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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Gupta Shilpa1, Dadhich Nand Kishore2
Shekhawati Ayurved College,
College Pilani, Rajasthan, India
Assistant Professor,
Professor S.K.D Govt. Ayurved College, Muzaffar Nagar ,
Uttar Pradesh, India

The concept of Agni in Ayurveda which refers to the manifold functions ascribed to
Pitta is at once comprehensive. It not only includes chemical agencies responsible for Aaha-
rapacana in the Kostha (gastrointestinal) which leads to separation of Sarabhaga (Nutrient
fraction) of Aahar (food) from the Kittabhaga (the indigestible residue of the food) but also
metabolic events – energy, synthesis and maintenance of metabolism.
“Agnirev Sharire Pittantargata Kupitakupita Shubhashubani Karoti.Tadytha-Paktimapaktim
Karoti.Tadytha Paktimapaktim
Darshanam adarshanam matramatratvam ushmana prakriti vikriti varno shaurayam bhayam
odam harsham moham prasadam ityevemaadini chaprani dvandvaniti.” 1
Agni which is situated inside the Pitta does the shubha and ashubha karyas in the body aac-
cording to its kupita and akupita avastha.It has manifold functions like pacana of the an-
ing things with the help of eyes,maintainence of the body temper tempera-
ture,understanding many feelings such as Shaurya, Bhaya, Krodha, Harsha, Moha, Dukh,
Sukh etc… “ Na Khalu Pitta vyatirekaad Anyoagniruplabhyte agneytwaat pitte dahana paca- pac
naadi abhipravritmaneshav
eshav agnivadupchar:Kriyte antaragniriti.Ksheene hayagnigune ta tas-
mandravyeupyogaad ativridhe sheetkriyoupyogaad gamanaach pashyamo na khalu pitta vy vya-
tirekadanyo agniriti”2 Different comments have been given regarding Agni and Pit-
ta.…Sushruta has said that the direct action of Agni and Pitta can be seen through Dahana
Pacana and through Anumaana pramaana, “Ksheene hayagni gune tatsamaan dravyaupy dravyaupyo-
gaat.”,also proves that Agni and Pitta are same. It is very well said in classics – “Sarve Roga
Api Mandagni”” means all diseases in the body are caused due to Mandagni (due to improper
functioning of digestive fire). In modern era, most of the diseases are caused due to Mandag-
ni, Vishamagni or Teekshanagni. So it has been tried to concentrate on the causes of su such
problems and provide a healthy citizen to the society who is free from all these diseases.
This work is a fact finding activity purely based on fundamental research. No hypothesis is
proposed or tested. This work may have no immediate or planned application
application but may later
result into further research of an applied matter.
KEYWORDS: Pachakagni , Koshtha, Sarabhaga , Kittabhaga , Pachak pitta, Dhatavagni ,

Agni in Ayurveda,, is reflected in the act of burning of the nutrition co con-
the concept of Pitta of this system. The sumed and “Tap Ashvarye”” refers to
term Pitta is derived from the root “tap”
“ – the factor which is responsible to make
“to heat” or “to burn”. This term is seen to one achieve
ve the eight kinds of benefits.
have three meanings viz.:- Tap Samtape 3
“Tap Ashvarye”, “Tap Dahe”” and “Tap “ Tap Ashvarye (Divadi Guna)
Samtape”. “Tap Samtape” refers fers to the Tap Dahe – Suradi Guna (Siddhanta Ka Kau-
Gupta Shilpa & Dadhich Nand Kishore: Concept Of Agni In Ayurveda (Review Article)

Tap Samtape – Bhvadi Guna cribed to Pitta is at once comprehensive. It

Tapyti Ushmanamutpadyatiti Pittam not only includes chemical agencies re-
Tapyti Dahti Bukhtamaaharjatam its Pit- sponsible for Aaharapacana in the Kostha
tam (corresponding to gastro-intestinal diges-
Tapyti Ashtvidharmanamadikimiti Pittam. tion), which leads to separation of Sarab-
From the point of view of Ayurve- haga (Nutrient fraction) of the Aahara
da, Pitta has been described as Agni (fire) from the Kittabhaga (the indigestible or
since it performs fire-like actions i.e. Paka, undigested residue of the food) but also
which refers to Pacana (Digestion); Da- metabolic events, energy, synthesis and
hana (Burning) including Bhinna Samgha- maintenance of metabolism.
ta (splitting), Tapana (Heat production) Pachatyannam Vibhajte Sarakitto Pri-
Parinamana (Conversion), Paravritti thaktatha.6
(Transformation) Prakasana (Illumina- In addition, it is seen to compre-
tion), Ranjana or Varnakara (Colouration) hend photo and chemo synthetic processes,
and Prabhakara (to cause luster). In a Pacakapitta known variously as Jatharag-
general sense, the term Kaya or body itself ni, Kosthagni, Antaragni, Pachakagni,
has been equated to Agni. Dehagni etc., while being located in its
“Jathar Praninamagni Kaya Itybhidiyte. own place in an area between Amasaya
Yastam Chikitsetsidantam Sev Kaychikit- and Pakvasaya,
sika”.4 “Tatra Pakvamashymadhagam”.
DISCUSSION Directly participates in the diges-
Caraka has said that it is only Agni tion of food and at the same time, leads
which is located in pitta, that gives rise to support to and augments the functions of
beneficial or adverse consequences as it is the remaining pittas, present elsewhere in
in normal or abnormal state of functioning. the body.
“Agnirev Sharire Pittantargata Kupita- “Tatrasthamev Pittanam Sheshanama-
kupita payeanugraham
Shubhashubani Karoti”.5 Karoti Baladanen Pachakam Naam Tat-
Chakrapani has said that the term samritam”.7
“Pittantargata” does not mean that the Pit- Classifications of Agni:
ta of the body is flaming fire and it only The Ayurvedic concept of Agni
refers to the phenomenon of heat which is includes, not only five kinds of Pittas, but
associated with fire. By implication, heat also the Dhatavagnis and Bhutagnis. It is
is seen to be associated with the function clear from the classical Ayurvedic texts
of Pitta. that the enumeration of the number of Ag-
Acharya Sushruta has said that Pit- nies varies from author to author. Accord-
ta is the same as Agni, since it performs ing to Caraka Samhita, as commented by
Dahana (Burning or oxidation), Pacana Cakrapani Datta, the number of Agnis
(Digestion) and similar actions as per- enumerated are over thirteen:-
formed by fire, hence Pitta is known as 1) Antaragni - 1
Antaragni. 2) Bhutagni - 5
Dahanam Daha, Pacana Pakam; 3) Dhatavagni - 7
Aaharade (Dalnana on Sushruta Sutra On the other hand, Acharya Su-
21/9). The concept of Agni of Ayurveda, shruta has described only five Agnies viz.
which refers to the manifold functions as-

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Gupta Shilpa & Dadhich Nand Kishore: Concept Of Agni In Ayurveda (Review Article)

Pachakagni, Ranjakagni, Alocakagni, Yatha Svamagnibhi Pakam Yanti Kitta

Sadhakagni and Bhrajakagni. Prasadata”.11
There is however an indirect refer- Due to the action of Dhatavagni on
ence in Sushruta Samhita to five Bhutag- their respective Dhatus i.e. Rasa, Rakta,
nis, in the brief description made to the Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja and Shukra,
transformation, which foodstuffs undergo dhatus get converted into Prasad – Bhag
in the organism. and Kitta – Bhag.
Panchbhutatmake Dehe Aahar Panch- Acharya Sushruta and Vaghbhata
bhautik have indicated that the organ known as
Vipakwa: Panchda Samyak Svan Guna- Grahani is located between Pakvasaya and
nabhivar Dhyet”.8 Amasaya and that the relation that exists
Vaghbhata has described:- between Agni and Grahani is reciprocal
5 Pittas i.e. Agni supports the function of Grahani
5 Bhutagnis and Grahani supports the function of Agni.
7 Dhatavagnis Importance of Antarag-
3 Dosagnis ni/Kosthagni/Jatharagni
3 Malagnis Acharya Caraka says that Kosthag-
That is he has enumerated twenty three ni is considered to be the leader of all fac-
Agnis tors concerned with metabolism in the
Acharya Sarangdhar is seen to have recog- body. All other Agnis are derived from it.
nized five Pittas only. On the other hand, Their activities or otherwise, are depen-
Acharya Bhavmishra, is seen to have fol- dent upon an increase or decrease as the
lowed Caraka and Vaghbhata. case may be of Jathargni.
Bhutagni: "Annasye Pakta Servesham Paktsinamd-
“Yatha Svara Pushyante Dehe Dravya- hipo Mata
guna Prithak Tanmulaste Hi Tadvridhikshay vridhi
Pasthiva Parthivanev Shesha Sheshach kshayatmaka."12
Kritsnach”.9 Says Sushrute, "By a dispensation
Means in sharira, all gunas get which is unseen (a cause which cannot be
pushti from their respective amshas. Par- perceived or explained and which is hid-
thiv apye gunas for apye gunas, agneya for den), pitta which is located in an area be-
agneya, Vayvey for Vayvey and similarly tween Amasaya and Pakvasaya, is respon-
Nabhas for Nabhas respectively. sible for the digestion of four kinds of food
Dhatavagni: ingested by living beings and the elimina-
“Vinmutramaaharasyemala Sara Pragiri- tion of the residue in the form of urine and
to Rasa farces after the completion of the process.
Tu Vyanen Vikshipit Sarvan Dhatun Pra- Located in its own place (between Ama-
tarpyet”.10 saya and Pakvasaya) it contributes to and
Vistha and Mutra are the Malas of augments the functions of other locations
Aahara whereas Rasa is the sara of Aaha- of pittas, in the performance of actions.
ra. With the help of Vyana Vaayu, this Ra- This pitta, is therefore, spoken of as "Pa-
sa does the tarpan of all Dhatus. chakagni".
“Saptabhidehadhataro Dhatavo Dvivi- "Tachadrisht visheshen pakavamashye
dam Puna madhyastham pittam Chaturvidam anna-
panam pachti, vivechyti, ch Dosha rosa

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Gupta Shilpa & Dadhich Nand Kishore: Concept Of Agni In Ayurveda (Review Article)

mutsa pusishani Tatrasbhtamev chatam- Scheme representing the relation-

shaktaya, sheshanam pitta sthananam sha- ship between Pacakagni and other Pittas
rirasye aganikarmana amygraham karoti, and Agnis of the body:-
Tasmin Pitte Pachakoagniriti Sangya." 13

Bhrajaka Alocaka Ranjaka Sadhaka

Pitta Pitta Pitta Pitta

Pachakagni in Kostha
(Producing Annarasa)

Rasadhatavagni Asthidhatavagni Shukradhatavagni

Pachakamsa Pachakamsa Pachakamsa
Sthayirasa sthayirasa sthayirasa


Mamsa Dhatvagni Majjadhatavagni

Pachakamsa Pachakamsa
Sthayirasa Sthayirasa

"Annasye Pakta Servesham Paktsinamd- tioning of other Agnis also. When Pacha-
hipo Mata kagni is functioning properly, all other ac-
Tanmulaste Hi Tadvridhikshay vridhi tivities of the body also go on smoothly.
kshayatmaka." "Shantagni Mriyte, Yukte Chiram Jivatye
Pachakagni is the pradhan of all Aamaye
agni is:- Bhutagnis and Dhatavagnis. If Rogi Syad Vikrite Mulam Agni Tasmat
Pachakagni gets vridhi, other Agnis lget Niruchyte"16
increased and of Kshay of the Pachakagni When Agni becomes shaant, causes
occurs, others also get Kshay. death of the person. If Pachakagni is
"Aayu varno balam svasthye utsah upc- working normally, the person remains ni-
haye prabha. rogi and healthy but if Pachakagni is not
Ojas Tejo Agneya Pranachokta Dehagni disturbed, the person becomes unhealthy.
hetuka."15 Types of Pachakagni:-
Dehagni is the only factor which is "Agnishu Tu Sharireshu Chaturvidho Vi-
responsible for Aayu, Bala, Varna, Svas- shesho Balabheden Bhavti. Tadhytha-
thya, Utsaha, Pusthi, Prabha and the func- Techshno, Mando, Samo, Vishamashiti"

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Gupta Shilpa & Dadhich Nand Kishore: Concept Of Agni In Ayurveda (Review Article)
As per Bala Bheda, Agni is of 4 types:- I would like to pay my heartful gra-
a) Teekshan titude to my teacher Dr. Nand Kishore
b) Manda Dadhich without whom I would not have
c) Sama been possible to complete this work. I
d) Visham would also like to pay my thanks to Libra-
a) Teekshagni:- rian of Shekhawati Ayurvedic College Pi-
"Teekshnoagni Sarvapcharsaha." lani who has given his full support to me
Teekshanagni does the ati shigra in completing this work.
pachan of the food. Last but not the least, I would like
b) Mandaagni:- to thank all the silent helpers for their
'Tadviprit Lakshanastu Manda." moral support.
The one which does the delayed
pachan of the food even though taken in REFERENCES
very less quantity, is called as Mandagni 1. Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana [12/11]
complications are Udarpidaa, Heaviness ,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go-
in Shiras, Prasek, Chardi and Shvaas. rakhnath
c) Samagni:- Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade-
"Samastu Svalapchupcharto vikritima- my,Varanasi (2009)
padhyte upchartashu prakriti avtisthte" 2. Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana [21/10] ,
That which does the samyak pachan of the Vyakyakar-Kaviraj Dr. Ambika Dutt Sha-
food taken by the person, is considered as stri,
Samagni. Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi
d) Vishamagni:- (2009)
"Samlakshanviprit lakshanastu Visham 3. Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana[21/5] ,
its" Vyakyakar-Kaviraj Dr. Ambika Dutt Sha-
The Agni which does the irregular stri,
pachan of the food, sometimes it does the Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi
proper pachan and sometimes improper, is (2009)
considered as Vishamagni. Diseases re- 4. Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana [30/28]
lated to Vishamagni are Aadhmaan, Shula, ,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go-
Udavarta, Atisaar, Heaviness in Udar rakhnath
Pradesh, Antarkujan etc. Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade-
my,Varanasi (2009)
CONCLUSION: 5. Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana [12/11]
So, it is concluded that Aahara- ,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go-
Dravya, Pachaka-pitta and Agni are co- rakhnath
related to each other and are responsible Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade-
for carrying out the normal activities of the my,Varanasi (2009)
body. The sama and Prakopa avastha of 6. Ashtang Hridya Sutra Sthana [12/11], Vya-
the Doshas are totally dependent on the kyakar-Professor Ravidatt Tripathi,
condition of Agni of body. So, Anurakshan Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, New
of Agni is of prime importance for the Delhi (2014)
physician and for the maintenance of 7. Ashtang Hridya Sutra Sthana [12/10], Vya-
health of a person. kyakar-Professor Ravidatt Tripathi,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, New

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Gupta Shilpa & Dadhich Nand Kishore: Concept Of Agni In Ayurveda (Review Article)
8. Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana [46/526] , my,Varanasi (2009)
Vyakyakar-Kaviraj Dr. Ambika Dutt Sha- 15. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana [15/2]
stri, ,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go-
Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi rakhnath
(2009) Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade-
9. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana [15/13] my,Varanasi (2009)
,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go- 16. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana [15/3]
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Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade- rakhnath
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Vyakyakar-Kaviraj Dr. Ambika Dutt Sha- 17. Sarangdhar Samhita Purav Khand, Vya-
stri, kyakar- Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Chauk-
Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi hambha
(2009) Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi, Punarmu-
11. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana [15/14] drit Sanskaran(2008)
,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go- 18. Siddhant Kaumadi
rakhnath 19. A Book of Sharir Kriya Vigyan
Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade- ,Prof.Puranchand Jain,Chaukhambha San-
my,Varanasi (2009) skrit Pratishthan,IInd vol.(2009).
12. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana [15/39] 20. A Book of Sharir Kriya Vigyan ,Shiv
,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go- Kumar Gaud,Nathpustak Bhandar Rohtak
rakhnath 21. Book of Ayurvediya Sharir Kriya Vigyan
Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade- ,Vaidya Ranjit Roy Desai,Shri Vaidyanath
my,Varanasi (2009) Ayurveda Bhawan Limited,Naini Illaha-
13. Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana [21/10] , bad,Chaturth Sanskaran
Vyakyakar-Kaviraj Dr. Ambika Dutt Sha-
Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi Dr. Gupta Shilpa
(2009) Lecturer, Shekhawati Ayurved College,
14. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana [15/38] Pilani, Rajasthan, india
,Vyakyakar- Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr. Go- Email : Drshilpagupta46@Gmail.Com
Shastri Chaukhambha Bharti Acade-

159 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 1; January - 2015

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