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Flora 267 (2020) 151601

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Pollination modes and divergent flower traits in three species of Plantago T

subgenus Plantago (Plantaginaceae)
Stefan Abrahamczyk*, Lea Sophie Dannenberg, Maximilian Weigend
Nees-Institute for Biodiversity of Plants, University of Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 170, 53115 Bonn, Germany


Edited by Fei-Hai Yu Different pollination modes have been reported from the genus Plantago, including cleistogamy, autogamy,
Keywords: ambophily and anemophily. However, these categories are no fixed units, but broad overlap exists between
Ambophily them. For several widely distributed P. species rigorous tests of the pollination mode are missing. Therefore, we
Chasmogamous analysed six floral traits and conducted pollination experiments of three common P. species to quantify the
Cleistogamous different pollination modes and their impact on seed production. Plantago australis turned out to be obligately
Insect cleistogamous with extremely low pollen grain production. Instead, P. major is an autogamous species with
Ovules chasmogamous flowers and the ability to increase seed production by wind-mediated outcrossing. However, its
short style-stigma complexes underline that seed production is mainly induced by active selfing. Finally, P. media
Wind pollination
is pollinated by wind and insects. Its long, conspicuously collourd filaments and high pollen grain production
attract bees but also allow wind pollination. Seed production of P. media increased by 42%, when insects in
addition to wind had access to the flowers. Cleistogamy and ambophily evolved from wind-pollinated ancestors
in P., probably in parallel to the colonization of new habitat types.

1. Introduction et al., 2002; Friedman and Barrett, 2008). However, many plant species
are not purely pollinated by wind, but also by insects, to a larger or
Wind is the most common abiotic pollen vector: about 10% of the smaller extend (e.g. Wragg and Johnson, 2011; Mangla and Gupta,
angiosperm species are adapted to wind pollination (Linder, 1998; 2015; Custodio et al., 2017). This mixed pollination system, called
Ackerman, 2000). However, wind pollination is phylogenetically con- ambophily, combines floral traits typical for wind and insect pollina-
centrated to a few clades (min. 65 evolutionary events) with the ma- tion, such as a reduced perianth and exposed stigmas with con-
jority of species in the Poales, but at least some representatives in most spicuously coloured bracts or filaments. Ambophily is often interpreted
larger angiosperm orders (Linder, 1998). Wind pollination is also con- as a transition from insect to wind pollination (Culley et al., 2002;
centrated in specific habitat types, especially in open vegetation, such Friedman and Barrett, 2008, 2009). But ambophily can also represent a
as grasslands but also in ruderal vegetation and on islands (Regal, 1982; transition away from wind pollination in ancestrally wind-pollinated
Lososová et al., 2006). Generally, the proportion of wind-pollinated clades. Reversals from wind to animal pollination are surprisingly rare:
plants increases with increasing latitude and elevation (Regal, 1982). the evolution of ambophily from wind-pollinated ancestors is only
Wind-pollinated plant species are characterized by typical floral traits, known from seven angiosperm families, such as Cyperaceae, Poaceae or
such as absent or strongly reduced perianths and nectarines, long fila- Salicaceae (Culley et al., 2002; Wragg and Johnson, 2011; Dórea et al.,
ments, exposed, feathery stigmas and the production of numerous, but 2018). Pure insect pollination evolved only once from wind-pollinated
small and smooth pollen grains with little or no pollen kit (Culley et al., ancestors in the genus Ficus (Moraceae; Culley et al., 2002). Such
2002; Friedman and Barrett, 2008, 2009). Further, wind-pollinated transitions away from pure wind pollination are often correlated to the
species often have unisexual flowers and dioecy is common (Culley colonization of new, less wind-exposed and more humid habitats, such
et al., 2002; Friedman and Barrett, 2008). Also, most wind-pollinated as the undergrowth of tropical rainforests, where pollination also by
species have one-seeded fruits and are either selfing or obligately out- insects is more efficient than only by wind (Culley et al., 2002; Costa
crossing (Goodwillie et al., 2005; Friedman and Barrett, 2009). and Machado, 2012; Dórea et al., 2018). Only rarely (in the case of
Wind pollination is a derived character in angiosperms because the Cyperus, Cyperaceae) the evolution of ambophily from wind pollination
ancestors of wind-pollinated species are all insect-pollinated (Culley is not correlated to a habitat switch, but may be related to the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Abrahamczyk).
Received 13 December 2019; Received in revised form 15 April 2020; Accepted 20 April 2020
Available online 29 April 2020
0367-2530/ © 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
S. Abrahamczyk, et al. Flora 267 (2020) 151601

Fig. 1. Ultrastructures of: stigma-style complexes with stigma papillae of Plantago media (A, B, D), P. major (E and F) and P. australis (H and I); and a pollen grains of
P. media (C), P. major (G) and P. australis (J).

occurrence in lower densities of the ambophilous species, which may 1981; Culley and Klooster, 2007). The evolution of autogamy or cleis-
render insect pollination more effective (Wragg and Johnson, 2011). togamy from wind-pollinated ancestors often occurred in colonizing
Other transitions from wind pollination – beside ambophily – involve species, or species with low population densities. Here, the evolution of
mostly a combination of wind pollination and active selfing (Culley selfing or cleistogamy ensures high seed set in the case of mating
et al., 2002; Friedman and Barrett, 2009; Mangla and Gupta, 2015) or partner and pollinator limitation.
the evolution of cleistogamy (self-pollination in closed flowers; Connor, Plantago (Plantaginaceae) is well known to be largely wind-

S. Abrahamczyk, et al. Flora 267 (2020) 151601

Fig. 2. Comparison of floral traits (A: filament length; B: style-stigma complex length; C: diameter of pollen grains; D: length of stigma papillae; E: pollen grain
number; F: ovule number) between Plantago media, P. major and P. australis by ANOVAs in combination with Tukey tests and Kruskal–Wallis tests in combination with
Dunn tests. Degrees of freedom always = 2. Different capital letters above/below boxes indicate significant differences between groups.

pollinated. The cosmopolitan genus consists of annual to perennial species, such as P. lanceolata and P. media are completely self-in-
herbs, occurring in different kinds of open habitats. It has hermaphro- compatible, while P. lagopus and P. ovata are at least partly and P. major
ditic, protogynous flowers with stigmas staying receptive for a while and P. coronopus - among many other species - are fully self-compatible
after the anthers open (Hammer, 1978). The flowers show several traits (e.g. van Dijk and van Delden, 1981; Meeuse, 1984; Wolff et al., 1988;
typical for wind-pollinated plants, such as reduced corollas, more or Sharma et al., 1992, 1993).
less long anther filaments and feathery stigmas (e.g. Hammer, 1978; For individual P. species different pollination modes have been re-
Primack, 1978). The fruits, however, are multi-seeded capsules ported: Plantago lagopus, P. lanceolata, P. media and P. ovata have been
(Hammer, 1978), which is untypical for wind-pollinated plants having shown to be ambophilous (Meeuse, 1984; Stelleman, 1984; Sharma
commonly one-seeded fruits (Friedman and Barrett, 2009). Some et al., 1992). These species have long, conspicuously cream or pinkish

S. Abrahamczyk, et al. Flora 267 (2020) 151601

Table 1
Floral traits of three P. species and results of the different pollination experiments for fruit and seed set.
Plantago media Plantago major Plantago australis

Herbarium number 2718 – 2698

Collection number – LD-187-19-1 –

mean sd mean sd mean sd

Filament length [mm] 10.2 0.82 4.38 0.46 2.0 0.38

Style-stigma complex length [mm] 7.32 1.24 2.76 0.5 4.04 0.35
Length of stigma papillae [μm] 68.4 7.32 144.6 28.92 146.6 17.98
Pollen grain diameter [μm] 24.8 1.6 22.4 1.85 27.1 3.44
Pollen grain number per flower 51.784 11.664 19.545 9450 56 56.49
Ovule number per flower 6.12 1.05 12.16 2.61 3.16 0.37
P/O-ratio 8608 2134 2164 833 18.36 18.76
Fruit set open pollination [%] 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 – –
Fruit set insect exclusion wide mesh [%] 74.6 18.7 100.0 0.0 – –
Fruit set insect exclusion narrow mesh [%] 43.8 33.1 100.0 0.0 – –
Fruit set insect & wind exclusion [%] 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0
Seed set open pollination 3.76 1.33 11.04 2.61 – –
Seed set insect exclusion wide mesh 2.92 1.63 10.84 2.39 – –
Seed set insect exclusion narrow mesh 1.4 0.58 11.72 2.45 – –
Seed set insect & wind exclusion 0.0 0.0 9.44 2.29 2.68 0.56

coloured filaments and anthers and produce large amounts of pollen was cultivated from seeds collected at ruderal sites in Bolivia and
that attract insects, especially bees and syrphid flies (Leereveld et al., purchased via the Millennium Seed Bank. We deposited vouchers of all
1976; Primack, 1978; Sharma et al., 1993) but are also pollinated by three species in the University Herbarium Bonn (BONN).
wind. The degree of insect/wind pollination of these species can vary
between sites and seasons: wind pollination is most important in wind- 2.2. Floral traits
exposed sites and during times of low insect abundance (Stelleman,
1984; Sharma et al., 1992, 1993). However, the proposed high im- For the collation of floral traits we always used five different genetic
portance of insect pollination for seed set of P. media (⁓85%) by individuals per species and analysed all traits from five flowers of each
Meeuse (1984) seems questionable due to the missing statistical ana- individual. We measured the lengths of filaments and of the style-
lysis and some inaccuracy in the interpretation of the results. stigma complex to connect these morphological traits to the individual
In addition to the possibility of being pollinated by wind and/or pollination modes. For counting the number of pollen grains per flower
insects some P. species, such as P. lagopus, P. major or P. ovata are also we collected the anthers of pre-anthetic, closed flowers in Eppendorf
known to be autogamous (Wolff, 1991; Sharma et al., 1992, 1993; tubes and let them dry for at least 48 h. After dehiscence we added 200
Tormo Molina et al., 2001). But the specific importance of these di- μL glycerol to each sample of P. major and P. media and 50 μL glycerol
vergent pollination modes has rarely been disentangled for individual to each sample of P. australis to account for the low pollen grain number
species. Several other species from different sections of the subgenera of this species. Then, we mixed the suspensions for 5 min with a la-
Plantago and Psyllium have been mentioned to be obligately cleistoga- boratory mixer mill (Retsch MM 200; Retsch, Haan, Germany) at 30 Hz
mous, but these claims are mostly based on morphological observations and put the tubes into an ultrasound bath (Bandelin, Sonorex) for 10
and have rarely been tested by pollination experiments (Primack, 1978; min. Before counting the number of pollen grains per flower under a
Sharma et al., 1992). Further, the few studies analysing flower traits of microscope we vortexed all samples and transferred 20 μL of the sus-
P. species with different pollination modes revealed highly divergent pension into a haemocytometer containing a Fuchs-Rosenthal counting
results for the same species and trait, especially in pollen grain number chamber with 16 squares. We randomly chose five squares and counted
per flower and pollen grain size (e.g. Hammer, 1978; Primack, 1978; the pollen grains within these squares. In a last step we calculated the
Sharma et al., 1992, 1993). Therefore, it is necessary to critically re- total number of pollen grains per flower. Additionally, we counted the
assess flower traits and pollination modes of some of the P. species. number of ovules of the same flowers used for pollen grain counting.
In this study we compare reproductive traits and analyse the fruit We opened the ovary under a stereo microscope, took out the ovules
and seed sets under different pollination treatments of three widely and counted them.
distributed P. species with putatively different pollination modes.
Specifically we ask: 2.3. Scanning electron microscopy

1 How do the reproductive traits differ between P. species with dif- To study some ultrastructures of pollen grains and style-stigma
ferent pollination modes? complexes of all three P. species we collected fresh flowers, dissected
2 Is P. australis cleistogamous? the desired structures, froze them in liquid nitrogen and investigated
3 How much does wind contribute to the pollination of P. major? the samples with cryo-electron microscopy. This technique has the
4 How much do insects contribute to the pollination of P. media? advantage that less artefacts occur than with the traditional approach
and that soluble structures, such as pollen kit remains. From the ob-
2. Material and methods tained photos we measured the lengths of five stigma papillae and the
diameter of five pollen grains per species. Further, we searched for the
2.1. Plant material presence of pollen kit.

We used the living collection of Bonn University Botanical Gardens 2.4. Pollinator observations
as source for our study. Plantago major and P. media are growing wild in
ruderal areas respectively on meadows in the gardens. Plantago australis To verify the existing observations of pollination modes of the three

S. Abrahamczyk, et al. Flora 267 (2020) 151601

Fig. 3. Comparisons between fruit (A) and seed sets (B) of the different polli-
nation treatments for Plantago media and between seed sets (C) of the different
pollination treatments for P. major by an ANOVA in combination with Tukey
tests and Kruskal–Wallis tests in combination with Dunn tests. Degrees of
freedom always = 3. Different capital letters above/below boxes indicate sig-
nificant differences between groups. Fruit set of P. major was 100% for all
pollination treatments.

Table 2
Pollinators of P. media at two meadow sites in Bonn, Germany and their visi-
tation frequency at inflorescences during eight hours of observation.
Pollinator Insect order Number of visits

Bombus terrestris Hymenoptera 58

Apis mellifera Hymenoptera 46
Bombus hypnorum Hymenoptera 44
Lasioglossum spec. Hymenoptera 41
Bombus hortorum Hymenoptera 7
Bombus pascuorum Hymenoptera 5
Oedemera spec. Coleoptera 2
Scaeva spec. Diptera 1

P. species (Knuth, 1899/1904; Leereveld et al., 1976; Primack, 1978)

we conducted pollinator observations at P. major and P. media and
searched for chasmogamous flowers at P. australis. We observed polli-
nators of P. major at a ruderal site at Bonn University Botanical Gardens
between 10th and 18th of July 2019 for five hours in total. Further, we
observed pollinators of P. media at two natural populations in dry
meadows, one in Bonn University Botanical Gardens and the other three
kilometres away (Kiefernweg, Bonn) between 13th of May and 05th of
June 2019 for eight hours in total. We conducted all observations at
sunny days with low wind speed. When an insect visited the in-
florescence of one P. species we identified the species using Gokcezade
et al. (2017); Westrich (2018) and the AnimalBase Project Group
website (, May 2019), observed its
behaviour, noted between how many inflorescences it moved.

2.5. Pollination experiments

For P. major and P. media we conducted four different pollination

treatments: 1. Open pollination; 2. Insect exclusion by a net with wide
meshes (0.5 × 0.5 mm); 3. Insect exclusion by a net with narrow me-
shes (0.1 × 0.2 mm); 4. Insect and wind exclusion in a pollinator-free
greenhouse. Per species and treatment we always used five plant in-
dividuals each. The plants for treatment 1 were situated outside without
any kind of protection. The plants for treatment 2 and 3, which were
completely covered with a net, were situated outside but under a
transparent plastic roof to protect them against rain. We used nets with
two kinds of meth sizes for both species to get an idea on the effects of
wind speed reduction and thus potentially reduced pollen availability
induced by the nets. Both kinds of nets completely excluded insect
pollinators. For P. australis we only conducted treatment 4 because this
species exclusively produced cleistogamous flowers.
When the seeds started ripening, we counted fruit set from one in-
florescence per individual each (in total five inflorescences per species
and treatment). We opened all fruits and checked for normally-looking
seeds. We assessed only fruits containing at least one normally looking
seed as well-developed. Finally, we counted the seed set at all opened

2.6. Statistical analyses

We compared floral traits between the three P. species and analysed

fruit, respectively seed set between pollination treatments for P. major
and P. media separately. Before comparisons we tested for homogeneity
of variance by Fligner tests. If this requirement was fulfilled we

S. Abrahamczyk, et al. Flora 267 (2020) 151601

conducted ANOVAs with Tukey posthoc tests. If this requirement was insects and wind had access to the flowers compared to pure wind
not fulfilled – even after log transforming the data – we conducted pollination.
Kruskal–Wallis tests with Dunn posthoc tests. To evaluate the effect that
pollination by insects only has on the seed production of P. media we 4. Discussion
developed a formula, in which we divided the product of fruit and seed
set under insect exclusion (= pure wind pollination; treatment 2) by We observed conspicuous variation in floral traits between Plantago
the product of fruit and seed set without any exclusion (= open pol- species in relation to their pollination mode: Plantago australis re-
lination; treatment 1): presents a typical, obligately cleistogamous species with closed flowers,
short filaments and the production of extremely low amounts of com-
(fruit set treatment 2(%)* seed set treatment 2)
x= paratively large pollen grains, as already hypothesized by Primack
(fruit set treatment 1(%)* seed set treatment 1)
(1978). Surprisingly, the style-stigma complexes resigned from the
All analyses were conducted in R version 3.4.3 (R Development closed flowers of P. australis were similar in lengths and in the lengths of
Core Team, 2017). their papillae to the style-stigma complexes of P. major, which only
produced chasmogamous flowers. These conserved traits as well as the
3. Results phylogenetic position of P. australis in the terminal section of P. sub-
genus Plantago (Hassemer et al., 2019) indicate that it evolved from
The three Plantago species differed strongly in their floral traits: P. chasmogamous, probably wind-pollinated ancestors, possibly as an
australis had the significantly shortest filaments and significantly longer adaptation to its early successional habitats (Primack, 1978).
style-stigma complexes than P. major but significantly shorter style- Genetic analyses already indicated that P. major produced seeds
stigma complexes than P. media (Figs. 1 and 2). The length of the stigma mostly by selfing (Wolff, 1991) even though its chasmogamous flowers
papillae of P. australis was significantly longer than those of P. media permit pollination by wind-mediated outcrossing. Indeed, we found
but not different from P. major. Further, P. australis produced the sig- slightly, but mostly not significantly (13.0–19.5%) higher seed sets in P.
nificantly lowest amounts of ovules and pollen grains per flower (Fig. 2; major if pollination by wind was allowed, which indicates that P. major
Table 1). The pollen grains of P. australis were significantly larger in conducts some outcrossing if mating partners are available. This
diameter than those of P. major, but not than those of P. media. Plantago strategy is common in plant species occurring in ephemeral habitats,
major differed from P. media by having significantly shorter filaments where the availability of sufficient mating partners is not guaranteed
and style-stigma complexes, but significantly longer stigma papillae (Barrett, 2002). Further, our results are in line with the floral traits of P.
(Figs. 1 and 2). Plantago major also produced significantly more ovules major because their exerted filaments and style-stigma complexes are
per flower than P. media, but significantly less pollen grains. The dia- surprisingly short and the pollen grain production per flower
meter of pollen grains was not significantly different between both (19,545 ± 9450) is comparatively low for a wind-pollinated species
species. We did not find pollen kit on the pollen grains of any of the (Friedman and Barrett, 2009).
three P. species. In contrast to the other two P. species, P. media is not able to con-
We exclusively observed cleistogamous flowers at P. australis. In the duct active self-pollination and is mostly dependent on outcrossing for
insect and wind exclusion experiment P. australis had a fruit set of 100% seed production (van Dijk and van Delden, 1981). Instead, it is heavily
and 84.8% of the ovules developed to seeds (Table 1). In contrast to P. visited by insects, especially by bees (Bombus, Apis, Lasioglossum)
australis, P. major and P. media only produced chasmogamous flowers. (Leereveld et al., 1976), which are attracted by the showy, violet fila-
The flowers of P. major were never visited by insects and had a fruit set ments and anthers, producing large amounts of pollen grains. In addi-
of 100% in all pollination treatments. Wind slightly increased seed tion to the strong optical flower signal, also the comparatively short
production in P. major (by 13.0–19.5% depending on pollination stigma papillae indicate an adaptation to insect pollination. However,
treatment) compared to insect and wind exclusion but this increase was the long filaments and stigma-stamen complexes represent typical
not significant in most pollination treatments (Fig. 3). flower traits of wind-pollinated species. Our pollination experiment
In total we observed 204 visits of mostly bees (Bombus, Apis, revealed that wind is an important pollen vector for P. media but pol-
Lasioglossum) at the inflorescences of P. media within eight hours of lination success increases by 42.07% if also insects have free access to
observation (Table 2). During each visit these insects frequented several the flowers. These results refute the conclusion of Meeuse (1984) who
flowers, but we did not count the number of flowers visited. The insects claimed that insect pollination increased seed set by 85%.
were attracted by the pollen grains and moved from one flower with Based on these results, P. media is clearly an ambophilous species,
open anthers to the next within the same inflorescence, but they also which is probably also true for the other species of the section
moved between inflorescences and plant individuals. By this activity Lamprosantha and possibly also for the species of the closely related
the pollen-carrying insects came in contact with the still receptive section Eremopsyllium (Hassemer et al., 2019) because all of these
stigmas of the flowers with freshly opened anthers and pollinated these species have similar, showy inflorescences. Considering flower struc-
flowers. The very young, purely female stage flowers above the flowers ture and colouration in combination with the reported pollination
with open anthers were rarely visited. modes (e.g. Primack, 1978; Tormo Molina et al., 2001; Nilsson, 2005)
The fruit set of P. media was highly variable between pollination of the species in the early-branching P. clades (Hassemer et al., 2019),
treatments (Fig. 3): In the insect and wind exclusion experiment no ambophily probably evolved from wind-pollinated ancestors in sub-
fruits were produced at all. In contrast, open pollination led to a fruit genus Plantago, representing only the eighth family (Plantaginaceae), in
set of 100%. If insects were excluded by a net with large meshes fruit set which this happened (Wragg and Johnson, 2011; Dórea et al., 2018).
was slightly, but significantly reduced (mean 74.6%; Table 1). The Commonly, the evolution of ambophily from wind-pollinated ancestors
exclusion of insects by a net with fine mesh led to a strong, significant is linked to the colonization of less wind-exposed habitats, such as the
reduction of fruit set (mean 43.8%). Seed set developed in parallel to floor of dense forests (Culley et al., 2002; Costa and Machado, 2012;
fruit set in the different pollination treatments in P. media: open polli- Dórea et al., 2018). However, all P. species, including the (likely) am-
nation and plant covering with wide-meshed nets led to statistically bophilous ones occur in open vegetation types, leading to the question,
indistinguishably, high seed set (mean 3.76 respectively 2.92 seed per which other factor might have triggered the evolution of ambophily in
fruit; Table 1). Covering plants with fine-meshed nets led to a sig- P.? One plausible hypothesis is that ambophily evolved in parallel to
nificantly reduced fruit set (mean 1.4 seeds per fruit) and no seeds the colonization of less ephemeral habitats, such as different kinds of
developed if insects and wind were excluded. Combining the results of meadows, the habitats of the ambophilous P. species (Tutin et al.,
fruit and seed set, pollination success of P. media increased by 42.07% if 1964). In these more stable habitats mating partner and insect

S. Abrahamczyk, et al. Flora 267 (2020) 151601

pollinator availability may be more reliable than in ephemeral habitats Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 36, 47–79.
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Knuth, P., 1899. 1904. Handbuch der Blütenbiologie, Bd. II + III, 1 and 2. Teil.
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Acknowledgements Linder, H.P., 1998. Morphology and the evolution of wind pollination. In: Owens, S.J.,
Rudall, P.J. (Eds.), Reproductive Biology in Systematics, Conservation and Economic
Botany. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 123–135.
We thank the Millennium Seed Bank for providing seeds of P. aus-
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Gardens for cultivating our plants and the anonymous reviewers and Pers. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst. 8, 69–81.
the editor Fei-Hai Yu for helpful comments. Mangla, Y., Gupta, K., 2015. Love in the air: wind pollination ecological and evolutionary
considerations. In: Kapoor, R., Kaur, I., Koul, M. (Eds.), Plant Reproductive Biology
and Conservation. International Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 234–245.
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