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Tokareva Margarita E-06.

10 new words:
1. Conjectural - конъюнктурный
2. Possibilities - возможности
3. Tremendous - огромный
4. Consciousness - сознание
5. Steadily - постоянно
6. Traps - ловушки
7. Numbness - онемение
8. Keenly - весьма
9. Conflagration - пожар
10.Ensued - последовавший
Description of heroes
There are only two main characters in "To Build a Fire" - a man and a dog. The
hero of the story has no name. He is called just a "person". The main character is a
man who decided to challenge nature and carelessly take its power, deciding to
cross the thick forest during a frosty day. He was warmly dressed, had mittens and
bell towels, and chewed tobacco all the time, but despite this he did not survive.
Another main character is the dog. A faithful companion or slave as described in
the work, which faithfully followed a man. It was a sled dog of local breed, grown
up, with a thick gray hair. Although the work has two main characters. The third
main character can be called nature. Which throughout history accompanied the
traveler and proved its strength.
The location where the entire action takes place. It is a frosty cold, with thick
coniferous forest, and the riverbed running nearby, covered with a thick layer of
snow and ice.
My opinion
I read this work and what I want to say. It is an instructive story that tells us not
to be negligent about nature. This story shows that human stupidity can lead to sad
consequences. Unfortunately, in today's world. people are increasingly forgetting
what nature is and how severe it can be. As in this story, the protagonist did not
consider it necessary to stay in the 70 C° frost, for which he paid with his life.
Nature does not forgive mistakes and I think all people should know about it from
childhood. If the "man" thought about his consequences, he would most likely stay
alive. One should not be so careless, self-confident, and not take seriously such
terrible cold in this area. He hoped that he would be able to safely endure and
quickly get to the camp and his comrades. But nature. is stronger than man and we
are convinced that careless thoughts of man often turn out to be deplorable. You
always have to think. In conclusion I want to say that we should think and think
over our every action and not when to play with nature and then our chances to
save our lives increase.
(200 words)

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