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O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

COMMON PRAYERS crucified, died and was buried. He

descended into hell. On the third day He
THE SIGN OF THE CROSS rose again. He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God
In the name of the Father, and of the the Father Almighty. He will come again
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. to judge the living and the dead.
OUR FATHER I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy
Catholic Church, the communion of
Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
be Your Name. Your Kingdom come. resurrection of the body, and life
Your Will be done, on earth as it is in everlasting. Amen.
Give us this day our daily bread. And THE NICENE CREED
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us. And lead I believe in one God, the father Almighty,
us not into temptation, but deliver us maker of heaven and earth, of all things
from evil. Amen. visible and invisible. I believe in one
Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten
HAIL MARY son of God, born of the Father before
all ages. God from God, light from light,
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with true God from true God, begotten, not
you. Blessed are you among women, made, consubstatial with the Father;
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, through him all things were made.
Jesus. For us men and for our Salvation he
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us came down from Heaven, and by the
sinners now, and at the hour of death. Power of the Holy Spirit was incarnate
Amen. of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake He was crucified under
GLORY BE TO THE FATHER Potious Pilate, he suffered death and
was buried, and rose again on the third
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, day in accordance with the scriptures.
and to the Holy Spirit. He ascended into heaven and seated
As it was in the beginning, is now, and at the right hand of the Father. He will
ever shall be, world without end. Amen. come again in glory to judge the living
and the dead and His Kingdom will
THE APOSTLES’ CREED have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, giver of life, who proceeds from the
Creator of heaven and earth, and in Father and the Son, who with the Father
Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He and the Son is adored and glorified,
was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and who has spoken through the prophets.
born of the Virgin Mary. I believe in one Holy Catholic and
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
for the forgiveness of sins and I look particular for those recommended by
forward to the resurrection of the dead our Holy Father this month.
and the life of the World to Come. Amen
O my God, at the end of this day I thank
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our you most heartily for all the graces I have
life, our sweetness, and our hope. To received from you. I am sorry that I have
you do we cry, poor banished children not made a better use of them. I am
of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs sorry for all the sins I have committed
mourning and weeping in this valley against you. Forgive me, O my God,
of tears. Turn then, most gracious and graciously protect me this night.
advocate, your eyes of mercy toward Blessed Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly
us, and after this our exile show us the mother, take me under your protection.
blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O St. Joseph, my dear guardian angel, and
clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. all you saints of God, pray for me. Sweet
Jesus, have pity on all poor sinners, and
THE FATIMA PRAYER save them from hell. Have mercy on the
suffering souls in purgatory.
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save
us from the fire of hell, lead all souls ACT OF CONTRITION
to heaven, especially those who are in
most need of your mercy. O my God, I am heartily sorry for having
offended You and I detest all my sins,
PRAYER BEFORE MEALS because I dread the loss of heaven and
the pains of hell, but most of all because
Bless us O Lord, and these your gifts, they offend You, my God, who are all
which we are about to receive, from good and deserving of all my love. I
your bounty, through Christ, our Lord. firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace,
Amen. to confess my sins, to do penance, and
to amend my life.
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, Soul of Christ, make me holy. Body of
joys, and sufferings of this day in union Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, fill me
with the holy sacrifice of the Mass with love. Water from Christ’s side, wash
throughout the world. I offer them for me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
all the intentions of your sacred heart: Good Jesus, hear me.
the salvation of souls, reparation for Within your wounds, hide me. Never let
sin, the reunion of all Christians. I offer me be parted from you. From the evil
them for the intentions of our bishops enemy, protect me. At the hour of my
and of all the apostles of prayer, and in death, call me, and tell me to come to

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
you that with your saints I may praise angel may be brought by his passion,
you through all eternity. Amen. through the same Christ our Lord,
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to
whom God’s love commits me here, Who is she that comes forth as the
ever this day, be at my side, to light and morning rising, fair as the moon, bright
guard, rule and guide. Amen. as the sun, terrible as an army set in the
battle array?
ETERNAL REST My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit
rejoices in God my savior.
Eternal rest, grant unto them (him/her), He looks on his servant in her lowliness
O Lord, hence forth all angels will call me
and let perpetual light shine upon them blessed.
(him/her). The Almighty works marvels for me
May they (he/she) rest in peace. Amen. Holy his name.
His mercy is from age to age on those
ANGELUS who fear him; he puts forth his arm in
his strength and scatters the proud
The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary hearted.
and she conceived by the power of the He casts the mighty from their thrones
Holy Spirit. and raises the lowly.
Hail Mary… He fills the starving with good things
Behold, I am the hand maid of the Lord, and sends the rich away empty.
be it done to me according to your He protects Israel his servant
word. remembering his mercy, the mercy
Hail Mary… promised to his fathers, to Abraham
and his sons for ever.
And the word was made flesh and dwelt Glory be to the father, and to the son,
among us. and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the
Hail Mary… beginning, it is now and ever shall be,
world without end, AMEN.
Pray for us o Holy mother of God, that
we may be worthy of the promises of Who is she that comes forth as the
Christ. morning rising, fair as the moon, bright
as the sun, terrible as an army set in the
Let Us Pray battle array?
Pour forth we beseech you O Lord, your O Mary conceived without original sin,
graces into our hearts, that we to whom pray for us who have recourse to you.
the incarnation of your son Jesus Christ
was made known by the message of an

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Let Us Pray The following prayer may be added after
O Lord Jesus Christ, our mediator with the “Hail, Holy Queen”
the father.
You have been pleased to appoint the Let us pray.
most blessed virgin, your mother to
be our mother also and our mediatrix O God, Whose Only-Begotten Son, by
with you, mercifully grant that whoever His life, death and resurrection, has
comes to you, seeking your favours may purchased for us the rewards of eternal
rejoice to receive all of them through life: grant, we beseech you, that by
her, AMEN. meditating upon these mysteries of the
most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin
THE HOLY ROSARY Mary, we may imitate what they contain,
and obtain what they promise, through
Start by making the Sign of the Cross the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
In the name of the Father….
Then recite the Apostles’ Creed

Then say (Mondays and Saturdays, may be said on

Our Father… Sundays during Advent and Christmas)
//Hail Mary…// x3 1. The Annunciation
Glory be to the Father… 2. The Visitation
3. The Nativity
The Rosary is divided into four parts, each 4. The Presentation
having five mysteries. 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
While meditating on the Mysteries,
for each mystery, recite: THE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES
Our Father…
//Hail Mary…// x10 (Tuesdays and Fridays, may be said on
Glory be to the Father… Sundays during Lent)
1. The Agony in the Garden
After each Mystery say the “Fatima 2. The Scourging at the Pillar
Prayer” 3. The Crowning with Thorns
O my Jesus… 4. The Carrying of the Cross
All together this makes up one decade. 5. The Crucifixion

After the completion of the five THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES

mysteries (five decades), the “Hail (Wednesdays and Sundays)
Holy Queen” is said 1. The Resurrection
Hail, holy Queen… 2. The Ascension
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
That we may be made worthy of the 4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
promises of Christ. Mary
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin INTRODUCTORY RITES
Entrance Procession
(Thursdays) Priest:  In the name of the Father, and
1. The Baptism in the Jordan of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.   [All
2. The Wedding at Cana together make the sign of the cross.]
3. Proclamation of the Kingdom All:  Amen.
4. The Transfiguration Priest:  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
5. Institution of the Eucharist and the love of God and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
End by making the Sign of the Cross All:  And also with you.
In the name of the Father…
Penitential Rite
“Say the Rosary every day... Priest:  My brothers and sisters, to
Pray, pray a lot and offer sacrifices for prepare ourselves to celebrate the
sinners... sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our
I’m Our Lady of the Rosary. sins.
Only I will be able to help you.
...In the end My Immaculate Heart will All:  I confess to almighty God, and
triumph.” to you, my brothers and sisters, that
...Our Lady at Fatima I have sinned through my own fault,
in my thoughts and in my words, in
THE HOLY MASS what I have done, and in what I have
failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary,
The “Order of Mass” is based on the ever virgin, all the angels and saints,
Missale Romanum (The Roman Missal, and you, my brothers and sisters, to
revised by Decree of the Second Vatican pray for me to the Lord, our God.
Council and published by authority of
Pope Paul VI). Priest:  May almighty God have mercy
The basic structure of the Mass has four on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us
parts: two main parts and two framing to everlasting life.
rites: All:  Amen.
• Introductory Rites
• LITURGY of the WORD    (Biblical Kyrie
Readings, Homily, Creed, Priest:  Lord, have mercy.  
Intercessions) All:  Lord, have mercy.
• LITURGY of the EUCHARIST Priest:  Christ, have mercy. 
(Preparation, Eucharistic Prayer; All:  Christ, have mercy.
Communion Rite) Priest:  Lord, have mercy.  
• Concluding Rite All:  Lord, have mercy.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Gloria Gospel
All:  Glory to God in the highest, Deacon (or Priest):  The Lord be with
and peace to his people on earth. you.   All:  And also with you.
Lord God, heavenly King,  almighty Deacon (or Priest):  A reading from the
God and Father,we worship you, Holy Gospel according to... [Matthew,
we give you thanks, we praise you Mark, Luke, or John]
for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ,
only Son of the Father, Lord God, All:  Glory to you, Lord!
Lamb of God, you take away the After the Gospel Proclamation:
sin of the world:  have mercy on us; Deacon (or Priest):  The Gospel of the
you are seated at the right hand Lord.   
of the Father:  receive our prayer. All:  Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
For you alone are the Holy
One,  you alone are the Lord, Homily
You alone are the Most High,  Jesus
Christ, with the Holy Spirit,  in the Profession of Faith
glory of God the Father.  Amen.
Opening Prayer We believe in one God...
Priest:  Let us pray. All:  Amen.
Prayer of the Faithful:
LITURGY OF THE WORD Lector:  …let us pray to the Lord.
First Reading All:  Lord, hear our prayer.
Lector:  A reading from the Book (or
Letter, or Acts) of ...  LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST
Lector: The Word of the Lord. Presentation of the Gifts / Preparation
All:  Thanks be to God! of the Altar
Priest:  Blessed are you, Lord, God of all
Responsorial Psalm: creation. Through your goodness we
have this bread to offer, which earth has
Second Reading given and human hands have made. It
Lector:  A reading from the Book (or will become for us the bread of life.
Letter, or Acts) of ...  All:  Blessed be God for ever.
Lector: The Word of the Lord.
All:  Thanks be to God! Priest:  Blessed are you, Lord, God of
all creation. Through your goodness
Alleluia or Gospel Acclamation we have this wine to offer, fruit of the
Choir or Cantor:  Alleluia!   vine and work of human hands. It will
All: Alleluia! become our spiritual drink.
Choir or Cantor:  [verse]    All:  Blessed be God for ever.
All: Alleluia!
Priest: Pray, my brothers and sisters,
that our sacrifice may be acceptable to

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
God, the almighty Father. COMMUNION RITE
All:  May the Lord accept the sacrifice
at your hands, for the praise and Lord’s Prayer
glory of his name, for our good, and Priest:  Let us pray with confidence to the
the good of all his Church. Father in the words our Savior gave us.
All:  Our Father, who art in heaven,
Prayer over the Gifts hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom
All:  Amen. come; thy will be done on earth as it
is in heaven.
Eucharistic Prayer Give us this day our daily bread;
Priest:  The Lord be with you.   and forgive us our trespasses as we
All:  And also with you. forgive those who trespass against
us; and lead us not into temptation,
Priest:  Lift up your hearts.   but deliver us from evil.
All:  We lift them up to the Lord.
Priest:  Deliver us, Lord, from every evil,
Priest:  Let us give thanks to the Lord, and grant us peace in our day. In your
our God.   mercy keep us free from sin and protect
All:  It is right to give him thanks and us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful
praise. hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus
Holy, Holy (Sanctus) All:  For the kingdom, the power, and
All:  Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of the glory are yours, now and forever.
power and might, Heaven and earth
are full of your glory. Hosanna in the Sign of Peace
highest. Priest:  Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your
Blessed is he who comes in the name apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I
of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. give you. Look not on our sins, but on
the faith of your Church, and grant us
Memorial Acclamation the peace and unity of your kingdom
Priest:  Let us proclaim the mystery of where you live for ever and ever.
faith:  All:  Amen.
All:  Christ has died, Christ is risen,
Christ will come again. Priest:  The Peace of the Lord be with
you always. 
Priest:  Through him, with him, and All:  And also with you.
in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours, almighty Deacon or Priest:  Let us offer each other
Father, for ever and ever. a sign of peace.
All:  Amen! 
Breaking of the Bread
All: Lamb of God, you take away the
sins of the world: have mercy on us.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Lamb of God, you take away the sins LITANY OF OUR LADY
of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have
of the world: grant us peace. mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have
Communion mercy on us.
Priest:  This is the Lamb of God who Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have
takes away the sins of the world. Happy mercy on us.
are those who are called to his supper. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
All:  Lord, I am not worthy to receive God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy
you, but only say the word and I shall on us.
be healed. God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Minister:  The body of Christ.  God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Communicant:  Amen. Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Minister:  The blood of Christ.   Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Communicant:  Amen. Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Mother of Christ, pray for us.
Prayer after Communion: Mother of divine grace, pray for us.
Priest:  Let us pray. Mother most pure, pray for us.
All:  Amen. Mother most chaste, pray for us.
Mother inviolate, pray for us.
CONCLUDING RITE Mother undefiled, pray for us.
Greeting Mother most amiable, pray for us.
Priest:  The Lord be with you. Mother most admirable, pray for us.
All:  And also with you. Mother of good counsel, pray for us.
Mother of our Creator, pray for us.
Blessing Mother of our Savior, pray for us.
Priest:  May almighty God bless you, the Virgin most prudent, pray for us.
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Virgin most venerable, pray for us.
All:  Amen Virgin most renowned, pray for us.
Virgin most powerful, pray for us.
Dismissal Virgin most merciful, pray for us.
Deacon or Priest:  The Mass is ended, go Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
in peace. Mirror of justice, pray for us.
All:  Thanks be to God! Seat of wisdom, pray for us.
Cause of our joy, pray for us.
  Spiritual vessel, pray for us.
Vessel of honor, pray for us.
Singular vessel of devotion, pray for us.
Mystical rose, pray for us.
Tower of Davi , pray for us.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Tower of ivory, pray for us. PRAYER FOR THR COMPLETION OF
House of gold, pray for us. THE CHAPEL
Ark of the Covenant, pray for us.
Gate of Heaven, pray for us. God the Almighty Father, we thank You
Morning star, pray for us. and praise You, because You are good
Health of the sick, pray for us. and your faithful love endures forever.
Refuge of sinners, pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us. Look in fovour and listen to us, as we ask
Help of Christians, pray for us. the Uganda Martyrs, to join us in this
prayer. Bless our chaplaincy and grant
Queen of angels, pray for us.
us speedy success, as we build your
Queen of patriarchs, pray for us.
sanctuary. You who owns every silver
Queen of prophets, pray for us.
and golg, grant us all that we need to
Queen of apostles, pray for us. accomplish this builing.
Queen of martyrs, pray for us.
Queen of confessors, pray for us. May Your Holy Spirit be always present
Queen of virgins, pray for us. among us, as we mobilise resourses and
Queen of all saints, pray for us. build it according to your will, and may
Queen conceived without Original Sin, You recive the honour and glory for its
pray for us. completion and use.
Queen assumed into Heaven, pray for
us. We have prayed with thanksgiving and
Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray praise in the Mighy name of Jesus your
for us. Son our Lord. Amen.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins Mary Mother of God, pray for us.
of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins
of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins
of the world, Have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,
That we may be made worthy of the
promises of Christ.
Grant, we beseech you, O Lord God,
that we your Servants may enjoy
perpetual health of mind and body
and by the glorious intercession of the
Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered
from present sorrow and enjoy eternal
happiness. Through Christ Our Lord.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
ENTRANCE SONGS 2. To the living God we sing, Glory,
1. ALL THE EARTH PROCLAIM THE Let our love and praises ring, glory,
LORD halleluiah
All the earth proclaim the Lord To his sons he always gives, His
All the earth sing your praise to God mercy and his love.
Praise him now forevermore, Glory,
1. Serve you the Lord heart filled with halleluiah.
Come into His presence singing for joy 3. To the God who cannot die, Glory
2. Know that the Lord is our creator
To the living God we cry, Glory
Yes He is our Father and we are His
He promised to be with us. And he
3. We are the sheep of His green lives in every one
pastures Love him forevermore, glory
For we are His people He is our God halleluiah.

4. Enter His gates bringing thanksgiving 3. ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND

O enter His courts while singing His BEAUTIFUL
All things bright and beautiful, all
5. Our Lord is good His love enduring creatures great and small
His word is abiding now with all men All things wise and wonderful, the
Lord God made them all.
6. Honour and praise be to the Father
The son and the Spirit world without
1. Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
2. SING PRAISES TO THE LIVING He made their glowing colours,
God He made their tiny wings.

Glory to the Trinity, the undivided Unity 2. The purple-headed mountain,

The Father, Son and Spirit one, The river running by,
From whom all life and goodness come. The sunset and the morning,
That brightens up the sky.
1. Sing praises to the living God,
Glory, halleluiah Come, adore the 3. The cold wind in the winter,
living God, The pleasant summer sun,
Glory, Halleluiah. Though sun and The ripe fuits in the garden,
moon may pass away, He made them everyone.
His word will ever stay.
His power is forever more Glory,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. LET US COME TOGETHER Joyful music leads us sunward
In the triumph song divine.
Let us come together, x2
Sing and praise and thank the Lord 6. MORNING HAS BROKEN
Let us join together, Morning has broken like the first
Sing and praise and thank the Lord morning,
Sing and praise and thank the Lord x4 Back bird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the
THEE Praise for them springing fresh fron the
1. Joyful, joyful we adore thee,
God of glory God of love! Sweet the rain’s new fall, sun light from
Hearts unfold like flow’rs before thee, heaven
Opening to the sun above. Like the first dewfall on the first grass
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Praise for the sweetness of the wet
Drive the dark of doubt away; garden,
Giver of immortal gladness, Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Fill us with the light of way.
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the
2. All thy works with joy surround thee,
Earth and heaven reflect thy rays,
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Stars and angels sing around thee,
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
Center of unbroken praise.
God’s recreation of the new day.
Field, forest vale and mountain,
Flowery meadow flashing sea.
Morning has broken like the first
Chanting bird and flowing fountain
Call us to rejoice in thee.
Back bird has spoken like the first bird
3. Thou art giving and forgiving, Praise for the singing, praise for the
Ever blessing, ever blest, morning
Well spring of the joy of living, Praise for them springing fresh fron the
Ocean depth of happy rest, word
Thou our Father Christ our Brother
All who live in love are thine. 7. I WILL TURN MY STEPS
Teach us how to love each other,
I will turn my steps to the altar of God
Lift us to the joy divine.
The gladness of my life.
4. Mortals join the happy chorus,
Which the morning stars began, 1. Show thy justice in pleading my cause,
Father love is reigning o’er us, Let me walk in the way of thy laws.
Brother love blinds man to man,
Ever winging, march we onward, 2. If thou leadest me on with thy strength,
Victors in the midst o’strife, Then my courage will never be spent.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. With thy truth and thy light direct me, Vanquished your foes, struck down by
To the path that will lead me to thee. power and might. ALLELUIA.

4. Holy praises of God will I sing, 3. Let all the earth kneel in his sight,
I will trust and hope in my king. Excelling his marvelous fame;
Honour his name, in highest heaven
5. I will turn trustful eyes to the Lord, give praise. ALLELUIA.
To my merciful savior and God.

4. Come forth and see all the great works
that God has brought forth by his
6. Glory be to the father, the son,
And the spirit, while ages are run.
Fall on your knees before his glorious

Joy was in my heart, alleluia, when I 5. Parting the seas with might and
heard them say: power,
Let us go to God’s house x2 He rescued His people from shame,
Let us give thanksfor all his merciful
1. And now my feet are standing, deeds. ALLELUIA.
6. His eyes keep watch on all earth,
Within your gates, O Jerusalem.
His strength is for ever renewed;
2. Jerusalem, most beautiful city, so And let no man rebel against His
strongly compact, commands. ALLELUIA.
Alleluia, on you converge all the
tribes of the Lord. 7. Tested are we by God the Lord, as
silver is tested by fire;
3. May his peace reign in your walls, Burdened with pain we fallen
Happiness and love in all your unsnared in our sins. ALLELUIA.
Alleluia, for you are the house of the 8. Over our heads wicked men rode, we
Lord our God. passed through the fire and the flood;
Then, Lord, you brought your people
9. ALL YOU NATIONS into your peace. ALLELUIA.

All you nations, sing out your joy to the 9. Glory and thanks be to the Father;
Lord, Alleluia, Alleluia. Honour and praise to the Son; and to
the Spirit, source of life and of love.
1. Joyfully shout all you on earth,
10. CITY OF God
Give praise to the glory of the God;
And with a hymn, sing out his City, O city, O city of God,
glorious praise. ALLELUIA. Glorious things are spoken of you x2
Such glorious things are spoken of you,
2. Lift up your hearts, sing to your God; City, O city, O city of God glorious
Tremendous his deeds among men.
things are spoken of you.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
This one and that one were born in her, 12. COME MY BROTHERS PRAISE THE
All my springs of joy are in you x2 LORD
Yes all my springs of joy are in you.
This one and that one, were born in her, Come my brothers praise the Lord-Alleluia
All my springs of joy are in you. He’s our God and we are his - Alleluia
Come to Him with songs of praise - Alleluia
Singers and dancers together say, Songs of praise rejoice in Him - Alleluia
All my springs of joy are in you x2 For the Lord is a mighty God - Alleluia
Yes, all my springs of joy are in you,
He is the king of the world - Alleluia
Singers and dancers together say,
All my springs of joy are in you. In his hands are valleys deep - Alleluia
In His hands are mountain peaks - Alleluia
11. COME MY BROTHERS In his hands are all the seas - Alleluia
1. Come my brothers, praise the Lord And the lands which he has made - Alleluia
Alleluia. Praise the Father, praise the Son - Alleluia
Praise the Lord for He is good, Praise the Spirit, the Holy One- Alleluia
2. Come to Him to give Him thanks,
Alleluia. Come with joyful song,
Hail the Lord with joyful songs, Come into the presence of the Lord.
1. Sing to the Lord with joy;
3. For a mighty God is He, Alleluia. Serve the Lord with gladness.
He is King of all the world, Alleluia.
2. Know that the Lord is good;
4. In His hands are valleys deep, He made us, we are His.
In His hands are mountain peaks, 3. Enter his gates with songs of praise;
Alleluia. Sing as you enter his gates.

5. In His hands are all the seas, Alleluia. 4. Give thanks to the Lord;
And the lands which he has made, Give thanks and bless the Lord.
6. Come my brothers, praise the Lord,
1. Great is the Lord, worthy of praise,
Tell all the nations God is King
He is our God and we are His,
Spread the news of His love.
2. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
7. Praise the Father, praise the Son,
Because the Lord has anointed me
He has sent me to bring glad tidings
Praise the Holy Spirit too, Alleluia.
To the lowly, to the lowly.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. How beautiful upon the mountain 17. REJOICE
The feet of him who brings glad tidings
Announcing peace, bearing good Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice, again I say
news rejoice
That the Lord, He is King. The Master calls us to his love, again I
say rejoice.
4. Give glory to the Father,
The Son and Holy Spirit blest; 1. Coming down upon this earth,
The God who is, who was, who will be, The word made flesh gives hope,
For ever, Amen. Granting pardon to his death,
He gives His life to all.
2. Rising early in the morning,
All the joy that was mine when they said, The Lord was glorified,
We will enter the house of the Lord. Filling all the earth with joy,
He gives new life to all.
1. Here now we stand in Jerusalem,
Jerusalem fairest of cities. 3. Reaching out to all mankind,
The Saviour reveals his love,
2. Jerusalem pilgrimage city, Giving cause for hope and trust,
For all the tribes of the Lord. He shares His life with us.

3. We come here to praise the Lord, 18. THE CHURCH IN THE

For such is the law of the Lord. WILDWOOD

1. There’s a church in the valley by the

4. Pray for peace of Jerusalem,
May peace reign forever in your home.
No lovelier spot in the dale;
16. LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS No place is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the vale.
Lift up your hearts,
Lift them high up to the Lord, 2. Oh, come to the church in the
Sing your song loud and long, wildwood,
All you peoples, praise the Lord. To the trees where the wild flowers
1. My rock and my refuge, for you I Where the parting hymn will be
long, chanted,
To you I pray at break of day We will weep by the side of the tomb.
And sing a new song.
3. How sweet on a clear Sabbath
2. A light to all nations, dispel our night, morning,
Your love will find, our hearts are To list to the clear ringing bell;
blind, Its tones so sweetly are calling,
Come bring a new light. Oh, come to the church in the vale.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. From the church in the valley by the 4. Wun awobe ………………………
wildwood 5. Wun lupwonye …………………..
When day fades away in to night,
6. Wun lutino ………………………
I would fain from this spot of my
childhood 7. Wun lodito ………………………
Wing my way to the mansions of light 8. Wun joducu …………………….

5. Oh, come, come, come, come, come, 21. YESU MITO ALUB KORE
Come, come, come, come, come, Yesu mito alub kore
come, come, come , come, Awinyo-awinyo yesu lwonga
Come, come, come, come Eee… Yesu-yesu mito alub kore
Aweko-aweko jami ducu
6. Come to the church in the wildwood, Abilubu kor lalar
Oh, come to the church in the vale;
No spot is so dear to my childhood 1. Wun lokristo yesu tin lwongo wu
As the little brown church in the vale. 2. Wun awobe…
19. ABIMONDO IOT PA MUNGU 3. Wun anyira …
4. Wun lotino…
Abimondo iot pa Mungu wora
5. Wun ludito…
abimondo ni wore,
kun an angeyo e mungu para ma en eja 6. Wun lupwonye…
1. Lembe pare otye lembe ma pidha, Yomcwiny tin iot pa Rwot, Yesu tin
En muketho atye ni wore jolowa bote x2
2. Cwinya ceke an aketho I kume
3. Bero pare ma en re emiyo 1. Wubin LoKristo duc (Ubin) ubin
4. Abiwore naka mande ku naka pi ducu beta (ubin) Yesu tin jolowa
naka. bote x2
20. DONY KI YOMCWINY I MICA 2. Wuwek lutino duc (ngini ngini) ubin
MALENG ducu bota (ubin) Yesu tin jolowa
bote x2
Dony ki yomcwiny, I mica maleng, 3. Anyira ki Awobe duc (bulu duc) ubin
Rubanga Rwot mewa ya wonwa wabino ducu bota (ubin) Yesu tin jolowa
boti x2 bote x2
4. Mon ki Coo duc (lodito) ubin ducu
1. Wun lokristo, waribe kacel ka
bota (ubin) Yesu tin jolowa bote x2
pakewunu, wunu Rubanga wa
2. Wun lomego………………………
3. Wun anyira…………………………

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
23. DAKO NEN LATINI 4. Wan duc myero wapwo, (Ada) lwak
pa comboni, (maleng)
Dako nen latini ( Rwot owaco) Pi tic gi me nyuti wa kristo
Latin nen meni (ada Rwot owaco)
Wakan I cwiny wa 25. WUN LOBO KULU
Lok pa rwot wa yesu
Wun lobo kulu, wupak Rubanga,
1. Min wa maria (komegum) Wun lobo kulu, weru wer ki dawn
Walare boti (lacwak wa) mamit
Daker me polo (morembe)
Nen wa jolo wodi (icwinywa) 1. Tiyu bot Rwot ki cwiny maleng,
biu ducu bote ki wer me yomcwiny
2. Nen tin wapwoyo yer wa (lutuwa)
Yer man ma olaro wan (ki ibalwa) 2. Ngee wununi Rwot aye lacwecwa,
Pi in lalar (kristo) en aye Wonwa , wan lotinone
Lalar makweyo cwinywa
3. Wan rommine ma en telo I olet,
3. Dakker makelo kuc (ikin wa) wan ducu jone, en Rubangawa
Dogola me polo (Bikira)
Min kristo lalar(morembe) 4. Biu bot Rwot ki pwoc madit,
Dakker pa rojari maleng biu wunu I otte ki wer me pak
4. Yomcwiny ki mar ikin wa
5. Rwot en ber mar mere pe gik,
en naka gwoko cik ma yam ocikke kede
Ka wagoyo kijira (nakanaka)
Ki dongo cing wa
6. Woro ki pak obed bot Won,
Kun wapwoyi lare mewa
ki bot wod ki bot Tipu Maleng
Tin ceng madit me yomcwiny
1. Pi kicani, Rwotwa wawori Yesu, pi mar
wapwoyo Rubanga,
ma imarowa x2
Pi nyuti wa yoo me oo bot wonwa x2
Wadonyo I ot: - I ot pa Rubanga
1. Iwii got calvario, (ceng caa) ikor pi kwayo iwa: - kica pa Rubanga
yataria, (ikom got) wek en okwany: bal ma I cwinywa
Yesu owaco ni dako nen wodi ba
2. Pi kicani, Rwotwa wamari Yesu,
2. Icaa me to ne, (ceng caa) ikor pi mar ma imarowa x2
yataria, (ikom got)
Man lok pa Rwot latin nen meni ba 3. Pi kicani, Rwotwa wapaki Yesu,
pi mar ma imarowa x2
3. Wan lwak lokristo, (wan weng), wa
bedo ki yee, (ikom Rwot) 4. Pi kicani, Rwotwa wageni Yesu,
Wek Rwot Yesu otel wa bot wonwa pi mar ma imarowa x2.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
27. AS WE GATHER Praise Him for His loving kindness
Praise him for his outstretched arm
As we gather may Your Spirit work within He shields us from any kind of foe
us And keeps us safe from harm
As we gather may we glorify Your name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to Dwelling in His shadow is comfort
worship Loneliness we need not fear
We’ll be blessed because we came We are the sheep whom the shepherd
We’ll be blessed because we came keeps
Safe, warm and ever near
The steadfast love of the Lord never
ceases, 30. AE YERUSALEMU
His mercies never come to an end,
They are new every morning, new every 1. Nibutseme bunene thukasungana,
morning thuka mwahulha neri muhalamba. x2
Great is Thy faithfulness (Oh Lord)
Great is Thy faithfulness Ae ae yerusalemu, omukama
athuhireko’ mughisa itwe bana biwe. x2

Come and go with me To my Father’s house 2. Nethu thukatsema thukasungana,

To my Father’s house To my Father’s house namukama wethu akabya inaneho. x2
Come and go with me to my Father’s house 3. Nibutseme bunene thukasungana,
There is joy, joy, joy muyire thusathe thutseme bathahi. x2
It’s not very far, to my Father’s house… 31. THUKASIRA OMO KIHUGHO
Jesus is the way to my Father’s house…
1. Thukasira omo kihugho mwe
We will dance and sing in my Father’s hosi hosi, thukasyakuramya
house… thukasyakuramya mwami.
We will all rejoice in my Father’s house…
(Ten.) Itwe babano-o
29. COME TO THE LORD Ee ee ee ee thatha thune mwasa x2

Come to the Lord with a song in heart, 2. Thukasira omo kihugho mwe
For the Lord our God is good hosi hosi, thukasondya ekinywa,
Shout out his praises for all that He’s done, thukasondya ekinywa mwami.
Give him glory, as you should 3. Obuholho twamasunga thukasa
ewawu, sibweryibirirwa,
Come before His altar rejoicing sibweryibirirwa mwami.
Beat the drum, strum the guitar
Let symbols sound out the news we’ve 4. Thukasira omo kihugho mwe hosi
heard hosi, thukasya kusiima, thukasya
He loves us as we are kusima mwami.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
32. TWAMASA 2. Ere he raised the lofty mountains,
Formed the seas or built the sky,
1. Eryikala omonyumba yo’ mukama, Love eternal, free and boundless,
mwekiro kighuma a aaa, Moved the Lord of life to die,
Rilengire ebiro bingi ebyo’ mundu Fore- ordained the Prince of Princes
akikalha ewabene.
For the throne of Calvary.
Twamasa, thatha thukasyayi-syandira
3. There for us and our redemption;
omo buhima bwawu.
See him all his life-blood pour
2. Uli werisima thatha, oko buli kindu There he wins our full salvation,
kyosi, kundi ukaha, akaghala oko buli Dies that we may die no more;
mundu wosi. Then, arising lives forever;
Reigning where he was before
3. Omukama, yulya mbukaya nahwi
injye indwe inabiribulirayo, 4. High on you celestial mountains;
Nikwanzire mwanithu omusabuli Stands his sapphire throne, as bright
wayi ee. Midst unending Alleluias;
Bursting from the sons of light,
33. UNATUITA NYUMBANI Zion’s people tell his praises
Unatuita nyumbani mwako bwana, Victor after hard-won fight.
5. Bring your harps and bring your incense
nyumbani mwako bwana, kusikiliza
neno lako. x2. Sweep the string and pour the lay;
Let the earth proclaim his wonders;
1.(Bass.) Nyumbani mwako bwana King of the celestial day;
Muna furaha. x2 He the lamb once slain is worthy;
Nivema sisi kubaki hapa, karibu nawe. x2 Who was dead, and lives for aye.

2.(Bass.) Nyumbani mwako bwana 6. Laud and honor to the Father;

Muna amani x2 Laud and honor to the Son;
Nivema sisi kubaki hapa, karibu nawe. x2 Laud and honor to the Spirit;
Ever three and ever one;
3.(Bass.) Nyumbani mwako bwana Consubstantial, co-eternal,
Muna upendo x2
While unending ages run.
Nivema sisi kubaki hapa, karibu nawe. x2
Enter rejoice and sing!
1. Come ye faithful, raise the anthem,
Cleave the skies with shouts of praise Enter rejoice and sing
Sing to him, who found the Today will be a joyful day
ransom, Enter rejoice and come in!
Ancient of eternal days;
God of God the word incarnate Sing alleluia...
Whom the heavens of heaven obey. Lift up your hearts to the Lord…
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Raise up your voice to the lord… deeds Shout the joys of freedom
Open your hearts to the Lord… everywhere
Let us all join in and sing
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving
It’s me, It’s me, it’s me o lord
in my heart,
Standing in the need of prayer x2
I will enter His courts with praise!
I will say this is the day that the Lord has
Not my brother, not my sister
But it’s me o lord, Standing in the need
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
of prayer
He has made me glad! He has made me
Not my father, not my mother
But it’s me o lord Standing in the need
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
of prayer
He has made me glad, He has made me
I will rejoice for He has made me glad. Not the elder, not the preacher
But it’s me o lord Standing in the need
He has set me free... of prayer

Jesus took my sin... 39. WE ARE GATHERING

37. HERE WE ARE We are gathering together unto him

(unto him) x2
Here we all together As we sing our Unto him shall the gathering of all the
song joyfully people be.
Here we are all together As we pray We are gathering together unto him.
we’ll always be
1) We are sharing together unto him.
Join we now as friends and celebrate
The brotherhood we share, All as one 2) We are rejoicing together unto him.
Keep the fire burning Kindle it with care
Let us all join in and sing
Sing out the lord is here
Freedom we do shout for every body
And unless there is, we should pray, Build him a temple here
That soon there will be one true brotherhood A place of praise, a throne of
Let us all join and sing. thanksgiving
Let us make the world an alleluia Made for the king of kings
Let us make the world a better place Sing out a joyful song
Keep a smile handy; give a helping hand His love goes on and on
Let us join in and sing When praises abound,
his glory surrounds us
Glorify our God With all our voices Filling his temple here
Show him we are sincere By all our Sing out, the lord is here
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
The lord inhabits the songs of his saints Lord we welcome you
And lives in their praises We welcome you
We come to worship together as one Lord we welcome you
With music and singing Come fill this place
Rejoice in all that the father has done
Let’s lift up an offering Bring healing and salvation
Let your kingdom come
41. LET US BE RENEWED Right here just like in heaven
May your will be done
Let us be renewed,
Let us be renewed; Father come fill this place
Let us renewed in Christ We welcome you
Family of God let us be renewed Jesus we seek your face
Let us be renewed in Christ ‘Cause all we want to do is
Give our lives to you .
Come Holy Spirit fill our lives
Let us be renewed in Christ the truth 43. LUA KRISTU KERE
Let us be renewed in the prince of life
Christ is the way to the Father Lua Kristu Kere, Inyobo idarit oni
Adalu papa Yesu, Ejai nges newok x2
All church leaders, civil heads
Koputu keturo, koputo kere
Fathers and mothers, children and youth
kopotu Kalela, Keturo lolo nges x2
All ye faithful join the march
On the way to the Father Isapa oputo
Luato o oputo
Civil servants, women and men Apes roputo
Jesus Christ your model hoists the flag Lua papa opotu
Lift up his banner tread his path Amakyo opotu
On the way to the Father

Prodigal children don’t lose heart 44. LORD WE’VE COME TO

Merciful Father spread his arms
Free from the darkness return to God Lord we’ve come to worship
Christ is the way to the Father And we have come to pray
Lord we’ve come to listen
Holy Virgin Mary intercede for us And hear what You would say
Martyrs of Uganda pray for us
Lord our hearts are longing
That we may look for the way of life
To meet with You today
Christ is the way to the Father
For we have come to seek You
42. LORD WE WELCOME YOU And we have come to say

We are all together Worthy You are worthy

To call upon your name King of kings Lord of lords
There’s nothing we like better You are worthy
Than to sing and give you praise All blessing and power
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
All riches and wisdom 4. Cyo nimuje mu mayira,
All glory and honor and praise Mukashakashake abarushe,
To the Lamb Mubinjize mu Ingoro ye,
Banywe ku mazi y’ubugingo.
Lord we need forgiveness
We’ve wandered far away 5. Mu Ingoro y’Imana hari isoko;
Look down in tender mercy Isoko y’amazi afutse
Forgive our sinds we pray Unywaho ntazagira inyota,
O Lord we need revival Azahorana umunezero.
All across this land
6. Mu Ingoro y’Imana hariyo
Come move among Your people
Inyiza hari Umubyeyi Mariya
With Your mighty hand
Uhora aduhamagara,
Aduhakirwa ubutitsa. Alleluya x7
… To the Lamb that was slain
To redeem us back to God again 7. Kristu yatsinze uruffu,
To the Lamb who will reign Kristu ni muzima,
Forever and ever amen Kristu yinjiye munva atabarukana
Ishema ashoreye intore zose.
Forever and ever… 8. Kristu amaze gutanga,
Forever and ever … Amen, Amen Shitani yakubise agatwenge,
Yibwira ko, Yezu atazongera
45. MU INGORO Y’IMANA Kwamamaza Inkuru Nziza.
Mu Ingoro y’Imana haganjy’ibyiza 9. Dukunde Umwana w’Imana,
Mu Ingoro y’Imana duhora duseka Dukunde Nyirimitsindo,
Mu Ingoro y’Imana duhora tuyisenga Dukunde uwo indushi zihora
Mu Ingoro y’Imana duhora Zirirmba kuko yazicunguye.
10. Itwari yo k’urugamba ni Kristu
1. Ntore z’Imana ni mwishime, Wo k’umusaraba wemeye,
Mwishimire mu ngoro ye, Kwitanga atuyobora
Aho mwinjira mwisanga, Nicyusa aducuye mu bwami.
Mu Ingoro ye harangwa ibyiza.
2. Yatweretse urukundo rwe,
Stand firm in Jesus Christ the Lord,
Igihe atanze umwana we, He’s the only way to the Father,
Ngo aducunguze amaraso, Stand firm in Jesus the Saviour,
Mu Ingoro ye harangwa ibyiza.
He’s the Way, the Truth and the Life.
3. Ingabire y’Uhoraho,
Being His Disciples, you are His Students,
Niyo ituma tumumenya, Learn from Him, imitate Him,
Tukamenya uwo yatumye, Let Him be your model.
Tubwirijwe na Roho we.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Being His Disciples, you are His Servants, Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
Do His Will, teach His Word, The strife will not be long
To the young and old. This day the noise of battle,
The next the victor’s song
Giving us His Spirit, the Lord Strengthens us; To him that overcometh,
To Love Him, to Serve Him, A crown of life shall be
to Love all His People. He with the king of glory,
Giving us His Power, He Commissions us, Shall reign eternally
To be Salt, be the Light
Shining in the World. 48. STANDING ON THE PROMISES

Truly I profess, that Jesus is Lord, Standing on the promises of Christ my

King of Kings, Lord of Lord, king
He’s the Son of God. Through eternal ages let His praises ring
Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory in the highest I will shout and sing
And to the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Standing on the promises of God

47. STAND UP Standing, Standing

Standing on the promises of
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, God my saviour
You soldiers of the cross! Standing, Standing, Standing
Lift high his royal banner, on the promises of God
It must not suffer loss Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
From victory unto victory, When the howling storms of doubts and
His army he shall lead, fears assail
Till every foe is vanquished, By the living word of God I shall prevail
And Christ is Lord in indeed Standing on the promises of God

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! Standing on the promises, I cannot fail
The trumpet calls obey; Listening ev’ry moment to the spirit’s call
Forth to the mighty conflict, Resting in my saviour as my all-in-all
In this His glorious day! Standing on the promises of God
Ye that are men, now serve Him,
Against unnumbered foes Standing on the promises I now can see
Let courage rise with danger, Perfect present cleansing in the blood
And strength to strength oppose. for me
Standing in the liberty where Christ
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, makes free
Stand in his strength alone Standing on the promises of God
The arm of flesh will fail you, Standing on The promises of Christ the Lord
You dare not trust your own Bound to him eternally by love’s strong cord
Put on the gospel armor; Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword
Each piece put on with prayer; Standing on the promises
When duty calls or danger,
Be never wanting there

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

1. Twebaze Mapeera ne munne Amansi Abaagalwa mwenna mujje mwe

Abasaale baffe abaleeta eddiini eno. abantu;
Tugende ew’Omukama tumusinze
Beebale Amansi ne Mapeera, wamma.
Beebale abaleeta ekitangaala Tumutende, tumwebaze, ffe tumusabe.
Anti essanyu lyaffe, amaanyi n’eddembe
2. Leo omuganzi Paapa mu budde obwo Bituviira mu Mukama, byonna era
Ko ne Laviziri be babasindika eno. n’obulamu.

3. Kkumi na musanvu Februari Omwezi, 1. Omukama ye wakutendanga.

Lukumi lunaana nsanvu mu mwenda. Yee, ettendo n’ekitiibwa tubiwenga
4. Bayita mu nkoola mu bibira bingi, Ate ani, ani amwenkana?
Mu mayengo mangi ne bagoba e Anti mu liinya lye byonna bifukamira.
2. Wa maanyi ye wakutiibwanga.
5. Basanga Muteesa nga abalindiridde Yee, amaanyi g’alina oyo ga njawulo
Nabawa ekyalo ye Lubya mu wamma
Kyaddondo. Yekka omu byonna eby’eggulu
n’ebyo eby’ensi
6. Basomesa abantu, bawonya Byonna ye abiwanirira.
Babonabonanga kyokka nga 3. Tumwebaze Ddunda yatwewa.
basanyufu. Yee, oyo olw’ekisa kye yatuganza
7. Muteesa yafa mangu Mwanga Ffe luli edda ffena bwe twawaba
omusika we, Ye nno mu mwana we ffena ye
Nayigganya eddiini ng’ayagala eve yatiggyayo.
mu nsi.
4. Mu Kristu ye mwe yeweweera
8. Abasomi bangi n’abayigganya atyo, Yee, ffe Kristo Olw’okufa kwe ne
Abamu nabookya mu kifo tufuuka baganzi
Namugongo. Ebyedda byonna olwo byakoma,
Anti mu mwana we leero ffe mikwano
9. Matia Mulumba ne Karoli Lwanga gye!
Ne banabwe abiri ne bafiirira eddiini.
5. Amiina ye wakutendwanga
10. Abajulizi abo olwafa ekyewunyo, Yee, yekka ow’ekitiibwa, tumutende
Eddiini n’etinta n’okutuuka kaakano. Katonda.
Ffena ffe abaana ab’engoma,
Taata atwagala ffena alituwanguza.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
51. KA TUSANYUKE FFENA 2. Nkusinza ggwe oli mutonzi wange,
Ggwe eyatonda ensi n’eggulu,
Ka tusanyukke ffena, ka tujaguze ffena Mkusinza ggwe Patri, ggwe Mwana we,
Abaana ba Katonda abebonanye wano Naawe Mwoyo Mutukirivu.
mu kiggwa kye
Tuli baluganda ba nda emu, tuli 3. Twenna twali ffugge lya sitaani,
baluganda Kitaffe y’omu. Mwana n’ajja natulokola,
Ekitiibwa kya Kitaffe bwe busika bwaffe. N’aliwa omutango gw’abonoonyi,
Ng’akkiriza okubafiirira.
1. Mulabe Katonda bw’atwagala abantu,
Twali tuwabye ffena, 4. Njagala n’ebiragiro byonna,
N’atutumira Omwana omuggulanda Katonda bye yatuteekera;
atulokole. Mbikwata n’omwoyo omusanyufu,
Tweyanzizza Kifaffe tufuuse baggya, Mbeere kwe kutuuka mu ggulu.
Tweyanzizza Taata atwagala nnyo, 5. Ndeseeyo okwesiga ebintu by’ensi,
Tweyanzizza Kitaffe tufuuse baggya, Kaakano sikyafa ku lumbe;
Tuli baana bo(x2) Taata abaganzi. Obanga Yezu ye mulamuzi,
2. Mulabe Katonda bw’atwagala abantu, Maria, Nnyina we ye mmange.
Twali tumujeemedde
N’atuyiwako amazzi n’atuzaala mu 53. TURI BAMWE
Tweyanzizza…………… Turi bamwe omuri Kristo,
Kristo Omwana wa Ruhanga
3. Mulabe Katonda bw’atwagala abantu, omwe
Yaggya mu kissa kye ekyo Tataitwe Nyamuhanga, turi
N’atuyingiza mu eryo eggwanga lye bamwe omuri Kristo
eppya eritukuvu. Kristo Omwana wa Ruhanga
Tweyanzizza…………… omwe wenka.
4. Mulabe Katonda bw’atwagala abantu,
Amakuru marungi
twajjuzibwa ne Mwoyo
gakaija omu nsi omu,
Tuli mu maka ga Katonda ku nsi
Gaareetwa ago mamanzi,
ogwo mukuru Mapeera
Tweyanzizza…………… Buraza Amans yamushongyera,
n’abandi baatwizira;
Obwo Uganda yaashemererwa.
1. Nkakasa ndi mwana wa Katonda,
Ggwe sitaani wenna nkwegaana, Buzima ago mamanzi,
Era ate ndi mwana wa Maria, gakaruga omu Buraaya,
Bullijo n’emirembe gyonna. Gahika na Kigungu
nigaruga Mombasa,
Ndi mukristu, ndi mukristu, Gaaraara, gaaraarira,
Nzikiriza leero ne bulijjo; Kristo ogwo gamwegyesa;
Nzikiriza leero ne bulijjo. Aba Uganda baabatizibwa.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Iwe ga Nyamuhanga 54. TWESIIME YAIMWE
nitumanya ori Tataitwe,
Buzima abaana baawe Twesiime yaimwe
nitukusiimira byoona, abanya Uganda tweena,
N’eby’ensi n’eby’eiguru, Ahabw’egi diini ya Yezu.
omuri Yezu twabyega gye;
Turi bamwe turyamushanga. Ediini Katorika nyamazima,
Ekaruga ahari Kristu buzima.
Turamye Nyamuhanga
tutende na Kazooba, Enyegyesa ehamire nyamazima,
Na Muhumuza-bantu, Ekabanza na Kristu buzima.
buzima kwo aba rukundo
Twabeeha, twabeesiga, Akagishururira abatume be mazima,
ga bambe baatworora; Bagyegyesa n’omuhimbo buzima.
Turi bamwe turyamushanga.
Turamye Nyamuhanga, Omusingye gwayo ni Yezu mazima,
nituraba omuri Mwana, N’obuhamizo bwayo ni Yezu buzima.
Tushabe Nyamuhanga,
nituraba omuri Mwana; Okwikiriza kwaitu twena nyamazima,
Tataitwe twamwegyesa, Kukoomoka ahari Yezu mazima.
we Yezu yaatworobya;
Turi bamwe turyamushanga. Tutyo naitwe tumutooreze mazima,
Ediini ye tugijanjaaze omu bantu.
Uganda ago magingo
ekwaitse neesima, 55. REEBA NDYAHA MUKAMA
Ezo mbabazi zaawe
ezirimu na rukundo, Reeba Ndyaha Mukama, naija kukora
Waatweha, waatweemera, ebyorikwenda
ga waitwa, twacungurwa;
Turi bamwe turyamushanga. 1. Nyakiira naija nk’okundi,
nakweha nyena mukama.
Iwe Yezu Kigambo,
Uganda neesiima, 2. Reero nkuhereze n’okwecurenga,
Ezo Mbabazi zaawe nkusiime ninkuhimbisa.
ezirimu na rukundo,
Watweha, waatwemera, 3. Mukama niwe ompaire obu
ga waitwa twacungurwa, buganzi, ondinde,
Ebyensi mbyegukye mbe ntore
Turi bamwe turyakureeba. buzima.
Turamye Nyamuhanga,
Ruhanga wa byoona, 4. Omuri oru rweeto rwangye
Tukuheereze kwija ombangire,
owaawe omuri Bwera, Nkunsiime ninkuhimbisa.
Waatweha twakwizira,
twatuuta n’okukundana;
Turi bamwe turyashemererwa.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
56. MARIA NIWE NYINA EKELEZIA Tuhaise Mukama waitu,
Tutaine Bugarukiro.
Maria niwe Nyina Ekelezia,
Niwe Nyinaitwe twena. 3. Katugume nitwijuka,
Niwe atuyamba akatushandekyereza, Omuhangi n’Omwana we.
Omunju ya Ruhanga Omugabi Ow’eneema,
Ebiro, n’ebiro byoona.
Nimwije, Nimwije tutaahe, omunju ya
Nyinaitwe, 59. TWIJA HANU MUKAMA
Niwe aratutaasye, niwe aratutasye,
Omunju ya Ruhanga Twija hanu Mukama kwotuhwera,
Kukundana buzima tukaba abakundwa
Niwe yatumire twasaasirwa, baawe x2
Niwe yatumire twagaruka kunywana,
Niwe yatumire twagaruka kunywana, 1. Tukundane, tuhwerane, tuganyirane
Obushatu Obuhikirire. Obwo nituhwerwa Nyamuhanga.

57. ALLELUYA, ALLELUYA NIMWIJE 2. Abanyadiini, abaKristu, tukundane

Obwo nituhwerwa Nyamuhanga.
Alleluya, Alleluya nimwije;
Alleluya, Alleluya mwena mwije;
3. Abazaire, naimwe abaana,
Tutahe Omunju ya Mukama,
Tugitahemu nitwekyehesa,
Obwo nimuhwerwa Nyamuhanga.
Tumanye ngu tweena natukunda,
Tumuhereze nitweshongora.
4. Abategyeki, abategyekwa,
Enju yaawe y’Omukama Tataitwe,
Obwo nimuhwerwa Nyamuhanga.
Eri hare munonga, Buzima.
Altaari y’Omukama erikwera, 5. Abeegyesa, naimwe abegyesibwa,
Omutambi yagiijaho, buzima mukundane
Obwo nimuhwerwa Nyamuhanga.
Tumuheereze emikono, ogwo mutambi,
Ekitambo kitugasire tweena.
6. Abatungi, naimwe abooro,
OMUKAMA Obwo nimuhwerwa Nyamuhanga.

Mwena mwije turamye Omukama, 7. Ai Mukama, otuhweera, tukundane

Mwena mwije, tuhimbise Omuhangi Obwo nituhwerwa Nyamuhanga.
1. Tuze omu nju ya Mukama 60. AS YOU ENTER INTO THE
Turamye Ruhanga waitu. CHURCH
Mukama waitu natweeta,
Niwe ashoboorora byona. As we enter into the church
Your hearts must be filled with joy x2
2. O’wekitiinisa kyingi,
Ahebwe ekitiinisa kye.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Be obedient, obedient, Surrender your God is awesome
life, He’s so Awesome
Your life, your soul, your thoughts God is awesome in this place
Surrender all to God.
I’ve Found where I belong
As you seek the way to the kingdom, I’m a living stone
Sing praises unto the lord. In this house I will grow.

As you seek the way to the kingdom, 63. WE’VE COME TO BLESS YOUR
Confess to the almighty. NAME

61. AWESOME IN THIS PLACE (1) We’re here because of grace

A part of Your great plan
As I come into Your presence, We have come to seek Your face
Past the gates of praise Not the wonders of Your hand
Into Your sanctuary And yes we need Your touch
‘Till we’re standing face to face But You’ve given us so much
I look upon Your countenance That we just want to thank You
I see the fullness of Your grace For all You’ve done for us
I can only bowdown and say
We’ve come to bless Your name
You are awesome in this place, King of kings and Lord of lords
Mighty God You are awesome in this We’ve come to give You praise
place, You are the One that we adore
Abba Father You are worthy of our praise O Lord cleanse our hearts with fire
To You our lives we raise And fill us with desire for Your courts
You are awesome in this place, Mighty And for Your presence in our lives
Lord You’ve made a way
62. AWESOME IN THIS PLACE (2) Because of Your great love
And our hearts are filled with praise
Here in this house of the Great King For all that You have done
We’ve come together now to worship And there is none like You
Him So faithful and so true
This house is built on Christ our Rock’ That we just want to thank You
Can not be shaken, can not be shaken For all You’ve brought us through.

God is awesome in this place 64. ABBA FATHER

We sense His presence
As we sing His praise 1. Abba Father send your Spirit,
Glory Jesus Christ x2
There is power here for miracles
To set the captives free Glory Alleluia, Glory Jesus Christ x2
And make the broken whole

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. I will give you living water, 66. IN AYE LAKWATTA
Glory Jesus Christ x2
In aye lakwatta ya Yesu Rwot
3. If you seek me, you will find me…… Gin mo pe birem bota (Amen) x2
4. Come my Children, I will teach you….. 1. En dong miyo aywee i olet maber,
En telo nyima i dog pii mangic.
5. If you listen, you will hear me…… Cuko cwinya tela i yoo matir,
Tela i yoo matir pi mar mere keken
6. I’m you shepheard, I will lead you….
7. I’m your life and resurrection………
2. Kadi awok kama piny col liluc,
65. TO God IN GLADNESS Ci pe alworo pien icung ka ngeta.
Lut meri ki kedi meri,
To God in gladness sing How great his Naka jwi gin tye kagwoka maber
name, (Amen)
Give thanks to him for his marvellous
deeds 3. In iyuba cam mamit mada,
Alleluia, alleluia In ijola do, an adong koma gum,
He came among his people Abibedo ki yom cwiny ki mar,
He dwelt among the poor Pi kwo mera ducu abibedo i ot pa Rwot
He chose among the weakest (Amen)
The humble to be his friends
Like rain that falls from heaven
And makes the earth bring forth Wilobo can titte ku wilobo can titte ku
His word our heart refreshes wilobo can titte ku,
His law our life transforms. Wilobo can titte ku wilobo can titte
Ku wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo
No longer are we servants can titte ku
A friend each one he calls, Ku wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo
He brings us to his table can titte ku
To share the bread and wine Wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo can
titte ku
The light that shines in darkness Ku wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo wilobo
The victory over death can titte ku
He enters into glory
Like him we too shall shine 1. Walego Rwot Yesu weko konywa
Okony dano ducu mai-ngom (x2)
The flames of love his spirit
The universe pervades 2. Walego min Yesu weko konywa
Through him a new creation Oleg wode ma lacwec ma twero
Begins and never end. konnyo lwak dano ducu ma ingom (x2)

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
68. SIMAMA MBELE 3. Yeye ndiye bwana, yeye mungu
Simama- simama mbele Njoni tumwabudu bwana.
Utaje-utaje wote kwa bwana yesu
Simama wee- simama mbele CHORUS 2:
Uti-utapokea uzima Mfanyieni shangwe dunia yote
1. Nitapokea taji kwa bwana Na mtumikieni kwa furaha.
Nitapokea nikitazaama
E bwana yesu unikumbuke 4. Njoni mbele za bwana …… kwa
Siku hiyo ya uzima kuyimba
Jueni kwamba yeye …… ndiye
2. Nikikumbuka makosa yangu mungu.
Nitamwendea musalabani
E bwana Yesu unikumbuke 5. Alituumba tuko …… .watu wake.
Siku hiyo ya uzima Sisi kondoo wa …… mali shoye.

69. BATATA BOYIA 6. Piteni mlangoni ………….. kwa

1. Batata boyia …… boyia x2
Daima himidini…...........…jina lake.
Yesu abyangi bino e’te
Boyia, mpo tosangana x2 KYRIE/ MERCY SONGS
2. Bamama boyia
3. Bilenge boyia Oh Lord have mercy – Oh Lord have
4. Bandeko boyia mercy x4
Jesus Christ Son Of God, Have mercy x2
5. Bayaya boyia
Oh Lord have mercy – Oh Lord have
6. Bakristu boyia mercy x4
7. Basango boyia
70. NJONI TUMWIMBIE Ai mukama otusaasire, Ai mukama
CHORUS 1 Ai Kristu otusaasire, Ai Kristu otusaasire
Njoni tumwimbie naku mshangilia Ai mukama otusaasire, Ai mukama
Njoni tumwabudu bwana x2 otusaasire,

1. Njoni tujongee njoni kwa masifu 73. RWOT KICA

Njoni tumwabudu bwana.
Rwot kica omaki I komwa x2
2. Tumfanyie shangwe mwamba wa Kristo, Kristo, Kristo, Kristo kica omaki I
wokovu komwa
Njoni tumwabudu bwana Rwot kica omaki I komwa x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
74. EH RWOT Mukama Mukama x2
Ai Mukama saasira x2
Eh rwot, kica omaki I kom wa x4
Eeeeeh rwot, eh rwot kica omaki ikom wa 79. SAASIRA
Kristo, kica omaki ikom wa x4 Saasira, Ayi Mukama,
Kris…to, kristo kica omaki ikom wa x2 Saasira, Ayi Mukama,
Eh rwot, kica omaki ikom wa x4 Ggwe omusaasizi saasira x2
Eeeeeh rwot, kica omaki ikom wa x2 Ayi Kristu omusaasizi,
Kristu omusaasizi saasira x2
Saasira, saasira ayi Mukama,
Bwana Bwana Utuhurumie x2 Ggwe omusaasizi saasira x2
Kristu Kristu utuhurumie x2
Bwana Bwana Utuhurumie x2 80. TUSASIRE AYI MUSENGWA
76. KYRIE ELEISON Tusasire ayi Musengwa ayi musengwa
Tusasire ayi Musengwa tusaba
Kyrie, eleison x2
otusaasire x2
Kriste, eleison x2
Kyrie, eleison x2 Kristu omusasizi iwe omusaasizi
Kristu omusaasizi tusaba otusaasire x2
Tusasire ayi Musengwa ayi musengwa
Oopi eko ama aza x2 Tusasire ayi Musengwa tusaba
Oopi.. opo eko ama aza x2 otusaasire.
Kristu eko ama aza x2
Kristu, Kristu eko ama aza x2 81. MUKAMA OTUSASIRE

Mukama Otusasire x2
Oopi eko ama aza x2 Kristu Otusasire x2
Oopi.. opo eko ama aza x2 Mukama Otusasire x2
Mukama Mukama x2 Ai Mukama otuganyire, Mukama
Ai Mukama saasira x2 otuganyire
Ai Mukama otuganyire x2
Kristu Kristu
Kristu Yezu omusaasizi Ai Kristu otuganyire, Kristu otuganyire
Ai Kristu omusaasizi Ai Kristu otuganyire x2
Kristu Yezu saasira
Kristu Yezu, Ai Mukama otuganyire, Mukama
Kristu Yezu saasira otuganyire
Yezu tusaba otusaasire Ai Mukama otuganyire x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

GLORIA Nitukusingiza, ahabwe’ekitiinwa

kyaawe kiingi Nyamuhanga.
83. AFRICAN GLORIA Mukama Ruhanga omugabe omugabe
weiguru, Ruhanga omushoorozi wa
Glory be To God in the Highest Heaven byoona.
Peace Be To All His People, His People on Mukama mwana omwe nyamunegyere,
Earth Yezu kristo.
Heavenly King Almighty Father of God Mukama Ruhaga Kataama ka Ruhanga
We Worship You, We Give You Thanks, Kataama Ka Ruhanga mwene Patri.
We Praise, We Glorify You. x2
Iwe oihaiho ebibi by’nsi, otusaasire,
Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ the Iwe oihaho ebibi by’nsi yakiira
Only Son the Of the Father Lord God okweshegyereza kwaitu.
Lamb Of God Jesus Christ the Son Of God Iwe oshutami aha buryo bwa sho,
You Take Away Our Sins. Have mercy on us otusaasire.
You are seated at the right hand of the
father Manya niiwe wenka omuhikiriire, niiwe
Receive our prayer x2 mukama wenka.
Niiwe wenka ori ahaiguru ya byoona,
You Alone Are Holy, You Alone Are Lord
Yezu kristo.
You Alone Are He Most High Jesus Christ x2
Hamwe na Mutima orikwera, Omu
For You Alone Are the Holy One kitiinwa kya Ruhanga Patri, Amiina
For You Alone Are the Lord For
You Alone Are the Most High Jesus 85. EKIITINWA
With The Holy Spirit Amen. 1. Ekitiinwa kibe ome iguru ahari
For You Alone Are the Holy One For N’obusingye bube omu nsi
You Alone Are Lord aha bantu Abasiimwa Ruhanga.
For You Alone Are the Most High Jesus
Christ In The Glory of God the Father Ekitiinwa yaiwe n’ekya nyakubaho
Amen. Amen
2. Nitukuhaisa, nitukusiima,
84. EKIITINWA (Mr. T. Busingye) nitukuramya, nitukumbisa.

Ekitiinwa kibe ome iguru ahari 3. Nitukusingiza, nitukusingiza,

Ruhanga! ahabwe’ekitiinwa kyaawe kiingi.
N’obusingye bube omu nsi 4. Mukama Ruhanga omugabe
aha bantu Abasiimwa Ruhanga. omugabe weiguru, Ruhanga
Nitukuhaisa, nitukusiima, nyakusinga omushoorozi wa byoona.
Omwiguru nomunsi nitukusingiza 5. Mukama mwana omwe
Rugaba. nyamunegyere, Yezu kristo

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
6. Mukama Ruhaga Kataama ka 6. Ggw’atudde ku ddyo gwa Kitaffe,
Ruhanga Kataama Ka Ruhanga saasira saasira tuwanjaze tuwulire.
mwene Patri.
7. Kubanga ggwe Mutukirivu
7. Iwe oihaiho ebibi by’nsi, otusaasire, asukkiridde wekka, ggwe Yezu Kristu.

8. Iwe oihaho ebibi by’nsi yakiira 8. Wamu ne Mwoyo Mutukirivu, mu

okweshegyereza kwaitu. kitiibwa kya Patri, Amiina, Amiina.

9. Iwe oshutami aha buryo bwa sho,


10. Manya niiwe, manya niiwe, wenka Bass; Ekitiibwa kibe mu ggulu eri
omuhikiriire niiwe mukama wenka. Katonda
Emirembe n’essanyu essa bikke mu nsi
11. Niiwe wenka ori ahaiguru ya byoona, yonna yonna,
Yezu kristo. Mu b’omwoyo omulungi,
Katonda gw’ayagadde atyo,
12. Hamwe na Mutima orikwera, Omu Emirembe wonna
kitiinwa kya Ruhanga Patri, Amiina
1. Olw’ekitiibwa kyo Mukama Mukama
86. EKITIIBWA KIBERE ERI wonna tukusinza,
Katonda Tukugulumiza tukutenda weebale
byonna by’okoze.
Bass; Ekitiibwa kibe mu ggulu eri
Katonda 2. Mu ggulu Katonda ggwe Kabaka
waffe wonna tukusinza,
Ekitiibwa kibeere eri Taata Katonda tukutenda n’essanyu
Katonda, yekka; olw’obuyinza bwo.
Naabo abalungi ye basiimye,
emirembe gibeere kubo. 3. Mukama waffe Omwana wa Katonda
ggwe Yezu Kristu,
1. Tukusinza, tukutenda anti ebyo O Kaliga aka Katonda Mwana
byokola Mukama bya ttendo. Katonda gw’alina.
2. Katonda Mukama ggwe omuyinza
Patri ggwe Kabaka w’eggulu otendwa. 4. Ggwe aggyawo ebibi by’ensi saasira
ffe tusaasire.
3. Omutiibwa wekka Omwana owa Ggwe aggyawo ebibi by’ensi wuliriza
Kitaffe ggwe katugulumize, okwegayirira kwaffe.
4. Ayi Mukama, Kaliga ka Katonda Ggwe atudde ku ggwa ddyo gwa
Yezu Kristu Mukama otendwa. Patri tusaasire (2)

5. Ggwe ajjawo ebibi by’ensi saasira 5. Olw’okuba ggwe wekka omutukirivu

saasira, tuwanjaze tuwulire. ggwe Kabaka wekka
Olw’ekitiibwa kyo Yezu Kristo
osukulumye wonna wonna.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
6. Nga muli wamu n’omutiibwa oyo, 3. Ayi Mukama, ggw’Omwana wa
Mwoyo Mutuukirivu, Katonda
Mu kitiibwa kya Katonda Patri Azalibwa omu wekka.
Amiina Emirembe.
4. Ayi Mukama, ggwe Katonda,
88. EKITIIBWA Akaliga ka Katonda Patri.
5. Ggwe agyawo ebibi by’ensi
Ekitiibwa kibe muggulu eri Katonda,
Nemirembe kunsi, kwabo abantu Tukusaba otusaasire ffe.
abarungi, Ye basiimye. 6. Ggwe atudde ku ddyo owa
Tukusinza, tukutenda Tukusaba otusaasire ffe.
Anti ebyo by’okola Mukama bya ttendo
KatondaMukama, ggwe Omuyinza 7. Awamu ne Mwoyo Mutukirivu
Patri ggwe Kabaka w’eggulu otendwa Mu kitiibwa kya Katonda Patri.

Omutiibwa wekka omwana 91. ST. JOSEPH’S GLORIA

Owa Kitaffe ggwe tukugulumize
Ayi Mukama kaliga ka Katonda Glory to God in the highest,
Yezu KristuMukama otendwa We praise you;
Glory to God in the highest Lord
HEAVEN We adore you.

Gloria in the Highest Heaven, And peace to His people on earth

And peace to me who are God’s Our Lord God heavenly King
friends. x2 We worship you and we give you
God almighty Father, heavenly King We praise you for your Glory
We praise you and we bless you x2
Lord Jesus Christ only Son of the Father
We adore you we glorify you Lord God Lamb of God
We give you thanks for your great glory You take away the sins of the world
Lord Jesus Christ only son of the Father Have mercy on us all
Lord Lamb of God Jesus Christ
You are seated at the right hand of the
Receive our prayer
Leader; Gloria in excelsis Deo For you alone are the Holy one
Et in terra pax hominibus You alone are the Lord
alleluia bonaevoluntantis
1. Tukutenda, tukugulumiza, You are alone the most High
Tukusinza emirenbe gyonna. Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit
In the Glory of God the father
2. Ayi Mukama, ggwe Katomda Amen!
Omuyinza wa buli kantu
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
92. GLORY TO God IN THE HIGHEST 5. You take away the sins of the world
(1) Have mercy receive our prayer
Lord we Praise you 6. You are seated at the right hand of
We adore you, we glorify you, the Father Have mercy Lord Jesus
We give you thanks Christ
1. And on earth peace to men Peace to 7. You alone are Holy, you alone are
men who are God’s friends Lord You alone are most high
2. God almighty Father, heavenly King 8. Glory to the Father Glory to the Son
We praise you and we bless you Glory to the Spirit now and ever
3. We adore you we glorify you We give more Amen
you thanks for your great glory
4. Lord Jesus Christ only son of the
Father Lord Lamb of God Jesus Christ Glory to God Who Lives On High
- Sing Glory to the Lord
5. You take away the sins of the world And Peace on Earth to All His Friends
Have mercy receive our prayer
- Sing Glory to the Lord
6. You are seated at the right hand of Praise and Bless and Glorify
the Father Have mercy Lord Jesus - Sing Glory to the Lord
Give Glory to God and Sing His Praise
7. You alone are Holy, you alone are - Sing Glory to the Lord
Lord You alone are most high
Give Glory to the Father,
8. Glory to the Father Glory to the Son Give Glory to the Son
Glory to the Spirit now and ever And Glory to the Spirit Be,
more Amen Sing Glory to the Lord

93. GLORY TO God IN THE Almighty God and Heavenly King

HIGHEST(2) - Sing Glory to the Lord
To Jesus Christ His Only Son …
Glory to God in the highest Son of the Father Lamb of God …
You Freed Us from the World of Sin …
1. And on earth peace to men Peace to
men who are God’s friends You Are the Only Holy One …
You Are the Only Jesus Christ …
2. God almighty Father, heavenly King
You Are the Only Lord of Hosts …
We praise you and we bless you
The Most High Jesus Christ Our Lord …
3. We adore you we glorify you We
Glory to God Who Lives On High …
give you thanks for your great glory
And To His Son Who Lives With Us …
4. Lord Jesus Christ only son of the And To the Spirit Gift of Love …
Father Lord Lamb of God Jesus Christ Sing Praise and Glory without End …
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
95. WORO OBED MALO BOT Ancient words ever true
RUBANGA Changing me and changing you,
We have come with open hearts
Woro obed malo bot Rubanga wai lobo Oh let the ancient words impart
kuc obed bot jo ma cwiny-gi ber x2
Holy words of our Faith
1. Wapaki, wakori, warumu inyimi, Handed down to this age
wawori, wapwoyi pi yweka meri madit Came to us through sacrifice
Oh heed the faithful words of Christ.
2. Ladit Rubanga, Rwot polo,
Holy words long preserved
Rubanga won latwer ducu
For our walk in this world.
They resound with God’s own heart
3. Ai Rwot Yesu Kristo, latin acel Oh let the ancient words impart.
keken,Rwot Rubanga
Wod romo pa Rubanga, wod pa won
4. In ma ikwanyo bal pa dano, 1. Muli kitangaala enky’ensi
kica omaki ikomwa Muli ttawaaza ey’amazima
Mwakirenga ensi yonna
5. In ma ikwanyo bal pa dano, Emanye Katonda n’obukulu bwe.
yee kwac mewa
Mu kubatizibwa twafuka baana be
6. In ma ibedo ki twer ma rom ki pa Katonda n’atusindika tube batume be
Rubanga Won, kica omaki I komwa Ne mwoyo n’atuwa ffe tube ettaala
Tube kizimbulukusa mu ggwanga lye x2
7. Pien in keni ileng, in keni i Rwot,
in keni ladit mukato 2. Muli basiige mwalondwa
Mufuuse baana ab’enda emu
8. Yesu Kristo kacel ki Tipu Maleng, Mulagenga nga mwagalana
I deyo pa Rubanga Won. Amen. Amayisa gamwe gabe malamu.

MEDITATION 3. Muli bitundu eby’omubiri

Mwayungwa ku nze mwalokoka
Mufubenga okwekuuma
Holy words long preserved Obulamu bwange bubabeeremu
For our walk in this world,
They resound with God’s own heart.
Oh let the ancient words impart Ye mmwe kitangaala eky’ensix2
Words of Life, words of Hope Mwakirenga mu nsi muno,
Give us strength, help us cope mwakirenga mu kizikiza,
In this world, where e’er we roam Balabe ebikolwa byammwe ebirungi,
Ancient words will guide us Home. Batende kitammwe, kitammwe ali mu
ggulu eyo.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
1. Nze kitangaala eky’obulamu, nze 5. Ggwe ow’obuyinza ggwe ow’ekisa
kitangaala eky’obulamu Akunoonya bulijjo akulaba
Anzikiriza tatambula mu nzikiza, Akusaba bulijjo afuna
tatambula mu nzikiza abeera Tumulise emitima.
n’ekitangaala eky’obulamu.
6. Wano mu missa ne mu komunio,
2. Mukama ye nze gw’ojulira, Twegatta wamu okuddaabiriza
mukama ye nze gw’okolera, Katonda patri eyakutuwa
Angoberera tatambula mu nzikiza, Okutufiirira ffenna.
tatambula mu nzikiza abeera
n’ekitangaala eky’obulamu. 7. Ba Kerubimu ba Serafimu,
Nammwe abatuukirivu bo mu ggulu
3. Tandika leero kye nkutumye, Musanyukire omugenyi wange
twalayo bye nkutumye, Anti y’oyo nnyini ggulu.
Buli ky’okola totambula mu nzikiza,
totambula mu nzikiza, obeera 8. Mmange Maria twenkanye leero,
n’ekitangaala eky’obulamu. Ggwe wazaala anti nange gwe
4. Nyiikira kola kyenkusaba, weetale
Ndi wamukisa okukufaanana
yonna gyenkutumye, omubatize
Anti nange ndi mwana wo.
tatambula mu nzikiza, tatambula
mu nzikiza abeera n’ekitangaala 100. ROCK OF AGES
Rock of ages cleft for me
99. BAGANZI BO Let me hide myself in thee
Let the water and the blood
1. Baganzi bo Yezu tuzze gy’oli From thy riven side which flowed
Tukuwooyewooye nga tukusinza, Be of sin the double cure
Anti tokyatuyita na baddu, Save me from its guilt and power
Watufuula baganda bo.
Not the labours of my hands
2. Ggwe osobola wekka ayi Yezu Can fulfill Thy law’s demands
Okuliwa omutango gw’ebibi Could my zeal no respite know
N’okutufunira ekisonyiwo Could my tears forever flow
Ffenna tugende mu ggulu. All for sin could not atone
Thou must save, and Thou alone
3. Mu missa ezisomwa mu nsi yonna
Otuyita nti mujje gyendi mwenna Nothing in my hand I bring
Abalumwa n’abakalubiriddwa Simply to Thy cross I cling
Nange mbatowolokose. Naked, come to Thee for dress
Helpless, look to Thee for grace
4. Ku kalivariyo ku musalaba Foul, I to the fountain fly
Mu bulumi watusabiranga nnyo Wash me, saviour, or I die
Walaga Yezu nga bw’otwagala
Bwe watufiirira ffenna. While I draw this fleeting breath
When my eyes shall close in death
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
When I soar to worlds unknown Tuyimbe hosanna, hosanna ekitiibwa
See Thee on Thy judgement throne kikyo,
Rock of Ages cleft for me Tuyimbe hosanna gyoli ggwe Katonda
Let me hide myself in Thee waffe

101. BER PA RUBANGA Tuyimbe allelluia, allelluia ekitiibwa kikyo

Tuyimbe allelluia amiina emirembe
Ber pa Rubanga ikomwa pe bitum gyonna
1. Wapaki Rwotwa ki yomcwiny madit
2. Wapako wonwa I polo pi mar madit
3. Otimo gin aura, ocweyo jami duc 1. Praise to the holiest in the height
4. Opoko lobo ki I pii ki twer madit And in the depth be praised
In all his words most wonderful
5. Oketo ceng ki dwe ki lakalatwe duc
Most sure in all his ways.
6. Olarowa ki tekone, okwanyowa ki I can
7. Opitowa ki cam ma kelowa kwo 2. O living wisdom of our God
8. Oryemowa loyela ki jo maracu duc When all is sin and shame
9. Omiyowa lobo maber me kwo iye A second Adam to the fight
And to the rescue came.
ki kuc
10. Wapake wunu dyeceng wa ki 3. O wisest love that flesh and blood
dyewor Which did in Adam fall,
Should strive afresh against the foe
102. AYI Katonda OW’EKITIIBWA Should strive and should prevail.
Ayi Katonda oweekitiibwa mu nnyumba 4. And that a higher gift than grace
yo eyo Should flesh and blood refine
Ompita mbe naawe God’s presence and his very life
Kati njagala okukwewa mu byenkola And essence all Divine.
Tube nga tuli bumu
5. O generous love that He who smote
Mbeere ne bamalayika Mukama nga In man for man the foe
nkutendereza The double agony in man
Mbeere nabalungi Mukama tukusinze For man should undergo.
6. And in the garden secretly
Osaanira ekitiibwa Mukama And on the cross on high,
n’okusinzibwanga, Should teach his brethren and inspire
Tusaana tukusinze Mukama tukusinze To suffer and to die.
7. Praise to the holiest in the height
Tuyimbe n’oluyimba oluggya
And in the depth be praised
In all his words most wonderful
Tuyimbe n’ebiyiiye tukuwaane ggwe
Katonda waffe Most sure in all his ways.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
104. GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS For each new day
He will make a way
1. Great is thy faithfulness, O God my He will make a way
There is no shadow of turning with By a roadway in the wilderness
thee; You lead me
Thou changest not, thy compansions Rivers in the desert
they fail not, Will I see
As thou hast been thou forever wilt be. Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
Great is thy faithfulness! He will do something good
Great is thy faithfulness! Today
Morning by norning new mercies I see
All I have needed thy hand hath 106. I NEED THEE
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me. 1. I need thee ev’ry hour, most gracious
2. Summer and winter and spring time No tender voice like thine can peace
and harvest, afford.
Sun, moon and stars in their courses
above, I need thee, O I need thee!
Join with all nature in manifold Ev’ry hour I need thee!
witness, O bless me now, my savior
To thy great faithfulness, mercy and I come to thee!
2. I need thee ev’ry hour, stay thou near by,
Pardon for sin and peace that Temptations lose their pow’r when
endureth thou art nigh.
Thine own dear presence to cheer
and to guide, 3. I need thee ev’ry hour, in joy or pain,
Strength for today and bright hope Come quickly and abide, or life is vain.
for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine with ten thousand 4. I need thee ev’ry hour, most Holy one,
beside. O make me thine indeed, thou
blessed son!
God will make a way where
There seems to be no way 1. My Jesus I love thee, I know thou art
He works in ways we cannot see mine;
He will make a way for me For thee all the follies of sin I resign.
He will be my guide My gracious redeemer, my savior art
Hold me closely to His side thou;
With love and strength If ever I loved thee my jesus ‘tis now.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. I love thee because thou hast first 3. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper
loved me, Thy work and defend thee;
And purchased my pardon on Surely his goodness and mercy
Calvary’s tree; Here daily attend thee.
I love thee for wearing the thorns Ponder anew,
on thy brow; What the Almighty can do,
If ever I loved thee my jesus ‘tis now. If with his love he be friend thee.

3. I’ll love thee in life, I will love thee 4. Praise to the Lord, let us offer
in death, Our gift at his altar;
And praise thee as long as thou Let not our sins and transgressions
lendest me breath Now cause us to falter.
And say when death dew lies cold Christ the High Priest,
on thy brow, Bids us all join in his feast,
If ever I loved thee my jesus ‘tis now. Victims with him at the altar.

4. In mansions of glory and endless 109. JESUS IS PASSING THIS WAY

1. Is there a heart that is waiting,
I’ll ever adore thee in heaven so
Longing for pardon today?
Hear the glad message proclaiming,
I’ll sing with the glittering crown
Jesus is passing this way.
on thy brow
If ever I loved thee my Jesus ‘tis now.
Jesus is passing this way …….
108. PRAISE TO THE LORD this way ……. today ……….
Jesus is passing this way …..….
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, is passing this way today
The King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, 2. Is there a heart that has wander’d,
For he is your health and salvation. Come with thy burden today?
All yea who hear, Mercy is tenderly pleading,
Now to his altar draw near, Jesus is passing this way.
Join in profound adoration.
3. Is there a heart that is broken,
2. Praise to the Lord, who o’er all Weary and sighing for rest?
things Come to the arms of the savior;
So wondrously reigneth; Pillow thy head on his breast.
Shelters thee under his wings yea,
So gently sustaineth. 110. HE KNOWS MY NAME
Has thou, not seen,
1. I Have A Maker He Formed My Heart
How thy desires e’er have been,
Before Even Time Began My Life
Granted in what he ordaineth.
Was In His Hands

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
He Knows My Name Let Thy glory, let Thy glory
He Knows My Every Thought Let Thy glory be over all the earth
He Sees Each Tear That Falls
And He Hears Me When I Call 113. BLEST BE THE LORD

2. I Have A Father He Calls Me His Own Blest be the Lord, blest be the Lord
He’ll Never Leave Me No Matter The God of mercy, the God who saves.
Where I Go I shall not fear, the dark of night,
Nor the arrow that flies by day.
1. He will release me from the nets of
1. To Jesus’ heart all burning all the foes
With fervent love for men, He will protect me from their
My heart with fondest yearning wicked hands.
Shall rise the joyful slain. Beneath the shadow of his wings I
will rejoice
While ages course along, To find a dwelling place secure.
Blessed be withy loudest song
2. I need not shrink before the terrors
The sacred heart of Jesus,
of the night,
By every heart and tongue.
Nor stand alone before the light of day.
No harm shall come to me, no arrow
2. O heart for me on fire
strike me down,
With love no man can speak,
No evil settle in my soul.
My yet untold desire,
God gives me for thy sake. 3. Although a thousand strong have
fallen at my side
3. Too true I have forsaken I’ll not be shaken with the Lord at
Thy flock by willful sin; hand.
Yet now let me be taken His faithful love is all the armour
Back to thy fold again. that I need
To wage my battle with my foe.
112. BE EXALTED O God (I will give
thanks to thee)
I will give thanks to Thee
O Lord among the people Don’t worry about food or what you
I will sing praises to Thee are to wear
Among the nations Is life not more precious by far?
For Thy steadfast love is great Christ clothes you in His image and
It is great to the heavens feeds you with his flesh,
And Thy faithfulness, And loves you as you are.
Thy faithfulness to the clouds.
1. Lord, hear me, I am a hungry man.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens I’ve had a craving since before the
Let Thy glory be over all the earth world began.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Where shall I find bread that I may The fields are white in the world
eat my fill And we are Your labourers in Your
And feed my weakening will. vineyard,
Declaring the Word of the Lord
2. Lord, I drink and still thirst for more,
I hear your living water go rushing Who was and Who is and Who is to come
past my door. Who was and Who is and Who is to come
Give me to drink, assuage my
burning thirst.
And leave my soul immersed. For God so loved the world
That he gave his only son
3. Lord, I’m pauper before the throne Eternal life he gives
of God To those who believe Believe in him
I am in tatters, my feet are unshod
I would have virue to hide my Jesus is standing
nakedness At the door of your heart
Lord, who will give me dress? And if you welcome him
He will enter inside of you (Rev. 3:20)
I am the light of the world
These are the days of Elijah, And if you will follow me
Declaring the word of the Lord There won’t be a time of darkness
And these are the days of Your servant In your life forever more
Righteousness being restored So shout alleluia Amen
And though these are days of great You who believe in the name of Jesus
trials, And if you welcome him
Of famine and darkness and sword He will enter inside of you.
Still we are the voice in the desert
crying, 117. God SO LOVED THE WORLD
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord”
God so loved the world,
Behold he comes, Riding on the clouds God so loved the world,
Shining like the sun, at the trumpets That he gave his only begotten son,
call That who so believeth in him,
So lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee should not perish,
And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes Should not perish but have everlasting life.

And these are the days of Ezekiel, For God sent not his son into the world
The dry bones becoming as flesh To condemn the world,
And these are the days of Your servant God sent not his son into the world to
David, condemn the world
Rebuilding a temple of praise But that through him may be saved.
And these are the days of the harvest,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
118. HE PAID A DEBT But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
He paid a debt, He did not owe I owed a
debt, Why should I gain from His reward?
I could not pay I needed someone to I cannot give an answer
wash my sins away But this I know with all my heart
And now I sing a brand new song His wounds have paid my ransom
Amazing grace
Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could 120. HOW LOVELY ON THE
never pay MOUNTAINS

How lovely on the mountains are the

The love that Jesus had for me
feet of him; good news; a
To suffer on the cruel, cruel tree…
Announcing peace, proclaiming news
The bitter sorrow, He ever bore because
of me of happiness
And now the crown of thorns Our God reigns (x6)
He wore with the merit of his precious
He had no stately form he had no
Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could majesty that we should be drawn to
never pay. him.
He was despised and we took no
119. HOW DEEP THE FATHER’S LOVE account of Him, yet now he reigns with
FOR US the most high
Now he reigns, (x3) with the most high
How deep the Father’s love for us
How vast beyond all measure It was our sin and guilt that bruised and
That He would give His only Son wounded him
To make a wretch His treasure It was our sin that brought him down,
How great the pain of searing loss When we like sheep had gone astray
The Father turns His face away our shepherd came
As wounds which mar the chosen And on his shoulders bore our shame.
One Bring many sons to glory On his shoulders, (x3) he bore our
Behold the Man upon a cross
My guilt upon His shoulders Meek as a lamb that’s led out to the
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice slaughter-house,
Call out among the scoffers Dumb as a sheep before it’s shearer,
His life ran down, upon the ground like
It was my sin that held Him there pouring rain,
Until it was accomplished That we might be, born again.
His dying breath has brought me life That we might be, (x3) born again.
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything Out from the tomb he came with grace
No gifts, no powr’s, no wisdom and majesty,
He is alive, he is alive,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
God loves us so, see here his hands, his To thee whose blood can cleanse each
feet, his side, yes we know, he is alive spot?
He is alive (4) O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

121. IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL Just as I am, tho’ tossed about,

With many a conflict, many a doubt
When peace like a river attendeth my way Fighting’s within and fears with out,
When sorrows like sea bellows roll O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Whatever my lot thou has taught me
to say Just as I am, thou wilt receive,
It is well, it is well with my soul. Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, receive
Because thy promise I believe
It is well, it is well with my soul, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
with my soul It is well; it is well with
my soul Just as I am, thy love unknown,
Hath broken every barrier down
Though Satan should buffet Now to be thine, yea, thine alone,
Though trials should come O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless 123. KUBANGA MUKAMA YE
And hath shed his own blood for my
Kubanga Mukama ye musumba wange
Sirina kye ntya nze byonna biri mu ye
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious Amaanyi n’essuubi n’omutima gwange
Thought! Mukama byonna ebyo biri mu ye.
My sin, not in part but the hole
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, 1. Annyamba oyo n’andabirira nze
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Oh my sirina nakyembulako
soul Annambika bulungi nannyweza oyo
mu makubo ag’obulamu.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith
shall be sight 2. Mu bunafu obwange ankwatirako
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll ne sitaani n’amugoba
The trump shall be resound And the Okukkiriza oyo kwe nnyweza ne kibi
Lord shall descend ne kiggwaawo.
Even so, it is well with my soul
3. Mu mukono gwe oyo annyweza ne
122. JUST AS I AM walumbe nze simutya
E magombe eyo nja kuvaayo nze
Just as I am, without one plea, eyatusuubiza talemwa.
But thy blood was shed for me.
And that thou bidd’st me come to thee, 4. Laba ekijjulo ekyo kyetegese oyo
O Lamb of God, I come, I come. mu maaso g’abo abampalana
Just as I am, and waiting not, Bajjula busungu ne bewuunya abo
To rid my soul of one dark blot, olw’ebirungi by’ampadde.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
5. Mu buzibu obungi nnatyaki nze Though I walk through valleys low,
olw’omukwano gw’aninako I’ll fear no evil
Mu kazigizigi oyo mbeera mugumu By the waters still my soul,
nze tanjabulira ankuuma. my heart will trust in you

O you mourn with me and you dance

6. Ekisa n’omukwano by’ampadde oyo
with me
For my heart of hearts is bound to you.
Ndyesiima ndiba mukuyimba
mu weema ye oyo emirembe 126. NZE NNESIGA DDUNDA
Nze nnesiga Ddunda Mukama wange
124. MY God LOVES ME Buli ekigwawo, buli ekirijja sirinyeenya
Nnyweeredde ku Ggwe Mukama wange
My God loves me, His love will never end
He rests within my heart! For my God Mmwe nsi zonna musaakanye n’essanyu
loves me Mukube emizira nga mugulumiza
erinnya ly’Omukama
His gentle arm, He stretches over me Nga lisusse lya magero, nga lisusse lya
Though storm clouds threaten the day, magero
He will set me free N’obuyinza bwe tebuddirira

He comes to me, In sharing bread and Mmwe nsi zonna musaakanye n’essanyu
wine Mukube emizira nga mugulumiza
He brings me life that will reach past the erinnya ly’Omukama
end of time Nga bususse bwa magero, nga bususse
bwa magero
My God loves me, His faithful love endures N’obuyinza bwe tebuddirira
And I will live like a child, held in love
secure Mmwe nsi zonna musaakanye n’essanyu
Mukube emizira nga mugulumiza
The joys of love, as offerings now we erinnya ly’Omukama
bring Nga kirungi kya magero, nga kirungi kya
The pains of love will be lost in the praise magero
we sing N’obuyinza bwe tebuddirira


I’ll walk closer now on the higher way O God how full of wonder
Through the darkest night will you hold How full of splendour you are
my hand
Jesus, guide my way I see your beauty reflected
Your majesty sounds in my ear
O you counsel me and you comfort me In laughter of babes and of children
When I cannot see, you light my path In skies star studded and clear

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
In rapture I gaze at your beauty To the highways and byways, and
Dumbfounded I contemplate love force them to come in
That you should be mindful of me, Lord My table must filled before the
Should fill me with strength from above banquet can begin.
I cannot come ………….
You made me in your image
Adopted me your son
4. Now God has written a lesson for
You called me; you signed me and sent
me the rest of mankind,
To help you to make all men one. If we are slow in responding, he may
leave us behind,
128. I CANNOT COME He’s preparing a banquet for that
great and glorious day,
I cannot come to the banquet, don’t When the Lord and master calls us
trouble me now, be certain not to say;
I have married a wife, I have bought me I cannot come ……………
a cow,
I have fields and commitments that 129. O WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY
cost a pretty sum, O what a wonderful, wonderful day
Pray hold me excuse, I cannot come. Day I will never forget
After I’d wondered in darkness away
1. A certain man held a feast on his fine
Jesus my savior I met
estate in town, O what a tender, compassionate friend
He laid a festive table and wore a He met the needs of my heart
wedding gown, Shadow dispelling, with joy I am telling
He sent invitations to his friends far He made all the darkness depart
and wide,
But when the meal was ready, each Heaven came down and glory filled
one of them replied; my soul
I cannot come…………… When at the cross my savior made me
2. The master rose up in anger, called
his servants by name said; My sins were washed away
Go into the town fetch the and the And my night was turned to day
lame, Heaven came down and glory filled
Fetch the peasant and pauper for my soul
this I have willed;
My banquet must be crowded and Born of the Spirit with life from above
my table must be filled. Into God’s family divine
Justified fully through Calvary’s love
I cannot come ………….
O what a standing is mine
3. When all the poor had assembled And then transaction so quickly was
there was still room to spare; made
So the master demanded; go search When as a sinner I came
Took of the offer of grace he did proffer
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
He saved me o praise his dear name Some men are money-mad
Now I have hope that will surely endure Go about richly clad
After the passing of time Seeking the rainbow’s end I tell you,
I have a future in Heaven for sure God will surely repay
They’re in those mansions sublime All those who give away to any one in need
When at the cross I believe
Riches eternal and blessings Some men are barely fed
supernatural Begging their crust of bread
From his precious hand received From dawn to setting sun
I tell you God will give liberty
130. REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS To those in poverty, a feast to everyone
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I
say, “Rejoice!” Some men are neither-nor
Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say, Life rushes by their door
“Rejoice!” Leaving them far behind I tell you.
Jump in and join the fight
131. SALVATION BELONGS TO OUR Stand up for what is right, serve God in
God mankind

Salvation belongs to our God 133. SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM

Who sits upon the throne OF God
And unto the Lamb Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Praise and Glory And His righteousness
Wisdom and thanks And all these things shall be added unto
Honour and power and strength you
Be to our God forever and ever Allelu, alleluia
Be to our God forever and ever Man does not live by bread alone
Be to our God forever and ever, But by every word
Amen That proceeds from the mouth of God
Allelu, alleluia (Mt 4:4)
And we, the redeemed shall be strong
In purpose and unity Ask and it shall be given unto you
Declaring aloud Seek and ye shall find
Praise and Glory Knock and the door shall be opened
Wisdom and thanks unto you
Honour and power and strength Allelu, alleluia
1. Jesus Christ told his disciples
Seek first the Kingdom of heaven Ask the father for his help
And all the rest will fall in line
Give God his due and God will give
Try, try, try again; for I promise you
back to you
Ask and you will receive, knock and the
Turn your water into wine
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
door will be opened, seek, seek, seek The snare of the fowler will never
and you will always find. capture you,
And famine will bring you no fear,
2. When in need of his assistance Under His wings your refuge,
Just kneel down and ask for help His faithfulness your shield.
You need not fear the terror of the night,
3. All the poor and all the suffering Nor the arrow that flies by day,
All the lonely and the sick, Though thousands fall about you,
Try……………… Near you it shall not come.

135. PETER For to His Angels He’s given a command,

to guard you in all your ways,
Come to me over the water, Peter, Upon their hands they will bear you up,
walk on the waves of the storming sea. Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
I know your boat is frail and fragile,
But believe in me. 137. SEEK THE LORD

1. I can do anything when faith Seek the Lord, you who are poor,
doesn’t waken. And your hearts will revive.
See, the sea sleeps in the palm of Seek the Lord, you who are poor,
my hand, And your hearts will revive.
My love’s a light that leads like a
beacon to the Promised Land. 1. This is my prayer to you, O my God,
In your great love answer me O my
2. People called out from the burning God,
desert With your help that never fails,
I turned rock to a bubbling spring Lord answer my prayer, answer my
He who believes will never be prayer.
wanting for anything.
2. As for me in my poverty and my
136. ON EAGLE’S WINGS pain,
Let your help, O God.
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Lift me up, lift me up
Who abide in His shadow for life, I will praise God’s name here in my
Say to the Lord, ‘‘My refuge, song.
My rock in whom I trust”
3. The poor in spirit will be glad,
And He will raise you up on eagle’s And those whose hearts seek God
wings, will revive, will revive,
Bear you on the breath of dawn, The Lord listens to those who sing
Make you to shine like the sun, God’s praise.
And hold you in the palm of His hand. Lord answer my prayer, answer my
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
138. I COME TO THEE 6. And so through all the length of days,
Your goodness fails me never,
1. I come to thee once more my God Good shepherd may I sing your praise
No longer will I roam Within your house forever.
For I have sought the wide world
through 140. BE THOU MY VISION (1)
And never found a home.
1. Be thou my vision, through night and
2. Though bright and many are the spots come day
Where I have built a nest Light on me always, thy spirit to stay
Yet in the brightest still I pinned for Thou, eternal father, the great and
more abiding rest. the last
The wise and true sov’reign of all that
3. Riches could bring me joy and power shall pass.
And they were fair to see
2. Be thou my wisdom, my staff and my
Yet gold was but a sorry
God to serve instead of thee.
Shine through the darkness, give
139. THE KING OF LOVE light to my way!
Be thou the true source of all I enjoy
1. The king of love my shepherd is, So, let carnal pleasures no longer
Whose goodness fails me never, annoy.
I nothing lack if I am his
And he is mine for ever. 3. Be thou my guardian my sword in
the fight
2. Where streams of living water flow, Be thou my dignity thou my delight
With gentle care he leads me, Thou my soul’s shelter, and thou my
And when the verdant pastures grow high tow’r
With heav’nly food he feeds me. Wilt thou raise me heaven ward, o
pow’r of my pow’r.
3. Perverse and foolish I have strayed, 4. Riches I heed not, or man’s empty
But yet in love he sought me, praise
And on his shoulder comfort still, Thou my in-her-ri-tance, now and
Your cross before to guide me. always
Thou and thou only, still first in my
4. In death’s dark vale I fear no ill, heart
with you dear Lord, beside me The high king of heaven my treasure
Your rod and staff my comfort still thou art.
Your cross before to guide me.
5. High king of heaven, my victory won
5. You spread a table in my sight, May I reach heaven’s joys, o bright
Your saving grace bestowing, heaven’s sun!
And O what joy true delight Heart of my own heart, whatever
From your pure chalice flowing. be-fall
Still be thou my vision, o ruler of all.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
141. BE THOU MY VISION (2) In thy pleasant pastures feed us, for
our use thy folds prepare
Be thou my Vision, o Lord of my heart; Blessed Jesus Blessed Jesus; thou
Naught be all else to me, save that thou art hast bought us, Thine we are x2
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping thy presence my light 2. We are thine; do thou befriend us,
be the guardian of our way,
Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word Keep thy flock from sin, defend us,
I ever with thee and thou with my Lord; seek us when we go astray;
Thou and thou only, first in my heart, Blessed Jesus Blessed Jesus; Hear, O
High King of heaven, my Treasure thou art hear us when we pray x2

High King of heaven, my victory won, 3. Thou hast promised to receive us,
May I reach heaven’s joy, o bright poor and sinful though we be;
heaven’s Sun! Thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace
Heart of my own heart, what ever be fall, to cleanse and pow’r to free;
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all. Blessed Jesus Blessed Jesus; Early let
us turn to thee x2
4. Early let us seek thy favor, Early let
There is a candle in every soul us do thy will
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold Blessed Lord and only savior, with
There is a Spirit who brings fire thy love our bosoms fill
Ignites a candle and makes His home Blessed Jesus Blessed Jesus, thou
hast loved us, love us still x2 Amen
Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn 144. ABIDE WITH ME
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world 1. Abide with me, fast falls the eventide,
Take your candle, and go light your world The darkness deepens, Lord, abide
with me!
Frustrated brother, see how he’s tried to
When other helpers fail, and comforts
Light his own candle some other way
See now your sister, she’s been robbed
and lied to Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
Still holds a candle without a flame
2. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little
We are a family whose hearts are blazing
Earth’s joy grow dim, its glories pass
So let’s raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest times Change and decay in all around I see,
O thou changest not abide with me.
US 3. I need thy presence every passing
1. Savior like a shepherd lead us, much What but thy grace can foil the
we need thy tender care;
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
tempter’s power? enduring cruel
Who like thyself my guide and stay Reproaches willing to suffer others to
can be? save.
Through cloud and sunshine, O
abide with me. O to be like thee I am coming
To receive the anointing divine all that
4. I fear no foe with the at hand to bless, I am
Ills have no weight, ands tears no And have I am bringing Lord from this
bitterness. moment all shall be thine.
Where is death’s string? Where, grave,
thy victory? 146. CLOSE TO THEE
I triumph still, if thou abide with me.
Close to thee x4
5. Hold thou thy cross before my
1. Thou my ever lasting portion, more
closing eyes;
than friend or life to me;
Shine through the gloom, and point
All along my pilgrim journey, savior
me to the skies;
let me walk with thee.
Heaven’s morning breaks and earth’s
vain shadows flee;
2. Not for ease or worldly pleasure, nor
In life in death, O Lord, abide with me.
for fame my prayer shall be;
145. TO BE LIKE THEE Gladly will I toil and suffer, only let
me walk with thee.
To be like thee o to be like thee blessed
Redeemer pure as 3. Lead me through the vale of
Thou art come in thy sweetness come in shadows; bear me o’er life’s fitful sea,
thy fullness Then the gate of life eternal, may I
Stamp thine own-I-mage deep on my enter Lord with thee.
O to be like thee blessed Redeemer
May the Lord bless us all the days of
This is my constant longing and prayer
our life x2
gladly I’ll
Forfeit all of earth’s treasures Jesus thy
1. O blessed are those who fear the
perfect likeness to wear.
O to be like thee full of compassion Who walk in his ways,
Loving forgiving tender and kind For you will e happy and prosper.
helping the helpless cheering
The fainting seeking the wand’ring 2. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine
sinner sinner to find. Your children will be like olives that
sprout round your table.
O to be like thee in spirit
Holy and harmless patient and brave 3. O blessed are you who fear the
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Lord, for you will be blest for all of 3. Time is now fleeting, the moments
the days of your being. are passing,
Passing from you and from me,
148. TEN LEPPERS Shadows are gathering, death beds
are coming,
Ten unclean had nowhere to go. Coming for you and for me.
Ten men cleansed as clean as snow
One returned to give God thanks 4. Oh! For the wonderful love he has
But nine went away. promised,
Promised for you and for me,
Ten men lepers in a Hebrew town, ten Tho’ we have sinned, he has mercy
crying; and pardon,
“Lord, won’t you please come down” Pardon for me and for you.
No hope near till one fine day
Jesus of Nazareth passed that way. 150. HAIL REDEEMER
Lord make me clean, was their single cry. 1. Hail redeemer, King divine!
See how the whole world passes us by Priest and lamb, the throne is thine;
No man’s home will take us in King, whose reign shall never cease,
Then Christ bent down to touch their Prince of everlasting peace!

Like a tree when its buds come through Angels, saints and nations sing
Or a patch of spring that is fresh and new Praised be Jesus Christ our King
Christ restored the ones defiled, Lord of life, earth, sky and sea
Gave them a flesh of a new born child King of love on Calvary.

149. SOFTLY AND TENDERLY 2. King, whose name creation thrills

Rule our minds, our hearts, our wills,
1. Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, Till in peace each nation rings,
Calling for you and for me. With thy praises, King of Kings!
See on the portals, he’s watching
and waiting 3. King most Holy, King of truth,
Watching for you and for me. Guide the lowly, guide the youth
Come home, come home! Christ, thou King of glory bright,
Ye who are weary come home Be to us eternal light!
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
Calling, oh sinner come home! 4. Shepherd – King o’er mountains steep,
Homeward bring the wand’ring sheep,
2. Why should we tarry when Jesus is Shelter in one royal fold,
pleading? States and Kingdoms new and old.
Pleading for you and for me,
Why should we linger and heed not
his mercies?
Mercies for you and for me.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
151. BLESSED ASSURANCE Flow River Flow Flood The Nations
With Grace & Mercy
1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Send Forth Your Word
Oh what a fore taste of glory Lord And Let There Be Light
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, 2. Lord We Come To Your Awesome
Born of his Spirit, washed in his Presence
blood. From The Darkness Into Your Radiance
By Your Blood We May Enter Your
This is my story, this is my song, Brightness
Praising my savior all the day long; Search Me Try Me Consume All My
This is my story, this is my song, Darkness
Praising my savior all the day long; Shine On Me x2

2. Perfect submission, perfect delight, 3. As We Gaze On Your Kingly Brightness

Visions of rapture now burst on my So Our Faces Display Your Likeness
sight; Ever Changing From Glory To Glory
Angels descending, bring from Mirrored Here May Our Lives
above Tell the Story
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Shine On Me x2
3. Perfect submission, all is at rest, 153. O God OUR HELP IN AGES PAST
I in my savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking 1. O God our help in ages past,
above, Our hope for years to come,
Filled with his goodness, lost in his Our shelter from the stormy blast,
love. And our eternal home!

152. SHINE, JESUS SHINE 2. Under the shadow of thy throne,

Thy saints have dwelt secure;
1. Lord The Light Of Your Love Is Sufficient is thine arm alone,
Shining And our defence is sure.
In The Midst Of The Darkness
3. Before the hills in norder stood,
Or earth received her frame,
Jesus Light Of The World Shine Upon
From everlasting thou art God,
To endless years the same.
Set Us Free By The Truth You Now
Bring Us 4. A thousand ages in thy sight,
Shine On Me x2 Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night,
Shine Jesus Shine Fill This Land Before the rising sun.
With The Father’s Glory
Blaze Spirit Blaze Set Our Hearts On 5. Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
Fire Bears all its sons away;
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
They fly forgotten, as a dream- Now God has written a lesson for the rest
Dies at the op’ning day. of man kind
If we are slow in responding,
6. O God our help in ages past, He may leave us behind
Our hope for years to come, He’s preparing a banquet for that great
Be thou our guard while troubles last, and glorious day
And our eternal home. When the lord and master calls you,
Be certain not to say….
A certain man held a feast on his fine
estate in town
When the music fades
He laid a festive table, and wore a
All is stripped away
wedding gown
And I simply come, Longing just to bring
He sent invitations to his friends far and
Something that’s of worthy
That will bless your name
But when the meal was ready, each of
them replied
I’m coming back to the heart of worship
I cannot come to the banquet And it’s all about you It’s all about you
Don’t trouble me now I have married
a wife
I’m sorry Lord for the things I’ve made it
I have bought me a cow
When it’s all about It’s all about you
I have fields and commitments that
cost a pretty sum
Pray, hold me excused I cannot come. I will bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
The master rose up in anger, called his Is not what you have required
servants by name You search much deeper within
Said go into the town, fetch the blind Through the way things appear
and the lame You’re looking into my heart
Fetch the peasant and the pauper, for
this I have willed King of endless worth
My banquet must be crowded and my No one could express
table must be filled How much you desire
Though I’m weak and poor
When all the poor had assembled there All I have is yours
was still room to spare Every single breath.
So the master demanded,
Go search every where
In the high ways and the byways Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet,
And force them to come in And a light unto my path.
My table must be filled before the Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet,
banquet can begin
And a light unto my path.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
1. When I feel afraid, think I’ve lost my with us still,
way, And with all who will trust and obey.
Still, YouÆre there right beside me.
And nothing will I fear, as long as Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
You are near, To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and
Please be near me to the end. obey.
Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the
2. I will not forget Your love for me skies,
and yet, But His smile quickly drives it away;
My heart forever is wandering. Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Jesus be my guide, and hold me to Can abide while we trust and obey.
Your side, And I will love You to the
end. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we
157. THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a
The love I have for you my LORD cross,
Is only a shadow of your love for me But is blessed if we trust and obey.
Only a shadow of your love for me
You’re deep abiding love But we never can prove the delights of
My life is in your hands (2) His love
Until all on the altar we lay; For the favor
My love for you will grow, my God
He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Your light in me will shine Are for them who will trust and obey.
My own belief in you my LORD
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at
Is only a shadow of your faith in me
His feet,
Only a shadow of your faith in me
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way;
You’re deep abiding faith
What He says we will do, where
The dreams I have today my LORD He sends we will go; Never fear, only
Are only a shadow of your dreams for me trust and obey.
Only a shadow of your dreams for me
If I but follow you. 159. TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS

Turn your eyes upon Jesus

The joy I feel today my LORD Look full in His wonderful face
Are only a show of your joy for me And the things of earth
Only a show of your joy for me Will grow strangely dim
When we met face to face. In the light of His glory and grace.
Turn your thoughts upon Jesus
When we walk with the Lord in the light Drink deep of His comforting love
of His Word, And the thoughts of sin
What a glory He sheds on our way! And self and strife
While we do His good will, He abides Will be lost in that rapture above.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
160. T WANDIBADDE TUTYA 5. Kwagala kwo Yezu, gyendi nze
kusuffu, wasaasira nze n’ombita
Twandibadde tutya singa Kristu teyajja? n’ofa okubeera nze. (Lugaba)
Twandibadde wa ffe Ha! Kristu
yeebazibwe. 6. Zaakuyinga Yezu, zaakukaabya
taata, n’okomererwa ku musaalaba,
Twandibadde bubi,
n’ofa okubeera nze. (Lugaba)
Twandibuze ffenna Kristu yatulonda

Twandifudde bubi, 7. Bw’otyo ng’onjagadde, nange ka

Ffe nno aboonoonyi Kristu yatulokola nkusenge,Mbeere wuwo ggwe
mukama wange naawe obe
Twandibadde bubi, owange (Lugaba)
Mu kizikiza eky’ekibi Yatuwa ekitangala
Gwanditusinze nnyo,
Ne tuvumirirwa ffenna Kristu yeebazibwe Blessed are they who are poor in spirit
Theirs is the kingdom of God
Twandibadde b’ani, Bless us O Lord make us poor in spirit
Yanditwefuze ffenna Sitaani twamuwona Bless us O lord our God
161. WANJAGALA NNYO We are the light of the world
May our light shine before men
Wanjagala nnyo Mukama wange,
That they may see the good that we do
wambita Lugaba.
And give glory to God
Nze atalina bwendi mumaaso go
n’okkiriza mbe omwana. Blessed are they who are meek and
1. Nze ani gwe walonda, nze ani gwe They will inherit the earth
waganza, nze ani gwe wabiita, nze Bless us O Lord make us meek and
omwonoonyi bwenti. (Lugaba) humble
Bless us O Lord our God
2. Yezu ekisa kyo, kingi nze nkitenda,
Blessed are they who will mourn in sorrow
Anti ggwe wasiima okunfuula
They will be comforted
Bless us O Lord when we share the sorrow
Bless us O Lord our God
3. Byenkola nze taata, bingi bye
bikyamu, Blessed those who hunger and thirst for
Mu maasogo nze ne nswala ate justice
ggwe n’onganza.(Lugaba) They will be satisfied
Bless us O Lord hear our cry for justice
4. Bwentyo nga nkunyomye, Bless us O Lord our God
bwentyo nga nkugaanye,
tewandeka kuwaba kubula wajja Blessed are they who show others
era onnoonye. (Lugaba)
They will know mercy too

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Bless us O Lord hear our cry for mercy Do thy friends despise, forsake thee
Bless us O Lord our God Take it to the Lord in prayer
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee
Blessed the heart that are clean and You will find a solace there.
They will behold the lord 164. WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE
Bless us O Lord make us pure and holy
Bless us O Lord our God Let the weak say I am strong
And let the poor say I am rich
Blessed are they who bring peace Let the blind say I can see
among you It’s what the Lord has done for me
They are children of God
Bless us O Lord may your peace be with us Hosanna, Hosanna
Bless us O Lord our God To the lamb that was slain
Blessed those who suffer from Hosanna, Hosanna
persecution Jesus died and rose again
Theirs is the kingdom of God
Bless us O Lord when they persecute us Into the river I will wade
Bless us O Lord our God And there my sins are washed away
From the heaves mercy streams
163. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN Of the saviour’s love for me
I will rise from waters deep
What a friend we have in Jesus Into the saving arms of God
All our sins and griefs to bear I will sing salvation songs
What a privilege to carry Jesus Christ has set me free.
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what peace we often forfeit 165. WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE
Oh, what needless pain we bear FOR ME
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer 1. What the Lord has done for me,
I cannot tell it all X3
Have we trials and temptations He saved me and washed me with
Is there trouble anywhere blood.
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer So I will sing Alleluia, I will shout Alleluia,
Can we find a friend so faithful I will sing, Praise the Lord. X2
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus knows our every weakness 2. What the Lord has done for us ….
Take it to the Lord in prayer we will sing ….

Are we weak and heavy-laden? 3. What the Lord has done for you
Cumbered with a load of care ….. you will sing ….
Precious Savior, still our refuge
4. In the name Jesus Christ, I have a
Take it to the Lord in prayer
victory …. I will sing Alleluia….
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
166. AI NYAKUBAHO NYAKUSINGA You alone are my strength, my shield
NIIWE To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart’s desire
Ai Nyakubaho, Nyakusinga niiwe, And I long to worship Thee
Ndyaguma ninyeshongorera
ery’eiziina ryawe. You’re my friend and you are my brother
Even though you are a king
Embabazi zawe nyingi zinkwatirire, I love you more than any other
Nshagatairwe agaawe ababisha So much more than anything
I want you more than gold or silver
N’obunzongazonga, ensi nemba Only you can satisfy
ahamutwe, You alone are the real joy giver
Ahabwawe ntinkagwa, okuba And the apple of my eye
Mukama k’ori murungi, oinamura boona,
Oyimamura boona, abakwehitsya Because he lives,
boona. I can face tomorrow,
Because he lives, all fears’ gone
167. K ANKUTAKIRE TAATA And now I know he holds my future
And life is worth a living just because
Kankutakire Taata, Nyamuhanga, he lives.
Omp’amaani n’obwengye, nkuhereze
1. God sent His son, we call him Jesus
He came to love, heal and forgive
Omubantu baawe, Nyamuhanga,
He lived and died, to buy my pardon
Nshembutsyemu rukundo yaawe
And life is worth a living just
because he lives.
Omu mutima gwangye Nyamuhanga,
Nshembutsyemu Mutima waawe 2. How sweet to embrace, the cross of
Nyamuhanga. Jesus
For thru’ his pain, he died for us
Omu bweremwa bwangye Nyamuhanga, He paved a way to reach the father
Nyijuzamu omuhimbo gwawe And life is worth a living just
Nyamuhanga. because he lives.

168. AS THE DEER PANTETH 3. And then one day, I will cross the river,
I’ll fight lives final war with pain
As the deer panteth for the water But greater still gives way to victory
So my soul longeth after Thee And life is worth a living just
You alone are my heart’s desire
because he lives.
And I long to worship Thee

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
170. BRING NEW LIFE IN MY HEART In chill isolation his night’s work was
Bring new life in my heart But it melted away with the warm
Bring new life in my heart morning sun
Bring new life in my heart
To proclaim your love I know a man who built out of straw
The flimsiest fellow that you ever saw
Open my eyes, Lord to see you in my One day a spark set it to flame
life x2 And nothing was left to remember his
Reveal your truth Lord, to trust you in name.
my life x2
Let your kingdom come, your kingdom 172. HE HOLDS MY LIFE
in my life x2
He holds my life, Jesus the man of
171. CHRIST IS MY ROCK Calvary
Whether day or night, Rain or shine He
Christ is my rock, my refuge, my leads the way
Firm as the tree’s root that clutches He stills the raging storms of my life
the land And gives me peace
He who has faith builds without worry No one has loved me much as he’s done
Not like the man who builds upon Giving his life for me
sand O what a friend, O what a friend that
I set my house on a solid foundation Jesus is.
Christ is my rock, the root of my soul’s
recreation He is my all, Jesus the man of Calvary
I will praise his name Because he’s done
I know a man who loved to live free so much for me.
He pitched his tent by the side of the
It stood near the surf and was washed
by the spray I, the lord of sea and sky, I have heard my
Till one day a wave come and washed people cry,
it away All who dwell in dark and sin, My hand
will save.
I know a man who loved to live high I who made the stars of night,
He built his castle near up to the sky I will make their darkness bright,
Through summer and spring, it stood Who will bear my light to them?
pretty well Whom shall I send?
When winter winds whistled, it toppled
and fell Here I am lord - Is it I, lord
I have heard you calling in the night.
I know a man, a cool one to know I will go lord, if you lead me,
He built his house out of ice and of I will hold your people in my heart.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
I, the lord of snow and rain, the son
I have borne my people’s pain But purer and higher and greater will be
I have wept for love of them, They turn Our wonder our rapture when Jesus we see
I will break their hearts of stone, 175. HOW MANY TIMES
Give them hearts for love alone,
I will speak my word to them, Whom How many times must his people be told
shall I send? Before they know they are one
How many times must he die for their sins?
Before they know what he’s done
I, the lord of wind and flame,
How many times must he offer his life?
I will tend the poor and lame,
Before the victory is won
I will set a feast for them, My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide The answer my friend,
Till their hearts be satisfied; is deep in your heart
I will give my life to them, Whom shall I The answer is deep in your heart
How many times must we offer this bread?
174. TO God BE THE GLORY The body of God made man
How many times must we offer this wine?
To God be the glory, great things he has Before we all understand
done How many times must we stumble and fall
So loved he the world that he gave us Before we reach for his hand
his son How many times must he call out your
Who yielded his life in atonement for sin name?
And opened the life gates that all may Before you know that it’s true
go in How many times must he tell you to come?
Before you know what to do
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord How many times must he show us his love?
Let the earth hear his voice Before we know it is true
Praise the Lord praise the Lord
Let the people rejoice How many times must the sick look up?
O come to the father through Jesus the son And find there is no one to care?
And give him the glory great things he How many times must I stumble and
has done fall?
Before you offer a hand
O perfect redemption the purchase of How many times must I reach through
blood these bars?
To every believer the promise of God Before you give me the keys?
And every offender who truly believes How many times must a curtain be drawn
That moment from Jesus a pardon Before you know that I’m there?
received How many times must I wander alone?
Before you call me a friend?
Great things he has taught us, great When you are gathered there in my
things he has done name,
And great our rejoicing through Jesus There I am in your midst.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Praise the Lord, let ev’ryone sing it! The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want
Praise the Lord, let ev’ryone praise He makes me down to lie in pastures green
Praise the Lord, let ev’ryone shout it! He leadeth the quite waters by
Praise the Lord, let ev’ryone praise!
My soul He doth restore again
Praise the Lord on trumpet and drums, now! And me to walk doth make within the
Praise the Lord on psalt’ry and harp paths of righteousness
Praise the Lord for he is almighty! Ev’n for his own name’s sake
Praise the Lord, for he is our King! Yea, though I walk in death’s dark valley
Yet will I fear non ill
Praise the Lord with singing and dancing! For thou art with me,
Praise the Lord by clapping your hands and thy rod And staff me comfort still
Praise the Lord on trumpet and shaker!
Praise the Lord on bass and guitar! My table thou hast furnished
In presence of my foes
Praise the Lord with crashing of My head thou dost with oil anoint
cymbals! And my cup overflows
Praise the Lord with tinkling of bells! Goodness and mercy all my life
Praise the Lord, O let your soul praise him! Shall surely follow me
Praise the Lord, O let us sing praise And in God’s house for evermore
My dwelling- place shall be.
Lord you know all FALL
You know all about me
Though the mountains may fall
Lord you know all about me
And the hills turn to dust
Yet the love of the lord will stand
1. You know when I sit and when I As a shelter to all who will call on his
stand up name
You know what I think Sing the praise and the glory of God
2. You see when I walk and when I’m Could the lord ever leave you
sleeping Could the lord forget his love
What I eat and drink Though a mother forsake her child
3. You know what I say before I say it, He will not abandon you. (Is 49:15)
Every little sound Should you turn and forsake him
He will gently call your name,
4. You are here in front and here Should you wonder away from him
behind me He will always take you back.
You are all around.
Go to him when you’re weary
He will give you eagle’s wings
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
You will run never tire For your 181. WONDERFUL, MERCIFUL
God will be your strength (Is 40:31) SAVIOUR

As he swore to your fathers Wonderful, merciful Saviour

When the flood destroyed the land Precious Redeemer and Friend
He will never forsake you Who would have thought that a
He will swear to you again Lamb could rescue the souls of men
Oh you rescue the souls of men
You are the One that we praise
With joyful lips O Lord, You are the One we adore
I will sing your praise You give the healing and grace Our
I will sing your praise hearts always hunger for
You are feast for my soul Oh, our hearts always hunger for

1. Lord you are my God and my hope Counsellor, Comforter, Keeper

My soul thirst after you Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
2. Your Glory I behold in the temple Hopelessly lost the way
Your majesty enthroned Oh, we hopelessly lost the way

Almighty, infinite Father

3. More beautiful than life is your Glory
Faithfully loving Your own
My lips shall sing your praise
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
4. So all my life I bless you O Lord
Oh, we’re falling before Your throne.
To you I lift my hands

5. As one that you have called to your 182. YOU ARE MY ALL IN ALL
feast You are my strength when I am weak
My heart gives thanks to you You are the treasure that I seek You are
my all in all
6. The shadow of your wings is my Seeking you as a precious jewel
shelter Lord to give up I’d be a fool You are my all
My soul clings fast to you in all
7. My thoughts have turned to you in Jesus Lamb of God Worthy is your name x2
the night
At dawn I sing your praise. Taking my sin my cross my shame
Rising again I bless your name You are my
8. For you have been the light of my soul all in all
In you I put my trust. When I fall down you pick me up
When I am dry you fill my cup You are my
9. To Father, Son and Spirit give Glory all in all
Both now and ever more.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Clap around and praise the Lord x4
We shall sing and praise the Lord x4 1. O love that will not let me go,
What a Mighty God we serve x2 I rest my weary soul in thee;
I give thee back the life I owe,
The Angels fall before Him, That in thine ocean depths its flow
Heaven and earth adore Him, May reacher, fuller be.
What a Mighty God we serve.
2. O light that foll’west all my way,
Dance around and praise the Lord x4
I yield my flick’ring torch to thee;
Wave your hands and praise the Lord x4
My heart restores its borrowed ray,
I am so glad that Jesus set me free x3
That in thy sunshine’s blaze its day
I am singing glory Alleluia Jesus set me free.
May brighter, fairer be.
Smile around and praise the Lord x4
Smile around and praise the Lord x4 3. O joy that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to thee;
184. COME AWAY I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
Come away to the land of freedom That morn shall tearless be.
Come away, come away
To a land where all men are as brothers 4. O cross that liftest up my head,
Come away, come away, comw away. I dare not ask to fly from thee;
I lay in dust life’s glory dead,
1. God made land to live in; come away, And from the ground there blossoms
come away red
It’s not too far if you donot want. Life that shall endless be.
Come away, come away, come away.
2. The land is flowing with all riches,
come away, 1. Praise my soul, the King of heaven,
Happiness and other such wishes To his feet thy tribute bring.
Come away, come away, come away. Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven
Who like me his praise should sing?
3. If you want to find that land now, Praise him! Praise him! Praise him!
come away Praise him! Praise the everlasting King.
Just take my hand and you’re half
way there, 2. Praise him for his grace and favour
Come away, come away, come away. To our fathers in distress;
Praise him still the same for ever,
4. Side by side we’ll walk together;
Slow to chide and swift to bless.
come away,
Praise him! Praise him! Praise him!
And all the way we’ll love each other,
Praise him! Glorious in his faithfulness.
Come away, come away, come away.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Father – like, he tends and spares us; 4. His truth and grace fill time and
Well our feeble frame he knows; space,
In his hands he gently bears us, As large His honours be,
Rescues us from all our foes. Till all that live their homage give,
Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! And praise my God with me. Sing
Praise him! Widely as his mercy flows. Glory Halleluia,
As large His honours be, Sing Glory,
4. Angels, helps us adore Him; Halleluia,
Ye behold Him face to face; And praise my God with me.
Sun and moon bow down before Him;
Dwellers all in time and space. 188. PRAISE CHRIST
Praise him! Praise him! Praise him!
1. Praise Christ the son of the living
Praise him! Praise with us the God of
God, the son of the living God.x2

187. MY God, MY KING Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia X2

1. My God, my King, your praise I sing 2. Praise Christ the word of the Living
My heart is all your own: God, the word of the Living God. x2
My highest powers my choicest
hours. 3. Praise Christ the light of the living
I give to you alone, Sing Glory God
I give to you alone. 4. Praise Christ the joy of the living God

2. My voice awake, your part to take 5. Praise Christ the love of the living God
my soul the concert join;
Till all around shall hear the sound 189. WONDERFUL AND GREAT
and mix their hymns with mine.
Sing Glory Halleluia, My soul the 1. Wonderful and great are your works,
concert join; O Lord God Almighty.
Sing Glory Halleluia. And mix their
hymns with mine. Alleluia Alleluia (2)

3. But man is weak Your praise to 2. Just and true are your ways,
speak; to God. O King of all nations.
You angels sing. For you can see
more clear than we 3. Who shall not revere you,O Lord,
The glories of our King. Sing Glory Who shall not give glory to your
Halleluia, name!
To God you angels sing: Sing Glory You alone are Holy.
To God, you Angels sing: Sing Glory
Halleluia, The glories of our King.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION 3. Waciko ithwa man wawiny kudu
lembe pa Mungu
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia aa 1. En ma binoni en lok pa Rubanga
Himbisa Mukama iwe magara g’angye makwo

Ekigambo kyawe, Mukama kirangirirwe Alleluia Alleluia x2

Kiranganwe buziima ahantu hoona Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia aaa
Tumwevugire alleluia, alleluia
Himbisa Mukama iwe magara gangye 2. En Kristo ma okoko wan alleluia
3. En kristo ma olaro wan alleluia
Omutima gwangye, Mukama gube alleluia
obutaaho bwawe
Nkwehimbizise mu, iwe nyakundokora
Ekigambo kyawe, kiruzire kine omuranzi
Good news today, O yes good news
Kyehimbise boona, abaakwehitsya
Good news today, good news today
Good news of salvation.
Alleluia ndya kuhimbisa Ndya kuhimbise,
Ruhanga wangye Ne iziina lyawe Sing alleluia to the lord
ndirangye hoona Alleluia to the lord
Alleluia to the lord, The God of
191. ALLELUYA salvation
Alleluia x4
Alleluya alleluya, alleluya-alleluya
Alleluya alleluya, a-alleluya. 195. MUTENDEREZE OMUKAMA

Mutendereze Omukama Asaanide

TENOR Alleluuya alleluya-alleluya
Alleluya a-alleluya.
Tumutendereze munyimba
SOP} Omukama athi syombuli shayi
tumutendereze mu bivuga
sikowa omulenge waye-e,
wonna tusaakaanye
ALL} Nayi nasisho, nasho
Allelluia allelluia- allelluia Allelluia
192. LEMBE PA MUNGU allelluia- allelluia

Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia (Alleluia) 196. NENO LITASIMAMA
Alleluia Alleluia x2
Neno litasimama x2
1. Lembe pa mungu ene lembe Vitu vyote vita pita Lakini neno
mandha man manzilo litasimama
2. Lembe pa mungu ene lembe ma bi
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Dunia itapita, maisha ya tapita 200. BOKUMISA
Vitu vyote vita pita Lakini neno
litasimama Bokumisa – Kumisa nzambe wa lokumi
Utajiri utapita, umaskini utapita… Azali – Azali nzambe wa bokosi banso x2
Alleluia --- Alleluia x2
Urembo utapita, uchafu utapita… Amen --- Amen x2
1. Nzambe wa bokosi ee
Nzambe wa lokumi ee
Neno lita simama (2)
Vitu vyote vitapita lakini neno lita 2. Elikia ya Mokonzi ee
simama Nzambe wa Israeli ee

1. Uta pita utapita, uma sikiya utapita 201. SPEAK TO US

Vitu vyote vita pita lakini neno lita
simama Speak to us, dear Jesus
For you are our teacher
2. Pesa ya uta pita, uma sikiya uta pita Open our hearts to receive your word
Vitu vyote vita pita lakini neno lita
simama. You’re my friend alleluia
I know you, you know me alleluia
198. PAK RWOT ALLELUIA You are slaves no more alleluia
To me your friends alleluia
Pak Rwot Alleluia, Pak Rwot Amen (2)
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Amen You are my sheep…
An amaro Yezu, in bene imaro Yezu, I know you, you know me…
Wan wamaro Yezu, Pak Rwot Yezu. You are slaves no more ….
To me your friends
An aworo Yezu, in bene iworo Yezu,
Wan waworo Yezu, Pak Rwot Yezu. 202. KRISTO NYOMWEBAZO

Kristo nyomwebazo Kristo,

An ageno Yezu, in bene igeno Yezu, Kristo erizooba Kristo,
Wan wageno Yezu, Pak Rwot Yezu. Kristo Ebirobyoona Kristo.
1. Niwe Kigambo wa Ruhanga Owabaire
1. Mimi nitasikia, ee sauti ya bwana ariho,
Ee Mungu wangu Okwiha ira n’aira,
Alleluia x4 // Niwe Kigambo Mwene Ruhanga.

2. Mafundisho ya Bwana, ya naleta uzima. 2. Kigambo akaba ari Ruhanga,

Omukutandika, Akaba ari na
Ee Mungu wangu

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Ebintu byona niwe yabireeteire 5. Mwe mukimanye nti Omutambizi
kubaho, Omukulu asinga wuuno atuuse mu ffe.
Kandi ahatari we, tihariho kintu,
nakimwe ekyahangirwe 205. YEZU OMWANA WA Katonda

4. Omuriwe, amagara nimwe gabaire 1. Yezu Omwana wa Katonda wuuno,

gari, Azze Kigambo tumwanirize
Kanda ago magara, Atuleetere amawulire amalungi,
Gakabeera abantu omushana. Ag’oggumya emitima gyaffe.
Alleluia Alleluia (3)
5. Kigambo ogw’akaba omuntu,
Yatuura omuri itwe, 2. Yezu omugga gwa Katonda tuuka,
Aijwire embabazi, n’amazima. Abayonta tuzze tuweweere;
Ye ggwe mwe tuttira buli luyonta,
6. Twareeba ekitiinwa kye,
Abayonta tuzze tuweere.
Ekiri nk’eky’omwana omwe,
Owarugire ahari Ishe 3. Yezu amazzi ga Katonda yiika.
203. MUKAMA MULUNGI Ffe abakyafu tuzze tunaabe
Tuyambe otujjeko buli kazambi
Mukama mulungi okuba naye x3, Twamule ffena tumyanse.
Alleluia x2
S/A; Alleluia……Alleluia, Alle x3 4. Yezu enkuba ya Katonda tonnya,
Alleluia……Alle x3, Alleluiax2 Tonnyera obulamu bwaffe;
T/B; Alleluia x6 Meza mu ffe ensigo yo ggwe gye
204. MUYIMIRIRE TWANIRIZE Tukubalire obudde bwonna.
5. Yezu omwala gwa Katonda tuuka,
1. Muyimirire twanirize Kristu Kulukuta mu bulamu bwaffe;
Omuzira wuuno atuuse mu ffe. Tufune obulamu bwo buli kiseera,
Ogobe ekyeya mu ffe ffena.
2. Mwe mukimanye ye Kigambo,
Taata gwatunye wuuno atuuse mu ffe. 206. ALLELUIA

Tukwanirizza x3 Alleluia Alleluia (2) Alleluia (2)

Kristu gwe Kabona waffe ALLELUIA 1. Come, Oh Jesus strength of our
Musakanye Kristu tukwanirizza hearts.
Kristu tukukkirizza ALLELUIA 2. Come, Oh Jesus fill our lives.

3. Ffe bulijjo y’atutwala gy’ali 207. SPEAK O LORD

mu Ggulu Taata n’aba naffe 1. Speak O Lord, for your servants hear
4. Tunalema tutya x2 Speak living word touch our hearts (2)
Okuwulira amangu; Kristu wuuno 2. Speak your word and we shall be healed
mu ffe Open our minds, guide our steps (2)
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
208. STAND UP the lord has come 212. EKIGAMBO KY’OMUKAMA

Stand up the Lord has come to speak to 1. Ekigambo ky’Omukama kitumulisa

his people, amaaso
Stand up the Lord has good news, alleluia Bwe bulokofu bwaffe bwe bulamu.
Good news x3 of salvation (of salvation)
Beesiimye nnyo Kristu
Good news of salvation.
Abamuliriza by’oyogera
209. IT’S A WORD Ne babituusa nga bw’oyagala.
2. Ekigambo ky’Omukama kitugumya
It’s a word of exaltation, full of joy and
kunsi kuno
Obuzira n’amaanyi mwe tubijja
Echoes now to all creation,
Sing Alleuia sing! PETITIONS
Ooh o o …Sing Alleluia (Sing Alleluia) x3 213. OH LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

210. YAIMWE BANTU BAMUKAMA Oh Lord, listen to our prayers

We are your children, hear our pleas, Lord.
Yaimwe bantu ba Mukama,
Nimwimukye tukyakiire, 214. God OUR FATHER
Ekigambo Kya Ruhanga Ohuriire.
God the Father hear our prayers,
1. Obutoosha tukirye, nekyokurya Hear us God the Son,
ky’amagara. Holy Spirit hear our prayers
Buri kaire tukinywe, nekyokunywa Mercy on your people Lord.
215. W’EKWAI
2. Kibinga rwango
omumitima,kituhamya W’ekwai, W’ekwai.
kituhuguura, Winy leg mewa Rwot Rubanga wa (2)
Abarwaire kibakiza, kibananura
kibabukaaza. 216. WERE BAWAN

Were Bawan (2) pawingiye

Saala mawan muwakwayo
Teach us your way lord Jesus Kanyakyel. (2)
And lead us to your glory
We sing [alleluia] Singing to the Lord Awi Rwoth (2) pawingiye
We sing alleluia Saala mawan

Your words remain forever 217. BWANA SIKIA

They bind us to your glory
Bwana sikia sauti yangu (3)
Sikiya sauti yangu

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
218. KINGAINGAIT 4. Agutamba akagamba muhurre
Abo bange mbazaara ndahire
Kingaingait, kingaingait ijo Papa,
Kiirnarai so. 5. Okasaasa yasaasa muhiira
Bass: Okwe Papa ………… Kandi byonna oyehwhamu malaika

219. MIERI AMA 6. Okaronka: yakwata, yahimba

Mieri ama (2) Opila mieri ama (mieri ama) Ego, bambi okahimba yaheeka
Ama alioru alioru ada vini ba candibe.
7. Alimweta Agutamba ahikya kwo
220. GWE TUYAMBE Akatamba mubyona atufaaho

Gwe tuyambe ayi Mukama 8. Omuzaire na mwana na myoyo

Otuwe ebyetago byaffe Ndayeho ogu ntakyaina mutaano


Maria nyina Katonda, tuyambe tuli All that we have and all we offer
baana bbo Comes from a heart both frightened
Tusabire, eri Katonda, atuwe bye and free
twetaga. Take what we bring now and give what
we need
222. AI Katonda WULIRA All done in his name
Some men rely on their power,
Ayi Katonda wulira essaala zaffe,
Others put trust in their gold;
otuwe kyetukusaba nga tuyita mu Yezu Some men have only their saviour,
Kristu Whose faithfulness never grows old

OFFERTORY Sometimes the road may be lonesome,

Often we may lose our way;
223. AGUTAMBA W’AMAANI Take courage and always remember,
That Love isn’t just for a day
Agutamba wamaani tumuhaise
Agutamba wamaani tumusiime Sometimes when troubles are many,
Life can seem empty, it’s true;
1. Nganda zensi musiime muhweyo But look at the life of the master,
- Omuhangi ka murungi Who lovingly suffered for you
Alimweta Agutamba alikya kwo -
Ego, w’engozi, wengozi 225. ONACEKA KOLEM JODA

2. Ndaatebyaga Agutamba ntahoire Onaceka kolem joda ainakinet

Akaleecu nuwe ogu nyomiire Lokasuban kituri toriekirorike x2

3. Ensi yaitu ekatunga ekitinisa 1. Karaida abeyi kolem lolo joda onaki
Akaleekwa mu baana tuzarwe Mam Lokasuban engerikes x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Karaida inyamat kolem lolo joda 4. Bin watyero Ticwa bot Rubangawa
onaki Mam Lokasuban engerikes x2 bin dong…………………
3. Karaida ikapun kolem lolo joda 5. Bin watyero Camwa bot Rubangawa
onaki Mam Lokasuban engerikes x2 bin dong……………

226. BOLINGO BWA NZAMBE 6. Bin watyero Kwowa bot Rubangawa

bin dong……………
1. Bolingo bwa nzambe boleki bonene 7. Bin watyero Canwa bot Rubangawa
Wanatindeli biso Yesu mobikisi x2 bin dong………………

Salelaka Mokonzi okoyoka esengo x2 228. WHAT SHALL I OFFER

Salelaka Mokonzi iya e x2
Moko Mokonzi moko Mokonzi Sop:
Moko Mokonzi moko Mokonzi What shall I offer to the Lord to make
Salelaka Mokonzi iya e him happy
Salelaka Mokonzi okoyoka esengo. What shall I offer to the Lord to please
2. Lolaka la ngelu loye Marie,
Ndiabuti Emmanueli Kristu mosikoli x2 Alto/Tenor:
What shall I offer (oh tell me) offer to the
3. Masele wa nzambe nandi meli yo Lord to please Him
Impo manso malobi yond eyel ngai x2 Bass:
4. Olisumu lya eva, liwa liye, What shall I offer to the Lord, offer to
Boyambi bwa Marie tozwi libiki x2 the Lord, offer to the Lord to please
5. Paradisu ya Adamu, nzeri ezipani
Lelo Kristu bunoi nampe nzela x2 1. I may (give Him the best) of my
clothes( He may not take it)
I may (give Him the best) of my
Bin dong bot Rwot (Lokristo), shoes (He may not take it)
bin dong bot Rwot (Awobe) Sop/Alto:
bin dong ka tyero tyer mewa bot Rwot x2 A loving heart, a patient heart, a
Wun lodito (lotino), wun Awobe (Anyira) humbled heart, a caring heart he
bin dong ka tyero tyer mewa bot Rwot x2 will love X2

2. I may (give Him the gift) of a ram

1. Bin watyero Mugati bot Rubangawa (He may not take it)
bin dong, bin dong ka tyero tyer I may (give Him the gift) of a cow
mewa bot Rwot (He may not take it)
2. Bin watyero Vini bot Rubangawa bin I may (give Him the gift) of a car
dong …………………… (He may not take it)
3. Bin watyero Cwinywa bot
Rubangawa bin dong……………
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
229. RISE UP 4. Lopwonye ducu obin
Rise up, Rise up and bring your gifts to 5. Lotino ducu obin
the Lord x2 Wawoto……………..
with the heart full of joy;
bring to the Lord with the heart full of 232. JOLGI DUCU AI RWOT
bring to the Lord. Jolgi ducu ai Rwot, Tyer ma mewa,
lony gi ki mukisa meri, I jolgi
1. Rise up fathers bring to the altar,
the gifts from your daily sweats to 1. Mugati mewa ki Vini
the Lord x2 2. Cente wa ki kac ma mewa
2. Rise up mothers……………… 3. Magi ducu lonyo meri
3. Rise up brothers……… 4. Tipu wa ma kun pi balgi
4. Rise up sisters……………… 5. Wabiribe ki wode bene
5. Rise up children………… 6. Jami ducu tam ma mewa
6. Rise up everyone…………
Jol tyerwa Rwot ma watyero boti, Tyer ma watyero ni watyero I boti
ilony-gi Jol ki yom cwiny Rwoth obanga Jol ki
Rwot wek gin ducu odok maleng x2 yom cwiny,
tyer ma watyero ni watyero I boti x2
1. SOP: Tyer me kom Kristo
All: Tyer me Remo ne, ilony-gi 1. Watyero Sente wa Pi Eklezia wa ni.
Rwot wek gin ducu odok maleng x2 2. Watyero Leya wa Pi Eklezia wa ni.
3. Watyero Lega wa Pi Eklezia wa ni.
2. Watyero cente, watyero 4. Watyero cwiny wa Pi Eklezia wa ni.
cwinywa…… 5. Watyero Koti wa Pi Eklezia wa ni.
3. Lee ma I paci wa, cam ma I poti
4. Lega wa matin, tic wa duc ma
jwi….. BASS: Wan okelo jamewa wan okelo
231. ABIMIYO RWOT wan okelo gigu miyo Rwot
Abimiyo Rwot gin ducu anwongo, miwa iye winyo x2
Abimiyo Rwot tyer mere pi kwo-na x2
1. Lokristo ducu obin TENOR: Wan okelo kelo jame jame
Wawoto…………… waige, okelo jame,
2. Awobe ducu obin wan okelo jame omiyo Rwot
Wawoto…………… miwa iye winyo x 2
3. Anyira ducu obin
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
ALTO: Wan okelo jamewa, wan okelo 236. EE MFUMWE
wan okelo gi omiyo Rwot 1. Ee mfumwe yamba makabu x2
miwa iye winyo. Yamba makabu ya kimenga nabeto x2

SOP: Wan okelo jamewa, wan okelo Tala makobo ya mono yokele mpamba x2
jamewa, Tala mono kimbeni nshukami ya nene x2
wan okelo gigu miyo Rwot Nki kima mono talenda pesa na ngeye x2
miwa iye winyo. Mfumwe mfumwe x2

ALL: Omiyo jamewa omiyo jamewa, 2. Ee mfumwe yamba mampa x2

wan okelo gigu miyo Rwot Yamba mampa ya kimenga nabeto x2
miwa iye winyo
3. Ee mfumwe yamba vinu x2
1. Wun lotino lotino, wan okelo Yamba vinu ya kimenga nabeto x2
jamewa jamewa,
wan okelo gigu miyo Rwot miwa iye 4. Ee mfumwe yamba chorale x2
winyo x 2 Yamba chorale ya kimenga nabeto x2
2. Wun lodito lodito ……………….
3. Wun anyira anyira ………………
4. Wun awobe awobe …………….. (Yamba ee) Yamba ngai lelo ee tata,
5. Wun lopwonye lopwonye …… (Tata nzamba) Ngai nalingi komipesa
6. Wun lo krito lo kristo ………… nayo.
(Yamba ee) Yamba ngai lelo ee tata,
235. TYER EN TYER (Tata nzambe) Ngai nalingi komipesa
Tyer en tyer, tyer ma yomo cwiny Rwot x3 nayo ee.

1. Nen kit ma amari kwede, 1. Batata balingi komipesa nayo

Rwot Rubanga tyer ma yomo cwiny Batata balingi komipesa nayo ee.
Rwot en tyer x2 2. Bamama ………
3. Bilenge ………..
2. Nen kit ma awori kwede, 4. Bakristu ……….
Rwot Rubanga tyer ma yomo cwiny
3. Nen kit ma ageni kwede,
Rwot Rubanga tyer ma yomo cwiny 1. Ainakinet ka karaida edite ekapolon
Rwot en tyer x2 Yesu,
Yesu papa ekyamuni x2
4. Nen kit ma apaki kwede, S/A: Alemu eongda x2 B/T: Inakina x3
Rwot Rubanga tyer ma yomo cwiny ALL: Alemu eongda anekapapa.
Rwot en tyer x2
2. Kadi kasirigin ba kikaboro da kere
ekapolon Yesu, Yesu papa ainakini x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Kadi beri aijaraka ka kagogon da (Ibi tugutuye mwami ni wowe
kereekapolon Yesu, Yesu papa tubikesha bishimirwe)
ainakini x2
4. Asubanit kosi emugati ka evini 240. K ALEMUTU WONI
Lokapolon Yesu,
Kalemutu woni inakina wok,
Yesu papa ijari x2
kalemutuwon kes.
239. TURAGUSABYE RUREMA Kalemutu woni inakina wok, kejaikisi
1. Turagusabye rurema, imitima
yukize ubwandu, sikura imiri yacu. 1. Okwe Papa, Kolemu joda inakina,
(Ibi tugutuye mwami ni wowe Okwe Papa, Kejaiki joda Lokasubani
tubikesha bishimirwe) kon.

Tugutuye aya mature Dawe, tugutuye 2. Okwe Toto ………...

aya mature; akira
Tuyaguturamwe umutima wiyoroheje 3. Okwe Onac ………..
4. Okwe Inac …………
(Tubabarire uyakire Mubyeyi mwiza) x2
2. Akira uyu, uwuhe umugisha
uwuhindure umubiri wa Kristo. Kijaa Papa, Okwe Kijaa Papa,
(Ibi tugutuye mwami ni wowe Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
tubikesha bishimirwe)
1. Emugato lo, kiyau so akonye kon,
3. Akira ya divayi, uyihe umugisha Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
uyihindure amaraso ya Kristo. Evini lo, kiyau so akonye kon,
(Ibi tugutuye mwami ni wowe Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
tubikesha bishimirwe)
2. Awate kosi, kiyau so akonye kon,
4. Dushaka kugusanga iyi isi ikatugira Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
bayo, Dufashe kuyitsinda. Ailel kosi, kiyau so akonye kon,
(Ibi tugutuye mwami ni wowe Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
tubikesha bishimirwe)
3. Icani kosi, kiyau so akonye kon,
5. Reba abashonji, ubere indushi Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
icumbi Dawe, tukweretse Imoyoi kosi, kiyau so akonye kon,
nindembe. Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
(Ibi tugutuye mwami ni wowe
tubikesha bishimirwe) 4. Ikapun kosi, kiyau so akonye kon,
Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.
6. Akira abayobozi, ubahe umugisha Inyamat kosi, Kiyau so akonye kon,
ubatoze kurangamira ibyiza. Kijaa Papa asubanit kosi Kijaa.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Amakula go tuleeta, (3) Jo nyi azi ji, opi nandraga

Ewuwo Kitaffe atwagala ……… Kole nyi ji asi addru si (2)
Ddunda 1. Azi ole (ri) kruce driri, airu ra opi
Omugaati n’eviini nandraga (2)
Amakula go tuleeta ……………… 2. Azi ole (ri) mugati driri, airu ra opi
Amakula go Ddunda nandraga (2)
Amakula go tuleeta ……………… 3. Azi ole (ri) vino driri, airu ra opi
Amakula go nandraga (2)
Amakula go tuleeta ……………… 4. Azi ole (ri) abete driri, airu ra opi
N’ebirungi byonna bye nandraga (2)
Ewuwo kitaffe atwagala ………
tufunye 244. YOKA GUDU GUDU
Tubikuddiza, ggwe Kitaffe …… Ggwe
atwagala Ddunda 1. Oh mama, otiki kulanda masanga
Ddunda Kitaffe. Yakanoki tokenende lusambo (2)
Kino kya kitiibwa, MukamaKatonda mu
Yoka gudu : Gudu gudu gudu
baana be!
Yoka kengere: Nge nge nge nge
Wamma kya kitiibwa abumumanyi
Lwe tujja gy’ali okwebaza omutonzi Yakanoki tokenende lusambo (2)
Tunaamuwa ki, kye tulina?
Tunaamuwa ki, ffe abaana be? 2. Matoto, oyaki maloba ya nzambe
Ka tumuddize kw’ebyo byatuwa Otikite tokenende lusambo (2)
Okumwebaza ffe byatukolera.
3. Oh Yezu, matoto na nzambe okuti,
Kino kya kutenda, MukamaKatonda mu Paina Kristu tokenende lusambo (2)
baana be!
Wamma kya kutenda obutamala 245. BRING YOUR GIFTS TO THE
Nga tuzze gy’ali twebaze omutonzi ALTAR
Tunaamuwa ki, kye tulina?
Tunaamuwa ki, ffe abaana be? Bring your gifts to the altar x2
Ka tumuddize obulamu bwatuwa Bring your gifts, bring your gifts
Okumwebaza ffe byatukolera. Bring your gifts to the altar.

Kino kya kuyimba, MukamaKatonda O Lord receive the bread we offer

mu baana be! To you, the source of all we have
Wamma tumuyimbe ffe abumumanyi, Accept the wine we bring to thee
Ffe abazze gy’ali twejaga ddala nnyo. As a sign of our dedication to you.
Tunaamuwaki, kye tulina?
Tunaamuwa ki, ffe b’ayise? 246. O God UNSEEN YET EVER NEAR
Ka tumuddize emitima gy’atuwa,
Okumwebaza ffe byatukolera. 1. God, unseen yet ever near,
Thy presence may we feel;

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
And thus inspired with holy fear, Let it sound through time and
Before thine altar kneel. space.

2. Here may thy faithful people know 5. Draw together at one table,
The blessings of thy love, All the human family;
The streams that through the desert Shape a circle ever wider
flow, And a people ever free.
The manna from above.
3. We come, obedient to thy word,
To feast on heav’nly food; God loves a cheerful giver; give it all
Our meat the body of the Lord, you’ve got;
Our drink his precious blood. He loves to hear you laughing when
you’re in an awkward spot,
4. Thus may we all thy word obey,
when the odds add up against you,
For we, O God, are thine;
It’s time to stop and sing,” praise God”
And go rejoicing on our way,
to praise him is a joyous thing.
Renewed with strength divine.

247. SING A NEW CHURCH 1. Peter always made a fuss, Peter was
Let us bring the gifts that differ He knew hard times when he denied
And in splendid varied ways his Lord.
Sing a new church into being But hardly he fallen, when he sat
One in faith and love and praise. right up, began again,
Christ named him the rock, as his
1. Summoned by the God who made us, reward.
Rich in our diversity;
Gathered in the name of Jesus, 2. Jonah was a gloomy sort; he always
Richer still in unity. had a sad report,
He ran from God, he ran and he set
2. Radiant risen from the water, sail,
Robbed in holiness and light, His journey’s end was quite abrupt, a
Male and female in God’s image fish came by and swallowed him up.,
Male and female in God’s delight. he spent three dark and dreary days
inside the whale.
3. Trust the goodness of creation,
Trust the spirit strond within, 3. Holy Ob was richly blessed; he losft
Dare to dream the vision promised, it all, but stood the test, for Job was
Spring from seed of what has been. steadfast in his misery.
“God gives to me, he takes away,
4. Bring the hopes of every nation, blessed be the name of God this
Bring the art of every race; day” and he was doubly blessed for
Weave a song of peace and justice, his fidelity.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
249. BIIBINO FFE TUBIREETA In Christ we are brothers at peace we
Biibino ffe tubireeta, ebirabo ebyaffe
biibino Soon our presence Christ will come
Biibino ffe tukuddiza, ku by’otugabira To lend us the Courage, which his
Kitaffe bisiime. victory won
Let hope unfold you, Trust in his care;
1. Katonda Lugaba tukwebaza Prepare to receive him whose work we
Ebirungi by’otuwa olutata must share.
Twetabe wamu tukuddize.
2. Olw’obulungi bwo ayi Mukama, 251. DDUNDA TUSAASIRE
Osaanira kutenda lutata Ddunda tusaasire, ffe abajja gy’oli
Abatonde bo tuutuno. n’ebitone
3. Ku bingi by’otuwa k\tukuddiza Ddunda bikkirize, ebiva mu ffe ggwe
Ze nsimbi n’emmere bye tutona nno b’olonze
Kye tukusaba bikkirize. Tuzze gy’oli kitaffe ggwe Katonda
4. Omugati gw’okulyaguuguno, Ye ggwe atasingwa bukulu
N’evviini ey’okunywa ssebo siima, Siima twala ebitone bye tuleeta
Byonna siima ssebo, bikuwe ekitiibwa kyo
Olw’Omwaana wo mwe tuyita.
5. Omuzirakisa tuwulire, Tuzze gy’oli alamula buli kantu
Kye tukusaba kiikino Byonna bisaanye bikutende
Tukutuukeko egyo gy’osula. Teri mu ebyo ebitonde kikusinga
Byonna ggwe obifuga, byonna
250. BRING TO THIS TABLE bikugondera
Bring to this table bread and wine Yiino eviini gye tuwa n’omugaati
Signs of redemption which Christ made By’ebyo by’osiima mu bantu bo
divine Kristu ye bye yayamba n’atugamba
Soon gift once humble shall become Mwenna nze mbatuma mukole nga
Gods pledge of salvation through Jesus kyenkoze
his son.
Tuzze gy’oli kitaffe gger atubumba
Raise up your hearts to our lord Ffenna abaavu nno lunkupe
present here Tuzze twesiga, ssebo okuyambwa
Give him the gift of love. Byonna siima, ssebo otuwe bye
Join in his feast which unites Man with twetaaga
And live with his peace in your heart. 252. E BABA TWALETA ZAWADI

Join in this offering joys and cares. Ee baba twaleta zawadi zetu
Be one with each other and all burden Ee baba twaomba uzipokee x2
share Ijapo ni kidogo sana ewe baba
Banish all hatred; forgive every wrong Twakusihi sana, baba uzipokee x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Mukate na divai ewe baba, 254. ESENGO
Twaomba uvipokee x2
Esengo, esengo ee, esengo lokomo na
Mazao ya mashamba ewe baba, nzambe x2
Twaomba uyapokee x2 Esengo na bato baku landa mibeko
awa kose,
Twaleta fedha zetu ewe baba, lokomo na nzambe x2
Twaomba uzipokee x2 Nse nse mombimba salela nzambe
Tunaleta nia zetu ewe baba, nasai toko missa kembo yayee x2
Twaomba uzipokee x2 Nse nse mombimba salela nzambe
Mawazo nia zetu ewe baba, nasai toko missa kombo yayee x2
Twaomba uyapokee x2 Nse nse mombimba betela nzambe
Tubariki nasi pia ewe baba, toko missa makambo manso x2
Twaomba utupokee x2
Na kazi ya mkono ewe baba, Ge gano ge tuleese, ge gano ge tuleese,
Twaomba iyipokee x2 Ge gano amakula go Ddunda ge
tuleese, ge gano.
253. EKIRUNGI KYONA Tugaleeta gy’oli ggwe Katonda,
Nga tukwebaza Ddunda by’otuwa.
Ekirungi kyoona kiheebwa iguru Ha! Ddunda webale ogabula.
Omuhanda kwijja ni Kristu ngugwo
Naiwe empano yaawe oyeheere kimu Abawereza ye ffe abaana bo,
Omuhanda Kristo; obuzoire obugyo Gwe tuwereza ye gwe Kitaffe,
Byetukuddiza Ddunda by’ebirabo byo
Yanguhya ebisembo, Mukristo iwe bisiime.
Engawa ebihemba ni Kristu gira
Kyona ekyakasembwa kisiimwa ise Gwe tuwereza gw’egw’omugaati,
Basinga omu byona, bagonzagana Gyetuwereza y’eyo eviini,
Byetukuddiza Ddunda by’ebirabo byo
Yanguhya ebisembo, MuKristu iwe bisiime.
Naiowe weehe Kristu akuhemberane
Wenka n’ayehwanu, ayetambire Siima Ddunda amaakula go,
Asasurre weena asaraine nawe siima siima Ddunda, ebirabo byo siima siima.
Siima siima amakula go siima siima,
Okatunga bingi, gira osiime Tugagatta ko Ddunda n’obulamu
Okajeemera ogu, gira oyehane bw’otuwa.
Oyeetaga bingi, saba oheebwe
Honga n’omuhmbo, nukwo oligirwe Abawereza ye ffe abatalina,
Ebitungwa byawe obihebwa oha Gwe tutonera ye ggwe Omugagga,
Naiwewenka kw’oli origirra nkaha Bye tukuddiza Ddunda bikulagga
Jumara oyehwemu okuhwerera bwetusiima.
Omu maiso g’ogu, nuwe oba oramaya
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Gwe tuyitamu y’oyo Omwaana wo, Ffe byetulina byonna bibye era atoola
Ffe tuli kimu n’oyo Kristu, ku bibye ye atulabirira
Byetuwereza Ddunda bikusanyuse Ffe n’atuwa nga ayagala bituyambe
kulw’oyo. tumuweereze
Abanafu ffenna, abajeemu asaasira
256. K atonda WAFFE OYO lunye era n’atusonyiwa
N’atuleka ng’alinda tukimanye ffe
Katonda waffe oyo - Nnawebaza atya? tumuweereze
Katonda waffe oyo -` Nnawebaza atya? Tulina kutoola ne tumuddiza
Katonda waffe oyo - Nnawebaza atya? Omukama atwagala
Olw’ebirungi enfaafa bya tuwadde Kye tuva tusitula ebirungi ne tumuwa
Nga tweyanze! bya kumwebaza
Katumuddize kw’ebyo bya tuwadde
Ebivudde mukutegana okwa buli nkya Katukwebaze ddunda omutonzi waffe,
Ssebo ow’ekisa ebyaffe bisiime bye wakola byonna Kitaffe
Anti biraga omutima ogusiima Bituyamba okutulabirira
Ogwabaana bo Ggwe eyagereka atyo tusaana
Laba Omugati, laba n’Eviinni gye tuleese
Laba Nnamakula gotuwadde tugaleeta Katukwebaze ddunda okutulabirira
Tobigana Bitono nnyo obunafu bwaffe,
Biraga Kitaffe Obujeemu, Mukama ggwe omanyi wa
Bye tusiima Taata byo tuwadde, we bugera,
balege Ggwe awanirira ffe tusaana kukuddiza
Tunawa ki, ddala kyosiima nannyini nsi
Laba n’obulamu bw’otuwadde tubuleeta Katukwebaze anti byonna bye tusaba,
enkumu byonna kitaffe Ddunda
Ebintu by’ensi, tubiwe Ddunda atwagala obituwa tolemwa.,
nnyo ggwe otuwa ebirungi tusaana
Tumuwe ebibala bya tuwadde olwe kisa kukwebaza
Tukuzinire era tukuyimbirenga
Nnakuddiza ki ddala ekye bbeyi ekiku emitima gyaffe tugizze ddunda
gyaaamu gikuwulirenga
Kino kyensobola kyenku wadde ono Tukuweereze nga tusiima buyambi bwo.
Kit jami lobo ducu Rubanga mu cweyo
Katusituke tutwale bye tulina gi
Mu maaso ga kitaffe Katonda byonna Wun ocwal bote x2
tumuddize Kadi cente bene rubanga mu miiniwa
Katusitule ku byonna bye tulina Wun ocwal bote x2
Omugabi eyatuwa bye tulina tugende
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Mic ma rubanga omiyo wa cwalo ki 260. NAMUGEREKA ATUWA
Rwot gamgi duc x2
Wiye cwal okati, wiye cwal owoti Namugereka atuwa ebirungi -A! Lugaba
Wa cwalo ki deyo ada Namugereka
Rwot gamgi duc x2 Namugereka tumwebaze ffe …
Mic ma rubanga omiyo wa cwalo ki Katumutwalire kku bino ebyaffe …
deyo Ku by’atugabira tumuddize ffe …
Rwot gamgi duc x2 Mugye tubutwale …
Tubitwale gy’ali …
Omukama abisiime …
Kadi pul bene... Kadi ngor bene...
Ebivudde mu ffe …
Kadi nyim bene... Kadi cente bene...
Namugereka agaba ebirungi - A! Lugaba
Kadi pamba bene... Kadi gwanna bene... Namugereka
Kadi anywagi bene... Kadi cente en ba... Namugereka tumuddize ffe …
Ffe abamutonera tumwewe naffe …
Kadi dyang bene... Kadi dyel bene... Alyoke asiime bye tutona ebyo …
Kadi gweno bene... Kadi cente en ba... Namugereka omulungi bw’atyo …
Buli k’olina mutonere ggwe …
Kadi labolo bene... Kadi mwanyi bene... Namugereka omulungi bw’atyo …
Kadi taa bene... Kadi cente en ba... N’obulamu bwo bumuddize oyo …
Mugye tubutwale …
259. LORD ACCEPT THE GIFTS Tubitwale gy’ali …
Omukama abisiime …
Lord accept the gifts we offer Ebivudde mu ffe …
At this Eucharist feast
Bread and wine to be transformed now Twanguwekko - Ai Lugaba Namugereka
Through the action of thy priest Nga tuli kimu ffena atusiime …
Take us too lord and transform us Oyo gw’omanyi ng’era omukyaye …
May thy grace in us increase Kyakusaba omusonyiwe oyo …
May our souls be pure and spotless Alyoke asiime ekirabo ky’owa …
As the host of wheat so fine Ekimusanyusa era ekiwooma …
May all stains of sin be crushed out Mugye tubitwale …
Like the grape that forms the wine Tubitwale gy’ali …
As we, too become partakers Omukama abisiime …
In the sacrifice divine. Ebivudde mu ffe … (x2)
Part II
Take our gifts, almighty father Weebale weebale ssebo Taata weebale -
Living God, eternal true, Tweyanzizza
Which we give through Christ, our savior Weebale, weebale atuwa ebingi
Pleading here for us anew tumwebaze -Tweyanzizza
Grant salvation to all present Tweyanzizza tweyanzizza Lugaba
And our faith and love renew.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Weebale, tweyanzizza. 262. ABO THATHA
Weebale weebale ssebo Taata weebale
Ffenna twogera kimu ssebo nti weebale Abo thatha nabo koyo-o.
Thuherere omukama ye bihembo-o.
Weebale weebale ssebo obulamu Inga-a a-aa a-aa a.
bw’otuwa Inga-e e-ee e-ee e akendi bya-ngirira x2
Ffenna tuli mu ssanyu ssebo
okukwebaza 1. Thumuhe oko bya thulyeraya omo
malima wethu
Weebale weebale ssebo Taata weebale Inga-a a-aa…………….
Anti tuli mu ssanyu ssebo okukwebaza
2. Thumuhe oko bya thulyasunga
Weebale weebale ssebo Taata weebale omo kaghala kethu
Naffe tusaana tuyimbe ssebo Inga-a a-aa…………….
3. Thumuhe oko bya thulyasunga
omo mibiri yethu
Weebale weebale ssebo Taata weebale
Inga-a a-aa…………….
Ffenna twogera kimu ssebo nti
weebale 263. BYABINO
261. NI MUNGU SAWA ROMU NI Byabino ebihembo thatha,
TIMU (ukebere byo, utsumule byo,
Ni mungu sawa romu ni timu wangirirebyo thatha.) x2
Ni mungu sawa romu ni timu
Wa bi nwango sukuliya mwa i polo x2 1. Ebya thulyasunga omo kaghala
Byabino wangirirebyo o. x2
Awobe ceke (ku mutoro), wa tyer ni
mungu x2 2. Ebya thulya soloma omo malima
Anyira ceke (ku mutoro), wa tyer ni Byangirirebyo o. x2
mungu x2 3. (Ten) Omugati oyu thatha,
Ee ee wangirirewo thatha.
Aradu ceke (ku mutoro), wa tyer ni 4. (Ten) Edivai eyi thatha,
mungu x2 Ee ee wangirireyo thatha.

Judongo ceke (ku mutoro), wa tyer ni 264. E BWANA POKEA

mungu x2
E bwana pokea zawadi,
Tunazo kutolea pokea. x2
Jukristo ceke (ku mutoro), wa tyer ni
mungu x2
1. Bass} Mukati na divai…
All} Pokea…..
Mon dongo ceke (ku mutoro), wa tyer Bass} U-ubariki baba….
ni mungu x2 All} Pokea……..
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Bass} Mazawo ya 2. Thumuhe oko byathulyasunga
mashamba,……… omo mibiri yethu, thumuhe kubyo
uyitakase baba……… thukamusiima. x2
All} Pokea………………pokea.
3. Thumuhe oko byathulyasunga
265. INGA MUKAMA WETHU omo kaghalha kethu, thumuhe
kubyo thukamusiima. x2
All} Inga mukama-a wethu,
Twama kuhikira 267. TOYA
Ithunahekire ebihembo
Ee eee ee eee, ee eee ee eee,
TENOR} Ebihembo………….wangirire Toya na mabonza. x2
byo …..
ALL} ………ebihembo …………… 1. Botata boya-e. x2
wangirirebyo Totela mibaso-e.X2 Toya na mabonza
inga mukama wo lwa-anzo.
2. Bomama boya-e. x2
1. SOP} Byabino-oo….... biryalwa Totela mibaso-e. x2 Toya na mabonza
omo malima….wawukathuha. 3. Biso bilengi-e. x2
ALTO} Nyamuhanga….. Totela mibaso-e x2 Toya na mabonza
nyamuhanga …… nyamuhanga
wawu kathuha 268. TUTOE SADAKA
TEN./BASS} Nyamuhanga….. Tutoe sadaka kwa mungu, naye
nyamuhanga.…nyamuhanga…aa. atapatha kutubariki
2. Byabino-oo……………biryalwa aa tutoe na moyo mwema, bwana
thatha...……….. atapata kutubariki. X2
omo maka-a…………..
wawukathuha. 1. Wa baba tutowe sadaka,
Na mwoyo safi sana tutoe e. x2
3. Byabino-oo………...…. biryalwa 2. Wa mama tutowe sadaka,
Na mwoyo safi sana tutoe e. x2
Omo mibiri, …….……
yawukathuha 3. Wa kaka tutowe sadaka,
Na mwoyo safi sana tutoe e. x2
266. THUHERERE OMUKAMA tutowe sadaka,
(Bass) Thuherere omukama Nsadakao safi sana tutoe e. x2
yebihembo. x2
Aba thatha thuhangane, naba koyo
thuhangane, Yamba yamba yawe-e yawe-e yamba
(Ee ee oo o_o mwase thumusime) x2 yamba yawe-e. x2
1. Thumuhe oko byathulyeraya a 1. Yamba yamba yamba mamba
omo malima wethu, thumuhe mabeto yawe-e yamba yamba
kubyo thukamusiima. x2 yawe-e. x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Yamba yamba yamba mamba 271. AYI MUKAMA Katonda
navinyu yawe-e yamba yamba WAFFE
yawe-e. x2
Ayi Mukama Katonda waffe,
3. Yamba yamba yamba mamba twegasse ne Nnyaffe Maria,
yasengo yawe-e yamba yamba tukuweereze ebitone byo bino
yawe-e. x2 n’omwoyo ogumenyese.
N’ekisa wulira essaala za Yezu.

Nze ngenda ntya eri Omukama 1. Nga tujjukira okubonabona kwa

Ddala, ddala ngenda ntya Yezu Kristu omwanawo.
Nga sirina kye mutonedde N’okuzuukira, n’okulinnya kwe mu
Kamutonere nze bye nnina ggulu afuga byonna.
Ayi Mukama bikirize
2. Nga tujukira olunaku luli lwe yali mu
Ayi Mukama ndi mwaana wo senakulo,
Kyoka ayi Mukama nkujeemera Yagamba kino mubiri gwange, kino
Ne nkusaba kati onziriremu nze ayi musaayi gwange.
Mukama aboneredde
Omugati gwo gwendeese ng’era 3. Era tuddamu okuweereza
n’eviini ngitaddeko
ekitambiro kya Yezu
Bikutambirwe olwaleero mu yezu
Kye yatambira olwokuba abantu,
Kristu omwaana wo
alyoke atulokole.
Katukwebaze ggwe by’otuwa,
Ffena abaganzi bo abakumanyi 4. Ffenna twegatte ne tuba kimu ne
Byonna ayi Mukama biva wuwo, Yezu Kristu atwesiimya,
Era ayi Mukama bidda wuwo Olwo twambuke ne ssanyu ezzibu
Ebyo ebibala byetulina wa kitaffe eyo ffenna.
Ssaako ebisuubulwa bye tugula
Byonna ayi Mukama biva wuwo 5. Mujje twebaze byonna by’atuwa
Kuba ayi Mukama ggwe Katonda lwe tujja ku altari ye
Bwe tuligenda eyo mu ggulu
Watutonda n’otuteekawo
tulimutenda ffenna.
N’ebyo ayi Mukama bye tulina
Era ayi Mukama tukimanyi
Byona ggwe by’ofuna obizzaawo 272. OGGYA KU BUGAGGA BWO

Katukwebaze bye tulina Oggya ku bugagga bwo Mukama

Byonna ayi Mukama n’obulamu wange ggwe N’ongaggawaza,
Bye tutalina tubisabye Ebyo bye mpita ebyange Byonna bibyo,
Byonna bitufuule abaana bo njigiriza nange okutoola Kw’ebyo
Ekirabo ekisembayo byompadde mbikuddizenga
Ye ggwe ayi Mukama abaana bo Njigiriza nange okutoola Kw’ebyo
Emitima kagibe gigyo byompadde
Ffenna nga twaagala by’oteesa Ngaggawaze abalala
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Ebirabo bye ndeese biibino nga biva mu 2. Ebitungwa byaitu byona,
kutegana kwange ebitutungire tweena,
Omutima gwange ne bye nnina gy’oli Mukama Rugaba waaitu, niwe
biba bya ttendo yabituhaire.
Ebyennaku n’ebyessanyu Taata
mbikuddizza byonna 3. Abakaira kyo nimwije,
Mu bunafu bwange n’ebinnema bye nimushotooka nemitoijo.
birabo bye ndeese Mugitware aharutari, mutari
Obulamu bw’ompadde Mukama
4. Ayi Rugaba Kazooba, oyakiire ebi
obujjudde emikisa
Kitange nneyanzizza ebirungi ontonedde
Obyakiire nk’ekitambo,
ky’Abeli’Omwana waawe.
Okutuusa bye nteekwa okukola mbeere
kitangaala 5. Na kakye nakahango koona,
Mu kussiissiira ne nzigwerera bayambe twakahayo nitusiima,
balabe ekkubo lyo Kandi twihire omunda, na rukundo
Amannyi n’amagezi bye wamba okuva
mu buto bwange 6. Twabitoija n’omuhimbo,
Okubyeyamba ne ntetenkanya ebibala twakukwatso ebyaitu byona,
nga nfunye bingi Kututwara Bweranyangi, twena
Bwe bugagga bwe ntodde Mukama ne tukakwehitsya.
nkuddiza Nnyinibyo
Obitwale ggwe Nnamugereka bye birabo 274. UMURYANGO WAAWE WOSE
bye ntodde
Umuryango waawe wose, (akira
Abannyiikivu bonna Mukama abatalina Mwami)
kantu Uzanye amaturo meza,
Bangi abanneetoolodde Ddunda Uyashime kumeza yaawe,
badaagira Ggwe Tugutuye umutima mwiza.
Ka ntoole ku byompadde ebingi mu
1. Umugati na divayi, bivuye mu
buteemala bwange
maboko yacu,
Bafune emmere ya leero ettendo lyo
Ubihindure umubiri, n’amaraso
bya Yezu Kristu.
273. YAKIIRA EGI MITOIJO 2. Amahanga yose yisi, arashima
1. Tutware emitoijo yaitu, tugitware aha Dawe ineeza watugiriye,
Rutari, ntungahweme kuyitugirira.
Tugitoije na rukundo, Yezu waitu
tumuhimbise 3. Amahanga yose yisi, arashima
Yakiira egi mitoijo Nyamuhanga Kandi natwe Imana Rugira,
Eyaaretw’abaana baawe. x2 tugutuye ibyo dutunze

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Tugutuye imirimo yisi, tugutuye 2. Batata
Tugutuye nibidushafuza, tukwihayo 3. Watoto
twese udufashe.
4. Kelezia
6. Duku
Ebirungi byona mbiheebwa Mukama,
Amagara nebintu na byona ebiri 7. Kafiri ...
Nikyo neizira kusiima Nyakusinga 277. BRING TO THE LORD
Nkore bikye ahabyangye, toora 1. Bring to the Lord all your offering,
nahonga. Adore him in this Holy place

1. Nakuretera ezi sente zangye, O sing a new song to the loving God,
ezi wampaire, ntazikushabire weeza. Sing a new song to the lord
O sing to the Lord, and bless his Holy
2. Nakureetera amatungo gangye, name
agu wampaire, natagakushabire O sing to the Lord, and bless his name.
2. Bring to the Lord your joyful hearts
3. Nakureetera abazaire bangye, Sing him his praise from today.
abu wampaire, ntabakushabire weeza
3. Pray to the Lord our God most high
4. Nakureetera aba baana bangye, .. Offer to him all you have.

5. Nakureetera oru rweto rwangye, … 4. Thanks to the Lord who gives us life
Blessed be his Name evermore.
6. Nakureetera ebitungwa byangye, …
7. Nakureetera abanywani bangye Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of
8. Nakureetera obu bwengye byangye Sowing in the noon tide and the dewy eve
Waiting for the harvest, and the time of
9. Nakureetera aga maani gangye reaping
We shall come rejoicing bringing in the
276. AWIYO
Awiyo ehee, awiyo, awiyo, awiyo,
awiyo ehee Yesu marusi x2 Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the
1. Bilenge - tunazambe nalingi kakwana We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the
Awiyo ehee - Yesu marusi sheaves x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the Upendo wako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
shadows Nasala zako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
Fearing neither clouds, nor winter’s
chilling breeze Ujana wako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
By and by the harvest, and the labour Usichana wako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
Na mali zako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
We shall come rejoicing bringing in the
Na ushari wako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
Na uzazi wako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
Going forth with weeping, Sowing for the Na watoto wako, kwa upendo wa mungu
master toa
Tho’ the loss sustained our spirit often
grieves Na fedha zako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
When our weeping is over, He will bid us Na uzee wako, kwa upendo wa mungu toa
We shall come rejoicing, Bringing in the 281. BINO BATATA
1. Bino ba Tata, bakodima Yesu
279. MUKAMA YAKIIRA EGI tesolo ba kosala na mawa X2

Mukama yakiira egi mishanga Eee ee, maloba mayo Yesu kamata,
Mukama yakiira egimitoijo, Kamata mbeta talema, tombola naye x2
Mukama yakiira. x2
2. Bino ba mama, bakodima ………..
1. Lwe okakunda kutweha 3. Bino ba Kristu ………
Namwana yatufera aa…
Nitukusiima Rugaba weeza aa… 4. Bino ba kambi ……….
Mukama yakiira.
5. Bino ba ndeko
2. Omubusaasi bweitu
Otuba haihi otwehisya 282. NDYAKUHAKI MUKAMA
Otubingira rwata aa… WANGYE
Mukama yakiira.
Ndyakuhaki Mukama wangye?
3. Ebitutungire byoona Ahabw’okwenda kukwebaza,
Nomanya oburugo bwaabyo oo.. Ebintu byona ebinyine, ka niwe obimpa,
Nomanya ebyetengo byaitu uu… Ndyakuhaki kukwebaza?
Mukama yakiira.
1. Ezo sente zangye niiwe wazimpeire,
280. TOENI SADAKA Nkaba ntaine kantu,
Kanzirete nzikutoijere buzima.
Toeni saddaka, Toeni saddaka 2. Amatungo gangye niiwe wagampaire,
Toeni saddaka, kwa upendo kwa mungu Nkaba ntaine kantu,
Toa x2 Kankukoreremu nkutoijere buzima.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Ezombibo zangye n’ebihingwa byona, Kyonka mbe naiwe, nukwo mpiirwe
Ebyo mumyaka yangye, Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime.
Niw’obyeza mbikutoijere Mujuni.
6. Taata na mawe bakumpaire
4. Abazaire bangye niiwe wabampaire, Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo
Tindaberondeire, Twara; ngira obu barongoire
Kambeete tukutoijere Mujuni. Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime.
5. Obusingye bunyine miiwe 7. Nooha akugamba ngu t’ontwale?
wabumpaire, Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo
Nkaba nyeshobeire, Nooha akutanga muhiira iwe
Kangurukye nkwemurikire Mujuni. Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime.
6. Abanyabuzaare na banywani bangye, 8. Mwoyo omuhanga agutangaize
Aba abanyetoroire, Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo
Kambete tukutoijere Mujuni. Naija empwa-maani nyija entaate.
Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime.

Nyizire Ruhanga, Nyizire ontwale; 284. REEBA NAIJA

Nyizire kukora eki onGodeza;
Nyizire Ruhanga, Nyizire ontwale; Reeba naija – (Reeba neija ndyaha)
Nyizire ndi kyonzira na mwana x2 Emitoijo – (Sente namatungo)
Nagireeta - (nabireta mbine)
1. Lwe obuhangwa ndugira ha? Nimkusiima.
Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo Kankutoijere – (ahabiwampaire)
Nsera nkusiime nukwo kwija, Kankwebaze – (Webare munonga)
Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime. Kankusiime – (Kankusiime bambe)
Iwe taata
2. Kwiha onta mu nsi nkalindwa oha?
Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo 1. Okampa abazaire; Buzima
Nsera nkusiime nukwo kwija Wampereza ekibamja; Mazima
Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime. Okampa n’amaani; Buzima
Onyamba n’obutosha
3. Ninye kihangwa nyakwetwara
Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo
2. Okampa amatungo; Buzima
Nyena nikwo ndi nakwekwasa
Wampereza obuhooro; Mazima
Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime.
Okampa obusingye; Buzima
4. Nseera omu byange oyegomboze Onyamba nobutoosha.
Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo
Twara otatiina nkuhongiire, 3. Okampa egi diini; Buzima
Nyizire na Kristo nkusiime. Wampereza obwengye; Mazima
Okampa ebiconco; Buzima
5. Hoona olisiima nuho otwale, Ondinda n’obutoosha
Nyizire na Kristo nyehongo
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Okankiza ezo ndwara; Buzima Amakula ge tuleeta kuba kuddiza
Wamprereza okuhweza; Mazima ddunda abitegeka
Wantekaho okukunda; Buzima Okuddiza ddunda omuganzi,
Onkwatsa n’obutoosha Katonda waffe ggwe osaana,
osaana kutendwa ddunda lugaba
5. Okanywana Taata; Buzima asinga
Wankundisa egi diini; Mazima
Okampa n’oruzaaro; Buzima Tukwebaza nnyo ggwe Mukama asiima
Ninkusiima Taata ebyaffe … …
Tukwebaza nnyo tukwebaza nnyo
Tukwebaza nnyo ggwe Mukama ali wano
Bye bino, lugaba ddunda, ebirabo byo naffe …
ddunda . . . bitwale Tukwebaza nnyo ggwe Mukama akuuma
Bye tuleese ffe nga tujaganya, ffe abanaku …
abaana bo ddunda Katonda … bisiime Tukwebaza nnyo ggwe Mukama abibaza
Tunaakuwa ki ggwe … - ekisaana? ebyaffe …
Tunaakuwa ki ggwe . . . - ffe abaavu? Tukwebaza nnyo ggwe Mukama asobola
Mpozzi kitaffe … - katuleete evviini ebingi …
gy’otuwa Tukwebaza nnyo ggwe Mukama atumanyi
Mpozzi kitaffe … - katuleeteomugaato abaana …
gw’otuwa Tunaajula ki w’oli Mukama ddunda kitaffe
Tubigatteko obulamu obwaffe,
bye birabo byaffe ebya leero 286. EBINTU BYONA

1. Ekibiina kyonna … kirina essanyu Ebintu byonna biheebwa Ruhanga!

ddunda mu maaso go
Amakula go tuleeta …galaze Mwije inyweena tutwale bisembo…
essanyu taata ffe lye tulina Bambi mwiije tugende kusiima…
Okuddiza ddunda omuganzi, Nyantasiima takenga Ruhanga…
Katonda waffe ggwe osaana, N’ebirungi Omuhangi amuhaire…
osaana kutendwa ddunda lugaba
Oti rundi kuhweeza; tahweza!
Iwe weka Rugamba oli w’oha?
2. Ekibiina kyonna … tuzze kwebaza
Ebintungwa ohinga? Ka kwaha…
ddunda ffe by’otuwa
Kandi mwije tugende kuhonga…
Amakula go tuleeta kuba kuddiza
Ebisembo Ruhanga atuhaiire…
ddunda abitegeka
Iwe wenka kisembo rubanza…
Okuddiza ddunda omuganzi,
Katonda waffe ggwe osaana, Oteho ebituitungwa, akuhaire…
osaana kutendwa ddunda lugaba Oyehwemu omugoze Ruhanga…
Obitunge Ruhanga abitwale…
3. Ebirungi byonna … by’otuwa ssebo Abitwale biyambe abaseege! …
bingi otwagala Naabo bonna abataaga obuyambi…

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Itungo ly’ensi kisembo kirungi… God our Father accept the bread we offer…
Which we offer as a sign of our love…
Alitunga alikenga kurungi…
Ataliija kuferwa Ruhanga… God our Father accept the wine we offer…

Atamwine ali kundi! Bagenzi … 289. SOLO NIMAPENZI WANZAMBE

Taine kantu banka ya bwera…
Bambi mwije tugende kusiima… Solo nimapenzi wanzambe
Kandi omutima gw’okugonza… Mobimba
Solo, Mobimba na Mutema
N’agutamba abasiimo abogonze… Mobimba
Mweyahure obugwetwa burungi…
1. Eroko nini makope sakanzambe x2
Banka yaanyu, Ruhanga mulinzi… 2. Eroko nini sakope sakanzambe x2
Olisanga obugwetwa oburungi…
Nikugamba olitaaha ohunirre… 3. Eroko nini tokope sakanzambe x2
4. Eroko nini nokope sakanzambe x2
Oburungi Ruhanga abahunda
Abo boona abamwine omu myoyo 290. TOORA NYAMUHANGA

287. EBIRABO BYO Toora Nyamuhanga, yakiira muruhura,

Ekitambo ky’erizooba Nyamuhangga,
Ebirabo byo biibino, biibino bisiime Omugaati toora, n’egyo viini reeba,
Amakula go gaagano, gaagano Nikyo Kitambo ky’oburokozi
gatwale x2 Nyamuhanga.
Mmwe muleete ebirabo ebyammwe 1. Eshara zeitu yeiwe Muruhura,
Mubireete ku Altari Zishorongye n’ekitambo owa
N’akawoowo kaabyo kabugirize namulondo Ruhanga.
Musumulule ebirabo ebyammwe 2. Magara gaitu yeire Muruhura,
Mubiddize Omukama Ahari Tataitwe Yezu, omutusiimire.
N’Omukama abisiime, abituuse gy’abeera
3. Maria Nyina Yezu, kandi Nyineitwe,
Katugemule Omukama owaffe Ekitambo ky’omwana wawe, kitugasire
Ku birungi by’atugabira twena.
288. God OUR FATHER ACCEPT THE 4. Rukundo y’abantu ogyeze, Tataitwe,
GIFTS Ekitambo kyaitu Tataitwe, kikuhaise
God our Father accept the gifts we offer ekitiinwa.
Which we offer as a sign of our love
Alleluia ah Mukama nyowe ndakusiima nta?
Mukama nyowe ndakuha ki?
(Alleluia) Accept them Lord Nyizire kusiima byoona byompa,
These gifts of bread and wine Alleluiaah Webare Mukama okampa bingi!
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
1. Okampanga munsi, okampa Ebitambo by’er’izooba, Twabireeta
obwomeezi, kubitoija,
Ondinda butoosa mububi bwoona, Bitureetere amagara g’obutwiire,
Obunkwatwa endwara ruzitanda Obyakiire Nyamuhanga.
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Ebitungwa byaitu byoona, Twabireeta
2. Okatuma Kristu omwana waawe Bitukundise ebirungi by’obutwiire,
wenka, Obyakiire Nyamuhanga.
Kristu akatufeera ha musalaba,
Egi mitoijo y’er’izooba, Twagireeta
Kristu akatufoora abaana ba Ruhanga,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima!
Ogisiime nk’ekitambo kya Abeeli,
Ogyakiire Nyamuhanga.
3. Hamuhanda ondinda, mubizibu bingi,
Kabube butandwa niiwe rundinda, 293. NINZA KUHEREZA MUKAMA
Bantu bange boona obalinda kurungi,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Ninza huhereza Mukama-a
ahabw’amaani Ga mutima
4. Magezi n’amaani byoona niiwe orikwera ngume muhimbise.
Abehereza Mukama n’ababangira,
Byoona mbikozese ntunge ekyokulya,
Kandi abamwesiga taribahemukaho.
Binkatunga byoona Taata niiwe
obimpa, Ndyamuhereza Mukama ngume
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! muhimbise,
Murangane hona hona ebiro byoona.
5. Nyowe kankusiime kunfoora
muKristu, Omu bworo n’obucene ……… Ngume
Kandi kankuhaise ebiro byoona, mehereze,
Okanfoora omwana tinkyayetwa Omu ndwaara n’okukaba …… Ngume
mwiru, muhimbise,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Omubari kunyanga ………….. Ngume
292. MUKAMA OYAKIIRE EGI MITOIJO N’omubari kumpiiga ………... Ngume
Mukama oyakiire egi mitoijo y’abaana Mutima gwangye mpwera ….. Ngume
baawe, mehereze
omugaati na viini Ngume heihi na Yezu ………... Ngume
Mukama oyakiire ebyo bihoongwa muhimbise
by’abaana baawe, Bwera ye ngitahe ……………. Ngume
Twabireeta n’omutima gwa rukundo. mehereze
Ebiro byoona mwiine ……….. Ngume
Omugaati hamwe na viini, Twabireeta
Bitureetere amagara g’obutwiire, Omu bantu abarazire ndyazayo
Obyakiire Nyamuhanga. mbatarure,
Mbarete mbegyese nabo bahuhereze
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Mbahabuure ekigambo kyawe 7. Sitaani ga yaiwe akamusingura
kibataahemu, Mutambi,
Kibaijure ekigine kibug’ensi yoona Waatweha twija, twakwevuga,
Twine ogwo musinguzi Mukama
Mukama kanutoijere, 8. Ab’ensi ga twena tuhimbise iwe
n’okushemererwa nyamutambi,
Rugaba nkuhereze, ninkusiimira N’abeiguru katwevugye,
ebyompa. X2 Singa Yezu singa,
1. Obwengye n’amaani, Mujuni niiwe Ory’omuhaisibwa.
Nkankutoijere, kankuhereze, 295. RUGAYO
Toora ebyo biconco Mukama
Rugayo gira osiime, Leeta byohaire
Rugayo gira osiime, Naiwe gira
2. Rukundo n’orweto Mujuni niiwe
nyakubimpa, Ruhanga ebi yakozire byona
Nkankutoijere, kankuhereze, Ngu mbiibyo obireme Ensozi hamu
Toora ebyo biconco Mukama n’enyanja
ntambizi Ngu mbibyo obireme

3. Ebinkora byoona Mujuni ompwera Omubiri n’ebicweka byagwo, Ebi nibyo

kubibaasa, olemege
Nkankutoijere, kankuhereze, Obireme bitakutunga, Kandi nukwo
Toora ebyo biconco Mukama omuhike
Akakuha amagezi maingi, Ngu obu
4. Ebinyine byona Mujuni Ompwera nukwo omumanye
kubitunga, Geyambise okumusera, Kandi
Nkankutoijere, kankuhereze, oramumanya
Toora ebyo biconco Mukama
Orole ebirabo byona, Kandi oteekereze
Nooha endugirro ya byona, Kandi
5. Mukama ga bambe omukucungura
itwe tweena, 296. SADAKA YETU
Watwehitsya, twakwizira,
Twaba abaawe tweena, Mukama Sadaka yetu twende tumutolee twende
ntambizi kumutolea

6. Mukama ga bambe okenda Twende wababa (twende, twende,

kw’otujuna tweena, twende) tumutolea
Watukunda waafa, twacungurwa, Twende wamama...
Toora ebyo biconco Mukama Twende watoto...
ntambizi. Twende wakristo...
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Divai zetu twende tumutolee twende Your holy people standing washed in
kumutolea your blood
Spirit filled yet hungry, we await your
Vipagi vyetu twende tumutolee twende food
kumutolea We are poor but we’ve brought ourselves
the best we could
Mazao yetu twende tumutolee twende
We are yours, we are yours

Nania zetu twende tumutolee twende 299. T WENDE TUMUTOLEYE

Twende tumutole ee sadaka ndugu
Twende tumutolee baba
Sasa ndio wakati wa kutoa sadaka
Baba Ibrahim wakati wa kale naye alitoa
Kila mtu aanze kujifikiria
Toa ndugu, toa ndugu x2 Mwana Abeli mwashima wa mungu naye
Ulicho nacho wewe alitoa sadaka
Bwana anakuona mpaka moyoni
mwako Wa Isreali pamoja na Musa nawo
walitowa sadaka
Wiki nzima Bwana Mungu alikulinda
Baba mwana na Roho mtakatifu, leo
Sasa nawe ndugu yangu ujifikirie
Mungu baba pokea sadaka, leo
Kumbuka jinsi Yezu alivyojitolea twakutolea
Pale msalambani kwa ajili yetu
Njooni wote tutoe sadaka, leo…
Tolea moyo wako, pia matendo yako
Mungu baba pokea mkate, leo…
Naye Bwana Mungu akubarikie
Mungu baba pokea divai, leo…
Baraka zake mungu, za baba na za mwana,
Za roho mtakatifu zikae nanyi nyote. Mungu baba pokea nafsi zetu, leo…


Take our bread, we ask you take our Tyer wa wan watyero iri
hearts, Wonwa game ki yom cwiny
We love you Take our lives,
Watyero mugati
Oh Father we are yours, we are yours
Watyero cente
Yours as we stand at the table you set
Yours as we eat the bread our hearts Watyero vini
can’t forget
Yao yao yao wawoto yao yao yao
We are the sign of your life with us yet
Watyero tyer maleng ki Rubanga won
We are yours, we are yours
Won lonyondo … yao
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Wun awobe … yao Zawadi ya divai kutoka mizabibu…
Ndio alama kwetu ya wema wako
Wun anyira … yao
Tyer wa wan watyero iri Nitunda la bidii ya mkono naya moyo…
Wonwa game ki yom cwiny x2 Jalie uwe kwetu kinywaji chake roho…
Watyero camnwa… tyer wa
Wateyro cwinya… tyer wa
What return to Yahweh can I make x2
Wateyro ticwa … tyer wa For blessings of every kind from Him that
I have received
Yao, yao, yao wawoto …
What return to Yahweh
Wun lonyodo… yao
What return can I make x2
Wun lotino… yao For blessings of every kind From him
that I have received.
Wun Lokristo … yao
He created me the Lord,
Tyer wa wan watyero iri He adopted me the Lord
Wonwa game ki yom cwiny x2 For blessings of every kind from Him that
Tyer pa lotino … tyer wa I have received
Tyer pa awobe … tyer wa He purifies me strengthens me,
by His spirit, the spirit of power
Tyer pa anyira … tyer wa
For blessings of every kind from Him that
301. UTUKUZWE I have received

Utukuzwe ewe baba Mungu 303. ZAENI MATUNDA

Utukuzwe… Alleluia ah
Kwani Yesu mfufuka ametualika … Zaeni matunda mema, Zaeni
Alleluia ah matunda yale
Zaeni yenye Baraka, Zaeni ya heri
Alleluia Utukuzwe
Baba Mwumba ulimwengu … Alleluia Bwana akayapokea, Yatabarikiwa
ah vyema
Tumepokea mkate mazao ya Zaeni matunda mema,
mashamba… Zaeni ya heri
Ndio alama kwetu, ya wema wako Safisha mwenendo wako, Safisha
mkuu… matendo yako
Nitunda la bidii, ya mkono na Safisha na bwana Yesu, Fanyeni yote
Jalie iwe kwetu, chakula cha uzima… Fanyeenin kazi kidumu, Fanyeni kazi kwa
Fanyeni na bwana Yesu, Fanyeni yote

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Tolea matunda yako, Pamoja na moyo Oyo ajja, opyo ajja mu linnya
wako ly’omukama atenderezebwe.
Naye bwana mungu wako, Atakubariki
Baraka za Mungu baba, Baraka za
Na za Roho mtakatifu, Ziwe nanyi nyote
Mutuukirivu ayi Mukama Katonda
SANCTUS/ HOLY Hosanna ayi Mukama
Hosanna waggulu eyo
304. MUTUUKIRIVU (St. Augustine
Hosanna hosanna x2
Mutuukirivu, mutuukirivu, mutuukirivu, Hosanna ayi mukama
Mutuukirivu Omukama, Omukama, Hosanna waggulu eyo.
Omukama Katonda w’amagye.
Ekitiibwa n’ettendo
Ekitiibwa kye tukiyimbe, ekitiibwa kye, Leka bimuwebwe
kijjudde, Hosanna ayi Mukama
Ekitiibwa kye, ekitiibwa kye, kijjudde, Hosanna waggulu eyo
Kibugadde eggulu n’ensi. Oyo ajja mu linnya ly’Omukama
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna Hosanna ayi Mukama
mukama, Hosanna waggulu eyo.
Ggwe Mukama Katonda w’amagye.
Oyo ajja mu linnya, ajja mulinnya ajja
mu linnya Ha, ha, ha, Mukama, Mukama,
Mu linnya ery’Omukama wa mukisa, Mutukirivu,
Wa mukisa atenderezebwe. Mutukirivu Mutukirivu,
Mutukirivu Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Hosanna……………………. Katonda wa magye Mukama
Wonna osusse e ekitiibwa
305. MUTUUKIRIVU Ekitiibwa ky’Omukama, kijudde,
Kibukadde buli wantu mu ggulu n’ensi
Mutuukirivu mutuukirivu oli wakitiibwa Ekitiibwa ky’OmukamaKatonda
Katonda w’amagye Kisuffu tumutenda. X2
Ooh ooh mukama waffe
Ekitiibwa kijjudde eggulu n’ensi. Hosanna hahaha ffenna tukutenda
Hosnna hosanna O wonna, hosanna gyoli tukutenda
Hosanna hosanna waggulu gy’otudde Waggulu wagggula eyo
Hosanna hosanna
Hosanna hosanna waggulu eyo Tumutenda nnyo tumuwa ekitiibwa
gy’otudde ossukulumye. Wamukisa oyo ajja ajja,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Ffe tumutenda nnyo tumutenda nnyo 311. MALENG
Tumugulumiza nnyo oo ajja mu Linnya
ly’Omukama Maleng, maleng, (Maleng, maleng)
Mmmm … x2 Rwoth were pa Iwak
308. HOLY (Bukalango) jolweng

Holy, holy, holy Lord Dwong perin, dwong perin (Dwong

Holy, holy in the highest perin, dwong perin)
Mmmm …. x2 Opong I polo gi piny
Heaven and earth are filled with your
glory Hosanna, hosanna Hosanna, hosanna
Let us all sing hosanna Mmmm… x2 Ija malo ipolo x2
We sing hosanna… Ngata bino, ngata bino (Ngata bino
Lord in the highest //x2 ngata bino)
Blessed is he who comes Mmmm … x2 Inyingi rwoth ajasi lwany
In the lord’s name hosanna
312. ILENG (1)
Ileng Ileng in Rubanga ma latwer ducu x2
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power and Polo ki ngom gi bi wori x2
Heaven and earth are full of your glory Hosana (x 11) malo I polo x 2
Hosanna in the highest
Gipwo en gipwo en ma o be bino I nying
Hosanna praise God Come save us O Rubanga x 2
Hosanna amen we’ll praise you forever x2 313. ILENG (2)

Blessed is he who comes In the Lord’s Ileng ileng ileng in Rwot malatwer
name Ileng ileng in Rubanga malatwer
We will sing it loud and clear Hosanna in In Rubanga malatwer
the highest Polo ki ngom gi wori
Polo ki ngomx2 gi woro deyoni
Hosanna hosanna hosanna
Loagayon, loagayon x3 Lokapolon hosanna hosanna malo ipolo x2
lokasuban Kipwo en ma bibino inying Rubanga
Kipwo en mabibino gipwo ngat
Aibuses kon ileleba x3 Toma akuju mabibino inying Rwot Rubanga latwer
Hosana, hosana x3 Irukoi ko kuju
Ileng in Rubanga malatwer
Erereng loébunit x3 Okiror keálokapolon Hosanna Obed malo ipolo x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Ileng Ileng in Rubanga malatwer 317. KWASE KWAVULA VALA
Ileng Ileng in Rubanga malatwer
Kwase kwavula vala tinaso fana naye x2
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna Tinaso fana naye x4
Obed malo ipolo Heaven and earth x2
Are filled with your glory
Gipwo en ma Obibino Inying Rubanga Tinaso fana naye x4
Hosanna Obed malo ipolo x2 Blessed is He x2
Who comes in the Lord,s name
Ileng Ileng in Rubanga malatwer
Tinaso fana naye x4
Ileng Ileng in Rubanga malatwer
Kwase kwavula vala tinaso fana naye x2
//Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna
Obed malo ipolo// x2 318. MUHIKIRIRE

Muhikirire - hosanna, Muhikirire -

315. MTAKATIFU BWANA hosanna
Muhikirire - hosanna, Haiguru hosanna
Mtakatifu bwana mtakatifu - Bwana
mtakatifu Iguru nensi – hosanna, Biijwire - hosanna
Mtakatifu bwana mtakatifu - Bwana Ekitiinisa kyawe – hosanna, Haiguru
mtakatifu hosanna
Mbinguni na dunia zi mejaa Hosanna, hosanna hosanna x2
Utukufu wako we mokozi, Bwana Haiguru hosanna
Womugisa ogu – hosanna, Alikwijja –
Hosanna, hosanna juu mbinguni - hosanna
Bwana mtakatifu x2 Omwibara lyawe – hosanna. Haiguru
Mbinguni na dunia ….. hosanna
Mbarikiwa yeye anayekuja - Kwa jina lake
Mbarikiwa yeye anayekuja - Kwa jina lake Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
bwana Dominus Deus, Deus Deus
Sabaoth Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus
Dominus Deus Dominus Deus
Mwamufu x2 Musengwa Kibumba Sabaoth Pleni Sunt Coeli, Pleni Sunt Coeli,
owamagye Sunt Coeli Sunt Coeli et terra Gloria tua.
Munsieno nimuwaikendhi, ekitisa kyo
kyabuna Hosanna Hosanna,
Hosanna x2 Ewa Baba muwaikendhi Hosanna Hosanna in excelsis //2
Hosanna x2 Hosanna
Benedictus, Benedictus qui venit qui
Aidah mu lina lya Baba venit
Musengwa atenderezebwe x2 In nomine domine //2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

PEACE 2. Jamani tunaomba upendo

3. Jamani tunaomba farajaa
4. Jamani tunaomba nemaaa
Aminanara, itunga kere aminanara
Aminanara, itunga kere aminanara 324. UPENDO HUVUMILIA
Ebala kere Yesu Itunga kere aminanara x2 Upendo huvumilia, upendo hauoni
Ebala kere papa… mabaya
Ebala lokasuban... Upendo hauna wivu, upendo
hauchoki jamani x2
Ebala kere Edeke…
Kaminanarosu. .. 1. Nijapo sema kwa lugha, kushinda
malaika jamani
321. MARE WUNU Kama mimi sina upendo. Mimi ni
kintu bule jamani.
1. Mare wunu, mare wunu,
Cik manyen ma an akeli wu, 2. Nijapo jitoa mwili, niuguwe motoni
Waco nia mare wunu. jamani
Kama mimi sina upendo. Mimi ni
2. Mote wunu ……….. kintu bule jamani.

3. Alleluia…………… 3. Nijapo hubili sana, mbele ya watu

wengi, jamani
322. NEKYO MUSENGWA Kama mimi sina upendo. Mimi ni
kintu bule jamani.
1. Nekyo Musengwa kyakoba
Kugonzagananga, Musengwa 325. MUGONZANGANE
Kugonzagananga. Muli ngonzi zange, Mugonzangane
2. Niffe abaana ba Kibumba Nyakumpurra wange, Mugonzangane

3. Ab’omukika ekya Musengwa Iteeka mbahaire mugonzamgane

4. Tugonzaganye Tusagambye x2 Mugonzangane nk’oku mwandesire
Engozi zitazooka nziboolekere,
323. JAMANI TUNAOMBA AMANI Omuntu oleke afe akiz’enganzi ze.

1. Tenor; Jamani tunaomba amani Tinkabeeta bairu, Mugonzangane

All; Tunaomba amani Tohwerayo mwiru, Mugonzangane
Tenor; Jamani tunaomba amani
nawema Nkabanjurra byoona, Mugonzangane
All; Tunaomba amani Ebi ntumwa Taata, Mugonzangane
Yee! Yee! Yee! Yee!
Kwa jina la Yesu tuna oamba Mutankome nangwa, Mugonzangane
amani x2 Nkabeihamu nyenka, Mugonzangane
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
326. TULINA EBBANJA N’anfuula nze omuKristu, ne yeeraga
ng’era anjagala.
Tulina ebbanja ffena lyakwagalana
Kyekirabo Katonda kyawa ffe abantu 330. WE ARE HEIRS
Okwagala ffena kwe kutugata
Kyekiraga nti Katonda akola muffe We are heirs of the Father
We are joint heirs with the Son
327. EMIREMBE GYE MBAWA We are children of the Kingdom
We are family, We are one
Emirembe gye mbawa, Bwatyo bwe
yagamba Hold somebody
Mubeere nemirembe, Nze ngenze eri Tell that “I love you”
kitange Lift your hands together
Ekirala mbakuutira Mwagalanenga, And praise the Lord
Mubeere n’emirembe, Okutuusa lwe
ndidda AGNUS DEI (LAMB OF God)


Let there be love shared among us Kataama ka Ruhanga iwe nyakwihaho

Let there be love in our hearts ebibi byensi
Let now your love fill this nation Kataama ka Ruhanga, otusaasire. //x2
Cause us O Lord to arise Kataama ka Ruhanga iwe nyakwihaho
Give us a fresh understanding ebibi byensi
Brotherly (sisterly) love that is real Kataama ka Ruhanga, Otuhe obusingye
Let there be love shared among us
Let there be love 332. AGNUS DEI
329. OKWAGALA KUKIRA BYONNA Agnus Dei, Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi,
Okwagal kukira byonna, Yesu Kristu Miserere Nobis
yanjagala Agnus Dei, Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi,
Ky’amazima ayagala ffena, tumwagale Miserere Nobis
ye yatwagala. Agnus Dei, Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi,
N’azaalibwa okubeera nze, n’ayigiriza Miserere Nobis Pacem.
okubeera nze
N’akemebwa okubeera nze, ne yeeraga 333. AKALIGA
ng’era anjagala
Akaliga ka Katonda …. x2
N’avumibwa okubeera nze, nabonabona Ggwe aggyawo ebibi by’ensi
okubeera nze, Mukama Yezu……….. Otusaasire x2
Era n’attibwa okubeera nze, ne yeeraga
ng’era anjagala. Akaliga ka Katonda …. x2
Yanjagala nze n’ansuuta, n’annyamba Ggwe aggyawo ebibi by’ensi
nze n’annganza, Mukama Yezu ……….. Otusaasire x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Akaliga ka Katonda …. x2 Latin romo pa Rubanga, ma ikwanyo, bal
Ggwe aggyawo ebibi by’ensi pa dano x2
Mukama Yezu ..... Otuwe emirembe x2 (Mini wa kuc x4) x2

334. Aa a AKALIGA 339. EE WOD ROMO

Aa a…kaliga akaliga ka Katonda Ee wod Romo ee wod Romo
akagyawo ebibi by’ensi Ee wod Romo pa Rubanga //x2
Tukusaba otusaasire (2)
Aa a…kaliga akaliga ka Katonda In aye ma i kwanyo
akagyawo ebibi by’ensi Bal me ngom ducu
Kica omaki i Komwa //x2
Tukusaba otuwe emirembe.
Ee wod Romo pa Rubanga – Ee wod Romo
335. KYANA KYE MBULI Ma ikwanyo bal me ngom – Ee wod Romo
Kyana kye mbuli kya Nyamuhanga-a
Kyikalusaya malolo we kihugho, In aye ma i kwanyo
Uthughanyire Nyamuhanga, Bal me ngom ducu
uthughanyire Nyamuhanga thatha.x2 Miiwa kuc.

Kyana kye mbuli kya Nyamuhanga-a 340. AKATAAMA KA BABA

Kyikalusaya malolo we kihugho,
Uthuhe obuthekane Nyamuhanga, Akataama ka Baba niwe
uthuhe obuthekane Nyamuhanga thatha. Atolawo ebibi byaiffe
Akataama ka Baba niwe
336. WOD ROMO PA RUBANGA Yamba otusaasire iffe. x2
Wod romo pa Rubanga ma ikwanyo bal Akataama ka Baba niwe
pa dano x2 Atolawo ebibi byaiffe
1. Kica, omaki ikom wa x4 Akataama ka Baba niwe
2. Miiwa, mini wa kuc x4 Tuwe enkabi yamba.
Wod romo pa Rubanga ma ikwanyo bal Khakhese kha Wele khalusawo, Byonako
pa dano byeffe x2
Wod romo pa Rubanga kica omaki Mugasha (kwiya khile) x2
Wod romo pa Rubanga ma ikwanyo bal Khakhese kha Wele khalusawo, Byonako
pa dano….miwa kuc byeffe x2
Mugasha (kwiya khile) x2

Latin romo, pa Rubanga, ma ikwanyo bal Khakhese kha Wele khalusawo, Byonako
pa dano x2 byeffe x2
(Tim wa kica x4) x2 Mugasha (khuwe lukosi) x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
342. MWANA KONDO 1. Bwana, unaneema nyingi
Ya ondoa kila dhambi (x2)
Mwana kondo wa Mungu, utuhurumie
leo, 2. Bwana Yesu niongoze,
Mwana kondo wa Mungu, utuhurumie Ni dumu katika neema (x2)
3. Tuta mwimbia pamoja
Mwana kondo wa Mungu, utujalie Tumsifu mungu juu (x2)

343. AKATAAMA KA KIBUMBA Cam me polo ma wan wacamoni,

Obedo Kom ki Remo pa Yesu Rwot,
Akataama ka Kibumba nighe
me pitowa pi kwo ma pe tum
Akataama ka Kibumba nighe
1. Man koma ma abimiyo pi wun,
Otolagho ebibi tusaasire (4) Man pwony pa Yesu………..
Otolagho ebibi tughe enkabi (2) 2. Man bedo Remona me cik
3. Wutim kit man me poo dong
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 4. An atyero koma dong pi kwo me
344. ABU LOKASUBAN piny..
5. Wubed I koma dong me nongo
1. Abu Lokasuban ijuk apedor, kwo…
apedor, 6. Pe awekowu bedo kic,
apedor, apedor na x2 adwogo………
Siri kere oni imenit ajie, ajie, ajie lo 347. RWOTWA YESU OWACO NIA
Erai kere ajie lationa noi noi x2
Rwotwa Yesu owaco nia, bedo lakristo
2. Abu Lokasuban ijuk agogong x2
ocung I kom ye,
dok en bene Waco nia an abino
3. Abu Lokasuban ijuk emoyo x2 (lo) macalo tar x2
4. Abu Lokasuban ijuk atitingu, x2 1. Tic madic ma lodini otimo,
(na) aye me keliwa ye ikom Rwotwa,
Rwot wa Yesu owaco ni ngat
5. Abu Lokasuban ijuk amina
mu yee loka en dong pe bi too

345. NDIWE CHEM CHEM 2. An awaco ka in iye itwero neno dit

pa Rubanga,
Ndiwe chem chem, ya uzima
ber wan ducu walwenyo matek,
Niwe peke yako Bwana
me gwoko ye wa wek pe wato
Niongoze baharini, Niwe wako daima x2

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Lodini pe gunyutu lworo mo, 5. Bin un Lotino, ka camo cam
tek cwiny ki mar mar madit jingo Yesu lwongo wabote cam me polo x2
ikin gi bene mogo guto ka yaro ker 6. Bin un Lodito, ka camo cam
pa Rwotwa ingom kany Yesu lwongo wabote cam me polo x2


Nyizia kendri eri ka rubu unze Bread of life Jesus,

Angire ga lolu, Lecu ba Vudri di rii Bread of life my Lord,
Rii a’a si, Kaki joa’a Rubanga iyo //x2 Sanctify my heart, Jesus,
Sanctify my heart.
Odu eri, in’a vuga nyisura Jesus you said, I AM the Bread that came
Lecu nyidri ri dri a’a igo, from Heaven,
Nya aii bwe endru Rubanga ni a’a And who ever, eats of me, will never die,
Ani a’a vua kolu tadru x2 Will live forever.
Jesus you said, I AM the way, the Truth
Jo nyini ru lini oru risi sa’a and the Life,
Rubanga andra ehwi ako No one can come to my Father,
Jo ini ma’di nyi bidi ri kuri, Except by me, except through me.
Lini nyidri rii kengwi lali x2 Jesus you said, I AM the resurrection and
the life,
And who ever believes in me,
Jo nyisi limi, lidri tro cidru sa’a Although he dies will life forever.
Rubanga andra ehwi ako,
Jo ini ma’di nyi bidi ri kurii, 351. TRULY THE GOOD JESUS
Nyizia kendri rubu ani //x2
Truly the Good Jesus Loved us too
349. CAM KI MAT UBIN excess,
Giving us free access to His Holy
Cam ki mat ubin, bin wacitu, Presence.
wacitu Yesu lwongo wabote cam me
polo x2 Praised be the Blessed Sacrament,
Where Jesus Christ keeps Himself for us,
1. Bin un Lokristo, ka camo cam Hiding His Splendour and Majesty,
Yesu lwongo wabote cam me polo x2 In the form of Bread and Wine.

2. Bin un Awobe, ka camo cam God loves us so tenderly, fully pouring

Yesu lwongo wabote cam me polo x2 Himself out,
Giving us His Body and His Blood that
3. Bin un Anyira, ka camo cam we may share.
Yesu lwongo wabote cam me polo x2 On the night He was betrayed, he took
Bread and gave You thanks,
4. Bin un Lupwonye, ka camo cam Gave to them His Body, which is given
Yesu lwongo wabote cam me polo x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
up for us all. 353. K ARIBU MOYONI MWANGU
When supper was ended, He took the
cup and gave thanks, Karibu moyoni mwangu (Bwana)
This is My Blood of the Everlasting Karibu nakukaribisha (sana)
covenant. Karibu moyoni mwangu
Karibu karibu bwana. x2
1. Karibu moyoni mwangu, karibu
1. S&A Others uungane name
Yesu bulamu bweffe Mwana muhonesi Karibu mwoyoni mwangu, (karibu) x2
– washibala bwana x2
Bali ni khabi boosi Balya khu Yesu x2
2. Unipe uzima wako, unipe nafuraha
Bass Others
yako Karibu moyoni …………….. x2
Bapapa Mutimake esi ali
Mulye Mulye khu Yesu 3. Nupe nupendo lako, nupe nahuruma
S&A: Khutsye khumesa kwa Papa Karibu moyoni ………………….. x2
Khulye khumubili kwa Yesu
Khunye khumafuki kayaya 4. Uni masisha bwana, katika moyoni jia
Khufune bulamu yanke haki
B&T: Khutsye, khutsye Karibu moyoni ………………….. x2
Khulye khu Yesu khulye
Khunywe khunywe 354. TUMUTUMIKIE MUNGU
Khufune bulamu.
1. Bass: Tumutumikie mungu
2. S&A Others All: Aliyo tupenda sana
Nibaleme boosi Alibenyusa Baba mungu tamusana
bachende Kwa mapendo yake x2
Nibemumitambo Kamasika ali bakhuya
Bass: Wa ndugu nyinyi
Muache dhambi
All: Tuleta kwa mungu
Bayaya Bamutimake yo ali
(wandugu) kazi zetu
Mulye Mulye khu Yesu x2
Za mkono natuleta
Kwa mungu x2
3. S&A Others
Bali ni khabi boosi Bamutimake yo ali 2. Bass: Alleluia alleluia
Balibona buwanga Khusifuku All ; Alleluia alleluia
shenzakamo x2 Baba mungu tamusana
Kwa mapendo yake x2
Mwesi Mutimake esi ali
Mulye Mulye khu Yesu 3. Bass : Tikimbukie uli mbele
All ; Ali sema kondoo
Baba mungu tamusana
Kwa mapendo yakex2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
355. HII NI KARAMU Nitubishe, mwante dhambi, tumaini
wewe tu.
Hii ni karamu, uzima wa Roho, 5. Shida zangu angalia, nikoe dhikini,
Yumo Bwana Yesu, kwa mwili wake Nisamehe dhambi zangu, tumaini
kweli, na damu yake. wewe tu.

1. Alisema Bwana; twaeni wote, mule, 6. Nzia zaku zote, Bwana nifadhili,
ni mwili wangu. Niongonze, motto wako, tumaini
2. Alisema Bwana: twaeni wote, wewe tu.
munywe, ni damu yangu.
3. Nasi twasadiki ni mwili wake kweli 357. TUENDE NDUGU
na damu yake.
4. Alituamuru kufanya hivyo kwa Tuende ndugu tuende bwanatatuita,
ukumbusho wake. tuendeni wote kwenye karamu.
5. Tukifanya hivyo tunatangaza kifo Kwa furaha tele, Kwaku nesanesa,
tuendeni wote kwenye karamu. x2
cha Bwana wetu.
6. Kwa hii karamu twashiriki uzima
Nimapendo gani ulie naye bwana Yesu,
wa Bwana wetu.
Kutowa mwili wako iwe kama kya kula,
7. Huu ni upendo aliotuachia, (nakuomba bwana ni poke-e) x2
mkombozi wetu.
8. Hapa dunia twaishi na Baba kwa Nimapendo gani ulie naye bwana Yesu,
karamu hii. Kutowa damu yako iwe kama kinywaji,
9. Na huko mbiguni tutaishi na Baba (nakuomba bwana ni poke-e) x2
milele yote.
Uni burudishe bwana pia uni shibishe,
356. NAINUA MOYO WANGU kwa kyakula hiki na pia kwa kinywaji
1. Nainua moyo wangu, kwako wewe
(nakuomba bwana ni poke-e) x2
ee Baba;
Unikinge na uovu, tumaini wewe tu. 358. THUTSEMIRE

2. Ni julishe njia zako, ni fundishe Thutsemire ae thutsemire ae-e,

ukweli; Thutsemiree omu Yesu omwami. x2
Hekimayo niongonze, tumaini
wewe tu. Uli mulemberi thatha,
Abosi abakwire enzala uka wuthaya bo-o.
3. Ewe Baba, ukumbuke wema wako
milele; Ulnyothamberi thatha,
Nifutie dhambi zangu, tumaini Abosi abakwire’ nyotha, ukakokaya bo-o.
wewe tu.
Uli mulemberi thatha,
Abosi abakaghalawa-a uka lhamayabo-o.
4. Nitazame kwa huruma, ewe mungu
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
359. ANAYEKULA Come let’s share in ascension of the lord…

1. Anayekula mwili wako, na anywaye Come let’s share our union with the lord…
danu yako,
Anaishi ndani yako, ye hatakufa 361. FILL MY HOUSE
Yezu wangu nakuomba, nishibishe na Fill my house unto the fullest
Eat my bread and drink my wine
The love I bear is held from no one
Nayo damu yako ninywe, japo sistahili
All I have and I all I do I give to you
2. Ndani yangu mwokozi yumo, kwa Take my time unto the fullest
mwili na damu yake, Find in me the trust you seek
Ni rafiki yangu kweli, name And take my hands to you outreaching
sitamwacha kamwe. All I have and I all I do I give to you

3. Alikuja kutuokoa, tuliokuwa Christ our Lord, with love enormous

dhambini, From the cross his lesson taught
To Love all men as I have loved you
Kwa kifo chake msalabani, naye
All I have and I all I do I give to you
katupa uzima.
Join with me, as one in Christ-love
4. Yezu wangu unibariki, nifundishe
May our hearts all beat as one
njia zako, May we give ourselves completely
Nipe moyo wa shukrani, nitembee All I have and all I do I give to you
nawe leo.


Great things happen when God mixes

Come let’s share in the banquet of the with man
lord Great things happen when God mixes
In the Blessed Sacrament with man
Come let’s share in the supper of the lord Great and beautiful, wonderful things
In the Blessed Sacrament Great things happen when God mixes
with man
Eat the bread and drink the wine
Flesh and blood of the lord divine Some find life, some find peace
Share his life it is yours and mine Some people even find joy
For we are one in his design Some see themselves as they never
could before
Come let’s share in the passion of the lord And some people find that they can now
In the Blessed Sacrament begin to trust
Come let’s share the resurrection of the
lord Some find health, some find hope
In the Blessed Sacrament Some people even find joy
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Some see themselves as they never Yesu katuonea wema pia huruma
could before Alitupenda sana sana, akatupa uzima
And some people find that they can now
Jioni alhamisi alichukua mkate
begin to live
Kaugeuza mwili, mwili kuleni, mkaokoke
Some find peace, some are disturbed Pia alichukua kikombe cha divai
Some people even find joy Kaigeuza damu, damu kunyweni,
Some see themselves as they never mkaokoke
could before
And some people find that they can now Walipo kwisha kula, kawaosha miguu
begin to change Nimewapa mfano, mfano, fanyeni ninyi vile
Yesu, mwili na damu, chakula cha uzima
363. GUIDE ME Tujalie kupata, pata uzima wa milele.
Guide me, O thou great redeemer
Pilgrim through this barren land 365. K ARIBU YESU
I am weak, but thou art mighty
Karibu Yesu mwoyoni mwangu
Hold me with thy powerful hand
Karibu Yesu mwoyoni mwangu
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven
Feed me till I want no more Niwewe pekee kipenzi changu
Feed me till I want no more. Nioneshe Yesu upendo wako
Open now the crystal fountain
Niponye baba magonjwa ya roho
Whence the healing stream doth flow
Magonjwa ya akili na magonjwa ya mwili
Let the fiery cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through Niponye Yesu, niponye we kipenzi
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer Sina mwengine, wa kumwendea
Be thou still my strength and shield
Be thou still my strength and shield Unanijua, unyonge wangu,
Bila wewe Yesu, siwezi chochote
When I tread the verge of Jordan
Bid my anxious fears subside Karibu Baba, karibu dakitari
Death of death, and hell’s destruction Karibu mshinda, karibu mwoyoni
Land me safe on Canaan’s side
Songs of praises, songs of praises Wewe ni mungu, muumba vyote
I will ever give to thee, Kila kiumbe, kina kusifu
I will ever give to thee. Ewe ni Alfa, tena Omega
Mwanzo na mwisho, ni jina lako

Hii ni Ekaristi aliyotuachia 366. PENDO LANGU

Bwana Yesu Kristu, Kristu B: Pe, pendo langu pe,
Mkombozi wa dunia pendo langu pe, pendo langu
Imbeni, imbeni kwa furaha
Sifuni, sifuni Ekaristi T: Pe, pendo pe, pendo pe, pendo pe,
Alimo Yesu Kristu Kristu pendo pe, pendo langu
alimo ni mzima
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
A: Pendo langu nakupa Sweet sacrament of peace
pendo langu Dear home of every heart
Where restless yearning cease
S: Pendo langu nakupa And sorrows all depart,
pendo langu There in thine ear all trustfully
We tell our tale of misery
1. Pendo langu ninakupa kwa sababu Sweet sacrament of peace x2
Ewe Bwana Yesu ni mungu kweli
Sweet sacrament of rest
2. …. Ewe Bwana Yesu chukula kweli Ark from the ocean’s roar,
Within thy shelter blest
3. ….. Ewe Bwana Yesu ni damu kweli Soon may we reach the shore
4. ….. Ewe Bwana Yesu ni mwili kweli Save us for still the tempest raves
Save lest we sink beneath the waves
5. … Ewe Bwana Yesu mchungaji kweli Sweet sacrament of rest x2

367. SOUL OF MY SAVIOUR Sweet sacrament divine

Earth’s light and jubilee
Soul of my savior sanctify my breast In thy far depths doth shine
Body of Christ be thou my saving guest Thy Godhead’s majesty
Blood of my savior bathe me in thy tide Sweet light, so shine on us we pray
Wash me with waters gushing from thy That earthly joys may fade away
side Sweet sacrament divine x2

Strength and protection, may thy passion 369. TUGENDE TUMUFUNE

O blessed Jesus, hear and answer me Tugende tumufune, Tulina essanyu
Deep in thy wounds, lord, hide and ffena okugabana
shelter me Tugende tumufune, ku Ukarastia eno
So shall I never, never depart from thee ey’obulamu
Tugenda ku mbaga ebyambaro tubilina
Guard and defend me from the foe malign Tugenda ku mbaga n’ebyambaro byaffe
In death’s dread moment, make me only eby’obugole.
Call me and bid me, come to thee on high 1. Tugende tumufune omukama nnyini
When I may praise thee with thy saints bulamu
for aye
Mu Ukarastia Kristu mw’abeera.
368. SWEET SACRAMENT DIVINE Tugenda ku mbaga Omukama
Sweet sacrament divine N’abajulizi era gye bagabanako.
Hid in thy earthly home
Lo, Round thy lowly shrine 2. Abankuseere n’abaavu bayitidwa
With suppliant hearts we come Ku Ukarastia embaga yaffe ey’obulamu.
Jesus, to thee our voice raise Bamuzibe abo n’abalema olwa leero
In songs of love and heartfelt praise Bajje balye ku kijulo eky’obulamu
Sweet sacrament divine x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Ukarastia ngabo yaffe ey’obulamu Yezu lwe yasiibula abatume
Erituwanguza olutalo ffe abalamazi abagaalwa.
N’abajulizi gye baafuna mu kulwana
N’ebawanguza obulamu 4. Omugaati gw’addidde gw’afuula
obw’olubeerera. omubiri ggwe
Omukama gw’abawa “Mulye ku kino
4. Mukama waffe nga essaawa mwena”.
Yatuula wamu ku meeza n’Abatume be 5. N’ekikompe bw’ekityo, bonna
N’abagabula embaga ye eyasembayo baakikombako,
Ye Ukarastia eno gye twettanira. Ne banywa omusaayi ggwe nga bwe
balya enyama ye.
5. Abajulizi abattibwa e Namugongo
Tubalabireko baganda baffe abazira 6. Ebyo nga bikoleddwa awo
Ukarastia gye beesiga mu kulwana n’abakutira
Yabattikiza engule ey’olubeerera. “Kino mukikolenga mwenna
6. Timutyanga abo abazigu bali –
abayigganya 7. Ye mu konsekrasio, Yezu mwe
Timutya abo abazigu bali – yeewelayo
ababawalana Era ne mu komunio tumufuna bulijjo.
Oluusi bajja ne balowoza – ni
babamalawo 8. Mujje gyendi mwe mwenna, mujje
Sso muli bangi olw’amaanyi – mwe abategana
Katonda g’abawa Mujje nabagumyanga ne
Nze nnabasuubiza ndibawa era – mbatowolokosa.
bye muliddamu
Bwe baba babatutte mu kkomera 371. TUUTUNO FFENA
eyo – tuliba wamu x2
Tuutuno ffena tukuyimbira,
370. SSAKRAMENTU ETUKUVU Essanyu lyaffe Yezu Ostia
Mu mutima gwo otukumenga
1. Ssakramentu etukuvu, Yezu lye N’otunyweza mu kwagala.
Tulisinze n’okutya wamu 1. Ayi mwoyo gwange tokoowa
n’okulyagala. luyimba
Oluyimba lwaffe olw’okwagala
2. Eby’edda byo byaggwaawo, kino
kye kitambiro 2. Yezu ow’ekitiibwa, Kabaka ggwe wuyo,
Yezu kye yaleetera bonna Ate ne wekweka mu Altari yo.
3. Ggwe nannyini nneema otuwa mu
3. Bwali budde bwa kiro, kumpi ne mwoyo
kalvariyo. Mu Ukaristia obulamu bwo.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
372. Jjangu Jjangu ENNO 4. Ggwe buggaga bwange
Ggwe mugabi wange
Jjangu Jjangu Enno Byona ebyange biva uwo Yesu
Ggwe Yesu Omwagalwa Wange Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Jjangu Jjangu Enno Yesu ggwe Mukama
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda W’obulamu bwange
1. Ggwe luyimba lwange Musanyu n’enaku Yesu
Yeggwe sanyu lyange Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Ggwe kwesiima kwange Yesu Byonna byenjagala
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda Byonna byenetaaga
Ggwe kwesiima kwange Ggwe kirombe kyange Yesu
Ggwe musumba wange Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Ggwe musawo wange Yesu
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda 5. Ggwe kwagala kwange
Ggwe mere y’omwoyo Oliwange wenna
Ggwe mazzi ag’obulamu Nze nange ndi uwo Yesu
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Mubudde obwekiro
2. Ggwe Katonda wange Munzikiza oyomwoyo
Ggwe Kabaka wange Gwe tawaza yange Yesu
Ggwe kyonzira kyange Yesu Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda Ggwe mulwanyi wange
Jinja lyekaliro Muntalo ezo mwoyo
Ye ggwe lwazi lwange Ggwe ngabo etasingika Yesu
Ye ggwe maanyi gange Yesu Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Ggwe ndagaano yange 6. Bw’obulawo nzigwerera
Ggwe musika wange Bw’obulawo nnemererwa
Ggwe kikompe kyange Yesu Omulaabe ampangula Yesu
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Yesu ggwe asooka
3. Ggwe kubo eddungamu Yesu ggwe nkomerero
Ggwe mwoyo ggwange Yeggwe mpera yange Yesu
Ggwe mazima ggoka Yesu Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda Twala ebyange byoona
Yesu ggwe Kigambo Byenina bye byenina
E- - kyobulamu Nzijuzamu okwagala Yesu
Yeggwe subi lyange Yesu Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda
Yeggwe ddembe lyange 373. AKONKONA KU LUGGI
Ggwe bulamu bwange
Ggwe magezi gange Yesu Akonkona ku luggi Yezu akuyita wuuyo
Jjangu Obwedda Nkulinda Akonkona ku luggi ggulawo omutima
gwo ggwe
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Akonkona ku luggi omutima ggwe Tusaanye tumusende, amiina
muwe agutwale emirembe gyonna.
Obulamu Yezu abufuule bwonna.
1. Oli wuwe akunoonya jjukira nga wali
omusenze 1. Mirembe Omukama ayi Yezu
Bw’otyo n’omukyawa Yezu omwagalwa
akomyewo ku luggi Siyinza kwogera leero nkusinze
Yezu ky’akugamba kinyweze bwe ntya
bulamu obuggya Mujje mwe Bamalayika nammwe
Ensi eno tekupaaza Yezu n’omufiirwa bannaggulu mmwena
yenna. Tusinzize wamu Nyini butukuvu.

2. Bangi abagiganza ensi eno 2. Ayi Yezu nkwebaza ku

bw’ebalimba bw’etyo lw’okunkyalira
Bangi n’ebapaaza bw’etyo Leero nkweyanze ntya nga bwe
n’ebalimbalimba kisaanira
Weesigenga Yezu Mukama owone Essanyu limbugaanye nnyo
okufa ggwe Onyambye weebale wamma ggwe
Kwata bye yagamba bw’otyo obe onsaasidde.
mulamu wenna.
3. Nkusanyuse na ki? Laba bwendi
3. Malirira okumwewa Yezu owone bwendi
okusaaga Ebyange ze nsobi nsale magezi ki?
Kikakase okinyweze Yezu Maanyi neefule omuddu wo ka
mutambulenga mwembi nngende busenze bwo
Bingi by’olemedde sitaani kw’ayima Bwentyo nkwewongere nga bwe
akuswaze bw’onnewadde.
Mweyambule omusuule wunno
4. Nnyweza n’eneeena yo nkwate
anaakuyamba waali.
Gumya Ekleziya wo okkume
4. Bangi b’anunudde Yezu ng’abasenza
abaana bo
Aboononyi bakomyewo gy’oli mu
Nga nange mw’ombalidde ekisa kye
ndikitenda wonna
Tuwe emirembe gyo mu
Talemwa Omuyinza Yezu ggwe
ssakramentu lyo.
bw’oba omusenze
Malirira okumwewa wuuno 5. Ayi mmanu entukuvu, mugaati
anaakuyamba waali. gw’eggulu,
5. Mutende Omuyinza Mukama Tuwe obunyiikivu n’ensa mu
atuyamba bw’atyo mirimu
Tumwesige atuyambe Mukama ye Ggwe ntanda y’abatambula ggwe
muyanbi waffe ndasi y’abazirika
Y’atuwanguza oyo bingi abiwugula oyo Ggwe ddala ettukuvu tulinnyise
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
375. MWE MUJJE ABALAMAGGA 1. Mulabe amagero Katonda Mwana
Mulabe amagero, okujja omwange;
1. Mwe mujje abalamagga yiino Nze ani nze gw’onkyalidde,
entanda, Nze ani nze nange omwolo.
Yiino etuuse Omutanda gy’agabula.
Haa mujje ne mugabana kw’eno 2. O Kristu ggwe Katonda,
entanda, O Kristu ggwe Akaliga,
Anti Kristu yennyininnyini agabula. O Kristu ggwe Omukama,
Osiimye otya okujja omwange?
Ndiwo mbanyweze – Ggulu Ggulu Ggulu
Mulya nze ne munywa ne mbazza
3. Laba ekitiibwa kye nfunye nze,
Okukyaza omutonzi w’eggulu;
Anti obulamu bwonna bwonna buli mu
Ssonga nze sissanidde,
nze. x2
Leero nange nneesiimye.
2. Ye ggwe gwo omugaati ogwava eyo
mu ggulu, 4. O Mukama ggwe Katonda,
Anti Kristu ye nnyininnyini ggwe tulya. Leero nange akukyazizza;
Haa leero nze sikyajula ndidde Nze nfuuse ennyumba yo kati,
entanda, Nsiimye nnyo okujja omwange.
Anti entukuvu byonna byonna ne
Omugaati gw’obulamu ogwava mu
3. Haa y’oyo Omusumba Yezu atuliisa
Mu ddundiro lye awaladde tweyanze.
(Guugwo wuuno, ye Yezu) x2
Haa y’oyo antwala nennywa ku nsulo
Ogw’abatambuze ye nnyini bulamu
Yezu afuuse entanda
Nga nesiimye Omusumba tanvaako.
1. Tweyanzizza Ssebo omulungi,
4. Ggwe ndiisa omubiri gwo Yezu ggwe Yezu okutweta (oyambye)
wawaayo, Tweyanzizza (oyambye) tweyanzizza
Bw’otyo ondokole ng’olaga ekisa ekingi. Ssebo okukwewa ggwe.
Ggwe nnywesa omusaayi, Yezu
ogwakuvaamu, 2. Twesiime nnyo Ssebo ggwe
Ku kalivaliyo odde buggya ne mu nze. owaffe,
Ssebo okutweta, (ng’ojja eno)
376. MUGGULEWO YEZU ATUUSE Twesiime nnyo (ewaffe) twesiime
Muggulewo muggulewo Yezu atuuse, Ssebo okuba naawe.
Ayingire, ayingire mu mitima
egyammwe; 3. Mmwe abayala namwe abayonta
Nneesiimye leero nange okukyazanze Namwe abagonvu (mujje eno)
Omulokozi Ewa nnyini bulamu (ye Yezu)
Nneesiimye leero nange okukyazanze abakkukuse nnyo
Omulokozi Nnyini abawe amaanyi.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Tukwesiga nnyo, Ssebo tutwale, baayo kyategekedde
Ssebo otutuuse (eka eyo) Abagenyi baakyo,
Gyobeera mu kitiibwa tukwesiga Kankufenenga lunye, nkumanye
nnyo okusinga wano x2
Ssebo tutuuse eyo.
5. Ewa Kitaawo, Ssebo tutwale,
Ssebo otutuuse (twesiime) Embaga y’Akaliga – kaliga
N’abamutenda (mukitiibwa) Yiino laba etuuse – y’eno
bannaggulu, Omugole atuuse mujje tumwanirize.
Naffe nno tube mu abo. (Mumutendereze – Alleluia
Mumutendereze – Kristu Akaliga) x2
1. Obununuzi bwa Kaliga, n’ekitiibwa
Nga muwomedde ebyambalo naffe
kya Kaliga
mutubulireko mulagagwa
N’obuyinza bwo bwa Kaliga,
Tuli bayite ffe kukijullo ku mbaga ya
n’ennamula y’akaliga y’amazima.
Yezu gyategese,
Okulya ebirungi ebya buli kika, bye
2. Mmwe abasenze Akaliga, ekitiibwa
bigere bino batulinze.
mukiwe Akaliga
Tulina kukeera twanguweko
Afune ekitiibwa oyo Akaliga,
okubalira mu abo bannamukisa,
mumutendereze oyo Akaliga.
Mwanguwe okutegeka tweyuneyo
Yezu atugabule Ukaristia.
3. Katonda oli wa kitalo, n’obuyinza
Tujja kukyala gy’otuyise, tujja wuwo
obubwe bwa kitalo
Yezu omugabuzi x2
Afuge ensi eno y’agitwala
tumugulumize oyo Akaliga.
1. Omubiri n’omusaayi gwo
ngabiwoomu nnyo,
4. Tutendereze Akaliga, mu luyimba
Anti okubiryako kigambo kya
ttendo nnantendo
Ffena abatonde tusse kimu,
Ntya obuwoomi bwa byo.
tumugulumize oyo Akaliga.
Kankufenenga lunye, nkumanye
okusinga wano x2
5. Tuyimbe nnyo Akaliga, mu luyimba
2. Abayala n’abayonta ngamuludde olunyuma
ye? Ffena abatonde tusaakanye,
Yezu abayita eno Katonda tugulumize oyo Akaliga.
y’abayita munnasubwa
mutya munnagambaki? 380. TUJAGUZE
Kankufenenga lunye, nkumanye
1. Tujaguze tukube olube, tuyimbe
okusinga wano x2
ffenna n’essanyu:
3. Akusaba kimu kati bamuyonjo, Yezu azze wano ewaffe!
Omutima gulongoose kukijullo Tumutenda ffenna wamu
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Ebigambo bya Konsekrasio, 3. Tunaakuwa ki Kristu, Ffe nno ffe
bimuleese mo Ostia; abankuseere (Tulabira wa?.......... x3)
Eyafiira ku Kalvario, ali wano ne mu Kiki ddala ekirungi, ku bwaffe
Missa. abasenge.
3. Yezu wange, Tarbenakulo, yensiisira 4. Tukwekola nnyo Kristu, Kristu ggwe
yo mw’obeera: atugatta ffenna (Tulabira wa?....... x3)
Emisana era n’ekiro ng’omaze Ow’ekisa tunyweze, ffe mu ggwe
okwetambira. tugumenga.
4. Mukama wange nga nkwegomba! 5. Tukwagala nnyo Kristu, Kristu
Vva mu Tarbenakulo yo: ggwe Omusumba waffe (Tulabira
Nje nkufune mu bwa Komunyo wa?............. x3)
ng’onjijira mu kifuba. Ffe abantu bo tutwale tulambike
5. Yezu wange Ostansorio, Ye ntebe
kw’olabikira: 6. Tukwesiga nnyo Kristu, Kristu ggwe
Weyoleka ne mu bimyanso. Ffe nga omulungi waffe (Tulabira wa?........
tuzze okukiika. x3)
Kulembera otutwale tuwanguze
6. Ayi Mukama ggwe oli Kitaffe, ggwe
mulokozi w’abantu,
Ggwe oli ssanyu ly’emyoyo gyaffe. 382. WANTONDA OW’OBUYINZA
Ng’ogyidde mu Sacramentu.
1. Wantonda, ow’obuyinza Yezu
381. T WANIRIZE KRISTU OMUGENYI Wanganza, ka nkubiite nange;
OMUKULU Wankwana, nkwagala ggwe
Twanirize Kristu omugenyi omukulu owange,
Ali kati mu ffe wano Ntwala, omulungi gy’oli.
O! Kya magero kikulu nnyo
Yezu okujja n’abeera mu ffe, Leero, Omutonzi wange
n’afaanana nga ffe! Ggwe ndayira, Mukama wange!
Azze Omusumba omulungi alambule Nfune enneema ey’okukulaba
endiga ze, //Mbeere, Katonda wange,
Azze, azze, azze, atuliise. Eyo omulungi gy’oli.// (2)

1. Tukwaniriza Kristu, Kristu ggwe 2. Wandyowa n’onzigya awabi nze;

Kabaka waffe (Tulabira wa?........ x3) Nneeyanzege, Omulokozi ggwe!
Omwagalwa omutiibwa ow’ekisa Wansenza, sirikudduka nze,
omuteefu. Ntuusa, Omulungi, gy’oli.
2. Tukwebaza nnyo Kristu, Kristu atuwa 3. Nneesiimye olw’okuba, Mukwano
ggwe byonna (Tulabira wa?........... x3) Ggwe mpaana wa kisa anti kingi
Eby’eggulu abireese, ka naffe Nneegomba nze mmusanyuse nno
tweyanze. Ntuuke, Omulungi gy’ali.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Sserimba, ndikuttuka, Yezu! Buli kye nnoonya okindaga
Ggwe nsuuta, nsaasira, Omutiibwa ssetaagenga na kantu.
Nnesunga nze okukulaba edda Onnyambanga ngwa mu kabi,
Eyo, Omulungi gy’oli. kitange nakuweera ki?
Laba bwe ndaga obwavu.
5. Ggwe nninda, oluddewo
2. Bwe nfunye Yezu twegasse, olwo
Lwaki nno nze okudaaga bwe nti?
nfuuse muganzi.
Nkowoodde ne nkuyita ontwale
Ensi n’ebyayo mbidduse, bisuula
Jjangu Omulungi Yezu.
bangi enganzi.
383. TUKWEBAZA PATRI Ekkubo lyokka eryandagwa, Yezu
kwe ndinywerera, era sirimuvaako.
Tukwebaza Patri, olw’omwana wo
Yezu, 3. Yezu ekkubo eddungamu,
Gw’otuwadde Ssebo tweyanze Kitaffe. anyweza buli bbanga. Ekkula
omubalagavu, bajjajja gwe
1. Twewuunya bw’oganza, ffe abantu
Ankuuma ndi kuteera ki?
Ffenna otuliisa anti, n’oyo Omwana
K’omwoyo ngudduse awabi,
wo Yezu.
enneema ze mba nyweza.
2. Tweyanze nnyo yezu, y’oyo
emmere yaffe 4. Ayi Yezu omuzira kisa, nnaasiima
Etukkusa nnyini, n’ewa obulamu ntya by’oleese. Nkungaanye
obuggya. bamalayika ne mmange olwo
3. Yiino embaga entuufu, ey’abaana
Tube wamu nga nkwebaza,
nneesambe n’ebitagasa. Nkukwase
Otuddiza Ssebo, kw’ebyo ebitone
omwoyo gwange.
4. Ssebo by’otugambye, mu Yezu 385. MUJJE BAANA BANGE
Omwana wo
1. Mujje baana bange, mujje Bantu
Tujja kubyoleka, ne mu mayisa
Mujje nze mbaliise, nge era nze
5. Patri tukwebaza, wamu n’Omwana mbanywesa,
wo, Anywa omusaayi gwange, alya
Mwoyo Mutukuvu, naawe ennyama yange,
mwenkanya ettendo. Mu ye mwenzija nze n’omwange
ye n’ajja.
384. K atonda WANGE
OMWAGALWA 2. Ye nze ntanda yammwe,
1. Katonda wange omwagalwa, ggwe ey’olugendo lwammwe
ssanyu buli wantu. Mundye nze mbatuuse, ewa tata
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Gy’ali abalindiridde(mwenna), Mmwe taata be yampa,
musembere okugabana, abanzikiriza mmwe
Ku mbaga abalinze, mu bulamu Mujje mbawe emirembe, muleke
obw’emirembe. ensi etabagasa
Mujje mweyune nze, mbalage
3. Ye nze kkubo erituusa, mu bulamu taata wammwe.
Ye nze bulamu bwammwe era 8. Ndiisa n’omugaati, nnywesa Yezu
amazima gammwe wange
Singa munzikiriza, singa Jjangu nkyalirwe ggwe, obe
mungoberera mugenyi wange
Mwenna nze mbatuusa, mu Ompe okukwagala ennyo, nkyawe
balamu obw’emirembe. ekibi nnamuzisa
Ontwale ggwe Yezu, ewa taata
4. Ye nze muti ogutinta, nga mmwe gy’ova.
matabi gange
Mmwe mwekwate ku nze muleme 386. NZE ANI AKOWOOLWA
kufa kuvunda,
1. Katwambuke abayite b’omukama
Ye mmwe matabi gange, mmwe
entanda etuuse,
munywerere ggulugulu
Tusagambize b’ayise kati,
Nga mwekutte ku nze, nzekka
mmwenna abeetegese.
bulamu bwammwe.
Nze ani akowoolwa, nze ani
5. Ye nze musumba wammwe,
ow’okuliisa endiga,
Nze ani asembezebwa leero ku mbaga
Ezabula nzinoonya zidde eka mu
Zonna eziyongobedde, ezo
2. Ekitiibwa kye nfunye kati, ate kirina
Mudde mu mukwano, ogwa taata
Okukyaza omutonzi w’eggulu, era
ndi mu ggulu.
6. Mujje gyendi mwenna, mujje
3. Alinzigya ku ggwe mukama, leero
abatuuyana ennyo,
kiriba ki?
Mujje mmwe abakoowu, mujje
Oba kufa ndikufiirira, ngende
mmwe abakaaba,
Mumpe emisango gyammwe,
byonna ebizibu byammwe
4. Alinjagala nga bw’onjagala, leero
Byonna nze mbigonze, kye
asangwa wa?
kyandeeta mu nsi.
Ggwe wawaayo n’obulamu bwo
lwakunjagala nnyo.
7. Mujje abaagalwa ennyo,
mmwenna abantu bange

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
5. Ayi Maria mange omwagalwa leero Ssiwaliriza n’omu mujje mwenna …
ngambe ntya? Ssibalirila mpaayo obulamu bwange ...
Nze okukyaza omwanawo ddala N’obwesigwa nnunda buli ajja yenna ...
gwe wazaala n’oyonsa. Siyabulira n’omu ampita nze ……….
Nabalokola sijja kubasuula ………..
6. Nze kyensaba ayi mukama, ggwe Ndibayingiza gyenva temutya mmwe ...
azze olwaleero, Ndibatumira n’ajje mwoyo wange …
Nga obw’okufa bugobye buti Ndibafunira eddembe Bantu bange …
ntwala gy’obeera. Mulyebaza wamma mu ssanyu eyo …


Nze musumba Sop/Alto:

Nze musumba Abayonta mujje, mujje abayi mum
Nze musumba omulungi abaagala yoyo
Nze musumba. Mujje abalina emigugu emizito Yezu
1. Nze nzimanyi ……... nze musumba Manya nti obulamu ye nnanyini bwo
Endiga zange ……... nze musumba Ebizibu bimuwe ye nnantalemwa
Nazo zimmanyi nze … nze musumba Mujje abalina obulamu obuzito Yezu
omulungi abaagala nze musumba. abatowolole.

Nze nziyita ………………. Tenor/Bass:

Endiga zange ………… Mujje, mujje abayala mujje abayi mum
Nazo zimmanyi nze …………….. yoyo,
Abalina, emizito Yezu abatowolole
Okuziyamba ………….. Yezu obulamu ye nnanyini bwo
Ly’essanyu lyange ……. Ebizibu bimuwe ye nnantalemwa
Zonna ne nzikuuma ………… Abalina obuzito Yezu abatowolole.

Okubulwa emu …………. 1. Tukwanirizza senga mu ffe

Kwe kunyolwa ennyo ………… n’otukyusa
Zonna nzaagala nze ……… N’ebiremadde mu ffe tusaba
2. Mpaayo oobulamu bwange okubeera Ebintu by’ensi bingi nnyo
abantu ebitutwaliriza
Nzuuno kale bonna mbagala Naye Yezu ffe gwetutenda kubanga
ye nnanyini bulamu.
3. Ssirundira mpeera Bantu bange ….
tukanirizza ggwe musumba kristu 2. Tunaakuwa ki ffe nno taata
ow’obuyinza tukulembere. bokkusizza,
Ssirundira mpeera mujje mwenna … Ukaristia yo amaanyi ag’omwoyo
Ssibasosola abajja mujje mwenna … g’otuwadde

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Okwagala ennyo kw’owa ffe Tuhaise omukundwa, muriibwa gye
abanafu obulala weena,
Tuyambe okuguma eno ku nsi ffe Tuhaise omukundwa, Rugaba
n’eyo tubenga n’obulamu. magara,
Tuhaise omukundwa, Kazooba
3. Tunadda w’ani anti ozze otufuule Rugaba.
Tukwagala nnyo anti ggwe 390. CHAKULA NI TAYARI
luwangula omuzira
1. Chakula ni tayari (ni tayari) cha
Tuli basenze mw’eno ensi lugendo Bwana wangu Yesu x2
lwa ffenna,
Tuyambe mu ggulu tutuuke Nitamwona Bwana wangu
gyetwava eri nnyini bulamu Alishinda Kifo Msalabani
Na upendo wake bwana Yesu,
389. NIMWIJE BANTU ‘MWE Nami unanifaa.

Nimwije bantu ‘mwe, tugyende twena 2. Yesu Alisema (Alisema), Mwiri

hamwe, wangu mle x2
Twirire Rutari, tutungye Mukama x2
1. Akweitse natweeta – ahabugyenyi 3. Yesu alisema (alisema), Damu
bwe yangu mnywe x2
Akwitse natweeta – mwije
murahukye 4. Ani aminie (aminie), milele ataishi x2
Nayenda ngu tweena – turye
omubiri gwe 5. Wahenga walikula (walikula) maana
Nayenda ngu twena – tunywe wakafa x2
eshagama ye
6. Hakika mkinila (mkinila) mtaishi
2. Tubanze tweshwijume emitima milele x2
Tubone kutunga omukama Yezu, 391. NIMUTUNGYE AMAGARA
Ataahe omuri itwe agume ari naitwe, Nimutungye amagara ga Mukama
Ataahe omuri itwe reero Nimurahukye mwije mwena x2
AbaKristu mwije mwena Nimurahukye,
3. Ruhanga omukundwa nayenda Yezu naija Nayenda mwena
kutuha, kubagaburira
Kutuha amagara, egabo ya Bweera,
AbaKristo mwena, mwije Mwena mwije mutungye Yezu,
tushorongye, nimurahukye,
Tutungye omukundwa Kazooba Yezu neija, nayenda mwena
Rugaba. kubagaburira.
4. Tuhaise omukundwa, owatweha Rugaba Yezu nariisa boona, n’ekihuro nkiki,
twena, Mwena mwije, abagaburire, muteine kuzira.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Mwena abeija mukabutaha, 3. Is not the cup we bless and share
nimurahukye the blood of Christ out poured?
Muze aha meza, abagaburire murye Does not one cup, one loaf
ahabugyenyi. declare our oneness in the Lord?

392. LOVING SHEPHERD 4. The mystery of our presence, Lord,

no mortal tongue can tell:
1. Loving shepherd of thy sheep, Whom all the world cannot
Keep me Lord, in safety keep; contain,
Nothing can thy power withstand; comes in our hearts to dwell.
None can pluck me from thy hand.
5. You give yourself to us,
2. Loving shepherd thou dist give, O Lord, then selfless let us be,
Thine own life that I might live; To serve each other in your name,
May I love thee day by day, in truth and charity.
Gladly thy sweet will obey.
3. Loving shepherd ever near,
Come and dine, the Master calleth,
Teach me still thy voice to hear;
come and dine:
Suffer not my steps to stray,
You may feast at Jesus’ table all the
From the straight and narrow way.
He who fed the multitude, turned the
4. Where thou lendest may I go,
water into wine,
Walking inthy steps below;
To the hungry calleth now, come and
Then before thy Father’s throne;
Jesus, claim me for thine own.

393. YOU SATISFY 1. Jesus has a table spread where the

saints of God are fed.
1. As when the shepherd calls his sheep, He invites his chosen people come
they know and heed his voice, and dine;
so when you call your family Lord, with his manna he doth feed, and
to share the Heavenly food. supplies our ev’ry need:
O ‘tis sweet to sup with Jesus all
You satisfy the hungry heart, the time!
with gifts of finest wheat,
Come give to us, O saving Lord, 2. The disciples came to land thus
the bread of life to eat. obeying Christ’s command,
For the master called unto them,
2. With joyful lips we sing to you, come and dine;
our praise and gratitude, there they found their hearts’
that you should count us worthy, desire, bread and fish upon the fire;
Lord, to share this heavenly food. thus he satisfies the hungry ev’ry

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Soon the lamb will take his bride, 2. At the cross of Calvary
to be ever at his side, all the host of You portrayed your love for us
heaven will assembled be: In great pain O loving Lord
O, ‘twill be a glorious sight, all the A ransom for sins was paid,
saints in spotless white; I rejoice because of you,
and with Jesus they will feast I was freed through your great pain
eternally. You restored my life from chains
I rejoice in you my God,
395. SIGN OF TOTAL GIVING Let me sing let me rejoice
Christ’s love restored my life.
Sign of total giving, pledge of life to men.
Food for brothers sent to serve, time 3. You re-instead my faith and hope,
and time again. When I feast at thy great meal
With that faith and hope in you,
1. Bearing others’ burdens, All my face aglows with joy,
Caring day by day. I chant songs of praise and thanks
Keep before us ever more, I proclaim your endless love,
Your total giving way. I proclaim your saving word
For you are my peace and all,
2. When we become uncertain, I proclaim your saving word
Give us strength anew. For you are my peace and all.
To face each day and trace the way
In leading men to you. 4. Help me keep the father’s will
That you teach me in thy word.
3. Peace will be our standard, May thy spirit be with me,
Joy, our constant sound. To safe guard me from the foe,
Help us now to show mem how, Then my lips shall utter praise,
To live and sing alone. Praise and thanks to you O Lord,
Praise to the God in Trinity,
396. PRAISE AND THANKS Praise and honour be to God,
Praise to Jesus who feeds us
1. I’m so glad for the great feast, With his precious body and blood.
That you’re served my loving Lord
With your precious body and blood 397. ARISE AND COME
You’ve fed me O loving Lord.
Praise be to you O Lord, Arise and come the Lord is here, arise
Endless thanks to you O Lord, my friends.
Join and sing with praise and He comes to share with you a life that
thanks never ends.
Christ is king and Christ is Lord, 1. His voice can be heard in the roaring
Join and sing with praise and of breakers that crash on the shore.
thanks His splendor is seen in the morning
Christ is king and Christ is Lord. as sunlight is coming once more.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. His love can be seen in the Be this my happy choice
children, who romp in the play- My joy, my rest on earth be this
ground in spring. To hear the Bridegroom’s voice.
His beauty is found in the faces of
all who can smile and sing. 399. LOVE DIVINE

3. His might is seen in the mountains, 1. Love divine, all loves excelling,
so still with the snow and their Joy of heav’n to earth come down!
crest, Fix in us your humble dwelling,
His pity is seen in the shallow that All your faithful mercies crown.
cares for the young in its nest. Jesus source of all compassion,
Love unbounded love all pure.
4. He comes in the heat of the city, Visit us with your salvation,
mid noise of the cars and mills. Let your love in us endure.
He comes in the peace of the
forest, in desert or cool of the hills. 2. Come Almighty to deliver,
Let us all your life receive.
398. O LOVE DIVINE Suddenly return and never,
Never more your temples leave.
1. O love Divine, how sweet Thou art, Lord we would be always blessing,
When shall I find willing heart Serve you as your hosts above,
All taken up by Thee? Pray and praise you without ceasing
My thirsty spirit faints to prove Glory in your precious love.
The greatness of redeeming love,
The love of Christ to me 3. Finish then your new creation,
Pure and spotless gracious Lord
2. Stronger His love than death and Let us see your great salvation,
hell, Perfectly in you restored.
Its riches are unsearchable Changed from glory into glory
The first-born sons of light Till in heaven we take our place,
Desire in vain its depths to see Till we sing before the Almighty
They cannot reach the mystery Lost in wonder, love and praise.
The length, and breadth, and
height. 400. TASTE AND SEE

3. God only knows the love of God Taste and see, O taste and see
Oh, that it now were shed abroad Taste and see the goodness of God.
In this poor stony heart
For love I sigh, for love I pine 1. Glory, glory to God most high,
This only portion, Lord, be mine Glory blessing and praise
Be mine this better part. With one voice, O people rejoice in
our God,
4. Oh that I could forever sit Who hears the cry of all in need.
Like Mary, at the Master’s feet
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Who has fashioned the earth and sky Enanga zo, keijumezibwe
Who created the deep, zimuhaise. - A -
Who exalts the lowly and sets 6. Abamutunga tweije twena obu
captives free, bugyenyi tubutahe,
Who opens the door to all those Eirembo ry’eiguru n’eryaitu
who seek. atwakiire. - A & B -

3. Oh the love of God! Become flesk fo 402. OMWEGYISA ARI HANU

our flesh
So that we may live in glory. Oije hanu munyabushoberwa,
Omwegyese ari hanu nakweeta.
401. MUKAMA OMUJUNI Oije hanu nyamushemererwa.
Omwegyesa ari hanu nakweeta.
A. Mukama Omujuni, manya niwe,
Kyokurya kandi egabo yaitu; Nakweeta buzima nakweeta
Nayenda twena kutweha, twiije, Omwegyesa ari hanu nakweeta
Natwijuza emigisha na rukundo.
Nakweetwa Yezu, muhanda muzima,
B. Twarisibwa omubiri gwawe, Omwe….
Twanywisibwa, egyo shagama Naahaka boona mutanaga nyima,
buzima; Omw…
Waturiisa ndungi kandi kunura,
Wamushanga Yezu nibwo bunanuki,
Watunyweisa ndungi niwe
Wayehara Yezu nibwo buhemuki,
1. Abakristu Mukama ngugwa yaija Oije munyanjara nakuriisa,
aharitari, Omwegyesa…….
Katwehute reeba yeizire Mukama Oije munyairiho nakunyweisa,
waitu -A- Omwegyesa ……
2. Omusaserdooti ngugwo yeizire Obusaasi noija naabuhumuza,
omumaisho gaitu, Omwegyesa …
Akweise Yezu nanda twena ngu Obwo nyabirungi nabikwijuza,
tumutungye - B - Omwegyesa …..
3. Mukama waitu we n’enkunda bantu Omurinzi mwekwase nakuriinda,
tashoroora, Omwegyesa …..
Muhikane reeba yeizire okutweha - A- Omuhanda gw’enyanya nagutinda,
Omwegyesa …..
4. Nitukusiima Mukama kwaija
Okaija kw’omaraho rwango
omuritwe. - B - 1. Muteerane tubutaahe –
Obugyenyi bya Nyamuhanga
5. Engoma kazigambe n’einuzi Atwetsire kibutatsya – Obugyenyi
nizinihiira, bwa Nyamuhanga

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Ohaire kaada ni Yezu - Obugyenyi Died He for me, who caused His pain
bwa Nyamuhanga For me, who Him to death pursued?
Nyamweha boona kuriibwa - Amazing love! How can it be,
Obugyenyi bwa Nyamuhanga That thou, my God, shouldst die for
2. Omugabe w’ensi n’eiguru, Amazing love! How can it be,
Egaburo yaitu acookire, That thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Amafura gye tumwetabe,
Obugyenyi bwe tubwijuze. 2. ‘Tis mystery all: th’Immortal dies:
Who can explore His strange
3. Nyamwecwa mbagwa kuriibwa, design?
Aheereza ensi rukundo,
In vain the first born seraph tries
Orya rukundo ya Yezu,
To sound the depths of love divine.
Abanza yaamara kwera.
‘Tis mercy all! Let earth adore,
4. Ebishobyo byaitu by’eigomi, Let angel minds inquire no more.
Bicumita Yezu nk’endiga, ‘Tis mercy all! Let earth adore,
Ebyo birereerwe nyabura, Let angel minds inquire no more.
Emitima yaitu agyeze gye.
3. He left His Father’s throne above
5. Ayenza twena rukundo, So free, so infiniteHis grace –
Eteerane na busingye, Emptied Himself of all but love,
Abaine rwango emirwe ensi, And bled for Adam’s helpless race:
Omuntu n’ondi bajwane. ‘Tis mercy all, immense and free,
For O my God, it found out me!
6. Aha bugyenyi obu twaizire, ‘Tis mercy all, immense and free,
Omunyarukundo atwegyese, For O my God, it found out me!
Oburya-kumwe tubwigute,
Omu magara butwombekye. 4. Long my imprisoned Spirit lay,
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
7. Tutooreza Nyamutambwa, Thine eye diffused a quickening ray –
Otweha weena kuriibwa, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light
Endiiro ye teshoroora, My chains fell off, my heart was free,
Enganda zoona turi-aha. I rose, went forth, and followed thee.
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
8. Omu bumwe bw’okuriisibwa, I rose, went forth, and followed thee.
Emitima yaitu etaahane, 5. Still the small inward voice I hear,
Enteetere z’omukundano. That whispers all my sins forgiven;
Still the atoning blood is near,
404. AND CAN IT BE That quenched the wrath of hostile
1. And can it be that I should gain I feel the life His wounds impart;
An interest in the Saviour’s blood? I feel the savior in my heart.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
I feel the life His wounds impart; 2. In figuris praesignatur,
I feel the savior in my heart. Cum Isaac immolator,
Agnus Paschae deputatur,
6. No condemnation now I dread; Datur manna patribus.
Jesus and all in Him is mine;
Alive in Him, my living head; 3. Bone pastor, panis vere,
And clothed in righteous divine, Jesu, nostril Miserere;
Bold I approach th’eternal throne, Tu nos pasce, nos tuere,
And claim the crown, through Christ In terra viventium.
my own,
Bold I approach th’eternal throne, 4. Tu qui cuncta scis et vales,
And claim the crown, through Christ Qui nos pascis hic mortals
my own. Tuos ibi commensales,
Coheredes et sodales
Fac sanctorum civium Amen.
1. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
And to take him at his word, 407. SONS OF God
Just to rest upon his promise, Sons of God hear his holy word!
And to know, thus saith the Lord. Gather round the table of the Lord!
Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him! Eat his body, drink his blood
How I have proved Him o’er and o’er. And we’ll sing a song of love.
Jesus, Jesu,s Precious Jesus! Allelu, allelu, allelu. Alleluia.
O for grace to trust Him more.
1. Brothers, sisters, we are one,
2. O how sweet to trust in Jesus And our life has just begun.
Just to trust his cleansing blood, In the spirit, we are young
And in simple faith to plunge me, We can live forever.
‘Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
3. Yes, ‘tis sweet to trust in Jesus, 2. Shout together to the Lord,
Just from sin and self to cease, Who has promised our reward
Just from Jesus simply taking, Happiness a hundredfold
Life and rest, and joy and peace. And we’ll live forever.
4. I’m so glad I learned to trust thee,
3. Jesus gave a new command
Precious Jesus, savior friend,
That we love our fellow man,
And I know that thou art with me,
Till we reach the Promised Land
Wilt be with me to the end.
Where we’ll live forever.
4. If we want to live with him
1. Ecce Panis Angelorum, We must also die with him;
Factus cibus viatorum Die to selfishness and sin,
Vere panis filiorum And we’ll rise forever.
Non mittendus canibus.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
5. Make the world a unity, Genitori, Genitoque Laus et jubilatio
Make all men one family, Salus honor, vitrus quoque Sit et
Till we meet the Trinity, benedictio
And live with them forever. Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit
laudatio Amen
1. Take my life and let it be
Concecrated Lord to thee Humbly let us voice our homage
Take my moments and my days For so great a sacrament
Let them flow in ceaseless praise x2 Let all former rites surrender
To the Lord’s new testament
2. Take my hands and let them move What our senses fail to fathom
At the impulse of thy love Let us grasp through faith’s consent
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee. x2 Glory honour, adoration
Let us sing with one accord
3. Take my voice and let me sing Praised be God almighty Father
Always only for king Praised be Christ his Son our Lord
Take my lips and let them be Praise be God the Holy Spirit
Filled with messages from thee. x2 Triune Godhead be adored AMEN
4. Take my silver and my gold 411. DIVINE PRAISES
Not at might would I withhold
Take my intellect and use Blessed be God
Every power as thou shall choose. x2 Blessed be His Holy Name
Blessed be Jesus Christ, True God and
5. Take my will and make it thine true man
It shall be no longer mine Blessed be the Name of Jesus
Take my heart it is thine own Blessed be His most Sacred Heart
It shall be thy royal throne. x2 Blessed be His Most Precious Blood
6. Take my love my Lord, I pour Blessed be Jesus Christ in the most Holy
sacrament of the altar
At thy feet its treasure store
Blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete
Take my self and I will be
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary
Ever, only, all, for thee. x2
most Holy
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate
Blessed be her glorious Assumption
409. TANTUM ERGO (LATIN) Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and
Tantum Ergo, sacramentum Veneremur
Blessed be Saint Joseph Her spouse most
Et antiquum, Documentum Novo cedat
Blessed be God in his Angels and in His
Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
COMMUNION Ne nfukamira okukusaba…
Nsiima nnyo
412. NZE NNYINZA NTYA Onkuume mu kutegana…
Nsiima nnyo
Nze nnyinza ntya obuteebaza Ne nkowoola ontunnulire…
by’ompadde Nsiima nnyo
Mukama wange nsiima x2 Ne nnekwasa obuyambi bwo..
Nsiima nnyo
1. Amanyi ge nnina gano …
Nze nnyinza ntya obuteebaza
Nsiima nnyo
Obulamu bwe nnina buno…
Entasiima ebula agikwatirako.
Nsiima nnyo
Ebitone by’ongabulira … 4. Nsaana nnyimbe obuteebaza ....
Nsiima nnyo Nsiima nnyo
Omukwano gw’ondaze guno… Ntendereze nnyo obuyambi bwo ..
Nsiima nnyo Nsiima nnyo
Nze nnyinza ntya obuteebaza Ebirungi byo tebikoma…
by’ompadde Nsiima nnyo
Entasiima ebula agikwatirako. N’obulungi bwo tebukoma…
Nsiima nnyo
2. Bwe buziba nentunuulira …
N’omukwano gwo tegukoma…
Nsiima nnyo
Nsiima nnyo
Ekisa kyo n’obuyambi bwo…
Olw’ebirungi by’ongabulira…
Nsiima nnyo
Nsiima nnyo
Ne nfukamira okukwebaza…
Nsaana nnyimbe obuteddiza…
Nsiima nnyo
Nsiima nnyo
Ebirungi by’ongabulira…
Nze nnyinza ntya obuteebaza
Nsiima nnyo
Ne nkowoola ontunnulire…
Entasiima ebula agikwatirako.
Nsiima nnyo
Onkuume mu kuwummula… 413. ALIFUGA ENSI YONNA
Nsiima nnyo
Ebintiisa obuwugule… Alifuga ensi yonna, alifuga ensi yonna,
Nsiima nnyo ne bakabaka b’ensi, banamusinza
Ne nnekwasa obuyambi bwo.. bonna.
Nsiima nnyo
Nze nnyinza ntya obuteebaza Sop/Alto; Banamusinza yezu
by’ompadde Kabaka….
Entasiima ebula agikwatirako. All; Banamusinza ye Kabaka
Sop/Alto; Banamusinza ye Kabaka
3. Nga bukedde ne ntunuulira ... Bass/Tenor; Nti Yezu Kabaka,
Nsiima nnyo All; Nti Yezu Kabaka, wabonna
Ekisa kyo n’obuyambi bwo… x3 w’esi eno.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Sop/Alto; Ye ggwe Kabaka d) Buli alireka n’emikwano
ow’emirembe alimuwa – Empeera
Tanor/Bass; Baka ow’emirembe. e) Buli alireka n,abaana alimuwa
All; Ye ggwe Kabaka – Empeera
Nantalemwa ( echo)x3 Olifuna kikumi kunsi kuno ne gye bujja,
All; Nantalemwa afuga oligabana…
byonna. Ku mpeera y’abalungi emirembe
Sop/Alto; Enyanja ennene, ensozi Olifuna kikumi kunsi kuno ne gye bujja,
empanvu, byonna abifuga oligabana…
Yezu x2 Ku mpeera y’abanyikira obutoosa
Bass/Tenor; Nyanja, nsozi, byonna Olifuna kikumi kunsi kuno ne gye bujja,
Yezu afuga. oligabana…
Ensi etunuulira n’ekankana, Ku mpeera y’abalwana abazira
ebimyanso bimulisa ensi ye x2
All; Eggulu liranga obutuufu N’omusalaba olifuna ---
bwo, amawanga negalaba Nobonaabona
ekitiibwa kyo x2 Nobonaabona ku lulwe--- Olwa Kristu
N’ebizibu olifuna--- Ogumanga
414. BW’OMWEWA OMUKAMA Ne weewayo ku lulwe --- Eyakuganza
//Osaana onywere ggwe --- Ku Katonda
Bw’omwewa Omukama, ne weemaliza Omusalaba togutya --- Gwe gulokola//x2
Talikujuza Omukama oyo, talikujuza Omukama Yezu alikuwa – Alikuwa
emirembe. empeera ng’omusenze
Omukama Yezu alikuwa – Alikuwa
1. Abamugoberera …… Talikujuza empeera ng’onywedde
emirembe Omukama Yezu alikuwa – Alikuwa
Talibajuza ………….. Yabasuubiza empeera bw’omwewa.
okubaweera mu nsi muno ne gye
bujja. Kwata ekkubo ery’akanyigo,
Kwata ekkubo era effunda
2. Entalo zo alizirwana, obulamu bwo Nywera ssebo ggwe toddirira.
alibukuma, Talikujuzza emirenbe. Alikutwala obeere waggulu eri,
Aliba wuwo Omukama, aliba wuwo, Waggulu awaladde ng’omuli ku gwa
naawe olibeera eyo eyo mu ggulu. ddyo.
Ddunda alikuwa empeera
a) Buli eyevaamu n’amugoberera ……………… Alikuwa
alimuwa – Empeera Ddunda alikuwa empeera
b) Buli eyeresa eby’ensi eno ……………… Alikuwa
alimuwa – Empeera Alikuwa empeera.
c) Buli alireka n’abazadde
alimuwa – Empeera

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
415. K atonda YEEBALE 5. Ebyo bye nkoze ku nsi kuno biri ku
Katonda yeebale, yeebale nyo Ayi Mukama ggwe ankuumye
Katonda yeebale yeeebale ndikwebaza ntya?
Nja kumwebazanga emirembe Entalo ze ngobye ku nsi kuno ziri ku
gyonna, bw’ani,
Nja kumwebazanga obutediza Ayi Mukama ggwe annyambye
ndikwebaza ntya?
1. Obulamu bwe nnina ku nsi kuno
buli ku bw’ani, 6. Eddiini gye nsoma ayi Mukama
Ayi Mukama ggwe abumpa esomwa ku bw’ani,
nnaakwebaza ntya? Ayi Mukama ggwe Ddunda
Essanyu lye nnina ku nsi kuno lili ku ndikwebaza ntya?
bw’ani, Eggulu gye ndaga nga nfudde lili ku
Ayi Mukama ggwe alimpa bw’ani,
ndikwebaza ntya? Ayi Mukama ggwe Ddunda
ndikwebaza ntya?
2. Emyaka gye mmaze ku nsi kuno giri
ku bw’ani,
Ayi Mukama ggwe ankuuma
ndikwebaza ntya? 1. Ozze omwange……. Nneyanzizza
Obuggaga bwe nnina ku nsi kuno Onkyalidde………… Nneyanzizza
buli ku bw’ani, Nga nneesiimye…… Nneyanzizza
Ayi Mukama ggwe abumpa
ndikwebaza ntya? Nneyanzizza, nneyanzege, Yezu
3. Amaka ago ge ndimu ku nsi kuno
gali ku bw’ani, 2. Onnewadde……….. Nneyanzizza
Ayi Mukama ggwe agampa WennaYezu………. Nneyanzizza
ndikwebaza ntya? Nga nnesiimye……. Nneyanzizza
Abaana be nnina ku nsi kuno bali ku
bw’ani, 3. Ondeetedde……….. Nneyanzizza
Ayi Mukama ggwe abampa Enneema ezo……… Nneyanzizza
ndikwebaza ntya? Ze nnetaaga……….. Nneyanzizza

4. Abazadde be nnina ku nsi kuno bali 4. Byonna ebirungi…… Nneyanzizza

ku bw’ani, Obimpadde..……….. Nneyanzizza
Ayi Mukama nze omwana Nga nnesiimye…….. Nneyanzizza
ndikwebaza ntya?
Emikwano gye nnina ku nsi kuno 5. Bamalayika abo……. Nneyanzizza
giri ku bw’ani, Bonna mbasinga……Nneyanzizza
Ayi Mukama ggwe agimpa Nga nnesiimye…… Nneyanzizza
ndikwebaza ntya? “

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
6. Omwoyo gwange … Nneyanzizza 3. Mu kitambiro ekitukuvu …………
Kati nnyumbayo … Nneyanzizza Mu ssaala eza buli ngeri …………
Oh! Toguvaamu …… Nneyanzizza Mu ssanyu nga tusagambiza ……
Mu nnaku bwe tunakuwala ……
7. Obulamu bwange … Nneyanzizza
Mbukuwadde ………Nneyanzizza 4. Bassabamalayika eyo mu ggulu …
Njagala nkufaanane .. Nneyanzizza Bamalayika eyo mu ggulu ………
Abatukirivu aba buli ngeri ………..
8. Ompe amaanyi …… Nneyanzizza Bannamukisa abajulizi …………
Nnwanise sitaani … Nneyanzizza 5. Ebinyonyi ebyo mu bbanga ………
Omulabe waffe …… Nneyanzizza Ebyewalula n’ebiwuka ………..
Ebisolo eby’eyo mu nsiko ………
9. Nkusaba Yezu …… Nneyanzizza Ebyennyanja n’ennyanja ……….
Mu bw’okufa …… Nneyanzizza
Nfe bulungi ……… Nneyanzizza 6. Ebinene abyaka waggulu ………
Amasozi n’emitendera ………....
10. Nkutuukeko eyo…... Nneyanzizza Ebimuli ebya buli ngeri ……….
Ewa kitaawo……… Nneyanzizza Ebitonde byonna eby’ensi ………
Nnesiime naawe….... Nneyanzizza 7. Ffe nga tukyali ku nsi kuno ……..
Ne bwe tuligenda mu ggulu…….
Nneyanzizza, nneyanzizza, Twesiime naye olubeerera ………
nneyanzizza nneyanzege Yezu Emirembe gyonna mu ggulu ……
1. Thank you for givimg me the
Atenderezebwe omukama, morning.
Atenderezebwe omukama Katonda Thank you for every day that’s new.
w’amagye Thank you that I can know my
Atenderezebwa omukama, worries
Agulumizibwe omutonzi w’egulu can be cast on you.
2. Thank you for all my friends and
1. Mu kiggwa kye ekitukuvu ….. brothers.
tumutende Thank you for all the men that live.
Mu ddoboozi ery’entongooli …… Thank you for even greatest enemies
Mu ngoma ezo ne mu nnyimba … I can now forgive.
Mu ngoye envuzi n’amadinda …….
3. Thank you I have my occupation.
2. Kumakya bwe tugolokoka…… Thank you for every pleasure small.
Mu mirimo egya buli ngeri…… Thank you for music, light and
Mu nngendo ezo eza buli ngeri… gladness.
Ekiro bwe twebaka otulo……… Thank you for them all.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Thank you for many little sorrows. 420. YOU RAISE ME UP
Thank you for every kindly word.
Thank you for everywhere your When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
guidance reaches ev’ry land. When troubles come and my heart
burdened be;
5. Thank you, I see your word has Then I am still and wait here in the
meaning. silence,
Thank you, I know your Spirit,s here. Until you come and sit awhile with me.
Thank you because you love all
You raise me up so I can stand on
people those both far and near.
6. Thank you, O Lord, you spoke unto You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
us. I am strong when I am on your
Thank you that for our words you shoulders;
care. You raise me up to more than I can be.
Thank you, O Lord, you came among There is no life, no life without its hunger;
us, Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
bread and wine to share. But when you come and I am filed with
7. Thank you, O Lord, your love is Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.
Thank you that I am full of you. 421. THEN SINGS MY SOUL
Thank you, you made me feel so
glad and thankful as I do. 1. Oh Lord my God, when I in
awesome wonder,
419. SING TO THE MOUNTAINS Consider all the works thy hand has
Sing to the mountains, sing to the sea I see the stars, I hear the mighty
Raise your voices, lift your hearts thunder
This is the day that the Lord has made Thy power throughout, the universe
Let all the earth rejoice. displayed.
1. I will give thanks to you, my Lord Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to
You have answered my plea thee
You have saved me from death How great thou art, how great thou
You are my strength and my song. art! x2
2. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
Heaven and earth are full of your 2. When through the woods, and
glory forest glades I wonder
And hear the birds sing sweetly in
3. This is the day that the Lord has the tress
made When I look down from lofty
Let us be glad and rejoice mountains grandeur
He has turned all death to life And hear the brook and feel the
Sing of the glory of God. gentle breeze.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. And when I think that God his son 423. MAY JESUS BE PRAISED
not sparing
Sent him to die I scarce can’t take 1. When morning gilds the skies,
it in. My heart awaking cries, may Jesus
That on the cross my burden gladly Christ be praised!
bearing, Alike at work and prayer to Jesus I
He bled and died to take away my sin repair, May Jesus Christ be praised.

4. When Christ shall come with shouts 2. Whene’ver the sweet church bell
of acclamation Peals over hill and dell, may Jesus be
And take me home what joy shall fill praised!
my heart. O hark to what is sings, as joyously it
Then I shall bow in humble rings, May Jesus Christ be praised.
adoration 3. The night becomes as day,
And there proclaim, my God how When from the heart we say, may
great thou art. Jesus Christ be praised!
The pow’rs of darkness fear,
When this sweet chant they hear,
How loudly on the mountains May Jesus Christ be praised.
Are the feet of him.
4. In heav’n’s eternal bliss
Who brings good news, good news,
The loveliest strain is this, may Jesus
good news
Christ be praised!
Announcing peace, proclaiming news of
Let earth, and sea, and sky
From the depth to height reply
Our God reigns (x4) Our God reigns May Jesus Christ be praised.
He had no stately form, he had no 424. KEEP SO BUSY
That we should be drawn to him Lord I keep so busy praisin’ my Jesus
He was despised and we took no Keep so busy praisin’ my Jesus
account of him Keep so busy praisin’ my Jesus
Now he reigns with the most high. Ain’t got time to die
‘Cause when I’m helpin’ the sick (I’m
Now he reigns (x4) with the most high
praisin’ my Jesus)
Out of the tomb he came with grace When I’m helpin’ the sick (I’m praisin’ my
and majesty Jesus)
He’s alive, alive When I’m helpin’ the sick (I’m praisin’ my
God loves us so, see his face, his feet, his Jesus)
side Ain’t got time to die
Yes we know, he’s alive.
‘Cause it takes all of my time
He’s alive (x4) He’s alive (It takes all of my time, it takes it all)
All of my time (to praise Him)

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
If I don’t praise Him the rocks are Ain’t got time to die
gonna cry out Ain’t got time to die.
Glory and honor, glory and honor
Ain’t got time to die 425. JESUS THE LORD

Jesus, Jesus
Lord I keep so busy workin’ for the
Let all creation bend the knee to the
kingdom (workin’ and I’m workin’)
Keep so busy workin’ for the kingdom
(workin’ and I’m workin’)
1. In Him we live, we move and have
Keep so busy workin’ for the kingdom
our being;
(workin’ and I’m workin’)
In Him the Christ, in Him the King!
Ain’t got time to die
Jesus, the Lord.
‘Cause when I’m feedin’ the poor (I’m
workin’ for the kingdom)
2. Though Son, He did not cling to
When I’m feedin’ the poor (I’m workin’
for the kingdom)
But emptied himself, became a
When I’m feedin’ the poor (I’m workin’
for the kingdom)
Jesus, the Lord.
Ain’t got time to die
3. We live obediently His Father’s will
Lord I keep so busy servin’ my master
Accepting His death, death on a
(keep so busy)
Keep so busy servin’ my master (I’m servin’)
Jesus, the Lord.
Keep so busy servin’ my master
Ain’t got time to die 426. MUSIIME MUKAMA
‘Cause when I’m givin’ my all (I’m servin’
my master) (I’m gonna give my all to Musiime Mukama murungi
Jesus) Engonzi ze tizirihwaho
When I’m givin’ my all (I’m servin’ my Musiime Mukama murungi
master) (I’m gonna give my all in all) Engonzi ze z’ebiro ne biro
When I’m givin’ my all (I’m servin’ my
master) (I’m givin’ all of my life to Him) Ihanga lya Ruhanga ligambe,
Ain’t got time to die
Egonzi ze tizirihwawo.
Leko engabwa abahaire zirange, Engonzi
Now won’t you get out of my way (oh get
ze z’ebiro ne biro
out of my way)
Get out of my way (you better get out of Emyoyo h’akatiinwa kirangwe
my way) Leko engambwa abahaire zirange
Let me tell you if I don’t praise Him the
rocks are gonna cry out Omu naku naboine nkamweta,
Glory and honor, glory and honor Muchwankomo akahurayatamba
Ain’t got time to die Muhiira obu alinanye nganye nganye nta
Glory and honor, glory and honor Abantu timbatiine baraija.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
427. NDYAKUSIIMA NTA? Ningira ubwoba,Nzaza untabare.
Ndyakusiima nta? Iwe Muhangi Nimbura imbaraga,Nzaza nkwisunge;
wangye Ningira uburwayi,Nzaza unyikirize.
Ndyakusiima nta? Iwe Mujuni wangye.
Nimbura urukundo,Nzaza urungwize;
Omuzaire kandi enjuni, Ningucumuraho,Nzaza umbabarire.
Embabazi zeye kazitaharara
Abagaiga ninga abakyene, Ningira ibyago, Nzaza umpumurize;
Abamwijaho nabajajamya. Nimbura byose,Nzaza unkungahaze.

Akahanga ensi we yagituha, Ninicwa n’inzara,Nzaza umfungurire;

Ngu tugirungye netunanura Nimbura untabara,Nzaza ungobotore.
Omu bwengye habo abamwehanga,
Obushoborozi bwe, butubangire. 429. NINKUSIIMA YEZU WANGYE

Njuni yaitu kandi Omukama, Ninkusiima yezu wangye ninkwebaza

Amaino ga rufu akagatwihamu lwe ori omukundwa wangye,
Amazooba nobu gabaho, Ninkusiima
Rukundo yeye k’etahinduka.
1. Ahabwa mutima waawe ninkusiima
Ahwezesa ensi y’omwirima, Ahabw’amaani gaawe ninkusiima
Ekyererezi kye kitubangira
Ogwo muhanda gw’Omukama, 2. Ahabwa rukundo yaawe ninkusiima
Abagutooramu kabahiriirwe. N’embabazi zaawe ninkusiima

Obusingye bw’ogwo Omukama, 3. Ahabw’obusingye bwawe...

Ayenda ngu boona bubaizire Habwe n’oburinzi bwawe...
Tashorora boona abamushanga,
Ekitiinwa kyeye kibasangira. 4. Ahabw’abanywani bangye...
Ahabw’abazaire bangye...
5. Ahabw’obukuru bwawe...
Ni wowe rutare rwanjye, Ni wowe Habwe n’obuhwezi bwawe...
nzaguhanga amaso buri gihe, 6. Ahabw’oburiisa bwawe...
Ngusabe imbaraga maze nsinde Habwe n’ekigambo kyawe...
Mu bihe by’amakuba, Nzaza ngusanga;
Mu bihe by’amage, Nzaza nkwirukira. Nitukusiima Yezu iw’ori Nyamurungi,
Enshuro y’amagara gaitu;
Uzansubize ubuyanja, Uzantere Nitukusiima Yezu, iwe ori Nyamuriisa;
ubutwari, Ekihuuro ky’egabo yaitu.
Maze nshire agahinda, Ngire
amahoro… 1. Okakunda ngu twena turokokye,
Watutsigira ekitambo ekirikwera,
Ningira intimba,Nzaza unyihoreze; Nitukurangana Yezu.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Wakunda kutweha Nyamurungi, Nyamuhanga Yezu ka tumwehitsye
Twatunga Nyakweza abarungi Naitwe atutware owe okwo Bwera.

3. Twakutunga weena Nyamurungi, 432. NYAMUHANGA NTURE NAIWE

Twakuhaaga weena Nyamurungi,
Nitukurangana Yezu. Eri izooba naashemererwa
4. Naiwe ndiisa boona Nyamurungi, nyamuhanga ntuure naiwe
Niiwe nkunzi ya boona Nyamurungi, Reeba Yezu wangaburira nyamuhanga
Nitukurangana Yezu. ntuure naiwe

5. Niiwe buhungiro bwaitu Ntuure naiwe x2 nyamuhanga

Nyamurungi, ntuure naiwe
Naiwe bwesigye bwaitu Ntuure naiwe Yezu nyamuhanga
Nyamurungi, ntuure naiwe
Nitukurangana Yezu.
Bambe naija naayesiima ….
Kandi nyeena najunuuka….
Waaturiisa waatuhaazya…
Tusiime Ruhanga oturinzire N’ogwo mwitsi waamuhemura…
Tukamara egyi myaka yoona
naaturinda gye. Kankusiime wanduhuura…
Nakunyame mpuumuuza nsi…
Atuhaire amaani n’obusinguzi
Twamara egyi myaka n’obusingye. Kankukunde mbe murungi
Niiwe ndeetsi y’obuhwezi
Tukakunda eby’ensi haza twarara
Omusiisi sitaani yaatucengyenza. Mpwera Yezu onyehereze
Mbe omutungwa otaine rwanju
Twabura obutoora n’oburengyero
Nyamuhanga yaija yatutambira. Ntwara kandi mbe omuganzi
Omu beera b’Omuhangi
Akabambwa, yaitwa, yatufeera
Yatujuna sitaani yatucungura.
Atuhaire amatungo n’oruzaaro
Yezu ka nkwebaze, wanzindukira;
Yaatuha abazaire n’oru rweto.
Waija wantambira, wangaburira;
Omu ngyendo zaitu niwe muhanda Niiwe naarya, buzima niiwe naanywa;
Omu miromo yaitu niwe musingye. Yaiwe, Omugyenyi Ruhanga, kaije.

Omuhangi waitu ka tumwehe 1. Yezu wandiisa n’omubiri gwawe,

Omu ngyendo zaitu agume Kanda wanyweisa n’eshagama
atushembutsye. yawe.
Omuhangi waitu ka tumunywane 2. Yezu ninkwebaza, iwe Muhangi;
Omu irungu ry’ensi haza Wanyeha ngu mbone kwera
atushembutsye. kurungi.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Kairu naanywana n’omugabe 1. Ogereka Mukama byompa
wangye, N’olondamu Mukama ebingasa
Nakarungi kamwe ntaine na kangye.
2. Bye sisabye Mukama n’ompa
4. Yezu wakunda ku ntuurana naiwe, N’onjiiyiza Mukama ebingasa
Ka ngume naanye ndi omwesigwa
waawe. 3. Ebitagasa Mukama obireka
N’olondamu Mukama ebigasa
5. Niiwe naashumbaho, nkunzi
y’abantu, 4. Mu bimbonyaabonya mulimu
Mpwera nontungisa, ntakiine kantu. ekyama
Bye sirina Mukama sitoma
6. Niiwe naakwatsa n’amagara gangye,
Ntwara gye niinyera, bwesigye 5. Ogulumizibwe Mukama osaana
bwangye. Otenderezebwe Mukama weebale


Thank you, for giving me the morning

1. Hakuna Mungu kama wewe x3
Thank you, for every day that’s new,
Ewe Mungu wangu
Thank you, that I can know my worries
Nasema, asante x Ewe Mungu wangu Can be cast on you

2. Hakuna upendo kama wako... Thank you, for all my friends and
3. Hakuna nguvu kama zako... Thank you, for all the men that live,
Thank you, for even greatest enemies I
4. Hakuna baraka zako... can now forgive
5. Hakuna neema kama zako... Thank you, I have my occupation
6. Hakuna furaha kama yako... Thank you, for every pleasure small,
Thank you, for music, light and gladness
435. THANK YOU JESUS FOR LOVING Thank you for them all
Thank you, for many little sorrows,
1. Thank you Jesus, for Loving us x4 Thank you, for every kindly word,
Thank you, that everywhere your
Alleluia, alleluia x4 guidance Reaches every land
2. Thank you Jesus, for setting us free x4
3. Thank you Jesus, for being here. Thank you, I see your word has meaning,
Thank you, I know your spirit is here,
436. OYAGALA NSIIME EBIRUNGI Thank you, because you love all people
BYOMPA Those both far and near

Oyagala nsiime ebirungi byompa Thank you, O lord you spoke unto us,
Oyagala mmatire bye nnina Thank you, that for our words you care
Bye sirina ggwe omanyi ensonga Thank you, O lord you came among us
Weebale Mukama nsiima Bread and wine to share
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Thank you, o lord your love is boundless And thus to spend our days, in service to
Thank you, I am so full of you our God
Thank you, you made me feel so glad
And thankful as I do. 440. PILGRIMS UNITED

438. THERE IS A REDEEMER Pilgrims united in Christ to our home

Firm ahead we stride
There is a redeemer Jesus God’s own Christ is the way that will lead to our
son goal
Precious Lamb of God messiah Holy one Now our hopes range high
Jesus my redeemer Name above all
Long ago we walked in darkness
Now we have the light
Precious Lamb of God messiah O for
Yes, with faith we search in brightness
sinners slain
Faith in Jesus in Christ
Thank you O my father Christ is the truth and the rule of our
For giving us your son thought
And leaving your Spirit till As we strive for peace
The work on earth is done Mind then and heart we belong to the
When I stand in glory I will see your face “Truth shall set us free”
And there I’ll serve my king forever In
that holy place Christ is our light the horizon is bright
All a glow, right now
Walk with the cross in pursuit of the right
EXIT SONGS Christ has shown us how

Send forth your messengers Oh, when the saints go marching in

O Lord, they will spread your light Oh, when the saints go marching in
To all the world around Oh lord, I want to be in that number
They will sing of your glory, Alleluia Oh, when the saints go marching in
You chose us from all times, your Oh, when the drums begin to bang…
messengers to be Oh, when the stars fall from the sky…
To raise our light aloft, for all the world Oh, when the sun turns into fire…
to see
Oh when the lord calls on the names…
Today we hear your voice, we hearken
to your call 442. I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW
And joyously we come, to bring your
word to all I have decided to follow Jesus x3
No turning back, no turning back!
Give us your grace, O Lord, to follow
where you trod The world behind me, the cross before me
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Though none go with me, I still will 445. GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN
Go tell it on the mountain, over the
For I have known how, this Jesus loves me hills and evry where,
Go tell it on the mountain, the
The glories of this world, I do not want
wonders God has done.
1. Jesus in the desert was followed by
443. MARCHING UNITED a crowd
Marching United in Christ That listened to his preaching and
Marching together to Heaven praised his name aloud.
2. All were getting hungry, they had
God our Creator and Father
Children of yours we are no food to share.
So now we ask you to bless us He ordered his disciples, to find
Bless both our theme and our motto some bread somewhere.

Grateful to you for the great gifts 3. Food they brought together; two
Country and wealth and all fishes and five loaves.
Which we your children received They took it all to Jesus; the crowd
Cheerfully we sing and we praise you sat down in rows.

We through the Church have been given 4. Of the loaves and fishes, they ate
Grace and the gift of Faith and had their fill,
Help us to keep both our gifts safe And the, O Lord what wonder,
Keep and retain them forever twelve baskets were still there.


1. The Spirit lives to set us free,
Go forth to love and to serve, Walk, walk in the light.
Go to be the light of the world’ He binds us all in unity,
Go to be the salt of the earth, Walk, walk in the light.
Go and teach the world my words.
Jesus today He gives us, Walk in the light, walk in the light,
The gift of, of service to Him, walk in the light,
He sends us to proclaim His Word, Walk in the light of the Lord.
That His kingdom is with us.
Jesus wants us to be 2. Jesus promised life to all,
His instrument of peace,
Walk, walk in the light.
He wants us to be peace makers,
The dead were awakened by his call,
And to teach the world to Love.
Walk, walk in the light
Mary the Mother of the Church,
Pray for us to be obedient,
And to be true sons of the Light, 3. He died in pain in Calvary,
And to live our lives for God. Walk, walk in the light.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
To save the lost like you and me, He’s leading the chosen, to God our
Walk, walk in the light. father.

4. We know his death was not the end, 448. NA TUFANYE SHANGWE
Walk, walk in the light.
He gave his Spirit to be our friend, 1. Njoni wapenzi tufanye shangwe
Walk, walk in the light. Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
Viumbe vyote tufanye shangwe
5. By Jesus’ love our wounds are Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
Natufanye shangwe Twimbe Alleluia
Walk, walk in the light.
Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
The Father’s kindness is revealed,
Walk, walk in the light 2. Hakika mbigu za duniani
Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
6. The Spirit lives in you and me, Naye Dunia na duniani
Walk, walk in the light. Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
His light will shine for all to see,
3. Juu mbiguni na duniani
Walk, walk in the light
Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
Viumbe vyote vinafurahi
447. GO AND PREACH TO THE Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
4. Hii ni siku aliyofanya
You are the messengers of God, Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
Go and preach to the world, Tufurahie, tushangilie
Preach with all good actions Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
Preaching the good news.
5. Tufanye shangwe kwa nyimbo nzuri
1. God’s spirit will guide you, during Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
your preaching, Tumsifu Bwana wa vitu vyote
He will give you his strength, truth Mwokozi Bwana Amefufuka
and God’s blessings.
2. Preach to all the afflicted, arouse 1. There’s a land that is fairer than day,
hope in them, And by faith we can see it a far;
Give them love that they need for For the father waits over the way,
they wil be healed. To prepare us a dwelling place there.
3. Teach how God is loving, gracious
and glorious, In the sweet by and by,
Teach how God is Trinity, father, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. x2
son and spirit.
2. We shall sing on that beautiful shore,
4. Christ our master redeemed us, The melodious songs of the blest,
from our evil ways, And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessings of rest.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. To our bountiful father above, Onwards Christian soldiers marching
We will offer a tribute of praise, as to war,
For the glorious gift of his love, With the cross of Jesus going on before!
And the blessings that hallow our
days. 2. At the sign of triumph Satan’s host
doth flee,
450. YOU ARE THE LIGHT On then Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver, at the
You are the light of the world,
shout of praise,
In this doubting world.
Brothers, lift your voices loud your
You are the light of truth,
anthems raise!
In this troubled world.
Light of truth, light of love in world 3. Like almighty army, moves the
indeed today. church of God,
Brothers we are treading, where the
1. You are a city built up on a hill
saints have trod
You are a lit lamp shinning bright,
We are not divided, all one body we,
You are to shine before all men
One in hope and doctrine, one in
To drive away al darkness of error.
2. You are my witness in your time,
4. Onwards, then, ye people, join our
You are to spread news to all,
happy throng,
You are to show all.
Blend with ours your voices, in the
3. You are to be the guide of the world, triumph song,
You are to live true Christian life, Glory, laud and honor, unto Christ
You are to be the leading force the king,
You are the champions of moral life. This thro’ countless ages men and
angels sing.
4. And let us pray and help each other,
Walking in the light of God, 452. TUSIMBE FFENNA
For Jesus Christ all men’s brother, Tusimbe ffenna mu kisinde,
Walking in the light if God. Kya mukama waffe Yezu,
Tulimulaba mu ggulu lye,
451. ONWARDS CHRISTIAN Wamu n’abatukirivu.
1. Ku lwa Batisimu twalagaana,
1. Onwards Christian soldiers, Okuleka amasitaani,
marching as to war, Twegaana n’ebikolwa byonna,
With the cross of Jesus going on Ebitusuula mu bubi.
Christ the royal master leads against 2. Yezu Era tukulazaanya
the foe; Okukwata evanjiri yo,
Forward into battle, see his banner N’okwebengula ku museemya,
go.. Omanye nga tuli babo.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Yezu ggwe oli Katonda waffe 2. We are walking in the light of God
Wekka! Wekka! Ggwe twagala
3. We are singing in the light of God
Obeeranga mukama waffe
Leero n’emirembe gyonna. 4. We are praying in the light of God.

4. Maria! Ggwe nnyina Katonda 455. WE ARE GOING WITH JESUS

Era nnyabwe w’abakristu; WALKING TOGETHER
Otusabirenga ffe ffenna
We’re going with Jesus, walking
Tunywererenga ku Yezu!
453. MWERABA Over the path he has trod,
And up every mountain down every
Mweraba mbatuma mugende valley,
Mu nsi yonna muyigirize We walk along with God.
Eddiini ebune
1. He is the author of our life
Mu nsi yonna x2
Our comforter and friend
He’s with us now and he will be
1. Ensi kati erinze, mugimanyise
Right with us to the end.
amazima ge;
Abatuma nga bw’agamba,
2. In working for the Lord on earth
mugimanyise omulokozi.
One thing you’ll find true,
The good you do will all come back
2. Ensi kati erinze, mugimanyise
A hundred fold to you.
kristu mumutwale, ensi eyo eyo
3. We’ve heard his word we know it’s
He came to save the world,
3. Ensi katio erinze, mugimanyise
Let’s help the people, all the
Sitaani mumulwanyise era
Jesus keeps his word.

454. SIYAHAMBA 4. O Lamb of God you died for us

You taught us how to live
Siyahamba, Siyahamba To love each other, help each other
Siyahamba ekuhanyeni kwe kosi x2 Just the way you did.
Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum,
Hum 5. Love’s like a candle God sets out,
Siyahamba, Siyahamba To light your world and mine
Siyahamba ekuhanyeni kwe kosi. If each of us would light but one
Just think how it would shine.
1. We are marching in the light of God x4
We are marching, marching
We are marching in the light of God x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
456. LORD DISMISS US WITH THY 3. I send you to the people,
BLESSING The sick, the poor, the needy
Heal the sick ones, help the needy,
1. Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing;
Help them as you can.
Fill our hearts with joy
Let each, thy love possessing,
4. The Spirit of my father,
Triumph in redeeming grace
Will guide you far and farther
Oh, refresh us, oh refresh us,
Through the nations be my witness,
Traveling through this wilderness.
To the end of the world.
2. Thanks we give and adoration,
For thy gospel’s joyful sound,
May the fruits of thy salvation, Ntambula ne Yezu mu kkubo
In our hearts and lives abound, ly,abalungi effunda.(Kubanga)
Ever faithful ever faithful, Mwoyo w,amaanyi asula munze
To the truth may we be found. anyamba (Bwentyo) x2

3. So that when thy love shall call us, 1. Bwe nnali nzaaye yankimayo
Savior, from the world away nandeeta ndi wuwe,
Let no fear of death appall us, Wamma mpulira ndi muggya
Glad thy summons to obey ampanirira mulina.
May we ever, may we ever,
Reign with thee in endless day, 2. Bwonna obulamu n’obuwayo
AMEN yabunsaba ndi wuwe,
Byonna ebyange biri mu ye
457. GO FORTH GUIDED BY THE y,alamula nnyini byo.

Go forth guided by the Spirit go 3. Bwemba nkaaba ne nsirika,

Go forth guided by the Spirit go ekisuubizo nkirina,
And preach the word of God go, Omusuubize oyo nnantalemwa nze
Guided by the Spirit go. mpulira mulina.

1. I call you my desciples, 4. Wamma nsanyuka ne nnyimba

My brothers and my sisters natyaka ndi wuwe,
Be my witness throughout Asula munze Mwoyo oli ye muyinza
the nations, asinga.
Preaching the word of God.
5. Nzenna mwewa nnemalayo, nze
2. Bring good news to the people, ndayira ndi wuwe,
To love God and neighbor Ampa okunywa nze oluberera
Peace and justice teach the people, amaazi ag’obulamu.
You the salt and light.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
459. Katonda ALIBAWEERA Ffe abaana bo tusaasire tukwesiga,
Muzadde wa Katonda Nnyaffe
Katonda alibaweera abakola atasaangika,
obulungi, katunywere tufube Mirembe Maria Mirembe.
Laba Yeruzalemu ekibuga ekikulu,
ly’eggulu y’empeera y’eka ewaffe. 4. Kabaka w’emirembe ffe tuzze
1. Obeeranga mwenkanya Ggwe eyakwasibwa ensi eno
ng’olamula omugwira n’omunaku n’abaminsani,
tomugoba. Entalo n’entalo ggwe Nnyaffe
Bw’oyamba abanaku ng’oyambye zituwonye,
ye alikuweera. Mirembe Maria Mirembe.
2. Ogunjulanga abaana mu ddiini, 5. Luliiba lukuru naffe lwe
bwe butume obusooka. tuliwangula,
Obutume bwa Kristu abutuusa ye Ffe abalamazi Mukama natusaasira,
alimuweera. Ffe abaana bo abaganzi Nnyaffe
3. Ekisulo ky’ensi eno kyaluwunguko, Mirembe Maria Mirembe.
ku nsi kuno tuyita lumu.
Emirembe emituufu gye giri eri 461. TUNAKUSHUKURU MAMA
ew’omukama. MARIA

Kwanema unazo tujalia

MARIAN SONGS, SAINTS Asante mama wa Yezu
460. MIREMBE MARIA Uliye na huruma
Uzidi kutuombea mpaka
1. Mirembe Maria Nnyaffe ajjudde Saa ya kufa.
Ggwe Nnamukisa mubakazi ensi 1. Mama wa Yezu, mama mfariki wetu
gy’ekkoma. Asante sana kwa kutusimamia
Muzadde wakigambo Yezu
Omulokozi, 2. Nema zako zinatutia nguvu
Mirembe Maria Mirembe. Asante mama Maria mtakatifu

2. Tutenda Maria Nnyaffe asinga Eva, 3. Tunafutaha, tunamatumaini,

Ye nnamukisa Nnamasole Kwakuatunawe Mama mtakatifu.
Muzadde w’omutonzi atagwa 4. Mama wa Yesu ewe mama Maria
kutendebwa, Tusaide tushinde vishsawishi.
Mirembe Maria Mirembe.
3. Wankakii we ggulu Maria ayinza
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
1. Tukutendereza nga tusanyuka At the Annunciation…
Ne Bamalayika Ave Maria. Your yes became our salvation…
With all our hearts we thank you…
2. Ggwe omuwolereza, ng’abantu
bangi, O Queen of all the angels…
Goba ekizikiza mu myoyo gyaffe. O Queen of all the people…
Your Glory may be ours…
3. Nnyaffe oijukiranga ng’abantu
bangi O Queen of all the apostles…
Mu ggwe basubira n’essanyu lingi. O Queen of all the martyrs…
Accept us in your kingdom…
4. Maria sanyusa Yezu Kabaka,
Ng’ojuna, ng’okyusa abamwegaana,. 464. MAGNIFICAT

5. Ab’afrika ffena totwerabira; 1. My soul proclaims the Lord my

Bw’olitusonyiyisa tulikutenda. God
My spirit sings his praise
6. Naffe abaUganda ka tusse kimu He looks on me, he lifts me up
Tuyimbire wamu Ave Maria. And greatness fills my days.
7. Toyabulirenga, Uganda yaffe; 2. All nations now will share my joy
Ffena tukwesiga ggwe Nnamasole. His gifts he has outpoured
His little one he has made great,
8. Twala emyoyo gyaffe, ayi Maria,
I magnify the Lord.
Mulokozi waffe lw’anagisiima.

9. Katulowooze nga Nnyaffe Maria 3. For those who love his holy name,
Tumulamusenga: Ave Maria. His mercy will not die
His strong right arm puts down the
And raises lowly men.
Mary loving mother, Mary loving mother
On our knees we pray you, Mary loving 4. He fills the hungry with good
mother Listen to your children things
Mary loving mother The rich he sends away,
Mary love, Mary love The promise made to Abraham
Mary loving mother Is filled to endless day.

Mother of our savior… 5. Magnificat, magnificat,

Virgin full of grace… Magnificat praise God
We praise you today… Magnificat, magnificat,
Magnificat, praise God.
We greet you door of heaven…
We sing your boundless Glory…
Your name is sweet and holy…
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
465. O PUREST OF CREATURES And he shone in thy shinning,
sweet star of the sea.
1. O purest of creatures, sweet
mother sweet maid 466. GENTLE WOMAN
The one spotless womb, wherein
Jesus was laid Hail Mary, Full of grace
Dark night hath come down on us, The Lord is with you
mother and we Blessed are you among all women
Look out for thy shinning, sweet And blessed is the fruit of your womb,
star of the sea. Jesus

2. Deep night hath come down, on Holy Mary, Mother of God

this rough-spoken world Pray for us sinners now
And the banners of darkness, are And at the hour of our death, Amen
boldly unfurled;
And tempest-tossed church-all, her Gentle woman, Quiet light
eyes are on thee Morning star, So strong and bright
They look to thy shinning sweet Gentle mother, Peaceful dove
star of the sea. Teach us wisdom, teach us love

3. He gazed on thy soul, it was 1. You were chosen by the Father,

spotless and fair. You were chosen for the son,
For the empire of sin it had never You were chosen from all women,
been there And for a woman shining one.
None ever had owned thee, dear
mother, but he, 2. Blessed are you among women
And blessed thy clear shinning, Blessed in turn all women too
sweet star of the sea. Blessed they with gentle Spirits
Blessed they with gentle hearts
4. Earth gave him one lodging; twas
deep in thy breast
And God found a home, where the
sinner finds rest Singa Maria, Singa Maria x2
His home and his hiding-place Muzaire Waitu Sing x2.
both were in thee
He was won by thy shinning, sweet 1. Muzaire waitu,
star of the sea. Muzaire w’ensi yoona, Singa

5. Oh! Blissful and calm was the 2. Ozaire Yezu,

wonderful rest Muriisa waitu tweena …….. Singa.
That, thou gavest thy God in thy
virginal breast 3. Muhwezi waitu,
For the heaven he left found Murinzi w’ensi yoona …….... Singa
heaven in thee,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Murinzi waitu, 469. MARIA – ONDINDE OMU RWETO
mutambi w’ensi yoona, ….. singa. RWANGYE

5. Mutambi waitu, Maria nyinaitwe, Maria nakweha,

Mutambi we’ensi yoona …… singa. Maria ondinde omurweeto rwangye. x2
1. Nyina Yezu ombangire,
6. Muhimbo gwaitu,
Oru rweeto Maria, ngume ndwiine.
Muhimbo gw’ensi yoona … singa

7. Nyonyoozi yaitu, 2. Nyina Yezu ompabure,

Maranzi g’ensi yoona …….. singa Oru rweeto ndumanye, ngume
8. Eirembo ryaitu,
Eirembo ry’ensi yoona ……singa 3. Nyina Yezu ondinde gye,
Obusingye bwije gye, ngume nkwine.
4. Omuzaire ondiide gye,
Singa, Mariya, iwe Nyina Ruhanga! Omubeihi rubura, ngume mwangye.
Singa, Mariya, iwe Mugabekazi!
5. Omubeihi atanyita,
1. Yaiwe, singa, mukuru w’abazaire; akantwara okuzimu, owencuubwa.
Neiguru n’obutaka k’obitware.
6. Ebibi byoona mbirekye,
2. Yezu akakwerondera, waamutwara, Nyina Yezu Maria, ngume neiwe.
Waakuza, waagaruka waamuzaara.
7. Omuzaire ombangire,
3. N’amabeere buzima Omuhanda ngumanye, nkushangye
waagamwontsya, maawe.
Yaiguta, yaagomoka,
waamucuutsya. 8. Karamare Maria,
Omuzaire haisibwa, ebiro byoona.
4. N’egabo y’Omugabe waagiteeka,
Waamuha; waagaruka 470. MARIA N’OMUGABEKAZI
Maria n’omugabekazi w’eiguru n’ensi,
5. Mworozi, waahabura, yaabikwata, Niwe Nyina w’Omuhangi wa byoona.
Waatuma, yaarahuka, yabireeta.
1. Orushusho rwingi bambe
6. Gwebare, gwebare, Nyakwera rukamurenga,
weena, Yakaba ataine ndwara, yamushanga.
Gwebare kworora Nyakweza-
tweena. 2. Bamalaika boona n’omuhimbo,
Bakaija bamutwara n’okwesiima.
7. Nzaire na Mwana, Njuni y’ensi
yoona, 3. Nitwesiga Nyinaitwe itwe abari-aha,
Kandi na Mpuumuza, basiimwe Naitwe agume atuhwere
boona. turyamushanga.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Eiguru ryona n’ensi katwesiime, Ensi hamwe n’eiguru, tweteeraine,
Mukama w’ensi yoona yamuhunda. twevugye;
Twena twimutsye hamwe;
471. MARIA ORI OMUZAIRE BAMBE Singa, Singa, Singa Maria, Singa!
Maria ori Omuzaire bambe tuyambe, 2. Nyamurungi noomurinkana;-
itwe abaana bawe abaatooreinwe; Iwe toine muntu-okwingana;-
Nitukushaba –a- Omurweto
rw’obutumwa bwaitu, tugume 3. Nyanja y’eneema zaashagire
twezire. Mbiiko y’eitungo ryarengire

1. Obutumwa bw’omwana wawe, 4. Nkunzi y’abantu muhaisibwa

bukabuga ensi yoona. Obareeberere, nyakwezibwa
N’omu Uganda reeba, naitwe
bwaatwiizira. 5. Omuhanda gwawe ntendeki,
Tugutoore naiwe, mworeki.
2. Ababuretsire Mukama, akabaha-
Omugisha, 473. AS I KNEEL (AVE MARIA)
Nibesiga iwe Maria –a-,
nk’omuzaire. As I kneel before you
As I bow my head in prayer
3. Obwo butumwa bukahama, Take this day make it yours
bwatsimba n’emizi, And fill me with your love
Egyo nkonya ekakura, amatagi
g’eimuka. Ave Maria gratia plena
Dominus tecum Benedictus
4. Ago mataagi, nago gaakanya,
Gahika Mbarara …… N ……N ….. All I have I give to you
gajanjara. Every dream and wish are yours
Mother of Christ, mother of mine
5. Orwo rweto rwa Mukama itwe Present them to my Lord
Tukarwetaba hati, turi-abaheereza. As I kneel before you
And as I see your smiling face
6. Iwe muzaire Maria, nitukushaba Every thought every word
otuyambe, Is lost in your embrance
Omu rweeto rwaitu reero tugume
twezire. 474. DAILY, DAILY

472. HAISIBWA MWIGARIRE Daily, daily, sing to Mary

W’EIGURU Sing my soul, her praises due
All her feasts, her actions worship
1. Haisibwa mwigarire w’eiguru, With the heart’s devotion true
Yaiwe singa! Lost in wond’ring contemplation
Mpimbya baana n’abakaikuru, Be her majesty confessed
Yaiwe singa!
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Call her Mother, call her Virgin Mama wa Yesu Kristu Mama yetu Maria
Happy Mother, Virgin blest Sisi ututarame Tunaokuheshimu

She is mighty to deliver Ee mama yetu mpenzi Sikia ombi letu

Call her; trust her lovingly Katika shida zetu Kwa mwano tuombee
When the tempest rages round thee Ee mama Mbarikiwa Mama safi wa moyo
She will calm the troubled sea Mama mwenje huruma Uwe nasi daima
Gifts of heaven she has given
Noble Lady, to our race Mama wa neema nyingi Mama yetu Maria
She, the Queen, who decks her subjects Tusaidie daima Tufike juu mbinguni.
With the lights of God’s own grace
Sing, my tongue, the Virgin’s trophies
Who for us her Maker bore Hail, holy Queen, enthroned above, O Maria
For the curse of old inflicted Hail, Queen of mercy and of love, O Maria
Peace and blessings to restore Triumph all, you Cherubim
Sing in songs of praise unending Sing with us, you Seraphim
Sing the world’s majestic Queen Heaven and earth resound the hymn
Weary not, nor fail in telling A Salve, salve, salve Regina
ll the gifts she gives to men
The cause of joy to men below, O Maria
All my senses, heart, affection The spring through which all graces flow,
Strive to sound her glory forth O Maria
Spread abroad the sweet memorials Angels all your praises bring
Of the virgin’s priceless worth Earth and Heaven with us sing
Where the voice of music thrilling All creation echoing
Where the tongue of eloquence Salve, salve, salve Regina
That can utter hymns beseeming
All her matchless excellence 477. IMMACULATE MARY

All our joys do come through Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing
Mary All then join her praise to sing You reign now in splendor with Jesus our
Trembling sing the virgin mother King
Mother of our lord and king Ave, ave, ave, Maria
While we sing her awful glory Ave, ave, Maria
Far above our fancy’s reach
Let our hearts be quick to offer In heaven, the blessed your glory proclaim
Love alone can teach the heart. On earth we, your children, invoke your
sweet name.

Ewe Mama Maria Mama yetu mwema We pray for the Church, our true Mother
Mama wa Mungu, on earth
Sisi wanao leo tunakusalimu And beg you to watch over the land of
Salamu mama our birth

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
We pray you o mother, may God’s will be 2. Cwinywa yom (I kom Rwotwa)
done pi cwalo botwa lokwena mere,
We pray for his glory, may his kingdom wek wanen tar pa Rwotwa
3. Daudi (ki Jildo) gudyero kwo gi pi lok
Rubanga (I paimol) wek walub
Oh! Mother Mary, Oh Mother of the
lanen meggi
We hail you today, we give honour, 4. Woro ki pak (Woro ki pak) obed bot
For you did merit to bear the son of Won ki
Wod ki Tipu Maleng (ki Tipu
And He glorified you, taking you to His
Maleng) pi naka naka Amen.

Queen of Angels, O Queen of All Saints, 480. ABAJULIZI BA UGANDA

O Queen of Martyrs’ 1. Leero tujaguze ffenna
Mother of God, Refuge of sinners,
Olw’essanyu olw’ekitiibwa!
Comfort of afflicted.
Nga tulowooza bannaffe
O Queen of peace pray for our country
Abazira nga bwe beesiiimye
to preserve the peace.
Immaculate, conceived without sin, pray Ba Uganda abajulizi
for us sinners. Basaale baffe mu ddiini.
Seat of Wisdom pray for us people have
Abajulizi ba Uganda
more wisdom.
Beesiimye nnyo mu kitiibwa
Mother of mercy pray for us all, to be
merciful. Batikkiddwa engule za ba Luwangula
Mother enthroned above in Heaven, Batukulembedde ffenna,
pray for us Pilgrims. Ka tubagobererenga;
Pray for us all to preserve our faith, and Naffe nno tuwere nti Yezu! Maria,
to come to Heaven. Naffe nno tuwere nti Yezu! Maria.

2. Mukulike mmwe abaira,

UGANDA MARTYRS/ ABAJURIZI Mmwe abagoba entalo ez’amaanyi
/ SAINTS Nga musoma olw’empaka
N’okukwata empisa z’eddini.
Mwanywerera ddala mmwenna
IRWA Ku Katonda gwe mwasenga.

1. Mar pa Rwot Rubanga omiyo botwa 3. Mwalinga mukayali baana

locaden Mu lubiri nga mmwe baganzi
Remo, wek walub lanen meggi x2 Era nga mukyawoomerwa
Obulamu n’okulya obwami
Daudi-okello ki Jildo-Irwa, Ebyo byonna mwabigaya
Tar pa Rubanga Locaden Remo ada Ne musiima okutiibwa.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Mu kkomera mu ttambiro Blessed are you Oh! Saints of God,
Mu bulumi obutagambwa! For you truly longed to be with the
Obuzira bwa kitalo! Lord,
Nga timuta kwegayirira, Now you are with Him, singing His
Ne musabira Uganda Praise,
Yonna esenge Katonda. And you shall reign forever with Jesus.
Pray for us all the Pilgrim Church,
5. Tufunye mu ggulu leero, To know to love and to serve the Lord
Abatuwolereza bangi, our God.
Be tunaalabirangako And help us to be one in Jesus,
Tulyoke tusinge sitaani Pray that we may too merit the crown
Okutuusa lwe tulifa, of life.
Ne tugenda ewa Katonda.
Pray for us all to Love our Faith,
481. NEN EN AYE LALAR To Love Jesus and to love our
neighbours too,
Nen en aye lalar wa rwotwa, Pray that we may see Jesus’ face ,
En aye lalar wa, en aye lalar wa In the face of those who suffer in this
Rwotwa ma olo i ngom. x2 world.

1. Bass: Gipwo Rwot Kristu lalar. 483. MMWE AB’EKITIIBWA

All: Hosanna ---- Ho Hosanna.
Hosanna -- Ho Hosanna malo i polo x2 Mmwe ab’ekitiibwa,
Daudi Okello, Jildo Irwa, nyutu Mubugaanye essanyu mwesiimye,
botwa Kristu ma lalar wa x2 Tubawanjagidde,
Mutuyambe mu kwerokola.
2. Bass: Hosanna Hosanna ki lalar. 1. Ayi mukama! Abajulizi,
All: Hosanna ---- Ho Hosanna. Be tutenda mu nnyimba zaffe
Hosanna -- Ho Hosanna malo i polo x2 Baakukiza obulamu bwabwe
Baalabira ku mununuzi!
3. Bass: Allelu ---- Alleluia lalar.
All: Alleluia ---- a, Alleluia. 2. Ggwe wabawa okuwangula
Alleluia --- a, Alleluia malo i polo x2 Abambowa abakanga ddala
N’obazibira nga balwana
482. WE HAIL YOU SAINTS Olutalo oluvannyuma
(Names of Saints can be fixed
accordingly) 3. Abazira abatufiirira
Tubatenda okukkiriza
We hail you Saint N…….
For you loved Christ and you witnessed Tubatenda n’okusuubira
to His Love. Era tubatenda okwagala.
Now you are crowned a Crown of Life, 4. Yezu Kristu, kabaka waabwe,
Gazing at the Lord, forever in joyful Ku kufa kwe baalabira,
mood. Ne baguma mu nnaku zaabwe,
Nga basabira n’abambowa.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
5. Baasalirwa ogw’okuttibwa okwasukka ne mwewayo ne
Ku lw’eddiini gye baakwatanga; babazisa.
Baafumitwa ne bakubibwa Tubakulisa okuwangula, Yezu
Mu muliro ne babengeya mwamusanyusa, n’ekelezia yonna
6. Abazira, mwakalanguka
Nga timutya, nga timwekanga 4. Tuwondera abazira, katuwere
Ne mulaga abantu bonna abasoma, okusoma eddiini entuufu
Yezu wammwe bwe mumwagala. Twegaane egya sitaani, tumwekwate
Katonda ono nnantalemwa
7. Baganda baffe Abajulizi Tulina kati okunyiikira kati
Tunyiikire okubeyuna okunyiikira Yezu ffe beyesiga ffe
Be baganzi b’Omulokozi kekezia eva mu bajulizi.
Tubasabenga okutujuna.
Kaloli Lwanga wuno omulwanyi
Abajulizi ab’ettendo, banaffe abazira mu ow’amanyi,
Africa wakati Tumulina omugabe era omujasi
Mga mwesiimye abeewaayo olw’eddiini weggye!
Nga muli ne Yezu mutusabire Katonda yebazibwe
Tukwatw naffe eddiini n’obuzira olw’onogu’atuwadde,
ng’obwammwe obw’ettendo. Akulembere eggye lye ery’abalwanyi
1. Mukulike abazira, mukulike omuliro ku nsi,
obuzira obwammwe bwa ttendo Atweyagaza omumegganyi Tumusimye
Mwanywera nga babatisa, gwe Ow’ettutumu omuganzi Lwanga.
mwasenga Katonda omu
Temwamuleka tubakulisa 1. Abatudde mwenna, Omulwanyi
okuwangula, Yezu mwamusanyusa Lwanga
n’ekelezia yonna ebakulisa. Mbanjulira mukulu waffe, Omujasi
wa Yezu
2. Mukulike abazira, mukulike ebizibu, Omuzira namigeye oyo, Omulwanyi
okusibwa n’enga byantiisa, Lwanga
Gwe mwasenga nga babanoonya, Mukama gw’atusindikidde, Omujasi
temwegaana Katonda omu nnyini wa Yezu
bulamu. Akulire entabalo zaffe, Omulwanyi
Tubakulisa okuwangula, Yezu Lwanga
mwamusanyusa, n’ekelezia yonna Nalukalala atameggebwango,
ebakulisa Omujasi wa Yezu
Yewuyo Kaloli Lwanga, Omulwanyi
3. Katonda yeebazibwe, Katonda Lwanga
ng’akuuma abatene nga mmwe Yewuyo bwetwatabala, Omujasi wa
ng’anyweza Yezu
Twewuunya okwagala okwa,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Balubale bakangawadde, okuzaara nyamanzi zeera
Omulwanyi Lwanga Eddiini ya yezu bazaarwa,
N’emmandwa zikambuwadde, tugikwate butareereera
Omujasi wa Yezu
Eddiini ya Yesu ni zaabu
N’abafuzi batweweredde,
mitwe y’ensi mutagishisha
Omulwanyi Lwanga
Abeegyesa ddiini burijo
Batulango obusami bwaffe;
mubahwere mutabamisha
Omujasi wa Yezu
Sitye nze Kaloli Lwanga, Ekanza ya twango Uganda
Omulwanyi Lwanga etaryaka bakagitweka
Nnanywera Kaloli we ali; Omujasi Nyabatirwa ddiini barinde
wa Yezu. obusingye butagicweka.


Twimukye tubahimbise, Egyo shagama, eshagama y’abajurizi,

Abajurizi ba Uganda Egyo Shagama.
Twimukye tubahimbise, Egyo shagama niyo mbibo y’Abakristo,
Abo baiguzi b’omuhanda Egyo shagama.

Enzaaranwa z’ensi Uganda, 1. Abatenda gi diini y’ensi yoona,

egi ddiini zikagifeera Egyo shagama
Omu iguru mbwenu ruhanga, Bagihiiga, tibagibaasa hoona,
Nimureba mutunga… beera Egyo shagama
Enanga twiteere, zigambe, 2. Omuna gw’abakunzi b’egi diini…
tubahaise nizi jumeera Bagifeera, tibagira butiini….
O bwiguro twena tugambe,
tubahaise ni bunihira 3. Mukamaayo nyakwija kwecwa
Abeevugi b’ensi bahimbe,
Abahimbya rutaruga-muri-itwe.
amahaiso nigabacooka
Emanzi bahaise burijo,
4. Babakuura buboga nk’ekijamba,
omuhimbo gutabahooka
Obwo reero baranda nk’orucwamba.
Abaitirwa-ddiini kibaita,
Nyakugyanga akakazaara 5. Babakonda, babaihaho amataagi,
Eshagama yaabo nibaitwa, Abo baija bagina n’amashaagi.
egyo ddiini ekagibyara
6. Babakonda, bagwisaho munaana,
Abaitirwa ddiini ngu neefa Aho haija hameraho kanaana.
baginyeetsa bagiramuura
Egyo mbibo etooma ebyairwe 7. Na Uganda bakaihamu emibyare,
tibarija bakagikuura Twahama nk’omusingye
Muranga neesiima, Uganda
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
488. ABAFEERA DIINI Your light must shine before all
Tubasiime twena, imwe bakundwa So that they see the good you do,
mwena, Let people see and love your doings,
Amamanzi g’omuhangi g’obuganzi; And praise your heavenly Father in
Muri bwera mbwenu, nimumureeba you.
Mukajwekwa n’ebirunga 2. Your call is to care for the
by’obumanzi. strengthless,
My heart is healing power,
Abafeera diini, mukenda mwena kwera:
Should you then be tasteless and
Mpaho mwagifeera, mutaine na butiini.
Abaronde-biitsi bakaija baabacwera, My people you will starve.
Kandi baabateera, bataine A lamp to enlighten the gropping,
bwamushinja. We place it on the stand,
A flame by my word truly glowing,
Emigango yoona, bakenda ku Enlighten every man.
Haza mwabibaasa eby’okugagwa 3. My Father’s designs are so holy,
kwona. Deserving of all love,
And wholesome to you are they
Abaronde-biitsi bakaija n’ebibootsya, truly,
Mwabikunda mwatsya abandi Receive them as they come.
mwaitwa bwitsi. My Father takes care of creation,
Ebisyo bihango emanzi mwabiteerwa, He clothes birds and flowers,
Mwafa n’obuhiirwa, abaitsi baine Created you in His image,
rwango. Much more then trust His heart.

Mukama wa byona emanzi yaabatoora, 490. NDYAGIZA BWERA

Mwagitwarwa bwera, niyo mutuura
mwena. 1. Nyaruka rw’eiguru, Ndyagiza
Seeri omu mpakwa, Ndyagiza
Ndyagiza bweera, Ndyagiza ntuure,
1. The salt of the earth I pronounce Omunkoroogi za Nyamuhanga.
Preserve you taste and strength, 2. Hariyo obwegamo, Ndyagiza
Your Life must give taste to the Noitsya noomarwa, Ndyagiza
Good News,
To sooth and heal all men. 3. Hariyo abeezire, Ndyagiza
The Light of the world I declare you, Teijwa na babi Ndyagiza
Enlighten all mankind,
The glare of your light shall imbue 4. Hariyo abeevuga Ndyagiza
too, Kwaya teinganwa Ndyagiza
The hearts which sense your light.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
5. Rugaba ohaisibwa Ndyagiza 492. AYI MWOYO MUTUUKIRIVU
Wenka naahuzya Ndyagiza
Ayi Mwoyo Mutuukirivu Omutonzi
6. Rugaba n’einuzi Ndyagiza waffe Jjangu,
Wenka naigutsa Ndyagiza Otuule mu myoyo gyaffe, n’enneema zo
7. Nyesiga ndyafagye Ndyagiza
Ntwarwe omu mpakwa Ndyagiza 1. Ayi ggwe omuwolereza
Ekitone hya Katonda eky’enjawulo,
8. Ebibi mbyehare Ndyagiza Omuliro, n’okwagala,
Nshangwe niinyera Ndyagiza Mbeera ye ggwe nsulo y’enneema.
2. Otuwe n’okutegeera
9. Nyaruka ndyaiguta Ndyagiza
Otuseemu n’okwagala
Nshangye kinkora. Ndyagiza
Otujjuze n’amaanyi go
Mu mubiri ne mu mwoyo.
HOLY SPIRIT SONGS 3. Otugobeko Sitaani
491. OH HOLY SPIRIT Otuwe emirembe ku nsi
Otukulembere ffenna,
Oh Holy Spirit Lord of the light, Otuwonye ennaku zonna.
From thy throne in Splendour bright,
4. Tuddukidde gy’oli ffenna
Shed on us a ray divine,
Tuyige Patri ne Mwana
Come and from thy boundless store,
(On our hearts thy treasures pour.x2) Naawe tukukkirizenga
Leero ate n’ennaku zonna.
Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, 5. Leero tusseemu ekitiibwa
Spirit of God we long for You; Katonda Patri ne Mwana,
Come and touch us, come and fill us, Tubatendereze wamu
Spirit of God we welcome You. Ne Myoyo Mutuukirivu.
Come and Make Us truly Thine 493. TUNYWEZEBWE MWOYO
O Thou blessed light divine W’OMUKAMA
Shine with in these hearts of Thine
And our in most being fill Tunywezebwe mwoyo w’omukama
(From our hearts remove the Chill x2) Mubwenkanya era ne mirembe;
Olwo tube Bantu ba mukama
Heal our wound; our strength renew Mubwenkanya era n’emirembe.
On our dryness pour Thy dew
Wash our stains of guilt away 1. Yezu kristu ng’asibula, naffe
Bend and change our stubborn will atusuubiza nti alijja n’amaanyi ge,
(Guide our foot-steps not to stray x2) Tunywezebwe eby’amagero.

2. Ye ge mazzi ag’obulamu,
Okutukula nti ye bw’omwewa

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
takulemwa, ggwe mweyune 495. LET YOUR LIVING WATER
Let Your living water flow over my soul,
3. Tuusa gy’ali ekyetaago kyo, Let your Holy Spirit come and take
endwadde azimalawo, control,
Nti ye muyinza atalemwa, in every situation that has troubled my
Ggwe masabe anaakuyamba. mind,
All my cares and burdens unto you I
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
1. Mwoyo omutonzi yanguwa
Father, Father, Father
Okyalire abakwegomba
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Jjuza be ddu n’enneema yo
Emmeeme z’abatonde bo. Come now Holy Spirit and take control,
Hold me in your loving arms and make
2. Ggwe oyitibwa musaasizi me whole,
Ggwe nsulo y’obuwanguzi, Wipe away all doubt and fear and take
Kitone ekitatondebwa my pride,
Ggwe muliro ggwe kwagala. Draw me to your love and keep me by
your side
3. Ggwe otwongeza eby’amazima, Give your life to Jesus, let Him take
Nga Patri bwe yasuubiza, control,
Ggwe lunwe olw’omukomo gwe Let Him take you in His arms and make
Mugabi ng’otugabidde. you whole,
As you give your life to Him, He will set
4. Tumulise n’eggezi lyo, you free,
Otwagaze ebiragiro You will live and reign with Him
Tugumye era n’amaanyi go, eternally.
Endwadde ng’ozituggyako.
496. SPIRIT OF God
5. Sitaani mutugobere,
Eddembe lituweereze 1. Spirit of God in the clear running
Tutwale, tukulembere, water,
Buli kabi tukewale. Blowing to greatness the trees on
the hill,
6. Tumanye Patri ssemaka, Spirit of God in the finger of
Ne mwana eyatulokola, morning
Tweyongere okukkiriza
Ne mwoyo, nnyini kwagala. Fill the earth, bring it to birth and
Blow where you will.
7. Katonda Patri atakoma, Blow, blow, blow till I be.
Ne mwana gwe eyazuukira But breath of the Spirit blowing in me.
Era ggwe omukubagiza
Mutendebwe lubeerera!

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Down in the meadow, the willows are 498. RUHANGA ISHITWE
Sheep in the pasture land cannot lie Ruhanga ishitwe ruhanga omwana
still, Ruhanga mutima olikwera x2
Spirit of God creation is groaning
Erizooba twakushaba Mutima orikwera
Shumuije otwebembere
3. I saw the scar of the year that lay
Nitumanya ngu turi abaanabawe
Ayi Mukama otwebembere
Heard the lament of a lone whipper
will, Iraka lyawe ayi Mukama
Spirit of God, see that cloud crying, Twalihulira ni litweta…x2
4. Spirit of God, every man’s heart is Mu Yerusalemu okeijuza
lonely, Entumwa zawe Mutima olikwera…x2
Watching and waiting and hungry
Spirit of God man longs that you only. ADVENT


1. Holy Spirit, breathe on me, 1. Lo he comes with clouds descending

Until my heart is clean. Once for favored sinners slain
Let sunshine fill its inmost part Thousands thousand saints
With not a cloud between. attending
Swell the triumph of his train
Breathe on me, Holy Spirit, breathe on me; Alleluia x3
Take thou my heart, cleanse every part, God appears, on earth to reign
Holy Spirit, breathe on me.
2. Every eye shall now behold him
5. Holy spirit, breathe on me, Robed in dreadful majesty
My stubborn will subdue; Those who set at naught and sold him
Teach me in words of living flame Pierced and nailed him to the tree
What Christ would have me do? Deeply wailing x3
Shall the true messiah see.
4. Holy spirit, breathe on me,
Fill me with power divine; 3. Those dear tokens of his passions,
Kindle a flame of love and zeal Still his dazzling body bears
Within this heart of mine. Cause of endless exultation
To his ransomed worshippers
5. Holy spirit, breathe on me, With what rapturex3
Till I am thine own, Gaze we on those glorious scars
Until my will is lost in thine,
To live for thee alone. 4. Yea amen let all adore thee
High on thine eternal throne
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Savior take the power and glory Come Jesus and free us from bondage,
Claim the kingdom for thine own Come O Lord we need your Salvation,
O come quickly x3 Come O Lord we need your Salvation.
Alleluia come Lord come.
Our Parents Adam and Eve sinned,
500. O COME, DIVINE MESSIAH By eating from the forbidden tree
All generations haves shared in sin,
1. O come divine Messiah; the world Come and save us all.
in silence waits the day See your Lambs suffering in slavery,
When hope shall sing its triumph All of us are enslaved by sin.
and sadness flee away. Come O Lord rescue your lambs from
Dear savior, haste! Come come to Come and save us all.
Dispel the night and show your face 502. COME LORD JESUS
and bid us hail the sawn of grace.
O come divine Messiah, the world 1. Christ come quickly, there’s danger
in silence waits the day, at the door,
when hope shall sing its Poverty a plenty, hearts gone wild
triumph and silence flee away. with war
There is hunger in the city and
2. O Christ, whom the nations sign famine on the plain.
Whom priest and prophet long Come Lord Jesus, the light is dying
foretold, The night keeps crying, come Lord Jesus
Come, break the captive’s fetters,
Redeem the long lost fold. 2. What demands a hearing in far many
3. Thou come in peace and meekness The sick go untended, death deals a
and lowly will your cradle be; heavy hand
All clothed in human weakness The dreams of men are empty, their
Shall we your Godhead see. cup of sorrow full.
3. The world awaits in darkness, a
Come quickly, Jesus we long for you, might burst of light,
Come and save your lambs from To see the lame man leaping to give
darkness. the blind man sight
Come quickly, Jesus we need you Lord, We have the prophet’s promise we
Come and save us all. await the prince of peace.
As we watch hoping for the Salvation,
Which you Lord promised will be ours, 4. The clouds shall send a savior like
Come Jesus, fulfil this sweet promise, softly falling rain,
Come and save us all. Yet might in his power to free us

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
from our chains He swore to set his people free, from fear
His shield will be compassion his of every foe.
weapon, liberty. That we might serve him all our days in
goodness, love and peace.
O tiny child, your name shall be, the
1. On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry,
prophet of the Lord.
Announces that the Lord is nigh,
The way of God you shall prepare to
Come then and harken, for he brings
make his coming known.
Glad tidings from the king of kings.
Our footsteps God shall safely guide, to
2. Then cleansed be every Christian
walk the ways of peace.
His name for evermore be blessed who
And furnished for so great a guest!
lives and loves and saves.
Yea let us each our hearts prepare
For Christ to come and enter there. 505. ARI HAIHI KWIJA

3. For thou art our salvation Lord, Ari haihi kwija Mucunguzi,
Our refuge and our great reward; ensi kugicungura;
Without thy grace our souls must fade, Ari haihi kwija mutambizi,
And wither like a flower decayed. ensi kugitambira

1. Omucunguzi ni Ruhanga,
4. Stretch forth thine hand to heal our N’abarangi bakamuranga.
And make us rise to fall no more; 2. Nyamucunguzi nayetengwa,
Once more upon thy people shine, N’obuhwezi Rutarirenga.
And fill the world with love divine.
3. Omuzaire ni nyamurungi,
5. All praise, eternal son to thee N’orubango rutaribungwa.
Whose advent swts thy people free
Whom with the father we adore 4. Nyamujuumuura-ngoma naija,
And Holy Ghost for ever more. Ncurika-ngoma kumunoija.

504. Blessed be God of Israel 5. Ensi yaija, nagihuguura,

N’obutaama kubukubuura.
Blessed be God of Israel, the ever living
Lord. 6. Nitumwetegye naitwe twere,
Who comes in power to save his own, his N’omukunda-ba-bucureere
people Israel.
For Israel he raises up, salvation’s tower on
high. Mujuni shuuma, otujune;
In David’s house who reigns as king and Otwiheho-enaku, n’obujune.
servant of the Lord.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
1. Enda ya Eva, ekainara; 508. MUCUNGURA-NSI
Twahwamu twena, amagara.
1. Mucungura-nsi, mwene
2. Orura rwona, rwa Adamu; Nyamuhanga w’eiguru,
Ekibi twena, kyatuzamu. Oshuume bwangu nengoga
3. Hakaija kandi, omwirima; Entaama zaawe zaitsirw’engwe
Obwo kyatwita, ekizima. yaazitaamiza,
Tiziineho buhungiro, nabwekiiko.
4. Ensi mutambi, gisaasire;
Enzirwa twena, otwizire. 2. Omwirima gutsimbire, gukwatsire
5. Munyarukundo erengire, Tiziine nabuhwerezo
Ebibi byoona obikize. bw’okwerinda;
Amasyo gaawe maingi bambe
507. MUKAMA W’ABAKAMA n’agazaahire!
Ija, muhwezesa-ngoma,
Mukama w’abakama, ija otucungure, gazaahuukye.
Oshume omu nsi, otujune.
3. Ab’endugiiriro y’abantu
1. Mujuni shuuma , otuhikye; - bakacumura;
Oshuume omu nsi, otujune. Rubeihi yaabata omu kabi
Mujuni w’ensi, otuhabure; - baashiisha,
Oshuume onu nsi, otujune Eiteeka ryawe baarihenda,
2. Mujuni waitu, otuhikye;- Nabo nikwo kubingwa
Mujuni shuuma, otuhabure;- bakayaayaana.

3. Ebibi by’ensi, obitujune;- 4. Mukunda-nganda, reero wanda

Enaku z’ensi, ozitujune;- kubatambira;
Ebi-orikora waija nabyo
4. Eihari ry’ensi, oritujune;- byaraangwa;
Kasiisi sitaane, omutujune;- Abantu baawe baingi hoona,
5. Munyarukundo, otwizire;- Ija, babyetegyereze,
Obwitsi bwensi, obutujune;- nyakwetengwa.

6. Otuhabuure, tukumanye;- 509. Jjangu, Jjangu GGWE

Otuhabuure, tukuramye;- KRISTU

7. Mujuni otweze, tukuhikye;- Jjangu, Jjangu Ggwe Kristu

Mujuni otutware, tukuhikye;- Omulokozi w’abantu
Jjangu okutuwonya
Jjangu, Jjangu, Jjangu

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Edda lyonna tusuubira. Era nga Why your joyous strains prolong?
tulindirira Say, what may the tidings be
Yamba Ssebo tusaasire, Tofa ku bibi Which inspire your heavenly song?
Yima ku bunaku bwaffe, Tugye mu 3. Come to Bethlehem, and see
nvuba zaffe. Him whose birth the angels sing;
Jjangu, Jjangu, Jjangu Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
Yesu laba bwe twafirwa, Eggulu nga
ligaliddwa, 4. See within a manger laid
Ffenna ne tuvumirirwa, Abaana be Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth!
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid,
Sitaani bonna abatwala, Jjangu
Sing with us our Savior’s birth
obataase mangu.
Jjangu, Jjangu, Jjangu 511. LEIBA EFEKI ANZO TRO
Vva mu Ggulu ojje ewaffe, Ayi ggwe Leiba efeki anzo tro opini ecu rii,
Katonda waffe Ani bara tele udi Betereme a’a rii.
Otugye mu bibi byaffe, Wewaawo Anyiba emu ki ru alu ani ecu rig a,
tusaanidde. Longo le rii si, (Hossana, Hossana,)
Omuliriro gw’emirembe, Naye era Opi budri rii oti ru raa] x2
tudiremu; Malaika Rubanga dri ii sa emu ki ru alu,
Jjangu, Jjangu, Jjangu Opi tili Beteleme a’a rii ecu rii,
[Hossana, Hossana, Hossana, (Hossana,
Tunuulira mu nsi zona, Ffena tuli mu Hossana,)
maziga, Opi budri rii oti ru raa] x2
Tukusaba; otusasire. Ggwe ow’ekisa. Lecu kolu atani, ngwapi ni saa tro,
Kitaffe, Adusiku eze amani aridipi ni raa,
Tukusaba ojje mangu okutubeera Kristu [Haha, hehe, hihi, (hoho, huhu)
Jjangu, Jjangu, Jjangu Opi budri rii oti ru raa] x2
Ta Kpodru vudri rii saa kaki ani ecu
Kaki eku anidri ife vu ndutu dri.
CHRISTMAS [Allelluya, Allelluya, Alleluya, (Allelluya,
510. ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON Opi budri rii oti ru raa] x2
1. Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o’er the plains, Azairwe Omwereere, Ruhanga
And the mountains in reply Nyamuhanga.
Echo back their joyous strains. Azairwe, azairwe, azairwe
Nyakusinga Ruhanga.
Glo…ria In ex…cel…sis De…o! (x2)
1. Ozairwe ni kazooba, ni Mwene
2. Shepherds, why this jubilee? Nyamuhanga;

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Azairwe omu-itumbi, abantu Na Nyina kimuzaara nyakuhairwa
boona batembi. Nawe abarangi bakamuranga
Omujuni arya zaarwa omwishiki
2. Ensi egi Nyamucuubwa, Yaatunga ashugaine
Muruhuura; Ogwo mwana n’orikwera.
Abaamwo twesiime, Mukama
waitu ari naitwe. Abarangi baingi bakamuranga
Aryareeta obusinguzi
3. Tunaabe twesiigye, tujware gye Omweerere bantu mwe owarangirirwe
tugyende; Buzima kwo n’omusinguzi
Kureeba owazaarwa, kuramya
n’okumusiima. 514. BAKAIJA N’ENYONYOOZI

4. Omwana tumureebe, abyami, Bakaija n’enyonyoozi, Abanyabwengye;

Nyina amwine; Bakaija n’enyonyoozi, Kuramya Yezu.
Akwitse nareeba, abagyenyi 1. Omuhimbo gukabareeta,
abarikwija. Nyakuzaarwa ngu bamureebe.

5. Kasingye, bwereere, Ozairwe, 2. Ka nibo abo: Maritazari,

tubukaire; Gasipari, na Maricoori.
Obingye nyakubeiha, Atsindame
Nyaruhanga. 3. Enyonyoozi bakagitunga,
Omuhanda bakagukwaata.
4. Orurembo bakarutoora,
Ensi twesiime twahiirwa, Oruzaaremu rukatiina.
Ensi twesiime twatambirwa.
Omujuni w’ensi yaziirwe, 5. Akatiina mukuru w’ensi,
nimwije mweena tumuhimbse x2 Akasingama kubabuuza.

Omurangi Isaaya akamuranga 6. Bakagiija Beetereheemu,

Ngu arya cungura ensi Obwo nu bakaramya Yezu.
Omweerere bantu mwe owatuzaarirwa
Buzina kwo n’omucungizi. 7. Emitoijo bakagitoija,
Abazaire bakagitoora.
Zakariya omurangi akamuranga
Ngu arya tambira ensi 8. Omu naama haija Malaika,
Omweerere Bantu mwe owatu zaarirwa Ngu Rurembo batagitoora.
Buzima kwo n’omutambizi.
9. Abamwanga Mukama waitu,
Na Yohaana omurangi akamuranga Abo baimuka ngu bamwite.
Tutereeze emihanda
Ogwo mwana okurataire n’ow’amaani 10. Akasingibwa nyamwaana,
Ashangye tweena tweezire. Obwo yaija yaitwa bushaija.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
11. Abo Baamagi nyakuzaarwa, Angels told the Shepherds (He’s in the
Nibatwegyese kumukunda. manger now)] x2
Let’s go and worship Him Alleluia.
Come and worship the new born king; 1. Omwaana yaatuzaarirwa;
Come and see His holy face, tumuhaise, tunanukye!
He is born in Bethlehem, Mutaambi yaatureererwa;
He is in the manger now. tumuhaise, tunanukye!

Ha! Halleluiah, The King is born, Tumusiime, tumuhimbise, tumuhaise,

Ha! Halleluiah, The Lord is born. x2 tunanukye!
Tumusiime, tumuhimbise, tumuhaise,
The Sceptre of Power rests upon him, tunanukye!
He’s the King of endless day, 2. Omwaana n’Omucunguzi;
At His Name every knee bows, Niwe muheebwa, ti nguzi;
Tongues confess that He is Lord.
God’s Eternal plan is fulfilled, 3. Eikingwa mbwenu ryaiguka;
Jesus Christ the Saviour is born, Eihwezo ryaija, haayaka.
Prepare to receive Him now,
Open your hearts unto God. 4. Omwitsi mbwenu yaanyagwa;
Glory to God in the highest, Entambi yaija, twaragwa.
Peace on Earth to all His friends,
God and sinners reconciled, 5. Obworo twabutambirwa,
Jesus the Saviour is born. Eitungo twaritungirwa.
6. Banyeete n’abakaikuru,
Bass: He is born x3 Mumwijeho Nyineiguru.
Sop, Alto, Tena: Jesus Christ is born,
Bass: (Jesus Christ is born) //x4 518. JOY TO THE WORLD
Jesus Christ, He is born Alleluia. Joy to the world! The Lord is come,
Angels came x3 Let earth receive her king;
Angels bowing down (to see His holy Let every heart prepare him room,
face) x4 And heaven and nature sing,
To see His holy face Alleluia. And heaven and nature sing,
Earth rejoice x3 And heav’n, and heaven and nature
Rejoice your King is born (Rejoice your sing.
King is born)
Rejoice your King is born Alleluia. Joy to the world! The Savior reigns:
Shepherds quake x2 at the sight Let men their songs employ.
[Angels told the Shepherds (Go and While fields and floods, rocks, hills and
worship Him) plains,
Repeat the sounding joy,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Repeat the sounding joy, O come, let us adore him, (3)
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy. Christ, the Lord.
He rules the world! With truth and
God of God, Light of light Lo!
He abhors not the virgin’s womb Very God,
And makes the nations prove
Begotten not created
The glories of his righteousness,
Sing, choirs of angels
And wonders of his love,
Sing in exultation
and wonders of his love,
Sing all you citizens of Heaven above
And wonders, wonders of his love.

519. MARY’S BOY CHILD Glory to God in highest Yea,

Lord, we greet you
Long time ago in Bethlehem Born this happy morning Jesus,
So the Holy Bible says to you be glory given
Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ Word of the father
Was born on Christmas Day. Now in flesh appearing

Hark now hear the angels sing

A king was born today LENT / SONGS OF FORGIVENESS
And man will live for evermore 521. FROM THE DEPTHS I CRY
Because of Christmas Day.
From the depths I call to you O Lord,
While shepherds watched their flock by listen to my cry
They saw a bright new shining star Lord in compassion, Listen to my
They heard a choir sing a song pleading
The music seemed to come from afar. Listen to my cry
If you refuse Lord to forgive your
Now Joseph and his wife, Mary, people’s sin
Came to Bethlehem that night, We will surely die
They found no place to bear her child,
So I am waiting, waiting for Him
Not a single room was in sight.
Hoping in his word
By and by they found a little nook
More than the watchman
In a stable all forlorn,
waiting for the dawn to come
And in a manger cold and dark,
I await the Lord
Mary’s little boy was born.
So let us trust Him, Trusting in His mercy
520. O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL He the Lord is kind He gives us pardon,
generous redemption
O come, all ye faithful, Casts our sins behind
Joyful and triumphant
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him,
Born the king of angels:
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
522. AMAZING GRACE When I was little you taught me to read
When I was lonely you gave me your
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound love…
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found In a strange country you made me at home
Was blind but now I see Seeking employment you gave me a
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved When in a battle you bound up my
How precious did that grace appear wounds
The hour I first believed Searching for kindness you held out
Through many dangers, toils and snares your hand…
I have already come
twas grace that brought me safe thus far When I was aged you bothered to smile
And grace will lead me home When I was restless you listened and
The lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures When I was a Negro or Chinese or white
He will my shield and portion be Mocked and insulted you carried my
As long as life endures. cross…

523. WHATSOEVER YOU DO When I was laughed at you stood by my

Whatsoever you do When I was happy you shared in my joy…
To the least of my brothers That you
unto me 524. NEARER MY God TO THEE

When I was hungry you gave me to eat Nearer my God to thee, Nearer to thee
When I was thirsty you gave me to drink Ev’n though it be a cross, that raises me
Now enter into the house of my father Still all my song shall be nearer to thee
Nearer, my God to thee
When I was homeless you opened your
door Nearer my God to thee
When I was naked you gave me your Nearer my God to thee
coat… Nearer to thee

Though like the wanderer, the sun gone

When I was weary you helped me find
Darkness be over me, my rest a stone
When I was anxious you calmed all my
Yet in my dreams I’d be
Nearer, my God to thee ….
When in a prison you came to my cell There let my way appear, Steps unto
When on a sick bed you cared for my heaven
needs… All that thou sendest me, in mercy given

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Angels to beckon me, 526. YES I SHALL ARISE
Nearer, my God to thee…..
Yes I shall arise and return to my father
Then with my waking thoughts,
Bright with thy praise 1. To you O Lord, I lift up my soul
Out of my stony griefs, In you O my God, I place all my trust
Bethel I’ll raise
So by my woes to be 2. Look down on me, have mercy O Lord
Nearer, my God to thee … Forgive me my sins, behold all my grief

Or if on joyful wing, cleaving the sky 3. My heart and soul shall yearn for
Sun, moon and stars forgot upward I your face
fly, Be gracious to me and answer my plea
Still all my song shall be
Nearer, my God to thee….. 4. Do not with-hold your goodness
from me
Though things go well with me O Lord may your love be deep in my
Comfort in life Friend, food and soul
money and all 5. To you I pray, have pity on me My
Still all I want shall be God,
Nearer, my God to thee…. I have sinned against your great love
525. TO THE RIVER 6. Mercy I cry, O Lord wash me clean
To the river I am going And whiter than snow my spirit shall be
Bringing sins I cannot bear
Come and cleanse me, 7. Give me again the joy of your help
come forgive me Now open my lips, your praise I will sing
Lord I need to meet you there
8. Happy is he, forgiven by God
Precious Jesus, I am ready His sins blotted out, his guilt is no
To surrender every care more
Take my hand now, lead me closer
Lord I need to meet you there 9. You are my joy, my refuge and
In these waters, healing mercy Let all upright hearts give praise to
Flows with freedom from despair the Lord
I am going, to that river
Lord I need to meet you there 10. My soul will sing, my heart will
Come and join us, in the river The blessing of God will fill all my
Come find life beyond compare day.
He is calling, He is waiting
Jesus longs to meet you there

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
527. RIDE ON IN MAJESTY 3. By the thorns that crowded thy
1. Ride on! Ride on in majesty! By the spear-wounded and the
Hark, all the tribes hosanna cry; nailing,
Thy humble beast persues his road By the pain and death, I now claim,
With palms and scattered garments O Christ, thy love unfailing.
2. Ride on! Ride on in majesty! 4. Wilt thou own the gift I bring?
In lowly pomp ride on to die: All my penitence I give thee;
O Christ, thy triumphs now begin Thou art my exalted King,
O’er captive death and conquered Of thy matchless love forgive me.
3. Ride on! Ride on in majesty!
The winged squadrons of the sky 1. Hosanna, loud hosanna,
Look down with sad and wondering The little children sang;
eyes Through pillared court and temple
To see the approaching sacrifice. The joyful anthem rang;
To Jesus, who had blessed them
4. Ride on! Ride on in majesty! Close folded to his breast,
Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh; The children sang their praises,
The Father, on his sapphire throne, The simplest and the best.
Expects his own anointed Son.
5. Ride on! Ride on in majesty! 2. From Olivet they followed,
In lowly pomp ride on to die; ‘Mid an exultant crowd,
Bow thy meek head on mortal pain, The victor palm-branch waving,
Then take, O God, thy power, and And chanting clear and loud;
reign. Bright angels joined the chorus,
Beyond the cloudless sky,-
528. LET THY BLOOD IN MERCY ‘Hosanna in the highest!
POURED Glory to God on high!’

1. Let thy blood in mercy poured, 3. Fair leaves of silvery olive

Let thy gracious body broken, They strowed upon the ground,
Be to me O gracious Lord, While Salem’s circling mountains
Of thy boundless love the token. Echoed the joyful sound;
The Lord of men and angels
Thou didst give thy self for me, Rode on in lowly state,
Now I give my self to thee. Nor scorned that little children
Should on his bidding wait.
2. Thou didst die that I might live;
Blessed Lord, thou am’st to save me; 4. ‘Hosanna in the highest!’
All that love God could give, That ancient song we sing,
Jesus by his sorrows gave me. For Christ is our Redeemer,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
The Lord of heaven our King. 532. NEAR THE CROSS
O may we ever praise him
With heart and life and voice, 1. Jesus, keep me near the cross,
And in his blissful presence There a precious fountain,
Eternally rejoice. Free to all a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary’s mountain.
WONDROUS CROSS In the cross, in the cross be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find rest
1. When I survey the wondrous cross beyond the river
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss, 2. Near the cross a trembling soul,
And pour contempt on all my pride. Love and mercy found me;
There the bright and morning star
2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
Sheds its beams around me.
Save in the death of Christ my God;
All the vain things that charm me 3. Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
most, Bring its scenes before me;
I sacrifice them to His blood. Help me walk from day to day,
With its shadows o’er me.
3. See from His head, His hands, His feet,
4. Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down;
Hoping trusting ever,
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Till I reach the Golden Straud,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Just beyond the river.
4. Were the whole realm of nature mine, 533. THE OLD RUGGED CROSS
That were a present far too small:
Love so amazing, so divine 1. On a hill far away stood an old
Demands my soul, my life, my all. rugged cross,
The emblem of suff’ring and shame;
531. LORD FOR THY TENDER And I love that old cross where the
MERCY’S SAKE dearest and best
Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake For a world of lost sinners was slain.
Lay not our sins to our charge; So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross.
But forgive that is past and give us Till my trophies at last I lay down;
Grace to amend our sinful lives. I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
To decline from sin and incline to
virtue, 2. Oh that old rugged cross, so
That we may walk in an up-right heart despised by the world.
In an up right heart, Has a wondrous attraction for me,
That we may walk in an up-right heart For the dear Lamb of God left His
In an up-right heart before thee this glory above,
day and compassion evermore!x2 To bear it to dark calvary.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. In the old rugged cross, stained with Cleanse us, redeemer, boundless in
blood so divine, compassion
A wondrous beauty I see.
For ‘twas on that old cross Jesus 535. MU NNAKU ZA KAREMA
suffered and died
1. Mu nnaku za karema, Katonda
To pardon and sanctify me.
Nti mujje, musonyiyibwe, ebibi
4. To the old rugged cross, I will ever
byammwe biggwe.
be true,
Its shame and reproach gladly bear,
Leero tubonerere tuwone omuliro
Then He’ll call me some day to my
Katonda atusaasire, atuwe
home far away,
Where His glory forever I’ll share.
Mujje mmwenna mwenenye, ebibi
534. DRAW NEAR O LORD OUR God byammwe biggwe

Draw near, O Lord our God, 2. Bangi bafa bulijjo, nga bali mu
Graciously hear us, ntubiro,
Guilty of sinning before you. Nebatasonyiyibwa nga bukomye
1. O king exalted, savior of all nations,
See how our grieving lift our eyes 3. Ogamba, ggwe omukaba; nti
to heaven, ndibonerera edda!
Hear us redeemer as we beg Walumbe atalaga, ajja kibwatukira.
4. Nawe omulyazamayi, ne
2. Might of the father, keystone of bw’okungaanya ebingi
God’s temple. Mu budde obw’okufa, mpa kantu
Way of salvation, gate to heaven’s k’osigaza.
Sin has enslaved us, free your sons 5. Wulira ggwe agayadde! Ogamba
from bondage. nti mpummudde! Walumbe
atalaga, ajja kibwatukira.
3. We pray you, O Lord, throned in
strength and splendor, 6. Ggwe agenda ku sitaani, leero nno
Hear from your kingdom this our oligamba ki?
song of sorrow Katonda ng’akugobye, nti vvaawo!
Show us your mercy, pardon our Toli wange.
7. Omukyufu ggwe okira, okunyiiza
4. Humbly confessing countless sins Omukama,
committed, Wamulyamu olukwe, nga Yuda
Our hearts are broken laying bare omuboole.
their secrets,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
8. Mu nnaku za karema, Katonda mu kifuba.
akyasaasiira Awo Yezu n’amubuuza nti:
Tagaana kusonyiwa, bonna “ekikuleese wano?
ababonerera. Gwe nayita ow’omukwwano,
ompayo ng’onnywegera.”
4. Baamukwata baamutuusa mu
1. Yezu ndaba, nga nkomyewo gyoli.
nnyumba eya Kayafa
Nkakasiza, okwewala ekibi.
Bonna wamu ne bagamba nti,
”Asaanidde okufa”
Ayi, nsasira Yezu, nze akwesengereza;
Ne bakeesa obudde bwonna nga
Sikyaddamu kujeema,
baduulira Yezu
Ayi, nsasira Yezu, nze akwesengereza;
Bamufujira amalusu, nga
Sikyaddamu kujeema bbanga lyonna.
2. Ngoberere, Maria omwenenyi.
5. Petro n’akwatibwa ensonyi,
Nneevuunise, nga nkowola gyoli.
ng’abuuziddwa omuzaana;
N’alayira; “Simumanyi” bwa’atyo
3. Gira ekisa, ku lw’omusaayi gwo,
nno n’amwegaana.
Njazirana, omponye omuliro.
Sso yasaasirwa Omukama,
537. KU LWAFFE Katonda WAFFE ng’amusimbyeko eriiso,
Petro nno n’abanerera, n’avaayo
1. Ku lwaffe Katonda waffe, yayiwa n’alira nnyo.
omusaayi gwe
Okusaanya ebibi byaffe, byonna 6. Yezu baamuwayiriza, afe ku
bitusonyiyibwe. musaalaba
Ffe abakristu tulire nnyo, nga Pilato n’asaliriza, n’abateera Balaba.
twekkaanya Omukama Mukama ffe twandisaanye, okuliwa
Nga tulowooza mu mwoyo, omusango,
ennaku ze yalaba. Ate ggwe otufiiriridde, n’otuwa
2. Ng’atuuse e Getesemani, n’agamba
ng’azirika 7. Ne bamuzingira amaggwa,
“kitange mpweddemu amaanyi, y’engule ya kabaka.
omponye omusaalaba” Baagimusimba mu kyenyi,
Naye olw’okutwagala ennyo, n’atiiriika omusaayi.
n’amugamba nti: Ffe ababi nga titufaayo, kulowooza
“ssebo, kola ggwe ky’onjagaliza, mu mwoyo
tokola kye njagala.” Omukama bweyalumwa,
ng’atwagalira ddala.
3. Omutume omulyakuzi n’atuka ku
mukama 8. Omulokozi wa bonna, yeetikka
N’alamusa omulokozi, n’amugwa omusaalaba,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
N’atuuka ku kalvariyo, 1. Nyakusinga-omuhaisibwa,
n’agugalamirako Nyamuhanga otubangire:
Baamukomerera anninga, ebigere Oturinde oturokore, tukushangye;
n’engalo, Rutakirwa.
Baamufumita omutima, mwe
mutuviira enneema. 2. Nyakureeta ebicumuro, omuryarya
9. Omutonzi n’alabika, mu kaseera Tumuhungye, tumwehare,
akokufa tukushangye; Rutakirwa.
Ensi yonna n’ekankana, enjazi ne
3. Nyakutwitsa ebihagaro,
Nyamuhanga muhangure;
Omulokozi bwe yafa, byonna
Omubingye, Omusingure,
byonna byakaaba.
tukushangye; Rutakirwa.
Naffe nno tubonerere, olwaleero
twenenye. 4. Nyakusinga omuhaisibwa, Abasiisi
omponye omuliro. nitushaba;
Oturinde, otuhwezese, tukushangye;

We hail thee Saviour and Lord, Thy 5. Nyakukunda abakwihitsy,

cross ever be adored. Nyamuhanga tukuhame;
Enshumi yaitu yaahika,
1. O Cross thou art the fountain, tukushangye; Rutakirwa.
Of love and of liberty;
Shine down upon the millions,
Who search, for the light of truth Tweteise abasiisi, abagwire twimukye;
2. Look down upon the needy; Twetantare emeze mibi, enshobi
Confirm them in strength and tuzegukye.
Thou art our true salvation, 1. Abasiisi Yezu naatweta, ngu twije
In thee, all our hope we place.
Omutamba bworo nayenda, ngu
3. Be thou our sin of victory; nyentsya tugabirwe.
Redeem us from sin and srife;
Renew in us thy passion 2. Omujuni Yezu naakunda ngu twere,
And grant us eternal life. tubonere;
Abahakwa be tumwebingye,
539. TUKUSHABE RUHANGA turungwe, tushemere.
Tukushabe Ruhanga, Abasiisi 3. Omuzigu waitu naatwosya, rubeiha,
tuganyirwe; ruhabisa.
Tukushabe Ruhanga, Ebishiisho Ebishuba bye tubyerinde, bireebya,
bisasirwe. binyagisa.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Ebihuzyo by’ensi byerunga, buriijo 1. Manya owaitu ti hanu, owaitu
binuzire; n’omu-Iguru,
Orutaahamu nirwekinga, ngu rwije Ei turiza twena, tukareebera Yeza,
rutumire. Tukatuurayo nawe, Rugaba,
5. Emirundi mingi tweshunga, Akaguma atwine gye,
turwebwa orwo rufu: nitumweshongorera.
Amagara g’ensi gatweba, ngu
hoona ni magufu. 2. Ensi ei tutwiremu, turimu-akire
6. Amatungo g’ensi gaarwata, kakye,
gatungwa, gatsigwaho; Ebintu ebirimu, Bantu ‘mwe,
Ebirungi by’iguru, reero bituura, tutabyesiga.
bigumaho. Ku turi kubyesiga, nibitwiiha
541. NINTOORA GUUHA Bitugire abashema, twebe Bwera
Nintoora guuha naba nteine Yezu?
3. Oburungi bw’eginsi, Bantu ‘mwe
Kaniwe burabo!
Nintoora guuha naba ntari n’ogwe?
N’obutungi obu twine,
Rugaba Magara.
turyabusigaho bwona,
Twesige eby’eiguru, ebituura
1. Omukama Yezu, niiwe magara;
Ebitarihwamu nsha, ebituura biri gye.
2. Okuunda boona yeiwe, ngu 543. OMUHANDA TWENA TEHE
bakwijeho; GUMWE
Toshoroora bambe, ori owa
mazima. Omuhanda twena tuhe gumwe,
Nigwo gw’Omukama Yezu,
3. Ensi eindime egi yo tenyendeza, Okumureeba n’okw’omu-iguru,
Burizooba ryoona nimba ndi Hamwe n’abahikiriire,
omuntaro. Hamwe n’abahikiriire.

4. Amari ni maingi ag’ensi bantumwe, 1. Obwa Batisimu tukarahira,

Otandeka nka gwa egi, ensi Okufuruka Sitaani,
ekanshahura. Tukanga n’ebikorwa byona,
Ebitutwara omu bibi.
5. Obunaku mbwenu ku burihika,
Nkwenshangire Yezu, iwe ow’omu 2. Yezu nituragaana kandi,
iguru. Okukwata ebi waatwegyeise.
N’okwetantara egyo ngobya,
542. OMUN NSI OMU TUTWIREMU Omanye ngu tukakweha.
Omu nsi omu, tu twiremu; 3. Nitwatura ku aba Ruhanga,
Kwonka yaimwe, turi abahinguzi. Tukunde nu iwe wenka.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Guma kandi n’otutegyeka, 7. Enyangi Rwikiza,
Hati n’obusingye bwona. Nizimusingiza:
4. Maria Nyina Nyamuhanga, Buhimbya-bagiza.
Kandi Nyina Abakristu.
Guma otushabire twena, 545. RUGABA RWANGYE
Tutahemukira Yezu. NYAKUNTUNGTA

544. EIGURU BUZIMA Rugaba rwangye, Nyakuntunga,

Nakweha Yezu. X2
Eiguru buzima, eiguru buzima,
Eiguru n’obuhuumuriro burungi: 1. Yezu wangye, ompakkye;
Rugaba, Bamuramya; Ontwa-re, Ontegyekye.
Atetsa, Ajajamya; 2. Kwera kwangye, onyeze;
Eiguru Buzima, Eiguru. Mutambi, Onshemeze.
1. Butaka nanuka, Eiguru 3. N’ebishisho mbirekye,
Obwonitwijuka, Eiguru Rukundo ngikworekye.
Abatahemuka, Eiguru
Enjajamamuka, Eiguru 4. Nyehereeza, ntarara,
Nkankwanga, nkakwehara.
2. Ensi bakaihwamu,
Bakajunuukamu, 5. Maisho gangye, Rugaba,
Bakaritembamu, Ontware, ntarihaba.
6. N’aha rwigi Nyiguze:
3. Abarigiiremu, Ontaasye, ompuumuze.
Bananukiiremu, 7. Nyamuhanga, nkuramye;
Bahunjagairemu. Ontungye, onjajamye.


4. Okwo bakizire,
Omwanda gwebire; Tugume twecumire, Tugume
Okwo batungire, twetegire,
Obwo rirengire. Orufu rutwizire, rushangye twezire.
5. Owa Muteegyerwa, 1. Twecume buzima n’okwehayo;
Nihashemererwa; Nyaruka, buzima turyazayo.
Owa Mushengyerwa,
Nibabonererwa. 2. Ensi teigutsa, tiyo mpaazya nu:
Obutuuro mpaho tibwo hanu.
6. Kiribatungisa,
Nibamukugisa. 3. Obuhuumuro, manya twatumwa,
Kiribatungisa, Buri bwera, n’omwanya
Nibamukugisa. gw’encumwa.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Okwo yo neebukaza twagiza: 1. Akatweha kwitwa Yezu,
Orutwita n’entumwa y’enkiza. yaayekundira;
Akataama k’omutambo
5. Abagiija burungi etaihwaho, kaatuganyiza.
Omuhanda n’orwo rufu mpaho.
6. Nyaruka rutugwamu nk’enjura: 2. Obusaasi bwamurenga,
Temanywa kababiro k’enfura. bwamutuutura;
Eshagama y’omatondo
7. Omubi, nyamugara, rwaijamu: yaatorongyeza.
Naakaba geehena kugyohwamu.
8. Ensi, we nyamurungi, yaihwamu, 3. Baamuteera n’eminyaafu,
Nyaruka naaza kugituuramu. yaamushuubura;
Omubiri gwajwa gwona,
547. MUGUME NA YEZU gwatonekara.

4. Aha musharaba Yezu

Mugume na Yezu, abu yaafereire;
Muginywe, mugyogye, Eyi
Amaguru n’emikono
1. Abahakwa be b’empurizi,
5. Baamurezya n’omutima,
Mugyende nawe, mushaashe
Eshagama y’Omukama
Haza mugume muri abefubizi.
2. Emishumbi ye y’eshagama,
6. Eshagama y’ogwo mwitwa
Munyweisibwemu, muhaagiremu,
Kandi mumurye, niwe mwecwa-
Yaizira hamwe n’amaizi,
3. Omu kyambu kye ky’eshagama,
7. Nyashagama ye tugyogye,
Abaibikyemu, aboogyezemu,
Mutyo mwezibwe, mube
Nyashagama ye tuginywe,
4. Emitunga ye y’eshagama,
Mugyenderemu, mugyeterwemu, MAUNDY THURSDAY
Bwera bwa Yezu, mugize kurama.
Oronde Yesu
Eshagama y’omuhendo ya Yezu, Obone Yesu
Ekajwisibwa, yaasheesheka; Onyanwe Yseu
Omujuni w’ensi yoona nyashagama, Nyakurunga eizooba buzima
Yagitwogyesa; twasaasirwa. Orwakana orurikwera

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Eizooba ry’orwakaana Omwoga gwe mukuru
Akagira entumwa ze Naayeta Yezu
Obunyamurwa naabatona
Mukore nkaanye Tumushabgye Yezu
Tumuramye Yezu
Omanye Yezu Tumutende Yezu
Okunde Yezu Nyakurunga eizooba buzima
Orangye Yezu Orwakana orurikwera
Nyakurunga eizooba buzima
Orwakana orurikwera Omujuni waitu haza
Omuhanda gw’amagara
Akaha n’etumwa ze Akataho entumwa
Omugaati dgw’amagara Mukore nkaanye
Yabariisa boona hamwe
Mukore nkaanye Otuyambe Yezu
Okwija eri ori
Iwe rya Yezu Owa sho yoona
Oigute Yezu Tugigambe eizooba buzima
Otsinde Yezu Orwakana orurikwera
Nyakurunga eizooba buzima
Orwakana orurikwera 550. JESUS ALWAYS LOVED

Obwo nyaviine nayo Jesus always loved his own and he

Akbaha kubanywaho sgowed it to the full
Obwo eri nyashagama ye When at supper from the table he got
Mukore nkanye up and took a towel
Then wrapped it around his waist, in
Otungye Yezu abasin water poured
Orerwe Yezu then began to wash the feet of all his
Oshabe Yezu friends
Nyakurunga eizooba buzima
Orwakana orurikwera Know, my friends, what I’ve done to you
Lord, you callrd me, it is what I am
Akaha n’ezo Ntumwa if then I,YOUR Lord, deign to wash
Kugamba n’amahame your feet
Ogu mwoga nagubaha you should do the same and wash
Mukore nkanye each other’s feet
Turamye Yezu Jesus always loved his own and he
Tuhaise Yezu showed it to the full’
Twebigye Yezu when he came to Simon Peter the
Nyakurunga eizooba buzima apostle said to him,
Orwakana orurikwera “Never shall you wash my feet” then the
Lord replied to him
Omusaserdoti nuwe
“It is not for you to know what now I do”
Omugambi w’amahame

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Jesus always loved his own and he so you shall be all in one charity
showed it to the full, joined,
when he came to Simon Peter,”if I do one love and one heart in your lord.’’
wash your feet,
you can have no part with me.” Then 4. His word is the hard one: ‘‘you
said Peter to his Lord cannot love me
“wash my hands, my head, and not my and still hate your brother, neglect
feet alone”. those who need;
say no to their pleading, you say no
Jesus always loved his own and to me; you love me or hate me in
showed it to the full them.’’
He has set us an example that we do as
he has done. 552. GUHAISIBWE
Can a servant greater be , than his
master Christ the Lord? Guhaisibwe, guhaisibwe omuti
If we know and do this, happy we shall be Omuti gw’omusharaba
551. HOW CAN I HATE MY Ogwaitwwrweho mukama waitu
BROTHER? mukizansi
So how can I hate my brother and Ogwakare ogw’enzirakuriibwa,
eat the Body Of Christ? gukaihaho bugingo bwaitu abantu
Refuse to pardon my neighbour
and drink the blood of the Lord Ogu omuti, nyashagama
kugweza,gureetsire bugingo
1. With music, with greeting, they bw’entacweka
gathered in peace,
the lord and his comrades, his Ogwa kare rufu giukagireeta, ogu nigwo
brethren and kin, mubingi, gwagibinga
to celebrate now for the last loving
Tugwegure na Yezu , tuguheekye
nitwemera nyanaku zaitu omu nsi
The day of the mercy of God.
Tumwebaze Mukama , tumusiime ;
2. He feasted them nobly, he said ‘I
mureebi w’ezo naku ze z’ebaasi
must die;
come, eat of the body and drink of Nigwemekwa nyamwaya guguhaabwe;
the blood, gusingure gutegyekye n’egi nsi.
the mark of the loving, the sign of
my death; 553. NYINA KRISTU
remember with bread and with AKATAANYANGWA
Nyina Kristu akataanyangwa
3. He spoke to his friends with the n’ennakutaine kwehangwa Kristu
bread in his hands; bamubambire
‘as land and the father in essence
Zaaba nk’endiga y’okwita, n;ogwitsya
are one,
zaagucumita, Yeau bamugangire
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Ikamwehunda ga, yaimwe n’omwana we 2. My flesh in hope shall rest, and for
nizo zimwe w’engingo a season slumber.
icumitsiwre Till trump from East to West, shall
wake the dead in number.
Akatuntura, yaashaasha, zaamwita,
bambe zaaamwasha, yaareeba 3. Death’s flood has lost its chill since
atemagwirwe Jesus crossed the river.
Lover of soul from ill passing soul
Nyina Kristu, nyakwireeba, bambe reero deliver
kumureeba, ha muntu
otakaarira 555. HE ROSE
Ezo naku ka n’ebaasi ha muntu otaineho
He rose, he rose,
saasi bambe
He rose from the dead x3
And the Lord shall bear his children
Ebyo yaireeba ndikaitwa yaasiima Yezu home x2
we kuaitwa, ensi ngu 1. They crucified my saviour
etajuumara And nailed him on the tree x3
And the Lord…
Obwo shaaha ziri mwenda, bambe
omutim a gwagyenda; 2. And Joseph begged his body
yaareba gwaragara And laid it in the tomb x3
And the Lord…
Omuzairew nkuyaagire, yaiwe maawe
owankunzire,bambe 3. The Angels came from heaven
nkugwisirize And rolled the Stone away x3
And the Lord…
Omutima ngushemeze, Yezu reero
mmuheereze, maawe 4. And Mary came aweeping
Ompamiirize Her saviour Lord to see
And the Lord…
554. THIS JOYFUL EASTER TIDE Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His mercy endures forever,
1. This joyful Easter tide, away with sin
Let us all proclaim with joy,
and sorrow.
His mercy endures forever.
My love he crucified, earth sprung to
life this morrow Rejoice and sing,
Jesus Christ has conquered death,
Had Christ that once was slain Rejoice and sing,
Never burst his three day prison Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.
Our faith had been in vain
But now has Christ arisen, arisen, The stone which was rejected
ari…..sen. Has become the corner stone

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Now our Faith is built in Him He arose a victor from the dark domain
Jesus Christ who died for us And He lives forever with the saints to
Now men will live forever reign.
Jesus Christ has conquered death He arose! He arose!
All our wickedness and sin Halleluiah! Christ arose!
By His Blood was washed away.
2. Vainly they watched his bed, Jesus
557. MY LORD HE DIED FOR A my Saviour,
KINGDOM Vainly they sealed the dead, Jesus
my Lord.
My Lord he died for a kingdom
To redeem the hearts of men 3. Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus ny
Now my people, don’t you weep Saviour,
He has risen from his sleep He tore the bars away, Jesus my
He lives again, alleluia Lord.

Sing Alleluia, the Lord is risen 559. THE DAY OF RESURRECTION

He is risen indeed, alleluia!
1. The day of resurrection!
My Lord came forth like morning Earth, tell it out abroad,
With the splendour of the sun The Passover of gladness,
Came triumphant from the womb The Passover of God!
From the darkness of the tomb From death to life eternal,
The victory won, alleluia From earth unto the sky,
Our God hath brought us over with
My Lord united our mountains hymns of victory.
With the everlasting hills
Now the seasons and the seas 2. Our hearts be pure from evil,
Sing His songs of victory That we may see aright,
Rocks and hills, alleluia The Lord in rays eternal of
resurrection light
My Lord renewed all creation And listening to his accents,
That had waited late and long May hear so calm and plan,
Now we all with one accord His own “All hail and hearing,
Live and love the risen Lord May raise the victor strain.
This is our song, alleluia.
3. Now let the heavens be joyful,
And earth her song begin,
1. Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my The round world keep high triumph,
Saviour, And all that is therein
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Let all things seen and unseen,
Lord. Their notes of gladness blend,
For Christ the Lord is risen,
Up from the grave He arose, Our joy that hath no end.
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 1. Yezu leero asinze, ffenna tusanyuke

n’emeeme ekube ejjebe
1. The strife is o’er the battle done, Yezu leero asinze.
Now is the victor’s triumph won. Asinze sitaani n’olumbe, mu
O let the song of praise be sung; nsi n’eggulu, mu nnaku enkulu,
lw’azuukiddemu, lwe lusinga mu
2. Death’s mightiest powers have done ssanyu.
their worst; Tumubbiremu, tuyimbe wamu,
And Jesus hath foes dispersed Alleluia mu nsi n’eggulu.
Let shouts of praise and joy
outburst. 2. Olumbe sikyalutya, Yezu yalusinga,
Yezu yaluwangula, olumbe
3. On the third morn he rose again sikyalutya.
Glorious and majesty to reign Kwe nsinziira okuklkiriza
O let us swell joyful strain. Kye yalanga edda, nti ndizuukira
4. Lord by the stripes which wounded N’avaayo n’ekitiibwa, bwe tutyo
thee ffenna, oluvannyuma edda
From death’s dread sting thy tulimugoberera.
servants free
That we may live and sing to thee. 563. KRISTU AVUDDEYO
1. Eyefuula omuntu n’akka, n’abeera
1. Amefufuka Yesu….twimbe alleluia ewaffe ku nsi,
Ni mwana wake mungu…. ,, ,, N’attibwa ku lwaffe abantu, leero
Alleluia! Mwokozi wa dunia
Alleluia! Mauti ameshinda Luwangula Kristu omuzira
Amegguzza (sitaani) olwaleero,
2. Amefufuka mwanba……… leero tununuddwa.
Motoni amefufuka……….. Kristu avuddeyo amyansamyansa,
Ng’ayakayaka Yezu atangalijja
3. Amefufuka bwana……… Kristu avuddeyo amyansamyansa,
Hodari na mashindaji……… Alleluia
4. Amefufuka mfame……..
2. Olwaleero twenyumiriza, anti
Mmtwala wa Umfngu………
walumbe asingiddwa
5. Ufungu sasa wazi…….. Olwaleero tumukulisa nnyo, Kristu
Mauti imekoma………. awangudde.

6. Malaika na watu………..
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. Eggulu n’ensi bisagambiza lwe omu Iguru, Yaija yaakumbagaza eibaare
Yezu Kristu omuwanguzi
Eyafa luli ku musaalaba, wuuno Enshusha ye Maraika akaba ari
azuukidde. nk’omurabyo
N’ebijwaro bye nibyera nk’orubaare,
4. Madalena akedde n’abalala ku Abarinzi Ahabw’okumutiina,
ntaana bazze okuziraga Baatetema baaba nkabakabire
Babuliddwa anagyawo ejjinja, so
Yezu yagenze dda. Kwonka Maraika yaagira abo bakazi,
Ati“Mutatiina; Ahabw’okuba nimanya,
5. “ Bakazi mmwe munoonya ani?” Ku murikusherura, Yezu
“Tunoonya Yezu eyaziikiddwa” obambirwe……”
Taliimu muno anti takyali mufu,
Yezu azuukidde. Mbwenu aha tariho, Mbwenu aha
6. Mugende mugambe era abatume Yaazooka nk’oku Yaagambire,
be nti e Galiraya gyebaba balaga nimwije mureebe ah’abaire arambiire.”
Bamusangeyo gyeyabesoose anti
bweyayogera. 565. AZOOKIRE MUHUMUZA
7. Emirembe kummwe gibeera, nze Azookire muhumuza mitima,
nzuuno mmwe nno temuntya Yeizire mutamba mwirima
Kambalage ebibatu, n’ebigere, anti Ebyovugo twimukize hamwe
nzuukidde. Kusingiza Mukama w’engoma.

8. Olwokuba ye okuzuukira nga 1. Ebigambo twabitungire,

n’obwaffe bukomye ku nsi Omujuni weitu azookire
Tuli bagumu tulizuukira….Alleluia. Omutamba byoona yaizire,
Nyakuziikwa Yezu azookire.
2. Obutwaare bw’ogwo bwaiguka,
Ahabw’enki? Ahabw’enki Omushana reeba rwayaka
Nimusherura ohuriire Omu bafiire Abaziiki b’ogwo bairuka,
Tari-aha, tari-aha, tari-aha yaazooka Abakunda Yezu baasheka.

Aha kiro ky’okubanza omu wiki 3. Akashwaaza n’obo beinazi,

Omushekye Ku gwabaire nigujuguta Omukama w’obusinguzi
Mariya Mangadareena na Mariya Engoma twiteere n’enuzi,
Ondiijjo Nituhimbisa omucunguzi
bakaza kureeba ekituuro
4. Nyakuzooka niiwe mpaisibwa,
Reero haabaho omutsitsa gw’amaani, Engoma gitwaare mwesigwe
gw’amaani, gw’amaani, Obusaasi mbwenu bwamarwa,
Maraika wa Mukama akashuuma Engoma ya Bweera yaigurwa.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
566. AZOOKIRE YAARUGAYO YEZU When Christ became, Our Pascal Lamb,
Lamb of God who takes away
Azookire yaarugayo Yezu, Buzina The sins of the World.
Azookire yaarugayo weena, Buzina
Azookire yaija n’amaani, Buzina Rejoice, rejoice Christ is Risen,
Azookire mwiije tumuhaise. He’s risen from His Sleep.
Reigning on high, On his Kingly throne,
Omuhangi akaha abantu boona ensi
Alleluia, Alleluia, Risen Lord Jesus.
Nyarubura yaija yagishisha
Omutsingwa Yezu yaagifeera 568. OHAISIBWE NYAKUZOOKA

Omuhangi akaijaomu nsi yaitu Omugabe enfeerera-ngoma

aboneire, Ohaisibwe Nyakuzooka, Nyakuzaahuka
Obunaku bwahika yayekundira
Okutujuna tweena yatufeera. Waruga Etooterwa muriro
Ohaisibwe Nyakuzooka, Nyakuzaahuka
Baayamuza n’eryo eiraka ryaabo
baamubamba, Karamaare! Iwe Mugabe,
Gwahwamu Yezu baamuziika Nyakusinga! Iwe mujuuni
Omutatiina Yezu yaagirira. Ohaisibwe Nyakuzooka,
Nyamugabe okunda abantu yaija
kubazoora, Omu bafu waajunuukire,
Twimikye bambe abarokweirwe ntaama y’embaagirwa bujuni
Omucunguzi tweena yaatujarika.
Akashayuura abo bayudaaya Okaruga obwera bwa Iguru;
bamureebya, waayecwa omwiru wa Butaka,
Nfura nkye yeimwe zamwehakana, Okaturwa esiime obambirwe;
Nyakwezoora Yezu ngugwe yaija. waitwa n’abaibi ohanikirwe
Harizire enkunzi oziikirwe,
Awake my soul and sing haaganya enyangi ogarukire
Of Him who died for me
Kiziikwa waatabuuka,
He took my sins on Calvary’s tree,
Kizaaha waaruhuuka
Shedding His Blood
Omubafu waagizooka,
For me to have redemption.
amarira twayomooka
When He died He Destroyed death, Iwe Mukiza, - bugangi
Restored Life when He rose. tukuramutsya Muhangi
He won for us full Salvation, Karamaare! Iwe Mugabe…
Counting us worthy
Nyakweza twagubuuka,
to be part of His Kingdom.
Mutambi twahumuuka
We Praise thee with greater Joy, Oburagwa waabucooka,
In this Easter season. kibunyaga gaamuzooka

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Nyitwa-bicumu-bishongi, 3. Abayudaaya nibayogora,
ahari sho niiwe mpongi Bakabaiha haza bakugobeeza.
Karamaare! Iwe Mugabe…
4. Mukama waitu bakakuceena,
Endwaire zaajunuuka, Bakakuteera kandi baakucwiijura.
enzingo zaananuuka
Enyabibi byahomooka, 5. Na Pilaato akakucweera
enyamize yaakokooka Orubanja haza baakubamba
Iwe Mukama murungi,
Amagara niiwe mbungi 6. Abo baitsi bakabeiha,
Karamaare! Iwe Mugabe… Ngu bakakwiiba haza
Tukaata twanafuuka,
amaani gahaguuka 7. Kyo tabaaruka nyakutufeeral,
Amagara gaatuhooka, Okasingura rwiita baana ba
abarema twashotooka ngoma.
Iwe Mukiza bahengi,
Otuguumize Mugyengi 570. TUKUSIIME YEZU
Karamaare! Iwe Mugabe…
1. Abantu boona Yezu waabacungura
Murungi azookire buzima,
Amahe g’okuzimu waagahemura.
waatsiga omwitsi ahemukire
Bakaita omwiru Kajegyere, Tukusiime Yezu omujumuura ngoma
waija ori ensinga- ha-bugabe Okusinguara rufu na rureeta
Bacwire akooma nyamuganywa, Omubafu waarugamu n’orufu
waija ori ekyoma nyamugumi waarutwihamu.
Owaifo yaagwa Nyamuteza, 2. Waarwana n’omubisha
waazaho Ntwazi-ya- ruguru. waamusingura
Engoma ny’obukama waagigarura.
3. Entaama zoona Yezu waazitambira
Otabaarukye Yezu, Mugabe Wakunda kwoorobya sho
w’abagabe yazisasira.
Alleluia Yezu alleluia.
Okasinguru rufu Yezu, okazooka 4. Eirembo ry’obukire mbwenu
yaimwe ryeiguerwa
Alleluia Yezu Alleluia. Enguuto y’omuhabya
1. Abo baitsi bakamukwaata, 5. Omwitsi weitu rufu mbwenu
Bakamutwaara kandi yainara
baamuganzya. Enyambi n’obuta bwe
2. Abo bainazi bakakutwaara,
Owa Pilaato haza bakugobeeza. 6. Eneema nyingi hati twazitungirwa
Eitungo ry’oburagwa twaritakirwa.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
571. YAAZOOKA YAAGARUKA Abegyesibwa be nibo
baatubaandize okwo,
Yaazooka yaagaruka omufeera-nsi, Simoni Petero na Yohana
Yaazooka yaagaruka omufeera-nsi. omukundwa.
1. Omu bwire bw’akasheeshe
nibukyenjuka, Naitwe twecume kureeba Mukama na
Obwo nyamufu, nyakuzikwa, okumuhaisa,
yaazikuuka. Tumwehe naitwe ga nitwesiima,
Omuzigu rufu mbwenu
2. Abarinzi b’obutuuro bagwa yaamusingura.
Baimuka bataite bigambo, 3. Egyo nkoza bibi rwinazi tugyangye;
baashooboka. Enkundwa za Mukama ndokozi
3. Na nyabaitsi b’omukundwa, niwe ogwo,
nibakyekiita, Omukuzooka kwe, mbabazi
Baamanya ngu yaazooka, baaza kan’ogwo.
kwetomboita. Alleluia………

4. Obwo haija n’abatsyara 573. THINE BE THE GLORY

Baabuzya naabo nyabigambo Thine be the glory risen conq’ring son,
byajanjaara. Endless is the victory, thou o’er death
hast won.
5. Omuteganda Simoni, atagandaire,
Aija na Yohaana bashanga 1. Thine be the glory, risen conq’ring
kyarangaire. son:
Endless is the victory thou o’er
572. AZOOKIRE NIWE death hast won;
MUCUNGURA-NSI Angels in bright reiment rolled the
stone away’
Azookire niwe mucungura-nsi x2 Kept the folded grave clothes
where the body lay.
1. Ahakiro ky’okubanza omubwire
bw’akasheshe Azookire….. 2. Lo Jesus meets us, risen from the
Hakaija Maraika yaakumbagaza tomb:
eibare Azookire….. Lovingly, he greets us, scatters fear
Aho Mukama yaazooka nk’oku and gloom
yaakigambire Azookire….. Let the church with gladness,
hymns of triumph sing;
Alleluya azookire ni Mukama For the Lord now liveth, death has
Azookire….. lost its sting.
Alleluya azookire ni Mukama
Azookire….. 3. No more we doubt thee, glorious
princeof life
2. Haija Mangadarena kureeba Life is naught without thee; aid us
ekituuro, in our strife;

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Make us more than conq’rors He has given us His Spirit,
through thy deathless love His wisdom and His knowledge,
Bring us safe through Jordan to thy That we proclaim His Gospel to all x2
home above. He is Lord and King on His throne He is
reigning x2
Though the sky took Him from our sight,
ASCENSION We remember what He promised.
I am with you ever more in life x2
574. ALLELUIA, SING TO JESUS Not as Orphans will I leave in sorrows x2
Alleluia sing to Jesus, Jesus King of all the ages,
he’s the scepter, he’s the throne Teach us to love and to serve you,
Alleluia, he’s the triumph, Help us see your face in all creation, x2
he’s the victory alone When you come you find us ready to
Hark the songs of peaceful Sion, meet you x2
thunder like a mighty flood
Jesus out of every nation 576. NEW PRAISES BE GIVEN TO
birth redeemed us by his blood. CHRIST

Alleluia not as orphans, 1. New praises be given to Christ

are we left in sorrow now, newly crowned,
Alleluia, he is near us. Who back to his heaven a new way
Faith believes, nor questions how that found;
Though the cloud from sight received God’s blessedness sharing before us
him he goes;
When the forty days were o’er. What mansions preparing, what
Shall our hearts forget his promise? endless repose!
I‘m with you evermore.
2. His glory still praising on thrice holy
Alleluia king eternal, ground
thou earth our food our stay; Th’apostles stood gazing his mother
Alleluia here the sinful, around;
flee to thee from day to day. With hearts that beat faster, with
Intercessor friend of sinners,
eyes full of love;
earths redeemer plead for me
They watched while their master
Were the songs of the entire sinless s
ascended above.
weep across the crystal sea?

575. WHEN THE FORTY DAYS WERE 3. “No star can disclose Him”, the
OVER bright Angels said;
“Eternity knows Him, your
When the forty days were over, conquering head;
He ascended into heaven, Those high habitations he leaves
He went to prepare a place for us x2 not again. Till, judging all nations on
He will come again to take us to His earth He shall reign”
home x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Thus spoke they and straight away, Naimwe mugume butoosha
where legions defend; nimumwijuka,
Heaven’s glittering gateways, their N’obwo bwire bw’eiramura
Lord they attend, bw’okugaruka.
And cry, looking thither,” Your
Omunyanja y’ensi mbwenu
portals let sown;
For Him who rides hither in peace
Yezu naabahwera gye; muryaija
and renown” kwambuka.
5. They asked, who keeps entry, in that
Abakundwa be muryagitemba
blessed town,
“Who has claimeth entry, a king of Kwijurwa rukundo nungi etari
renown?” efunguka.
The Lord of all valiance, hat herald
replied, Who Satan’s battalion laid in 578. EWA PATRI Katonda
their pride.”
Ewa Patri Katonda, Yezu waffe
6. Grant, Lord, that our longing may
follow thee there,
(naffe emirembe gyonna, gy’oli
On earth who are thronging thy
tubeereyo) x2
temples with prayer;
And unto thee gather, redeemer, 1. Olwaleero lukedde
tine own; Kigambo kya ssanyu
Where thus with thy father dost sit Yezu atukulembedde
on the throne. Ffe ffenna mu ggulu.
577. BANYAGARIRAYA MWE 2. Yava e Yeruzalemu
Wamu n’abatume
Banyagariraya mwe. N’aliiyu ku losozi
Nimutangazibwaki Bonna abasiibule.
Muraramiire eiguru? Nk’oku
mwamureeba 3. Yeesituula n’agenda
Naatemba omwiguru, N’ammanyi g’alina
nikw’aritsyamuka. N’atumbira mubbanga
Nga takyalabika.
Mwamureeba bwera bwaitu
naagigaruka! 4. Eggulu lyeggulewo!
Yaija baamaraika naitwe Ono ye Kabaka;
twashaashanuka. Mwenna bamalayika
Mumwanirize nnyo.
Eiguru Mukama yaija nirinanuka;
N’omuryango gwanyu kwija 5. Leero mukama waffe
gwashumuuruka. Atudde mu ggulu
Ku gwa ddyo gwa kitaawe
Akarwana yaarusinga Rutahemuka:
Abugaanye essanyu!
Mbwenu yaaheza kurungi yaatabaruka.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
579. OTAHIRE OMU KA YA SHO Twebaze nyamutambi:
akatweha, yaturokora,
Otahire omu ka ya sho, Kandi na butoosha tumurya.
Yezu oyemekirwe;
(Ogiireyo ngu tushaangye, Turamye Ruhanga omwe,
emyanya yaacumirwe.)x2 Twesigye Nyamuhuumuza:
Tumuhameho mutungisa,
Ku waizire kujuna itwe, omunsi Ku aturinda n’obutashobya.
Kuwaasiga twakizibwe, Bwera, Turamye Ruhanga omwe,
waagigaruka. Tugume tumuheereze:
Obutoosha ka tumwebaze,
Ku entaama zaajeemire ira, orwigi
N’omuhimbo gw’obutareka.
Ku waarwihaho notemba, Nazo 581. GLORY TO THE FATHER
Mpaho rikatsya gye weeshe, eizooba Glory to the father,
ry’okuheza; sing glory to the Son
Waatemba n’otaaha Bwera, N’abaifo Glory to the Spirit,
wanyegyeza. glory, glory everyone
Glory on the earth, he made it
Kuwaari nooza kutaaha, Engaanzi Glory up above Glory, glory ev’rybody
waazituma; We have seen the Father’s love
Kuzeegyesa boona hoona, Hati naitwe
ebijuma. 1. Give thanks to the Lord, for it is
Yezu mutwe gw’enkoroogi, entoore And make music for our God on
z’eka ya sho; high
N’enshubi zakunu oriise, n’ezaawe For he guides us ev’ry day
z’omugasho. and he watches through the night
Let us praise him as we sing
Holy God of light
2. Your works, O lord, have made us
Turamye Ruhanga omwe, glad
Omu beetwara bashatu: For a Father’s help we shout to you
Omuzaire n’omutabani in joy
n’enduga mubombi Mutima. Oh, how great are the deeds
you have worked upon the land
Turamye Ruhanga omwe, But the foolish man will never see
Turamye ngu tareekeka; them,
Ensi yoona kandi n’eguru, he can’t understand
N’ebibumbe by’omukono gwe.

Turamye Ruhanga omwe, 3. The wicked thrive and grow like


O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
And it often seems that evil ways Though the eye of sinful man
do win Thy glory may not see;
But the evil cannot win, Only Thou art holy;
for their victory is sin there is none beside Thee,
And his enemies will run and Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
when the Lord comes in Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise
4. You are my strength, O Lord up Thy Name, In earth, and sky, and sea;
above Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
You refresh my weary head with God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
cooling oil
Yes, my ears heard with joy, CHRIST THE KING
and eyes were opened wide
As you triumphed over 583. CROWN HIM WITH MANY
evil-doing men on ev’ry side
5. In the way of the Lord I will live my Crown him with many crowns, the lamb
days upon his throne
And be happy in the dwelling place Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns
of God all music but its own
I’ll proclaim that he is great Awake my soul and sing, of him who
sing his praise in ev’ry song died for thee
For in God, who is our Lord and And hail him as thy matchless king,
Father through all eternity
There can be no wrong
Crown him the Lord of all, who
582. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY triumphed o’er the grave
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! And rose victorious in the strife for
Early in the morning those he came to save
our song shall rise to Thee; His glories now we sing, who died and
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! rose on high
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity! Who died eternal life to bring, and lives
that death may die
Holy, holy, holy!
All the saints adore Thee, Crown him the Lord of love, behold his
Casting down their golden crowns hands his side
around the glassy sea; Rich wounds yet visible above, in
Cherubim and seraphim beauty glorified
falling down before Thee, No angels in the sky can fully bear that
Who was, and is,
and evermore shall be.
But downward bend their burning eyes
Holy, holy, holy! at mysteris so bright
Though the darkness hide Thee,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Crown him the Lord of years, the Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race
pontentate of time Ye ransomed of the fall x2
Creator of all rolling spheres, ineffably Hail him who saves you by his name
Sinners whose love can ne’er forget
All hail redeemer hail, for thou hast
The warm wood and the gall x2
died for me
Go spread your trophies at his feet
Thy praise shall never, never fail
throughout eternity. Let every tribe and every tongue
Before him prostrate fall x2
584. AND HE SHALL REIGN And shout in universal song to crown
What a vision filled my eyes
One like a son of man Bless him, each poor and oppressed
Coming with the clouds of heaven race
He approaches an awesome throne That Christ did upward call x2
His hand in each achievement grace .
And he shall reign forever
His throne and crown shall ever 586. GGWE KABAKA
And he shall reign forever Ggwe kabaka omutonzi w’abantu
And we shall reign with him Ggwe kabaka w’ensi zonna ddala
Ggwe kabaka anti tolemwa kantu
On the throne forever Ggwe kabaka byonna ggwe obufuga
See the lamb that once was slain Ggwe kabaka, ggwe kabaka ggwe
Wounds of sacrificial love kabaka.
Forever shall remain
He was given sovereign power Yesu Kitaffe ggwe kabaka wafe
Glory and authority Tuli kutenda kuba watonda
Every nation tribe and tongue Tuli kusinza kuba ggwe walonda
Worship him on bended knee. Okuba nafe, okuba naffe

585. CROWN HIM Yesu Kitaffe ggwe kabaka waffe

Twali mu buddu sitaani omugyemu
All hail the power of Jesus’ name Nga yatulwala n’ogya n’otuzaamu
Let angels prostrate fall x2 Eddembe lyaffe eddembe lyaffe
Bring forth the royal diadem.
And crown him Crown him x6 Yesu Kitaffe, ggwe kabaka waffe,
And crown him Lord of all. Byonna by’osiima tujja okubituusa,
Bamanye bonna nga bwe tutakuusa
Crown him ye morning stars of light Mu mpisa zaffe x2
Who fixed this floating ball x2
Now hail the strength of Israel’s might. Yesu Kitaffe, ggwe kabaka waffe,
Crown him ye martyrs of our God Tukwesigenga; mbeera watugamba;
Who from his altar call x2 Mu ntalo z’ensi bulijjo okuyamba
Extol the stem of Jesse’s rod Emyoyo gyaffe x2
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
587. LOOK YE SAINTS Ffe nno ayi Yezu Mulokozi, Tukwatula
nga Kabaka.
1. Look, ye saints! the sight is
glorious; see the man of sorrows 2. Wazaalibwa mu nsi ng’omuntu,
now, ekitiibwa n’okikisa;
From the fight returned victorious, Sso emirembe gyonna mu ggulu,
every knee to him shall bow, watuulanga nga Kabaka
Crown Him crown Him! Crown 3. Eyakuzaala mu nsi yattu, ye Maria
Him! Crown Him! Nnamukisa;
Crowns became the victor’s brow. Nga bombi ne bbaawe Yozefu, Ba mu
lulyo lwa Kabaka.
2. Crown the savior! Angels crown
Him! Reach the trophy Jesus 4. Ne mu mpuku ey’e Betelemu, Yezu
brings! waffe ow’ekitiibwa;
In the seat of power enthrone, Olabika ng’oli mu bwavu, sso
while the vault of heaven rings. tukusinza Kabaka.
Crown Him! Crown Him! Crown 5. Abantu ab’eggwanga lyo bonna, mu
Him! Crown Him! kibuga ku Matabi
Crown the savior king of kings. Baakowoola n’essanyu lingi,
“Hosanna! Yezu Kabaka”
3. Sinners in derision crowned Him,
mocking thus the savior’s claim 6. Abalabe bo bakwegaana, bakutwala
Saints and angels crowd round him, ewa Pilato;
own his title praise His name: Sso naye ku musaalaba gwo,
Crown Him! Crown Him! Crown Him! yawandiika nti, “Kabaka”
Crown Him! 7. Mu Missa ate ne mu Komunio, Yezu
Spread abroad the victor’s fame. waffw nga weekweka!
Era ne mu Tabernakulo, tukkiriza:
4. Hark, those bursts of acclamation! Ggwe Kabaka.
Hark, those loud triumphant chords!
Jesus takes the highest station, oh, 8. Ng’otudde ku ddyo ogwa Kitaawo,
what joy the sight affords. Abamalayika bonna;
Crown Him! Crown Him! Crown Bakusinza mu kitiibwa kyo, ne
Him! Crown Him! bayimba nti; Kabaka.
King of kings and Lord of Lords.
1. Mugabe w’obusingye, singa
Yezu lagira fuga; Ffena tuli babo; Buzima kwo kasingye, singa
Gaziya ate enngoma yo Otwale ensi
Singa yezu, singa,
yonna. iwe Mugabe waitu, singa
1. Nandibadde ng’abantu bangi, Singa Yezu, singa
bakugaana nga Katonda. Rubambansi Yezu singa

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. Mugabe w’ensi yoona, singa Okubuure, ohabuure ensi zoona
Ohaisibwe gye hoona, singa Mukama,
Zikubuukye zihabuukye, zibe niiwe
3. Oteegyerwa na bandi, singa zihame.
Okeecwa nkaitwe Kandi, singa
Iwe reeta abakweta obatungye
4. Mukunda bairu twena, singa muhamya,
Okeecha n’ensi weena, singa Babukaare obatware, babe niiwe
5. Okenda boona kwera, singa
Egi ensi wagifeera, singa Bacureere, obahweere abakwine
6. Ebibi by’ensi bambe, singa Omurungi, Omutungi babe niiwe
Buzima K’obitambe, singa bashaba.
7. Kasiisi mbwenu ahoorwe, singa Omubingye, omusingye, omucuubwa
Turokorwe, tuzoorwe, singa rubura,
Bamuhungye, obatungye, ori taine
8. Muhanda gw’obutuuro, singa bufura.
Batuuro bw’obuhooro, singa.
Kibahanga, otaryanga, obataasye gye
590. SINGA MUGABE haza,
Bahuguukye, baruhuukye ei encuubwa
Singa Mugabe, Singa Mugabe, zitaza.
Singa Mugabe, wensi neiguru singa.
1. Mugabe weitu twena: Singa, GENERAL SONGS
Mugabe wensi yoona: Singa
2. Muhanda gweitu twena…..
Magara gaitu twena… A savior on a hill
Dying for my shame
3. Muhangi weitu twena Could this be true
Muhwezi waitu twena Defies the world I see
Yet this is what my heart was longing for
4. Musingye gwensi yoona To know you my Lord
Bugingo bwaitu twena To know you more

5. Okaija watufeera, For you deserve

Watuha n’obusingye. You deserve
You deserve
All the praise
Yezu singa Nyakusinga Mugabe
w’amazima, The heavens wept for you
Nyamuhanga amahanga, ogatware The earth cried out
buzima. Could He be one

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
For you so loved the world And, armed with cruel hate
You gave your only son to say On earth is not his equal
I love you so
Oh how I love so Did we in our own strength confide,
Our striving would be losing,
Halleluiah to the king Were not the right man on our side,
Halleluiah we will sing The man of Gods own choosing,
Forever Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus it is he,
And all humanity Lord Sabaoth his name,
Aches to find this beautiful that you give From age to age the same
We come to you again And he must win the battle.
To offer up our lives
To worship you alone. And though this world with devils filled
Should threaten to undo us,
593. ALL HEAVEN DECLARES We will not fear for God hath willed
His truth to triumph through us
All heaven declares the glory of the risen
The prince of darkness grim
We tremble not for him
Who can compare with the beauty of the
His rage we can endure
For lo his doom is sure
Forever He will be the Lamb upon the
One little word shall fell him.
I gladly bow the knee and worship Him
That word above all earthly powers
No thanks to them abideth,
The spirit and the gifts are ours,
I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord
Thro’ him who with us sideth.
Who once was slain to reconcile man to
Let goods and kindred go,
This mortal life also
Forever You will be the Lamb upon the
The body they may kill,
God’s truth abideth still
I gladly bow my knee and worship You
His kingdom is forever.
God Princes and paupers, sons and daughters
A mighty fortress is our God Kneel at the throne of grace
A bulwark never failing Losers and winners, saints and sinners
Our helper he, amidst the floods, One day will see your face
Of mortal ills prevailing And we’ll all bow down
For still our ancient foe Kings will surrender their crowns
Doth seek to work us woe And worship Jesus
His craft and power are great, He is the love (unfailing love) of God

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Summer and winter, the mountains Let your face, shine on us
and rivers And the world will know you live
Whisper the Savior’s Name
Awesome and lowly, a friend to the All the heavens shout your praise
lonely Beautiful is our God
Forever His love will reign The universe will sing
The whole earth is filled with your glory.
He’s the light of the world 598. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE
And Lord of the cross.
Almighty God my Redeemer
596. ALABARE My hiding place my self refuge
No other name like Jesus
Alabare, alabare No power can stand against You
Alabare a mi señor x2
My feet are planted on this Rock
John saw the number, of all those And I will not be shaken
redeemed My hope it comes from You alone
And all were singing praises to the Lord My Lord and my Salvation
Thousands were praying, ten
thousands rejoicing Your Praise is on always on my lips
And all were singing praises to the Lord Your Word is living in my heart
And I will praise You with a new Song
There is no God, so great as you, O Lord My soul will bless You Lord
There is none, there is none x2
There is no God who does the mighty You fill my life with greater joy
wonders Yes I delight myself in You
That the Lord our God has done x2 And I will praise You with a new Song
My soul will bless You Lord
Neither with an army nor with their When I am weak You make me strong
weapons When I’m poor I know I’m rich
But by the Holy Spirit’s power x2 For in your power of your name
And even mountains shall be moved x3
By the Holy Spirit’s power All things are possible (Repeat)

Even Uganda shall be saved x3 599. AS GENTLE AS SILENCE

By the Holy Spirit’s power
And (name any place) shall be saved… Oh, the love of my Lord is the essence
Of all that I love here on earth
597. ALL THE HEAVENS All the beauty I see, He has given to me
And his giving is gentle as silence.
Holy, holy, are you Lord
Hallelujah, to you our king Every day, every hour, every moment
Let the nations rise to give Have been blessed by the strength of his
Honour and praise to your name love
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
At the turn of each tide, He is there at He raised a wrinkled hand
my side With the dust and the flies.
And his touch is as gentle as silence. Wrapped in rags like we are,
And we barely open eyes
There’ve been times when I’ve turned He takes my finger,
from His presence. And he won’t let go and he won’t let go
And I’ve walked other paths, other It’s nothing like I knew before
ways. And it’s all I need to know
But I’ve called on his name in the dark
of my shame God is with us here (x2)
And his mercy was gentle as silence. Our Emmanuel
O come let us adore him (repeat several
600. Worthy is the Lamb times).
Halleluiah Halleluiah 602. ANAMEREMENTA
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Halleluiah, Halleluiah A………namere
Anamerementa (echo) x2
Holy, Holy
Are You Lord God Almighty Yesu anamerementa
Worthy is the Lamb Anamerementa (echo)
Worthy is the Lamb
Jesus ever shining
For You are Holy, Holy Jesus ever shining (echo).
Are You Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb 603. AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS
Worthy is the Lamb, Amen
At the foot of the Cross
601. ADORATION Where Grace and suffering meet

I’m here with the others, You have shown me your Love
So the heavens testify Through the judgment you received
Now I hang back in the shadows,
I wanna come close And you’ve won my heart
I wanna know, she sees me shivering here, And You’ve won my heart!
She smiles and moves along
I walked with a muddied stroll, Now I can,
To the newborn Son of God Trade these ashes in for beauty
And wear forgiveness like a crown
Come let us adore him,
He has come down to this barren land Coming to kiss the feet of Mercy
Where we live I lay every burden down
And all I have to give him is adoration At the foot of the cross

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
At the foot of the Cross Arise Arise
Where I am made complete Arise Arise
You have given me Life Take your place,
Through the death you bore for me Be enthroned
On our praise,
And you’ve won my heart
And you’ve won my heart! Arise
Now I can, King of kings
Holy God
Trade these ashes in for beauty As we sing,
And wear forgiveness like a crown Arise! (echo)
Arise! (echo)
Coming to kiss the feet of Mercy Arise! (echo)
I lay every burden down Arise! (echo)
At the foot of the cross.
604. ARE YOU WASHED IN THE We lift you up, we lift you,
BLOOD We lift you up on our praises! X6.

Have you been to Jesus for the 606. AT THE CROSS

cleansing pow’r?
Are you washed in the blood of the Alas, and did my saviour bleed
lamb? And did my sovereign die
Are you fully trusting in his grace this Would he devote that sacred head
hour? For sinners such as i
Are you washed in the blood of the
lamb? At the cross, at the cross
Where i first saw the light
Are you washed in the blood? And the burden of my heart rolled away
In the soul cleansing blood of the lamb? It was there by faith i received my sight
Are your garments spotless? And now iam happy all the way.
Are the white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the Was it for crimes that i have done,he
lamb? groaned upon the tree,
Amazing pity grace un-known,and love
605. ARISE beyond degree.
One thing we ask of you, Well might the sun in the darkness hide,
One thing that we desire and shut it’s glories in
That as we Worship you,
Lord come and change our lives When christ the mighty maker died, for
his own creatures sin.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Thus might i hide my blushing face, Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross
while his dear cross appears I hope that we have not too quickly
forgotten that
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,and Our God is an awesome God.
melt my heart to tears.
608. AWESOME God (Rich Mullins)
But drops of grief can never repay, the
Oh when He rolls up his sleeves
debt of love i owe,
He ain’t just puttin’ on the ritz,
Our God is an awesome God.
Here, Lord, i give myself away, t’is all
There is thunder in his footsteps
that i can do.
And lightning in his fists,
607. AWESOME God Our God is an awesome God.

Our God is an awesome God, He reigns And the Lord wasn’t joking when
from heaven above He kicked ‘em out of Eden.
with wisdom, pow’r and love, our God is It wasn’t for no reason that He shed his
an awesome God blood.
His return is very soon
Oh when He rolls up his sleeves he ain’t And so you’d better be believin’ that
just puttin’ on the ritz, Our God is an awesome God.
Our God is an awesome God.
Our God is an awesome God.
There’s thunder in his footsteps and He reigns from heaven above
lightning in his fists, with wisdom, pow’r and love
Our God is an awesome God. Our God is an awesome God

And the Lord wasn’t joking when He And when the sky was starless in the
kicked ’em out of Eden. void of the night,
It wasn’t for no reason that He shed his Our God is an awesome God.
blood. He spoke into the darkness and created
His return is very soon and so you’d the light,
better be believin’ that Our God is an awesome God.
Our God is an awesome God.
And judgment and wrath He poured out
And when the sky was starless in the on Sodom.
void of the night, Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross.
Our God is an awesome God I hope that we have not too quickly
He spoke into the darkness and created forgotten that.
the light,
Our God is an awesome God

And judgment and wrath He poured

out on Sodom
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

As we worship You Baba ninakupenda,

Let all the world come and see Asante sana Baba, Mwokozi wangu
How the mercy we’ve received from You Mimi sitaona haya,
Can set them free Kusema mimi wako, na wewe wangu
As we worship You Katika Maisha yangu Baba
Let all this joy that fills our hearts Nisaidie, nisaidie Baba ah
Bring a hunger and a hope to those Katika Kazi zangu
Who’ve strayed so far Nisaidie, nisaidie Baba ah
Katika Mwenendo wangu Baba
As we bow in adoration Nisaidie, nisaidie Baba ah
And stand in reverent awe Katika Kanisa lako Baba. . .
Show Your majesty and glory Katika kazi zako Baba. . .
Let Your anointing fall Katika wokovu wangu. . .
As we declare Your name Lord Jesus
As the only name who saves 612. ANCIENT OF DAYS
May the pow’r of Your salvation
Fill each heart we pray Blessing and honor, glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days,
As we worship You From every nation, all of creation
Let all the nations hear our song Bow before the Ancient of Days.
The song of Jesus and His blood
That proved His love for all Ev’ry tongue in heaven and earth
As we worship You Shall declare You glory
May all the lost and broken come Ev’ry knee shall bow at Your throne
May they hear Your still small voice In worship
Call out their names each one You will be exalted, O God,
And Your kingdom shall not pass away
As we worship You (x4). O Ancient of Days!

610. ASCRIBE GREATNESS Your kingdom shall reign over all the
Ascribe greatness to our God the Rock earth,
His work is perfect and all His ways are just Sing unto the Ancient of Days.
Ascribe greatness to our God the Rock For none can compare to Your
His work is perfect and all His ways are just matchless worth,
Sing unto the Ancient of Days.
A God of faithfulness and without injustice
Good and upright is He
A God of faithfulness and without injustice Bayeti bayeti nkosi
Good and upright is He. Bayeti king of kings
Bayeti bayeti nkosi
Bayeti nkosi is king of kings

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Who can match your greatness Upande upande Kwa mataifa yote.
Who can know your power
Who can search your reaches 616. BECAUSE OF YOU
Who can deny you are crowned Lord
There is a place where the streets shine
of all
With the glory of the lamb
There is a way, we can go there
You are crowned King of Africa
We can live there beyond the time
You are crowned Lord of Lords
You are crowned King of Africa
Because of you, Because of you
Who can deny you are crowned Lord
Because of your love, Because of your
of all.
No more pain, No more sadness
Behold how good and how pleasant No more suffering, No more tears
it is No more sin, No more sickness
For brothers to dwell together No injustice, No more death
Behold how good and how pleasant
it is All our sins are washed away
For brothers to dwell together And we can live forever
Now we have this hope
In unity, in unity Because of you
Lai lai lai O we will see you face to face
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai And we will dance together
In the city our God
Hinei matov um mana ihm Because of you
Shevet achim gam yachad
Hinei matov um mana ihm There is joy Everlasting
Shevet achim gam yachad There is gladness, there is peace
There is wine, ever flowing
Hinei matov, hinei matov There is a wedding, there is a feast
Lai lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai. 617. BE THE CENTRE

615. BARAKA ZA MUNGU Jesus, be the centre

Be my source, be my light Jesus
Baraka za Mungu niza…
Niza jabu (echo) x2 Be the fire in my heart
Be the wind in these sails
Zaweza kwenda jju Be the reason that I live
Zaweza kwenda chini Jesus, Jesus
Zaweza kwenda mbeere
Zaweza kwenda nyuma Jesus, be the centre
Be my hope, be my song Jesus

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Jesus, be my vision Oh God most Holy we adore you,
Be my path, be my guide. We lay our all before you throne.
May the fragrance of your presence be
DWELL IN YOUR HOUSE As we purpose to worship you alone!
Blessed are those who dwell in
your house LORD
They are ever praising you
Blessed are those Blessed be the name of Lord
Whose strength is in you Blessed be the name of the Lord
Whose hearts are set on our God Blessed be the name of the Lord, Most
We will go from strength to strength Blessed be the name of Lord
Till we see you face to face Blessed be the name of the Lord
Hear our prayer Blessed be the name of the Lord, Most
O Lord God Almighty High
Come bless our land
As we seek you The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
Worship You The righteous run into it, and they are
Blessed are those The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
Whose strength is in you The righteous run into it, and they are
Whose hearts saved
Are set on our God
For you are holy
This is the air I breathe
For you are holy
This is the air I breathe
For you are holy
Your holy presence living in me

619. BLESSED BE THE LORD God And I, I’m desperate for you
ALMIGHTY And I, I’m lost without you

Father in heaven how we love you This is my daily bread

We lift your name in all the earth. This is my daily bread
May your kingdom be established in Your very word spoken to me
our praises,
As Your people declare your mighty 622. BLESSED BE YOUR NAME
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Blessed be Your name
Who was and is and is to come. In the land that is plentiful
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Where Your streams of abundance flow
Who reigns forevermore. Blessed be Your name

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
And blessed be Your name And came to my rescue
When I’m found in the desert place And i want to be where you are
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be Your name In my life
Be lifted high
Every blessing You pour out In my world
I’ll turn back to praise Be lifted high
And when the darkness closes in, In our Love
Lord Still I will say Be lifted high

Blessed be the name of the Lord 624. CHRIST BE BESIDE ME

Blessed be Your name
Christ be beside me, Christ be before me
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Christ be behind me, King of my heart
Blessed be Your glorious name
Christ be within me, Christ be below me
Christ be above me, Never to part
Blessed be Your name
When the sun’s shining down on me
Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left
When the world’s “all as it should be”
Blessed be Your name
Christ all around me, Shield in the strife
Christ in my sleeping, Christ in my sitting
And blessed be Your name
Christ inmy rising, Light of my life
On the road marked with suffering
Christ be in all hearts, Thinking about me
Though there’s pain in the offering
Christ be in all tongues, Telling of me
Blessed be Your name
Christ be the vision ,In eyes that see me
In ears that hear me, Christ ever be.
You give and take away
You give and take away 625. BLESSED IS THE NAME
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name Blessed is the Name of the Lord,
He is worthy to be praised and adored,
623. CAME TO THE RESCUE So we lift our holy hands,
Falling on my knees in worship
Blessed is the Name,
Giving all i am to seek your face
Blessed is the Name,
Lord i am is yours
Blessed is the Name of the Lord
My whole life i place in your hands
Holy is the Name of the Lord,
God of mercy
He is worthy to be praised and adored,
Humbled i bow down
So we lift our holy hands,
In your presence, at your throne
Holy is the Name,
I called
Holy is the Name,
You answered
Holy is the Name of the Lord
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Worthy is Name of the Lord And your loving kindness your loving
He is worthy to be praised and adored, kindness
So we lift our holy hands, Is better than life
Worthy is the Name, All your ways are just oh Lord you’rejust
Worthy is the Name, in all your ways
Worthy is the Name of the Lord And i’ll lift my hands oh Lord in gratitude
and praise
Mighty is the Name of the Lord, For your loving kindness, your loving
He is worthy to be praised and adored, kindness
So we lift our holy hands, Is better than life.
Mighty is the Name, 627. EMMANUEL
Mighty is the Name,
Together in this place of worship,
Mighty is the Name of the Lord.
With greatness we proclaim
626. BETTER THAN LIFE We stand as one in giving you,
All glory and all fame
Your love is everlasting, it’s an everlasting To you our hearts are open,
love To you our hands we raise
Your mercy is as new as, every rising of Come take the place of honor in our lives
the sun
And your loving kindness, your loving Emmanuel, our God is with us.
kindness Prince of peace, mighty One
Is better than life The ever-living God (x2)

Your grace is all sufficient, it’s an all So the praises of our savior,
sufficient grace Rise to open skies
Your power and your glory, are forever on With adorning of redemption,
display Your glory will arise
And your loving kindness, your loving For you alone are worthy,
kindness Here in Zion you are praised
Is better than life Our Lord and King
Forever you will reign.
Oh oh oh, it’s better
Oh oh oh, better than life 628. EVERLASTING God
Oh oh oh so much better
1. Strength will rise as we wait upon
Jesus, your loving kindness,
the Lord wait upon the Lord
Is better than life.
We will wait upon the Lord
Fairest of ten thousand of ten thousand Our God, You reign forever
you are fair Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
Nothing in this world will ever measure
or compare
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
2. You are the everlasting God 631. C ARRY YOUR CANDLE
The everlasting God, You do not
faint There is a candle in every soul
You won’t grow weary Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a Spirit who brings fire
3. You’re the defender of the weak Ignites a candle and makes His home
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles. Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
629. CAST YOUR BURDENS Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Cast your burdens unto Jesus, for He Take your candle, and go light your world
cares for you. (2x)
Higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, Frustrated brother, see how he’s tried to
higher, higher, higher, Light his own candle some other way
Lift Jesus higher. See now your sister, she’s been robbed
Lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, and lied to
lower, lower, Still holds a candle without a flame
Stomp Satan lower.
Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, Carry your candle, run to the darkness
deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
His love is deeper. Hold out your candle for all to see it
Wider, wider, wider, wider, wider, wider, Take your candle, and go light your world
wider, wider, Take your candle, and go light your world
His love is wider.
Super, super, super, super, super, super, We are a family whose hearts are blazing
super, super. So let’s raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of
Make us a beacon in darkest times
The dry bones becoming as flesh
These are the days of your servant Carry your candle, run to the darkness
david Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor
Rebuilding the temple of praise Hold out your candle for all to see it
And these are the days of the harvest Take your candle, and go light your world
The fields are as white in the world
And we are the labourers in your Carry your candle, run to the darkness
vineyard Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Declaring the word of the Lord Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
There is no God like jehovah (Repeat). Take your candle, and go light your

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
632. COME FILL THIS PLACE (What does that make me?)
My eyes are small but they have seen
Holy Spirit come and fill this place The beauty of enormous things
bring us healing with your warm Which leads me to believe
embrace There’s light enough to see that
Show Your power make your presence From glory to glory You are glorious,
known You are glorious x2
Holy Spirit come fill this place
My heart is longing just to hear from Which leads me to believe why I can
you believe that
My soul is waiting to know someone
who From glory to glory, from glory to glory
Can take us higher help us make it You are glorious, You are glorious
through You are glorious, You are glorious.
So will you please come and set us free
1. Breath of God we need a touch from
you shine down on us with the light I have found exceeding joy
of truth Jesus answered when I called
Stir our hearts and set our spirit This name that has saved me
free Pure love that embraced me
Holy spirit come fill this place Mercy, Grace, Eternal life
Brought from darkness to His light
2. Our hearts are hungry for your While lost in my sin He
perfect peace Raised me and made me live
Our souls are thirsty for the joy you
bring My soul magnifies the Lord
So send your glory makes your praise And my heart joys in God my Savior
complete For He lifts the lowly and
Send down the rain, touch us once He’s done great things for me
again I will sing praising evermore
He is mighty and holy is His name
And I will lift my head up high
The day is brighter here with You Praising Jesus through each trial
The night is lighter than its hue Though I have not seen him
Would lead me to believe I love him completely
Which leads me to believe
He is mighty, mighty x2
You make everything glorious He is mighty, and holy is his name.
You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious and I am

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Holy one Holy one Give thanks to the Lord our God and king
All creation bows in worship His love endures forever
Halleluiah Halleluiah For he is good he’s above all things
Glory in the highest His love endures forever
And I will sing I will sing Sing praise, sing praise
His praises forever
Forever God is faithful
God he reigns Forever God is strong
God he reigns Forever God is with us
Holy is the Lord of heaven Forever and ever, (forever)
God he reigns
God he reigns With a mighty and outstretched arm
Holy is the Lord of heaven His love endures forever
And I will sing I will sing And by the grace of God we will carry on
His praises forever. His love endures forever.
Sing praise, sing praise
636. GIVE ME JESUS Sing praise, sing praise
Give me Jesus x2
From the rising to the setting sun
You may have all this world
His love endures
Just give me Jesus
For the life’s been reborn
His love endures forever
In the morning, when I rise,
His love endures endure (Repeat).
In the morning give me Jesus.
In the evening, when I close my eyes, 638. FOREVER GRATEFUL
In the evening give me Jesus.
You did not wait for me - to draw near
When I am hurt and the pain is real, to You
When I am hurt just give me Jesus. But You clothed Yourself with frail
When I am lost, nothing is clear, humanity
When I am lost just give me Jesus. You did not wait for me - to cry out to
In my work and in my play, But You let me hear Your voice calling
All day long just give me Jesus. me
In my house, in the stream,
In the world just give me Jesus. And I’m for - ev - er grateful to You
I’m for - ev - er grateful for the cross
When my life on earth is done, I’m for - ev - er grateful to You
Let me sing, give me Jesus. That You came
When the prize is surely won, To seek and save the lost.
Let me sing just give Jesus.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
639. GREAT IS THE LORD Opened My Eyes Let Me See.
Beauty That Made this Heart Adore
I will exalt my God the king You
I will praise his name forever Hope Of A Life Spent With You
Everyday i will praise
Everyday i will praise 2. King Of All Days Oh So Highly
Everyday i will praise him Exalted
And exalt his name forever more Glorious In Heaven Above,
Humbly You Came to The Earth You
Great is the Lord and most worthy of Created
praise All For Love’s Sake Became Poor
Great is the Lord and most worthy of
praise Bridge:
Great is the Lord and most worthy of I’ll Never Know how Much It Cost
praise To See My Sin upon That Cross,
Great is the Lord and most worthy of I’ll Never Know how Much It Cost
praise To See My Sin upon That Cross

The Lord is precious and full of 641. HE’S YAHWEH

Slow to anger and rich in love, 1. Who’s moving on the waters
The Lord is good to all, he’s good to all, Who’s holding up the moon
good to all, Who’s keeping back the darkness
He has compassion on all that he has With the burning light of noon
made. Who’s standing on the mountains
Who’s on the earth below
My God shall speak in praise of my God, Who’s bigger than the heavens
Let all men praise his holy name, And the lover of my soul
Forever and ever, ever and ever, ever
and ever, Creator God He’s Yahweh
Let all men praise his holy name. The Great I am He’s Yahweh
The Lord of all He’s Yahweh
640. HERE I AM TO WORSHIP Cuza Sharon He’s Yahweh
The Righteous Son He’s Yahweh
Here I Am To Worship The Three in One He’s Yahweh
Here I Am To Bow Down
Here I Am To Say 2. Who’s He that makes me happy
That You’re My God Who’s He that gives me peace
You’re Altogether Lovely Who’s He that brings me comfort
Altogether Worthy Turns the bitterness to sweet
Altogether Wonderful To Me Who’s stirring up my passion
Who’s rising up in me
1. Light Of The WorldYou Stepped Down Who’s filling up my hunger
Into Darkness, With every thing I need
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Bridge: You alone I long to worship
You’re Holy and eternal You alone are worthy of my praise
And forever you will reign
Every knee will bow before you I will worship,
Every tongue will confess your Name With all of my heart
All the angels give you Glory I will praise you,
As they stand before your throne With all of my strength.
Here on earth we gather I will bow down
To declare your Name alone And hail you as king
Alone… I will serve you
I’ll give you everything
Yahweh I’ll lift up
Omotiko Wami (Yahweh) My eyes to your throne
Oyikaba Yami (Yahweh) And i will trust you
Oyi Kawe Lami (Yahweh) I will trust you alone.
Hee Yahweh Yee…
Hosanna, Hosanna
Over the mountains and the seas, Hosanna in the highest!
Your river runs with love for me. Hosanna, Hosanna,
And will open up my heart, Hosanna in the highest!
And let the healer set me free.
I’m happy to be in the truth, Lord we lift up Your name
And i will daily lift my hands, with hearts full of praise
And i will always sing Be exalted oh Lord my God!
Of when your love came down yeah Hosanna in the highest!

Glory, Glory
I could sing of your love forever. Glory to the King of Kings!
I could sing of your love forever Glory, Glory,
I could sing of your love forever Glory to the King of Kings!
I could sing of your love forever
Lord we lift up Your name
Oh i feel like dancing, with hearts full of praise
It’s foolishness i know, Be exalted oh Lord my God!
But when the world has seen the light Glory to the King of Kings!
They will dance with joy
Like we’re dancing now yeah. 645. HOSANNA HOSANNA

643. I WILL WORSHIP I see the King of glory coming down

the clouds with fire
I will give you all my worship The whole earth shakes, the whole
I will give you all my praise earth shakes
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
I see His Love and Mercy How great is our God Sing with me
Washing over all our sins How great is our God All will see
The people sing, the people sing how great How great is our God
Hosanna, Hosanna, Age to age he stands, And time is in his
Hosanna in the highest hands
I see a generation The beginning and the end , Beginning
Rising up to take there their place and the end
With selfless faith, selfless faith
The Godhead three in one, Father,
I see a new revival Spirit, Son
Stirring as we pray and seek The lion and the Lamb, The lion and the
We’re on our knees, we’re on our knees Lamb.
Heal my heart and make it clean 648. NO NOT ONE
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me There’s not a friend like the lowly jesus
Break my heart for what breaks yours No not one, no not one
Everything I am for your Kingdom’s cause No one else can heal all our soul’s
As I walk from earth into eternity diseases
No not one, no not one.
Jesus knows all about our struggles
Jesus, Jesus, He will guide till the day is done
Holy and Anointed One, Jesus There’s not a friend like the lowly jesus
No not one, no not one.
Jesus, Jesus,
Risen and Exalted One, Jesus There’s not an our that he is not near us
No not one, no not one
Your name is like honey on my lips, No night so dark that his love can’t
You Spirit like water to my soul, cheer us
Your word is a lamp unto my feet, No not one, no not one.
Jesus I love You, I love You
Now did e’er a saint find this friend
The splendour of the king, Clothed in No not one, no not one
majesty Or a sinner find that he would not take
Let all the earth rejoice, All the earth him?
rejoice No not one, no not one.

He wraps himself in light, And darkness 649. KING OF MAJESTY

tries to hide You know that I love you.
It trembles at his voice, Trembles at his You know that I want to
voice Know you so much more,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
More than I have before 652. DANCING GENERATION
These words are from my heart.
These words are not made up Your mercy taught us how to dance
I will live for you To celebrate with all we have
And I am devoted to you. and we’ll dance to thank You for mercy

Your glory taught us how to shout

King of Majesty, I have one desire
To lift Your Name in all the earth
Just to be with you my Lord,
And we’ll shout to the praise of Your glory
Just to be with you my Lord
It’s the overflow of a forgiven soul
Jesus you are the savior of my soul and now we’ve seen You, God
And forever and ever Our hearts cannot stay silent
I’ll give my praises to you.
And we’ll be a dancing generation
650. LORD I GIVE YOU MY HEART dancing because of Your great mercy,
This is my desire, to honor you
Your great mercy, Lord
Lord with all my heart I worship you
All I have within me I give you praise And we’ll be a shouting generation
All that I adore is in you shouting because of Your great glory,
Lord I give you my heart, Your great glory, Lord.
I give you my soul
I live for you alone, 653. DEEPER IN LOVE
Every breath that I take
Every moment I am wake 1. There is a longing only You can fill
Lord have your way in me. A raging tempest only You can still
My soul is thirsty Lord
651. WE WANNA SEE JESUS To know You as I’m known
Drink from the river
We wanna see jesus lifted high That flows before Your throne
A banner that flies across this land
That all men will see the truth and Take me deeper
know, Deeper in love with You
He’s the way to heaven. Jesus hold me close in Your embrace
Take me deeper
We wanna see we wanna see
Deeper than I’ve ever been before
We wanna see Jesus lifted high
I just want to love You more and more
Step-by-step we’re moving forward, How I long to be deeper in love
Little by little we’re gaining ground
Every prayer a powerful weapon 2. Sunrise to sunrise
Strongholds come tumbling down I will seek Your face
And down and down and down. Drawn by the Spirit
To the promise of Your grace
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
My heart has found in You You complete me Lord with You is
A hope that will abide where
Here in Your presence I will stay.
Forever satisfied.
Praise him in the sancutary,
Come, now is the time to worship Praise him in the mighty heavens
Come, now is the time to give your heart Praise him all the earth praise him
Come, just as you are to worship Praise him in his awesome power
Come just as you are before your God, Praise his great and holy name
come Praise him all the earth praise him

One day every tongue will confess you

are God From the rising of the sun let his praise
One day every knee will bow be heard
Still the greatest treasure remains for From the east to the west and the
those north to the south
Who gladly choose you now. Let everything that has breath
Praise the Lord forever
655. EACH BEAT OF MY HEART Let everything in my soul praise the
I give myself wholly to You
Let everything that has breath
I walk with You
Praise the Lord forever
Let everything in my soul praise the
I devote myself to You Lord
I yearn for You
Praise the Lord Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord Praise the Lord.
I will Worship You Lord
Adorn You with honor and praises 657. FAIREST LORD JESUS

Here with You is where I long to stay Fairest Lord Jesus

Ruler of all nature
Chorus O thou of God and man the Son,
May each beat of my heartbeat in turn Thee will I cherish
With Yours Thee will I honor,
Thou, my soul’s glory, joy, and crown
May the words I speak be the Words
You say Fair are the meadows,
Fairer still the woodlands
I reach for You Lord with every breath I Robed in the blooming garb of spring
Take Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer
Who makes the woeful hearts to sing

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
My only crown 660. FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES
Is knowing you
And to be found in you I was in need and i needed a hand
My only glory I was alone and i needed a friend
And all my days I was going down, then someone
I will bow down rescued me
And bring to you My God cares too much to say
My only crown. His mercies are new everyday
I get down and pray and
658. EVERYTHING CRIES HOLY – Then help is on its way
Robin Mark
I walk by faith and not by sight
We see the Lord and He is high upon When things go wrong it will be alright
the throne ‘cos someone greater is watching over
And His glory fills the heaven and the me
earth My God cares too much to say
One like a Lamb who was slain He’s on His mercies are new everyday
the throne I get and pray and then help is on its
And so I cast my crown before you way
And bow down to pray
Now in faith i believe
For everything cries holy I have everything i need
Everything cries holy, I walk by faith and not by what i see
Everything cries holy to you Lord. I’ve got friends in high places,
I’ve got someone i can call
659. FOR THE LORD IS GOOD And i’ve got someone watching over
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
Come into His courts with praise 661. FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE
Enter His presence rejoicing
Singing and Great and Might is His Name My Saviour, Redeemer
Lifted me from the miry clay
Praise Him with the sound of the Almighty forever
trumpet I will never be the same
Praise Him with the timbrel and harp
‘Cause You came near from the
Let every creature in heaven and earth everlasting
Lift their voice in praise sing with all To the world we live
their heart The Father’s only Son

For the Lord is good (Men echo) And You lived, You died
For the Lord is good (Men echo) You rose again on high
For the Lord is good You opened the way For the world to
And His Mercy endures forever. live again
Hallelujah for all You’ve done.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Lord I want to be Lord I stand in the midst of the

Pleasing to you multitude
In everything I do Of those from every tribe and tongue
I want to love you more We are your people called by your
More than yesterday name
More than words could say Rescued from death by tour love

Coz you paid the price There are no words good enough to
You lived and died thank you
For me for me There are no words to express my
Cause you paid the price praise
You sacrificed But I will lift up my voice and sing from
For me for me my heart
And the least that I can do With all of my strength
Is live my life for you.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah to the
663. HALLELUJAH lamb
Hallelujah, hallelujah by the blood of
Saved by your mercy
christ we stand
Found in your grace
Every tongue, every tribe, every people,
Totally surrendered to your embrace
every land
And there is nothing more than you
Giving glory, giving honour
Giving praise unto the lamb of God
See your perfection
I’m lost in your peace
Lord we stand by grace in your
Your faithfulness sings over me
And your love is the light of my soul
Cleansed by the blood of the lamb
And I lift my eyes to you
We are your children redeemed by your
Creator of the world
Humbly we bow and we pray
And I stand in awe of you
Release your power to work in us and
Of your glory
through us
And I live to worship you
So we are changed to be more like you
Son of God, King of Heaven
Then all nations will see your glory
And the Angels round your throne
And worship you
Cry out holy
To the one who is to come
Every knee shall bow
Hear us sing Hallelujah
And every tongue confess that you are
Lord of all.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
665. HE IS LORD 667. God IS GREAT

He is Lord, He is Lord. All creation cries to you

He has risen from the dead and He is Worshipping in Spirit and in truth
Lord. Glory to the faithful One
Every knee shall bow, Every tongue Jesus Christ God’s Son
That Jesus Christ is Lord. All creation gives you praise
You alone are truly great
He’s my Lord, He’s my Lord. You alone are God who reigns
He has risen from the dead and He’s my For eternity
Every knee shall bow, Every tongue God is great and his praise
confess Fills the earth, fills the heavens
That Jesus Christ is Lord. And your Name will be praised through
all the world

You’re the God of this city God is great

You’re the king of these people Sing his praise
You’re the Lord of this nation All the earth, all the heavens
You are C’se we are living for the glory of your
You’re the light in this darkness The glory of your Name
You’re the hope to the hopeless
You’re the peace to the restless All to you our God we bring
You are Jesus teach us how to live
Let your fire burn in us
There is no one like our God
That all may hear
There is no one like our God
That all may see
For greater things are yet to come
And greater things are still to done in
Holy is the Lord
this city
The whole earth sings
The whole earth sings!
For greater things are yet to come
And greater things are still to done 668. HEAR MY PRAYER
Hear my prayer O God
There is no one like our God From the ends of the earth I cry
There is no one like our God Your peace will lead me to
The rock that is higher than I
For greater things are yet to come
And greater things are still to done in For you have been my strength in times
this city. of trouble
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
A tower above my enemies And I will worship you this day Lord Jesus
And lord I will abide with you forever And I will honor You with all that I have
In the shadow of your wings And I will glorify Your Name Lord Jesus
And I will worship you this day
669. HEAVEN IS IN MY HEART With every breath I have.
Ooooooh… Heaven is in my heart 672. BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF
The kingdom of our God is here… LOVE
Heaven is in my heart
The presence of His majesty… Behold what manner of love the Father
And in His presence Joy abounds… has given unto us
The light of Holiness surrounds… Behold what manner of love the Father
We are a temple for His throne… has given unto us
Heaven is in my heart That we should be called the sons of God
And Christ is the foundation stone… That we should be called the sons of
He will return to take us home… God.
The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”…
Change my heart oh God,
I’m forgiven, because You were forsaken Make it ever true.
I’m accepted, You were condemned Change my heart oh God,
I’m alive and well, Your Spirit is within me May I be like You.
Because you died and rose again
You are the potter,
Amazing love, how can it be I am the clay,
That You my king would die for me? Mold me and make me,
Amazing love, I know it’s true This is what I pray.
And It’s my joy to honor You
In all I do I honor You 674. DOXOLOGY

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

You are my king, You are my king Praise Him all creatures here below
Jesus, You are my king, Jesus, You are my Praise Him above ye Heavenly hosts
king. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Let every tongue confess Come let us worship and bow down
That Jesus Christ is Lord Let us kneel before the Lord our God our
Let every heart profess maker (x2)
The praises of the King For He is our God
Let everything with breath And we are the people of His pasture
Praise the Lord of hosts And the sheep of His hand
As we gather in His presence Just the sheep of His hand.
Let’s worship Him alone
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Create in me a clean heart, O God, We’re from every nation Lord

And renew a right spirit within me. We’ve come to praise You

Cast me not away from Thy presence, As we lift our hearts and voices to Your
O Lord name
And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. We worship You
Restore unto me the joy of Thy And we raise Your name on high.
And renew a right spirit within me. (Chorus)
We want to worship You
677. EL SHADDAI With all our heart
El Shaddai, El Shaddai, We want to worship You
El Elyonna Adonai, With all our soul
Age to age you’re still the same, We want to worship You
By the power of the name. With oneness in our spirit
El Shaddai, El Shaddai, We want to worship You
Erkamkana Adonai,
(Repeat from beginning)
we will praise and lift you high,
Yes we want to worship You,
El Shaddai.
And we want to praise Your name,
1. Through your love and through And we want to lift You high,
the ram, Oh Lord!
you saved the son of Abraham,
Yes we want to worship You,
through the power of your hand
And we want to praise Your name,
you turned the sea into dry land.
And we want to lift You high,
To the outcast on her knees
Oh Lord!
you were the God who really sees,
and by your might you set your 679. FATHER, I ADORE YOU
children free.
Father, I adore You
2. Through the years you made it Lay my life before You
clear How I love You
that the time of Christ was near,
though the people couldn’t see Jesus, I adore You
what Messiah ought to be. Lay my life before You
Though your Word contained the How I love You
they just could not understand, Spirit I adore You
your most awesome work was Lay my life before You
done in the frailty of your Son. How I love You.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
OF POWER But Jesus why me?
For I’m building a people of power 3. Jesus, I give You my heart and my
And I’m making a people of praise soul
That will move through this land by My I know that without God I’d never
Spirit be whole,
And will glorify My precious Name Saviour, You opened all the right
Build Your church, Lord And I thank You and praise You from
Make us strong, Lord earth’s humble shores.
Join our hearts, Lord, Take me, I’m Yours.
Through Your Son
Make us one, Lord 682. GIVE THANKS
In Your body
In the kingdom of Your Son. 1. Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
681. FOR THOSE TEARS I DIED Give thanks because
He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. (2)
1. You said you’d come and share all
my sorrows //And now let the weak say, “I am strong”
You said you’d be there for all my Let the poor say I am rich”
tomorrows Because of what the Lord has done for us
I came so close to sending You away .// x2
And just like You promised, You
came there to stay 2. Give thanks...
I just had to pray. 3. Give thanks...
4. Give thanks...
And Jesus said, Come to the water, 5. Give thanks...
stand by my side,
6. Give thanks...
I know you are thirsty, you won’t be
I felt every teardrop when in darkness
you cried, Give me a heart that worships You
And I strove to remind you that for Give me a heart that glorifies Your Name
those tears I died Give me a heart that kneels before the
2. Your goodness so great I can’t King
understand, Give me a heart for You. (2)
And, dear Lord, I know that all this
was planned. My life is in Your hands Lord Jesus
I know You’re here now, and always I give myself to Thee
will be. I want to praise
Your love loosed my chains and in You all my life
And through eterni-ty
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Give me a heart that worships You Search me and try me, Master, today!
Give me a heart that glorifies Your Name Whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just
Give me a heart that kneels before the King now,
Give me a heart for You. As in Thy presence humbly I bow.

Give me a heart that worships You Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine
Give me a heart that glorifies Your Name own way!
Give me a heart that kneels before the Wounded and weary, help me, I pray!
King Power, all po-wer, surely is Thine!
Give me a heart for You. Touch me and heal me, Savior di-vine.
Lord Jesus
Give me a heart for You. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine
hive me a heart for You. own way!
Lord Jesus Hold o’er my being absolute sway!
Give me a heart for You. Fill with Thy Spi-rit ‘till all shall see
Christ only, always, living in me.
1. Father, we love You
We worship and adore You He is able, more than able
Glorify Thy Name in all the earth To accomplish what concerns me
Glorify Thy Name He is able, more than able
Glorify Thy Name To handle anything that comes my way.
Glorify Thy Name in all the earth He is able, more than able
To do much more than I could ever
2. Jesus, we love You dream.
We worship and adore You He is able, more than able
Glorify Thy Name in all the earth To make me what He wants me to be.

3. Spirit, we love You 687. I WILL BLESS THEE O LORD

We worship and adore You
I will bless Thee O Lord,
Glorify Thy Name in all the earth.
I will bless Thee O Lord
685. HAVE THINE OWN WAY, LORD With a heart of thanks-giving,
I will bless Thee O Lord
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine
own way! With my hands lifted up
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. And my mouth filled with praise
Mold me and make me after Thy will, With a heart of thanks-giving,
While I am waiting, yielded and still. I will bless Thee O Lord

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine We will bless Thee O Lord,
own way! We will bless Thee O Lord
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
With a heart of thanks-giving, In Your time, in Your time,
We will bless Thee O Lord You make all things beauti-ful in Your
With my hands lifted up Lord, my life to You I bring,
And my mouth filled with praise May each song I have to sing
With a heart of thanks-giving, Be to You a lovely thing,
I will bless Thee O Lord. In Your time.


Isn’t He beautiful. Beautiful, Oh isn’t he.
I worship You Almighty God, Prince of Peace, Almighty God, is’nt He
There is none like You. Isn’t He wonderful. Wonderful, Oh isn’t
I worship You, O Prince of Peace, He.
That is what I want to do. Prince of Peace, Almighty God, isn’t He,
isn’t He, isn’t He.
I give You praise
For You are my righteousne--ss. 692. JEHOVAH JIREH
I worship You, Almighty God,
There is none like You. Jehovah Jireh, my provider
His grace is sufficient for me
For me, for me!
In moments like these Jehovah Jireh, my provider
I sing out a song, His grace is sufficient for me
I sing out a love song to Jesus
In moments like these My God shall supply all my needs
I lift up my hands, According to His riches in glory
I lift up my hands to the Lord. He shall give His angels
Charge over me
Singing I love You, Lord, Jehovah Jireh cares for me
Singing I love You, Lord,
Singing I love You, Lord For me, for me!
I love You. Jehovah Jireh cares for me.


In His time, in His time, Jesus draw me close,

He makes all things beauti-ful in His Closer Lord to You
time. Let the world around me fade a---way.
Lord, please show me every day, Jesus draw me close,
As you’re teaching me Your way, Closer Lord to You
That You do just what You say, For I desire to worship and obey.
In Your time.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
694. JESUS IS THE ANSWER Glorious Lo-----------rd.
Emmanuel, God is with us,
Jesus is the answer for the world today. Blessed Redeemer, Living Word.
Above him there’s no other.
Jesus is the way 697. JESUS, WHAT A WONDER YOU
Jesus is the answer for the world today.
Above him there’s no other. Je--sus, what a wonder You are
Jesus is the way You are so gentle, so pure and so kind.
You shine like the morning star
If you have some questions in the corners Je--sus, what a wonder You are.
of your mind,
Traces of discouragement and peace you
cannot find, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory
Reflections of your past seem to face you Hallelujah.
every day, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory
But this one thing I do know: Hallelujah
Jesus is the way. Jesus Prince of Peace, Glory Hallelujah
Jesus Prince of Peace, Glory Hallelujah.
I know you’ve got mountains that you
think you cannot cimb. 699. LET THE PEACE OF God REIGN
I know your skies are dark, you think the
sun won’t shine. Father of Life, draw me closer
In case you don’t know, but the Word of Lord, my heart is set on you
God is true. Let me run the race of time
And ev’rything He’s promised, He will do With Your life enfolding mine
it for you. And let the peace of God, let it reign.

695. JESUS WE ENTHRONE YOU Oh Holy Spirit, You’re my Comfort

Strengthen me, hold my head up high
Jesus, we enthrone You. And I stand upon Your truth
We proclaim You are King. Bringing glory unto You
Standing here, in the midst of us, And let the peace of God, let it reign.
We raise You up with our praise.
Oh Lord I hunger for more of You
And as we worship build Your throne Rise up within me, let me know Your truth
And as we worship build Your throne Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my soul
And as we worship build Your throne And let the life of God fill me now
Come Lord Jesus and take Your place. And let Your healing power
Breathe life and make me whole
696. JESUS, NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES And let the peace of God, let it reign.
Jesus, name above all names,
Beautiful Savior,

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Lord make me pure in heart Majesty, worship His majesty

Make my life faithful and true Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise
So when You look at me Majesty, kingdom authority flow from His
It’s Your righteousness You see throne
Lord make me pure in heart Unto His own His anthem raise
So exalt lift up on high the Name of Jesus
I know the only way Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the
That I can be made clean King
Is only by Your blood Majesty, worship His majesty
Only by Your blood Jesus who died now glorified
So fill my heart with faith King of all kings.
And grace that I might see
The wonder of Your love 704. MORE LOVE, MORE POWER
The wonder of Your love.
More Love, More Power
701. LORD, YOU ARE More of You in my life (2)

Lord, you are more precious than silver, And I will worship You
Lord, you are more costly than gold, With all of my heart
Lord, you are more beautiful than And I will Worship You
diamonds, With all of my mind
And nothing I desire compares with you. And I will worship You
With all of my strength
702. LOVE THE LORD YOUR God You are my Lord
You are my Lord
Love the Lord Your God
With all your heart
More Love, More Power
More of You in my life (2)
And all your soul
With all your mind
And I will seek Your face
And love all of mankind,
With all of my heart
As you would love yourself.
And I will seek Your face
With all of my mind
L-o-v-e the Lord your G-o-d
And I will seek Your face
With all your heart
With all of my strength
And all your soul and mind
You are my Lord
And love all mankind.
You are my Lord
You are my Lord.
We’ve got Holy lives to live
We’ve got Jesus Christ to give
We’ve got nothing to hide
Because in Him we all find love.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
705. MY LIFE IS IN YOU LORD As I pledge my love anew
I worship you in spirit
My life is in You Lord I worship you in truth
My strength is in You Lord Make my life a holy praise unto you.
My hope is in You Lord
In You, it’s in You (2x) 709. OPEN OUR EYES

I will praise You with all of my life Open our eyes, Lord
I will praise You with all of my strength We want to see Jesus
With all of my life, with all of my To reach out and touch Him
strength And say that we love Him
All of my hope is in You
Open our ears, Lord
In You, it’s in You (2x) And teach us to listen
My life. Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus.
O Lord, You’re beautiful
Your face is all I seek Our Heart, our desire,
And when Your eyes are on this child Is to see the nations wor---ship.
Your grace abounds to me. Our cry, our prayer,
Is to sing Your praise to the ends of the
O Lord, please light the fire earth;
That once burned bright and clear That with one mighty voice
Replace the lamp of my first love Every tribe and tongue re--joi--ces
That burns with holy fear. Our heart, our desire
Is to see the nations wor--ship You.
O, magnify the Lord (echo)
For He is worthy to be praised (echo) In very nature He was God
O, magnify the Lord (echo) But He did not hold on to His eternal
For He is worthy to be praised (echo) home
Hosanna, blessed be the Rock His very nature was to serve
Blessed be the Rock of my salvation When He came to earth as a man
Hosanna, blessed be the Rock Humbling Himself
Blessed be the Rock of my salvation. He was obedient to death (Pause)
Even to death on a cross
708. ON BENDED KNEE Therefore God exalted Him
To the very highest place
On bended knee I come And He gave to Him
With a humble heart I come Name above all names
Bowing down before your holy throne
Lifting holy hands to you
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
That every knee should bow Will be stripped away, by the power of
Every tongue confess Your love
Jesus Christ is Lord
He alone is Lord Hold me close, Let Your love surround
That every knee should bow Bring me near, Draw me to Your side
Every tongue confess And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle
Jesus Christ is Lord And I will soar with You,
To the Glory of the Father Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your Love
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord Lord unveil my eyes, Let me see You
Jesus Christ is Lord. face to face
The knowledge of Your love, As You live
712. POTTER’S HAND in me
Lord renew my mind, as Your will
Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour unfolds in my life
I know for sure all of my days are held in In living every day, In the power of Your
Your hand. Love.
Crafted into Your perfect plan.
You gently call me into Your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit, teach me Praise the Lord, Allelu
dear Lord. I dont care what the devil’s gonna do
To live all of my life through your eyes. The Word of God
Is my sword and shield
Bridge: Jesus is the Lord of the way I feel.
I’m captured by Your holy calling
Set me apart, I know You’re drawing me 715. PROTECTOR OF MY SOUL
to Yourself
Lead me Lord, I pray. 1. O protector of my soul
You will stand against the foe
Chorus: In the dark you’ll be a light for me
Take me, mold me, use me, fill me, O protector of my soul.
I give my life to the Pot - ter’s hand.
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me You who created the ends of the earth
I give my life, to the Pot - ter’s hand. Guided me unto your throne
Offered your healing hand to me
713. THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE Mercifully made me your own
Lord, I come to You, let my heart be 2. O Holy Spirit, come
changed, renewed, Show the world where life comes
Flowing from the grace, that I found in from
You Lord, May they always see you alive in me
I’ve come to know, the weaknesses I see O Holy Spirit, come
in me,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
You who created the ends of the earth 718. SEVEN WAYS TO PRAISE THE
Guided me unto your throne LORD
Offered your healing hand to me
Sometimes when I’m feeling down
Mercifully made me your own
And the devil He comes around
Mercifully made me your ownx2 Got to make a joyful noise
That he cannot ignore
Its such a heavenly idea
Let the heavens rejoice, Guaranteed to make him flee(a)
Let the earth be glad Its a perfect fantasy
Let the people of God sing His praise 7 ways to praise the Lord
All over the land.
Everyone in the valley Towdah, sacrifice of praise
Come and lift your voice Yadah, let your hands be raised
All those on the mountaintop be glad Barouch, with a quiet voice
And shout for joy Halell, let your soul rejoice
Rise up and praise Him Zamar, sing to Him a song,
He deserves our love Tehillah, you can sing along
Rise up and praise Him Shabach, shout for joy
Worship the Holy One Thats 7 ways to praise the Lord.
With all your heart
With all your soul
With all your might Shake a friend’s hand shake a hand next to ya
Rise up and praise Him. Shake a friend’s hand and sing la la
Shake a friend’s hand, shake a hand next to ya
717. ROCK OF AGES (Rita Baloche) Shake a friend’s hand and sing...sing
There is no rock A la la la, la la la le lu jah
There is no God like our God A la la la, la le lu jah (2x)
No other name
Worthy of all our praise Clap another hand...

The Rock of salvation that cannot be 720. SHOUT TO THE LORD

He’s proven Himself to be faithful and true My Jesus, my Saviour,
There is no rock Lord, there is none like You
There is no God like ours. All of my days, I want to praise,
The wonders of your mighty love
Rock of a-ges, Jesus is the Rock
Rock of a-ges, Jesus is the Rock My comfort, my shelter,
Rock of a-ges, Jesus is the Rock Tower of refuge and strength
There is no rock Let every breath, all that I am
There is no God like ours. Never cease to wor-ship You

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing, Oh let Him have the things that hold
Power and majesty, praise to the King you,
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, And His Spirit like a dove,
At the sound of your name Will descend upon your life and
make you whole.
I sing for joy at the work of your hands
Forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand Je--sus, O Je----sus come and fill Your lambs.
Nothing compares to the promise I have Je--sus, O Je----sus come and fill Your lambs.
in You 2. Oh come and sing this song of
As your hearts are filled with joy.
Before the world began, you were on his Lift your hands in sweet surrender
mind to His name.
And every tear you cry is precious in his Oh give Him all your tears and
eyes sadness,
Because of His great love, He gave His Give Him all your years of pain.
only Son And you’ll enter into life in Jesus’
And everything was done so you would name.
Nothing you can do could make Him
Take me past the outer courts, and into
love you more
Your Holy Place
And nothing that you’ve done
Past the brazen altar, Lord I wanna see
Could make Him close the door
Your face
Because of His great love, He gave His
Pass me by the crowds of people,
only Son
The priests who sing Your praise
And everything was done so you would
I hunger and thirst for Your
Come to the Father though your gift is And it’s only found one place
Broken hearts, broken lives He will take Take me in to the Holy of Holies
them all Take me in by the Blood of the Lamb
The power of the Word, the power of His So take me in to the Holy of Holies
blood Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am.
And everything was done so you would Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
1. Oh let the Son of God enfold you
His mercies never come to an end
With His Spirit and His love.
They are new every morning
Let Him fill your heart and satisfy
New every morning.
your soul.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord. The blessings come down and the
Great is Thy faithfulness. prayers go up
The blessings come down and the
725. THE WISE MAN prayers go up
The blessings come down and the
The wise man built his house upon the
prayers go up
So build your house on the rock of Jesus
The wise man built his house upon the
The wise man built his house upon the 726. THOU ART WORTHY
And the rain came tumbling down Thou art wor-thy, thou art wor-thy,
Thou art wor-thy O Lord.
The rain came down and the floods To receive glory, glory and honor,
came up Glo-ry and hon-or and power.
The rain came down and the floods For thou hast cre-a-ted,
came up Hast all things cre-a-ted,
The rain came down and the floods For thou hast cre-a-ted all things.
came up And for thy plea-sure they are cre-a-ted.
And the house on the rock stood firm Thou art wor-thy O Lord.

The foolish man built his house upon 727. UNTO THEE O LORD
the sand
The foolish man built his house upon Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul
the sand Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
The foolish man built his house upon O my God, I trust in Thee
the sand Let me not be ashamed,
And the rain came tumbling down Let not my enemies triumph over me
Show me Thy ways, Thy ways, O Lord
The rain came down and the floods
Teach me Thy paths, Thy paths, O Lord
came up
O my God, I trust in Thee
The rain came down and the floods
Let me not be ashamed,
came up
Let not my enemies triumph over me.
The rain came down and the floods
And the house on the sand came down
It’s a great thing to praise the Lord
So build your house on the rock of Jesus It’s a great thing to praise the Lord
Christ It’s a great thing to praise the Lord
So build your house on the rock of Jesus Walking in the light of the Lord.
So build your house on the rock of Jesus Walk walk walk walk in the light
Christ Walk walk walk walk in the light
And the blessings will come down Walk walk walk walk in the light
Walking in the light of the Lord.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
It’s a great thing to love the Lord... We exalt thee
We exalt thee
It’s a great thing to serve the Lord.. We exalt thee O Lord
We exalt thee
We exalt thee
1. We are one in the Spirit, we are one We exalt thee O Lord.
in the Lord.
We are one in the Spirit, we are one 731. WE’LL NOT BE DEFEATED
in the Lord. We’ll not be defeated,
And we pray that all unity may one We’ll not be defeated,
day be restored. We’ll not be defeated,
Any more.
And they’ll know we are Christians by
our love, by our love, Since the Holy Ghost came in
Yes they’ll know we are Christians by And gave us power over sin.
our love. We’ll not be defeated any more.

2. We will walk with each other, we We’ll not be defeated,

will walk hand in hand. We’ll not be defeated,
We will walk with each other, we We’ll not be defeated,
will walk hand in hand. Any more.
And together we’ll spread the
news that God is in our land. Jesus Christ God’s only son
Fought the battle and He won.
3. We will work with each other, we We’ll not be defeated any more.
will work side by side.
We will work with each other, we Jesus Christ God’s only son
will work side by side. Fought the battle and He won.
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity We’ll not be defeated any
and save each man’s pride. We’ll not be defeated any
We’ll not be defeated any more!
For Thou O Lord art high
Above all the ea rth What a mighty God we serve
Thou art exalted far above What a mighty God we serve
All Gods. The angels bow before Him
Heaven and earth adore Him
For Thou O Lord art high What a mighty God we serve.
Above all the ea rth
Thou art exalted far above He is the King of Kings
All Gods. He is the Lord of Lords
His name is Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
733. WHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR My love for You will never die
HOLINESS Jesus You are my life.
When I look into your ho---liness 735. YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY
When I gaze into your loveliness PRAISE
And when things that surround
Become shadows in the light of You I will worship (I will worship)
With all of my heart (with all of my
When I’ve found the joy of reaching heart)
your heart I will praise You (I will praise You)
When my will becomes enthralled in With all of my strength (all my strength)
your love
I will seek You (I will seek You)
And when things that surround
All of my days (all of my days)
Become shadows in the light of You
I will follow (I will follow)
All of Your ways (all Your ways)
I worship Yo--u, I worship Yo---u
The reason I live is to worship You I will give You all my worship
I worship Yo--u, I worship Yo---u I will give You all my praise
The reason I live is to worship You. You alone I long to worship
You alone are worthy of my praise

You are my life O! precious Christ I will bow down (I will bow down)
You are to me the pearl of greatest price Hail You as King (hail You as King)
My love for You will never die I will serve You (I will serve You)
Give you ev’ryting (give You ev’rything)
Jesus You are my life
I will lift up (I will lift up)
I come to You I run to You
My eyes to Your throne (my eyes to
There’s no greater joy than knowing You
Your throne)
I will trust You (I will trust You)
O Holy fire! Love’s purest light I will trust You alone (trust You alone)
Burn all desires til’ You are my One
delight 736. YOU’RE SO REAL
My love for You will never die
Jesus You are my life You’re so real I can feel Your power
You’re so real I can feel Your touch
O conquering King! Conquer my heart You’re so real I can hear Your voice Lord
And make of me a pleasing gift to God You’re so real to me
My love for You will never die
Jesus You are my life (So I’ll sing)
Ha--lle---lujah Ha--lle---lujah Ha--lle---lujah
I come to You I run to You To the King
There’s no greater joy than knowing Ha--lle---lujah Ha--lle---lujah Ha--lle---lujah
you To the King

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
737. CHA KUTUMAINI SINA More than life to me;
Whom have I on earth beside thee?
Cha kutumaini sina Whom in heaven but thee?
Ila damu yake Yesu
Siina wema wa kutosha 739. DRAW ME CLOSE TO YOU
Dhambi zangu kuziosha //x2
Draw Me Close To You
Kwake Yesu na simama Never Let Me Go
Ndiye mwamba ni salama I Lay It All Down Again
Ndiye mwamba ni salama x2 To Hear You Say That
Njia yangu iwendefu I’m Your Friend
Yeyé hunipa wokovu You Are My Desire
Mawimbi yakinipiga No One Else Will Do
Nguvu zake ndizo nanga //x2 Cause Nothing Else
Damu yake nasadaka Could Take Your Place
Nategemea daima To Feel The Warmth
Yote chini yakisha Of Your Embrace
Mwokozi atanitosha //x2 Help Me Find The Way Bring
Me Back To You
Nikiitwa hukumuni
You’re All I Want
Rohoni nina amani
You’re All I’ve Ever Needed
Nikivikwa haki yake
Sina hovu mbele zake //x2 You’re All I Want
Help Me Know You Are Here
You’re All I Want
1. Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear You’re All I’ve Ever Needed
my humble cry; You’re All I Want
While on others thou art calling, Do Help Me Know You Are Here .
not pass me by.
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry;
While on others thou art calling, Do not We lift our hands to the great I am
pass me by. Who was and who is and is to come
We lift our hands, to the great I am
2. Let me at thy throne of mercy, Find a
Who can compare with him
sweet relief;
Kneeling there in deep contrition, Father we declare that we love you
Help my unbelief. We declare an everlasting love for you
3. Trusting only in thy merit, Would I And we will say That you are good
seek thy face; And all the miracles you’ve done have
Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save brought us joy
me by thy grace For we have changed
4. Thou the spring of all my comfort, And all the hope we have, we place in
you right now.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
741. GIVE ME JOY IN MY HEART Glory to the Lord…
Glory to the Lord…
Give me joy in my heart, keep me
praising 743. God’S LOVE
Give me joy in my heart I pray
Give me joy in my heart keep me God’s love is like a Rainbow
praising A rainbow colourful
Keep me praising till end of day Colourful… a rainbow colourful
Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna! God’s love is like an ocean
Sing hosanna to the King of kings! An ocean deep and wide
Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna! Deep and wide… an ocean deep and wide
Sing hosanna to the king!
God’s love is like a mountain
Give me peace in my heart, Keep me A mountain steep and high
resting… Steep and high… a mountain steep and
Give love in my heart, Keep me
serving… God’s love is like a mother
A mother caring
Give me hope in my heart, keep me Caring… a mother caring
God’s love is like a mango
Give me faith in my heart, keep me A mango sweet and ripe
serving… Sweet and ripe… a mango sweet and
Who holds the heavens in His hands
Who made the stars by the word of His 1. O Lord my God, when I’m in awesome
power wonder
Who put the spirit in man Consider all the works your hands have
And causes all the earth to cry out glory Your power throughout the universe
Glory to the Lord, Worship Him
The God of our salvation Then sings my soul my Saviour God to
Glory to the Lord, Honor Him Thee
He reigns He rules the nations How great you are, how great you are x2
He is righteous and worthy
To be worshiped and adored 2. When through the woods and forest
Lift your voices and give Glory to the Lord glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the
Who holds the rightous by the hand
Who is the way in the marvelous hour
When I look down from lofty
Who stirs the heart of a man
mountain grandeur
And causes all His saints to cry out glory
And hear the brook I feel the gentle
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
3. And when I think that God His Son To the Lamb of God who bore my pain
not sparing, Who took my place, wore my shame
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in I will seek to honour his commands
That on the cross my burden gladly I pledge allegiance to the lamb.
He bled and died to take away my sin! 746. SING FOR JOY

4. When Christ shall come with shouts If we call to Him, He will answer us
of acclamation If we run to Him, He will run to us
And take me home: What joy shall If we lift our hands, He will lift us up
fill my heart Come now praise his name, all you
Then I shall bow in humble saints of God.
adoration Oh sing for joy to God our strength…x3
And there proclaim: My God, How
great you are. Draw near to Him, he is here with us
Give Him your love, He’s in love with us
745. I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE He will heal our hearts, He will cleanse
our hands
I pledge allegiance to the lamb
If we rend our hearts He will heal our
With all my strength, with all I am
I will seek to honour His commands
I pledge allegiance to the lamb 747. SO CLOSE
I have heard how Christians long ago I’m so secure, You’re here with me.
Were brought beforethe tyrant’s You stay the same; Your love remains
throne, Here in my heart.
They were told that he would spare
So close I believe
their lives
You’re holding me now,
If they would renounce the name of
In Your hands I belong.
You’ll never let me go; X2
But one by one they chose to die
The Son of God they would not deny You gave Your life, and Your endless love.
Like a great angelic choir sings You set me free; And show the way
I can almost hear their voices ring Now I am found.

Now the years have come, and the 748. SHOW YOUR POWER
years have gone
And the cause of Jesus still goes on He is the Lord and He reigns on high.
Now our time has come to count the cost He is the Lord.
To reject this world,to embrace the Spoke into the darkness, created the
cross light. He is the Lord.
And one by one, Let us live our lives Who is like unto Him, neverending in
For the one who died to give us life days? He is the Lord.
Till the trumpet sounds on the final day And He comes in power, when we call
Let us proudly stand and boldly say on His name. He is the Lord.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Show Your power, oh Lord our God. (2x) Friend
Oh Lord our God. He came to heal and show the lost
ones his love
Your Gospel, oh Lord, is the hope for our He came to goprepare a place for us
nation. You are the Lord.
It’s the power of God for our salvation. Halle, hallelujah. 8x
You are the Lord.
We ask not for riches, but look to the 751. I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME
cross. You are the Lord. AGAIN
And for our inheritance give us the lost.
You are the Lord. I will never be the same again,
I can never return, I’ve closed the door.
Send Your power, oh Lord our God. (2x) I will walk apart, I’ll run the race
Oh Lord our God. And I will never be the same again.

749. STILL Fall like fire, soak like rain,

Flow like mighty waters, again and
Hide me now under Your wings again.
Cover me Within Your mighty hand Sweep away the darkness, burn away
the chaff,
When the oceans rise and thunders roar And let a flame burn to glorify Your
I will soar with You, above the storm name.
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God There are higher heights, there are
deeper seas,
Find rest my soul In Christ alone Whatever you need to do, Lord do in
Know His power In quietness and trust. me.
The Glory of God fills my life,
And I will never be the same again.
He came to live, live a perfect life, 752. I WILL OFFER UP MY LIFE
He came to be the living word, our Light
He came to die so we’d be reconciled, I will offer up my life In spirit and truth
He came to rise to show His pow’r and Pouring out the oil of love, as my worship
might, and to you
In surrender I must give my every part
That’s why we praise him, that’s why we Lord receive the sacrifice of a broken
sing heart
That’s why we offer him our everything
That’s why we bow down and worship Jesus what can I give, what can I bring
this king, To so faithful a friend, to so loving a king
‘Cause he gave his everything ‘Cause he Saviour what can be said, what can be
gave his everything sung
As a praise of your name,
He came to live, live again in us For the things you have done
He came to be our conquering King and
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
O my words could not tell, not even in What heights of love, what depth of
part peace
Of the debt of love that is owed When the fears are stilled, when strivings
By this thankful heart cease
My Comforter, my all in all
You deserve my every breath Here in the love of Christ I stand.
For you’ve paid the great cost
Giving up your life to death In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Even death on a cross Fullness of God in helpless Babe
You took all my shame away there This gift of love, and righteousness
defeated my sin Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Opened up the gates of heav’n and
now beckon me in. ‘Til on the cross, as Jesus died
The wrath of God, was satisfied
753. I WILL SING For ev’ry sin, on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live.
Lord You seem so far away
A million miles or more it feels today There in the ground, His body lay
And though I haven’t lost my faith Light of the world by darkness slain
I must confess right now Then bursting forth, in glorious day
That it’s hard for me to pray Up from the grave He rose again.

But I don’t know what to say And as He stands, in victory

And I don’t know where to start Sin’s curse has lost, its grip on me
But as You give the grace For I am His, and He is mine
With all that’s in my heart Bought with the precious blood of Christ

I will sing, I will praise No guilt in life, no fear in death

Even in my darkest hour This is power of Christ in me
Through the sorrow and the pain From life’s first cry to final breath
I will sing I will praise Jesus commands my destiny.
Lift my hands to honor You
Because Your Word is true I will sing No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck, me from His hand
Lord it’s hard for me to see ‘Til He returns, or calls me home
All the thoughts and plans You have Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand
for me
But I will put my trust in You 755. JESUS SATISFIES (HE SATISFIES)
Knowing that You died to set me free .
He satisfies, Jesus satisfies
754. IN CHRIST ALONE He will give you the living water now
Heavenly water, sanctified water
In Christ alone, my hope is found He’s willing to show you
He is my light, my strength, my song His love He’ll give you
This cornerstone, this solid ground Holy Ghost fire, supernatural power
Firm through the fiercest drought and Halleluiah praise the Lord praise the Lord
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
He satisfies, Jesus satisfies I will ever love and trust Him
He really satisfies, oh yes In his presence daily live
He satisfies He’s mighty, he’s wonderful
He’s powerful, to satisfy Emmanuel, I surrender all, I surrender all
He’s God with us All to thee my blessed Saviour
Revealed in us to satisfy Halleluiah, I surrender all
Jesus satisfies He really satisfies,
All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at his feet I bow,
756. JESUS, ALL FOR JESUS Worldly pleasures all forsaken
Take me Jesus, take me now
Jesus, all for Jesus,
All I am and have and ever hope to be. All to Jesus I surrender
Jesus, all for Jesus, Make me Savior wholly thine
All I am and have and ever hope to be. Let me feel the Holy Spirit
Truly know that thou art mine
All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
I surrender these into Your hands. All to Jesus I surrender
All of my ambitions, hopes and plans Lord I give myself to you
I surrender these into Your hands. Fill me with thy love and power
Let thy blessings fall on me
For its only in Your will that I am free,
For its only in Your will that I am free, All to Jesus I surrender
Jesus, all for Jesus, Take me, use me as you will
All I am and have and ever hope to be. All I am and all I will be
Lord I give it all to you
All to Jesus I surrender Lord,
Jesus Your name is power I trust in you alone
Jesus Your name is might You will lead me to yourself
Jesus Your name will break every I am all yours lead me on
stronghold J
esus Your name is life All to Jesus I surrender
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Jesus Your name is healing
O that joy of full salvation
Jesus Your name gives sight
Glory, Glory to His name.
Jesus Your name will free every captive
Jesus Your name is life 759. JOYS ARE FLOWING
Jesus Your name is holy
Jesus Your name brings light Joys are flowing like a river
Jesus Your name above every other Since the comforter has come
Jesus Your name is life. He abides with us forever
Makes the trusting heart his own
758. I SURRENDER ALL Blessed quietness, holy quietness
Sweet assurance in my soul
All to Jesus I surrender
On the stormy sea Jesus speaks to me
All to him I freely give
And the billows cease to roar
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Like the rain that falls from heaven 762. LIFT UP YOUR HEADS
Like the sunlight from the sky
So the Holy Ghost is given Lift up your heads, oh you gates
Coming gently from on high Swing open wide, you ancient doors
Let the King of kings take his rightful place
Lo! A fruitful field is growing Make room, make way for the King of grace
Blessed fruits of righteousness
As the streams of light are flowing Lift up your hands, open up your hearts
In the lonely wilderness His victory over sin and death is out
Let the King of kings take his rightful place
What a wonderful salvation Make room, make way for our King of grace
Where we always see his face!
What a peaceful habitation Who is this King of glory, Lord of power?
What a quiet resting place. His name is Jesus, our risen King
Who is this King so mighty, Lord of strength?
760. LAY YOUR HANDS His name is Jesus, our risen King

Lay your hands gently upon us King of glory, Lord of power x4.
Let their touch render your peace
Let them bring your forgiveness and 763. LORD I LIFT YOUR NAME ON
healing HIGH
Lay your hands, gently lay your hands
Lord, I lift your name on high
You were sent to free the broken hearted Lord, I love to sing your praises
You were sent to give sight to the blind I’m so glad you’re in my life
You desire to heal all our illness I’m so glad you came to save us
Lay your hands gently lay your hands
You came from heaven to earth
Lord we come to you through one To show the way
another From the earth to the cross
Lord we come to you in all our need My debt to pay
Lord we come to you seeking wholeness From the cross to the grave
Lay your hands gently lay your hands. From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift your name on high
1. Let all that is within me cry holy x3
Holy, holy, holy is the lamb that was Man of sorrows Lamb of God
slain By His own betrayed
The sin of man and wrath of God
2. Mighty Has been on Jesus laid
3. Worthy
Silent as He stood accused
4. Blessed
Beaten mocked and scorned
5. Jesus
Bowing to the Father’s will
He took a crown of thorns

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Oh that rugged cross my salvation 766. MORE OF YOU
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out Hallelujah More of You, and less of me;
Praise and honour unto Thee Lord, I pray that there might be
More of You and less of me.
Sent of heaven God’s own Son
To purchase and redeem Like a grain of wheat that falls to the earth,
And reconcile the very ones And dies to live anew;
Who nailed Him to that tree All my plans and earthly desires,
I lay them down to follow You.
Now my debt is paid, it is paid in full
By the precious blood, that my Jesus spilled Mukama nteeka teeka, Okuba ekitukuvu
Now the curse of sin has no hold on me Ekituukiridde mu butukuvu, Nga
Whom the Son sets free Oh is free indeed (rpt) nkwebaza,
Nja kuba ekitukuvu ekiramu gy’oli
See the stone is rolled away
Behold the empty tomb Hallelujah Mukama nfuula, Mbeere ekitukuvu,
God be praised He’s risen from the grave Ekituukiridde mu butukuv,u Nga
765. MIGHTY TO SAVE Nja kuba ekitukuvu ekiramu gy’oli
Everyone needs compassion Mukama mpa okutegeera
Love that’s never failing Obukulu bwo mu nze
Let mercy fall on me Ennyonta mu mutima gwange
Gwe mukwano omwekusifu
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Saviour Abasembedde gy’oli,
The hope of nations Be basobola okukumanya, naye nga
Ennyonta mu mitima gyabwe
Saviour, He can move the mountains
Gwe mukwano omwekusifu
For my God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save Forever, Obulungi bwo Mukama,
Author of salvation Bweyolekera mwabo
He rose and conquered the grave Abasembedde gy’oli
Jesus conquered the grave Mu mukwano omwekusifu
So take me as You find me Obawa okumanya ebyama byo
All my fears and failures N’obulungi bwo Mukama Kubanga
Fill my life again I give my life to follow Ennyonta mu mitima gyabwe
Everything I believe in Gwe mukwano omwekusifu
Now I surrender
Ennyonta mu mutima gwange
Shine Your light and Let the whole world see Ge mafuta mu nzeAgansika
We’re singing For the glory of the risen King Ne nsembera wooli
Jesus Mu mukwano omwekusifu

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Okyusa amayisa gaabwe The Shepherd of my soul will be my
N’obawa omukwano, omungi guide.
Ennyonta mu mitima gyabwe
Gwe mukwano omwekusifu Shepherd of my soul Oh You have
made me whole,
Okyusa ebikolwa byabwe Where’er I hear You call how my tears
Ne beyisa obulungi, Kubanga flow.
Ennyonta mu mitima gyabwe How I feel your love how I want to
Gwe mukwano omwekusifu serve
I gladly give my heart to You O Lord.
Obawa okukutegeera
N’obawa okukumanya, naye nga Be it in the flowing river or in the quiet
Ennyonta mu mitima gyabwe night,
Gwe mukwano omwekusifu The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
768. MY REDEEMER LIVES Should I face the stormy weather or the
dangers of this world.
I know He rescued my soul, The Shepherd of my soul will be my
His blood has covered my sin, guide.
I believe, I believe;
My shame He’s taken away,
My pain is healed in His name, Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
I believe, I believe. Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you I want to see you
I’ll raise a banner;
My Lord has conquered the grave. To see You high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
My Redeemer lives, my Redeemer lives; Pour out Your power and love
My Redeemer lives, my Redeemer lives. As we sing holy, holy, holy
You lift my burden, I’ll rise with You; Holy, holy, holy I want to see you
I’m dancing on this mountaintop
To see You kingdom come. 771. THE FACE OF MY SAVIOR

I saw the grass, I saw the trees A

nd the boats along the shore
I saw the shapes of many things
Shepherd of my soul I give you full
I had only sensed before
And I saw the faces of men’ more
Wherever You may lead I will follow.
I have made the choice to listen for Your
Than if I had never been blind
The lines of envy around their lips
Wherever You may lead I will go.
And the greed and the hate in their eyes
Be it in a quiet pasture or by a gentle stream, And I turned away, Yes I turned away
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side. For I had seen the perfect face
Should I face a mighty mountain or a Of a real and proper man
valley dark and deep, The man who brought me
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
From the dark into light A fire goes before Him
Where life began And burns up all His enemies;
The hills melt like wax
I hurried then away from town At the presence of the Lord, at the
To a quiet, lonely place presence of the Lord.
I found a clear, unruffled pool
And I gazed upon my face The heavens declare His righteousness;
And I saw the image of me more clearly The people see His glory, For You,
Than if I had never been blind O Lord, are exalted Over all the earth,
The lines of envy around the lips over all the earth.
And the greed and the hate in the eyes
And I turned away, Yes I turned away 773. THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU
For I had seen the perfect face
Of a real and proper man There is none like You.
The man who’d brought me No one else can touch my heart like You do.
From the dark into light I could search for all eternity long,
Where life began And find there is none like You.

I made my way into the town Your mercy flows like a river wide,
To the busy, crowded streets Healing comes from Your hand.
The shops and stalls and alleyways Suffering children are safe in Your arms,
To the squalor and the heat There is none like You.
And I saw the faces of men more
clearly 774. THIS IS OUR God
That if I had never been blind
The lines of sorrow around their lips Your grace is enough, more than I need
And the child looking out from their At Your word I will believe I wait for You,
eyes, Draw near again Let Your Spirit make me
And I turned to them, Yes, I turned to new
them, I will fall at Your feet
Remembering the perfect face I will fall at Your feet
Of a real and proper man And I will worship You here
The man who’d brought me
From the dark into light Where life began Your presence in me, Jesus light the way
By the power of Your word I am restored,
772. THE LORD REIGNS I am redeemed By Your Spirit I am free
Freely You gave it all for us Surrendered
The Lord reigns, the Lord reigns, the
Your life upon that cross
Lord reigns,
Great is the love poured out for all
Let the earth rejoice, let the earth
This is our God
Lifted on high from death to life
Let the earth rejoice
Forever our God is glorified
Let the people be gladthat our God
Servant and King rescued the world
This is our God

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
775. TRADING MY SORROWS And to walk in all your ways
And in every situation
I’m trading my sorrows We’ll bring the sacrifice of praise
I’m trading my shame
I’m laying them down 777. WE FALL DOWN
For the joy of the Lord
We fall down, We lay our crowns At the
I’m trading my sickness feet of Jesus
I’m trading my pain The greatness of mercy and love At the
I’m laying them down feet of Jesus
For the joy of the Lord
And we cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy”
We say... Yes Lord, Yes Lord, And we cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord, And we cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy” Is the Lamb
Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord,
Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord, Amen. 778. YOU SAID

I’m pressed but not crushed You said, “Ask and you will receive
Persecuted not abandoned whatever you need.”
Struck down but not destroyed You said, “Pray and I’ll hear from
I’m blessed beyond the curse heaven, And I’ll heal your land.”
For His promise will endure
You said Your glory will fill the earth
And His joy is gonna be my strength.
Like water the sea.
776. WE BRING THE SACRIFICE OF You said, “Lift up your eyes;
PRAISE The harvest is here, the kingdom is
As we come into your house
And we gather in your name You said, “Ask and I’ll give the nations
It’s a privilege to be here to you.”
We’re so very glad we came O Lord, that’s the cry of my heart.
We can sense your holy presence Distant shores and the islands will see
And the warmth of your embrace Your lightas it rises on us.
As we lift our hearts in worship as
We bring the sacrifice of praise Lord, I ask for the nations.
O Lord, I ask for the nations.
We bring the sacrifice of praise
Into the house of the Lord x2 779. YOU WILL BE MY SONG
And we offer unto you
The sacrifices of thanksgiving You know my needs, all that’s
And we offer unto you The sacrifice of joy unspoken
You hold the pieces of all that’s been
Lord you’ve taught us in your word broken
To give thanks in everything
You’ll provide a place of refuge Even when a melody won’t come
Beneath the shadow of your wings Even when my words are not enough
As we promise to obey you
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
You will be my song Your grace is enough for me
You will be my praise God, I see Your grace is enough
You will be my voice I’m covered in your love
When I’m lost for words to say Your grace is enough for me.

You will be my strength 781. YOUR NAME

You will lift me up
You will be my portion As morning dawns and evening fades
And my everlasting love You will be my You inspire songs of praise
song That rise from earth to touch Your heart
And glorify Your Name
Before I call, I know You’ll hear me
Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
When hope is gone, Still You are near me
Your Name is a shelter like no other
Even when the answer is delayed
Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
Even through the darkness I will say
‘Cause nothing has the power to save
Bridge But Your Name
Oh / Oh / Oh / Oh
Jesus, in Your Name we pray
Even when I feel like I’m alone Come and fill our hearts today
I know You’ll never leave me on my own” Lord, give us strength to live for You
And glorify Your Name
Great is your faithfulness oh God
You wrestle with the sinner’s heart 782. HERE COMES THE BRIDE
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart 1. Here comes the bride, she’s full of pride
All you present turn your heads and
Pre-Chorus: behold
So remember your people
Her steps so firm, her will confirm
Remember your children
That she has been and will always
Remember your promise Oh God
Chorus 1:
Your grace is enough, Your grace is Inside her heart, she’s full of joy
enough She approaches to meet the boy
Your grace is enough for me My prayer is quite short and without lie
My darling lead me now to the Altar
Great is your love and justice God So that I become your dear little legal star
You use the weak to lead the strong And you will be my own until I die.
You lead us in the song of your salvation
And all your people sing along
2. Guided by us, thrice happy pair
Chorus 2: Enter this doorway ‘its life that invites
Your grace is enough All that is brave, all that is fair
Heav’n reaching down to us Love now triumphant forever unites

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
Champion of virtue, boldly advance 4. When the bridegroom cometh by
Flower of beauty, gently advance and by,
Now the loud mirth of revealing is When the bridegroom cometh by
ended and by,
Night bringing peace and bliss has Will the sorrows of the past,
descended All be changed to joy at last,
Fanned by the breath of happinesss rest When the bridegroom cometh by
Closed to the world by love, only and by.
5. When the bridegroom cometh by
783. OH BE READY and by,
When the bridegroom cometh by
1. When the bridegroom cometh by
and by,
and by,
When the Lord shall call His own,
When the bridegroom cometh by
Can you stand before the throne,
and by,
When the bridegroom cometh by
Will your lamps be burning bright,
and by.
Will your robes be pure and white,
When the bridegroom cometh by 784. AVE MARIA (Bridal)
and by.
You by my side, that’s how I see us
Oh be ready! Oh be ready! I close my eyes and I can see us
Ready when the bridegroom comes; We’re on our way to say,`I do’
Oh be ready! Oh be ready! My secret dreams have all come true
Ready when the bridegroom comes.
I see the church, I see the people
2. When the bridegroom cometh by Your folks and mine happy and smiling
and by, And I can hear sweet voices singing,
When the bridegroom cometh by AVE MARIA
and by, Oh my love, my love this can be really be
Oh be ready for that day, That some day you’ll walk down the aisle
With your sins all washed away, with me
When the bridegroom cometh by Let it be, make it be that I’m the one for you
and by. I’ll be yours, all yours, now and forever.

3. When the bridegroom cometh by I see us now, your hand in my hand

and by, This is the hour, this is the moment
When the bridegroom cometh by And I can hear sweet cpoices singing,
and by, AVE MARIA
Will your wearied heart rejoice,
At the sound of Jesus’ voice,
When the bridegroom cometh by
and by.

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
785. TUNULIRA ABAGOLE Omukundano gwqabo bombi,
Nyamuhanga gwongyeremu
1. Tunulira abagatiddwa Endagaano bagiteere bombi,
bwebawomye bagikwate bagihamemu.
……ne…… we kati bafumbo
Balinga ba Malayika eri mu ggulu 2. Baija n’abacureezi abaana baawe
Ffena tubakubireko mu ngalo enkunzi zaawe,
Bayingidde mu bulamu obw’ekitiibwa Bombi beeze muhwezi, banywanise
Mukama bwakakasiza olwalero iwe, bajwane naiwe.
Era ne bwekiriba ki balayidde Omu bantu bareebwe bombi,
Okunywerera ddala wamu nga babiri. orugingo babe rumwe,
Abateeranwa rukundo bombi,
2. Laba bwebetunulako bwe obutoosha bagumwe kumwe.
Nga bagenda mu bulamu obupya 3. Gaita bombi mugitsi, bakyekundaire
Mwoyo ababunduguleko ebitone bakyesimiire
Babenga ettala mu maka Swita bombi mushwitsi,
amatukuvu. bakyeyendeire bakwegamiire
Omugaito gubahamye bombi,
3. Tunulira bwe bakumba bwe Nyamuhanga n’obeemaho,
basaaliza Omushwito gubakome bombi
Muli nga beyagala nnyo ‘Lwe luno’ batariija bakataanaho.
Buli omu akakasa munnenti
nkututte 4. K’obatwaare Muhangi, obeebembeire
Okutusa ddala okufa ndi naawe. bakwehongeire
Oiheho egyo ntabaangi,
4. Katwoleke ababadewo bwe bagyeyangeire bakwegamiire
tusimye Orugyendo barukwaate bombi,
Ekikolwa kye mukoze nga weetuli amayanja bagarabemu
Mu bizibu ebirigwawo tubayambe Omuhanda guza bwera bombi
Obufumbo bwammwe buno obahwere bagutoremu.
5. Yaimwe bashagatiirwe, abetengeine
5. Katusabe nyini byonna abakuume abetoreine,
Abayambe okussanga ekimu mu Tweena nabaizihirwe abeteraine
byonna aberundaine
Muwangaale, mukungule ebirungi Nyamuhanga tumusiime tweena
Okutuusa lwalisalawo okubayita. akakunda ngu tubeho
Nyamuhanga tumuhaise twena
786. BAIJA MBABO tumukunde tumuhameho.
1. Baija mbabo n’enyangi,
abarondaine abasiimine,
Beeze bombi Muhangi,
abakundaine abakuraine,
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
787. K A NI KIRUNGI 6. Nyamuhanga, mwabazaara boona
Ka ni kirungi kandi nikigwisa gya Ogwo mwoga gw’ekitiinwa
Abantu kutuurana bari ish’emwe. mwembi muguhendekyere
Nink’amajuta marungi
Agashukwa aha mutwe gakashuuma
Gakaitururukira omu kireju kya Aroni Lord God of all Creation,
Gakahika nahamukugiro gwebijwaro bye. God who made us in His image,
He united Adam and Eve,
Ninkorume rwa Herumooni We pray that He unites,
Oruragarikaaha bibungo bya Siyoni ahi The bride and the groom to be one
Nyakubaho ariheera omugisha, body in Him.
Nigo magara agatahwaho. Let them cooperate as one,
Let the be one in God the Father,
788. OBUSHWERE BURI KWERA Let them be one in Jesus Christ the Lord,
Obushwere buri kwera bukatebwaho United by love;
Ruhanga, No longer are they two but are one in Him.
Us witnesses present,
Yabuhindura sakramentu Yezu njuni
We pray that You give us the gift of love,
increase the gift of faith we pray Oh Lord,
1. Abafumbo kubagaitwa bombi Let us live in Your peace;
baraganisibwa, Help us love you, help us love our
Endagaano y’obutaija kandi neighbours too.
bakataanisibwa. Lord bless Your son N….
Bless Your daughter N…..
2. Omugaito gw’obushwere hoona A happy family bestow upon them,
tigugaitururwa, Bless them with Children,
Omukwato gwabo bombi haza Give the the gift of love they need from
tigushishagurwa. You.

3. Omusingye gw’obushwere bwoona Baptism songs

ni rukundo nzima,
Abafumbo baagibyara bombi 790. WANNONDA DDUNDA
bahama buzima.
Wannonda Ddunda x2, N’ossima
4. Imwe bantu b’obushwere, mbwenu mbeere wuwo
mutaryetaanisa, Wanfuula mwana, nga mbatizibwa
Obusaasi bw’ensi bwaija mwembi nga mbatizibwa, Wansiiga omuzigo,
N’onkakasa mu butume bwo. Nnafuuka
kiggwa mw’osiiba Mw’otuula, ggwe
5. Ebirungi by’oruzaaro byoona Katonda. (Ha! Nnesiimye,
bibakundanise, Ha! Ng’onjagala x2)
Obusaasi bwenda kwanga, bambe
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
1. Mujje mulabe Omukama by’akola, 2. Ku lwa Batismu ffe atugamba,
bya magero, Bisamaaliriza Mwe baana bange mbatukuzza,
by’akolera abantu. Tukwekola, Mwe baana bange mbatukuzza,
Ggw’atubumba, Tukwekola, Mubeere bange emirembe.
Ggw’atutaasa, Tukwekola, Ggwe
3. Kati muli mu nze nze Katonda,
Ddunda Lugaba
Mwoyo Omutukuza abalo-
2. Mujje mulabe Omukama by’akola , nzeemu, Muli bange mmwe
bya magero, Bisamaaliriza wad- mununuddwa. Katonda Mwana
diramu abantu. Tukwebaza, abagasse wamu.
Ggw’atulokola, Tukwebaza,
4. Tuddamu Kitaffe okuwera obuto,
Ggw’omusaasizi, Tukwebaza,
Kafulu sitaani n’emitego gye, Tu-
Ggw’alunda ffenna.
bimaze Kitaffe tuli baana bo, Tuli
3. Mujje mulabe Omukama by’akola, baana bo ffe emirembe.
bya magero, Bisamaaliriza wan-
5. Tumaze Kitaffe okutukuzibwa,
gobako obutamanya, Ssirimbibwa
Mu Eklezia ono ow’okunsi, Tulina
buli ekijja, Ssirimbibwa mangu
okwaza obwakabaka bwo, Tuwera
nnyo, ssirimbibwa. Nze Kristu gwe
okutuusa by’oyigiriza.
4. Mujje mulabe Omukama by’akola, 792. NAABAYIWAKO AMAZZI
bya magero, Kristu Katonda,
Naabayiwako amazzi amatukuvu
ggwe mmere y’abantu! Tuk-
Gabamaleko kazambi yenna
webaza Ggw’atuliisa, Tukwe-
baza Ggw’entanda, Tukwebaza
Ebyo Omukama y’abitugamba
Ggw’atwewa wenna.
5. Mujje mulabe Omukama by’akola, 1. Ayi Mukama; Mukama waffe, mu
bya magero, Bisamaaliriza nsi yonna yonna, Lyewuunyizibwa
by’akolera abantu. Tuba naye buli erinya lyo ekkulu eryo; Ggwe eya-
wantu, Tuba naye mu nngendo sukkulumya bw’otyo ekitiibwa kyo
Tuba naye, ewaffe mu maka. n’okikiza n’eggulu.
2. Ayi Mukama, Mukama waffe,
abawere n’abayonka leero, Bagen-
Ababatze mujje tujaguzze da okuziyiza omulabe omuzigu,
Ababatize mujje tuyimbe Mukamwa kaabwe mwe wategeka
Twazaalwa mu Batismu ettendo ly’obalumbisa.
Ne tuyingira mu kika, 3. Omwezi n’emmunyeenye ggwe
Twazaalwa mu Batismu bye wawangawo, Bwe ndaba
Ne tufuuka baana ba Katonda. eggulu bwe liradde, Ndaba
1. Twesimye ffe abaana ba boowo, omulimo ogukoleddwa n’engalo
Olwa Batismu oyo atutukuzza, zo ezo, Naye omuntu y’ani naawe
Olwa Batismu oyo ne tuzaalibwa, gw’ojjukira n’oomussaako om-
Tuli ba kika mu Katonda omu, woyo?
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
4. Ettendo n’ekitiibwa wamutikkira Nkutukuzza, obeere wange emirem-
byonna y’abitwala, Wamuwa okul- be, obeere mwana ampulira (x2).
amula, emikono gyo bye gikola, Kwata bulungi, ebiragiro, ongober-
Wasukkulumya bw’otyo, obuyinza ere gye ndaga.
bwe n’omufuza n’ensolo.
5. Beera n’ekitiibwa Patri Katonda,
ne Mwana kibe, Kikye wamu ne 1. Muli kitangaala ek’ensi, Muli ttawaa-
Mwoyo Mutuukirivu. Nga bwe za ey’amazima, Mwakirenga ensi
kyaliwo olubereberye na kaakano yonna, Emanye Katonda n’obukulu
na bulijjo Emirembe n’emirembe bwe.
Mukubatizibwa twafuuka baana be
793. GGWE MWANA WANGE Katonda n’atusindika tube batume be
Ne Mwoyo n’atuwa ffe tube ettaala
1. Ggwe mwana wange, olwaleero Tube kizimbulukusa mu Ggwanga lye x2
Ggwe mwana wange, olwaleero 2. Muli basiige mwalondwa, Mufuuse
gwe nfunye (x2). Nkutukuzza, baana ab’enda emu, Mulagenga
obeere mwana ansanyusa, obeere nga mwagalana, Amayisa gammwe
mwana emirembe, (x2). Anti gabe malamu.
nkulonze, olwaleero, mu Batismu
gy’ofunye. 3. Muli bitundu eby’omubiri, Mwa-
yungwa ku Nze mwalokoka,
Ssririna bigambo, ssirina kirala, Mufubenga okwekuuma, Obulamu
okuggyako Taata okukwebaza, bwange bubabeeremu.
Ssirina mulala, ssirina kirala, wabula 795. MUREKYE ABAANA BATO
okubeera omwana akusanyusa,
Taata (Taata) nga nsiimye nnyo Taata, Murekye abaana bato biije aharinye,
nneyanzizza. (x2) (Biije),
Mubarereere banyijeho mutabataanga.
2. Ggwe mwana wange, nze gwe Obukama bwa Iguru n’obwabarinkabo,
nnonze nkubatizza, Ggwe mwana (Ababo boona) abarikwekyeheesa kuba
wange, nze gwe nzadde gwe nkabaana.
mmanyi (x2). Oli muggya, kati oli
mwana ansanyusa, kati oli mu nze, 796. OTARIZARWA
nze Katonda (x2). Anti nkulonze Otarizaarwa obwa kabiri,
ku lwa leero, lwa kukwagala kwe Otarizaarwa omumaizi,
nnina. Taritaaha mubukama bwaIguru,
Taribagana (bagana) aha Magara ga
3. Ggwe mwana wange, nze gwe Iguru.
nnonze nkusiseeyo, Ggwe mwana
wange, nkukyusizza nkwagala (x2).

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord

Mutima wa Mukama ari aharinye!

Ahakuba akansiiga amajuta,
Mutima wa Mukama ari aharinye!


Jwara eki kijwaro, nikyera,

Wakijwekwa Nyamuhanga
Oyere nka Nyakwera Ruhanga,
Ebiro byona nokirinda.


By the waters of Baptism,

You are washed clean,
Purified and consecrated to the Father,
And so now you belong to Him as His
sons and daughters.
Jesus said, “He who is not born of water
and the Holy Spirit, will not attain the
The voice from heaven said, “Behold
my beloved son in whom I am well
pleased, listen to Him.”


Strengthened by His Spirit,

We hold the light he gives us,
We are the salt of the earth,
We are the light of the world.
May the Lord help us to keep,
Our Lamps of Baptism burning,
So as to be ready to welcome Him,
On the day that he comes.


This white garment symbolising the

Christian life,
Help us Lord to keep spotless,
To keep Holy as you our Lord are Holy.
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
INDEX AMAZING GRACE.........................................159
A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR God.......185 AMAZING LOVE ...........................................206
A SAVIOR ON A HILL...................................184 AMEFUFUKA..................................................173
AA A AKALIGA.................................................96 AMINANARA....................................................95
ABAAGALWA MWENNA..............................23 ANAMEREMENTA.........................................187
ABABATIZE ....................................................235 ANAYEKULA...................................................102
ABAFEERA DIINI ..........................................148 ANCIENT OF DAYS.......................................190
ABAJULIZI AB’ETTENDO...........................146 ANCIENT WORDS...........................................35
ABAJULIZI BA UGANDA ...........................144 AND CAN IT BE..............................................119
ABAYONTA MUJJE.......................................113 AND HE SHALL REIGN................................182
ABBA FATHER..................................................27 AND I WILL WORSHIP YOU.......................206
ABIDE WITH ME..............................................49 ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH....155
ABIMIYO RWOT...............................................70 ARE YOU WASHED IN THE BLOOD........188
ABIMONDO IOT PA MUNGU......................15 ARI HAIHI KWIJA..........................................153
ABO THATHA...................................................79 ARISE.................................................................188
ABU LOKASUBAN..........................................98 ARISE AND COME........................................116
ADORATION...................................................187 AS GENTLE AS SILENCE.............................186
AE YERUSALEMU............................................17 AS I KNEEL......................................................142
AFRICAN GLORIA...........................................31 AS THE DEER PANTETH................................57
AGNUS DEI.......................................................96 AS WE GATHER................................................17
AGUTAMBA W’AMAANI............................... 68 AS WE WORSHIP YOU.................................190
AHABW’ENKI?...............................................174 AS YOU ENTER INTO THE CHURCH........26
AI Katonda WULIRA...................................68 ASCRIBE GREATNESS..................................190
AI MUKAMA OTUGANYIRE ........................30 ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE....................46
AI MUKAMA OTUSAASIRE .........................29 AT THE CROSS...............................................188
AKALIGA............................................................96 AVE AVE MARIA............................................138
AKATAAMA KA BABA...................................97 AVE MARIA (Bridal)..................................233
AKATAAMA KA KIBUMBA ..........................98 AWAKE MY SOUL AND SING...................175
AKONKONA KU LUGGI...............................106 AWESOME God............................................189
ALABARE.........................................................185 AWESOME God (RICH MULLINS)..........189
ALIFUGA ENSI YONNA...............................122 AWESOME IN THIS PLACE (1)....................27
ALL BOW DOWN..........................................185 AWESOME IN THIS PLACE (2)....................27
ALL HEAVEN DECLARES............................185 AWIYO................................................................83
ALL THAT WE HAVE.......................................68 AYI Katonda OW’EKITIIBWA...................37
ALL THE HEAVENS.......................................186 AYI MWOYO MUTUUKIRIVU....................149
ALL THE JOY THAT WAS MINE...................14 AZAIRWE OMWEREERE.............................155
ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE......................186 AZOOKIRE MUHUMUZA MITIMA..........174
ALL YOU NATIONS.........................................12 AZOOKIRE YAARUGAYO YEZU................175
ALLELUIA .........................................................66 BABA NINAKUPENDA................................190
ALLELUIA HIMBISA MUKAMA..................64 BAGANZI BO....................................................36
ALLELUIA, SING TO JESUS........................178 BAIJA MBABO................................................233
ALLELUYA.........................................................64 BAKAIJA N’ENYONYOOZI.........................156
ALLELUYA, ALLELUYA NIMWIJE...............26 BANYAGARIRAYA MWE..............................179
AMAKULA GO TULEETA..............................73
O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
BARAKA ZA MUNGU..................................191 CHAKULA NI TAYARI...................................114
BATATA BOYIA.................................................28 CHANGE MY HEART OH God.................206
BAYETI..............................................................190 CHRIST AROSE..............................................172
BE EXALTED O God......................................40 CHRIST BE BESIDE ME................................193
BE THE CENTRE.............................................191 CHRIST IS MY ROCK......................................58
BE THOU MY VISION (1) ..............................48 CITY OF God...................................................12
BE THOU MY VISION (2) ..............................49 CLAP AROUND...............................................62
BECAUSE HE LIVES........................................57 CLOSE TO THEE...............................................50
BECAUSE OF YOU........................................191 COME AND DINE..........................................115
BEHOLD HOW GOOD.................................191 COME AND GO WITH ME............................17
BER PA RUBANGA..........................................37 KING.........................................................157
BETTER THAN LIFE......................................194 COME AWAY.....................................................62
BIIBINO FFE TUBIREETA ..............................75 COME LET US WORSHIP............................206
BIN DONG BOT RWOT..................................69 COME LET’S SHARE.....................................102
BINO BATATA...................................................84 COME LORD JESUS......................................152
BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO DWELL IN COME FILL THIS PLACE..............................196
YOUR HOUSE........................................192 COME MY BROTHERS...................................13
BLESSED ASSURANCE..................................52 COME MY BROTHERS PRAISE THE LORD.13
Blessed be God of Israel...................153 COME, NOW IS THE TIME TO WORSHIP.202
BLESSED BE THE LORD GodALMIGHTY..192 COME TO THE LORD......................................17
BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD.192 COME QUICKLY.............................................152
BLESSED BE YOUR NAME..........................192 COME WITH JOYFUL SONG.......................13
BLESSED IS THE NAME...............................193 COME YE FAITHFUL.......................................18
BLEST BE THE LORD......................................40 CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART..............207
BOKUMISA........................................................65 CROWN HIM...................................................182
BREAD OF LIFE JESUS..................................99 CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS.....181
BREATHE..........................................................192 DAILY, DAILY..................................................142
BREATHE ON ME...........................................151 DAKO NEN LATINI..........................................16
BRING NEW LIFE IN MY HEART ...............58 DANCING GENERATION............................201
BRING TO THE LORD.....................................83 DAYS OF ELIJAH.............................................41
BRING TO THIS TABLE...................................75 DDUNDA TUSAASIRE...................................75
BRING YOUR GIFTS TO THE ALTAR..........73 DEEPER IN LOVE...........................................201
BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES.......................83 DIVINE PRAISES............................................121
BOLINGO BWA NZAMBE.............................69 DON’T WORRY ABOUT FOOD...................40
BWANA BWANA.............................................30 DONY KI YOMCWINY I MICA MALENG .15
BWANA SIKIA...................................................68 DOXOLOGY....................................................206
BW’OMWEWA OMUKAMA.......................123 DRAW ME CLOSE TO YOU.........................220
BY THE WATERS OF BAPTISM..................237 DRAW NEAR O LORD OUR God.............163
BYABINO............................................................79 DAUDI OKELLO AND JILDO IRWA.........144
BYE BINO EBIRABO DDUNDA...................86 E BABA TWALETA ZAWADI.........................75
CAM ME POLO................................................98 E BWANA POKEA............................................79
CAM KI MAT UBIN..........................................99 EACH BEAT OF MY HEART........................202
CAME TO THE RESCUE...............................193 EBINTU BYONA...............................................86
CAST YOUR BURDENS................................195 EBIRABO BYO...................................................87
CARRY YOUR CANDLE...............................195 EBIRUNGI BYONA MBIHEEBWA
CHA KUTUMAINI SINA...............................220 MUKAMA.................................................83

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
ECCE PANIS.....................................................120 GIVE ME A HEART........................................208
EE MFUMWE....................................................71 GIVE ME JESUS..............................................197
EE WOD ROMO...............................................97 GIVE ME JOY IN MY HEART......................221
EGYO SHAGAMA Y’ABAJURI....................147 GIVE THANKS.................................................208
EH RWOT...........................................................30 GLORIA IN THE HIGHEST HEAVEN...........33
EIGURU BUZIMA..........................................167 GLORIFY THY NAME....................................209
EKIGAMBO KY’OMUKAMA......................... 67 GLORY TO God IN THE HIGHEST (1)......34
EKIITINWA (Mr. T. BUSINGYE)...................31 GLORY TO God IN THE HIGHEST (2)......34
EKIITINWA.........................................................31 GLORY TO THE LORD..................................221
EKIRUNGI KYONA..........................................76 GLORY TO THE FATHER..............................180
EKITIIBWA.........................................................32 GO AND PREACH TO THE WORLD.........134
EL SHADDAI...................................................207 GO FORTH TO LOVE AND TO SERVE.....133
EMBAGA Y’AKALIGA...................................109 GO LIGHT YOUR WORLD.............................49
EMMANUEL....................................................194 GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN.............133
EMIREMBE GYE MBAWA..............................96 God HE REIGNS...........................................197
EMIREMBE N’ESSANYU................................32 God IS GREAT...............................................205
EN MABINO NI.................................................64 God LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER..............74
ENSI TWESIIME TWAHIIRWA...................156 God OF THIS CITY.......................................205
ENTER, REJOICE AND SING........................18 God OUR FATHER ........................................67
ESENGO.............................................................76 God OUR FATHER ACCEPT THE GIFTS..87
ESHAGAMA Y’OMUHENDO.....................168 God SO LOVED THE WORLD.....................41
ET IN TERRA PAX HOMINIBUS...................33 God WILL MAKE A WAY..............................38
EVERLASTING God.....................................194 God’S LOVE...................................................221
EVERY NATION..............................................207 GOOD NEWS TODAY....................................64
EVERYTHING CRIES HOLY .......................203 GREAT IS THE LORD....................................197
EVERYTHING GLORIOUS...........................196 GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS...................38
HILLSONG..............................................202 GGWE KABAKA.............................................182
EWA PATRI Katonda.................................179 GGWE MWANA WANGE............................236
EWE MAMA MARIA.....................................143 GgWE TUYAMBE............................................68
EXCEEDING JOY...........................................196 GUHAISIBWE.................................................170
FAIREST LORD JESUS..................................202 GUIDE ME........................................................103
FATHER, I ADORE YOU................................207 HA! HA! HA! MUKAMA.................................92
FATHER WE DECLARE.................................220 HAIL HOLY QUEEN ENTHRONED...........143
FILL MY HOUSE............................................102 HAIL REDEEMER.............................................51
FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE.............................203 HAKUNA MUNGU KAMA WEWE............131
FOR God SO LOVED.....................................41 HALLELUJAH.................................................204
FOR THE LORD IS GOOD...........................203 HAISIBWA MWIGARIRE W’EIGURU.......142
FOR THOSE TEARS I DIED.........................208 HAVE THINE OWN WAY, LORD................209
FOREVER.........................................................197 HE HAS MADE ME GLAD ............................19
FOREVER GRATEFUL...................................197 HE GAVE..........................................................203
FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES........................203 HE HOLDS MY LIFE........................................58
FROM THE DEPTHS I CRY..........................158 HE IS ABLE......................................................209
GEE GANO AMAKULA..................................76 HE IS BORN.....................................................157
GENTLE WOMAN.........................................140 HE IS LORD.....................................................205

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
HE KNOWS MY NAME..................................39 IN HIS TIME.....................................................210
HE PAID A DEBT..............................................42 IN MOMENTS LIKE THESE........................210
HE ROSE...........................................................171 INGA MUKAMA WETHU.............................80
HE’S YAHWEH................................................198 ISN’T HE...........................................................210
HEAR MY PRAYER........................................205 IT’S A WORD.....................................................67
HEAVEN IS IN MY HEART..........................206 IT’S ME O LORD...............................................19
HERE COMES THE BRIDE...........................231 IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.........................43
HERE I AM LORD.............................................58 JAMANI TUNAOMBA AMANI.....................95
HERE I AM TO WORSHIP............................198 JEHOVAH JIREH............................................210
HERE WE ARE...................................................19 JESUS ALWAYS LOVED...............................169
HII NI EKARISTI..............................................103 JESUS DRAW ME CLOSE............................210
HII NI KARAMU.............................................101 JESUS IS PASSING THIS WAY......................39
HOLY AND ANOINTED ONE.....................200 JESUS IS THE ANSWER...............................211
HOLY (BUKALANGO)....................................93 JESUS SATISFIES...........................................224
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.......................................181 JESUS THE LORD..........................................128
HOSANNA.......................................................199 JESUS WE ENTHRONE YOU......................211
HOSANNA HOSANNA................................199 JESUS YOUR NAME IS POWER................225
HOSANNA LOUD HOSANNA...................161 JESUS, ALL FOR JESUS...............................225
HOSANNA PRAISE God..............................93 JESUS, NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES.........211
HOW DEEP THE FATHER’S LOVE FOR US. 42 Jjangu Jjangu ENNO.............................106
HOW GREAT IS OUR God.........................200 Jjangu, Jjangu GGWE KRISTU............154
HOW GREAT THOU ART.............................221 JO NYI AZI JI.....................................................73
HOW LOVELY ON THE MOUNTAINS.......42 JOL KI YOMCWINY.........................................70
HOW MANY TIMES........................................59 JOL TYERWA RWOT.......................................70
I COME TO THEE.............................................48 JOLGI DUCU AI RWOT..................................70
I CANNOT COME............................................45 JOY TO THE WORLD....................................157
I COULD SING OF YOUR LOVE................199 JOY WAS IN MY HEART................................12
JESUS.......................................................132 JOYS ARE FLOWING....................................225
I NEED THEE.....................................................38 JUST AS I AM....................................................43
I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE..............................222 JWARA EKI KIJWARO..................................237
I SURRENDER ALL........................................225 KA NI KIRUNGI..............................................234
I WILL BLESS THEE O LORD......................209 KA TUSANYUKE FFENA................................24
I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN......223 KALEMUTU WONI..........................................72
I WILL OFFER UP MY LIFE.........................223 KALOLI LWANGA..........................................146
I WILL SING.....................................................224 KANKUTAKIRE TAATA...................................57
I WILL TURN MY STEPS................................11 KARIBU MOYONI MWANGU....................100
I WILL WORSHIP...........................................199 KARIBU YESU.................................................103
I WORSHIP YOU ALMIGHTY God..........210 KATAAMA KARUHANGA.............................96
IKatonda ALIBAWEERA..........................138 Katonda WAFFE OYO................................77
ILENG (1)...........................................................93 Katonda WANGE OMWAGALWA........111
ILENG (2)...........................................................93 Katonda YEEBALE.....................................124
ILENG IN RUBANGA......................................93 KATUSITUKE.....................................................77
IMMACULATE MARY...................................143 KHAKHESE KHA WELE..................................98
IN AYE LAKWATTA.........................................28 KEEP SO BUSY...............................................127
IN CHRIST ALONE........................................224 KIJAA PAPA.......................................................72

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
KING OF KINGS.............................................211 MAN OF SORROWS.....................................226
KING OF MAJESTY.......................................200 MARCHING UNITED....................................133
KINGAINGAIT..................................................68 MARE WUNU....................................................95
KIT JAMI LOBO DUCU..................................77 MARIA NIWE NYINA EKELEZIA.................26
KRISTO NYOMWEBAZO...............................65 MARIA NYINA Katonda............................68
KU LWAFFE Katonda WAFFE................164 RWANGYE..............................................141
WANGE.....................................................43 MARIA ORI OMUZAIRE BAMBE..............142
KWASE KWAVULA VALA..............................94 MARY LOVING MOTHER............................139
KYANA KYE MBULI ........................................97 MARY’S BOY CHILD.....................................158
KYRIE ELEISON................................................30 MAY JESUS BE PRAISED............................127
LATIN ROMO....................................................97 MAY THE LORD BLESS..................................50
LAY YOUR HANDS........................................226 MIERI AMA........................................................68
LEIBA EFEKI ANZO TRO.............................155 MIGHTY TO SAVE.........................................227
LEMBE PA MUNGU........................................64 MIMI NITASIKIA...............................................65
LET ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME CRY HOLY.226 MIREMBE MARIA..........................................138
LET EVERYONE PRAISE ...............................60 MIREMBE OMUKAMA................................107
LET THE PEACE OF God REIGN .............211 MISSION HYMN..............................................13
LET THERE BE LOVE SHARED....................96 MMWE AB’EKITIIBWA.................................145
LET THY BLOOD IN MERCY POURED....161 MORE LOVE, MORE POWER.....................212
LET US BE RENEWED....................................20 MORE OF YOU...............................................227
LET US COME TOGETHER...........................11 MORNING HAS BROKEN.............................11
LET YOUR LIVING WATER..........................150 MTAKATIFU BWANA.....................................94
LIFT UP YOUR HEADS.................................226 MU INGORO Y’IMANA..................................21
LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS.................................13 MU NNAKU ZA KAREMA...........................163
LO HE COMES................................................151 MUCUNGURA-NSI.......................................154
LOAGAYON.......................................................93 MUGABE W’OBUSINGYE...........................183
LOOK YE SAINTS...........................................183 MUGGULEWO YEZU ATUUSE..................108
LORD ACCEPT THE GIFTS............................78 MUGONZANGANE........................................95
LORD DISMISS US WITH THY BLESSING.137 MUGUME NA YEZU ....................................168
LORD FOR THY TENDER MERCY’S SAKE.162 MUHIKIRIRE......................................................94
LORD God OF ALL CREATION................234 MUJJE BAANA BANGE...............................111
LORD I GIVE YOU MY HEART...................201 MUJUNI SHUMA...........................................153
LORD I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH.......226 MUKAMA...........................................................30
LORD MAKE ME PURE IN HEART............212 MUKAMA KANKUTOIJERE’.........................89
LORD WE WELCOME YOU...........................20 MUKAMA MULUNGI.....................................66
LORD WE’VE COME TO WORSHIP............20 MUKAMA NTEEKATEEKA..........................227
LORD YOU KNOW ALL.................................60 MUKAMA NYOWE..........................................87
LORD, YOU ARE.............................................212 MUKAMA OMUJUNI...................................118
LOVE DIVINE..................................................117 MUKAMA OTUSASIRE..................................30
LOVE THE LORD YOUR God....................212 MUKAMA OYAKIIRE EGI MITOIJO............88
LOVING SHEPHERD.....................................115 MUKAMA W’ABAKAMA.............................154
LUA KRISTU KERE...........................................20 MUKAMA YAKIIRA EGI MISHENGA.........84
MAGNIFICAT..................................................139 MULI KITANGALA.........................................236
MAJESTY.........................................................212 MUREKYE ABAANA BATO.........................236
MALENG............................................................93 MUSIIME MUKAMA.....................................128

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
MUTEERANE TUBUTAAHE........................118 NTAMBULA NE YEZU..................................137
MUTENDEREZE OMUKAMA......................64 NYAMUHANGA NTURE NAIWE..............130
MUTIMA WAMUKAMA...............................237 NYINA KRISTU AKATAANYANGWA.......170
MUTUUKIRIVU................................................92 NYIZIA KENDRI................................................99
MUTUUKIRIVU AYI MUKAMA....................93 NYIZIRE RUHANGA.......................................85
MUTUUKIRIVU (ST. AUGUSTINE).............92 NZE ANI AKOWOOLWA.............................112
MUYIMIRIRE TWANIRIZE KRISTU.............66 NZE MUSUMBA............................................113
MWAMUFU.......................................................94 NZE NGENDA NTYA......................................81
MWANA KONDO............................................98 NZE NNESIGA DDUNDA.............................44
MWE MUJJE ABALAMAGGA....................108 NZE NNYINZA NTYA...................................122
MWERABA......................................................136 O COME, DIVINE MESSIAH.......................152
MWOYO OMUTONZI YANGUWA...........150 O God HOW FULL OF WONDER..............44
MY God LOVES ME.......................................44 O God OUR HELP IN AGES PAST.............52
MY God, MY KING.........................................63 O God UNSEEN YET EVER NEAR.............73
MY HEART WILL TRUST................................44 O LORD, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL...................213
MY JESUS I LOVE THEE.................................38 O LOVE DIVINE..............................................117
MY LIFE IS IN YOU LORD...........................213 O LOVE THAT WILL NOT LET ME GO.......62
MY LORD HE DIED FOR A KINGDOM...172 O MAGNIFY THE LORD...............................213
MY REDEEMER LIVES..................................228 O PUREST OF CREATURES........................144
NA TUFANYE SHANGWE...........................134 O WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY....................45
NAABAYIWAKO AMAZZI...........................236 OBUSHWERE BURI KWERA......................234
NAINUA MOYO WANGU............................101 OGGYA KU BUGAGGA BWO......................81
NAMUGEREKA ATUWA EBIRUNGI...........78 OH BE READY................................................232
NDI MUKRISTU................................................24 OH HOLY SPIRIT ...........................................149
NDIWE CHEM CHEM.....................................98 OH LORD HAVE MERCY...............................29
NDYAGIZA BWERA......................................148 OH LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER...................67
NDYAKUHAKI MUKAMA WANGYE..........84 OH WHEN THE SAINTS...............................132
NDYAKUSIIMA NTA?...................................129 OH! MOTHER MARY....................................144
NEAR THE CROSS.........................................162 OHAISIBWE NYAKUZOOKA.....................175
NEARER MY God TO THEE.......................159 OKWAGALA KUKIRA BYONNA..................96
NEKYO MUSENGWA.....................................95 OMUGAATI GW’OBULAMU......................108
NEN EN AYE LALAR.....................................145 OMWAANA YAATUZAARIRWA................157
NENO LITA SIMAMA......................................65 OMWEGYISA ARI HANU............................118
NENO LITASIMAMA.......................................64 OMUHANDA TWENA TEHE GUMWE....166
NI MUNGU SAWA ROMU NI TIMU...........79 OTABAARUKYE YEZU.................................176
NI WOWE RUTARE RWANJYE..................129 OTAHIRE OMU KA YA SHO.......................180
NIMUTUNGYE AMAGARA........................114 ON BENDED KNEE.......................................213
NIMWIJE BANTU ‘MWE..............................114 ON EAGLE’S WINGS.......................................47
NINZA KUHEREZA MUKAMA....................88 ON JORDAN’S BANK...................................153
NINKUSIIMA YEZU WANGYE...................129 ONACEKA KOLEM JODA.............................68
NINTOORA GUUHA.....................................166 ONWARDS CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS.........135
NITUKUSIIMA YEZU....................................129 OPEN OUR EYES...........................................213
NJONI TUMWIMBIE....................................... 29 OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART...............228
NKONKONJERU MASS GLORIA................34 OPI EKO AMA AZA.........................................30
NO NOT ONE.................................................200 ORWAKANA ORURIKWERA......................168

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
OTARIZARWA.................................................236 SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL...........................228
OUR God REIGNS........................................127 SHINE, JESUS SHINE.....................................52
OUR HEART....................................................213 SHOUT TO THE LORD.................................216
OYAGALA NSIIME EBIRUNGI BYOMPA.131 SHOW YOUR POWER..................................222
OZZE OMWANGE.........................................124 SIGN OF TOTAL GIVING.............................116
PAK RWOT ALLELUIA....................................65 SIMAMA MBELE..............................................29
PASS ME NOT O GENTLE savior..........220 SING A NEW CHURCH..................................74
PENDO LANGU.............................................103 SING FOR JOY................................................222
PETER..................................................................47 SING TO THE MOUNTAINS.......................126
PHILIPPIANS 2 ..............................................213 SING OUT..........................................................19
PI KICANI...........................................................16 SING PRAISES TO THE LIVING God........10
PILGRIMS UNITED........................................132 SINGA MARIA................................................140
POTTER’S HAND...........................................214 SINGA MUGABE............................................184
PRAISE AND THANKS.................................116 SINGA, MARIYA.............................................141
PRAISE CHRIST................................................63 SIYAHAMBA...................................................136
PRAISE MY SOUL............................................62 SO CLOSE........................................................222
PRAISE THE LORD........................................214 SO YOU WOULD COME..............................215
PRAISE TO THE HOLIEST.............................37 SOFTLY AND TENDERLY..............................51
PRAISE TO THE LORD....................................39 SOLO NIMAPENZI WANZAMBE................87
PROTECTOR OF MY SOUL........................214 SONS OF God...............................................120
REEBA NAIJA....................................................85 SOUL OF MY SAVIOUR...............................104
REEBA NDYAHA MUKAMA.........................25 SPEAK O LORD................................................67
REJOICE.............................................................14 SPEAK TO US....................................................65
REJOICE AND SING.....................................171 SPIRIT OF God..............................................150
REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS................46 SPIRIT SONG..................................................216
RIDE ON IN MAJESTY.................................161 SSAKRAMENTU ETUKUVU.......................105
RISE UP...............................................................70 ST. JOSEPH’S GLORIA...................................33
RISE UP AND PRAISE HIM.........................215 STAND FIRM IN JESUS..................................21
ROCK OF AGES................................................36 STAND UP.........................................................22
ROCK OF AGES (Rita Baloche) ...........215 STAND UP the lord has come ...........67
RUGAYO.............................................................89 STILL..................................................................223
RUHANGA ISHITWE....................................151 STRENGTHENED BY HIS SPIRIT..............237
RWOT KICA.......................................................29 SWEET BY AND BY.......................................134
RWOTWA YESU OWACO NIA ....................98 SWEET SACRAMENT DIVINE....................104
SAASIRA............................................................30 TAKE ME IN.....................................................216
SADAKA YETU.................................................89 TAKE MY LIFE AND LET IT BE...................121
SALVATION BELONGS TO OUR God......46 TAKE OUR BREAD..........................................90
SANCTUS..........................................................94 TANTUM ERGO.............................................121
SASA NDIYO WAKATI....................................90 TANTUM ERGO (ENGLISH).......................121
SAVIOR, LIKE A SHEPHERD LEAD US......49 TASTE AND SEE.............................................117
SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.46 TEACH US YOUR WAY...................................67
SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF God.46 TEN LEPPERS...................................................51
SEEK THE LORD...............................................47 THE CHURCH IN THE WILDWOOD..........14
SEVEN WAYS TO PRAISE THE LORD......215 THE WISE MAN..............................................217
SHAKE A FRIEND’S HAND.........................215 THANK YOU....................................................125

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME...................131 TUKUSIIME YEZU.........................................176
THANK YOU JESUS FOR LOVING US.....131 TUKWEBAZA PATRI.....................................111
THAT’S WHY WE PRAISE HIM..................223 TULINA EBBANJA...........................................96
THE DAY OF RESURRECTION..................172 TUMUTUMIKIE MUNGU............................100
THE FACE OF MY SAVIOR..........................228 TUNAKUSHUKURU MAMA MARIA........138
THE HEART OF WORSHIP............................53 TUNULIRA ABAGOLE..................................233
THE KING OF LOVE........................................48 TUNYWEZEBWE MWOYO W’OMUKAMA.149
THE LORD REIGNS.......................................229 TURAMYE RUHANGA OMWE..................180
THE LORD’S MY SHEPHERD.......................60 TURAGUSABYE RUREMA ...........................71
THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU........................54 TURI BAMWE...................................................24
THE OLD RUGGED CROSS........................162 TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS................54
THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE....................214 TUSASIRE AYI MUSENGWA........................30
THE SALT OF THE EARTH..........................148 TUSIIME RUHANGA.....................................130
THE STRIFE IS O’ER......................................173 TUSIMBE FFENNA........................................135
THE WEDDING BANQUET ..........................53 TUTOE SADAKA..............................................80
THEN SINGS MY SOUL...............................126 TUUTUNO FFENA........................................105
THERE IS A REDEEMER...............................132 TWAMASA........................................................18
THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU.........................229 TWANDIBADDE TUTYA................................55
THINE BE THE GLORY.................................177 OMUKULU.............................................110
THIS IS OUR God.........................................229 TWEBAZE MAPEERA.....................................23
THIS JOYFUL EASTER TIDE.......................171 TWENDE TUMUTOLEYE...............................90
THIS WHITE GARMENT..............................237 TWESIIME YAIMWE........................................25
THOU ART WORTHY...................................217 TWETEISE ABASIISI.....................................165
THOUGH THE MOUNTAINS MAY FALL..60 TWIJA HANU MUKAMA...............................26
THUHERERE OMUKAMA.............................80 TWIMUKYE TUBAHIMBISE ......................147
THUKASIRA OMO KIHUGHO.....................17 TYER EN TYER..................................................71
THUTSEMIRE..................................................101 TYER WA............................................................90
THY WORD........................................................53 ‘TIS SO SWEET...............................................120
TIN CENG MADIT............................................16 UMURYANGO WAAWE WOSE...................82
TO BE LIKE THEE.............................................50 UNATUITA NYUMBANI.................................18
TO God BE THE GLORY...............................59 UNTO THEE O LORD....................................217
TO God IN GLADNESS................................28 UPENDO HUVUMILIA...................................95
TO JESUS HEART ALL BURNING...............40 UTUKUZWE......................................................91
TO THE RIVER.................................................160 WALEGO RWOT YESU...................................28
TOENI SADAKA...............................................84 WALK IN THE LIGHT....................................133
TOORA NYAMUHANGA...............................87 WALKING IN THE LIGHT............................217
TOYA...................................................................80 WAN OKELO JAME WA.................................70
TRADING MY SORROWS...........................230 WANJAGALA NNYO .....................................55
TRULY THE GOOD JESUS............................99 WANNONDA DDUNDA .............................234
TRUST AND OBEY..........................................54 WANTONDA OW’OBUYINZA...................110
TUENDE NDUGU..........................................101 WE ARE GATHERING.....................................19
TUGENDE TUMUFUNE...............................104 WE ARE GOING WITH JESUS WALKING
TUGUME TWECUMIRE...............................167 TOGETHER.............................................136
TUJAGUZE......................................................109 WE ARE HEIRS.................................................96
TUJJA WUWO YEZU....................................109 WE ARE ONE IN THE SPIRIT......................218
TUKUSHABE RUHANGA............................165 WE ARE THE LIGHT........................................55

O Come, Let us Sing to the Lord
WE BRING THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE..230 YEZU LEERO ASINZE...................................173
WE EXALT THEE.............................................218 YEZU NDABA.................................................164
WE FALL DOWN............................................230 YEZU OMWANA WA Katonda................66
W’EKWAI.................................................165 YOKA GUDU GUDU.......................................73
WE HAIL YOU SAINTS.................................145 YOM CWINY TIN IOT PA RWOT.................15
WE WANNA SEE JESUS..............................201 YOU ARE MY ALL IN ALL.............................62
WE’LL NOT BE DEFEATED.........................218 YOU ARE MY LIFE.........................................219
WE’VE COME TO BLESS YOUR NAME.....27 YOU ARE THE LIGHT...................................135
WERE BAWAN..................................................67 YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY PRAISE........219
WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS......56 YOU RAISE ME UP........................................126
WHAT A MIGHTY God WE SERVE.........218 YOU SAID........................................................230
WHAT RETURN TO YAHWEH......................91 YOU SATISFY..................................................115
WHAT SHALL I OFFER...................................69 YOU WILL BE MY SONG.............................230
WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE.....................56 YOU’RE SO REAL...........................................219
WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR ME....56 YOUR GRACE IS ENOUGH.........................231
WHATSOEVER YOU DO..............................159 YOUR NAME...................................................231
WHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR HOLINESS..219 ZAENI MATUNDA...........................................91
WITH JOYFUL LIPS.........................................61
WOD ROMO.....................................................97
WOD ROMO PA RUBANGA........................97
WONDERFUL AND GREAT.......................... 63
Worthy is the Lamb...............................187
WUN LOBO KULU.......................................... 16
YAAZOOKA YAAGARUKA..........................177
YAIMWE BANTU BAMUKAMA...................67
YAMABA NGAI LELO E TATA.......................71
YAMBA YAWE...................................................80
YAKIIRA EGI MITOIJO....................................82
YE MMWE KITANGAALA.............................35
YES I SHALL ARISE.......................................160
YESU BULAMU..............................................100
YESU MITO ALUB KORE...............................15
YEZU KANKWEBAZE...................................130
YEZU LAGIRA FUGA....................................183

please pray for all those who have helped in the production of this book. May the Good Lord
reward them.


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