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Reading Monthly Test Score

Number the Stars /80

Level: 4 Teacher: __________ /100
Name: _________________________________

(40 x 2 points = 80 points + 20 points for MT Essay = 100 pts.)

I. Vocabulary: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

(15 questions x 2 point each = 30 points)

lunge pounce nudge implore mend

cocked probe ponder subside dawdle

enrage falter linger skirt bellow

1. ________________________: to think carefully about something

2. ________________________: to make somebody angry

3. ________________________: to walk slowly

4. ________________________: to speak angrily

5. ________________________: to lose balance

6. ________________________: to become quiet

7. ________________________: to hang around longer than usual

8. ________________________: to go around something

9. ________________________: to push somebody slightly

10. ________________________: to move forward suddenly

11. ________________________: to tilt your head to one side

12. ________________________: to forcefully ask someone to do something

13. ________________________: to fix something that is broken

14. ________________________: to poke something

15. ________________________: to jump on something to kill it

II. Multiple Choice (20 questions x 2 points each = 40 pts)

16. Where is the story set?

A. Denmark B. Germany

C. U.K D. Sweden

17. Why were the Johansens nervous about Ellen’s family?

A. They had no money. B. They were Jewish.

C. Their baby died. D. They lived in the basement.

18. Why was Annemarie worried about Kirsti?

A. She stole food all the time. B. She never did her homework.

C. She never slept. D. She spoke without thinking.

19. Who protected King Christian X?

A. his bodyguards B. his horse

C. the people of his country D. no-one

20. Why did Ellen have to stay with the Johansens?

A. Her family died. B. She wanted to talk to Annemarie.

C. She fought with her mom. D. Her parents went into hiding.

21. What did Annemarie have to take from Ellen when the soldiers came?

A. her hair B. her necklace

C. her ring D. her glasses

22. Where did Mrs. Johansen decide to take the children?

A. to her brother’s house B. to Sweden

C. to the Rosens D. to Germany

23. How did the soldier on the train try to trick Mrs. Johansen?

A. by giving her food B. by asking her about New Year

C. by talking to Kirsti D. by singing a Jewish song

24. How could Uncle Henrik have butter?

A. He made it himself. B. The Germans gave it to him.

C. He stole it. D. He bought it in Sweden

25. Why did the family have to clean the living room?

A. for Uncle Henrik’s new wife B. Mrs. Johnson was angry.

C. in preparation for a funeral D. for a birthday party

26. Why did the adults lie to Annemarie?

A. They wanted her to hate them. B. They thought that she was too young.

C. They were playing a game. D. They wanted to protect her.

27. Why was this funeral different to Lise’s?

A. There was no talking. B. There was no dead person.

C. There was no food. D. all of the above

28. What reason did Mrs. Johansen give the soldiers for why the casket was closed?

A. Great-aunt Birte died of typhus. B. Great-aunt Birte was in two pieces

C. She was possibly alive. D. There was more than one body inside.

29. What was the real reason for the funeral?

A. to prepare the Jews for escape B. for Annemarie to meet Peter

C. to make the Germans angry D. to remember Great-aunt Birte

30. What was Uncle Henrik doing with the Rosens?

A. giving them to the Germans B. sending them to church

C. taking them to Sweden D. taking them to Germany

31. What happened to Mrs. Johansen on the path?

A. She chased by a tiger. B. A monkey attacked her.

C. A tree fell on her. D. She tripped and fell.

32. What did Mr. Rosen drop?

A. a banana B. an apple

C. a packet D. his walking stick

33. When the German soldiers stopped her, who did Annemarie think about being?

A. Ellen B. Kirsti

C. Lise D. Peter

34. What did Uncle Henrik say bravery was?

A. fighting a dragon B. not thinking about dangers

C. lying to your mom D. running away from a fight

35. How did Peter die?

A. He died of a broken heart. B. He killed himself

C. He drowned in a fishing boat. D. He was executed by the Germans.

III. True and False (5 questions x 2 points each = 10 pts)

36. _____ Annemarie and Ellen are sisters

37. _____ Kirsti thought that she had seen fireworks before.

38. _____ The German soldiers immediately believed Ellen was part of the family

39. _____ Annemarie could vividly remember Great-aunt Birte.

40. _____ Ellen thought she would never see Annemarie again.

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