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Quarter 3- Module 1

Name of School: _____________________________________________

What I know
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What’s In
Activity 1: Family Life
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What’s New
Activity 2: Stages of infection
1. 2. 3. 4.

Activity 3: Common Communicable diseases

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

Activity 4 - Misconceptions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity 2:
1. 3.
2. 4.

What I Have Learn

Directions: Complete each blank with appropriate entry/word. Then, follow these guidelines to reduce the spread of

Take a bath everyday to keep your skin, hair, and nails clean. Avoid sharing 1. _______ or drinking utensils. Store
and prepare food in a safe way to prevent food poisoning 2._______ your hands after using the toilet and before and
3.___________ eating. If you are sick, avoid infecting others. Cover your 4.________ when coughing. There are three
other ways to protect yourself from 5._______________ diseases. You can be immunized by injection. If a 6.
_____________ is available, then you can practice7.______back. There are three levels of prevention. The 8. P_____
P______ level is used before the person gets the disease. 9. The S________ P______ level is used after the
disease has occurred, but before the person notices that anything is wrong. 10. The T______________ level targets
the person who already has symptoms of the disease; to lessen the damage and pain from the disease, to slow down the
disease, to prevent it from causing complications, to give the best care and to make the sick healthy again.


1. 5. 8.
2. 6. 9.
3. 7. 10.

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