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Yoga in Obesity


Obesity is now common within the world's population that it is beginning to replace and
infectious diseases.If 30 or over considered obese. The global epidemic of obesity results
from a combination of genetic susceptibility, increased availability of high energy foods and
decreased requirement of physical activity in. modern society. To overcome obesity yoga is
considered as best way. Yoga offers natural and effective remedies without harmful side
effects and with benefits that extend far away from the physical. This system of yoga is a
natural plan involving some principals: proper diet, proper exercise, proper breathing, proper
relaxation and positive thinking. Some effort should. Be done to control Obesity with
Pranayama, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Naukasana, Halasana, Surya namaskar, Shat karma
etc. with proper dietary habits. It is an effective lifestyle intervention skill.

Keywords: Obesity, Yoga, Diet, Lifestyle.

Presented by:

Prerna P. Jadhav

3rd Professional BAMS

Shri B M Kankanwadi Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya and PG Research Centre ,Belagavi.

Guided by:

Dr. Sandeep Sagare

Asst. Professor Dept. Swasthavritta

Shri B M Kankanwadi Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya and PG Research Centre ,Belagavi.

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