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11, NOVEMBER 2019 8971

Passivation of Current-Controlled
Grid-Connected VSCs Using
Passivity Indices
Florian Hans , Student Member, IEEE, Walter Schumacher , Member, IEEE,
Shih-Feng Chou , Member, IEEE, and Xiongfei Wang , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Passivity-based analysis and controller de- impedance-based method can also be extended to networks that
sign offer a promising approach to guarantee the stabil- consist of multiple power converters [8]. Nevertheless, since
ity of power systems. If all grid-connected components act each VSC contributes to the power system stability, every net-
strictly passive, critical oscillations cannot arise. Recent re-
search establishes design guidelines for current-controlled work has to be analyzed individually, and thus, it is not possible
voltage-source converters that allow obtaining a nonnega- to deduce general stability statements.
tive real part of the converter input admittance for a wide On the other hand, passivity-based control [9], [10] repre-
frequency range. In this paper, the findings are extended sents a powerful approach allowing to apply passivity theorems,
and generalized from a control engineering point of view.
which give sufficient conditions for power system stability, de-
Utilizing passivity indices to quantify the degree of the input
admittance’s passivity, the current controller design is re- spite of the configuration and number of grid-connected VSCs.
viewed and assessed. Further, generic and necessary pas- Assuming that the power network only consists of passive com-
sivation design criteria are proposed and carried out ex- ponents, stability is guaranteed by design, if all grid-connected
emplarily for passive as well as for active damping using converters are passive, i.e., the real part of each converter input
voltage feed-forward filters. Finally, the theoretical findings
admittance is nonnegative.
are validated by experiments.
Among others, especially Harnefors et al. investigated the
Index Terms—Converter control, passivity, resonances, frequency-domain passivity-based controller design and stabil-
stabilization, voltage-source converter (VSC). ity assessment of grid-connected VSCs, see, e.g., [3], [4], [11],
I. INTRODUCTION [12]. If any computation and PWM time delay is neglected, it
is easy to achieve a nonnegative real part of the input admit-
ITH the rapid increase of sustainable and distributed re-
W newable energy sources, grid-connected voltage source-
source converters (VSCs) have become a key component in
tance for all frequencies and various controllers [11]. However,
considering non-idealized, practical conditions, a passive input
admittance for all frequencies is hard to obtain and additional
present power systems. However, the interactions between one damping has to be introduced [3], [4], [12], [13]. Regarding
VSC, or multiple VSCs, with poorly damped grid resonances present standards, e.g., the railway standard EN 50388-2 [14],
are known to cause oscillations or even to destabilize the power typical requirements enforce dissipative active-front-ends up to
system [1], [2]. In fact, the current control as well as the to- the Nyquist frequency, while latest works motivate a nonneg-
tal time delay introduced by the computation plus pulsewidth ative real part of the input admittance even above the Nyquist
modulation (PWM) were identified as one of the main reasons frequency, see e.g., [12].
for exciting high-frequency harmonic resonances or resonances Nevertheless, even though Harnefors et al. [3] proposed an
near to the fundamental grid frequency [2]–[4]. active damping control scheme, which is based on a stationary-
Interpreting the small-signal VSC dynamics as a frequency- frame proportional-resonant (PR) current controller with point
dependent converter input admittance that is interconnected to a of common coupling (PCC) voltage feed-forward, the feed-
grid impedance, harmonic stability is most frequently analyzed forward filter design still lacks a thorough scientific investi-
by applying the Nyquist stability criterion [2], [5]–[8]. This gation. In particular, the question has to be answered, which
filter types are able to render the real part of the input admit-
Manuscript received May 11, 2018; revised September 10, 2018; ac- tance nonnegative, and moreover, generic filter design guide-
cepted November 2, 2018. Date of publication December 3, 2018; date
of current version June 28, 2019. (Corresponding author: Florian Hans.)
lines would be desirable. In addition, common literature, e.g.,
F. Hans and W. Schumacher are with the Institute of Control Engi- [3], [4], [11]–[13], concentrates on methods that achieve a pas-
neering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, sive VSC input admittance. From a practical point of view, this
Germany (e-mail:,;
S.-F. Chou and X. Wang are with the Department of Energy Technol-
design may be sufficient to prevent critical oscillations, but can
ogy, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail:,; also be extended to obtain strictly passive components, allowing to guarantee asymptotic stability of the power system.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at
Hence, this paper aims to extend the findings of frequency-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2018.2883261 domain passivity-based controller design and stability assess-
0278-0046 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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ment of grid-connected VSCs. Using passivity indices, which

allow to quantify the degree of a system’s passivity, the topic
is rounded off from a more system-theoretic point of view. The
main contributions are twofold. After giving the background on
passivity theory and introducing the VSC system under study, in
Section IV-A, the current controller design is reviewed. Besides
introducing an analytical method for passive damping dimen-
sioning, it is shown that damped PR controllers are beneficial to
obtain a passive system and are necessary to render the input ad-
mittance strictly passive. Second, in Section IV-B, generic and
necessary passivation design criteria for VSCs with PCC voltage
feed-forward filters are derived and carried out exemplarily.


A. Passivity of Linear Systems Fig. 1. Passivation of G(s) (a) with IFP (G) = −ν by input feed-forward
A linear single-input single-output (SISO) system with trans- and (b) with OFP (G) = −ρ by output feedback. (c) Feedback intercon-
nection of passive subsystems.
fer function G(s) is said to be passive, if 1) G(s) is sta-
ble, i.e., Re {pi } ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , n, were pi are the poles of
G(s) and 2) the real part of the frequency response is al-
ways nonnegative, i.e., Re {G(jω)} ≥ 0 ∀ω ∈ R. Moreover, Considering interconnected systems, two linear passive sub-
G(s) is said to be strictly passive, if 1) G(s) is Hurwitz, systems that are either connected in parallel or in a feedback-
i.e., Re {pi } < 0, i = 1, . . . , n, 2) Re {G(jω)} > 0 ∀ω ∈ R, 3) loop both result in a passive system again. Regarding Fig. 1(c),
G(∞) ≥ 0, and 4) limω →∞ ω 2 Re {G(jω)} > 0 [9], [10]. the closed-loop system always results in an asymptotically stable
Equivalently, the phase response of each stable SISO passive system, if the subsystem in the forward path is strictly passive
system lies always within [−90◦ , 90◦ ] and the phase response of and the subsystem in the feedback path is passive [9], [10].
a SISO strictly passive system is always within (−90◦ , 90◦ ). This can directly be seen from the open-loop Bode plot, where
the total phase response never reaches −180◦ , and thus, always
B. Passivity Indices and Passivation satisfies the Nyquist stability criterion.
Remark 1: It should be emphasized that contrary to passivity
If passive or nonpassive subsystems are combined, passivity
theory, common literature, e.g., [3], [4], [11], [12], requires a
indices can be utilized to quantify the degree of passivity of the
passive VSC input admittance to assess (asymptotic) stability.
resulting system, and thus, help to render a system passive.
Even though only strict passivity guarantees asymptotic stabil-
The input feed-forward passivity (IFP) index for a sta-
ity, passive components are often sufficient to prevent the power
ble linear SISO system G(s) is defined by the minimum
system from unwanted oscillations.
real part of the frequency response, i.e., IFP (G) = ν =
minω ∈R Re {G(jω)}. Similarly, the output feedback passiv-
ity (OFP) index for a minimum  phase system is defined by III. SYSTEM MODEL
OFP (G) = ρ = minω ∈R Re G−1 (jω) [9]. As illustrated in
The contributions of this paper can be applied to single-phase
Fig. 1(a), if ν is negative, then the system shows a shortage
as well as three-phase systems. If three-phase systems are con-
of passivity and can be rendered passive by employing a min-
sidered, the variables should be interpreted as complex space
imum positive feed-forward of ν. Graphically examined, the
vectors in stationary (α, β)-coordinates, e.g., v = vα + jvβ . For
passivation by input feed-forward shifts the Nyquist plot of
convenience, linear, continuous-time SISO systems are assumed
G(jω) by ν in the right direction, such that Re {G(jω)} ≥
throughout the paper. Moreover, although digitally implemented
0 ∀ω ∈ R. Equally, as shown in Fig. 1(b), if ρ is negative, the
controllers are supposed, the analysis is performed in the con-
system lacks passivity and can be rendered passive by employ-
tinuous s-domain.
ing a minimum negative feedback of ρ, but does not have a direct
graphically interpretation.
Moreover, it is possible to specify frequency-dependent A. Grid-Connected VSCs
 i.e., ν(ω) = Re {G(jω)} and ρ(ω) =
Fig. 2(a) shows the basic current-control structure of a grid-
Re G−1 (jω) , which allow for a frequency-domain filter de-
connected VSC. Here, it is assumed that the grid impedance
sign in Section IV.
Zg (s) represents a resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC) network
that interconnects the VSC to a stiff grid with voltage v g and
C. Passivity Theorems fundamental frequency fr , e.g., 50 or 60 Hz. The converter is
Since passivity implies stability, each passive system is sta- equipped with a symmetric resistive-inductive (RL) output filter
ble, that is, all poles satisfy Re {pi } ≤ 0. Further, each strictly Zfc (s) = Rfc + sLfc , where Rfc and Lfc are the output filter
passive system is asymptotically stable, i.e., Re {pi } < 0. resistance and inductance, respectively. Hence, the dynamics of

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Then, using an (α, β)-frame PR current controller with a

transfer function GPR (s) to regulate the grid current i and imple-
menting an additional active damping feed-forward filter H(s),
the VSC output voltage is calculated by
v c (s) = Gd (s) [−GPR (s)(iref (s) − i(s)) + H(s)E(s)] (3)
where iref is the reference current. To be consistent with [3],
[4] and [11], the current i is defined to flow in the direction of
the converter, which results in the negative sign of the first term
in (3).

B. Impedance-Based Equivalent Circuit

Interpreting the VSC in terms of electrical circuit compo-
nents, the system of Fig. 2(a) can be understood as a controlled
Fig. 2. (a) Single-phase equivalent block diagram and (b) impedance- current source that is connected to the grid [2]–[5], [11], [13],
based equivalent circuit diagram of a grid-connected VSC with PCC as shown in Fig. 2(b). Here, Gcl (s) represents the closed-loop
voltage feed-forward filter. transfer function between the reference current iref and the in-
jected grid current i, while Yi (s) is the (inner) input admittance,
which describes the disturbance behavior from E to i. Given
the controlled grid current i in the Laplace domain are given by (1) and (3), the dynamic behavior of the current source in the
i(s) = Yfc (s) (E(s) − v c (s)) Laplace domain can be described by the single-frequency model

1/Rfc i(s) = Gcl (s)iref (s) + Yi (s)E(s) (4)

= (E(s) − v c (s)) (1)
Lfc /Rfc s + 1 with
where E represents the voltage at the PCC and v c is the VSC GPR (s)Gd (s)Yfc (s)
Gcl (s) = (5)
output voltage. 1 + GPR (s)Gd (s)Yfc (s)
Supposing that the converter always operates within its per- Yfc (s)
missible voltage range and overmodulation does not occur, the Yi (s) = [1 − H(s)Gd (s)] (6)
1 + GPR (s)Gd (s)Yfc (s)
converter plus PWM unit is typically approximated by the aver-
age model v c (s) = e−sT d v ref (s), where v ref is the desired con- where aliasing effects are disregarded [12]. Referring to
verter voltage and Td is the associated computation plus PWM Fig. 2(b), the PCC voltage can also be expressed in terms of the
time delay [3], [4], [6], [8], [13], [15]–[17]. Due to the syn- grid voltage v g and the grid current i, i.e., E = v g − Zg (s) i.
chronous sampling with the PWM cycle, switching harmonics Hence, after substituting, the closed-loop stability of (4) in com-
are effectively damped and antialiasing analog-to-digital con- bination with the grid can be checked by analyzing
verter prefiltering can be avoided [3], [4]. For typical two-level Gcl (s) Yi (s)
VSCs that implement synchronous current sampling with sam- i(s) = iref (s) + v g (s). (7)
1 + Yi (s)Zg (s) 1 + Yi (s)Zg (s)
pling time Ts and computation time Tc , the (maximum) total
time delay is Td = Tc + Ts /2. Commonly, the update instant Since the reference transfer function Gcl (s) is designed to be
of v ref is delayed by the sampling period, yielding a delay stable, the overall system stability is assured if the open-loop
of Td = 1.5 Ts . The latter assumption can be considered as a plot of the grid impedance multiplied with the input admittance,
worst-case approximation, which, in many cases, gives too con- also referred to as the minor-loop gain, satisfies the Nyquist sta-
servative results [4], [12], [15]. bility criterion [5]–[8]. However, assuming that the connected
Alternatively to a pure time delay, a zero-order-hold element RLC network only consists of (strictly) passive elements, Zg (s)
can be used as a more accurate PWM model [12], [15]. In is also (strictly) passive. Hence, according to Section II-C and
doing so, the converter model, consisting of the PWM and an Fig. 1(c), stability can be obtained if the VSC also represents
associated computation time is modeled by a passive system, i.e., the input admittance Yi (s) shows a non-
negative real part [3], [4], [11], [13], while asymptotic stability
1 − e−sT s is guaranteed, if Yi (s) is strictly passive.
v c (s) = Gd (s)v ref (s) = e−sT s v ref (s) (2)
sTs Remark 2: Although the definition of passivity requires that
where the first term takes the processing delay Tc = Ts into the criteria of Section II-A are fulfilled for all ω ∈ R, standards
account. While the phase shift of e−s 1.5T s is identical to the like the EN50388-2 [14] enforce dissipative active front-ends
phase shift of (2) for frequencies below the sampling frequency up to the Nyquist frequency ωN . Hence, throughout this paper,
ωs = 2π/Ts , the magnitude of (2) decreases from 1 at ω = the passivity analysis is performed with respect to the domain
0 rad/s to 0 at ω = ωs . This property relaxes the worst-case D = [0, ωN ] [3], [4], [11], [13], which implies that condition 3)
PWM approximation, especially close and above the Nyquist and 4) of Section II-A, which define whether a system is strictly
frequency ωN = ωs /2 [12]. passive or not, can be omitted.

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Remark 3: Because of the discrete implementation of the

converter control system, the resulting feedback-loop consists
of a discrete and a continuous part, and thus, represents a hy-
brid sampled-data system [18]. However, since this paper aims
to present the theoretical passivity background to previous re-
search and to propose a new controller and filter design idea,
sampling effects are disregarded and shall be addressed in fu-
ture contributions. In this context, Harnefors et al. [12] pro-
vided an initial analysis of sampling effects that suggests to
implement an input admittance, which also has a nonnegative
real part above the Nyquist frequency. In doing so, the critical
excitation of above-Nyquist-frequency grid resonances can be
prevented and a power system destabilization is unlikely to oc-
cur. Even though the effects of sampling and aliasing require Fig. 3. Block diagram of the input admittance Y i (s) without active filters.
further scientific investigation, the findings of Harnefors et al.
[12] can, if required, be taken into account by extending the
domain D. 1) Ideal PR Controller: Focusing on reference current
tracking, the transfer function of an ideal PR current controller
with phase compensation is given by
s cos (φ) − ωr sin (φ)
Even though a purely current-controlled converter is not pas- GPR (s) = KP + KI (9)
sive in general, the input admittance Yi (s) of the VSC system s2 + ωr2
in Fig. 2(a) can be rendered passive by introducing sufficient where ωr = 2πfr is the resonant frequency, KP is the pro-
damping by the resistance Rfc or implementing an additional portional gain in Ω, KI is the integral gain in Ω/s, and φ
feed-forward filter H(s). In this section, necessary passivation represents the compensation angle allowing to introduce an
design guidelines are proposed using passivity indices. More- additional phase lead at ωr . The proportional gain can be
over, the findings are extended to converters that are equipped selected by common design guidelines, e.g., KP = αc Lfc ,
with inductive-capacitive-inductive (LCL) output filters. where αc is the desired closed-loop current-control bandwidth,
for which αc ≤ ωs /10 is recommended [3], [4], [11], [16],
[19]. Neglecting the influence of the compensation angle, i.e.,
A. Current Controller
φ ≈ 0◦ , the phase margin Φm of the open-loop transfer function
Starting with a purely current-controlled converter without Go (s) = GPR (s)Gd (s)Yfc (s) can be approximated by
any additional feed-forward filter, i.e., H(s) = 0, the input ad-  
KI π
mittance (6) can be interpreted as a feedback interconnection Φm ≈ π − tan−1 − αc Td − (10)
of the RL filter admittance Yfc (s) in the forward path and the αc KP 2
series connection of the PR controller plus converter model, considering a high crossover frequency αc ωr , and
Gcc (s) = GPR (s)Gd (s), in the feedback path. Given (1), it thus, tan−1 (αc Lfc /Rfc ) ≈ π/2. With the approximation
can be observed that OFP (Yfc ) = ρfc = Rfc = const. Further, tan−1 (KI /αc KP ) ≈ KI /αc KP , it is proposed to select the
supposing that Gcc (s) shows a frequency-dependent IFP in- integral gain with respect to a desired phase margin as
dex of IFP (Gcc ) = νcc (ω), Gcc (s) can be decomposed into a
passive system with IFP (G cc ) = νcc
(ω) = 0 plus an input feed- KI ≈ (π/2 − αc Td − Φm )αc KP . (11)
forward element with IFP index νcc (ω). Then, with respect to Due to its resonant character, (9) provides an infinite gain at
Section II-B and similar to the idea of [13], where the input ad- ωr , while the phase response at frequencies infinitely close
mittance has been decomposed as a passive filter and an active to ωr shows an relative phase change of 180◦ [20]. Using the
admittance, Yi (s) can be represented as a feedback interconnec- compensation angle φ as an additional degree of freedom, the
tion as shown in Fig. 3. Since both, the integrator as well as minimum phase value at ωr can be increased by φ, where φ = 0◦
G cc (s) are passive elements with Re {G(jω)} = 0 ∀ω ∈ D, the yields the ideal PR controller with a phase jump from −90◦
system in Fig. 3 will be (strictly) output passive, if to 90◦ .
Regarding the series connection of GPR (s) and Gd (s), the
OFP (Yi ) = OFP (Yfc )+IFP (Gcc ) ⇔ Rfc +νcc (ω) ≥ 0 ∀ω ∈ D. converter model introduces a phase lag of arg {Gd (jω)} =
(8) −1.5 ωTs . Hence, the passivity of Gcc (s) close to the resonant
Remark 4: While (8) is derived by means of passivity in- frequency can be obtained by choosing [3]
dices, Harnefors et al. [12] also presented the condition as
a necessary requirement for stability, using the Nyquist sta- φ = ωr T d , Td = 1.5 Ts . (12)
bility criterion. In this context, the system decomposition of However, even though the phase lag of Gd (s) at ωr is exactly
Section IV-A gives the system-theoretic interpretation of the compensated, Re {Gcc (jω)} = νcc (ω) will become negative for
findings from [12]. higher frequencies. Thus, condition (8) can only be fulfilled, if

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Fig. 5. Bode plots of the VSC input admittance Y i (jω) for different RL
filter resistances without active PCC voltage feed-forward filtering.

Fig. 4. IFP index of G c c (jω) for (red) ideal and (blue) damped PR
controller and (black dashed) its high-frequency approximation. With respect to (13), this simplifies the design process, but
may require some empirical fine-tuning. For instance, us-
ing the parameters of Example 1, (15) gives a resistance of
the resistance of the RL output filter satisfies
  Rfc = 0.84 · 18 Ω = 15.12 Ω, where Fig. 5 illustrates that a
  lower resistance renders the input admittance passive as well.
Rfc ≥  inf νcc (ω)
ω ∈D The deviation increases for lower switching frequencies, since
  the resonant part of the PR controller in (13) increasingly influ-

≥  inf (Re {GPR }Re {Gd }−Im {GPR }Im {Gd }). (13) ences the complex part of the converter model Gd (s).
ω ∈D
At this time, it becomes also clear that the specified current-
Example 1: The parameters of a grid-connected VSC are control bandwidth is directly related to passivity by choosing the
given by Table I. Adopting the suggested design guidelines proportional gain KP . In general, if the bandwidth is increased,
and choosing a closed-loop current-control bandwidth of αc = more damping has to be introduced, and thus, the passivity of
6000 rad/s and a phase margin of Φm ≈ 38◦ , the gains are calcu- Yi (s) is harder to obtain. Therefore, a tradeoff between fast
lated as KP = αc Lfc = 18 Ω, KI = 0.0185 αc2 Lfc = 2000 Ω/s. reference current tracking and disturbance rejection has to be
Further, using (12) to compensate for the total time delay, i.e., found during the design process.
φ = 2.7◦ , the red evolution in Fig. 4 shows the IFP index of Remark 5: The identified frequency close to ωs /6, where
Gcc (jω). As can be observed, there exists a negative region the real part of the input admittance becomes negative, was also
for frequencies in [ωs /6, ωN ], which also results in an input observed as critical frequency in previous works, e.g., [3], [13].
admittance phase response with arg {Yi (jω)} ≤ −90◦ , see the Given the IFP index of Gcc (jω) and its approximation (14),
red Bode plot in Fig. 5. Then, referring to Fig. 4 and condition this finding can be verified, since KP Re {Gd (jωs /6)} = 0 and
(13), and increasing the filter resistance to, e.g., Rfc = 15.1 Ω, νcc (ω) ≈ KP Re {Gd (jω)} < 0 for ωs /6 < ω < ωN .
the input admittance Yi (s) is passivated. This is verified by Remark 6: Although the input admittance can be rendered
Fig. 5, which shows that the phase response always lies within strictly output passive, i.e., OFP (Yi ) > 0 ∀ω ∈ D, this does not
[−90◦ , 90◦ ] ∀ω ∈ D. imply strict passivity as defined in Section II-A. In general,
As demonstrated in Fig. 4 from Example 1, the IFP index of strict passivity for linear systems requires strict IFP [9]. Ob-
Gcc (jω) for high frequencies above the fundamental frequency serving that Re {Yi (jωr )} = 0 or arg {Yi (jω)} ∈ [−90◦ , 90◦ ]
ω ≥ ωs /6 can be approximated by for frequencies close to ωr , despite of the chosen resistance and
PR controller gains, the ideal PR controller of (9) is not able to
2 sin (ωTs /2) transform the input admittance into a strictly passive system. If
νcc (ω) ≈ KP Re {Gd (jω)} = KP cos (ωTd ).
ωTs strict passivity, and thus, asymptotic stability is required, addi-
tional damping at ωr has to be introduced. This motivates to use
In this context, the resonant part of the PR controller (9) has neg-
a damped PR controller instead.
ligible influence and Gcc (s) can be regarded as a series connec-
2) Damped PR Controller: Again focusing on reference
tion of a pure proportional (P) controller and the converter model
current tracking and utilizing ωc as the resonant cutoff fre-
Gd (s). Observing that, regardless of the switching frequency
quency, a damped PR current controller of the form
ωs , (14) always has a local minimum at ωm in ≈ 2.014/Ts , the
passivation criterion (13) yields the design guideline
s cos (φ) − ωr sin (φ)
G PR (s) = KP + KI (16)
Rfc ≈ KP Re {Gd (jωm in )} ≈ 0.84 KP . (15) s2 + ωc s + ωr2

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where Gf (s) = NL f(s)

is the forward system and Gfb1 (s) =
Rfc N (s), Gfb2 (s) = N −1 Gcc (s) are the feedback systems.

Regarding the IFP and OFP definitions of Section II-B, (17) can
be rewritten as
OFP (Yi ) = Re jLfc ωN −1 (jω) + Re Rfc N −1 (jω)
+ Re N −1 (jω)Gcc (jω)
= −Lfc ωIm N −1 (jω) + Rfc Re N −1 (jω)
+ Re N −1 (jω) Re {Gcc (jω)}
− Im N −1 (jω) Im {Gcc (jω)} ≥ 0 ∀ω ∈ D.
Fig. 6. Block diagram of the input admittance Y i (s), where the effects (18)
of the feed-forward filter are considered by N (s) = 1 − H (s)G d (s).
Here, it should be noticed that (18) represents a set of generic
is proposed. Here, the same controller gain design can be per- inequalities, which do not depend on a certain PR controller,
formed for the standard ideal PR controller, assuming a small a PWM model nor a feed-forward filter. Moreover, (18) does
resonant cutoff frequency [16]. The converter phase lag at not impose any restrictions on the converter’s power rating or
ωr can again be compensated by (12). Given (16), ωc rep- sampling frequency. Thus, (18) can be understood as a set of
resents an additional degree of freedom, which reduces the general criteria that have to be fulfilled to passivate the VSC
gain at the resonance frequency to |G PR (jωr )| = KP + KI /ωc , input admittance Yi (s) in the specified frequency region.
but also compresses the phase response close to ωr , yielding 1) Criteria in the Complex s-Plane: In order to interpret
arg {G PR (jω)} ∈ (−90◦ , 90◦ ) ∀ω ∈ D. the criteria that are imposed by (18), it is reasonable to illustrate
Therefore, if ωc > 0 and the RL filter resistance Rfc is chosen the inequalities in the complex s-plane. Given the converter
according to (13), where the ≥ sign is replaced with a > sign, model (2), expanding and rearranging (18) yields
the input admittance Yi (s) becomes strictly passive. m1 (ω) b(ω)
Example 2: Again supposing the converter system parame- Im {H(jω)} ≤ Re {H(jω)}+ ∀ω ∈ D (19)
m2 (ω) m2 (ω)
ters of Table I and the PR controller parameters to be KP =
18 Ω, KI = 2000 Ω/s, φ = 2.7◦ . Then, the blue evolution in
Fig. 4 shows the IFP index of Gcc (jω) using a cutoff fre- m1 (ω) = ωLfc sin (ωTd ) − Rfc cos (ωTd )
quency of ωc = 0.2 rad/s. A positive peak close to ωr can be
− |Gd (jω)| Re {GPR (jω)} (20)
observed, while νcc (ω) matches the red evolution of Exam-
ple 1 for higher frequencies. Hence, again adopting a resistance m2 (ω) = ωLfc cos (ωTd ) + Rfc sin (ωTd )
of Rfc = 15.1 Ω, the input admittance can be passivated, i.e.,
+ |Gd (jω)| Im {GPR (jω)} (21)
arg {Yi (jω)} ∈ (−90◦ , 90◦ ) ∀ω ∈ D.
Remark 7: In [21], Zmood and Holmes claimed that a b(ω) = Rfc / |Gd (jω)| + Re {GPR (jω)} cos (ωTd )
damped PR controller does not have any benefit compared to
+ Im {GPR (jω)} sin (ωTd ). (22)
the ideal implementation. This might be true, if only reference
current tracking is considered, but does not apply to disturbance As can be seen, (19) represents a straight line in the complex
rejection. As demonstrated, the additional damping at ωr is nec- s-plane for each frequency ωi ∈ D. Using the damped PR con-
essary to render the input admittance strictly passive, and thus, troller of Example 2, Fig. 7 exemplarily illustrates filter criteria
is advantageous to guarantee asymptotic stability of the closed- for distinct frequencies ωi . Depending on the sign of m2 (ω),
loop system (7). As it will be shown in the following section, a which changes ≤ to ≥ in (19), the filter’s Nyquist plot H(jω) has
damped PR controller is also preferable to passivate Yi (s), if a to lie below or above the plotted lines. In this context, the gray
PCC voltage feed-forward filter is implemented. areas define regions, where the filter necessarily satisfies (19)
for all frequencies in the associated interval. Given the model
B. Feed-Forward Filter Design (6), low frequencies, ω ≤ 2 ωr , are less critical, while (19) im-
poses more stringent conditions to the filter for high frequencies,
In order to avoid a high passive filter resistance, and thus,
ω ≥ 10/3 ωr . As can be observed from Fig. 7(c), the filter has
high losses, an additional feed-forward filter H(s) can be imple-
to show a phase response arg {H(jω)} ≤ 90◦ for frequencies
mented. Observing that (6) consists of a series connection of the
in [10/3 ωr , ωs /6], but has to tend to arg {H(jω)} ≥ 90◦ for
system shown in Fig. 3 and a system N (s) = 1 − H(s)Gd (s),
high frequencies, see Fig. 7(d). Without loss of generality, these
after rearranging, Yi (s) can be represented as a feedback inter-
characteristics suggest a filter with derivative (D) part, which
connection as shown in Fig. 6. Then, similar to Section IV-A,
allows to introduce a phase lead of 90◦ for high frequencies.
Yi (s) will be passive, if
Remark 8: These findings coincide with the observations of
OFP (Yi ) = OFP (Gf ) + IFP (Gfb1 ) + IFP (Gfb2 ) ≥ 0 ∀ω ∈ D [3], but generalize the considerations concerning the PCC feed-
(17) forward filter structure from a theoretical point of view.

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Fig. 8. Detailed filter criteria and Nyquist plots of the (blue) D and
(red) PD feed-forward filter H (s). (a) ω i ∈ [27ω r , 30ω r , ω s /6]. (b) ω i ∈
[ω s /5, ω s /6, ω N ].

Fig. 7. Exemplary filter criteria for varying frequencies ω i , where

Im {H (jω i )} has to lie below the respective line in (a) and (c) and
above in (b) and (d). (a) ω i ∈ [10 rad/s, ω r ]. (b) ω i ∈ (ω r , 2ω r ]. (c)
ω i ∈ [10/3ω r , ω s /6]. (d) ω i ∈ [ω s /5, ω N ].

Remark 9: At this point, it has to be emphasized that

a passivity-based filter and controller design must not be
limited to high frequency effects, but also has to include ef- Fig. 9. Bode plots of the VSC input admittance Y i (jω) using a D and
fects near the fundamental grid frequency. Recalling that an a PD PCC voltage feed-forward filter H (s).
actively damped VSC consists of a series connection of the sys-
tem in Fig. 3 and N (s) = 1 − H(s)Gd (s), it can be verified that
N (s) reshapes the original system behavior, shown in Fig. 5. where KH is the proportional gain and c0 , . . . cm and
In particular, by adding a feed-forward filter with D part to r1 , . . . rp are the coefficients of the numerator and de-
the system, N (s) introduces an additional phase lag. This may nominator, respectively.
cause nonpassive frequency regions of Yi (s) close to the res- (P2) For distinct frequencies ωi , specify reasonable points
onant frequency. Hence, it is recommended to utilize damped H(jωi ) in the complex s-plane that satisfy (19).
PR controllers, which may impair reference current tracking, (P3) Determine the proportional gain KH plus filter coef-
but compress the system’s phase response close to ωr , and thus, ficients c0 , . . . cm and r1 , . . . rp , such that the filter’s
help to passivate the system. In the context of low switching Nyquist plot approximates the points of (P2).
frequencies, it can also be advantageous to reduce the com- (P4) If possible, adapt the filter coefficients, such that (19)
pensation angle φ and in return to increase the resonant cutoff is fulfilled for all frequencies ω ∈ D. Otherwise, go to
frequency ωc . Moreover, it should be noted that phase-locked (P2) and specify new points H(jωi ).
loops affect the low frequency behavior of the converter input Example 3: Suppose Example 2, where a damped PR con-
admittance [2], [4], [22], probably resulting in more critical troller with phase compensation has been designed for a VSC
conditions for frequencies ω ≤ 2 ωr . with the parameters of Table I. First, a PD filter of the
2) Filter Design: In general, once a PCC feed-forward filter form H(s) = KH (c1 s + c0 ) is considered. Corresponding to
structure has been specified, (19) yields an infinite set of non- Fig. 7(c) and (d), Fig. 8 shows exemplary selected filter condi-
linear inequalities that can be solved for the filter coefficients. tions. Following the proposed procedure, a single point in the
However, this procedure may require a high computational ef- complex s-plane is specified, e.g., H(jωs /5) = 0.004 + j0.6.
fort solving a large number of nonlinear equations. Therefore, Setting KH = 1, the coefficients are calculated as c0 = 0.004,
in this paper, a more intuitive, successive filter design procedure c1 = 0.6 · 5/ωs , which yields the filter H(s) = 0.004 + 4.77 ·
is proposed, i.e., 10−5 s. As can be observed from the phase response of Fig. 9, the
(P1) Select a generic filter of the form adapted feed-forward filter H(s) renders the input admittance
Yi (s) strictly passive, i.e., arg {Yi (jω)} ∈ (−90◦ , 90◦ ) ∀ω ∈ D.
cm sm + · · · + c1 s + c0 Example 4: Again suppose the parameters of Example 2.
H(s) = KH (23)
rp sp + · · · + r1 s + 1 This time, the proposed design procedure shall be applied to

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Fig. 10. Single-phase equivalent block diagram of grid-connected VSC

with LCL filter and capacitor current feed-forward filter. case, the last term of the VSC output voltage v c in (3) becomes
H(s)E(s) = HC(s) s ic (s), and thus, the derivative part of H(s)
a D filter, H(s) = c1 s. In this case, the first term of (19) van- vanishes. In doing so, the filter capacitance C and the grid side
ishes, which results in particularly simple criteria. If the in- filter impedance Zfg (s) = Rfg + sLfg can be added to the grid
fluence of the RL filter resistance Rfc and the imaginary part impedance Zg (s), i.e., Zg (s) = 1/(Cs) (Zfg (s) + Zg (s)) [3].
of the PR controller Im {GPR (jω)} are neglected, (19) can Since the proposed controller and filter design criteria yield a
be approximated by Im {H(jω)} ≤ KP /(ωLfc ) for ω ≥ ωs /6. passive VSC input admittance, which is independent of the grid
Then, choosing a frequency, e.g., ωi = ωs /6, yields the coeffi- impedance, (asymptotic) stability is still guaranteed.
cient c1 = 36 KP /(ωs2 Lfc ) = 36 αc /ωs2 . Similar to a PD filter,
the resulting D filter H(s) = 5.4 · 10−5 s also passivates the in-
put admittance, see Fig. 9.
Remark 10: As can be imagined, there exist system config- In order to verify the theoretical findings, the proposed feed-
urations that may result in very stringent passivation design forward filter design of Section IV-B is applied to a test-
criteria (18), which are hard to satisfy. Regarding sampling ef- system. The experimental-VSC employs an LCL filter and
fects and the recommendation of [12], similarly harsh conditions implements converter current control, as depicted in Fig. 10.
may be observed, if safety margins are introduced or the domain Tables I and II list the system’s parameters, where Zg (s) = 0 Ω
D is extended to frequencies above the Nyquist frequency. To and Rfg = 0 Ω, which results in an effective grid impedance
still obtain a nonnegative real part of the input admittance up Zg (s) = sLfg /(s2 CLfg + 1). Even though Zg (s) represents a
or even above the Nyquist frequency, passive damping must be passive system, the configuration can be considered as a worst-
increased. case scenario, since the experimental-VSC is connected to an
effective gridimpedance that shows an undamped resonance
C. Extension to LCL Output Filters at ωres = 1/ CLfg = 17.4 krad/s, lying within the nonpas-
sive region of Yi (s), see the red evolutions in Fig. 5. For the
Similar to (17)–(19), the proposed passivation design guide-
experiments, the PR controller of Example 2 is discretized us-
lines can be employed to VSCs that implement LCL output
ing Prewarped Tustin, i.e., G PR (z) = (18z 2 − 35.78z + 17.8)/
filters and either use converter or grid current feedback [13],
(z 2 − 1.999z + 1). In order to avoid a digitally implemented
[17]. In the latter case, the principle approach of Sections IV-A
derivation, the capacitor current ic is used as feed-forward quan-
and IV-B keeps the same, where instead of the RL filter admit-
tity. Then, adopting the results of Example 4, the feed-forward
tance Yfc (s), the transfer function of an LCL filter has to be
filter is simply given by H(z) = H(s)/(Cs) = c1/C = 11.5.
considered. Since the OFP index of an LCL filter generally de-
Figs. 11 and 12 show the experimental results. In the first sce-
pends on the frequency, where it is not possible to factor out the
nario, a stepwise change of the current reference from 4 to 17 A
damping resistor, it is also not possible to decompose the filter
is applied to the experimental-VSC. As can be observed, the con-
dynamics into a dynamic part and a static part, as illustrated
verter current i shows an overlaid undamped oscillation with a
in Fig. 3. Nevertheless, lower and upper bounds on the OFP
resonance frequency of approximately 3 kHz, if no active pas-
index can be deduced, which allow a similar approach as the
sivation is implemented. Contrary, the proposed feed-forward
one presented in the previous sections.
filter H(z) damps the oscillation, resulting in a smoothed con-
On the other hand, the proposed filter design remains un-
verter current. The second scenario, see Fig. 11, demonstrates
changed if converter current feedback is implemented. By con-
the stabilizing effect of passivation. If the converter is oper-
trast, the configuration of Fig. 10 even offers a useful feature,
ated at its nominal current of 18 A and the feed-forward filter
namely that the necessary derivative part of the feed-forward
H(z) is disabled, the grid-connected VSC is destabilized by the
filter H(s) can be avoided [3]. Given Fig. 10 and redefining
undamped grid resonance. Hence, it can be seen that stability
the voltage E as capacitor voltage, i.e., E(s) = C1s ic (s) =
can be guaranteed by implementing a passive input admittance
C s (ig (s) − i(s)), where C is the capacitance of the LCL
Yi (s), which verifies the theoretical findings on the passivation
filter and ig is the current that is injected to the grid, the ca-
of VSCs with RL as well as LCL output filters.
pacitor current ic can be used as feed-forward quantity. In this

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interconnected subsystems. This allows to derive generic and

necessary passivation design criteria, which were carried out
exemplarily for passive as well as active damping of a VSC
with RL output filter. It was discussed as to how the results can
be adapted to converters that implement LCL filters. Further, it
can be stated that, if the input admittance is to be rendered pas-
sive, the feed-forward filter design must not be limited to high
frequency components, but also has to consider frequencies less
than the critical frequency ωs /6. Finally, experimental results
validated the theoretical findings, showing that the proposed
passivation process stabilizes a current-controlled VSC, which
is connected to an undamped grid resonance.

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[19] L. Harnefors, A. G. Yepes, A. Vidal, and J. Doval-Gandoy, “Multifre- Shih-Feng Chou (S’09–M’17) was born in
quency current control with distortion-free saturation,” IEEE J. Emerg. Taipei, Taiwan, in 1987. He received the B.S.
Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 37–43, Mar. 2016. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from
[20] A. G. Yepes, F. D. Freijedo, Ó. Lopez, and J. Doval-Gandoy, “Analysis National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan,
and design of resonant current controllers for voltage-source converters in 2009 and 2011, respectively. He is currently
by means of Nyquist diagrams and sensitivity function,” IEEE Trans. Ind. working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical en-
Electron., vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 5231–5250, Nov. 2011. gineering with the Department of Energy Tech-
[21] D. N. Zmood and D. G. Holmes, “Stationary frame current regulation of nology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
pwm inverters with zero steady-state error,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., He had performed R&D in power electron-
vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 814–822, May 2003. ics for renewable energy systems with Delta
[22] F. Hans, W. Schumacher, and L. Harnefors, “Small-signal modeling Electronics, Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan, from 2012
of three-phase synchronous reference frame phase-locked loops,” IEEE to 2017. In 2017, he was a Research Assistant with the Department of
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 5556–5560, Jul. 2018. Energy Technology, Aalborg University. His research interest includes
modeling of large-scale-power-electronics-based power systems.

Florian Hans (S’18) received the bachelor’s

degree from the University of Applied Sci-
ence Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany,
in 2013, and the master’s degree in electrical
engineering from the Technical University Mu-
nich, Munich, Germany, in 2015. He is currently Xiongfei Wang (S’10–M’13–SM’17) received
working toward the doctoral degree in electrical the B.S. degree from Yanshan University, Qin-
engineering with the Institute of Control Engi- huangdao, China, in 2006, and the M.S. de-
neering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, gree from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,
Braunschweig, Germany. China, in 2008, both in electrical engineering,
His research interests include the passivity- and the Ph.D. degree in energy technology from
based control and analysis of power converters and the stability assess- Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2013.
ment of power grids employing a large number of distributed renewable Since 2009, he has been with the Department
energy sources. of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, where
he is currently a Professor and Research Pro-
gram Leader for Electronic Grid Infrastructure.
His research interests include modeling and control of grid-connected
Walter Schumacher (M’93) received the
Dipl.Ing. and the Dr.Ing. degrees in electri- converters, harmonics analysis and control, passive and active filters,
and stability of power electronic based power systems.
cal engineering from the Technische Univer-
Dr. Wang serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
sität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, in
1979 and 1985, respectively.
From 1984 to 1993, he was with the Insti-
POWER ELECTRONICS. In 2016, he was selected into Aalborg University
tute of Applied Microelectronics, Braunschweig,
Strategic Talent Management Program for the next-generation research
Germany. Since 1993, he has been a Full
Professor and the Head of the Department leaders. He received five IEEE Prize Paper Awards, the Outstanding Re-
of Control Engineering, Technische Universität
and the IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Elec-
Braunschweig. His research interests include
tronics Engineer Award in 2018.
control of ac drives, mechatronics, and power electronics in grids.

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