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1. Countable Nouns All nouns are countable or uncountable. Countable nouns have the following properties. - They can be counted, for example 1 apple, 2 apples, ...etc. - They can be made plural. - They can take the indefinate article a/an. 2. Uncountable Nouns Uncountable nouns have the following properties. - They usually can't be counted, for example 1 money, 2 money, ...etc. - They usually can't be made plural. - They usually don't take the indefinate article a/an. Some is often used for plural nouns. For example: - I have some apples. - I have some food. This is covered later in more detail. Here are some common countable and uncountable nouns. Write "c" if the noun is countable, "uc" if the noun is uncountable. Example: tomato c 1. tree 2. money 3. rice 4. water 5. cup 6. friend 7. school 8. love 9. table 10. time

Use a singular or plural verb in the following exercises. Remember uncountable nouns always take singular nouns. Example: I like cheese. (like) 1. Milk 2. Grape juice 3. Grapes 4. A grape 5. Rome 6. Monkeys 7. Sandwiches 8. You 9. The pictures 10. English healthy. (be) good. (taste) delicious. (be) on the floor. (be) (be) a beautiful city. bananas. (eat) good. (be) great pizza. (make) beautiful. (look) interesting. (be)

1. Imperatives Imperatives are used to give orders or suggestions. For example: "Come here!" or "Have a cookie".

Grammar Exercises 2

Imperatives almost always have no subject, and the second person is usually implied as the subject instead. For example "Come here!" implies the subject "(you) Come here!". Here are some of the situations you can use imperatives.

4. 5. Don't 6. Mummy, 7. Don't 8. Let's

a little every day. (study) on the grass. (walk) me a candy! (give) in the building. (run) a game. (play) for me. (wait) home! (go)

Close the door! - Stand up! - Sit down! - Open your books!

To make a cup of coffee: - Boil some water - Put some coffee in a cup - Add some water - Drink the coffee.

To go to the bank Turn left at Orchard Street, and then go straight.

9. I'm busy tonight, so don't 10. Let's

Offers and Invitations

- Have some tea - Come over to our house sometime.

The verb let is often used as an imperative to give strong suggestions. Let's is a contraction of let us. For example: - Let's go home! - Let's watch a movie!

Grammar Exercises Complete the sentences with the correct imperative. Example: Answer the questions. (answer) 1. Please 2. 3. Please in (come) out! (get) your bedroom. (clean)

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