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Part 1: Watch this short video on forces and elasticity until 2:05.

Answer the questions below

as you view.

1. A force is a push or a pull in a particular direction.

2. What are the three ways forces can cause change?
a. SHAPE changes the shape of an object.
b. SPEED changes the speed of an object.
c. DIRECTION changes the direction in which the object is traveling.
3. What are the two types of deformation caused by a force? Elastic and plastic
4. Open the drawing and click and drag the descriptions to the correct term.

(continue below)
Part 2: Watch this video on resultant forces from the selected time until 2:33.

1. How do you calculate resultant force?

Largest Force-Smallest Force
2. What is the name of the diagram we use to represent forces without having to draw what
is actually occuring? Free body diagrams

Part 3: Watch this video on Hooke’s Law from the selected time until 3:34.

1. What does Hooke’s Law state? Hooke´s law states that the force needed to
extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to that
2. What is the equation used in Hooke’s Law? Fdef = k* delta L
3. OMG. Another pyramid! Edit to add in information. (The equation variables are a little
different than what is in the video, so pay attention!)

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