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Basic ground rules for debate activity for

1. Each group will prepare a debate team with 3 speakers… those who
are not speakers shall be the researchers
2. The 3 speakers will be assumed to take-up the aspects of Necessity,
Practicality, & Benefits, of their side of the proposition.
3. Each speaker will give a constructive speech of 2 minutes, with the 1st
speaker of the Positive side speaking first
4. After each constructive speech, the counterpart of the speaker on the
opposing side with be allowed a 1 minute interpellation
5. During the interpellation, only the person assigned for that
interpellation may throw a question, & only the person who had just
given the constructive speech may be responding to the question
6. The third constructive speech, on benefits, will only be 90 seconds.
7. The interpellation by the other side for the third constructive speech
will be only 30 seconds & do not need to be answered
8. After the last interpellation, there will be an open rebuttal portion of 5
minutes where any of the speakers may ask questions, and anyone on
the other side may answer.
9. Once the rebuttal is closed by the moderator, the third speaker (on
benefits) will speak again to give the closing or summative speech for
his side (with prior approval of teacher 3 days before the debate, a
group may opt instead use a 4th speaker to do the closing/summative)
10. The teacher may assign the other groups to give a 60-sec fact
checking discussion based on what any of the speakers had said that
is not accurate or is doubtful
11. All groups must submit a list of sources to teacher BEFORE debate
12. Chief researcher of each group must have an FB call with teacher at
least 2 days before the debate

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