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Vividhashitpitiya Adhyaya

Guided by:- Dr. Prabhakar Hegade

Presented by:- Mugdha Kakade
• Types and Digestion of food
• Dhatu Poshana Nyaya
• Relation of body and food
• Causes of diseases
• Treatments for diseases
• Dosha Gati
• Importance of wholesome diet
• Pariksha and Apariksha Guna
• Selection of Food
• Need to observe wholesome diet
Types of food
विविधमशितं पीतं लीढं खादितं जन्तोर्हितमन्तरग्निसन्धुक्षितबलेन यथास्वेनोष्मणा
सम्यग्विपच्यमानंकालवदनवस्थितसर्वधातुपाकमनुपहतसर्वधातूष्ममारुतस्रोतः के वलं शरीरमुपचयबलवर्णसुखायुषा योजयति शरीरधातूनूर्जयतिच|
धातवो हि धात्वाहाराः प्रकृ तिमनुवर्तन्ते||३||

1.Ashita- Eatables
2.Pita-Liquid foods
3.Lidha- Linctus Jams
4.Khadita-Masticated foods
Digestion of food and nourishment
• तत्राहारप्रसादाख्यो रसः किट्टं च मलाख्यमभिनिर्वर्तते|
• किट्टात् स्वेदमूत्रपुरीषवातपित्तश्लेष्माणः कर्णाक्षिनासिकास्यलोमकू पप्रजननमलाः के शश्मश्रुलोमनखादयश्चावयवाःपुष्यन्ति|

Food, after digestion takes two forms,

Prasada - The essence part, that is formed in the first stage. This is also called as 'Rasa' Kitta -
The waste part.
The kitta part nourishes mala or excretory products like sweat, urine, stool, vata, pitta, kapha,
excreta of the ear, nose, mouth, hair follicle, excreta of genital organs, scalp hair, beard, body
hair, nails, etc.
The essence part or ahara rasa nourishes body components (dhatu) like rasa dhatu(body
fluids),  rakta dhatu(blood), mamsa dhatu (flesh), meda dhatu (fat), asthi dhatu(bone), majja
dhatu(bone marrow), shukra dhatu(reproductive elements like semen and ovum),  oja(essence
of the seven fundamental tissue elements), basic components of five sense organs, joints,
ligaments, tendons and mucilage part in the body.
Badhda Mala Chikitsa
• स्वमानातिरिक्ताः पुनरुत्सर्गिणः शीतोष्णपर्यायगुणैश्चोपचर्यमाणा मलाः शरीर धातुसाम्यकराः समुपलभ्यन्ते||
The tissue elements may increase or decrease due to some etiology, which can be normalized by the
essence part of digested food in decreased or increased quantity. Similarly, mala can be transformed into
the waste part of ahara rasa. The waste products, when in excess, can be excreted and the status of the
body can be brought to equilibrium through treatments with the therapies having opposite qualities like
hot, cold, etc.
Dhatu Mala
Ahara rasa Purisha and Mala
Rasa Kapha
Rakta Pitta
Mamsa Panch Jnanendriya Mala
Meda Sweda
Asthi Kesha,Loma and Mala
Majja Akshi Mala, Sneha,Amsha
Shukra Mala related to penis and vagina
Dhatu Poshana Nyaya
Kedara Kulya Nyaya
Kedara means paddy field, Kulya means
canal. Kedara Kulya Nyaya means nourish
ment of Dhatus by transformation process
just, as different fields are irrigated from the
same canal passing through those field one
after another.Ilsw Ahara Rasa reaches Rasa
Dhatu through Rasavaha Srotasa, there, it
nourishes Rasa Dhatu and attains the
characteristics of Rasa Dhatu, from there it
goes ton Rakta Dhatu through Raktavaha
Srotasa and nourishes Rakta Dhatu. Like this
the same Ahara Rasa circulates from tissue
to tissue to nourish them one after another.
Khale kapota Nyaya
• Khala means the field where in the grains
are heaped after cutting the crop. Kapota
means dove. Khale Kapote Nyaya means
selection of individual items of
requirements by the individual Dhatwagni
from the same pool of Ahara Rasa which
can contain all the nutrient principles just as
the Kapota coming from different directions
and distances to the heap of the paddy and
fly away to their own places of dwelling
either early or late depending upon the
distance and direction they requires to
Eka Kala Dhatu Poshana Siddhanta
Relation of food with body and diseases
तेषां तु मलप्रसादाख्यानां धातूनां स्रोतांस्ययनमुखानि|
तानि यथाविभागेन यथास्वं धातूनापूरयन्ति|
एवमिदं शरीरमशितपीतलीढखादितप्रभवम्|
अशितपीतलीढखादितप्रभवाश्चास्मिञ् शरीरे व्याधयो भवन्ति|
हिताहितोपयोगविशेषास्त्वत्र शुभाशुभविशेषकरा भवन्तीति||५||
The tissue in the form of Mala and Prasada are moving in the respective Srotas (channels of
circulation) resulting in nourishment of the Dhatu in required quantity. Thus Sharira (body) and
Vyadhi (diseases) are the outcome of nourishment taken from Ashita(eaten), Pita (drunk), Lidha
(licked up) and Khadita (mastictaed).Hita Upayoga (intake of wholesome food) results in
Shubha(health) and Ahita Upayoga (intake of unwholesome food) results in Ashubha (diseases) and
circulate though them. Each tissue (Dhatu) has its own channel (Srotas).
Cause for diseases
ताश्च रोगप्रकृ तयो रसान् सम्यगुपयुञ्जानमपि पुरुषमशुभेनोपपादयन्ति; तस्माद्धिताहारोपयोगिनोऽपि
अहिताहारोपयोगिनां पुनः कारणतो न सद्यो दोषवान् भवत्यपचारः|

It is not only by taking wholesome food one can overcome from all diseases. Apart from
unwholesome diet, there are other factors are responsible for causation of diseases. They
are Kala Viparyaya (seasonal abnormality), Prajnaparadha (intellectual fault) and Shabda
Sparsha Rupa Rasa Gandha Asatmya (unwholesome contents of sense faculties with their
objects like sound, touch, vision, taste and smell).
न हि सर्वाण्यपथ्यानि तुल्यदोषाणि, न च सर्वे दोषास्तुल्यबलाः, न च सर्वाणि शरीराणि व्याधिक्षमत्वे
समर्थानि भवन्ति|
तदेव ह्यपथ्यं देशकालसंयोगवीर्यप्रमाणातियोगाद्भूयस्तरमपथ्यं सम्पद्यते|
स एव दोषः संसृष्टयोनिर्विरुद्धोपक्रमो गम्भीरानुगतश्चिरस्थितः प्राणायतनसमुत्थो मर्मोपघाती कष्टतमः
शरीराणि चातिस्थूलान्यतिकृ शान्यनिविष्टमांसशोणितास्थीनि
दुर्बलान्यसात्म्याहारोपचितान्यल्पाहाराण्यल्पसत्त्वानि चभवन्त्यव्याधिसहानि, विपरीतानि
एभ्यश्चैवापथ्याहारदोषशरीरविशेषेभ्यो व्याधयो मृदवो दारुणाः क्षिप्रसमुत्थाश्चिरकारिणश्च भवन्ति|
त एव वातपित्तश्लेष्माणः स्थानविशेषे प्रकु पिता व्याधिविशेषानभिनिर्वर्तयन्त्यग्निवेश!||७||
Rasa Pradoshaja Roga
• अश्रद्धा चारुचिश्चास्यवैरस्यमरसज्ञता| हृल्लासो गौरवं तन्द्रा साङ्गमर्दो ज्वरस्तमः ||९||
• पाण्डु त्वं स्रोतसां रोधः क्लै ब्यं सादः कृ शाङ्गता| नाशोऽग्नेरयथाकालं वलयः पलितानि च||१०||
• रसप्रदोषजा रोगा,..
Ashraddha (Disinclination for food)- Lack of interest or desire towards food.
Aruchi (anorexia)- Person don't feel to swallow the food.
Asya Vairasya (foul taste in mouth)- Feeling loss of taste in mouth.
Arasanjnata (lack of taste sensing capacity)- Doesn't feel any taste in mouth.
Hrullasa (nausea).
Gaurava (heaviness).
Tandra (drowsiness, fatigue).
Angamarda (Malaise, bodyache).
Jwara (fever).
Tama (darkness in front of eyes).
Pandutva (anaemia-pale discolouration of skin).
Srotasam Rodha (obstruction of body channels).
Klaibya (impotency).
Sada (heaviness of body).
Krushangata (emaciation).
Nasho Agnehe (loss of digestion strength).
Ayatha Kala Vali Palita (premature winkling of skin and greying of hairs).
Rakta Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• ...वक्ष्यन्ते रक्तदोषजाः| कु ष्ठवीसर्पपिडका रक्तपित्तमसृग्दरः||११||
• गुदमेढ्रास्यपाकश्च प्लीहा गुल्मोऽथ विद्रधिः| नीलिका कामला व्यङ्गः पिप्प्लवस्तिलकालकाः||१२||
• दद्रुश्चर्मदलं श्वित्रं पामा कोठास्रमण्डलम्| रक्तप्रदोषाज्जायन्ते,...
Kushta (skin diseases).
Visarpa (acute spreading diseases of the skin).
Pidaka (carbuncle).
Raktapitta (bleeding diseases).
Asrugdhara (menorrhagia).
Guda Medhra Paka (inflammation).
Asya Paka (mouth ulcers).
Plecha (disease of the spleen).
Gulma (tumours in abdomen).
Vidradhi (Abscess).
Kamala (Jaundice).
Vyanga (blackish discolouration on face).
Piplava (port wine mark).
Tilakaalaka (black mole)- shape of sesames.
Dadru (ringworm)-Dadru is seen in Rakta
Pradoshaja Vikara.
Charmadala (dermatitis).
Shvitra (leucoderma)
Kotha (urticaria)
Asra Mandala/ Lohita Mandala (red circular
Mamsa Pradoshaja Vikara
• ...शृणु मांसप्रदोषजान्||१३||
• अधिमांसार्बुदं कीलं गलशालूकशुण्डिके | पूतिमांसालजीगण्डगण्डमालोपजिह्विकाः||१४||
• विद्यान्मांसाश्रयान्,...

Adhimamsa (Granuloma).
Arbuda (Myoma).
Kila (Piles).
Gala Shalooka (Uvulitis).
Gala Shundika (tonsillitis).
Putimamsa (Sloughing of flesh).
Alaji (boils).
Ganda (goitre).
Gandamala (cervical adenitis)
Upajihvika (inflammation of
Meda Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• .. मेदःसंश्रयांस्तु प्रचक्ष्महे| निन्दितानि प्रमेहाणां पूर्वरूपाणि यानि च||१५||

Ninditani (features of abnormal body

constitution e.g. Atishtula)
Nindita Prameha Purva Rupa (prodormal signs
and symptoms of Urinary tract diseases).
Asthi Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• अध्यस्थिदन्तौ दन्तास्थिभेदशूलं विवर्णता| के शलोमनखश्मश्रुदोषाश्चास्थिप्रदोषजाः||१६||

Adhyasthi (Hypertrophy of the bones).

Adhi danta (excess teeth).
Dantabheda (cracking sensation in the teeth).
Asthibheda. Shula (crackling sensation and pain in bone)
Vivarnata (discoloration of hair).
Dosha Kesha Loma Nakha Shmashru (Deformity of hair of head,
body hairs, nail and beard).
Majja Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• रुक् पर्वणां भ्रमो मूर्च्छा दर्शनं तमसस्तथा|
अरुषां स्थूलमूलानां पर्वजानां च दर्शनम्||१७||
• मज्जप्रदोषात्

Parva Ruk (Pain in small joints).

Bhrama (giddiness).
Murcha (fainting. loss of consciousness).
Tamo Darshana (seeing darkness in front of
Arusham Sthula Mulanam Parvajanam/
Arusham- Vrana(wound) (Manifestation of
deep-seated abscesses in joints).
Shukra Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• ...शुक्रस्य दोषात् क्लै ब्यमहर्षणम्| रोगि वा क्लीबमल्पायुर्विरूपं वा प्रजायते||१८||
• न चास्य जायते गर्भः पतति प्रस्रवत्यपि| शुक्रं हि दुष्टं सापत्यं सदारं बाधते नरम्||१९||

Klaibya/Dwajanucchraya(non erection of
Aharshana (incapability to indulge in sex
inspite of erection too)
Apatya (diseased progeny, short lifespan or
Garbha (not formed, and if formed aborted
or miscarried).
Snayu Sira Kandara Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• इन्द्रियाणि समाश्रित्य प्रकु प्यन्ति यदा मलाः| उपघातोपतापाभ्यां योजयन्तीन्द्रियाणि ते||२०||

Doshas when vitiated in Snayu (tendons), Sira

(vessels) and Kandara (ligaments), they cause
Stambha (stiffness)
Samkocha (contraction)
Khalli/ Kara Pada Avamotana (neuralgia of the
upper and lower extremities)
Granthi/ Snayu Adi Granthi (tumour, fibroid)
Sphurana) (throbbing sensation)
Supti (numbness).
Mala Pradoshaja Vyadhis
• मलानाश्रित्य कु पिता भेदशोषप्रदूषणम्| दोषा मलानां कु र्वन्ति सङ्गोत्सर्गावतीव च||२२||

Vit Bheda (dislodgement of stool)

Shoshana (drying up) .
Pradushana/Prakruta Vrana Upaghata (impairment in
the normal colour of faces)
Sanga/ Ativa Sangha/ Aprvrutti (absolute retention).
Utsarga/ Atiyutsarga/ Atipravrutti (excessive
elimination of these waste products).
Treatments for Vitiated Doshas
Rasa Dhatu Treatment
• रसजानां विकाराणां सर्वं लङ्घनमौषधम्|

Langhana types of reducing therapy like

Vamana (emesis)
Virechana (purgation)
Asthapana Basti
Nasya (nasal therapy)
Pipasa (Trushna)
Atapa (sunlight)
Maruta( wind)
Pachana (digestive)
Upavasa (fasting)
Vyayama (exercise) can be adopted
Rakta Dhatu Treatment
• विधिशोणितिके ऽध्याये रक्तजानां भिषग्जितम्||२५||

Rakta Pitta Chikitsa (treatment of Rakta Pitta)

Virechana (purgation),
Upavasa (fasting)
Shonita Stravana (blood-letting )
should be carried out by considering Bala (strength) of
patient, Dosha (disease condition) and Sthana (seat of
vitiate blood). Blood letting process should be continued
until Vishuddha Rudhira (pure blood is observed).
Mamsa Dhatu Treatment
• मांसजानां तु संशुद्धिः शस्त्रक्षाराग्निकर्म च

For muscle tissue disorders,

Samshuddhi-Panchakarma purification treatment,
Shastra Karma-surgery.
Kshara Karma-application of Kshara (water
insoluble ash of herbs).
Agni Karma-cauterisation.
Meda Dhatu Treatment
• अष्टौनिन्दितिके ऽध्याये मेदोजानां चिकित्सितम्||२६||
Food and drinks having property of reduce Vata, Kapha and Meda.
Basthi prepared with Ruksha, Ushna, Tikshana Dravya
Ruksha Udavartana.
Administration of Guduchi, Musta
Administration of Triphala.
Administration of Takrarishta.
Intake of Vidanga, Nagara, Kshara, Bhasma of Loha mixed with Madhu(Madha used here because of its
Yogavahi (dispersion) and Lekhana (scraping) property
Administration of Yava Churna and Amalaka Churna with Madhu are advised
Administration of Bilwadi Panchamula with Kshoudra
Administration of Shilajatu with decoction of Agnimantha is indicated in obesity
Prashatika / Udika (one type of rice), Priyangu Shyamaka, Yavaka / Swalpa Yava (small size Yava), Yava,
Jurnahva, Mudga, Kodrava, Kulattha, Cakramudgala Sw Rushimudgaka, Adhaki/ Tuvari, Patola, Amalaka are
used as diet with Madudaka or Arishta which reduces Meda, Mamsa and Kapha.
Asthi Dhatu Treatment
• अस्थ्याश्रयाणां व्याधीनां पञ्चकर्माणि भेषजम्| बस्त्यः क्षीरसर्पींषि तिक्तकोपहितानि च||२७||

For diseases of bone tissue,

Panchakarma treatment,
followed with the treatment
Basti(enema) by using Kshira (milk),
Sarpi ( ghee) and Tikta Rasa Drugs useful.
Majja and Shukra Dhatu Treatment
• मज्जशुक्रसमुत्थानामौषधं स्वादुतिक्तकम्|
अन्नं व्यवायव्यायामौ शुद्धिः काले च मात्रया ||२८||

Majja and Shukra Dhatu

diseases are treated with
Anna (diets) of Madhura
(sweet) and Tikta Rasa
(bitter tastes),
Vyavaya (sexual intercourse),
Vyayama (exercise) and
Treatment for Indriyas
• शान्तिरिन्द्रियजानां तु त्रिमर्मीये प्रवक्ष्यते|

For Eyes
Bidalaka (it is the application of drugs in paste form on the closed eye lids excluding eye-lashes)
relieves burning sensation, mucous discharge, lacrymation, swelling and congestion or redness.
Shankhavarti, Sauviranajan, churnanjana, sukhviranjana, Sukhavati varti, pippalyadi rasakriya.

For Ears
Hingavadi Taila
Devadarvyadi taila
Gandhavarti taila

Ref: Ch. Ch. 26

Treatment for Snayu Sira Khandara
• स्नाय्वादिजानां प्रशमो वक्ष्यते वातरोगिके ||२९||

In facial paralysis, nasal medication, overhead application of oil, tarpaṇa, tubular fomentation and
poultices prepared of the flesh of aquatic animals are beneficial.[99]
In hemiplegia, sudation with unctuous preparations and purgation are beneficial.
In sciatica, venesection of the vein situated between medially situated tendon (kandhara) and gulpha,
enema and cauterization should be resorted.[100]
In khalli, hot poultices prepared with milk pudding or krishara or flesh mixed with oil and ghee are
In lock jaw; in case of opened fixed mouth, the jaw should be subjected to sudation procedure first and
then it should be pressed downwards by the thumbs (inserting in the mouth and pressing on the molar
teeth) and pushed upwards by fingers (which are placed externally below the chin) is beneficial. So the
subluxated part will reach its proper position. In stiffness it should be subjected to sudation procedure
and flexed. [102-103]

Ref: Ch. Ch.

• नवेगान्धारणेऽध्याये चिकित्सासङ्ग्रहः कृ तः| मलजानां विकाराणां सिद्धिश्चोक्ता क्वचित्क्वचित्||३०||

If agnimandyata is due to utklishtha (ready to come out) pitta in its own place then in such a
situation vamana or virechana should be administered for removal of pitta.
(Ref: Ch. Ch. 15)

The following khada (a sour appetizer) cures pravahika (dysentery):

It is prepared by adding the paste of tender fruits of bilva, equal quantities of the paste of sesame,
cream of sour curd and copious quantities of ghee 
(Ref: Ch. Ch. 19)
Dosha gati from koshta to shaka
• व्यायामादूष्मणस्तैक्ष्ण्याद्धितस्यानवचारणात्| कोष्ठाच्छाखा मला यान्ति द्रुतत्वान्मारुतस्य च||३१||
• तत्रस्थाश्च विलम्बन्ते कदाचिन्न समीरिताः| नादेशकाले कु प्यन्ति भूयो हेतुप्रतीक्षिणः||३२||

Vyayama (exercise)
Ushmana (acuteness of the digestion, intake of excessive hot and spicy food)
Tikshna ( intake of foods having piercing and strong nature)
Hitasya Anavacharana(observance of wholesome regimen)
Drutatvan Marutasya(the force and pressure of Vata)
The Doshas reside in Shaka and wait there for potent cause.
In condition of Na Desha (unfavourable place) and Na Kale (unfavourable
time) they get aggravated and produce the disease.
Dosha gati from shaka to koshta
• वृद्ध्या विष्यन्दनात् पाकात् स्रोतोमुखविशोधनात्| शाखा मुक्त्वा मलाः कोष्ठं यान्ति वायोश्च निग्रहात्||३३||

Due to Vruddhi (aggravation),

Vishyandana/Dosha Vilayana (increases fluidity or liquidity).
Paka (maturation or due to suppuration)
Srotomukha Vishodhanat (removal of the obstructions in the
channel of circulation)
Vayoshcha Nigrahat (the vitiated Doshas leave the periphery
and come to the alimentary tract).
Sanksepana Akhila Vyadhi Pratikaram
• अजातानामनुत्पत्तौ जातानां विनिवृत्तये| रोगाणां यो विधिर्दृष्टः सुखार्थी तं समाचरेत्||३४||
• सुखार्थाः सर्वभूतानां मताः सर्वाः प्रवृत्तयः| ज्ञानाज्ञानविशेषात्तु मार्गामार्गप्रवृत्तयः||३५||

Person desirous of Health should follow all regimen

prescribed in the text for prevention of un-manifested
diseases and cure the manifested diseases.
All the mental and physical activities of all the living
beings are to achieve Sukha (happiness).
Due to Jnana (knowledge) person moves in Marga (right
path) and due to Ajnana (ignorance) moves in Amarga
(non righteous path).
Importance of wholesome diet
• हितमेवानुरुध्यन्ते प्रपरीक्ष्य परीक्षकाः| रजोमोहावृतात्मानः प्रियमेव तु लौकिकाः||३६||

The Parikshaka (wise person) consumes wholesome

food, after doing proper examination.
The ignorant person, with his mind covered with Rajas
(attraction), Moha (illusion desire) and Priya (pleasing
regimen) will not follow the proper regimens.
Parikshaka Guna
• श्रुतं बुद्धिः स्मृतिर्दाक्ष्यं धृतिर्हितनिषेवणम्| वाग्विशुद्धिः शमो धैर्यमाश्रयन्ति परीक्षकम्||३७||
• लौकिकं नाश्रयन्त्येते गुणा मोहरजःश्रितम् | तन्मूला बहवो यन्ति रोगाः शारीरमानसाः||३८||
Parikshaka (wise person) is endowed with following features:
Shruta (sound knowledge)
Buddhi (intellect)
Smruti (memory)
Daksha (skill, discipline)
Dhruti (good retention power)
Hita Nishevana (observance of wholesome regimen)
Vak Vishuddhi (clarity in speech).
Shama (tranquillity) and Dhairya (courage).
Ignorant individuals being covered with Tamas (illusion) and Rajas (attraction)
are deprived of those virtues and therefore, susceptible to various disorders
of Sharira (body) and Manasa (mind).
• प्रज्ञापराधाद्ध्यहितानर्थान् पञ्च निषेवते| सन्धारयति वेगांश्च सेवते साहसानि च||३९||
• तदात्वसुखसञ्ज्ञेषु भावेष्वज्ञोऽनुरज्यते| रज्यते न तु विज्ञाता विज्ञाने ह्यमलीकृ ते||४०||

Due to Prajnaparadha (intellectual fault), person is indulge in

Pancha Ahita Artha (five unwholesome sensory objects)
Vega Dharana (suppression of natural urges)
Sahasa (over strain which are pleasing temporarily).
Selection of food
• न रागान्नाप्यविज्ञानादाहारानुपयोजयेत्| परीक्ष्य हितमश्नीयाद्देहो ह्याहारसम्भवः||४१||

The Deha (body) is constituted of Ahara (food),

hence one should take wholesome food after
careful examination of food.
One should not indulge in unwholesome out of
greedor ignorance
Observation of Eight factors
• आहारस्य विधावष्टौ विशेषा हेतुसञ्ज्ञकाः| शुभाशुभसमुत्पत्तौ तान् परीक्ष्य प्रयोजयेत्||४२||

They are responsible for causing Shubha (happiness) and

Ashubha (misery). These factors are to be examined before
taking any food.
Need to observe Wholesome rules
• परिहार्याण्यपथ्यानि सदा परिहरन्नरः| भवत्यनृणतां प्राप्तः साधूनामिह पण्डितः||४३||
• यत्तु रोगसमुत्थानमशक्यमिह के नचित्| परिहर्तुं न तत् प्राप्य शोचितव्यं मनीषिभिः||४४||

The wise person who always avoid the intake of

foods are unavoidable will become free from
of Sadhu (sages).
A wise person should not worry about the diseases,
which cannot be cured by any measure.
• तत्र श्लोकाः- आहारसम्भवं वस्तु रोगाश्चाहारसम्भवाः| हिताहितविशेषाच्च विशेषः सुखदुःखयोः||४५||
• सहत्वे चासहत्वे च दुःखानां देहसत्त्वयोः | विशेषो रोगसङ्घाश्च धातुजा ये पृथक्पृथक् ||४६||
• तेषां चैव प्रशमनं कोष्ठाच्छाखा उपेत्य च| दोषा यथा प्रकु प्यन्ति शाखाभ्यः कोष्ठमेत्य च||४७||
• प्राज्ञाज्ञयोर्विशेषश्च स्वस्थातुरहितं च यत्| विविधाशितपीतीये तत् सर्वं सम्प्रकाशितम्||४८||
Ahara Sambhavam Vastu / Sharira (Body is product of food).
Rogah Ahara Sambhavah (diseases are caused by food).
Hita Ahita Visheshata Vishesha Sukha Dukhayo (wholesome and
unwholesomefoods, being responsible for happiness and misery respectively).
Dehasatvayo Dukhanam Sahatve Asahatve Cha Veshesha (individuals who
haveimmunity from and susceptibility to the various psychosomatic diseases).
Dhatuja ye Pruthaka Pruthaka Dosha Sanghaha (various diseases specific to eachof
the Dhatus).
Tesham Prashamanam (therapies for their cure).
Dosha Koshthata Shakha Upettha Yatha Prakupyanti (the method by which Doshas
get vitiated and come to the Shaka (periphery) from the Koshtha (alimentary tract)
and vice versa)
Prajna Ajanayo Visheshashcha Svasthatura Hitam Cha Yata (specific characteristics of
wise and ignorant individuals, regime useful for healthy individuals as well as
patients) are described in this chapter Vividha Ashita Peeteeya Adhyaya (45-48)
Thank You!

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