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Help Desk
For any query relating to admissions, the students are free to contact any of the following:
1. Prof. Parveen Pandit
Mobile No. 9419012022

2. Er. Zahoor Ahmad Najar

Mobile No. 9419505159

For any query relating to submission of online application form for admissions, the students are free to contact
Mr. Irfan Ahmad
Mobile No. 7006524569

Prospectus Preparation Committee:

Prof. Farooq Ahmad Mir, Controller of Examinations (Chairman)
Prof. Shahid Rasool, Dean School of Media Studies (Member)
Dr. Ahsan Chisti, Dean School of Engineering and Technology (Member)
Prof. Parveen Pandit, Consultant Admissions and Academic Affairs (Member)
Er. Zahoor Ahmad Najar, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of IT (Member)
Dr. Ihsan ul Rahim Malik, Assistant Professor, Department of English (Member)
Mr. Arshid Me’raj, Public Relations Officer (Member)
Mr. Ishtiyaq Ahmad, Academic Section (Member Secretary)

Mr Umar Nazir Guzer, PS Controller of Examinations

Ms Mariya Nabi, Graphic Designer, DITSS, CUK
Mr. Sameer Javed Wani, Production Assistant, Department of Convergent Journalism, CUK
Directorate of Information Technology and Support System (DITSS)

The prospectus preparation Committee acknowledges help, support, cooperation and guidance of the administration, faculty and non-faculty members
of the Central University of Kashmir.

Vice Chancellor’s
A w ar m and af fe c t ionate welc ome to a l l t hos e w ho aspire to b e a p ar t of t he intel l e c tu a l f r ater n it y at C ent r a l Un ivers it y of
Kash m i r. T h is is t he 1 2 t h ye ar of ac adem ic j our ne y of t his universit y and dur ing t he l ast el e ven ye ars , t he Un ivers it y has
re a che d many m i le stone s and has p e rsistent ly b e en ende avor ing to emerge as an i nst itut i on of qu a l it y te achi ng -l e ar n i ng ,
re s e arch and e x te ns ion .
T he Unive rs it y put s in sust aine d e f for ts to cre ate a brand e quit y in t he a c a dem i cs and res e arch and of fer l e adership by
w ay of d i f fe re nt i at ion in a l l it s intel le c tu a l pursuits. According ly, de velopment of contemp or ar y and rel e vant c u r r i c u lu m ;
s e tt ing and me e t ing b e nch marks of qu a lit y assurance; de velopment of a he a lt hy p e d ago g i c a l and ac adem i c gover nance
st r u c tu re are a c c orde d top pr ior it y. A longside, t he universit y has a st rong fo c us on t he hol ist i c and a l l -rou nd de vel opment
of t he yout h i n tune w it h t he NEP- 2 0 20 re com mend at ions.
T he Un ive rs it y st r ive s to att ain it s mission by blending contemp orar y k now le dge w it h sk i l ls , va lu es , mor a ls and t he spi r it
of nat i ona l is m to g ro om h ig h c a lib e r t hin kers; mora l ly upr ig ht and phy sic a l ly s ou nd cit i z en r y i mbib e d w it h pro ac t ive
appro a ch re a dy to t a ke up cha l le nge s conf ront ing t he pres ent s o ciet y.
I have f u l l t r ust in your c ap abi lit ie s . By dint of your co op erat ion and com m it ment , I l o ok for ward to you r hi g h ly pro du c t ive
and re w ard i ng ass o c i at ion w it h t h is temple of hig her le ar ning . D ur ing your st ay i n t he Un ivers it y, you r over t and l atent
t a le nt wou l d b e hone d and chan neli ze d t hroug h your ent husi ast icinvolvement i n t he c u r r i c u l ar, ex t r a-c u r r i c u l ar and
cor p or ate a c t iv it ie s of t h is g re at a lma mater. I am sure t hat you wou ld t a ke a le a d and outp er for m t he rest . I w ish you a l l
t he b e st for your prolif ic and f r uit f u l st ay in t he Universit y.

( Prof. Faro o q A hmad Sha h)

V i ce Chancel l or
Desk ...
T he C e nt r a l Un ive rs it y of Kash mir is st r iv ing hard in imp ar t ing qu a lit y e duc at ion to t he stu dent s and t remendous ef for t s are
ma d e to a c c omplish it s mission . We, as a te am work hard in t he a chie vement, assu r ance, sustenance as wel l as en hancement
of qu a l it y i n a l l t he p arame te rs of t he a c a dem ic and a dm inist rat ive pursuits rel ate d to it s c u r r i c u l ar asp e c t , te achi ng
le ar n i ng , e v a lu at ion , re s e arch , e x te nsion, col l ab orat ion, students supp or t s er v ice s and t r ansp arent gover nance.
T he f l e x ibl e and op e n admission p olic y and complet ion of t he a c a dem ic prog rammes of fere d by t he Un ivers it y by t i mely
c ondu c t of a d missions, e x aminat ion , de cl arat ion of resu lts is t he b est pra c t ice of t he Un ivers it y. T he up d ate d c u r r i c u lu m ,
te a ch i ng l e ar ni ng pro c e ss e s a long w it h mo der n ICT or iente d p e d agog ic a l sk i l ls and a l l a l l i e d e du c at i ona l ac t iv it i es are
us e d to ke e p t he stude nt s w it h l ate st k now le dge, w it h a fo c us to mou ld t heir va lu es and de vel op t hei r rel e vant sk i l ls for
t he att ai nme nt of t he le ar n ing outc omes.
T his Un ive rs it y de spite b e ing young has a cheive d a re cord of hig h demand-rat i o i n t he ent r ance test condu c te d e arl i er.
From t h is a c a d emic ye ar in t he lig ht of NE P-2020, t he UGC has approve d a cent r a l i z e d ent r ance test for t he u n ivers it i es
at UG & P G l e vels t h rou g h N TA ( Nat iona l Test ing Agenc y ), t hereby cre at ing a faci l it y of a s i ng l e w i ndow s ystem and a
s o ci a l e qu a l i ze r for a l l t he aspirant s com ing f rom divers e b a ckg rounds to app e ar i n t he CU ET-2 0 2 2 (C om mon Un ivers it i es
Ent r anc e Te st ) . The C e nt ra l Un ive rs it y of Kashm ir li ke ot her C ent ra l Universit ies is of fer i ng it s adm iss i ons for t he ac adem i c
s ess ion 2022-23 t h roug h t he C U ET 2 022 conduc te d by NTA.
T he Unive rs it y has b e e n amongst t he f irst to st ar t Innov at ive C ours es li ke Integ rate d B. S c - M . S c Pro g r am mes i n S ci ences
& b o ast s of s ome h ig h ly ac cl aime d cours es at t he P G L e vel to o. The te a ching f r ater n it y has b e en us i ng a l l t he mo der n
g ad ge t r i e s and to ols in t he ir c u r r ic u l ar t rans a c t ions and a dopt ing innovat ive pr ac t i ces are t he ke y i ng re di ent s of t his
you ng but dy namic inst itut ion . Eve r y inst itut ion of hig her le ar ning has its ow n s et of te et hi ng probl ems and t his Un ivers it y
to o has s ome but it ne ve r d amp e ns t he Universit y f rom cont r ibut ing to t he main motto of te achi ng l e ar n i ng , res e arch &
e x tens i on and a ls o ach ie v ing it s t argets of v ision and m ission p olicies.
I am su re t hat t he stude nt s aspir ing to j oin t he C ent ra l Universit y of Kashm ir w i l l come out as t he t hou g ht f u l “cre at ive,
c ont r ibut i ng and humane c it iz e ns for t he s o ciet y ” w it h g lob a l underst anding . I fe el pr iv i l ege d to wel come you w hol e
he ar te d to b e p ar t and p arc el of t h is s e at of hig hest le ar ning .
(Prof. Mohd. Afz a l Z arg ar )
Re gi s t r ar

Finance Officer’s
It is a g re at pl e asu re to k now t hat t he Universit y is issuing prosp e c tus for t he c u r rent ye ar to ke ep t he st a kehol ders
in for me d ab out it s st anding in t he e duc at iona l p anorama of t he count r y. This k i nd of com mu n i c at i on ver i ly help s t he
c and i d ate s to ma ke a rat iona l and wel l infor me d de cision ab out t he cours es of stu dy and t he i nst itut i on t he y wou l d opt for
shapi ng t he i r a c ade mic c are e r. The prosp e c tus is us ef u l to t he inst itut ion a ls o in gett i ng t he b est cl i entel e w it h t he r i g ht
apt itu d e for d i f fe re nt c ou rs e s of study.
T he Un ive rs it y de spite hav ing cha l le nges of c ampus de velopment is doing l aud abl e work i n Ac adem i cs , E x am i nat i ons and
has t he pre st i ge to w it hst and o dds and unfavourable circ umst ances for s afegu ardi ng t he ac adem i c i nterest s of t he stu dent s .
T he un ive rs it y is fol low ing de mo c rat ic sy stem of gover nance by involv ing t he st a kehol ders i n de cis i on ma k i ng pro cess
t h rou g h t he i r p ar t ic ip at ion in st atutor y b o dies li ke Ac a dem ic counci l, Universit y C ou r t etc. Even t he an nu a l d ate she et for
ex am i nat i on is de v is e d af te r c onsu lt ing t he students concer ne d.
T he Un ive rs it y is a ls o ma k ing e f for ts to prov ide an enabling env ironment to t he stu dent s for g rowt h and de vel opment
t h rou g h qu a l it y te ach ing , re s e arch and extension under Ne w E duc at ion Polic y. We have a prop er f i nanci a l management
s ystem for opt i mu m ut i lis at ion of re s ources to prov ide student cent r ic fa ci lit ies . T he u n ivers it y has t he dist i nc t i on to b e
on P ubl i c F i nanc i a l Manage me nt System pl at for m w it h dire c t b enef it t ransfer t hrou g h Tre asu r y Si ng l e Accou nt .
In t he are a of sk i l l de velopme nt , D esig n Innovat ion C ent re (DIC) is engage d w it h de vel opi ng i n novat ive protot yp es
t h rou g h re s e arch and a ls o imp ar t ing sk i l ls t raining for de velopment of innov at i on and ent repreneu rship u nder hub and
sp oke mo d el. T he un ive rs it y is a ls o involve d in com munit y engagement under Hi g her E du c at i on L e adership D e vel opment
pro g ram me as p ar t of Un ite d Kingdom -Indi a E duc at ion & R es e arch Init i at ive. Th is ref l e c t s t he i mage of t he Un ivers it y as
a s o c i a l ly re sp onsible e nt it y.
My w hol e he ar te d welc ome and b e st w ishes to a l l t he aspirants w ho wou ld prefer to cho o s e t his i nst itut i on as t hei r
prefe r re d a c a d e mic de st inat ion .
(Prof. Fayaz A hmad Ni k a)
Fi nance O f f i cer

Controller of Examinations’s
Desk ...
In its pu rsu it s of ac ade mic e xc el le nc e, t he C ent ra l Universit y of Kashm ir has c ar ve d out it s n i che i n t he ac adem i c l ands c ap e
and is c r u is i ng a he ad e x p one nt i a l ly, s ince its est ablishment in 2009 by t he Ac t of Parl i ament . T he Un ivers it y has i nt ro du ce d
i n nov at ive me t ho ds of te ach ing , le ar ning and res e arch by c u lt iv at ing cre at ive and cr it i c a l t hi n k i ng , b ot h i n t hou g ht and
e x p e r i me nt , by i nte g rat ing w it h ac adem ics as wel l as indust r y. The Universit y has l ai d fo c us on sk i l l en hancement , or i ente d
t hroug h t r ai n i ng and inte r nsh ip, t hat is now s ou l and spir it of t he Nat iona l E duc at i on Pol i c y-2 0 2 0 .
T he e x am i nat i on and e va lu at ion pro c ess es of t he Universit y have w it hsto o d t ravai ls of natu r a l c a l am it i es , b e it de vast at i ng
f lo o ds or C ov i d- 1 9 p ande mic . It has come up w it h out of b ox s olut ions for de-st ress i ng stu dent s and to help t hei r c aus e by
d e cl ar i ng t he i r re su lt s wel l in t ime, w it hout compr ising qu a lit y and st and ard, w hi ch t he Un ivers it y has prom is e d to ke ep
as one of it s c ore va lue s e nsh r ine d in its v ision and m ission.
A hig h ly t r ansp are nt and stude nt’s p ar t icip ator y me chanism for e v a lu at ion has b e en adopte d i n w hi ch ans wer s cr ipt s of
c ont i nu ous e v a lu at ion s che me are share d w it h t he students s o t hat t he y c an ident i f y t hei r st reng t hs and we a k ness es . A
f ai r me chanis m for re va lu at ion and students g r ie vence re dress a l me chanism sy stem is i n pl ace to t he s at is fac t i on of t he
stu d e nt s w it hout de v i at ing f rom st and ard op erat ing pro dce dures.
I am g l a d to welc ome f re sh b atch of students, w ho have to shap e f uture dest iny, w it h an assu r ance t hat t he y w i l l fe el
ac a d e m i c ambi e nc e w it h a dif fe re nc e in CUK, w it h an inst itut iona lize d pro-student appro ach.

(Prof. (Dr ) Faro o q A hmad Mi r )

C ont r ol l er of E xam i nat i ons

Vision 1
Mission 2
Objective 3
University at a Glance 4
University Administration 5

Green Campus 6
School of Business Studies 7
Department of Management Studies 7
Department of Tourism Studies 12
Department of Commerce 16

School of Education 18
Department of Education 18
Department of Physical Education 55
School of Social Science 23
Department of Economics 23
Department of Politics and Governance 27
Department of Religious Studies 65

Main Campus 31
School of Engineering & Technology 32
Deparment of Information Technology 32

School of Media Studies 37

Deparment Convergent Journalism 37
School of Legal Studies 42
Department of Law 42

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences 48

Department of Mathematics 48
Department of Physics 51
Department of Chemistry 83

Arts Campus 57
School of Languages 58
Department of English 58
Department of Urdu 62
Department of Kashmiri 68

Science Campus 70
School of Life Sciences 71
Department of Botany 71
Department of Zoology 75
Department of Biotechnology 78

CUET 2022 87
Examination & Evaluation Wing at a Glance 107
Directorate of Internal quality Assurance(DIQA) 111
Common Facilities 113

To b e a world cl ass i nst itut ion
for c re at ion and diss emi nat ion of
k now le dge to nur ture t houg ht f u l,
c re at ive, c ont r ibut i ng and humane
c it izens for t he s o c iet y to gui de it s
dest iny and for promot i ng g lob a l
underst andi ng .


To c ont r ibute to t he e duc at iona l,
c u ltura l, e c onomi c and s o ci a l
a dv anc ement of p e ople by prov id ing
hig h qu a lit y e duc at iona l prog ram mes
l e ading to B achelors , Masters,
Profess i ona l and D o c torate D eg re es
as wel l as to address t he c u ltura l,
e conomic, e duc at iona l, env ironment a l,
he a lt h and s o c i a l ne e ds of t he re g ion
and nat i on at l arge.


The Central University of Kashmir in pursuit of the objectives
stipulated in the Central Universities Act of 2009 endeavours:
1. To disseminate and advance Knowledge by providing instructional
and research facilities in such branches of learning as the University
may deem fit;
2. To make special provisions for integrated courses in Humanities,
Social Sciences, Science and Technology in its educational programmes;
3. To take appropriate measures for promoting innovations in teaching
learning process and inter-disciplinary studies and research;
4. To educate and train manpower for the development of the country;
5. To establish linkages with industries for the promotion of science
and technology; and to pay special attention to the improvement of
the social and economic conditions and welfare of the people, their
intellectual, academic and cultural development.

2022 University at a Glance....
Established with 14 other Central Universities in different States of India peace and conflict studies, Post graduate diploma in Alternate Banking,
by an Act of Parliament in 2009, Central University of Kashmir (CUK) Diploma in Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics, Post Graduate Diploma
formerly known as Central University of Jammu and Kashmir, started the in Guidance and Counselling and six months Certificate Courses in DTP
academic programmes from session 2010. In the beginning, only three & Data Entry and Applied Food Production. The University has sufficient
Postgraduate programmes were introduced and over the years a number physical infrastructure manned by qualified staff with required skills.
of Integrated Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Research programmes The University has carved out its space in the academic map of
were successfully added. At present, the Central University of Kashmir the country and is exponentially progressing every passing year. The
has a sprawling campus, consisting of 4 major campuses surrounded by University has all the supporting departments and facilities required for
majestic Himalayan range on East south, world famous Manasbal lake on a university marching towards excellence. NAAC accredited in 2017 with
north, glacier covered world famous sonamarg on the east, internationally B+. The University has already made a beginning in introducing changes
known winter sports hub, Gulmarg on the west and Durga Temple of Mata suggested by National Education Policy 2020.
Shri Kheer Bhawani on the south.The four different campuses include All the academic programmes presently offered by the University were
Green Campus at Duderhama , Science and Arts Campus at Nunar, Arts started after thorough consultations and deliberations with the appropriate
Block at Ganderbal and Main Campus at Tulmulla. stakeholders, experts in the field of higher education, industry and proper
Presently, University has Nine Schools of Study, comprising 21 departments, approval of the Statutory Bodies of the varsity. The University has received
offering 51 UG, PG and Research programmes. The PG programmes appreciation from different quarters, particularly the civil society and the
offered by the varsity include: Masters in Business Administration, M. Tech educationists, for launching the innovative programmes. Thousands of
in Information Technology, Masters in English, Masters in Economics, students in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and also from across the length
Masters in Mathematics, Masters in Convergent Journalism, Masters in and breadth of the country, aspiring to go for higher studies, are applying for
Urdu, Masters in Education, Masters in Tourism & Travel Management, admission to these programmes. The admission of the students was being
M.A in islamic Studies,M.Sc in Botony, M.Sc in Chemistry, Intergrated made through the Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET).
B.Ed-M.Ed, M.A in Kashmiri, Masters in Political Science, Masters in The reservation policy for admissions is being strictly followed. This year
Comparative Religion, L.L.M, M.Ed, M.Com, M.P.Ed and PG Diploma our university, like other Central Universities, has joined National Testing
in Guidance and Counselling.The Integrated programmes include: Agency(NTA) for conducting admission tests for different programes
Integrated B.A L.L.B, Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Physics, Integrated B.Sc-M. offered by the University through CUET-2022.
Sc Zoology, Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Biotechnology, Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc The students are required to visit home page of the Central University of
Mathematics. The University offers Undergraduate Programmes in B. Ed Kashmir which is available at They have to click on
and B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering, Research Programmes in the button and they will reach to CUET UG-2022 portal
Mathematics, Management Studies, Law, Tourism Studies, Education, where they can login for registration for submitting application form for
English, Economics and Urdu. admission to any UG programme offered by the Central University of
The varsity also offers B. Voc Programmes in Tourism and Travel Kashmir.
Management and B.Voc in Retail and Logistics Management, Diploma in
University Administration

Lt. General (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain Prof. Farooq Ahmad Shah Prof. Mohammed Afzal Zargar
Chancellor Vice Chancellor Registrar

Prof. Fayaz Ahmed Nika Prof. (Dr) Farooq Ahmad Mir

Finance Officer Controller of Examinations

Green Campus


School of Business Studies

1. About the School
The School of Business Studies was established in the year 2010, and is one of the pioneer schools in CUK. The School Comprises of three departments
namely, department of commerce, department of management studies and department of tourism studies. Prof Farooq A. Shah is the Dean of the School
of Business Studies. The school offers undergraduate, post graduate and Research programmes for students across the country.

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Prof Farooq Ahmad Shah, Dean of the school, is currently holding the charge of officiating Vice Chancellor of Central University
of Kashmir/ Director Research & Development and has held numerous academic and administrative positions including Registrar,
Dean Students Welfare, Director DIQA, Chief Proctor, and Chief Warden in the CUK. He has a long standing experience of more than
three decades in teaching and research. Prof Shah has written extensively on the areas of Accounting, Finance, and Organizational
Behavior and has authored eight books and around 50 research papers published in the journals of national and international repute.
Prof. Ahmad Shah has participated and presented papers in a number of international conferences in India and abroad. He is on a
number of professional and statutory bodies of various universities and institutions of higher learning.

Department of Management Studies

3. Introduction
The Department of Management Studies (DMS), under the School of Business Studies, started functioning from July 2010 session. DMS is one of the
first departments established by the University. Currently the Department offers a full time MBA Programme, B.Voc. Programme in Retail and Logistics
Management and an Integrated M. Phil/ Ph. D Programme. The Department is on its way to add more demand driven and job oriented courses to its
portfolio to meet the emerging needs of the industry. Its MBA programme offers dual specialization in the areas of Marketing Management, Human
Resource Management, Financial Management, and Operations Management. The Department has a well-equipped computer lab loaded with business
softwares hand on experience. It also has the latest software packages like SPSS, Accounting & Project Management packages, etc. It has highly trained
faculty with extensive business and professional experience. In addition to providing management education based on industry driven curricula, the
Department has a thriving research culture. The Department strives to fulfill its mission to provide educational opportunities to the aspiring business
leaders to excel in life by educating, equipping and empowering them with relevant managerial skills, fostering values, creating social responsibility and
global competence to meet the requirements of the changing and challenging business world. We encourage continuous quality interface with industry
through internships, industrial and business tours, project work, participation in business fests, group discussions, workshops, seminars, etc. It is ensured

that the students not only get theoretical knowledge but also extensive practical exposure on latest management concepts like E-commerce, Knowledge
Management, mock selling exercises and real life projects. It aims to develop the budding managers with a sense of initiative and accountability that
ensures their holistic development thereby making them intellectually, socially, physically and spiritually balanced human beings. The Department’s
collaboration with leading management institutions and business houses in the country has gone a long way in ensuring students’ exposure to the theory
and practice of business. Students’ constant interaction with visiting academia and corporate professionals brings them closer to the requirements of the
corporate world. The vision of the University authorities, commitment of the faculty, creativity and competence of students, trust and cooperation of the
parents and responsiveness of the society are the main factors responsible for the success of the Department.

4 . Faculty

• Name: Prof. Fayaz Ahmad Nika

• Name: Prof. Abdul Gani
• Designation: Professor
• Designation: Head and Professor
• Qualifications: M.Com; M.Phil; Ph.D; CS
• Qualifications: M.Com; PGDE, MADE, Ph.D
(Executive), PGDEMA
• Area of Specialization: HR, OB, ODL
• Area of Specialization: HRM & Finance

• Name: Dr. Zia Ul Haq • Name: Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone

• Designation: Sr. Assistant Professor • Designation: : Sr. Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: MBA, PGDTM, Ph.D, FDP-IIM • Qualifications: : M.Com, Ph.D
• Area of Specialization: Marketing • Area of Specialization: OB/HR


• Name: Dr. Mir Insha Farooq • Name: Mr. Rahul Rangotra

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: : Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: MBA (Gold Medallist); UGC- • Qualifications: MBA (Gold Medallist); UGC-
• Area of Specialization: Marketing • Area of Specialization: Marketing

• Name: Waseem Jahangir • Name: Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Sofi

• Designation: Teaching Assistant • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: MBA , Ph.D • Qualifications: : MBA, M.Phil, Ph. D, SET, NET
• Area of Specialization: Marketing and Finance • Area of Specialization: HRM & Finance

• Name: Dr. Uzma Amin Mir • Name: Mr. Kafeel Afzal Kawoosa
• Designation: Teaching Assistant • Designation: Teaching Assistant
• Qualifications: MBA , Ph.D, JRF NET • Qualifications: MBA , NET
• Area of Specialization: Marketing, Finance • Area of Specialization: Marketing, Finance

5. Objectives of the Programme
The Department takes feedback from all the stakeholders on crucial issues pertaining to the teaching learning process, examinations, syllabus updating,
placements and other academic matters. The feedback is utilized for improving the academic performance of the Department.

6. Thrust areas
MBA Programme is characterized by following areas:
• Finance and Accounting
• Marketing
• Human Resource
• Operations

7. Programmes offered
Industrial Tour in 2022
• B.Voc in Retail and Logistics Management
• Ph. D

8. Intake Capacity
1. MBA : 46 ( including 4 seats for Economically Weaker
2. B.Voc in Retail and Logistics Management: 64 seats

Industrial Tour in 2022


1-Day Workshop in collaboration with NIIT

9. Best practices
• Industrial Visits and tours
• Industrial Interface
• Field based projects
• Research Methodology Workshop

10. Strengths
• The Department of Management Studies at CUK is manned by highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty having rich academic, research and
professional background
• Our dedicated team of faculty is committed to the task of ensuring that our students are well trained to meet the challenges of their chosen profession
in the competitive business world

11. Location of Department

Department of Management,Green Campus, Central University of Kashmir, Duderhama, Gandarbal, 191201

Department of Tourism Studies
1. Introduction
The Department of Tourism Studies was established in 2012 with the purpose to promote world class research and teaching in Tourism and Hospitality.
The Department encourages continuous interface with industry through internship projects, Guest lectures and curriculum development. The
Department aims at developing the budding managers for tourism industry inculcating a sense of initiative and accountability in them for their overall
personality development with ethical and intellectual vigour. The main objective of the curriculum formulated by the Department is to produce the
leaders for industry, who can use their management skills for the development of the industry. The Department is staffed with regular faculty having high
academic credentials, industry exposure, administrative experience and work commitment. The Department also has adequate infrastructure in terms
of Smart Class Rooms, Library, Computer Lab, LCD Projectors, Internet Connectivity and assured power supply. In addition to MTTM programme, the
Department also offers a Direct PhD programme and B.Voc. in Tourism & Hospitality respectively.

2. Faculty
• Name: Mr. Faizan Ashraf Mir
• Designation:Coordinator, Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: BBA, MBA, MTTM, UGC-NET,
PhD Pursuing from CUK.
• Experience & Scholar Produced: 9 years.
• Publications papers /Books: 8 Papers

• Name: Dr.Ramjit • Name: Dr. Ashaq Hussain Najar

• Designation: Sr.Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications:BHM , MBA, MTM, PGDDE, • Qualifications: B.Sc (H&HA), CHT, MTM,
• Experience & Scholar Produced: 16 yrs • Experience & Scholar Produced: 09 yrs & 2 years
Supervising 04 M-Phil 04 Ph.D 04 UG experience
• Research papers: 58,Books-02 • Publications papers /Books: 13 Papers

• Name: Dr. Abid Suhail Nika
• Name: Mrs. Shahnaz Akhtar
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D, M-Phil MTTM(UGC-NET)
• Qualifications: MTM,UGC-NET, Pursuing Ph.D
from CUK
• Experience & Scholar Produced: 09 yrs
• Experience & Scholar Produced: 02 yrs
• Publications papers /Books: 7 Papers
• Publications papers /Books: 7 Papers

• Name: Mr. Adil Amin Nazki

• Name: Dr.Asma
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications:Ph.D(Submitted),M-Phil, MTTM
• Qualifications: Ph.D , M-Phil, MTTM(UGC-NET-
• Experience & Scholar Produced: 04 yrs
• Experience & Scholar Produced: 02 yrs
• Publications papers /Books: 7 Papers
• Publications papers /Books: 7 Papers

3. Thrust areas
• Academic freedom
• Innovation ,diversity and equity
• Excellence
• Brainstorming and Intellectual Freedom
• Overall Personality Development
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Organisational Health
• Organisational Citizenship Behaviour

World Tourism day being celebrated in the department

4. Programmes offered
The MTTM Programme.
Direct Ph.D Programme
B.Voc. in Tourism & Hospitality

5. Intake Capacity
MTTM Programme: 46
B.Voc. in Tourism & Hospitality: 64
Direct Ph.D Programme: Subject to the availability
of vacant seats with the approved research guides.

Students enjoying Boat Ride during Goa Tour

6. Best practices
• Campus Placement
• On the Job Training and Internship & Dissertation.
• Tourism Destination Visit & Project Report
• Tourism Business Club

7. Strengths
• Curriculum based on the demands of tourist industry.
• Frequent Internship and apprenticeship with tourist industry
and allied industries.
• Frequent interactions of the students with the stakeholders
in the industry.
• Extension lectures by the industry resource persons.
• Applied reaseach catering to the challenges of industry.
City Palace Jaipur (Jaipur Tour)

8. Location of Department
Department of Tourism Studies, Green Campus, Central University
of Kashmir, Duderhama, Ganderbal-191201

One Day Field Visit to Gulmarg

One day Field Visit to unexplored Destination “Athwatoo” One day Field Visit to Manasbal Lake

Department of Commerce
1. Introduction
The Department of Commerce was established in the year 2017. The department is a vital part of School of Business Studies. The department has a
vision to “strive hard to be recognized as a leading centre of commerce education in India that provides intellectual leaders capable of being successful
entrepreneurs and professionals in ever-changing markets”. At present, the department offers two year full time Masters in commerce programme. The
department also offers research (Ph.D) programme with effect from 2021 . Till date, the department has produced three batches of students many of
whom are working at different positions in various corporate houses across the country and some of the students have emerged as entrepreneurs and
have established their own business enterprises.

• Name: Dr. Mehraj-Ud-Din Shah

2 . Faculty • Designation: HOD/Associate Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D
• Area of Specialization: HRM & Finance

• Name: Dr. Asif Jeelani Khan • Name: Dr. Shafat Maqbool

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: Ph.D
• Area of Specialization:Tax & Finance • Area of Specialization: Strategy & Entrepreneurship

• Name: Dr. Rizwana Rafiq • Name: Dr Mubashir Hassan

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: Ph.D
• Area of Specialization: HRM & OB • Area of Specialization: Accounting & Finance

3. Objectives of the Programme
• To provide quality teaching –learning to the students
• To undertake cutting edge research in thrust and allied areas of commerce education
• To sharpen the skills and attitude of students to become effective and efficient human resource for business organizations and society at large

4. Thrust areas 5.Programmes offered

• Accounting and finance
Master of Commerce
• Entrepreneurship Development

6.Intake Capacity 7.Best practices

Inculcating the spirit of pro-activeness in students 44 + 2 (SN) Developing the habit to deal with disruptions and daunting challenges
Developing ethical values and level of tolerance in students
Promote professional development
• Rich curriculum with specialisations in Accounting and Finance & Entrepreneurship
• Competent , qualified and experienced staff
• Using Hybrid teaching-learning system

9. Location of Department
Department of Commerce, Green Campus, Central University of Kashmir, Duderhama, Ganderbal-191201

School of Education
1. About the School
The Central University of Kashmir established the School of Education in 2011 which started functioning from the academic session June-2012. School
of Education offers M.A. Education (2 Years), M.Ed. (2Years), Integrated B.Ed.--M.Ed. (3Years), M.P.Ed., Ph.D. and P.G. Diploma in Guidance And
Counseling (PGDGC) programmes. Keeping in view the vision and mission statements of Central University of Kashmir, the School of Education has
successfully taken many initiatives and innovative steps in order to realize the achievement of goal of excellence in education in general and higher
education in particular. Right from its inception (2012), the School has strived to provide quality education in terms of the use of modern technology in
teaching learning processes, evaluation of students through continuous and comprehensive evaluation system, enrollment/admission of students from
diverse social, regional and geographical backgrounds and development of inclusive ethos as a trend of working among various stakeholders. School of
Education is showing keen interest for the enhancement and maintenance of quality standards of the University.

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Prof (Dr.) Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani holds NET-UGC (Education), Ph.D. Education, M. Sc. Zoology (Meerut University),
M. A. Urdu (MANUU), B. Ed. (University of Kashmir) and M. Ed. (University of Kashmir). Earlier, he worked as the Principal
in charge at MANUU, Arts and Science College, Budgam, J&K, Associate Professor (MANUU, CTE Srinagar), Lecturer Bio-
Science, KCEF College of Education Pulwama, Coordinator M Ed (D/M) Kashmir University, Resource Person for B. Ed. and M.
Ed. Directorate of Distance Education Kashmir University, and Programme in charge Srinagar Centre, for B. Ed. Directorate of
Distance Education MANUU, Hyderabad. He has authored several books and published extensively in reputed journals. He has
presented many papers on education at various seminars. He is associated with many academic bodies and NGOs in different

Department of Education
3. Introduction
The Department of Education is the first department established in the School of Education (SOE), Central University of Kashmir. The Department
provides an intellectually nourishing and conducive atmosphere to the students aspiring to undertake an in-depth study of Education and Teacher
Education, as it offers a variety of courses covering all the major genres of the subject and the fundamentals of Education & Teacher Education. The
choice-based credit system allows the students to choose from a variety of elective courses that are offered in addition to the core courses. A comprehensive
continuous internal assessment system ensures a thorough development of the intellectual capabilities of the students.

4. Faculty

• Name: Mis. Saima Bashir

• Name: Prof. Nighat Basu
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Professor
• Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, UGC –NET
• Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D
• Area of Specialization: Teacher Education
• Area of Specialization: Teacher Education

• Name: Dr. Mohammad Sayid Bhat • Name: Dr. Gawher Ahmed Bhat
• Designation: Senior Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, Ph.D • Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D, UGC –NET
•Area of Specialization: Education • Area of Specialization: Teacher Education

• Name: Mr. Dinesh Kumar K • Name: Dr. Sunil. M. Gawande

• Designation: Coordinator & Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, UGC –NET/JRF • Qualifications: M. Sc. B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D, UGC–NET
• Area of Specialization: Education • Area of Specialization: Teacher Education

• Name: Mr. Reyaz Ahmed Wani • Name: Dr. Tariq Ahmed Wani
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Ed, UGC –NET • Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D
• Area of Specialization: Teacher Education • Area of Specialization: Teacher Education

• Name: Mr. Arun Christopher • Name: Dr. Masood-Ul-Hassan

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M. Sc, B.Ed, M.Ed, UGC –NET • Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, Ph.D, UGC –NET
• Area of Specialization: Teacher Education. • Area of Specialization: Guidance & Counseling

• Name: Mrs. Arokia Mary • Name: Dr. Khyrun-Nisa

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, UGC –NET/JRF • Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, Ph.D, UGC –NET
• Area of Specialization: Teacher Education • Area of Specialization: Education

• Name: Dr. Sahar-Ul-Nisa • Name: Dr. Javaid Ahmed Andrabi

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.A, Ph.D, UGC –NET • Qualifications: M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D, UGC –NET
• Area of Specialization: Guidance & Counseling • Area of Specialization: Teacher Education

5. Thrust areas 6. Programmes offered
• Teacher Preparation • M.A Education (02 Year)
• Research & Extensions • Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counseling (PGDGC)
• Guidance & Counseling • Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed (03 Year)
• Inclusive Education • M.Ed (02 Year)
• Community Outreach • PhD

7. Intake Capacity
• M.A Education -46
• Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counseling (PGDGC)-26
• Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed -52
• M.Ed (02 Year)-52
• PhD (Subject to Availability of guide/vacancy)

8. Objectives of the Programme Six-Days project on ‘Campus Cleanliness, Plantation & Beautification’
After completion of the program the in-service and pre-service teachers will be able to learn: The philosophical and educational perspective of education
and teaching, The Indian educational system from a socio-economic perspective, The psychological basis of child development and learning, The
sociological basis of education and development, The ICT related skills for teaching and evaluating the 21st century students, The problems, issues
and challenges confronting elementary, secondary and higher education in India, The methods and techniques of meeting the educations needs of
exceptional children in Inclusive settings, The school administration and management principles, processes, techniques and approaches, The positive
attitude towards the conservation, preservation and protection of environment and its resources, The art and science of articulation and communication,
The processes associated with Guidance and Counseling, The pedagogical techniques related to teaching of various school subjects, The organization
of co-curricular school activities, The trends, techniques, problems, issues and challenges related to evaluation, assessment and measurement & And
practice the attributes of a teacher with a humane heart.

9. Best practices
• Curriculum Transaction Strategy (CTS).
• Publication of International Peer Reviewed journal in Education.
• Student Mentorship.
• Online Mid Semester Exam.
• Blended Learning.
• Dissertation to PG Students.
• Research Methodology Web Lecture Series.
• Special emphasis on NEP2020.
• Community outreach activities related to different health &
environment Education.
• Publication of periodical newsletters/Pamphlets.
• Provision of internship to various programmes.
• Development of teaching learning resources for Lab schools.
• organization of webinars in response to Covid-19 situation.

Participants of a ‘Seminar on Women Empowerment ’

10. Strengths
• Department has prepared the Curriculum Transactional Strategy (CTS) for making the teaching-learning process more effective and efficient. A model
of the same prepared by the School was circulated to all the Departments for consultation and further necessary action.
• The School is publishing a peer-reviewed research journal.
• The School always urges the members of the faculty to enhance their profiles by attending various programmes, workshops, seminars and conferences.
• The Department has devised a Student Feedback Performa through which the student assesses the teacher and the university as a whole.

11. Location of Department

Department of Education, Green Campus, Central University of Kashmir, Duderhama, Ganderbal-191201.


School of Social Sciences 2022

1. About the School
The School of Social Sciences is one of the oldest schools in the Central University of Kashmir. The school comprises of three Departments, namely
Department of Economics, Department of Politics and Governance and Department of Religious Studies.

2. Brief profile of the Dean

Prof. M.A. Zargar, officiating Dean, School of Social Sciences and also former Dean, School of Life Sciences, and present Registrar
of the University has around 28 years of teaching experience. He is and has been a member of Statutory and decision making bodies
of Central University of Kashmir. Prof. Zargar has authored several books and has more than 100 international/national research
articles published in peer reviewed journals to his credit. More than 30 research scholars have completed their M.Phil, Ph.D and post
doctoral research programmes under his guidance.

Department of Economics
3. Introduction
Department of Economics was established in 2011 as one of the main constituent Departments of the School of Social Sciences.Since its creation,
the Department has maintained a high standard of the teaching-learning process. At present, the Department offers Ph.D in Economics and MA in
Economics Programmes with specialization in different fields such as Health Economics, Financial Economics, Labour Economics and Demography.
In the year 2016, the Choice Based Credit System(CBSC) was introduced, following the directives of the University Grant Commission. Many students
who have passed out from the Department have qualified UGC-NET/JRF and other competitive examinations. A distinctive feature of the Department
is its set of competent and experienced teachers who are regularly available to the students in an atmosphere of warm cordiality.The Department is well
equipped with teaching-learning and research facilities like E-resources (Books, Journals and Database), the latest statistical software (SPSS, E-Views and
STATA), and a smart classroom.
Apart from the teaching-learning process, Department has been actively involved in organizing workshops, conferences and seminars. The Department
has organized the 57th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics, and ICSSR sponsored Workshop on Research Methodology. The
Department has also been active in organising the Extension/ Guest lectures for the benefit of students and faculty members. The prominent personalities
who delivered extension lectures in the Department are Prof Jean Dreze,Prof. R. S. Bawa,Prof. Ravi Srivastava and Prof. Pulin B Nayak. The faculty
members of the Department are actively involved in research and have published a number of research papers in well-known academic journals,
including SCOPUS indexed, and UGC care listed Journals. The faculty members of the Department are also involved in research projects sponsored by
ICSSR, NITI Aayog and Reserve Bank of India.

4. Faculty • Name: Dr. Tasleem Araf Cash
• Designation: Assistant Professor/Coordinator
• Qualifications: Ph.D, NET
• Teaching Experience: 14 (10 years in CUK)
• Specialisation: Growth Economics,
Macro- Economics

• Name: Dr. Tosib Alam

• Name: Dr. Masroor Ahmad
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.Phil., Ph.D
• Qualifications: Ph.D, NET
• Teaching Experience: 4 years in CUK
• Teaching Experience: 10 years in CUK
• Specialisation: Fiscal Federalism, Fiscal
• Specialisation: Mathematical Economics,Public
Decentralization and Public Policy, Rural
Economics, Econometrics
Development, Social Exclusion and Inclusion.

• Name: Dr Khursheed Hussain

• Name: Dr. Showkat Anwar Bhat
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.Phil, Ph.D, NET, SET, JRF.
• Qualifications: M.Phil., Ph.D
• Teaching Experience: 4 years in CUK
• Teaching Experience: 11 years (7 years in CUK)
• Specialisation: Health Economics,
• Specialisation: International Trade,
Mathematical Economics, and Environmental
Environmental Economics, Econometrics

5.Objectives of the Programme

• To enable the students in finding a rewarding job in the organized job market in the private and the public sector.
• To enable the students in undertaking quality research for himself/herself/ the organisation he/she decides to serve.


6. Thrust areas 2022

In the M.A Economics Programme the Department focuses on:
•Training students in basic economic theory and techniques of economic analysis.
•Equipping students with suitable quantitative and analytical skills to enable them to
successfully handle the complex economic challenges of the modern global world.
•Developing the student’s analytical, and decision-making competencies together with
those qualities of self-reliance, responsibility, integrity and self-awareness.
•Keeping tact with the latest development in the dynamic field of economic science. In
the Ph. D Programme the Department focuses on:
•The empirical research highlighting the issues of unemployment, inequality,development,
poverty, social sector, public service delivery etc.
The research pertaining to different aspects of Jammu and Kashmir Economy.

7. Programmes offered
Presently Department offers following two Programmes
1. M.A. in Economics
10 day training programme on Reseach Methodology in Social Science
2. Ph.D. in Economics

8. Intake Capacity
1. M.A. Economics Programme = 46
2. Ph.D. Programme = Subject to the availability of vacant seats

9.Best Practices
• The Department has created a database on the variable “unpaid work among women” in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
• Fortnightly meeting of class representatives with the Head/Coordinator/faculty members so as to maintain student centric environment in the
• Guests/Extension lectures for the students and research scholars.
• Faculty member provide counselling to the students for various competitive examinations.
• Orientation of the newly admitted students, mentoring of students etc

10. Strengths
Economics is a very dynamic field and of late data availability and data analysis has become inevitable for any Economics Department to cope with the
changing capabilities for enhancing the employability of students. With due recognition to this fact, the Department of Economics Central University of
Kashmir, is the only Economics Department in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir that has purchased three basic original/licensed softwares
(E Views, STATA, SPSS) for use by students right from the time they join the department. The popular updated Data modules as provided by CMIE
and EPWRF have been subscribed to and their usage/data downloading is being practically taught in the smart classrooms (having uninterrupted power
supply and high speed Wi-Fi connectivity) with frequent assistance from experts. The number of applicants for the courses offered on average has been
more than six times the seats available, thereby enabling the Department to get talented students as human input. Besides, the faculty members in the
department have not only had their Ph.D. degrees from different universities but also in non-overlapping fields that provides scope for offering diverse
optional courses at PG level and carrying out the research in diverse fields. The emphasis on mentoring and counseling (especially at PG level, where it
is an integral part of Time table) has resulted in excellent student-teacher rapport and is getting reflected with more students qualifying the competitive

Extension Lecture with Jean Dreze 57th Annual Conference

11.Location of Department
Department of Economics, Green Campus, Central University of Kashmir, Duderhama, Ganderbal-191201

Department of Politics and Governance
1. Introduction
Department of Politics and Governance was established in 2013. It offers Masters Programme in Political Science. In 2018, the department started the
integrated M.Phil/Ph.D research programme. Thus far 4 Scholars have obtained MPhil degrees from the Department. Since 2020, the department has
also been offering parttime P.G diploma in Peace and Conflict Studies.

2. Faculty

• Name: Dr Hima bindu

• Designation: Assistant Professor/Coordinator
• Qualifications: PhD and NET
• Specialisation: Political Thought, Governance
and Development, and Indian Politics

• Name: Dr Khalid Wasim Hassan

• Name: Dr Abhiruchi Ojha • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Qualifications: PhD
• Qualifications: PhD and NET • Specialisation: South Asia, Political Theory,
• Specialisation: Gender studies, International Comparative Politics and Peace and Conflict
Relations and African Studies. Studies.

• Name: Ms Tahira Khatoon
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Name: Dr Muzaffar Ahmad Ganaie
• Qualifications: M.Phil and NET-JRF • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Specialisation: Contemporary Political • Qualifications: Ph.D and NET
Philosophy, Feminist Political Theory and • Specialisation: Indian Politics, Human Rights
Indian Government and Politics and Public Administration

• Name: Dr Arshid Iqbal Dar • Name: Dr Yaqoob-ul-Hassan

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D and NET-JRF • Qualifications: Ph.D and NET
• Specialisation: International Politics, Theories • Specialisation: International Relations, South
of IR, India’s regional Diplomacy, South Asia Asia, Terrorism Studies, Political Islam and
and Indo-Pacific Affairs Peace and Conflict Studies

3. Objectives of the Programme

The prime objective of the Department is to engage with the theoretical and empirical debates around the socio-economic and political issues at national
and international levels. It also aims to promote and cultivate inter-community and inter-state peace and harmony. The department promotes critical
thinking in students and accelerates their growth as agents of social change.

4. Thrust areas
The special focus of the department is International Relations
with specific stress on South Asia. The Department offers PhD
degrees in the following areas.
1. South Asia
2. International Politics
3. Governance and Development

5. Programmes offered
M.A. in Political Science
P.G. Diploma in Peace and Conflict Studies
PhD in Political Science

6. Intake Capacity
M.A. intake: 46
Diploma intake: 22
PhD intake: 15 (with three recognized supervisors). Currently no seats are

7. Best practices Extension Lecture with Prof. Noor Ahmed Baba

1. Community participation and field trips.

2. Field based project work and dissertation in M.A. syllabus.
3. Skill development courses for students of other departments.
4. Linkages with academicians, think-tanks, research institutions, civil
society organizations and public intellectuals in India and abroad.
5. Class representatives and gender representation
6. Innovative teaching practices like movie/documentary screenings, group
discussions, simulation exercises, and presentations.
7. Cultural and sports activities.
8. Student Faculty Committee (SFC)

Celebrating International Human Rights Day 2021

The department provides a platform to the students and scholars
for exploration of new ideas and questioning of the old ones with
academic rigour and respect for multiple perspectives.
The faculty of the Department comes from diverse backgrounds
and is committed to expanding its horizons in innovative ways.

Sports Day Celebration

9. Location of Department
School of Social Sciences, Green Campus, Central University of Kashmir.

Main Campus

School of Engineering & Technology
1. About the School
School of Engineering & Technology is one of the first Schools established in Central University of Kashmir. Currently the school has only one Department
i.e., the Department of Information Technology. Other departments of Engineering which include the Department of Electronics & Communication
and Department of Civil Engineering also stand approved and will be started in the near future. Like all other Schools of CUK, School of Engineering
& Technology is headed by a Dean who makes policy decisions for the Departments of the School. School of Engineering & Technology also provides
technical support to other sections of the university as and when required.

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Chishti has done his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from NIT Srinagar and has completed B.E. and
M.S. in Computer and Information Engineering from IIUM Malaysia with specialization in Computer Networking. Presently
he is Dean & Associate Professor in School of Engineering & Technology and Director, ITSS Central University of Kashmir.
Previously he was working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NIT Srinagar for
more than 12 years. He has more than 135 research publications to his credit and 14 patents with two granted International
Patents. He has authored 4 books and has successfully completed a number of sponsored research projects. He has been awarded
“IEI Young Engineers Award 2015-2016” by the Institution of Engineers (India) and “Young Scientist Award 2009-2010” from
Department of Science & Technology, Government of J&K. He has supervised 6 research scholars for the award of Ph.D. degree
in Engineering.

Department of Information Technology

3. Introduction
The Department of Information Technology is a flagship department under the School of Engineering and Technology. Having an up-to-date curriculum,
well trained faculty and an excellent infrastructure, the Department is committed to develop highly skilled Information Technology (IT) professionals,
capable of meeting the ever-changing and increasing needs of the IT industry. The Department is presently offering PhD in CSE, Two year Post-Graduate
programmed leading to the degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science Engineering (CSE) in addition to B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering
(CSE) which is a 4 year degree programme. Striving hard for excellence, the Department plans to diversify and expand its activities in the years to come.

4. Faculty 2022
• Name: Prof. A. M Wani • Name: Er. Afaq Alam Khan
• Designation: Professor (Guest Faculty) • Designation:Assistant Professor/ Coordinator
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: : M.Tech. IT
• Specialisation: AI & ML • Specialisation: Parallel Processing

• Name: Er. Zahoor Ahmad Najar • Name: Er. Amjed Husain

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.Tech. IT • Qualifications: M.Tech.
• Specialisation: Network Security • Specialisation: Machine Learning

• Name: Er. Sheikh Riyaz ul Haq • Name: Er. Omerah Yousuf

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation:Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.Tech • Qualifications: M.Tech.
• Specialisation: Information Security • Specialisation: Security in IoT

• Name: Er. Mir Aman Sheharyar

• Name: Er. Jasra Jabar
• Designation:Assistant Professor
• Designation: Teaching Assistant
• Qualifications: M.Tech.
• Qualifications: M.Tech.
• Specialisation: Computer Networking and
• Specialisation: Information Security
Cyber Forensics

• Name: Er. Mehreen • Name: Er. Ifra Bilal Shah
• Designation: Teaching Assistant • Designation: Teaching Assistant
• Qualifications: M.Tech. • Qualifications: M.Tech.
• Specialisation: Cloud Computing, Machine • Specialisation: Networking

• Name: Er. Shehla Rafiq

• Designation: Teaching Assistant
• Qualifications: M.Tech.
• Specialisation: Biomatrics, Machine learning

5. objectives of the Programme

To develop highly skilled Information Technology and
Computer Science professionals, capable of meeting the
ever-changing and increasing needs of the IT industry.
To develop research temper in the students so that they
will be able to work on research based projects.

6. Thrust areas
• Artificial Intelligence
• Data Science
• Software Development
• Internet of Things
• High performance Computing
Computer Lab


7. Programmes offered
M.Tech. CSE
B.Tech. CSE

8. Intake Capacity
M.Tech. CSE : 25
B.Tech. CSE: 40
Trekking to nearby hill station

9. Best practices
1. Research-based project work divided into two phases in the third and
4th semesters of M.Tech.IT programme with research done on cutting edge
2. Student societies/clubs are in place such as CodeChef club, IEEE students
society, etc which help in preparing and encouraging students to participate in
various national and international competitions/hackathons.
3. Gate Club in place working almost round the clock to prepare CUK
engineering students for GATE examination
4. Regular conduct of BoS meeting done with a member from Industry included
in the board so that the syllabi are updated regularly and is made at par with
the industry needs.
6. Inclusion of courses from other departments in the scheme of B.Tech. CSE
for multidimensional development of students
7. Online and offline teaching and sharing of study material with the students
even during the COVID-19 times.
8. Regularly Workshops/Seminars/Training are conducted by the school to
provide deeper learning of subject concepts through experts of the field.
9. The school offers counseling for placements and training, Industrial Visits,
Expert Lectures, Pre-placement talks through placement, and training cell.

Conclusion TechFest 2021

10. Strengths
- Well qualified and experienced faculty
- Faculty with proven records of high quality research
- Well equipped laboratories with state of art equipment
- Good placement record
- A number of MoUs with companies and research organizations

11. Location of Department

Department of Information Technology School of Engineering &
Technology, Central University of Kashmir, Main Campus, Tulmulla,
Ganderbal, 191131.
Electronics Lab.

Electronics Lab. Drawing


School of Media Studies

1. About the School
The School of Media Studies was established in the year 2011 and is presently offering 2 years Master in Convergent Journalism, 1 year PG Diploma in
Urdu Jounalism and Integrated M.Phil Ph.d programmes. The School intends to extend its canvas of programmes to other innovative digitally driven
professional job oriented programmes and short term courses to cater to requirements of industry

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Prof. Shahid Rasool is a former US Fulbright Fellow in Communication Technology; MS in Communication from
Syracuse University, USA; Ph.D. & Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism, from the University of Kashmir,
Srinagar. Previously he served the University of Kashmir as Director, Educational Multimedia Research Centre and
Head, Media EducationResearchCentre.
He also served Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada, as Director, Commonwealth Educational Media
Centre for Asia (CEMCA).
Prof. Shahid has over 32 years of experience in teaching, research, production, and direction of educational films
besides development of e-Content and MOOCs. He has produced and directed over 300 ETV films including 5
National level Award Winning films. Has been the Chief Editor of various publications including, Media Times,
MERC Times, CEMCA Newsletter, “Tajassus” and “Ghaash” and Chief Producer of weekly QUEST –Video Digest on
DD Srinagar and weekly KURD –Radio Digest, AIR, Srinagar. He has scores of research papers published in reputed
journals and a book on Educational Television. Prof. Shahid has delivered lectures and presented papers in various national/international conferences/
seminars. He has also served as a member/chair on various national level academic/ professional bodies and consultative committees.

Department of Convergent Journalism

3. Introduction
Central University of Kashmir launched an innovative post-graduation programme in convergent journalism, Master of Arts in Convergent Journalism
(MACJ) during the academic session of 2011 under the aegis of the School of Media Studies. Through this unique course, we ensure that we keep up with
the pace of technological developments in today’s convergent media scenario across the world and groom our students to produce and manage content
across multiple platforms, including print, radio, internet, television, social media and other digital and interactive platforms. The coursework includes
three semesters of rigours training on the practical as well as thetheoretical learning aspects of journalism and mass communication while the fourth
semester is acapstone media project based full-term semester with five optional specializations which include Advanced Media Productions, Narrative

Journalism, New Media, Photojournalism and Research Dissertation. Besides this, the department constantly organizes workshops/seminars/debates
and other related events to make sure that the learners get an opportunity to gain more knowledge and enhance their skills. After the completion of
third semester, students are sent to various local, national, international media houses for a three-week internship program which exposes them
to the practical challenges in the field of journalism and also helps them with full-time employment opportunities. Students gain a strong theoretical
framework while developing practical skills the areas that include photography, writing, reporting, media production, film production, documentary
making, design and web development and media research. Internships with media houses provide on-the-job training that helps students get excellent
employment opportunities. The degree program in convergent journalismprepares students to pursue their dreams in the field of journalism and mass
communications. The department prepares students for the world of media/journalism where they can be placed as content managers, creative writers,
reporters, editors, public relations specialists, social media specialists, filmmakers, production managers, cinematographers, photojournalists and more.
The main objective of this course is to produce skilled and trained professionals for all the streams of journalism who arecommitted to the issues of
ethics, social relevance and human rights. Convergent Journalism is taught at very few institutions/universities in the world and in South Asia we are the
second institution of this kind to offer this programme. Upon completion students will have the in-depth knowledge and aptitude to pursue a successful
journalism career.

4. Faculty
• Name: Dr. Asif Khan
• Name: Dr. Arif Nazir • Designation: Sr. Assistant Professor
• Designation: Associate Professor & Head • Qualifications: Ph.D
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Specialisation: AV Production, Convergent
• Specialisation: Media Research, New Media, Journalism, New Media, Communication
Communication Models and Theories Models and Theories, Media & Ethics

• Name: Dr. John Babu Koyye

• Name: Mr. Shahnaz Bashir (On Study Leave) • Designation: Sr. Assistant Professor
• Designation: Sr. Assistant Professor • Qualifications: Ph.D
• Qualifications: Master Degree and NET • Specialisation: Media and Human Rights,
• Specialisation: Writing for Media, Creative Media and Communication for Development,
Writing, Narrative Writing Public Relations: Concepts, Practices and

• Name: Dr. Nookaraju Bendukurthi
• Name: Dr Akhter Hussain Bhat
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.A (Mass Communication)
• Qualifications: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Communication Theories and
• Specialisation: Print Media Reporting, Creative
Models, Development Communication, Media
Writing, Digital Communications
& Culture, Media Research,

• Name: Syed Mudawar Shamus • Name: Mr. Sammeer Wani

• Designation: Guest Faculty • Designation: Production Assistant
• Qualifications: Ph.D and NET • Qualifications: : Master’s Degree in Convergent
• Specialisation:Development Communication, Journalism
Urdu Journalism, Film Making, Broadcasting, • Specialisation: Photography, Cinematography,
Broadcast Journalism, AV Production Filmmaking, Film Editing.

5. Objectives of the Programme

The main objective of this course is to produce skilled and trained journalists for all the streams of journalism who are committed to the issues of ethics,
social relevance and human rights. Besides this, here are some of the main objectives behind running this innovative course:
• Journalism is the field that requires one to be well versed with all the trends and technologies to communicate with their audience, students need
individuals who have a right hand at emerging technologies and that is what our main here is. This course helps the learners to keep up the pace with
the rapidly changing field of communications and journalism.
• Prepare our students to demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and
• Teach learners to apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they choose to work (text, audio, video, web).
• Teach learners to critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness.
• Make the learners understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information.
• Make the learners understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information.
• Train students in Advanced Media Productions, Narrative Journalism, New Media, Photojournalism and Research Dissertation.
• Train students to balance practical, theoretical, technical and analytical elements to address the changing media environment and the new, and
increasingly diverse, demands being made on entrants to journalism.

6. Thrust Areas
Advanced Media Productions, Narrative Journalism, New Media, Photojournalism and Research Dissertation are the various specialized areas in which
students can pursue their career after opting them during fourth semester course as a main course for their specialization. Besides this, the students are
sent to various local, national, international media houses for a three-week internship program after completing third semester. Students gain a strong
theoretical framework while developing practical skills in photography, writing, reporting, media production, film production, documentary making,
design and web development and media research.

7. Programmes Offered 8. Intake Capacity

A) M.Phil. - Ph.D (Integrated Coursework in Media Studies/Journalism) MA in Convergent Journalism: 39 including Reserve Categories
B) Masters in Convergent Journalism (2 years of coursework) PG Diploma in Urdu Journalism: 25
C) PGD in Urdu Journalism

9. Best Practices
Apart from the rigorous learning process wherein the learners are engagedin in practical and theory-based teaching/learning in the first three semesters,
forth semester involves a capstone media project with five optional-specializations in Advanced Media Productions, Narrative Journalism, New Media,
Photojournalism and Research Dissertation work. Besides this, the department organizes a number of workshops/seminars/debates from time to time
providing students an important opportunity to engage to keep themselves updated with the rapid technological transformations taking place in the
field of journalism and mass communications. These activities also help students to gain new knowledge and sharpen their skills. The department
also engages students in three-week internship programs with local, national, international media houses after the completion of third semester. The
course work also includes practical projects/assignments wherein the students are engaged in filmmaking, ad making, video editing, beat reporting,
news writing/editing, radio projectsand presentations which enables them to sync their theoretical knowledge with the practical skills and challenges
associated with this sector.The coursework itself has been designed in a way that after pursuing this course, a learner is fully equipped to comprehend and
fit in the highly convergent media scenario of todays world. This course keeps the learners updated with the latest technological changes taking place in
the field of journalism and mass communications.Workshops/seminars and other related events that the department organizes from time to time helps
students to enhance their skills and knowledge.

10. Strengths
Highly qualified faculty with industry experience and research
acumen. The faculty often interacts with the students in area of their
specializations to bring best out of them. There are mentor groups created
within the department to help students through counseling sessions for
uplifting their morale and prepare them for a highly competitive future
ahead. While pursuing this Two Year Master’s Degree Program in
ConvergentJournalism, students will learn to keep up with the pace of
Journalism in the world and make students learn to produce and manage
content across multiple platforms, including print, radio, the internet,
television, social media and other digital and interactive platforms. The
coursework has been designed in a way that will ensure that the learners
are exposed all important aspects of journalism and mass communication
with special focus on the equipping them with the best possible practical
skills so that they are fully ready for the industry whenever they hit it.
Besides classwork and on-the-field practical assignments, the students
are sent to various local, national, international media houses for a three-
week internship program after completing third Semester. Students
gain a strong theoretical framework while developing practical skills in Department of Convergent Jounalism
photography, writing, reporting, media production, film production,
documentary making, design and web development and media research.
Internships with media houses provide on-the-job training and also
provide students with longtime employment opportunities. The degree
program in convergent journalism/ media prepares students to pursue
rapidly changing communication and journalism profession. The
department prepares students for the world of media/journalism where
they can be placed as content managers, creative writers, reporters,
editors, public relations specialists, social media specialists, filmmakers,
production managers, cinematographers, photojournalists and more.

11. Location of Department

Department of Convergent Journalism, Central University of Kashmir,
Main Campus, Tulmulla, Ganderbal, 191131.

Students doing practical work in DCJ Lab

School of Legal Studies
1. About the School
The School of Legal Studies came into existence in 2011. As of now, the School has only one Department (the Department of Law) and two Centers
namely, Dr B.R Ambedkar multi-disciplinary center for law, public policy and social action; and center for public interest lawyering.

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Prof. (Dr) Farooq Ahmad Mir joined as Professor in the Department in September 2020. Having nearly three decades
of teaching experience at University level, he served as Dean and Head, Faculty of Law at the University of Kashmir. He
also worked as Registrar, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora, and Controller of Examinations at
the University of Kashmir and the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations. The Max Planck Institute, Munich,
Germany awarded him a fellowship for undertaking a project on “E-commerce – An Indian Perspective” in Germany
(1999), which was later on published in the International Journal of Law and Information Technology, England (2001). He
also received a letter of appreciation from Late Sh. V.N. Gadgil, the then Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting
for writing an article titled “False and Misleading Advertisements – Legal Perspectives,” which was published in the Journal
of the Indian Law Institute (1996).
Prof. Mir published books on Cyber Law, Law on Consumer Services, Copyright, and Consumer Protection in India, and
more than fifty research articles in distinguished journals. He is an active member of various academic societies and also
serves as referee and editor to several law journals.

Department of Law
3. Introduction
The Department of Law is a teaching and research centre at School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir. It was established in 2011 under the
coordinatorship of Prof. S.M.A. Qadri, retired Professor from Faculty of Law, University of Kashmir. Then, in 2012, Prof. Mehraj Uddin Mir joined the
department as Professor and Head of the Department and became the first Dean of School of Legal Studies at the University. Later, in 2015, he became
the Vice Chancellor of Central University of Kashmir. There are faculty members with distinctive academic backgrounds and specializations contributing
towards the widening and enrichment of the academic compass of the department. The curriculam of the department is strictly as precribed by the BCI
and the BALLB 5 year intergrated programme, presently being offered, is recognised by the BCI.

• Name: Mr Bilal Ahmad Ganai • Name: Ms Gulafroz Jan
• Designation:Assistant Professor/ Coordinator • Designation: Sr.Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: : M.Phil • Qualifications: LLM
• Specialisation: Kashmir Politics • Specialisation: Commercial Laws

• Name: Dr Anil Kumar • Name: Hilal Ahmad Najar

• Designation: Sr.Assistant Professor • Designation: Sr.Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: LLM
• Specialisation: Social Theory, gender and • Specialisation: Criminal Law and Criminal
sexuality Studies Justice System

• Name: Dr Mudasir Bhat • Name: Dr Raihana Shawl

• Designation:Assistant Professor • Designation:Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Criminal Justice System and • Specialisation: Criminal Law and Criminal
Forensic Sciences Justice System

• Name: Dr Sunder Singh • Name: Dr Yasir Latif Handoo

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation:Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Criminal Law and Criminal • Specialisation: Criminal law and Forensic
Justice System Science

• Name: Dr Shabina Arfat
• Name: Dr Imran Ahad Bhat
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D
• Qualifications: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Criminal Law and Criminal
• Specialisation: Commercial Laws
Justice System

• Name: Dr Nayeem Ahmad Bhat

• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Labour Laws

5. objectives of the Programme

BALLB (Bachelor of Arts and Legislative Law)
• Disciplinary knowledge: On completion of the degree of BA.LLB, students shall be capable to demonstrate the comprehensive knowledge about the
Constitution Law and Constitutionalism, substantive and procedural laws, local and international laws.
• Communication skills: The students shall be able to express their ideas and thoughts effectively both orally and in writing and shall be in a position to
formulate a well drafted memorial for their case/s in hand.
• Critical thinking: The students shall be in position to evaluate and analyse the knowledge to formulate coherent arguments.
• Problem solving: The students shall be capable to make use of the knowledge domain in order to solve any unseen events and non-familiar problems
in the field of law and otherwise.
• Procedural knowledge: The students shall have ability to use the procedural laws into the filed of law so as to make the dispensation of justice machinery
work in a smooth and hassle free manner.
• Analytical reasoning: The students shall develop an analytical reasoning to highlight the flaws in laws, judgments and in the arguments of the others
in particular to opposite counsels in the court of law/s.
• Research related skills: On completion of the programme the students shall develop the spirit of inquiry and techniques of research for the day to day
case hearings in the courts.
• Team work: The students shall glean the concept and benefits of teamwork so as to emerge as the leaders in their domain. They will respect the

difference of opinion in thought and ideas for the better vision of individual progress and the progress of society.
• Digital literacy: During this programme students are trained to make best use of the Information technology and laws regulating the information sent
or received through ICT.
• Moral and ethical awareness: The students shall adopt moral and ethical values on regulating one’s life and keep distance from fabrication, falsification
and misrepresentation.

6. Thrust areas
• Criminal Justice System
• Juvenile Justice System
• Gender Justice
• Social Justice
• Forensic Science

7. Programmes offered.
Integrated BALLB

8. Intake Capacity Group Photograph after successful conclusion of international workshop

LLM: 12

9. Best practices
• Orientation of Newcomers
• Exhaustive, Innovative, Space & Time Specific Curriculum
• Mentoring of Students
• Close Coordination With Bar & Bench through Court
Internships & Chambering
• Sensitization of Society on contemporary issues through
Legal Literacy

10. Strengths
• Innovative teaching-learning transactions by treating Law
as a subject of applied Science.
• Robust apprenticship and internship programmes for law
students Seminar on criminal justice system in 21st Century, sponsored by ICSSR
• Overwhelming students participation in mootcourts, legal aid clinics and outreach programme.
• Frequent court visits and placement of students with leading law firms.
• Encouraging participation of faculty in national and international seminars, wokshops and conferences.
• Significant research contribution of the faculty.
• BCI recognised programmes.

11. Location Of Department

Department of Law, Central University of Kashmir, Main Campus, Tulmulla, Ganderbal, 191131.


Mini TEDx TALK in collaboration with NIT Srinagar

Campus of Department of Law

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
1. About the School
School of Physical and Chemical Science consists of three departments; Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Mathematics is the oldest of all the three
departments and at present the biggest department within the school. The Department of Physics was established after mathematics and the Department
of Chemistry was established in 2020.

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Wali Mohammad Shah is a Professor of Mathematics and Dean School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at Central University
of Kashmir. Before his appointment at the Central University of Kashmir, he taught undergraduate and post graduate students at
various institutions of higher education in the Jammu and Kashmir State including the university of Kashmir. . His services in the
government sector also include the heading of the Under graduate and Post graduate departments in various colleges besides the
appointment as a College Principal, Principal nodal officer/ Director of Jammu and Kashmir Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(2013-2015). He continues to publish his research findings in various international journals of Mathematics since 1996 and writes
regularly reviews for Mathematical Review (MR) published by American Mathematical Society. Besides the life member of various
mathematical societies including American Mathematical Society, he is the founder member and the first chairman of Kashmir
Mathematical society. Dr. Shah received M. Phil and Ph. D degrees in Mathematics with specialization in Complex functions and
Approximation theory from the University of Kashmir, India.

Department of Mathematics
3. Introduction
The Department of Mathematics is one of the oldest departments of the university. It was established in July2011 and initially it started by offering
M.A/M.Sc. in Mathematics. Later in 2016 with the start of 5-year integrated programme it became one of the few departments of the university to
offer both PG and Integrated 5-year programmmes. At present the Department also offers PhD programme in mathematics. The Department has five
permanent faculty members and three contractual Assistant Professors. Besides, the department also engages guest and adjunct faculties as and when
required. The major thrust research areas are Complex Analysis and Abstract Algebra.At present around 277 students and 17 research scholars are on
the rolls of the department, pursuing their respective degrees. The first 09 scholars of batch-2017 completed their M.Phil. degree recently the department
boasts of a well-qualified and dedicated faculty and aims to become a Centre of excellence in both teaching and research in the country and has put in
place various plans to achieve this goal. The faculty of the department is currently working on two major research projects funded by SERB-DST. The
department also acts as the nodal agency for the conduct of various NBHM scholarship tests for J&K and Ladakh.

4. Faculty

• Name: Dr Aftab Hussain Shah

• Name: Mr. Ghulam Mohammad Sofi
• Designation: Senior Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Specialisation: Semigroup Theory, Category
• Specialisation:Complex function Theory

• Name: Dr. Shabbir Ahmad Ahanger • Name: Mr. Nitin Ambadas Katake
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Specialisation: Functional Analysis and Algebra • Specialisation: Graph Theory and Topology

• Name: Dr Lubna Wali Shah

• Name: Dr Mohammad Imran Bhat
• Designation: Assistant Professor.
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Specialisation: Complex Analysis,
• Specialisation: Algebraic Graph Theory
Approximation Theory

• Name: Dr Aaqib Iqbal

• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Specialisation: Complex Analysis

5. objectives of the Programme
Since the department offers three different Programmes each programme has its own
objective. The M.A/M.Sc. programme is aimed to provide a direction to the students who
had already graduated and opt a career in mathematics. The objective of 5-year integrated
programme is to identify students with mathematical abilities at the very beginning and train
them so that they can make a mark in the field of mathematics. Ph.D. programme is aimed
to produce quality research out put in the respective areas of interest.
National Level Workshop on Algebra and Analysis
6. Thrust areas
1. Abstract Algebra: Theory of Semigroups
2. Complex Analysis:
3. Graph Theory

7. Intake Capacity 8. Programmes offered

1. B.Sc.-M.Sc. = 46 1. M.A/M.Sc. Mathematics
2. M.A/M.Sc. = 46 2. Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. Mathematics
3. Ph.D. in Mathematics.

9. Best practices International Women’s Day Celebration

Quality teaching learning with focus on problem solving. Involvement of students in interactive sessions with the faculty members of the department as
well as external experts in the form of presentations, project dissertation writing and viva voce etc.

10. Strengths
The department is newly established. Its strength lies in young faculty members who are dedicated and work as a team.

11.Location of Department
Department of Physics, Central University of Kashmir, Main Campus, Tulmulla, Ganderbal, 191131.

Department of Physics
1. Introduction
Physics is a core discipline of Natural Sciences, which finds application in almost every discipline of other Natural sciences. Technology with its varied
Disciplines has revolutionized the lives of humankind, as offshoots of physical sciences in its different dimensions.
The knowledge of Physics and its applications is therefore a very important as far as the developing societies are concerned. Keeping in view the
development of societies in general and scientific society in particular, the Central University of Kashmir (CUK) has started 5-year Integrated B. Sc.- M.
Sc Programme in Physics with semester system following the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The Department of Physics started its first batch of
Integrated B. Sc.- M. Sc programme in 2015 at Transit Campus Sonwar, Srinagar. The department intends to nurture the aspiring students to pursue their
career in higher education leading to the basic research programmes for the development of society.
This is the first programme of its kind started in the valley & in fact in Northern India, CUK has taken the lead by starting 5 year integrated courses in
other disciplines as well. The students are admitted to the programme through Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET), after completing
the Higher Secondary (10+2) Education. The main aim of this integrated course is to train the students from grass-root level so that they can start their
career at an early stage and progress is proper direction. Graduates from the department are expected to join have distinguished careers in the domain
of Science & Technology and occupy leading positions in research institutes all over India and abroad.
Our current areas of research are Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Photonics, Materials Science, and Theoretical Nuclear Physics. The
Department has teaching laboratories and intends to include modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning. The curriculum is
framed in such a way as to build a sound theoretical foundation for the students and enhance their problem solving skills in all subjects. Due emphasis
is given to presentation skills, writing skills. On their graduation from the department the students are expected to be competant enough to compete in
graduate level national exams like GATE and also NET JRF/ NET.

2. Faculty

• Name: Mr. Raja Nisar Ali • Name: Dr. Khalid Sultan

• Designation:Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: M.Sc/M.Phil • Qualifications: : Ph.D
• Specialisation: Nuclear Physics • Specialisation: Solid state Physics

• Name: Dr. Rubiya Samad • Name: Dr. Zahir Ahmad shah
• Designation:INSPIRE Faculty • Designation: INSPIRE Faculty
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: : Ph.D
• Specialisation: Solid state Physics • Specialisation: Astro Physics

• Name: Dr. Muntazir Gull • Name: Dr.Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat

• Designation:Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: : Ph.D
• Specialisation: Nuclear Physics • Specialisation: Theoretical High energy physics

• Name: Dr. Farooq Ahmad Dar • Name: Dr. Rameez Ahmad Parra
• Designation:Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: : Ph.D
• Specialisation: Material science • Specialisation: High energy physics

• Name: Dr. Irshad Ahmad Mir • Name: Dr. Suhail Ahmad Tali
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D • Qualifications: : Ph.D
• Specialisation: Material science • Specialisation: Nuclear Physics

• Name: Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Magray
• Designation:Teaching Assistant
• Qualifications: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Material science

3.Objectives of the Programme

1. Teaching and Research at highest standards of excellence.
2. To provide a strong foundation of advanced learning with hands on lab trainings.
3. To provide the opportunities for broadening the experience of students and scholars through participation in various extracurricular activities.

4. Thrust areas
Our current areas of research are Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Photonics, Materials Science, Theoretical Nuclear Physics and high energy

5. Programmes offered 7.Best practices

Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Physics 1. Advanced learning with hands on lab trainings
Integrated M.Phil- Ph.D 2. Hands on sessions for computational programs.
3. Train students for national and international competitive exams.
4. One year research project
5. Motivate students for research in leading branches in Physics

6. Intake Capacity 8. Strengths

1. Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Physics: 46 • Curriculum based on emerging trends in the field.
2. Integrated M.Phil- Ph.D: 05 • Extension lectures by the resource persons of national and international
• Research based on contemprary trends in the field.
• Qualified Staff for teaching and research.
9. Location of Department
Department of Physics, Central University of Kashmir, Main
Campus, Tulmulla, Ganderbal, 191131.

Students performing their Lab. work

Departmental faculty and Staff. Students performing their Lab. work

Department of Physical Education(School Of Education)
1. Introduction
The main purpose of establishing the Department of Physical Education is to upgrade the status of Physical Education by producing quality teachers and
leaders through different courses. The Department of Physical Education, established in 2017, offers an in-depth study into various aspects of Physical
Education as well as Sports. Its mission is to achieve academic excellence and gain national and international recognition in education, research as well
as sports.The department has designed and optimised Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) degree programme to prepare post-graduates in the best
possible way for their careers- disciplined, specific, locally relevant and competitive. Master of Physical Education is a two-year semester based regular
course comprised of Theory as well as Practical subjects (Games and Sports).The students graduating from the department can take up teaching/non-
teaching jobs in school, colleges and university department of Physical Education. They can get jobs as sports journalists in the print media, health and
fitness trainers in corporate houses and personal trainers to fitness conscious persons.

2. Faculty
• Name: Dr. Somanpreet Singh • Name: Dr. Mohammad Muzamil Shah
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D in Physical Education • Qualifications: Ph.D in Physical Education
• Sports Specialization: Track & Field • Sports Specialization: Football
• Theory specialization: Sports Management • Theory specialization: Exercise Physiology

• Name: Dr. Abdul Roof Rather • Name: Dr. Mohammad Muqarram

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualifications: Ph.D in Physical Education • Qualifications: Ph.D in Physical Education
• Sports Specialization: Cricket • Sports Specialization: Track &Field, Yoga
• Theory specialization: Sports Psychology • Theory specialization: Sports Training.

3. Objectives of the Programme 4. Thrust areas
The programme objective of the department is to produce quality teachers Physical Education and Sports Research
and leaders in Physical Education and sports. Department also offers the
research orientated platform for the students and scholars in Physical 5. Programmes offered
education and sports. M.P.Ed 2 Year Programme

6.Intake Capacity: 46

7. Best practices
The faculty of the department has published many research papers in
UGC referred Journals over the years. Department also organizes many
tournaments in the university and develop the concept of fitness among
the students and staff of the university.

8. Strengths Departmental Football Team

The key strength in obtaining the Master of Physical Education
qualification from our department is that we have a research-based
master’s programme. The dissertation has been included in the course
which enables the student to get basic knowledge about research in
Physical Education and Sports.
The department has made available to the students:
• Quality Training and Research Laboratories.
• Best Quality Sports Equipment.
• A Library with Best Available Books.

9. Location of Department
University Ground: T20 Tournament
Department of Physical Education, Central University Of Kashmir,
Tullamulla Campus, Ganderbal 191131.
Arts Campus

School of Languages
1. About the School
The School of Languages is one of the core schools at Central University of Kashmir. The School presently has three departments- English, Urdu
and Kashmiri. The School offers Masters Programmes and Research Programmes in these languages. The school exposes, encourages and promotes
interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and qualitative textual learning and research in the languages of Urdu, English and Kashmiri with a broader
perspective on world literature. The School is in the process of signing Memorandums of Understanding with various reputed academic institutions
across the world for the benefits of learners and researchers.

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Prof. (Dr.) Md. Gayasuddin is Dean of the School of Languages, Central University of Kashmir. He has more than 30 years
teaching (14 years as University- professor) 18years’ administrative experiences.He has a vast experience in the field of research
and has published more than 20 books and more than50 Research Papers. He has participated in numerous national and
international seminars and conferences. He has delivered lectures on a wide range of themes and topics across the country, He
has contributed greatly to the educational sector through his innovative decisions and creativity. He has arranged numerous
study tours for students across the country. He has organised several national and international Seminars and conferences. He
wants to light the candles of Knowledge and education everywhere.

Department of English
3. Introduction
The Department of English is the first department established in the School of Languages (SOL), Central University of Kashmir. The Department
provides an intellectually nourishing and conducive atmosphere to the students aspiring to undertake an in-depth study of English Literature as it offers
a variety of courses covering all the major genres of English literature and the fundamentals of English language teaching. The choice-based credit system
allows the students to choose from a variety of elective courses that are offered in addition to the core courses. A comprehensive continuous internal
assessment system ensures a thorough development of the intellectual capabilities of the students.
Since its establishment in 2010 the Department has progressed significantly. In a short span of time, it has carved a niche for itself as one of the most
efficient departments in the university. The most defining feature of the department is that it has a committed, dynamic and dedicated staff. It would not

be an exaggeration to say that it is because of their indefatigable efforts that the department has already burgeoned into one of the finest ones in the
university. The young and ebullient staff of the department has constantly strived to take the teaching of English to an ever higher level. In keeping
with this spirit, the teachers have tried to move beyond the traditional methods of teaching and have succeeded considerably in making the practice
of teaching more innovative, interactive and student-friendly. One of the priorities of the department has been the procurement of quality books for
the departmental library as a result of which it has grown into a repository of valuable books. The bonhomie in the department is exemplary with the
teachers having an excellent rapport with each other. This congenial atmosphere has thus far served both as an encouragement and an inspiration to the
students and enabled them to express themselves in proper intellectual terms. It has also led to a unique and unprecedented training and edification of
the students. This, in turn, has borne immediate fruit in the form of the establishment of the departmental literary club and the regular maintenance of
a wall-journal to which students from both semesters contribute on a monthly basis.
One of the stated aims of the department has been the development of literary and critical perception in the students which should ultimately enable
them to place the major literary works of the world in a proper literary perspective. Such diligent and serious study, needless to say, is ultimately expected
to transform the students into individuals that can make a difference to the society. The Department also offers a PhD research programme under which
ten scholars are currently pursuing their research in the Department while four scholars have already obtained their doctoral degrees.

4. Faculty
• Name: Mr Sunnil Kuamar Mannil
• Designation: Assistant Professor & Coordinator
• Qualification: M.A English, M.Phil
• Specialisation: Linguistics, Modern British
Poetry and Drama, Elizabethan and Jacobean
Drama, Greek and Latin Classics in Translation,
Literary theory

• Name: Dr Ihsan-ur-Rahim Malik

• Designation: : Sr. Assistant Professor • Name: Dr Ishrat Bashir
• Qualification: M.A, English, Ph.D • Designation: Sr. Assistant Professor
• Specialisation: Modern British Poetry and • Qualification: M.A English, Ph.D
Drama, Indian Writing in English in • Specialisation: Literary Theory and Criticism,
Translation,English Poetry: From Chaucer to Short Story, British Drama
Dryden, Indian Writing in English

• Name: Dr Aaliya Mushtaq • Name: Dr Tajamul Islam
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.A English, Ph.D • Qualification: M.A English, Ph.D
• Specialisation: Modern British Poetry and • Specialisation: English Novel: Defoe to
Drama, Indian Writing in English, Linguistics, Dickens, Short Story, Contemporary Fiction,
Autobiography English Poetry: From Chaucer to Dryden

5. Objectives of the Programme

• Develops critical thinking of students
• Familiarizes the students with different literary periods and literary trends characteristic of these periods
• Helps the students understand the progress and evolution of language
• Cultivates language skills of students by introducing them to niceties and subtleties of language in relation to the prescribed literary works.
• Sharpens the writing skills of students by familiarizing them with the conventions of academic writing
• Helps develop a critical perspective required to undertake a serious study of different disciplines Programme Specific Outcomes
The programme is expected to enable the students to:
• Critically analyze and place different literary works in proper perspective
• Use theory to comprehend and assess literary works
• Interpret and explore literary structures, relationships and associations from different points of view
• Imaginatively engage in intercultural dialogue
• Situate the place and importance of Indian literature in English among other literatures in English.
• Understand the dynamics, working, progress and development of language.
• Become conversant with the different critical approaches to literature
• Understand the intricate relationship between politics, society and aesthetics.
• Comprehend the points of intersection or difference vis-à-vis world literatures.
• Understand the significance, importance and educative value of great classics in

6. Thrust areas 7. Programmes offered
The programme has been designed in such a way that a) Masters in English
it can introduce students in to varied fields like: b) PhD in English
i. Creative writing
ii. Content writing
iii. Teaching
iv. Journalism
v. Translation

8. Intake Capacity 9. Best practices

46 for M A, English • CTS
• Maintenance of a Wall Journal
• Mentoring
• Students Literary Club

10. Strengths
• Curriculum Transaction Strategy (CTS) stretches beyond the traditional methods
of teaching
• Good Library
• Study material
• Good rapport between students and teachers
• Comprehensive curriculum

11. Location of Department

Department of English Arts Campus, Dudarhama, Ganderbal.

Department of Urdu
1. Introduction
The Department of Urdu has started its journey from 01/08/2012 and it is Second department established in the School of Languages, Central University
of Kashmir. The Department provides an intellectually nourishing and conducive atmosphere to the students aspiring to undertake an in-depth study
of Urdu Literature in light of modern and post-modern national and international socio-cultural conditions. The Department offers a variety of courses
covering all the major genres, trends and movements of Urdu literature and Linguistics. The choice-based credit system allows the students to choose
from a variety of elective courses that are offered in addition to the core courses. A comprehensive continuous internal assessment system ensures
development of the intellectual capabilities of the students.
Since its establishment, the Department has progressed significantly. In a short span of time, it has carved a niche for itself as one of the most efficient
departments in the university. The most defining feature of the department is that it has a committed, dynamic and dedicated staff. In the last few years
the department has organised one National Seminar and five lectures. The teachers have tried to move beyond the traditional methods of teaching
and have succeeded considerably in making the practice of teaching more innovative, interactive and student-friendly. One of the priorities of the
department has been the procurement of quality books for the departmental library as a result of which it has grown into a repository of valuable books.
One of the stated aims of the department has been the development of literary and critical perception in the students which should ultimately enable
them to place the major literary works of the Urdu as well as world literature in a proper literary perspective. Such diligent and serious study, needless
to say, is ultimately expected to transform the students into individuals that can make a difference to the society. The Department offers Integrated M.
Phil./Ph. D., Direct Ph. D. and Part Time Ph. D. and having 30 Research Scholars including direct and integrated M. Phil./Ph.D.

2. Faculty
• Name: Irfan Ahmad Malik
• Name: Dr. Nusrat Jabeen
• Designation: Associate Professor
• Designation: Senior Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph.D and M.A
• Qualification: M.A, Ph.D, NET, SLET, B.Ed
• Specialisation: Poetry and Fiction
• Specialisation: Iqbaliyaat and Feminist Studies

• Name: Dr. Pervez Ahmed
• Name: Dr. Mohammad Rashid Azeez
• Designation: Senior Assistant Professor
• Designation: Senior Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph. D
• Qualification: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Modern & Classical Urdu
• Specialisation: Urdu Folk Literature, Urdu
Poetry, Linguistics, Natural Language
Rhetoric and Prosody, Urdu Rubia, Origin and
Processing, Computational Linguistics and
Development of Urdu.
Machine Translation.

• Name: Dr.Altaf Hussain Naqshbandi

• Designation: Senior Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Urdu Drama, Translation
Studies and Non-Fiction Prose
3. Objectives of the Programme
The Department strives very hard to inculcate creativity, objectivity and innovation among the students. The Department aims at developing
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach of teaching and learning. The Department focuses to incorporate all fresh trends and genres in its
syllabus and expects to emerge as the most attractive seat of learning for students across the country.

4. Thrust areas
The Department provides an intellectually nourishing and conducive atmosphere to the students aspiring to undertake an in-depth study of Urdu
Literature in light of modern and post-modern national and international socio-cultural conditions.The Department aims to develop literary and critical
perception in the students that would help them in building a sound and prosperous society.

5. Programmes Offered
1. M.A. in Urdu
2. Research Programme: M. Phil./Ph.D, Direct Ph. D and Part Time Ph. D

6. Intake Capacity
M.A: 46
Research: As per vacancies

7. Best Practices
The Department of Urdu develops creativity and innovation among students. The Department offers a variety of courses covering all the major genres,
trends and movements of Urdu literature and Linguistics. The Department adopts choice-based credit system that allows students to choose from a
variety of elective courses. A comprehensive and continuous internal assessment system ensures development of the intellectual capabilities of the
students. The Department aims to make teaching more innovative, interactive and student-friendly. The department is procuring quality books for the
departmental library as a result of which it has grown into a repository of valuable books.

The Department of Urdu, from its very inception, is known for its committed, dynamic and dedicated staff. The faculty with its wide and diverse
experience provide a fertile ground for students to groom. The Department has a quality library that provides students an opportunity to familiarise
themselves with the new emerging trends and techniques. The Department gives full respect to students’ creativity and innovation.

9. Location of Department
Old Hospital, Duderhama, Ganderbal, Kashmir

Department of Religious Studies
1. Introduction
Department of Religious Studies was established in 2015 and is one of the main constituent Departments of the School of Social Sciences at CUK. The
Department offers Masters programmes in Comparative Religion and Islamic Studies. In addition to the masters programmes department also offers
research programme for the budding scholars. Here at the Department of Religious Studies, students are exposed to comparative view of the major
world religions on one hand and on the other the in-depth study of Islam and its civilization is carried out using an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary
and textual approach. The department also facilitates the acquisition of proficiency in different religious languages like Arabic, Persian and Gurmukhi.
At present, the Department has seven faculty members who have published a good number of books and research papers individually on various
religious themes. So far, several extension lectures on various themes have been organized by the Department. The Department organises national and
international conferences every year and has also conducted some webinars during the tough times of Covid-19.

2. Faculty
• Name: Dr Nazir Ahmad Zargar
• Designation: Assistant Professor/Coordinator
• Qualification: M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D, NET/SET
• Specialisation: Peace and Justice in Islam,
Da’wah, Tasawwuf, Judaism, Christianity,

• Name: Dr Moyeed-ul-Zafar
• Name: Dr Harpal Singh
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.A Islamic Studies, M.A
• Qualification: M.A, Ph.D, NET/JRF, Advance
English,Ph.D, NET, Diploma in Journalism
Diploma in Persian
and Mass Communication. PDF Philosophy
• Specialisation: Sikh Hermeneutics, Sikh
• Specialisation: Hadith Literature, Philosophy,
and Kashmir

• Name: Mr Mohammed Ahmed Raza
• Name: Dr Showkat Ahmad Shah
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation:Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.A, M.Phil., NET/JRF
• Qualification: M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D, NET.
Certificate Course in Translation Proficiency
• Specialisation: Orientalism, Arabic/Modern
• Specialisation: Comparative Religion, Religion
Spoken Arabic
and Ecology, Gender and Religion

• Name: Dr Mohd. Ashraf Malik

• Name: Dr Mohd Yaseen Gada • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Qualification:: M. A, Ph. D, NET/JRF,
• Qualification:M.A Islamic studies, NET/JRF • Specialisation: Religious Theories, Islamic
• Specialisation: Crusades (Islamic history). History, Science and Religion, Islam &

3. Objectives of the Programme

Preparing experts in Islamic Studies and Comparative Religion in order to
create atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony in the present day
multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

4. Thrust areas
• Study of Religious Texts
• Inter-religious Understanding
• Comparative Study of World Religions
• Religious Values in Contemporary Times
• Religion and Contemporary Issues: International Conference
• Religion and Gender


• Religion and Ecology

• Religion and Social Justice 5. Programmes offered
• Religion and Human Rights
• Contemporary trends in Religions 1. M.A Islamic Studies
2. M.A Comparative Religion
3. Ph.D
6. Intake Capacity
1. M.A. Islamic Studies (44)
2. M.A. Comparative Religion (44)

7. Best practices
1. Induction meeting for fresh students.
2. Preparing M.A. Dissertations on Kashmiri Scholars and Sufis.
3. Al-Milal is a club where students discuss contemporary issues of
religious societies.

8. Strengths
• Curriculum based on the study of measure religion with
comparative approach.
• Extension lectures by the Scholars across religion.
• Research based on contemprary issues challenging religious

9. Location of Department
Arts Campus, Old Hospital Dudherhama,Ganderbal
International Conference

department of Kashmiri
1. Introduction
The Kashmiri language is rich and has the potential to produce quality literature. It has an enviable history and tradition. The department of Kashmiri
was established in the year 2021. The Department endeavours to preserve tradition, social character and heritage of the antiquity. The members of the
faculty are doing their best to take the Department to new heights in terms of quality teaching and research.

2. Faculty
• Name: Dr Irfan Ahmad Malik • Name: Dr Ali Mohd Dar
• Designation: Associate Professor/Coordinator • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph.D • Qualification: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Urdu poetry and Fiction • Specialisation: Sufism and translation

• Name: Dr Sumreena Gilani • Name: Dr Imtiyaz Ahmad Dar

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph.D • Qualification: Ph.D
• Specialisation: Fiction • Specialisation: Folk Literature

3. Objectives of the Programme

The programme objective is not only to teach Kashmiri as a subject but to preserve and promote the cultural legacy, traditions and values of Kashmiri
culture and ethos. This department is at the forefront of creating potential for overall development which ensures progress.

4. Thrust areas
Emphasis on cultivation of individuals capable of making contribution
to various fields of social life by setting high ethical standards.
Advancement in the field of education and research that can help us
adapt to new fields of academic endeavor.
Promotion of research activities.
To chalk out innovative ways to provide exposure to students so that
they could flourish in a competitive environment.

5. Programmes offered
M.A Kashmiri

6. Intake Capacity

7. Best practices Scope Conference in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar

1. Reformed teaching learning process

2. Student centric learning.
3. Mentoring.
4. Extracurricular activities
5. Experiential learning

• Comprehensive curriculum with comperative approach.
• Extension Lectures by resource persons of repute, both local and non
• Students are encouraged to interact with living resources.

9. Location of Department
Old Hospital, Duderhama, Ganderbal, Kashmir Scope Conference in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar



School of Life Sciences

1. About the school
School of Life Sciences at Central University of Kashmir was established in 2015 with the vision of promoting inter-disciplinary teaching and research.
The school currently comprises three departments viz Biotechnology, Zoology (established 2015) & Botany (established 2020).

2. Brief Profile of the Dean

Prof. Mohd Yousuf joined the Central University of Kashmir as Professor, Department of Zoology in September, 2020. He is
currently Dean School of Life Sciences (SoLS) and Head, Department of Zoology. Prof. Mohd. Yousuf is first batch (1983) CSIR NET
fellow,having nearly 39 years of research experience. Prof. Yousuf has completed 11 research projects, funded by various reputed
agencies like CSIR, DST and ICFRE. Besides this he has a teaching experience of more than 15 years and has guided six Ph.D.
scholars in Entomology. He has visited Department of Primary Industry, Queensland for forestry research. He has also attended
International Congress of Hymenopterists at Kőszeg, Hungary. He is also recipient of Schlich Prize and Medal for best research
paper. Prof. Yousuf has served as a member of several high level teaching and research committees of various institutions. He was
Member of Research Advisory Committee of Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Pampore (J&K) from 2016 to 2018.
Besides this he was Entomology expert, for project evaluation in CSIR, DST, MoEF, etc. Prof. Yousuf has published one Monograph and more than 200
research papers in reputed National and International Journals.

Department of Botany
3. introduction
Department of Botany started in 2020 offering Masters programme in Botany with an intake capacity of 20 students. The students are admitted to this
programme through Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) after their graduation with Botany as one of the subjects. For those students
who wish to undertake serious and in-depth study in the area of plant sciences Department of Botany, Central University of Kashmir is the ideal choice in
view of its excellence in the teaching-learning process. The department motivates and trains students to meet the contemporary challenges and is looked
after by dedicated faculty members. It is a department where creativity, originality and innovations are valued more than convention. The Department
provides the right environment to teachers and students for achieving excellence in teaching and research. Since its inception, the Department has
progressed by leaps and bounds by catering to the expectations and needs of the students.

4. Faculty

• Name: Prof. Azra N. Kamili • Name: Dr. Shaiesta Shah

• Designation: Nodal Person/Head • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D. • Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D, B.Ed
• Specialisation: Plant Biotechnology, Medicinal • Specialisation: Applied Mycology, Plant
Plants, Plant Tissue Culture, Microbial Ecology Pathology, Plant Microbe Interactions.

• Name: Dr. Rafiq Ahmad Lone • Name: Dr. Sajad Ahmad Lone
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D, Post doc (SERB- • Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D/SET/NET-JRF/B.Ed
NPDF) • Specialisation: Plant Taxonomy, Cytogenetics,
• Specialisation:Plant Physiology & Biochemistry Medicinal Plants, Molecular Systematics (DNA
Plant-Microbe Interaction barcoding & Fingerprinting)

• Name: Dr. Shahnaz Perveen

• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Name: Dr. Sofi Javed Hussain
• Qualification: M.Sc,Ph.D, Post doc (CAS-
• Designation: Assistant Professor
Shangai China).
• Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D, GATE.
• Specialisation: Plant Tissue Culture &
• Specialisation: Plant Physiology & Biochemistry
Biotechnology, Plant Molecular Biology, Systems
Biology, Photosynthesis Physiology.


5. Objectives of the Programme 2022

Plants are the important component of environment and their sustenance is important for environmental sustainability apart from having socio-economic
importance. On completion of programme, students will be able to enhance their all round development in the following areas:
a) Biodiversity understanding: Understand the plant diversity w.r.t big Tree of Life (TOL) Project.
b) Environment and Sustainability: Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development with respect to assessment, conservation
and utilization of floral diversity.
c) Conservation Awareness: Students will become aware of overexploitation of plants and can learn to apply the conservation strategies for their
sustainable use in future.
d) Societal Impact: Develop the ability of the students to apply Plant Science Knowledge to transform the society through their education.
e) Honesty, Integrity & Ethics: Student will become aware about ethical issues and regulatory considerations while addressing society needs for growth
with honesty.
f) Scientific temper: Make students curious about Botany to enhance and develop a scientific attitude & encourage the students to do research in different
disciplines of Botany (Plant Sciences).
g) Creative thinking: Include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
h) Inculcate technical skills: Analyze and interpret results generated through studies in botany, taxonomical treatments, field studies, Botanical tours and
laboratory techniques used in the subject.
i) Quantitative reasoning: Use quantitative reasoning by applying mathematical calculations and graphing skills to solve problems in plant science
j) Team work: The Programme would inculcate team work spirit in students to perform functions that demand higher competence in national/
international organizations with sporty spirits and helping each other.
k) Lifelong learning and motivating others to learn: Students would lend the support to other students to grow with them with equal opportunities.
l) Global thinking: Knowledgeable disciplined students with good moral values, ethics and politeness will help in nation building globally. Students will
also develop attitude to search for higher education avenues abroad.
m) Professional Development & Career Progression: Students will get exposure to various career options at National and International level in academia
& R&D.
n) Journal Club & Seminars: Students will get exposure to develop their communication and presentation skills.
o) Competitive Exam at National Level & Applying for Grants: All the courses in the programme are carefully designed to equip the students for
competitive exams like CSIR-UGC (NET-JRF), SET; GATE etc. and other UT J&K and other national levels and write research proposals for grants.

6 .Thrust areas 7. Programmes offered

Plant Biotechnology, Medicinal Plant Research, Plant Pathology, M.Sc. Botany
Plant Physiology, Plant Taxonomy, Plant Ecology, Cytogenetics etc.

8. Intake Capacity
M.Sc. 20

9. Best practices
• Lecture series by eminent Botanists in India from reputed
• Mentor-Mentee relationship between Faculty members &
• Video-monitoring of online exams during covid-19
• Presentation on syllabus topics by students to train them for
teaching careers.
• Journal club & Seminar to train students for research careers
& equip them with presentation skills.
• Professional Development & Career Progression to
trainstudents for Competitive exams (NET-JRF/SET).
• Botanical trips/Field trips to acquaint students about local
• 6 months Project Dissertation

10. Strengths
• Prof Azra N Kamili (Ex-director CORD, Ex-HOD
Environmental Sciences, Ex-Dean School of Biological
Sciences, University of Kashmir).
• Well-qualified and highly experienced faculties.
• Laboratory with necessary facilities.
• Central Instrumentation facility.
• Browsing Centre.
• Library.
Students doing their Lab. work
11. Location of Department
Science Campus Nunar (Ganderbal).

Department of Zoology
1. Brief Introduction of the Department
The Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Central University of Kashmir was established in 2015 to cater mainly to Teaching, Research and
Extension. The Department started with an integrated UG-PG technologically oriented degree programme in animal sciences. The department lays great
emphasis on cognizance and has a dynamic curriculum for 5-year Integrated B. Sc.-M. Sc. programme in Zoology. The programme is spread over 10
semesters with a student friendly exit policy after the completion of the three-year B. Sc. Degree. A student willing to take the exit option shall have to
pass the examinations prescribed for the courses and fulfil the requirements as laid down under relevant statutes.
The Department of Zoology is imparting quality education through strategic teaching in theoretical and practical aspects to help the students become
good human beings and successful professionals. The syllabus as well as the curriculum has been framed as per UGC guidelines under CBCS scheme
keeping in view the market orientation as well as the national standards. In each semester there are Core Courses (CC), Generic Elective Courses (GE)
and Ability Enhancement Courses /Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC). In addition Discipline Specific Elective Course (DSE) is offered in the final
semester (VI Semester) of the B. Sc. Course. The department of Zoology also imparts knowledge pertaining to the fundamentals of applied courses
relating to Aquaculture, Apiculture, Sericulture and Pest management.
To stay ahead of the curve in new advances in Zoology and its interdisciplinary domains, we strive to have more research intensive faculty recognized as
experts and leaders in their field of study who can address the problems that directly affect the genesis of knowledge and its dissemination.

2 Faculty
• Name: . Dr. Ibraq Khurshid • Name: Dr. Mohammad Lateef
• Designation: Assistant Professor/Coordinator • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph.D Zoology • Qualification: Ph.D Zoology
• Specialisation: Parasitology • Specialisation:Parasitology

• Name: Mr. Irfan Ahmed Noorani • Name: Dr. Javeed Ahmad Tantray
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc. Zoology, NET-JRF: UGC-CSIR • Qualification: Ph.D Zoology
• Specialisation: Entomology • Specialisation: Animal Genomics

• Name: Dr. Irshad Ahmad Ahanger
• Name: Dr. Muzamil Bashir
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: Ph.D Zoology
• Qualification: Ph.D Zoology
• Specialisation: Aquatic biology and
• Specialisation: Aquatic biology

• Name: Dr. Aqib Rehman Magray • Name: Dr. Hameem Mushtaq

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Teaching Assistant
• Qualification: Ph.D Zoology, NET-JRF: UGC- • Qualification: Ph.D Zoology
CSIR (Life Sciences) • Specialisation: Wildlife Ecology and
• Specialisation: Molecular Biology Conservation Biology

3. Objectives of the Programme

• To contribute to the society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest standards of excellence.
• Supporting the advanced teaching with the extensive participation in applied & basic research in the relevant areas of the society.
• Imparting trainings for the skilful human resource development at national & international competence.
• To provide an interdisciplinary curriculum with the focus on the diverse subjects of experimental in nature besides the choice based credit options,
regular seminars, written assignments, continuous examination assessments and comprehensive viva to make the courses very competitive, attractive
and focused for the holistic development.
• To expose the students & staff for all round development through multi-faceted platforms of learning via seminars, workshops & conferences besides
the sustained engagement with local, national and global communities.
• To provide the credible consultancy and society related extension services as per current and emerging socio-economic needs.
• To provide the opportunities for broadening the experiences of students, scholars and staff through participation in various extracurricular activities.
• To represent the University at international level with future demands of teaching & research

4. Thrust areas
Thrust areas of the Department of Zoology include:
• Parasitology
• Entomology
• Icthiology and Limnology
• Wildlife Ecology

5. Programmes offered
• Integrated B.Sc., M.Sc. Zoology
• Research Programme (Ph.D.)

6. Intake Capacity
B.Sc., M.Sc. 46

7. Best practices Students using Paper Microscope

The Department helps the students understand the
fundamentals of applied courses related to the subject
such as Aquaculture, Apiculture, Sericulture and Pest

8. Strengths
• Curriculum contemprary in contents.
• Frequent field studies with research orientation.
• Extension lectures by persons of eminince and repute.
• Strong research credentials of the faculty

9. Location of Department
Department of Zoology, Nuner Campus,
Central University of Kashmir.
Research Scholar Viva in progress

Department of Biotechnology
1. Introduction
Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, was established in the year 2015 & has been offering 5-year Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
programme on semester system pattern. The students are admitted to this course through Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) after
they qualify 12th standard examination with the aim of exposing them to research based learning and advanced knowledge. An interdisciplinary
curriculum with the focus on diverse subjects, regular seminars & assignments, continuous assessments and comprehensive viva makes this course
very competitive, attractive and focussed – one for the holistic development in the subject. Moreover, there is the exit option which allows students
to voluntarily opt out of Master’s programme after the completion of three years bachelor’s degree. Also, this 5-year integrated course provides a solid
foundation for advanced learning with hands-on lab training for futuristic academic & industrial endeavours of the students.
The department has a dedicated faculty with strong background of proven research & teaching from world’s top ranked universities & institutions.
The department started the integrated M.Phil-Ph.D & Ph.D research programmes in 2019 after establishing the advanced research laboratories &
instrumentation facilities for employing the interdisciplinary cutting edge modern tools and techniques to study the complex life processes in health &
various diseased conditions for the betterment of the mankind.

• Name: Dr. Abid Hamid Dar

2. Faculty • Designation: Associate Professor & Head of the Department
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Stem Cell Biology, Epigenetics & Novel
Therapeutic Targets.

• Name: Prof. Mohammad Afzal Zargar • Name: Dr. Shabir Hussain Qureshi
• Designation: Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D • Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation:Immunology, Breast Cancer, • Specialisation: Structural Functioning Relation
PCOS/Diabetes of Coagulation Proteins & Blood Biomarkers

• Name: Dr. Nissar Ahmad Wani • Name: Dr. Umar Mushtaq
• Designation: (Scientist) • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D, PDF • Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Breast Cancer, Tumor • Specialisation:Neuro-signalling in Alzheimer’s
Microenvironment & Cancer Therapies Disease

• Name: Dr. Saife N Lone • Name: Dr. Munazah Qureshi

• Designation: : Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D • Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Regulation by miRNAs • Specialisation: Memory

• Name: Dr. Owais Mohammad Bhat

• Name: Dr.Navjot Kaur
• Designation: Scientist
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Atherosclerosis & vascular
• Specialisation: Bacterial Genomics & Taxonomy

• Name: Dr.Zubair Ahmad Wani

• Name: Dr.Rakeeb Ahmad Mir
• Designation: : Assistant Professor
• Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Proteomics and Transcriptomics
• Specialisation: Nematode & Plant Proteomic
in Crocus sativus

3. Objectives of the Programme
• To contribute to the society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest standards of excellence.
• Supporting the advanced teaching with the extensive participation in applied & basic research in the relevant areas of the society.
• Imparting trainings for the skilful human resource development at national & international competence.
• To provide an interdisciplinary curriculum with the focus on the diverse subjects of experimental in nature besides the choice based credit options,
regular seminars, written assignments, continuous examination assessments and comprehensive viva to make the courses very competitive, attractive
and focussed for the holistic development.
• To provide a strong foundation of advanced learning with hands-on lab trainings for the futuristic academic& industrial challenges.
• To expose the students & staff for all round development through multi-faceted platforms of learning via seminars, workshops & conferences besides
the sustained engagement with local, national and global communities.
• To provide the credible consultancy and society related extension services as per current and emerging socio-economic needs.
• To provide the opportunities for broadening the experiences of students, scholars and staff through participation in various extracurricular activities.
• To represent the University at international level with future demands of teaching & research.

4. Thrust areas
i) Metabolic Disorders, Cancer Biology & Phytomedicine
ii) Cancer Epigenetics & Stem Cell Biology
iii) Molecular Structural Biology & Cell Signalling
iv) Cancer Biology
v) Signal Transduction & Gene regulation
vi) Neurobiology & Genetics

5. Programmes offered
1. Integrated-B.Sc-M.Sc Biotechnology.
2. M.Sc- Biotechnology (direct)
3. PhD Biotechnology Programme. Lab. Work in progress
4. Diploma Course in “Herbal Medicine & Aroma Technology” under Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) Programme.

6. Intake Capacity 2022
i. Integrated-B.Sc-M.Sc Biotechnology (intake is 44+2)
ii. Direct M.Sc Biotechnology (intake is 6)
iii. The Department also offer PhD programme (intake varies with the available number of slots with faculty/supervisor )

7. Best practices
• Students Mentoring Program.
• Student Training Program with Universities/Institutions/Industries
• Collaborative Research Programmes
• Extension Lectures
• Field tours/Surveys
• Dedicated and qualified faculty with high research credentials.
• Department has Scientific Human Resources from National & International
• Research based Learnings/Trainings to qualify national and International level tests.
• Timely Completion of syllabus and conduct of end-semester exams.
• Integration of MOOCs programme in syllabus

Lab Work in progress

8. Strengths
(i) The department of Biotechnology offers Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) including Skill Based and Ability Enhancement courses.
(ii) The department has developed state-of-the-art laboratories with high end Instrumentation and facilities of research & development.
(iii) The department facilitates the training programs for students in high prominent Research Institutions of national importance that can help the
students in seeking possibilities to do research in reputed institutions of the country.
(iv) The department regularly organizes Seminars and Talks by eminent scientists, scholars and personalities in and outside the country.
(v) Student’s participation in the statutory bodies meetings (BoS & SB) is one of the strengths of the department wherein they can express their views
openly and provide inputs about curriculum and student’s choices for enrolling in Trainings programs,
Workshops, Conferences.
(vi) The Department has an established practice of collecting feedback from a) Students, b) Teachers, c) Alumni d) Parents for all curriculum related
components. The feedback obtained is acted upon as and where require in terms of curriculum transition strategy, co- curricular activities.

9. Location of Department
Science Campus, Nunnar Ganderbal

Lab. Work in progress

Lab. Work in progress

Department of Chemistry(School of Physical and Chemical
1. Introduction
The Department of Chemistry was established in May 2020. The department offers M.Sc. programme and the students are admitted through CUCET
entrance examination. The department functions from Nunar Campus, Ganderbal. We provide intensive monitoring to our students both in and beyond
the classroom in a wide variety of forms, ongoing lectures, project screenings, webinars on interdisciplinary themes make up our calendar. New laboratories
and lecture rooms were constructed and department expanded rapidly in both teaching and research and large number of small independent groups are
expected to flourish. Various faculty members made significant contributions in organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical
chemistry apart from the use of instrumental techniques through analytical chemistry. The department has made great strides by thoroughly updating
the M.Sc. syllabus and has started a new project work in M.Sc. programme where students have exposure to writing project and research articles.
Advances level DSE courses are taught semester wise. Collaborative research programmes with any research institutions are also operating. The
department has distinguished itself in a wide range of areas in Chemistry and chemistry interfacing Physical & Biological Sciences.

2. Faculty

• Name: Dr. M. Nadeem Lone • Name: Dr. M. Sikander Dar

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D • Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Organic Chemistry • Specialisation: Organic Chemistry

• Name: Dr. Ambreen Mushtaq • Name: Dr. Sumayah Bashir

• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D • Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
• Specialisation: Organic Chemistry • Specialisation: Physical Chemistry

• Name: Dr. Rifat Akbar • Name: Dr. Shahbaz A. Lone
• Designation: Assistant Professor • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D • Qualification: Ph.D Post.Doc
• Specialisation: Analytical Chemistry • Specialisation: Inorganic Chemistry

• Name: Dr. Sami Ullah Bhat

• Designation: Teaching Assistant
• Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D
• Specialisation: Inorganic Chemistry

3. Objectives of the programme

• Understand the relevance of fundamental principles and theories of chemistry to life, nature, and society.
• To provide students with a sound education in the fundamental concepts and modern practice of chemistry.
• To channel chemistry graduates to advanced study programs
• Comprehend the relationship between scientific theory and laboratory experiment;
• Understand the relationship between chemistry and other disciplines, and the pure and applied sciences in particular;
• For Basic Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry a two semester sequence taught at the First year.
• For Advanced Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry a two semester sequence taught at the Second year.
• For Electives, two advanced level electives taken during the senior year;

4. Thrust areas
• Synthetic Chemistry
• Medicinal Chemistry
• Organometallic Chemistry
• Corrosion Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Nanotechnology


5. Programme offered
02 Years M. Sc. Chemistry Programme

6. Intake Capacity
M.Sc. 20+2

Lab. Work in progress

7. Best practices
• Teaching Methods
• ICT enabled teaching is practiced by most of the teachers. The teaching
methods followed, teaching aids used, resource material prepared, lectures &
practical’s conducted. Teacher’s aptitude for and contribution to research.
• Teacher’s participation and involvement in extra-curricular and
extension activities. Use of recourses by the teachers Class room teaching with
use of ICT , Demonstration in Laboratories, Use of Computer laboratory, laptops,
Smart boards, LCD Projector etc.
• Library resources: The departmental library facilities. Reference Books,
• Extension activities like: The department of chemistry provides
consultancy by preparing national Level Exams.
• NET/SET Crash Course
• Research:
• To grow research culture, Encouragement for research to faculty
members to undertake Minor and Major Research Projects.

8. Strengths Lab Work in progress

• Strong faculty qualification, talented and dedicated, knowledgeable and cooperative faculty, great collaboration and good communication among
• High quality faculty having expertise in a broad range of modern synthetic, medicinal, analytical fields.
• Strong research potential with proven records of high quality research, active faculty publication activities.
• Supportive working environment among department members.

9. Location of Department
Nunar Ganderbal


CUET-2022 (Programmes Offered)

The Central University of Kashmir invites online applications from the eligible candidates for admission to the following programmes through Common
University Entrance test (CUET-2022) to be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA):

Five-Year Integrated Post-Graduate Three-Year Integraed

Programmes Programmes Programmes
M. Tech CS&E
M.A. English
Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc M.A. Urdu 1. Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed
Biotechnology Master of Tourism &Travel
Integrated BA-LLB Management (MTTM)
Integrated BSc-MSc M.Com Post-Graduate Diploma
Mathematics M. A. Convergent Journalism
Integrated BSc-MSc Physics M. A/M.Sc. Mathematics Programmes
Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Zoology M. A. Economics
M. A. Political Science
LLM 1. Guidance & Counselling.
B.VOC Programmes M. A. Education 2. Peace and Conflict Studies.
M.P.Ed. 3. Alternate Banking.
B.Voc in Retail and Logistic M.A Islamic Studies 4. Diploma in Urdu Journalism.
Management M.A Comparative Religion 5. Diploma in Cyber Security &
B.Voc in Tourism and MSc Botany Cyber Forensics.
Hospitality Management MSc Chemistry
M.A Kashmiri
Lateral Entry to Integrated B.Sc. - M.Sc.
Zoology at PG level (M.Sc. Zoology)
Lateral Entry to Integrated B.Sc. - M.Sc
Biotechnology at PG level (M.Sc.

1. Admission to the above programmes shall be made on the basis of Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET) to be conducted by National Testing
Agency (NTA) in various centres located across the country.
2. CUET-2022 provides facilities for applying to admission to these Universities by a single examination process with nominal examination fees.
3. Eligible candidates shall have to apply ONLINE through NTA website OFFLINE application forms will NOT be accepted.
4. Candidates who have/ or appearing in the final examination of the qualifying degree and whose result is awaited are also eligible to apply. However, at
the time of counselling/admission, such candidates shall have to produce the original marksheet/degree certificate, failing which their candidature shall
not be considered for admissions.
5. The selection of candidates shall be strictly based on the merit scored in the Entrance Examination and other criteria prescribed for the purpose by
the University.
6. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates shall be as per the Central Govt. of India (GOI) norms only.
7. It is to be noted that OBC category should not belong to creamy layer. The students claiming benefit under this category are required to submit the
certificate in a Govt. of India prescribed format.
8. For the purposes of CUET, please note SC category means Schedule Caste and not Social Caste. OBC does not mean RBA category.


Description PROGRAMMES
Date for opening of Online Application forms (UG) 06-04-2022
Closing date of Online Application forms (UG) 06-05-2022 (Upto 5:00pm).
Date for downloading Admit Card To be notified on NTA website

Date for Entrance Test First and second week of July, 2022

Uploading of Answer Key To be notified on NTA website

Fee Structure:

Fee Payable by candidates (CUET (UG) - 2022 ) in INR@

UG/UI and Part time Programmes
Slot: Timing of No. of
Examination Tests/ Centres in India Centres
Subjects General OBC SC/ST/ Out Side
(Unreserved) (NCL)*/ Third gender/ India
Slot-1 : 09.00 a.m. to Upto 4 ₹ 650/- ₹ 600/- ₹ 550/- ₹ 3000/
12.15 p.m. (IST)
Slot-2 : 03.00 p.m. to Upto 5 ₹ 650/- ₹ 600/- ₹ 550/- ₹ 3000/
06.45 p.m. (IST)

*Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes
(NCBC), Government of India website Only the candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column. State list
OBC candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose General/Unreserved.
**As per the OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II dated 17 January 2019, issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the OM No. 12-
4/2019-U1 dated 17.01.2019 of MHRD Department of Higher Education regarding implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Section
(EWS) for admission in Central Educational Institutions.

Eligibility For Admission In Various Programmes For Cuet-2022
Under Graduate Programmes:

Integrated BSc-MSc
Mathematics (Intake Capacity: 46)
Minimum 50% aggregate marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Boards/ Universities/ Institutions at 10+2 level with Physics and
Mathematics as subjects (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Zoology

(Intake Capacity: 46)
Minimum 50% aggregate marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Boards/Universities at 10+2 level with Biology/ Biotechnology/
Biochemistry as one of the subjects (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC /ST/PWD candidates).

Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc Biotechnology

(Intake Capacity: 46)

Minimum 50% aggregate marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Boards/Universities at 10+2 level with Biology/ Biotechnology/
Biochemistry/ Mathematics as one of the subjects (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC /ST/ PWD candidates).

B.Voc in Retail and Logistic Management

(Intake Capacity: 64)
10+2 in any stream from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Boards / Universities (45%
for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates).


B.Voc in Tourism and Hospitality

Management (Intake Capacity: 64)

10+2 in any stream from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Boards / Universities (45%
for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates).

Post Graduate Programmes:

M. Tech Computer Science &
Engineering (Intake Capacity: 27)
B.E/ B.Tech in CSE (Computer Science Engineering/IT (Information Technology) through regular course of study from an UGC/AICTE approved
institution with at least 55% marks (50% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates).
In addition, the candidates should have valid GATE/NET-JRF /JEST score. However, in case of non-availability of candidates with valid GATE/ NET-
JRF/JEST score, non-GATE/ NET-JRF/ JEST candidates will also be considered for admission. Preference will be given to the candidates having valid

M.A. English (Intake Capacity: 46)

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having General
English as one of the subjects during each Semester /Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates).

M.A. Urdu (Intake Capacity: 46)

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Urdu as
one of the subjects during each Semester /Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

Master of Tourism & Travel
Management (MTTM) (Intake Capacity: 46)
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities
(45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

M.COM (Intake Capacity: 46)

B. Com/BBA from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a grading scale of respective Universities (45% for OBC (Non-
Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

M. A. Convergent Journalism
(Intake Capacity: 39)

Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities
(45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/PWD candidates).

M. A/M.Sc. Mathematics
(Intake Capacity: 46)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Mathematics/
Applied Mathematics/ Actuarial Mathematics as one of the subjects at least in six semesters / 3 Years (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD

Diploma in Cyber Security and

Cyber Forensics (Intake Capacity: 12)
Bachelor’s/ Master’s Degree in Law from any recognised University with at least 55% of Marks or an equivalent grade for open merit students and 50%
marks or equivalent grade for Category Candidates.

M. A. Economics (Intake
Capacity: 46)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Economics
as one of the subjects during each Semester / Year OR BSc Agriculture Economics/ B. Com/ BBA (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC /ST/PWD

M. A. Economics (Intake
Capacity: 46)

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Economics
as one of the subjects during each Semester / Year OR BSc Agriculture Economics/ B. Com/ BBA (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC /ST/PWD

M. A. Political Science
(Intake Capacity: 46)

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Political
Science as one of the subjects during each Semester / Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC /ST/ PWD candidates).

LLM (Intake Capacity: 12)

Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) 3 Years OR 5 Year Integrated BA LLB from a recognised University with at least 55% marks from a recognised University
or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities/Institute (50% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

M. A. Education
(Intake Capacity: 46)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Education
as one of the subject during each Semester / Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates).
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University in any discipline with B.Ed. having at least 50% marks in each or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of
respective Universities (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC /ST/PWD candidates).

M. P.Ed (Intake Capacity: 46)

Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) / BSc Health and Physical Education /3 Year B.PE from a recognised University /Institute with at least 50%
marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities/ Institutes (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC /ST /PWD candidates).

M.A Islamic Studies

(Intake Capacity: 46)

Bachelor’s Degree in any Discipline from recognised University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a grading scale of respective University (45%
for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD/Candidates.

M.A Comparative Religion

(Intake Capacity: 46)
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognised University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a grading scale of respective Universities
(45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST /PWD candidates).

M.Sc. Botany
(Intake Capacity: 22)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Botany as
one of the subjects during each Semester /Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

M.Sc. Chemistry
(Intake Capacity: 22)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Chemistry
as one of the subjects during each Semester /Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

Lateral Entry to M.Sc. Zoology

(Intake Capacity:05)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of respective Universities having Zoology as
one of the subjects during each Semester /Year (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

Lateral Entry to M.Sc.

Biotechnology (Intake Capacity:06)
Bachelor’s Degree in any branch of Biological, Medical, Chemical or allied Sciences from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent
on Grading Scale of respective Universities (45% for OBC/SC/ST/PWD candidates).

M.A . Kashmiri
(Intake Capacity: 22)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities having Kashmiri
as one of the subjects during each Semester /Year (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed (Intake
Capacity: 52)
A Post-graduate degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Humanities from a recognised institution with a minimum 55% marks or equivalent on a grading
scale of respective institutions (50% for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy layer) and PWD candidates.

PG Diploma in Guidance &

Counselling (Intake Capacity: 27)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University/ Institute having 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of respective Universities / Institutes
(45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC / ST/ PWD candidates).

PG Diploma in Peace & Conflict

Studies (Intake Capacity: 22)
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University/ Institute having 50% marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Universities / Institutes
(45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC / ST/ PWD candidates).

Post-Graduation Diploma in Alternate

Banking (Intake Capacity: 24)
B. A with Economics/Math/Statistics/ Islamic Studies as one of the subject or B. Com or BBA. 55% marks for open merit students and 45% for reserved

Diploma in Urdu Journalism

(Intake Capacity: 32)
Graduation in any stream with knowledge of Urdu language and know-how of modern technology like mobile phone, computer/ laptop etc.

Integrated BA-LLB
(Intake Capacity: 52
10+2 in any stream with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on a grading scale of respective Boards (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ST/ PWD

Integrated B.Sc. -M.Sc. Physics

(Intake Capacity: 46)
Minimum 50% aggregate marks or its equivalent on a Grading Scale of respective Boards/ Universities at 10+2 level with Mathematics and Physics as
main subjects (45% for OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).

For Further Details, Please Visit regarding eligibility, application fee, programme details, activity
schedule, the candidates are advised to visit NTA website

Criteria for Admission to UG programmes in Central University of Kashmir 2022 through CUET 2022

Programme Name CUET CUET CUK CUK Admission

paper combination Score admission Score calculation
Obtained Criteria (out of 100)
B. A. LLb, B. Voc R & Section 1 A- English L 100% of L=X X+Y
L and B. Voc T&M
Section III- General test M 100% of M=Y

Int. B. Sc. –M. Sc Section 1 A English N 12.5% of N=A A+B+C+D+E

Maths/Physics Section physics O 25% of O =B
II: chemistry P 25% of P =C
Domain math Q 25% of Q=D
Section III: General R 12.5% of R=E

Integrate B. Sc.-M. Sc Section 1 A English S 12.5% of R=E A+B+C+D+E

Zoology/Biotechnology Section Physics T 25% of T=B
II: Chemistry U 25% of U=C
Domain Biology/ V 25% of V =D
Specific Biotechnology
Section III: General W 12.5% of W=E


PG Programmes, Eligibility & Subject

Combination for CUET
S. No. Degree Programme/ Domain/ General/ Optional Languages mapped Eligibility for the programme (as per University)
Course offered to the Programmes offered in column C
1. M. Tech M. Tech 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% B.E/ B.Tech in CSE (Computer Science Engineering/
Computer CS&E 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, IT (Information Technology) through regular course of
Science and General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, study from an UGC/AICTE approved institution with at
Engineering Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of least 55% marks (50% for OBC /SC/ST/PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra In addition, the candidates should have valid GATE/ NET-
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08), JRF / JEST score. However, in case of non-availability of
Logical and Analytical Reasoning candidates with valid GATE/ NET-JRF/ JEST score, non-
+ GATE/ NET-JRF/ JEST candidates will also be considered
English (Language to be opted)} - 25% for admission. Preference will be given to the candidates
having valid GATE/ NET/JRF/JEST score.
2. M.A. English M.A. English 1. Language Comprehension (English) - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective Universities having General English as one of
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, the subjects during each Semester /Year.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC /SC/ST/PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra
geometry/mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 25%
3. M.A. Urdu M.A. Urdu 1. Language Comprehension (Urdu) - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of re-
2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, spective Universities having Urdu as one of the subjects
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, during each Semester / Year.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra
geometry/mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 25%

4. Master of Master of 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized
Tourism Tourism University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on
&Travel &Travel 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Grading Scale of respective Universities.
Management Management General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
(MTTM) (MTTM) Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning

5. M.Com M.Com 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% B.Com/ BBA from a recognized University with at least
50% marks or its equivalent on grading scale of respec-
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, tive Universities.
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates)
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

6. M. A. M. A. 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized
Convergent Convergent University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on
Journalism Journalism 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Grading Scale
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, of respective Universities.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

7. M. A/M.Sc. M. A/M.Sc. 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
Mathematics Mathematics least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective Universities having Mathematics/
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Applied Mathematics/ Actuarial Mathematics as one of
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of the subjects at least in six semesters / 3 Years.
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%
8. M. A. M. A. 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
Economics Economics least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Universities having Economics as one of the subjects
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of during each Semester / Year.
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08), OR
Logical and Analytical Reasoning B.Sc Agriculture Economics/ B.Com/ BBA.
+ (45% for OBC/ SC /ST/PWD
English (Language to be opted)} - 25% candidates)

9. M. A. Political M. A. Political 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
Science Science least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective Universities having Political Science as one of
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, the subjects during each Semester / Year.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC /SC /ST/ PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

10. LLM LLM 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% 3 Years Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB)

2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, OR

General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, 05 Year Integrated BA LLB from a
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of recognized University with at least 55% marks from a
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra recognized University or its equivalent on Grading Scale
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08), of respective
Logical and Analytical Reasoning Universities/Institute.
+ (50% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%
11. M. A. M. A. 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
Education Education least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective Universities having Education as one of the
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, subject during each Semester / Year.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC/SC/ST/PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra OR
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08), Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University in any
Logical and Analytical Reasoning discipline with B.Ed having at least 50% marks in each
+ or its equivalent on Grading Scale of respective Univer-
English (Language to be opted)} - 25% sities.(45% for OBC/SC /ST/PWD candidates).
12. M.P.Ed M.P.Ed 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed)/ B.Sc Health
and Physical Education /3 Year B.PE from a recognized
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, University /Institute with at least 50% marks or its
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, equivalent on Grading Scale of respective Universities/
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of Institutes. (45% for OBC /SC/ST /PWD candidates)
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

13. M.A Islamic M.A Islamic 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree in any Discipline from recognized
Studies Studies 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, grading scale of respective University.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PwD/ Candidates}
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%
14. M.A M.A 1. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized
Comparative Comparative General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on
Religion Religion Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of grading scale of respective Universities.
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra (45% for OBC/SC/ ST /PWD candidates)
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 100%
15. M.Sc Botany M.Sc Botany 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Universities having Botany as one of the subjects during
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of each Semester /Year.
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

16. M.Sc M.Sc 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
Chemistry Chemistry least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Universities having Chemistry as one of the subjects
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of during each Semester /Year.
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra (45% for OBC/SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

17. M.A M.A Kashmiri 1. Language Comprehension (Kashmiri) - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with at
Kashmiri least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective Universities having Kashmiri as one of the
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, subjects during each Semester /Year.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra
geometry/mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 25%
18. Integrated Integrated 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% A Post-graduate degree in Sciences/ Social Sciences/
B.Ed-M.Ed B.Ed-M.Ed Humanities from a recognized institution with a min-
2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, imum 55% marks or equivalent on its grading scale of
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, respective institutions.
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of {50% for the candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ OB-
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/ algebra C(Non-Creamy layer) and PWD candidates}
geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

19. PG Diploma PG Diploma 1. Language Comprehension (English) - 25% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/ Institute
in Guidance in Guidance & having 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale of
& Counseling Counseling 2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, respective Universities / Institutes.
General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, (45% for OBC/ SC / ST/ PWD candidates)
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra
geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 75%
20. PG Diploma PG Diploma 1. Language Comprehension (English) - 25% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/ In-
in Peace in Peace stitute having 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading
and Conflict and Conflict 2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Scale of respective Universities / Institutes.
Studies Studies General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, (45% for OBC/ SC / ST/ PWD candidates)
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra
geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 75%
21. Post- Post- 1. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/ Institute
Graduation Graduation General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, with Economics/Math/Statistics/
Diploma in Diploma in Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of Islamic Studies as one of the subject or B.Com or BBA
Alternate Alternate basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra with 55% or its equivalent on Grading Scale of respective
Banking Banking geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade-08), Universities / Institutes.
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 25% (45% for OBC/ SC / ST/ PWD candidates)

2. Mathematics/ Statistics - 25%

3.Economics - 25%

4. Islamic Studies - 25%

22. Diploma Diploma 1. Language Comprehension (Urdu) - 50% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/
in Urdu in Urdu 2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Institute with knowledge of Urdu language and
Journalism Journalism General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, know-how of modern technology like mobile phone,
Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of computer/laptop, etc.
basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra
geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade-08),
Logical and Analytical Reasoning - 25%
3. Basic Computer Skills - 25%
23. PG Diploma in PG Diploma in 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% 3 Years Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB)
Cyber Security Cyber Security 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General OR
and Cyber and Cyber Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative 05 Year Integrated BA LLB from a
Forensics Forensics Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical recognized University with at least 55% marks from
concepts arithmetic/ algebra geometry/ mensuration/
a recognized University or its equivalent on Grading
stat taught till Grade-08), Logical and Analytical
Scale of respective
+ Universities/Institute.
English (Language to be opted)} - 25% (50% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
24. Lateral Entry Lateral Entry 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree in any branch of Biological, Medical,
to Integrated to Integrated 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Chemical or allied Sciences from a recognized
B.Sc. - M.Sc
Biotechnology at
B.Sc. - M.Sc Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on
PG level (M.Sc. Biotechnology Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathe- Grading Scale of respective Universities.
Bi ote ch nol o g y ) at PG level matical concepts arithmetic/ algebra geometry/ (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
Biotechnology at (M.Sc. mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08), Logical
PG level (M.Sc. Biotechnology) and Analytical Reasoning
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%
25. Lateral Entry Lateral Entry to 1. Domain Subject Knowledge - 75% Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with
to Integrated Integrated B.Sc. 2. {General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental at least 50% marks or its equivalent on Grading Scale
Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple
B.Sc. - M.Sc. - M.Sc. Zoology application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/
of respective Universities having Zoology as one of the
Zoology at PG at PG level algebra geometry/ mensuration/ stat taught till Grade-08), subject during each Semester /Year.
level (M.Sc. (M.Sc. Zoology) Logical and Analytical Reasoning (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
Zoology) +
English (Language to be opted)} - 25%

Examinations & Evaluation Wing- at a Glance
Examinations and Evaluation Wing plays a pivotal role in systematic determination of assessment, examinations and evaluation of subject’s merit with
reference to teaching learning objectives, its worth and significance by using criteria governed by a set of standards as enunciated in University Ordinances.
Examinations & Evaluation Wing serves as a custodian of procedures and records. Central University of Kashmir is offering diverse programmes of study
from Research Degree to Certificate Programme(s) with varying multi-dimensional assessment and evaluation parameters. Examinations & Evaluation
Wing is dynamic and adaptive towards such evaluation parameters as amended from time to time with a view to orient student centric practices.
Examinations & Evaluation Wing (EEW) primarily focusses on assessment-examination-evaluation of the
student right from its Entry to Exit in the University. EEW transacts it business and deals with the following
• Custodian of all Examination procedural code;
• Central Universities Common Entrance Test—Preparations and coordination of examination.
• End Semester Examination (ESEs) of all UG/PG/Diploma Programmes that includes appointment of paper setters, Question Paper Setting, moderators,
appointment of Supervisors, Preparation and publication of Examination Schedule(s);
• Evaluation and timely Declaration of Results;
• Certification and Awarding of Degrees, Diplomas.
• Verifications of Degree, Statement of Marks, Diploma and other certificates.
• Maintenance of records;
• Preparation and Conduct of Recruitment Tests for the University;
• Conduct of National Level Test (like NET, NEET etc.); and
• Conduct of Recruitment Tests of other Recruiting Agencies of UT.

Evaluation System
The objective of the examination system at CUK is to expose students to continuous evaluation rather than focus only at term End Semester Examinations.
This system ensures that the students develop the ability to study regularly and puts the onus on students to perform consistently and not study in a
sporadic manner. Also, the system encourages the use of assignments to inculcate the spirit of self-learning in the students besides developing ability
to solve practical problems. The University has been concentrating on the updating and reforming the mechanisms of assessment, examinations and
evaluation by taking the SWOC analysis in ESE workshops. We try to take pragmatic steps to evaluate the mechanisms of EEW by the taking the
following in view:
During the course of a semester, which is generally of 90 working days, a student is evaluated in the following manner:

•A student shall be continuously evaluated for his/her academic performance through continuous Internal Assessment (tutorials, practical, home
assignments, class assignment, term papers, field work, seminars, periodical tests and Non Scholastic areas (Personality, Attitude, Scientific temper,
Creative thinking, values and Social/ Community Work) and the End Semester examination as prescribed in the examination scheme of the respective
course and duly approved by the Authority.
• Unless provided otherwise the marks distribution for each course shall be as under; End Semester Examination (ESE) : 60/50 Marks Continuous
Internal Assessment (CIA) : 40/50 Marks
• There shall be one End semester examination of 3 hours duration carrying 60% of Marks in each course covering the entire syllabus prescribed for the

Continuous Internal Assessment Scheme of Examinations

Existing Continuous Internal (CIA) Assessment Scheme New Assessment Scheme 2021
A student shall be continuously evaluated for his/her academic A student shall be continuously evaluated for his/her academic performance
performance through continuous Internal Assessment (tutorials, practical, in a course through Continuous Internal Assessment (tutorials, practicals,
home assignments, class assignment, term papers, field work, seminars, home assignments, class assignment , term papers, field work, Seminars,
periodical tests and Non Scholastic areas (Personality, Attitude, Scientific Periodical Tests
temper, Creative thinking, values and Social/ Community Work) and the
End Semester examination as prescribed in the examination scheme of the
respective course and duly approved by the Authority.
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) : 40 Marks Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) : 50 Marks
Test: 10 Marks MSC-I: 15, MSC II: 15
Comprehensive Viva: 15 Marks Assignments: 5 Marks
Assignments: 10 Marks Presentation: 10 Marks
Attendance: 05 Marks Attendence: 5 Marks
Total= 40 Marks Total= 50 Marks
Marks break-up for Attendance Marks break-up for Attendance
75% to 80% : 1 Mark 75% to 80% : 1 Mark
81% to 85% : 2 Marks 81% to 85% : 2 Marks
86% to 90% : 3 Marks 86% to 90% : 3 Marks
91% to 95% : 4 Marks 91% to 95% : 4 Marks
96% to 100% : 5 Marks 96% to 100% : 5 Marks

Evaluation Indicies
The performance of a student is evaluated in terms of two indices, viz. the Semester Grade Point average (SGPA) which is the Grade Point Average for
a semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which is the Grade Point for all the completed semesters at any point in time. The SGPA is
calculated on the basis of grades obtained in all courses and courses in which, registered for in the particular semester:
Σ (Earned Course credits x Grade point) for all course during a semester
SGPA = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Σ (Earned Course credits) of a Semesters
The CGPA is calculated on the basis of all pass grades, except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, obtained in all completed
Σ (Earned Course credits x Grade point) for all course
CGPA = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Σ (Earned Course credits) All Semesters
The Marks-Sheet of last semester of the Programme shall indicate the consolidated marks of all thesemesters, along with the Letter Grade, the credits
earned for each course, Grade Point Average (GPA), Weighted Average Marks (WAM), Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Overall Weighted
Percentage Marks (OWPM) of all the courses of a semester.
The Successful candidates shall be admitted to and conferred upon the Master’s Degree in the respective subject as per provisions of the Act and Statutes
provided he/she has:
• Registered, undergone and earned the required minimum number of credits within the stipulated time;
•Put in the required attendance;


8th Post ESE Workshop 8th Post ESE Workshop

Examination in progress EEW Staff

Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA)
Central University of Kashmir
Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA) is pre-accreditation nodal agency for quality related activities in the University, with the main aim of
institutionalizing long-term objectives of the University. It is committed to develop a system to improve the educational and organizational actions by
planning involvement approach based on inputs to smoothen the progress of decision-making. DIQA is non-financial resource support and acts mainly
on feedbacks to create participatory and facilitative functioning, with an intention to build up support and channelize energy for sequencing academic
activities and institutionalizing quality enhancement. DIQA is committed to work for change in the University; to improve level of clarity and focus in
its performance; develop and put together various actions of the University; develop the work culture and accept checks and balances to examine and
evaluate the degree to which its objectives are achieved in the University.

Prof. Wali Mohammad Shah
Dean School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Dr. Parveen Pandit
Consultant AAA

Dy. Director
Er. Afaq Alam Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of IT

Dy. Director
Dr. Mohammad Sayid Bhat
Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Education

Dy. Director
Ms Gulafroz Jan
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Workshop on NAAC

Dy. Director
Mr Faizan Ashraf Mir
Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Studies

Dy. Director
Dr. Moyeed-Ul-Zafar
Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies

Nodal Officer
Mr. Arshad Me’raj
Public Relations Officer (P.R.O)

Nodal Officer
Mr. Imtiyaz Ahmad
Information Scientist

IT Support
Mr. Rayees
Mr. Umar Bashir

Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA)
Central University of Kashmir,
Green Campus, Ganderbal
Mobile: 7006002949
Meeting of the DIQA members


Common Facilities(Photo Gallery)


Central Library

Arts Library

Campus Library(Tulmula)

Health Centre

Biotechnology Lab.

Electronics Lab.

Data Centre

Bus Fleet

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