A~S
1 wash \>J b.'i I!tS s:
1 drive ~a; v1z,.S carry (; Altt.\ E. {
1 fly ~lÁ e J start 5r.uuc;
1 kiss K\ %11:i~
1 help WELH
1 watch w t,."( e..\.i. s.. s tidy T"¡ !2iiE: s
1 like LA. K.~~ enjoy fi~~º't~
1 ~1,s mix
cry t1i:icé:--J

WorksheetsPDF -----------
1t Worksheets Pt>F Name: -----------
:4reoching Resources Date:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
l Simple Present
: Don 't and Doesn 't
Choose and write the correct option.
1uo1-1'í (don't / doesn't) like chicken.

My sister 1))1fN'r(don't / doesn't) eat pasta.

You tx>N'f (~n't / doesn't) buy apples.

The dog O<>iSl-l't (don 't / doesn 't) bark.
My mum o~s>J r (~on 't / doesn ]) read comics.

Ann and I t)aJ r (don 't / doesn 't) go to school.


Cows DDN', (don't / doesn't) live in the sea.

They ~º~'r (don't / doesn't) play football.

My cat DoMµ 1(don't / doesn't) chase mice.


Her friend ~ºtrSN'f (don't / doesn]) speak English.

- .
This man o~sJJ'f (don't / doesn't) smoke.

lt ~:i:i~'r (don't / doesn't) run very fast

-------------------- -----------
Simple Present Activity
1) Lucy is talking about htr family. Rtad tht tcxt and
complde with the corrcct words in parentheses:
Hit My namt Is Lucy. 1 _.-:u;:.·
\J.;..;t!.;;;_._ _ _ (lwtlli'lt1) wtth my parents in
Sydnty, Aulttalil. My molher't namt il Llllth and my fltfltr't narnt Is Frtd. 1
H~..¡ E (hlvelhav tllhn) IWO brolhtrs 1nd one sltttr. My brothers,
'-ttr and Wlfttr, t.-i \llt, (livtniYH) with us, too. ,...,
SíuQÍii<.S (studylstuditt) in I schoOI downtown. Ht T1w1Gf?f
(llktllakH) the traln to IChool. Ht 'E.fS \J P' (get up(9fb uplgtl ups) at.
am. Thlt's very eartyl But Wlfttr Géf$ V f> (gtt up(gett ~ ups) late.
(WllklwllkS) to WOf'k. Ptttr Q M;' $ (doldol/do tt)
his homeworll everydly 11 5pm. My slster, Helena, ki Y€ s (liwnives) downtown with her
hulblnd, Jaenes. He w
ott. I< 5 (woNworks) in tht 1ubUm. Thly
t>OIJ 'í I'-!i>&S (don't taktldoesn 't llklldotsn 't takls) tht bus to OUt house. Thly
Go (golgostgoes) to ou, hOUM by car. James is a doctor, bul he _ _ _ _ _ (don't
worll/doesn't worll/dotsn't wottts) in I hospital, he DoéJN' 1 f l}Jt)~II-.. (worll/WOrlll/WOfMS)
in an
office. They V,.,
¡ .,- (YisilMsitsMsítts) us every Sundly. re1Uy 1 1-ovg
(lovenoves) my famllyl

2) Unscramble the q11estio11s about l.ucy's family:

a) - J) o_l!.:L SI+~ -~ ~ ~~~~~ - ?

• No, sht liYts with her brothers and htr pannts.
b) . "'-'- ~~~~ - ~E) -nc!f=.j W '-!~ - - . . - . - - --- ___?
. Thty livt in Sydnty, Au11Jalia.
e) • 'Al.~ 41 r;~.L 14~l-l>'.~fl- 5 ~.?J}AtJY _l?D ?
• Ht's adoctor.
d) . 1--Jo ~ ]-oE: s _$ 1+1z. _1..i. ~ e.. . \iE.~ ~"' 4Y-- ----- .?
(how/she/her/dotslli ke/íami l y)
• Sllt loffl hit fami~I
t) . i>~_S 1'~í€ci._ ~~~~-- -rº . se.~ __ -·-- . ?
• No. ht taktt tht train to school.
Somc one llke vou by Aóelo

O,clor tiro vers es

i Tha1 you found a g ,rt ar'ld you·ro mame<! now.
_ 1_ 1 heard lhat you·r• s•ttled down
~Gue ss sho gave you thlngs I didn"t give to you
-~• heatd lhat your dream s ca,,,., ,..,.

fi l / In tr,c b lf nlca with ono wor<I

- why .,. you so shy?
Old ~
A in 't hke you to hOld ™. or h ído from lhe Li, +í" -r
1 hato to tum up out of the @LIJ .I!. uninvit ed
But I oouldn 't stay ~ - 1 couldn 't fight ít
1 h a d hoped you·d see ~ • n d that you"d be remind ed
Tha1 ror me it i sn"t ~

Compl e to th c CHOR US ndth words fram

thc bubblo . Bo ca , o ful th crc

---"'º rwo c,c1ro onos,
- - .,,,.-...~-
~ mtnd .. 1'11 ~1U Osomeo ne kke you find - saíd hvrts
1wish NoTJ!, t'i but the best for you ..L2.!2.- hearts - f0<giv 0
0on·1 foH. e:; •e
mo. 1 t>eo í Never _
,! - -~
r remem t>er you ~A, j l> . r~ . >- . forget _ too - noth,n g
"'Some timos it lasls in Jove but someti mos
it 141/ll. ;, ,nstead . t
l!t!1B-IS iostead . • · - , ___ _ __ ~~ _ __. / ___, .•
~:hetimes íl lasts in love but som4)tímes it

Match the rwo h.1lvcs

r_-_ 1 . You know how _ _ "]3--=-~

B. tho time nies
= e~ - -
J_ __:A=. ...:l'.!:n:...:8=-::Sc,:U::;m.:.:m=er_.'-'-'
2 o I Y yesrerd ay wa! - - - - V- . - - --·¡-· -C n
-. - o·,- o-ur a_·1 ~_dav,.,s'. .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
,-- . n A- ___ • = i-.==--
3 . We were bom and raised q . lhelirn rlives
:_ -4~-Bo\,ndby~the-surpriSe_ _____ . e, 1 eofou

t hale . .. ( again )

Cl>Orus ( x1)

Cross out thc extra word in c-och verse

Nolh;n g Jd'
compa res
No womes or sJ;,é cares
Ret9ret s and místak es tt,itf'
tjltlÑ tney are memon es n ~
'M>o wou!ó have known how brttersw eet lh,s woulcl
r,_-d'y taste?
Chorus ( x2J

Fínd in the lyries :

fu:~ o /=Fo u~ /C¡.ME. / SAif)
va form)
find -come - say - g;ve ( positiv e anc:s negati
1 ) The past tense of these verbs : hear -

2) A person ality adject ive: SV.°f

3) A marita l status : t'\,1,,~il~..'S)

4) The oppos ít.9 S ot: . Love- ancl ·every thing. . .. H.4.f.1i:-.............. / ....t->~n:~i ~ .E:?. .. .
5 ) The plural of llfe: 1. \ 1=°¡¡: ,S

• §.J TWJlff'e CJl¡!en ey agverb s: t-i E. \/,E1' ~n 1zíÍ t-\...:.5

1:>L ~o1 1ec ttve .com 1


. · scc - 14. wake :. 1. Tom ~ his room •YUY Scrturday.
· ~ · take TA'S,¡,¿? 1!5. teach 1'!..A<.Kf,S : : o) tidy b) tidig_ ' 1

· ~h '61W$\\~$ 16. lose t..0 ~ $ . : 2. We Li sn: Nto thc nMic cvtry doy.
• 4 . k,ss k.tsk¡:,~ 17. cotch Y,T~w..\ · '. o) listen_ b) listw
: !5. c~II Cl,t,\.S 18. buy ~ : : 3. Mor¡ usually ~Jl'V in the cvtning .
. 6. 91vt {p\\J lf.S 19. poss ~ S : · o) watch b) !!9'tcbcs
! 7. play ~ 20. cCMM ~ .: : ◄. Thc girls oftcn 'iJ.!::/- with the dotl~'--=>
: 8. study ~TUQÍf,5 21 . fight ~ . '. a) e!g_ b) plays ~~~.-~
: 9. watch WATC~€-J 22 . water ™a.S : : 5. I >wi11 in thc pool on Sundays. -----~.......:___
'. 10. help ~ 23. choosc ~ ! í ~ : a) ~wim b) swims
11. cut Céll._ 2◄. fly ~ _ . 6. Thcy .J&2..... their homework ewry dcay.
· 12. cry ~ 25. match ~ 5 · : o) do b) docs
' : 13. swim ~w°\1'1$ 26. carry ~ s : ·_ ·::. .- ·: ·: :~ ·.-.-:.·. · .· · ".-:.-:.: :::. ::.. ::.·:. .• ,
··· · ··· · ·.. ·.. ··.· ·:, ,-" :. ,- · ··. :..' ·. ·:.
◄ . Fill in don't or doesn't :
; 3. Rewrite the sentences with the new .. 1 . Bill ~ploy tcmis cvcry Sunday.
: sub ject: , - : 2. We ~ go to thc pork. 9 ~
: 1. Kate likes to eat an ice-creom. (I) . : 3. Kote ~ l i k e to eot fish.
· ... J.J·:~'t.-~.. I:1?..~~T.....~.~.... i.~~ ::.~.~ ~11 : 4. Sul ~rwcar long dresses.
: 2 . We go to the zoo every Sunday. (Sam) : ; 5. I ~ like to gd up eorly.
·, ...~!:'tn....~~~~~.!:?. ..!~~.. l~~ ...~~~R-Y )\JtJ~
3. The boys play footboll well . (Tom)
..:T.~~.:P..~t yS. ....t.'?.!'?!~~.~k ..w..~11.\-.: ..
6. My brot~ers ~rnke to .drink milk.
7. My cous1n ~ w Itohon well .
· 8. I ~ like to wolk with my dog.
+ . +
: 4. My brothcr speaks English wcll. (They) · 9 . Pom ~ go to the gym . ·
• ...!.lt~f....i~.i'::~-~....~ .!':-'.J:~~.Ht.Y.-!.~ 1., · : 10. They 1121!..!L undcrstond this nlle .
: 5. The girls likc to drow dolls. (My sister) : : 11 . We ~ often go to the moYics .
· .~.y. ..~.~.~.~. ~!.16~.$...I'S? ...9.~ W ....:Q.~t-t- s . 12. U_z ~ 1 weor shorts o~ oll.
6. I play computer gamas every doy. (Pom) · . 13. T1m p<>67N Í grow flowers 1n the gordcn .
.....?.~~ ....I~~~....~.~f.~.~~·-~-~-~~
•• ' ~ ' • ' ~ - •
"-" 'G2-i
, ' ' ' ,. •
• • 1 ••
- ~ • , • .. ' ' ' •
. , .
6 . Writc guestions to the underlined

5. Write Do or t>oe~-=. words:

.~ :'.':"..~'.~~:.' .~.~~:. ~:~.:::.~~.J )

: 1 . ~ Kote hclp her mother every doy?
· 2. Q.e... you listen to rock music?
3. ~ Tom know oll the computer games?
4. ~ they go to the zoo on Sundoys?
5. you like to drow onimals?

6.0~ your brothcr drive his car well?

7 . M._ the boys likc to plont flowcrs?
·+ : 2 . We water the flowers in two doys.
· ......................-.............................. ............ ......... .
: : 3 · Mona gocs to the club evcry Soturday. :

· · ......................................................... ...... ..................
"' - .

8 f
8 . il!lS.. en wont to ind his friends? + · 4. Thcy fecd the robbits at 2 o'clock.
. 9 . ~ you often coll your friends? . :
5·. 1-·-··:· · . ···. . · · . :·- ··"··"". :. . .. . . ...... ~

:~:~tw;rwt~:+-. · .:~.~.~--~.~.':::~.: .·::..... ~

· 12. Q2!1. Mory spend much time on shops? · : 6 . Nick 5cldom ploys table tcmis.
13. ~ your dog chose the cots? ~ - ................................. ............................................. · ·
. ' ' . ·' .

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