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Cabangangan, Joseph Peter D.


Reflection on the Mapua Lectures

The lectures held on March 5, 2022, were memorable and informative. The lectures were about
the safe space act and digital citizenship. I was fortunate to be one of the lecture participants because the
lessons were essential for my future.

The first thing I learned in the lecture is the safe space act. This act is vital for employees and
employers because it protects them from sexual harassment. The common violations of this act are
stalking, persistent uninvited comments and uncomfortable physical contact. Atty. Lopa made me realize
that I am also an offender of the safe space act because there was a time when I unintentionally shared a
photo of a person with sexual content. I am thankful that I learned the violations of the safe space act
because it will prevent me from violating the act in the future. The next lecture about digital citizenship
awakened me from the illusions of social media. Professor John Dimasaka Castillo made me realize that
digital identity also reflects your real identity. Thus, we have to be careful of what we post on the internet.
As stated by Professor John Dimasaka Castillo, what goes online stays online. This implies that even we
have invisibility on the internet, we should still be mindful of what we do virtually.

Overall, the lectures made me acknowledge my wrongdoings. This realization will surely help me
in my career path. Listening to the lecture will form me into a gentleman, respectful and cautious engineer
and citizen in the future.

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