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In Ayurvedic classics Acharyas have tried to explain
actions of Basti hypothetically with suitable analogies.
They are :

1] As trees irrigated in it’s root

level attains branches with
beautiful tender leaves, flowers
and fruits in time and become
big stature.
In the same way administered
Anuvasana basti into the rectum
performs significant results from
head to toe .

' Pakwashayatbasti viryam khairdehamupati
vrikshamulam.....l 'Viryena bastiradatte doshanam

While describing Basti action, Acharya Susruta says that Basti

retains in Pakwashaya and dwells doshas from all over the body
i.e. head to toe. Sun stands millions of Kilometers away from the
Earth evaporates the water with power full sun rays.

tonic Hypotonic solution

Fluid exchange

Pharmaco dynamics 0f basti mentioned by Acharya parashara

• Mulam gudam sharirasya

sirastatra pratishthitaha l
sarva shariram pushnati
murdhanam yavadasritaha ll'

Acharya Parashara opined that (guda) anus is the main root of

the body and having blood vessels in it, if we administer the
basti in guda nourishes all the limbs and organs of the body.
(Ch.Siddhi. 1/31)
Basti Karmukata
• Although basti is administered in the
pakwasaya it has action through out the body.
• Susruta says a properly given basti remains in
pakwasaya, shroni, and below nabhi and
through the strotas the virya of basti dravya
spreads to the entire body.
• Though basti remains in the body for a short
time and is excreted along with mala by action
of apana vayu, due to virya the doshas
situated from the head to foot are also forcibly
thrown out of body
• Two actions – Expelling the dosha
Nourishing the body
• The rectum has rich supply of blood and
• The drug crosses the rectal mucosa like other
lipid membrane and is absorbed
• Small quantities of short chain fatty acids is
directly absorbed to the portal blood
• Because these are more water soluble and
allows direct diffusion from epithelial cell to
the capillary blood of the villi
Factors help in absorption
• Differences in concentration and therefore of
the diffusion pressure between the crystalloids
in the blood and in the intestinal lumen.
• Absorption varies with the intra intestinal
• The osmotic pressure in the plasma proteins in
excess of the hydrostatic pressure of the
capillary of the BP helps in attracting water and
crystalloids into the blood streams
• Visceral afferent stimulation results in
activation of hypothalamus, pituitary adrenal
access and autonomic nervous system
involving the release of neurotransmitters and
• Niruha Basti is hyper osmotic which facilitates
the absorptions of endotoxins into the solution
and produces detoxification during

• Anuvasana basti is hypo osmotic producing

absorption into the blood and has a property
to regulate sympathetic activity, decrease
adrenaline and nor adrenaline secretions and
helps in the balance of Autonomic nervous
•Basti is administered through rectal Diaphragm

route and it is absorbed in Rectum and

large intestines.
•Rectum has a rich blood and lymph
supply and drugs can cross rectal mucosa
like other lipid membrane.
•The portion absorbed from the upper Inferior venacava
rectal mucosa is carried by the superior
haemorrhoidal vein in to the portal
circulation. Portal vein
•The portion which is absorbed from the Inferior
lower rectum enters directly in to the mesentric
systemic circulation via middle and vein
inferior haemorrhoidal veins.
•Rectum with its vascularity and venous
plexuses provides a good absorbing rectal vein
rectal vein
surface and many soluble substances
produce their effect more quickly,
Rectum & Inferior
without passing through the liver where anal canal rectal vein
they may be destroyed.

Hyper tonic

Hypotonic solution

Fluid exchange

10% Sodium
Why Anuvasana Basti should be given immediately
after meals. (Adrapani talavastha)

• Anatomically alimentary canal is both side open ended

canal. After consuming food pyloric sphincter is
contracting tightly at the same time we are
administering Anuvasana basti it facilitates more
retainable capacity.
•The gastro intestinal tract has ‘enteric nervous
•It especially controls gastrointestinal movements
and secretions.
•The two plexuses in enteric system are Myenteric
plexuses and Submucosal plexuses.
•The sigmoid, rectal and anal regions of the large
intestine are considerably bettered supplied with
parasympathetic fibres than other portions. Most
of the absorption in the large intestine occurs in
the proximal half of the colon giving the name of
this portion the absorbing colon.
•Differences in concentrations and therefore of the diffusion pressures

between crystalloids in the blood and in the intestinal lumen

•Absorption varies directly with the intra intestinal pressure, the

absorption rate increase in proportion to the increase in intra intestinal


•The osmotic pressure of the plasma proteins in excess of the

hydrostatic pressure of the capillary of the blood pressure is an

important factor in attracting water and crystalloids into the blood

• Changes after administration of Vasti
•An increase in the fatty acid and protein content is shown by bio
chemical investigation subsequent to administration of sneha
•An increase in the phospho lipid fat content subsequent to
ksheera vasti is known.
•The administration of niruha vasti shows a decline in the pyruvic
acid level, which results in the higher B1 level. Moreover a
reduction in the B1 level leads to degeneration of myelin sheath,
neurological disorders and ailments of the digestive system. Thus
it explains the logic behind the action of vasti on neuromuscular
•Colon has a large number of bacterial floras, which bestow the body

by producing certain factors of B group of vitamins, and K.

researchers have shown that this flora flourishes abundantly on
administration of sneha vasti. Maybe the fats in it, provide a favorable
environment for their growth, thus help in healing of intestinal ulcers
by providing a coat.
•Visceral afferent stimulation results in activation of the hypo-

thalamus, pituitary adrenal access and autonomic nervous system

involving the release of neurotransmitters and hormones. Niruha vasti
is hyper osmotic which facilitates the absorptions of endotoxins into
the solution and produces detoxification during elimination.
•The active principles of vasti drugs may also be absorbed

because they are mainly water-soluble.

•Anuvasana is hypo osmotic producing absorption into the

•Anuvasana and matra vasti have got a property to regulate

sympathetic activity, decrease adrenaline and nor adrenaline

secretions and help in the balance of autonomic nervous

Probable Mode of Action of Vasti Therapy Drugs:
Their role at the time of preparation:
Action of Vasti dravya on the intestinal mucosa:
Action of the Vasti dravya on the whole body (Systemic action)
Madhu forms the homogenous mixture with the Saindhava and it is

best among the vehicles.

•When salt is brought into immediate contact with Madhu, the salt

molecules and ions rapidly diffuse into the sugar solution and the

sugar molecules into the salt solution until the whole mixture become

•The qualities of Sneha like, Snigdha and Guru get mixed with above

solution and form again a uniform mixture, it counterparts some of

irritating properties of both Madhu and Saindhava.

•Kalka gives thickness to the Vasti Dravya.

•The drugs used for decoction are mainly according to the disease

and the stage of the disease. The drugs, which are water soluble

we can use by this way.

•Water base is always essential for the absorption of the drugs

from the intestine. The Kwatha gives essential quantity to the

Vasti Dravya for administration during preparation it gets mixed

with above mixture.

•Madhu along with salts makes homogenous mixture to form a

solution having properties to permeable the water easily.

•The retention of irritative substances may be favored by making

its solution as nearly isotonic as possible by using colloidal fluid

such as starch water as diluent.

•Oil mainly helps to protect the intestinal mucosa from the

irritating substances. It helps for easy elimination of Vasti Dravya.

•Volatile substances are rapidly absorbed from aqueous or oil


•Saindhava due to its Suksma and Tiksna properties help Vasti

dravya to reach upto molecular level. It also capable of liquifying

the viscid matter and breaking it into minute particles. Thus helps

for the both curative well as purificative purpose.

•Produces softness in the channels and tissues and helps for easy

elimination of waste substances.

•Kalka and Kwatha both acts according to their medicinal value,

helps for the purpose i.e. Curative, purificative and preventive too.
• The mode of action can be stated on
virtue of:
– Absorption in systemic circulation.
– Colon cleansing
– Gut brain theory
Absorption in systemic circulation: though small
intestine is supposed to be an important organ for
absorption of food and drugs colonic administration of
drug has specific importance.
As a site for drug delivery, the colon offers a near neutral
pH, reduced digestive enzymatic activity, a long transit
time and increased responsiveness to absorption
enhancers; however the targeting of drugs to the colon is
very complicated.
• It Cleanses the Colon:
Toxic material is broken down and removed so it can no longer
harm body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Even debris
built up Over a long period is gently but surely removed in the
process of a series of irrigations. Once impacted material is
removed, colon can begin again to work as it was meant to. In this
very real sense, Basti is a whole body rejuvenation treatment.
• It Stimulates Reflex Points:
Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by
reflex points. Basti stimulates these points, thereby affecting the
corresponding body parts, organs, tissues, glands, etc. in a
beneficial way (similar to reflexology).
•Use of oil was to relax the intestinal musculature and soften scybala

or lubricate the bowel when desired. Friedenwald and Feldman

found no evidence of pathological changes in the dog’s colon

following prolonged use of cottonseed oil enemas.

•To secure the maximum effect, according to Sollmann an enema

must be used in a fairly large quantity. However Lewis warned

against the use of too large a quantity because of the danger of

paralysis to the colon.


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