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What sort of rest are we talking about here?

At home you can be

in charge of planning your own time, whether you are learning for
fun, doing your homework or revising for exams. When you feel
your brain getting a bit weary you can give it a little break for 5 to

10 minutes and this should be 45 minutes after you started.

You can see this from 2 ropes across the River of Forgetting
below. The bottom rope shows how much you can remember if you
keep going for 2 hours without a break. Above they have posts in
the river to support the rope they can remember so much more.

Have you noticed that can remember more from the beginning of a
lesson than from the middle of it? It’s much easier for your mind
to wander off in the middle of the class unless you are learning
things that you can link together or if your teacher tells you
something different that stands out.
Chilling out is also great for your concentration. You need to be
able to concentrate well to learn things properly. Think of your
concentration as a great big powerful horse and you have to ride
it. Your concentration stallion is a first-class racehorse. All you
need to do is learn how to ride it well.

If your mind goes blank it is usually because you are in the

spotlight and under pressure to remember. What you need to do is
relax. Your imagination gets scared and run off when you are tense
but chill out and it will always come back to you.
ggIsn’t it frustrating that things you know really well and understand
perfectly somethings drift away from your brain? DON’T PANIC!
Your only forgetting things because you haven’t reinforced then in
your memory.

When you first learn something it goes into your short term
memory which means you can remember it for a few days. If you
want to learn something forever you need to transfer it onto your
long-term memory. You can do this by going through it daily.

You need to be organized about what you’ve gone over when you go
over it again. The best way is to buy a large colorful calendar and
get into the habit of writing down what you’ve learnt every day. If
you do this, you won’t ever have a last-minute revision panic
because you have remembered everything you were thought. 8

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