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A paragraph following the passages would most probably discuss

a. The development of commercial and military aviation

b. The effect of instant celebrity on linbergh
c. The reaction of the government to Lindbergh’s flight
d. Lindbergh’s aircraft and engine modifications

The author of the passage implies that Lindbergh did not anticipate becoming a
a. Mail carrier
b. Celebrity
c. Pilot
d. Army captain

According to the passage, how old was Lindbergh when he carried out his challenging flight?

a. Twenty-one
b. Twenty-three
c. Twenty-five
d. Twenty-four

The author of the passage implies that Lindbergh’s job with Robertson Aircraft Corporation

a. Was not intended as long term employment

b. Required him to perform dangerous flights
c. Necessitated his running long distances
d. Required regular intercity flights

It can be inferred from the passage that as a military cadet, Lindbergh

a. Was the best among students

b. Earned a good salary
c. Trained with the best students
d. Was in top for

In line 8, the word ‘handsomely’ is closest in meaning to

a. Honorably
b. Well
c. Handly
d. In time

In line 8, word ‘undertaking’ is closest in meaning to

a. Studying at the university

b. Performing feats
c. Seeking challenging endeavors (became a stunt pilot)
d. Exhibiting mechanical talent

In line 7, the word ‘assemblies’ is closest in meaning to

a. Hearings
b. Gatherings
c. Houses
d. Shows

According to the passage,……

a. Was seeking a sedentary life-style

b. Pursued training in the military
c. Set out to win recognition
d. Opted for the life of an exhibition pilot
Which of the following is the best title for the passage
a. The early life of Charles Lindbergh
b. Groundbreaking events in avitation
c. Charles lindbergh’s explorations
d. A benchmark adventure in aeronautics

In line 19, the word ‘impressions ‘ is closest in meaning to

a. Originals
b. Photographs
c. Plates
d. Reproductions

A paragraph following the passage would most probably discuss

a. The offset printing of billboard advertisements
b. Photosynthesis in commercial lithographs
c. Technological advancements in offset printing
d. Types of unique lithographs printed rare books

In the passages does the author point out the advantages of lithography over other types of pointing?

a. Lines 3-5
b. Lines 1-2 → menjelaskan apa itu lithography
c. Lines 8-9
d. Lines 16-18

In line 11, the word ‘envelops’ is closest meaning to

a. Coats
b. Soils
c. Sends
d. Coils
In line 7, the word ‘leveled’ is closest in meaning to
a. Flattened
b. Low
c. Flawed
d. Elevated

In line 3,the word ‘contour’ is closest in meaning to

a. Contrast
b. Edge
c. Outline
d. Content

According to the passage, lithographic printing makes use of the fact that

a. Artists can draw on flat, greaselles surfaces

b. Limestone, zinc, and aluminium can used as planes
c. Gravure etching is work and time consuming
d. Oily substances do not mix with water (water does not combine with grease based substance)

What does the passage mainly discuss

a. The evolution of lithograph printing to rotaty presses
b. Commercial printing of mass produced lithographs
c. Steps in a technique for making impressions
d. The equipment necessary for offset lithographs
It can be inferred from the passage that in making lithographic prints, the paper
a. Spreads the link on the greased areas
b. Keeps the oil from sliding off
c. Shrinks away from the printing stone
d. Absorbs the ink from printing plate (the sheet picks up the ink)

Where in the passage does the author point out the advantages of lithography over other types
of printing
Select one :
a. Lines 3-5
b. Lines 1-2
c. Lines 16-18
d. Lines 8-9

The passage would most likely be found in a textbook on which of the following subjects?
a. Biology
b. Genetics
c. Biochemistry
d. Anatomy

The author mentions all of the following except

a. Specialized cells
b. Procreative mechanisms
c. Colonial organisms
d. Cell contents

According to the passage, sponges and jellyfish are

a. The simplest one cell organisme

b. Celluler and colonial organisms
c. Tissues and cellular nuclei
d. The simplest multicellular animals (line 13)

In line 11 the word ‘each’ refers to

a. Animals
b. Plants
c. Cells
d. Species

The author of the passage implies that large animals and plants have

a. Greater number of cells than smaller life-forms (…contingent on the total number of cells…)
b. Larger quantitiest of protoplasm than smaller life-forms
c. Stronger cellular membranes than flagellates
d. Large cell sizes than amoebas and protozoans

In line 9 the word ‘symbiotic’ is closest in meaning to

a. Mutually resistan
b. Mutually hostile
c. Mutually exclusive
d. Mutually dependent

In line 7, the word ‘loosely’ is closest in meaning to

a. Feebly
b. Lively
c. Freely
d. Naturally
It can be inferred from the passage that a cell serves as

a. The smallest colonial group

b. A partition of organism functions
c. The smallest genetic unit
d. A flagellate reproductive organ

In line 5, the word ‘it refer to

a. The cell
b. The membrane
c. Any compound
d. The cytoplasm

In line 5, the phrase ‘outer tissue’ is closest in meaning to

a. Outside force
b. Outlying area
c. Cell
d. Shell

How many cells do the simplest organisms contain ? → unicellular organism

a. An unknown number
b. One hundred
c. Many
d. One
In the last sentence, the phrase ‘not a tracce’ most probably means

a. Not a soul
b. Not a penny
c. Absolutely no one
d. Absolutely nothing

It can be inferred from the passages that in ancient times

a. Books and scrolls were updated regularly

b. The population should have been educated
c. Maintaining collections was fruitless
d. Libraries benefited upper social classes
In line 15, the word succession is closest in meaning to

a. Success
b. Sundry
c. Series
d. Substitution

With which of the following statement about greek literature is the author of the passage most likely to

a. It was integral to greek culture

b. It was beginning to emerge when the library was expanded
c. It was compiled and cross- referenced in the library
d. It was nurtured in libraries in Athens and Rome

The author of the passage implies that the rulers of Egypt

a. Oversaw the expansion of the library directly

b. Sought to make the library self-contained
c. Marshaled worldwide support for the library collections (borrowed from Rome, Athens…)
d. Devoted funds and other resources to the library collections
It can be inferred from the passage that report of the Alexandrian library
a. Could not be verified
b. Were highly exaggerated
c. Were secondary in importance
d. Could not be made known

In line 2, the word ‘feasible’ is closest in meaning to

a. Ebullient
b. Prestigious
c. Practicable
d. Easy
What does the passage mainly discuss?
a. The origin and history of a library
b. The expansion of libraries in ancient times
c. The use of papyrus in ancient scroll collection
d. The cultural initiative of Alexander the Great

According to the passage, the main goal of the library in Alexandria was

a. Accumulating translation and originals of texts

b. Translating scrolls in ancient egypt and grece
c. Gradually replacing papyrus with parchment
d. Collecting scrolls loaned by other libraries
What does the passage mainly discuss?
a. Modem theories and radioactive
b. Establishing the earth’s age
c. Research and narratives abaout the earth’s formation
d. Dating techniques in research

It can be inferred from the passage that radioactive dating is important for
Estimating the age of
a. The trees
b. The earth
c. All known meteor
d. All exisiting planets

In line 5, the word “eventual” is closest in meaning to

a. Ultimate
b. Enduring
c. Utter
d. Eventiful

According to the passage, the moon is…..

a. Approximately the same density as the earth and sun
b. Newer than the earth and the sun
c. Approximately the same age as the earth and the sun
d. Older than the earth and the sun

The author the passage implies that

a. The galaxies are expanding at a substantial rate
b. The earth and the sun are of similar origin
c. Meteorites and the moon have been analyzed
d. The earth and the sun can be explosive
With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree
a. The moon and the sun are 15 billion years old
b. The formations of galaxies is an on-going process
c. The moon can be viewedas as a meteorite
d. The earth can be dated as far back as 6,000 years

In line 10, the word plausible is closest in meaning to

a. Rational
b. Relative
c. Relasional
d. Reasonable

What the conclusion does the author of the passage make

a. The sun’s radioactivity is scant and can be negligible
b. The earth is a part of a galaxy that includes many moons
c. Radioactive dating is refuted by researchers
d. Radioactive dating is more accurate than other methods

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