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Prelude: Tukwanirizza Ggwe Musumba....................

Ffena katujjaguze……………………choir
Come Holy spirit…………………………..
Come and praise
I will sing hosanna…………………………………

Procession: Asubuhi mchana usiku

Ndi mukristu ndi musomi
Entrance: Ayi Mwoyo Mutuukirivu...........................
Kyrie / Mercy: Kryie eleison……………………………...............
Gloria: Glory,glory,glory to God..............................
First Reading: ......................................................................
Meditation: Responsorial Psalm…………………...............
Gospel Acclamation: Be my way…………………………............
Confirmation: O come Holy Spirit..........................
Spirit of God....................................
Mwoyo Omutonzi yanguwa....
The spirit from above…………
Ruhanga Ishitwe.............................

Let your living water flow...............

Spirit of Mercy.................................
Profession of Faith: As I kneel before you.......................
Kuuma ebisuubizo...........................
Offertory: Taata nzuuno………………………..…..
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Bring to the Lord………………………
Tweyanzizza Ssebo.........................
Nimungu Sawa…………….............22

Holy: Omukama mutuukirivu............................

Peace: Jesus loves me..............................................
Lamb: Agnus Dei...................................................
Communion: Come and dine.....................................
Twende ndugu twende...............................
Ndi Mukristu……………………
Obuhikirire bwamukama
How be that I should gain……..

Thanks Giving: How great you are ………

Exit: Go forth guided by the spirit.....................

The Spirit lives to set us free…….................

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ekidd: Tukwanirizza ggwe Musumba,
Atalundira mpeera gw’atuwadde ggwe
Tulambike otutwale ew’Omusumba,
Ssaabasumba Yezu
Tube kimu ffenna, tube kimu ffenna.

1. Ggwe musika anti ow’Abatume,

Ggwe Mugabe Ddunda, gw’agabye
Tukwanirizza, tukukkirizza ggwe Mugabe waffe,
Tukwanirizza, tukukkiriza, Ddunda akukuumenga
Ggwe kabonero akalabika, nti Kristu Omusumba, ali naffe.

2. Ffe mubiri ogwa Kristu, ggwe Mugabe ayunga b’oyise,

Tukwanirizza, tukukkiriza, Ssebo mutwe gwaffe
Tukwanirizza, tukukkiriza, Ddunda akukuumenga.
Ggwe kabonero akalabika, nti Kristu Omusumba, ali naffe.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
3. Lunda endiga ggwe n’amagezi.
Ggwe Mugabe yamba eziwabye.
Tukwanirizza, tukukirizza, Ddunda akunywezenga,
Tukwanirizza, tukukirizza, Ddunda akuwe byonna,
Ggwe kabonero akalabika, nti Kristu Omusumba, ali naffe


1. Lifegiving Spirit, through your might,

Darkness and chaos turned to light;
Voice of the prophets from above,
Speaking of God’s eternal love.
Come, Holy Spirit Wind and Fire,
Come, fill your Church, our hearts inspire.

2. O Spirit, by your power out poured,

Blest Mary bore th’incarnate world;
You o’er the Jordan’s waters came,
That Christ the Gospel mighty proclaim.
Come, Holy Spirit Wind and Fire,
Come, fill your Church, our hearts inspire.

3. Pentecost Spirit, Paracelete,

Making the work of Christ complete;
Born of the water and you grace,
We speak the Good news ev’ry place.
Come, Holy Spirit Wind and Fire,
Come, fill your Church, our hearts inspire.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Come and praise, Come and praise,
Come and praise, the Lord God of mercy;
Come and praise, Come and praise,
Come and praise, the Lord God of mercy and love.

1. Praise the Lord he is good all the time, He is good.

He gave us His son to save us all.

2. Praise the Lord he is good all the time, He is good.

He gave us His spirit to intercede for us.

3. Praise the Lord he is good all the time, He is good.

He gave us His priests to pray for us.

4. Praise the Lord he is good all the time, He is good.

He gave us intercessors to pray for us.


1. I will sing hosanna allelua (x2)
I will sing hosanna alleluia
Singing round before the throne of glory
I will sing hosanna.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. I will clap hosanna……………………..
3. I will dance hosanna……………………
4. I will praise hosanna…………………..
5. I will wave hosanna…………………….
6. I will match hosanna…………………..
7. I will jump hosanna…………………….
8. I will smile hosanna……………………


1. Nitakuimbia Mungu wangu kweli

Asubuhi mchana usiku

Nitakuimbia Mungu wangu kwa shangwe
Vinanda ngoma nitazipiga
Vigelegele shangwe makofi nitakusifu milele yote

2. Nitakushukuru Mungu wangu kweli . . .

3. Nitazitangaza sifa zako kweli . . .
4. Nitalitukuza jina lako kweli . . .
5. Nitakuhimidi Mungu wangu kweli . . .
6. Nitakuinua Mungu wangu kweli . . .


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ekidd: Ndi mukristu ddala ddala nze
Mu Eklezia Katolika
Ne njatula nga sibalimba-a
Ndi mukristu ddala ddala.

1. Erinnya erya Batismu

Lye lisinga gonna ge nnina,
Yezu Kristu yalituuma,
Mu Ssacramentu lya Batismu.

2. Kitaffe Paapa omutukuvu,

Ng’ali wamu n’abasumba be,
Y’akulemberera Eklezia,
Mu buyinza bwe ayi Mukama.

3. Ndi mukristu ndi musomi,

Maria nnyabo ggwe mmange;
Ggwe nnyina wa Klezia,
Eyatuzalira Omulokozi.

4. Ebiragiro bye watuwa,

Olw’okutwagala ayi Mukama;
Mpa okubikwata okubinyweza,
Olw’okutwagala ayi Mukama.

5. Amasakramentu ge watuwa,
Kangeyune ennaku zonna,
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Olwo nga nkuza obukristu
Mbe mukristu ddala ddala.

6. Okwegayirira okukristu,
Mu bulamu bunoo obw’okunsi;
Sikirekeka wakyogera,
Ayi Mukama nkukkiriza.


Ayi Mwoyo Mutuukirivu
Omutonzi waffe jjangu,
Otuule mu myoyo gyaffe,
N’enneema zo zigijjuze.
2 3
Ayi Ggwe omuwolereza Otuwe n’okutegeera
Ekitone kya Katonda Otusseemu n’okwagala
Omuliro n’okwagala Otujjuze n’amaanyi go
Mbeera ggwe nsulo y’enneema. Mu mubiri ne mu mwoyo
4 5
Otugobeko sitaani Tuddukidde gy’oli ffenna
Otuwe emirembe ku nsi Tuyige Patri ne Mwana
Otukulembere ffenna Naawe tukukkirizenga
Otuwonye ennaku zonna Leero ate n’ennaku zonna.
Leero tusseemu ekitiibwa
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Katonda Patri ne mwana
Tubatendereze wamu
Ne Mwoyo Mutuukirivu.

I confess to Almighty God and to you,

My brothers and sisters,
That I have greatly sinned,
In my thoughts and in my words,
In what I have done
And in what I have failed to do,
Through my fault, through my fault;
Through my most grievous fault
Therefore I ask Blessed Mary ever virgin,
All the Angels and Saints,
And you, my brothers and sisters,
To pray for me to the Lord our God.

Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison;
Kyrie eleison x2

Christe eleison, christe eleioson

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Christe eleison x2

Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison;

Kyrie eleison x2



Glory glory, glory to God in the highest;

And on earth peace to men.

1. And on earth peace to men,

Peace to men who are God's friends

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. God Almighty Father heavenly King,

We praise you and we bless you

3. We adore you, we glorify you,

We give you thanks for your, great glory.

4. Lord Jesus Christ only son of the father,

Lord God Lamb of God Jesus Christ

5. You take away the sins of the world,

Have mercy, receive our prayers

6. You are seated at the right hand of the father,

Have mercy, Lord Jesus Christ.

7. You alone are holy, you alone are Lord,

You alone are most high

8. Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son;

Glory to the Spirit, now and ever more

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 11 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Solo: Be my way be my way
All: Be my way Lord Jesus be my way
Solo: Be my way be my way
All: Be my way Lord Jesus be my way
Solo: I love Jesus
You are my savior
I love you Jesus
Your my healer
Solo: Alleluia alleluia- alleluia Lord lord Jesus alleluia

Priest: The Lord be with you
All: And with your Spirit.

Deacon: This is the Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
*********The Creed***********
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God
from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not
made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were
made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became
man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, He suffered
death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance
with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and, is seated at the right
hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and
the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the
Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has
spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and
apostolic church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and
look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to
come. Amen

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 13 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


1. Oh come Holy Spirit. Oh come and fill our hearts.
We need your gifts to day. We need your gifts always.
Ref:You’re the consoler. You’re the Paraclete.
(Holy Spirit the Paraclete. Oh come)
You’re the consoler. (You’re the Paraclete)
(Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.)

2. Oh come Holy Spirit. Oh come fill our hearts.

We need your gift of wisdom. We need your gift of council.
Ref:You’re the consoler. You’re the Paraclete.
(Holy Spirit the Paraclete. Oh come)
You’re the consoler. (You’re the Paraclete)
(Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.)

3. Oh come Holy Spirit. Oh come and fill our hearts.

We need your gift of power. We need your gift of

Ref: You’re the consoler. You’re the Paraclete.

(Holy Spirit the Paraclete. Oh come)
You’re the consoler. (You’re the Paraclete)
(Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 14 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
4. Oh come Holy Spirit. Oh come and fill our hearts.
We need to understand. We need to fear our God.
Ref:You’re the consoler. You’re the Paraclete.
(Holy Spirit the Paraclete. Oh come)
You’re the consoler. (You’re the Paraclete)


1. Spirit of God in the clear running water
Blowing to greatness the trees on the hill
Spirit of God in the finger of morning
Fill the earth bring it to birth and blow where you will

2. Down in the meadow the willows are moaning

Sheep in the pasture land cannot lie still
Spirit of God creation is groaning
Fill the earth, bring it to birth and blow
Where you will

3. I saw the scar of a year that lay dying

Heard the lament of a lone whip-poor-will
Spirit of God see that cloud crying
Fill the earth bring it to birth and blow
Where you will

4. Spirit of God every man’s heart is lonely

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 15 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Watching and waiting and hungry until
Spirit of God man longs that you only
Fulfill the earth bring it to birth and blow where you will
1. Mwoyo Omutonzi, yanguwa 2. Ggwe oyitibwa Musaasizi
Okyalire abakwegomba; Ggwe nsulo y’obuwangaazi
Jjuza be ddu n’enneema yo Kitone ekitatondebwa,
Enneema z’abatonde bo Ggwe muliro, Ggwe

3. Ggwe otwogeza eby’amazima, 4. Tumulise n’eggezi lyo

Nga Patri bwe yasuubiza; Otwagaze ebiragiro;
Ggwe lunwe lw’omukono gwe, Tugumye era n’amaanyi go
Mugabi ng’otugabidde Endwadde ng’ozituggyako

5.Sitaani mutugobere 6. Tumanye Patri Ssemaka

Eddembe lituweereze; Ne Mwoyo, Nnyini kwagala
Tutwale, tukulembere Tweyongere okukkiriza,
Buli kabi tukewale! Ne Mwoyo, Nnyini kwagala

7. Katonda Patri atakoma

Ne Mwana ggwe eyazuukira,
Era ggwe Omukubagiza
Mutendebwe lubeerera

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The spirit from above,
The spirit from above,
Lord we are waiting
For the spirit from above x2

The power from above

The power from above
Lord we are waiting
For the power from above x2

Wisdom from above,

Wisdom from above,
Lord we are waiting
For wisdom from above x2

Knowledge from above,

Knowledge from above,
Lord we are waiting
For knowledge from above x2

Grace from above,

Grace from above,
Lord we are waiting
For grace from above x2

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 17 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ruhanga isiitwe Ruhanga Omwana
Ruhanga Omwoyo Olikwera...(x2)

Ruhanga twakushaba nomwoyo orikwera

Shumuije otwebembere
Nitumanya ngu turi abaana bawe
Ayi Mukama otwebembere
Otwebembere (x2) ayi Mukama otwebembere

1. Iraka lyawe ayi Mukama

Twalihulira ni litweta... (x2)

2. Mu Yerusalemu okeijuza
Entumwa zawe no Mwoyo Olikwera...(x2)


1. Let your living water flow over my soul,
let your Holy Spirit come and take control
in every situation that has troubled my mind,
All my cares and burdens unto you I roll.

Ref: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Father, Father, Father
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. Come now Holy Spirit and take control.
Hold me in your loving arms and make me whole
Wipe away all doubts and fears and take my pride.
Draw me to your love and keep me by your side.

3. Give your life to Jesus let Him take control.

Let Him hold you in his arms and make you whole,
as you give your life to Him he will set you free,
you will live and reign with him eternally.


1. Spirit of mercy, truth and love,

O shed thine influence from above
And still from age to age convey
The wonders of this sacred day

2. In every clime by every tongue,

Be God’s surpassing glory sung:
Let all the listening earth be taught
The acts our great redeemer wrought

3. Unfailing comfort, heavenly guide,

Still o’er the Holy church preside;
Still let mankind blessings prove
Spirit of mercy, truth, and love.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 19 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

1. As I kneel before you, as I bow my head in prayer
Take this day make it yours, and fill me with your love.

Ref.: Ave Maria, gratia plena

Dominus tecum benedicta tu.

2. All I have I give you, every dream and wish are yours
Mother of Christ, Mother of mine,
Present them to the Lord.

3. As I kneel before you, and as I see your smiling face

Every thought every word, Is lost in your embrance


Ekidd.: Kuuma ebisuubizo
bye wasuubiza ng’obatizibwa
Kristu n’omusenga, wamalirira toddirira.

1. Nyaffe Eklezia akusaba, nywera okule mu kukkiriza

Katonda ani oyo gw’onoonya?
Gwe bataakuwa ku luli ng’obatizibwa.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1.Kristu yatugamba twerinde abalanzi ab’obulimba bali
a) Bakuwa eddiini ennyangu, weerinde mwattu ozaawa
b) Bakuwa Kristu omwangu, weerinde mwattu ozaawa
c) Bakuwa obugagga, obwangu, weerinde mwattu

3. Eddiini si byewuunyo, ne sitaani naye abikola nnyo

Eddiini si kwesanyusa, ne sitaani naye asanyusa nnyo

4. Empeera y’abalungi ekusuba, obanga tofubye

Empeera y’abalwana ekusuba, obanga tofubye
Empeera y’abalungi ekusuba, okusamira kuleke ozaawa
Empeera y’abalwana ekusuba, eddiini ziizo ozibuna.


Ssewagudde James.
1. Taata nzuuno, ndeeta okusiima kwange ( Leero nange)
Nsiima Taata. kandeete ebirabo byange. (biibyo)
Byandibadde bingi, sso ebizze Taata byebyo (sso Taata)
Tebisaana w'oli, ka nkusabe ornale gatwala.(Taata)

Byebivudde mu ntuuyo by'ompa,

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 21 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
mulimu ennusu zenkoledde,

ka mbikuddize osaanira nnyo,

kwe kusiima kwange.( nange)

Ggwe Katonda wange omuganzi,

ssibisaanira by'onkoledde,

okukwebaza nnaakuwa ki?

Ggwe bitwale byonna.

2. Mba n'ebingi, sso oluusi nessitoola (naye Taata)

Nenkwesamba nga ggwe ompa ebirungi byonna.( sso
WA nze, ng'onkuumye webale nnyo (ng'onkuumye)
Onjagadde, ka nsituke nkutonere era.( Taata)

Ebisuubulwa by'enkuwadde,

n'ebimu ssebo byessireese,

Byebirabo byange ebitajja,

Ggwe bisiime kyokka ( nange )

Ekisonyiwo nkusaba ompe,

lwe ssikwebaza lwe ssireese,

Mu butatona nswala na nnyo,

obutadda gy'oli.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
3. Ndeese evviini, n'omugaati biibino era ( byonna Taata )
byava gy'oli, byewatonda Taata byebyo (biibyo)
bizze n'oluyimba nange omuzinyi kwendi (olwekyo)
biggyeyo ekitiibwa, biggulire omutima gwange( anti )
Ogukwebaza eddembe ly'ompa,

n'okufa ssebo kwempiseemu,

kankuwe bino byenfunyewo,

tobigaana kyokka (Taata)

ggwe wabibaza n'obituusa,

n'obiwa enkuba byabala nnyo,

byennasimba byebikutuuse,

ggwe Katonda wange.

4. Nsiima Taata, mpa omwoyo ogutasinda (njige Taata)

by'ompadde ebyo, nze nsiime obutanyiiga (nange )
Njagala nkutuuke, ng'omu kubaakusenga (nzije gy'oli)
Ewuwo omulonde, mbikkirire obulamu bwange (Taata)
Ebibyo bino byenkuwadde,

ntaddemu ssebo essaala z'ensi,

Ka nfube nkole nkusaba ompe

ku birungi byonna [n'abo]

Ba Malayika ababireese,

mwana wo ssebo n'abituusa

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 23 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Banzijukire okwanjulwanga,

ngabane ku byonna.


1. Bring to the Lord all your offering,
Adore Him in this holy place.

Ref: O sing a new song to the loving Lord

Sing a new song to the Lord
O sing to the Lord and bless His holy name
O sing, to the Lord and bless his name.

2. Bring to the Lord your joyful hearts,

Sing in His praise from today.

3. Pray to the Lord your most High,


Tweyanziza ssebo (Kitaffe) tweyanziza ssebo,

Ow’ekitiibwa Taata by’otuwa ebingi;
Ku by’ompadde ebingi kwentodde nange nkudizze ndeeete. x2

1. Nkwebaza nnyo Mukama olw’ebirungi by’okolera munze,

Mpangulwa sitani kyokka tonvaamu n’onkuuma bulijjo.

2. Natuuka ntya gy’oli nga ndi mwerere ku ebyo

by’onyamba, Ky’enva
ntoola kw’ebyo by’ompa Taata bisiime byebyo.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 24 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
3. Oyo akuwadde obulamu asaana kutenda n’okusinza,
Ofengayo okusinza n’okumusaba akuwanguze ensi.

4. Ofangayo nnyo okuyamba abateesobola nabanaku,

Ku byakuwadde toola obawe naawe Yezu gw’owadde.

5. Tusiimye nnyo Kitaffe by’otuwa ebingi Taata tweyanze ,

Bikuviiremu ettendo n’ekitiibwa. Amiina.



Sop- Ni mungu sawa romoni timo

All- Nimungu sawa romoni timo

wabinwangu sukuliya ya mwa i polo

1. Sop/alto/tenor: Awobe ceke

Sop /alto /tenor: Watyero ni mungu
Bass- kuda nyonga (x2)

2. Anyira ceke x2

3. Aradu ceke x2

4. Judongo ceke x2

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
5. Jukristu ceke x2

Priest: Pray my sisters and brothers.......
All: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands
for the praise and glory of His name,
for our good and the good of all his holy Church

Priest: The Lord be with you,

All:And with your spirit.
Priest: Lift up your hearts.
All:We lift them up to the Lord.
Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All:It is right and just.

(i) Omukama mutuukirivu- Omukama mutuukirivu
Omukama mutuukirivu - Omukama mutuukirivu
oyo Katonda wa magye. (2x)

(ii) Ekitiibwa kyo kijjudde – Eggulu N’ensi mutuukirivu

Ekitibwa kyo Kijjudde - Eggulu N’ensi mutuukirivu (2x)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 26 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hosanna –Hosanna
Hosanna –Hossanna Hossanna
Waggulu eyo mutuukirivu.

Hosanna –Hosanna
Hosanna –Hossanna Hossanna
Waggulu eyo mutuukirivu.

(iii) Oyo ajja mulinya ly’Omukama

atenderezebwe nga mutuukirivu (4x)


We proclaim your death O’Lord and profess your
resurrection until you come again.

***OUR FATHER****: (To be recited)


Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 27 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Miserere nobis.

Miserere nobis. (2x)

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi.

Dona nobis pacem.

Dona nobis pacem.

Priest: Behold the Lamb of God

Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.

All: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under

my roof, But only say the word and my soul
shall be healed.



Come and dine, the Master calleth, come and dine:
You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time;

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 28 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
He who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, come and dine.

1. Jesus has a table spread where the saints of God are fed.
He invites his chosen people come and dine;
with his manna he doth feed, and supplies our ev’ry need:
O ‘tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time!

2.    The disciples came to land thus obeying Christ’s command,

For the master called unto them, come and dine;
there they found their hearts’ desire, bread and fish upon the
fire; thus he satisfies the
hungry ev’ry time!

3.    Soon the lamb will take his bride, to be ever at his side,
all the host of heaven will assembled be:
O, ‘twill be a glorious sight, all the saints in spotless white;
and with Jesus they will feast eternally.


Sop refrain: Twende ndugu twende, Bwana atuita
Twendeni wote kwenye karamu.

Sop: Kwa furaha tele kwa kunesanesa

Twende twende ni wote kwenye karamu.

1. Nimapendo gani uliyo nayo Bwana Yesu

Kuutoa mwili wako uwe kama chakula,
Nakuomba Bwana nipokee.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 29 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. Nimapendo gani uliyo nayo Bwana Yesu
Kuitoa damu yako iwe kama kinywaji,
Nakoumba Bwana nipokee

3. Uniburudishe Bwana pia Unishibishe,

Kwa chakula hiki na pia kwa kinywaji hiki,
Nakuomba Bwana nipokee

4. Kwa huruma yako Bwana Yesu unipokee,

Siku zote niwe pamoja nawe ndani yako,
Nakuomba Bwana nipokee.


1. Nkakasa ndi mwana wa Katonda,

Ggwe sitaani wenna nkwegaana,
Era ate ndi mwana wa Maria,
Bullijo n’emirembe gyonna.

Ndi mukristu, ndi mukristu,

Nzikiriza leero ne bulijjo;
Nzikiriza leero ne bulijjo.

2.    Nkusinza ggwe oli mutonzi wange,

Mu byona abasatu mwenkana,
Nkusinza ggwe Patri, ggwe Mwana we,
Naawe Mwoyo Mutukirivu.
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3.    Ffenna twali ffugge lya sitaani,
Mwana n’ajja natulokola,
N’aliwa omutango gw’abonoonyi,
Ng’akkiriza okubafiirira.

4.  Njagala n’ebiragiro byonna,

Katonda bye yatuteekera;
Mbikwata n’omwoyo omusanyufu,
Mbeere kwe kutuuka mu ggulu.

5.    Ndeseeyo okwesiga ebintu by’ensi,

Kaakano sikyafa ku lumbe;
Obanga Yezu ye mulamuzi,
Maria, Nnyina we ye mmange.


Obuhikiriire bwa Mukama otebye omale
Nabamalaika mwiguru bukabalema itebya
Ohurra boona nibazina muhikiriire muhikiriire*2
Nomuhimbo gwona ohurra boona nibazina
muhikiriire muhikiriire mukama wa byoona.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 31 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, Ebirungi bibaho obihanga.
Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, Iwe wenka Mukama osisa ota

2. Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, Orora Iwe omusiko omuhimbo

Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, Nabahiirwa bikahwa okabeeza

3. Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, okabumba mukama Buhangwa

Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, okacooka Mukama Buhangwa

4. Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, okalinda mukama Buhangwa

Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, nditebya otugonza

5. Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, Omulingo mukama otuhang

Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, Aba muntu ensisana ka niiwe

6. Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, eisembo Mukama otuhanga

Mukama Ruhanga koohunaaza, otukwasa omujuni wa byona


1. And can it be that I should gain,
An interest in the saviour’s blood;
Died he for me who caused his pain
for me who him to death pursued;
Amazing love how can it be
that thou my God shouldst die for me.

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Chorus: Amazing love how can it be
that thou my God shouldst die for me.

2. Tis mystery all th’Im mortal dies,

Who can explore his strange design?
In vein the first born seraph tries,
To sound the depth of love divine.
Tis mercy all! Let Earth adore,
Let angel minds inquire no more.

3. He left his father’s throne above,

So free, so infinite his grace;
Humbled himself so great his love,
And bled for all his chosen race.
Tis mercy all immense and free,
For o my God it found out me.

4. Long my imprisoned spirit lay,

First bound in sin and nature’s light;
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,
I woke the dungeon flamed with light.
My chains fell off my heart was free,
I rose, went forth and followed thee.

5. No condemnation now I dread,

Jesus and all in him is mine;
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Live in him my living head,
and clothed in righteousness divine.
Bold I approach th’eternal throne,
and claim the crown through Christ my own



1. 0 Lord my God, when am in awesome wonder,
Consider all, the works thy hand, have made;
I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy power throughout, the universe displayed.

Then sing my song, my savior God to thee,

How great You are? How great You are x2

1. When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,

And hear the birds, sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down, from lofty mountains grandeur,
And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.

2. And when I think, that God His Son not sparing,

Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died, to take away my sin.

3. When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation,

To take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then shall I bow in humble adoration,
and there proclaim my God how great You are!

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Go forth guided by the spirit go,

Go forth guided by the spirit go;
Go and preach the word of God,
Go guided by the spirit go

1. I call you my Disciples,

My Brothers and my sisters;
Be my witness through the nations
Preach the Word of God.

2. Bring good news to the people,

To love God and the neighbor;
Peace and justice, teach the people,
You the salt and light

3. I send you to the people,

the sick the poor the needy;
Heal the sick ones help the needy,
Help them as you can.

4. The Spirit of my Father,

Will guide you far and further;
Trough the nations be my witness,
To the end of the earth.

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1. The Spirit lives to set us free,
Walk, walk in the light.
He binds us all in unity,
Walk, walk in the light.

Refrain: Walk in the light,

Walk in the light,
Walk in the light,
Walk in the light of the Lord.

2. Jesus promised life to all,

walk, walk in the light.
The dead were wakened by his call,
Walk, walk in the light.

3. He died in pain on Calvary,

Walk, walk in the light.
To save the lost like you and me,
Walk, walk in the light.

4. We know his death was not the end,

Walk, walk in the light.
He gave his Spirit to be our friend,
Walk, walk in the light.

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5. The Spirit lives in you and me,
Walk, walk in the light;
His light will shine for all to see,
Walk, walk in the light.

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