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Thyself is Thy Master

Dear Pro-Life Partners, October 1, 2020

The Satanic Temple (TST) Raffles Off a Free Abortion to Promote Killing Babies. That’s right, folks. TST
plans to challenge state abortion laws on the basis that they violate their “religious liberty.” They are funding
their pro-abortion efforts through a fundraiser, which states, “Win a free abortion. The Satanic Temple will
cover the medical expenses for your pregnancy termination up to $2,500...” at only $200 a ticket!

Satanists believe in abortion on demand in the first trimester, which they define as being without regulations,
restrictions, or informed consent. Looking past the inherent horror of this statement, I find it comical (bear with
me here). This demand seems an impotent threat in light of their foundational dogma of death. “In Satanism,”
former Satanist Zachary King explains, “killing something or the death of something is the most effective way
of getting your spell accomplished. (It) is the ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is
his ultimate goal.” It’s like they’re a little late to the ball, asserting a “right” that’s been legal for almost 50
years. Given that this “religion” already includes human sacrifice, I’m not sure what trail are they trying to
blaze here. Imagine a toddler that refuses to go to bed…until 9:00; refuses to eat his mixed vegetables… except
the corn. Defiant, sure, but not a rebellion that really pushes the envelope.

To some degree we can be thankful for that. What this first-trimester-abortion assertion says to me is that the
imprint of inherent morality cannot be easily dissuaded. On some level I am convinced that they simply know
this is wrong; otherwise, why are they restricting themselves? (Perhaps they are practicing the black art of
subtlety.) Furthermore, placing it under the guise of religious liberty, while pragmatically attempting to bend
laws in their favor, also defines it in a moral context of their own design. Human beings made in the image of
God cannot escape the need to do this, no matter how ill-conceived. It works to salve the conscience through
rationalization, I suppose.
By labeling first-trimester abortions as a religious ritual, TST challenges any anti-abortion state’s Religious
Freedom Restoration Act to show why their restrictions should override the Satanists’ religious freedom. This
sense of entitlement extends to intimidating peaceful protests with gruesome displays, such as wearing baby
masks and carrying whips, and performing satanic rituals within abortion clinics.

Now, here’s the good news: So far, all of the Satanic Temple’s lawsuits against pro-life laws have failed! The
bad news? Every time they fail, they try a new approach. Yet rest assured, evil will not prevail; the truth will
win. (After all, Satanists represent the culture of death at its “finest,” yet they’re not exactly forging new ground
here.) The more sacred an issue, the more it can be distorted, and we are seeing this first hand. All we can do in
this season is the right thing, and that is no small thing.

Partnering with you for Life,

Linda Verhulst, MRL-WR
(Source: LifeNews)

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