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Drug Doctor’s Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing Considerations


Generic Dosage: Preferentially binds to Prevention of Allergic reaction to the Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 1g IV one or more of the bacterial infections drug or Bactericidal action against
Ceftriaxone penicillin-binding in patients with skin hypersensitivity susceptible bacteria  Assess for infection throughout therapy
proteins (PBP) located and skin structure  Do not administer with anticoagulants,
on cell walls of infections. NSAIDS, and thrombolytic agents
susceptible organisms Severe renal  Monitor pain, redness, and swelling in iv
Brand Name: Frequency: impairment Side Effects: site
Trizone q8  Monitor if patient experienced fever and
Inhibits third and final  Nausea diarrhea
stage of bacterial cell  Vomiting
wall synthesis  Diarrhea Patient teaching:
 Rash  Inform patient to take medication as
Cell death  Headache ordered
 Advise patient to report signs of super
 Advise patient to avoid alcohol
containing products
Classification: Adverse Effects:
 Inform patient not to take 2 hours before
using antacid
third-  Seizures
 Instruct the patient to avoid smoking
generation  Pseudomembranous
cephalosporin colitis
 Anaphylaxis
Date ordered:  Serum sickness  Conduct skin testing prior to drug
administration as ordered
 Discontinue the medication if symptoms
of anaphylaxis occur as ordered.
 Keep epinephrine, antihistamine, and
resuscitation equipment close as ordered

 Communicate with the laboratory

technician for periodically monitoring of
liver function test.

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