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Formula 1(F1):

 These F1 drivers will practice all there racing skill through a F1 simulator, for example like
practicing how to have a better start, how to overtake their opponents... These drivers also
need to keep fit or training on their body, It might not look it on TV, but drivers experience
punishing forces over the course of a qualifying lap that most ordinary people would find
intolerable after a matter of seconds. In F1, every game will continue for a whole weekend,
just like this weekend, they will start Australian Grand Prix. They actual race will only start at
Sunday afternoon(normally), but before the actual race, they will have 3 practice period and
1 qualifying tournament, the purpose of this is to let the drivers familiar with the court and
their team can help them to find and fix problem of their cars.

 The Formula One series originated with the European Championship of Grand Prix motor
racing of the 1920s and 1930s. The formula consists of a set of rules that all participants'
cars must meet. Formula One was a new formula agreed upon during 1946 with the first
non-championship races taking place that year.

 In Formula 1, their steering wheel weight almost 30 kg, they need to have a strong muscle to
control it. A driver's blood pressure will increase by approximately 50 percent during a two-
hour race. The driver is operating in cramped conditions that are hot and noisy. heat
resistance of the body to the F1 driver is also important, in Europe, in a cool event, the
temperature of the cockpit can be as high as 50 to 60 degrees Celsius, while constantly
hydrated, but nearly two hours of the game down body fat consumption and dehydration
sum will be more than 4 kg, if the average person in such a large number of dehydration can
cause shock, F1 drivers, on the other hand, can still talk after getting out of the car. All their
body parts will be experience 5g force for every lap, it could be even high; normal people
can not afford it, that is also why we called F1 players are “superhuman.”

Parkour(Free running):
 Players will train about how to do different action in order to help them parkour, for
example like run, jump, push, flip, climb and kick. You can make you own movement if you
want. They also train for endurance and it will help them while they are doing parkour. They
will also have fitness training to help them build their body.

 It was started in France in the 1980s by French soldiers during the Vietnam War. As a child,
founder David Belle loved to run and jump on the school roof. Inspired by his military father,
Berry started the extreme sport of street-walking known as Parkour.

 People will need place and equipment for training their movement, body... But for the
actually parkour, they can just go every where that they think is the best place for them to
do parkour. Now days, there are also many parkour park or gym open everywhere

 Participants of this activity, known as parkouristes, try to overcome obstacles in their

environment in the most efficient manner possible. The psychological and physical demands
of parkour are not what ordinary people can bear. It takes a lot of courage and confidence to
do it. And some of the grounds are very dangerous, you can die if you're not careful.

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