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L T P Cr.
EE 101 Busic Elcctdcal Engineering •
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2 1 - 3
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Unit - I : Review of dc circuits and theorems, singlc phase ac circuits, concept of phasor and phasor
diagram, RLC series & parallel circuits, power and power factor, 3 phase ac circuits, star, delta balanced
connections. ' :
Unit - II : Review of magnetic circuits. magnetization curve, hysteresis effect and losses, eddy current
effect and losses, series and series parallel magnetic circuits, Transformer: Construction of 1 phase


transformer, equivalent circuit, losses and efficiency. . .

Unit-III: Dynamic emf equation. force on current carrying conductor constmction and principle of operation alternator, conSlnlction of3-phase induction motor, production of rotating magnctic field, principle

of operation of 3 phase induction motoL starting methods of I-phase induction motor.

Unit-IV: Basic elements of an instnllnent-deOection control and damping Me andMI ammeter, voltmeter,
dynamometer type wattmeter and induction energy meter.
- Unit- V : Elements of Powcr System, Power generator systems. layout of power generation systems:
cOllventional(ThennaJ, Hydro, Nuclear, Gas powcr plant) and non-cOlUlectional (solar, wind etc.), recent
trends in generation. •

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1. VDeJ Toro, "Electrical Engg. Fundamentals", Prentice Hall (India)Ltd.,N.D.
2. B.R. Gupta, "Generation of ElectTical Energy", Eurasia Publishing House,N.D:
3. K.Sawlmey, aA Course in electrical Measurement and measuring instnlluents" Dhanpat Rai & Sons

Delhi .

4. Hughes, " Elec(rical Teclmology", Addison-Wesley 7th Edition

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P Cr.
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ME - 101 Basic Thermal Sciences ,

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2 1 - 3
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. Unit I : Pressure & its measurement, pressure gauge & monometers. Definitions: System, types of system
and boundary, property, state, process, cycle, thennodyna~lic ~hcl'mal mechanicalchemical equilibrium, "
quasi static process; Equality & Inequality of temperature and Zeroth Law ofthennodynamics. ' •

, , .

Unit II : Thennodynamic definition of work, displacement work expressions for various quasi-static- ,

process"engine indicator, 2-stroke & 4-stroke I.C. engines, heat. First law ofthennodYllamics for closed ,
system and open systems and applications, energy. , " . , .
. . '.
. .
Unit III : Pure substance and its phases, two property nIle, enthalpy, charts and equation ofstat<}. Temp.-
time T-p, p-h, p-v & u-v diagrams, dryness fraction,. its measurement and evaluation of t}xtensive . .
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propertIes. , •

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Unit IV: Limitations of first law of thenllodynamics, heat engine, heat pump & refrigerator, 2 law of ,

thennodynamics, Kelvin-Planck's and Clausius statements, efficiency"of heat engine and coefficient of
perfonnance of heat pump & refrigerator, reversible engine, reversibl,e 'and irreversible processc:s, canlot
cycle & its efficiency, corollaries of second law of thennodYllamics, thennodynamic temp; scale, entropy. -,' ,
. ' - . , , ' . '
~ ,

Unit V: Air standatd Otto, Diesel, dual simple Brayton Cycles and sinl'ple Steam power cyclGS and their ' ".
efficiency expression and ,applications. ' .
Unit VI : Introduction to heat transfer, modes of heat transfer and basic laws; Fourier's law of steady '
state conduction (one dimensional) and its application, natural & forced convection, Newton"s law of , '

cooling, convective and overall heat transfer coefficient, thermal radiation, types of bodies, Stefan- ' •

Botlzman's law and Kirchoff's law.

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I. Spalding & Cole, "ThemlOdynamies" , ELBS. London
2. P.K. Nag, " Engineering Thermodynamics".
3. Mr. Goel, "Engineering Thcnnodynamies".
4. C. P. Gupta & R. Prakash, "Engineering Thennodynamics", Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
5. G.F.c. Rogers & YR. Mayhew. 'T hennodynamics, Work & Heat Transfcr, ELBS, London .

L T P Cr.
ME 102 Engineering Graphics - -
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Unit - I : Introduction to graphic language, Instruments and their use, Conventional Lines and their uses.
Printing of letters and numerals, Methods of dimensioning. Conslnlction and use of scales, Constnlction
of cyc10idal curves and involutes.
Unit - II : Necessity for orthographic projeeti~ns 1st & 3,d angle methods of projection. Projection of
points & lines on three coordinate planes. Projections of plane surfaces. •
Unit - III: Orthographic projections of simple machine parts on dilferent planes. Choice of view, Hidden
lines. Preparation of multi view drawings. Nccessity of sectional views and their drawings.
Unit - IV : Axonometric Projections. Drawing of isomctric projection of simple solids; Development of
surfaces of simple solids. Usc and methods of drawing.
Books: •

l. P.S. Gill, " A Test Book of Geometrical Drg., Katseen Pub.House, Ludhiana.
2. Warren 1. Lucadder, "Fundamentals of Engg. Drg., Prcn.Hall,N.Delhi.
3. N.D. Bhatt, Elementary Engg. Drg., Charotar Pub. House. Anand, India.

ME - 103 Engineering Mechanics •

3 1 - 4

Unit I : Fundamental Cl1tlCCpIS & principle of mechanics: basic concept of force couple system, reduction
of a system of forces to a wrench, Free body diagrams, equilibrium of rigid bodies and its as!;emblies
e~uilib~ium of rigid bo~ie~ in three dimensions, rea~ti~ns, .loading, indctelJninacy and solvability, tw~
dUllcnslOnal frames . EucJJ.OIl.Eorces; !-aws of Dry fnctlo~l , planes, blocks, cylinders sliding &. rolling,
pulleys, belts & screws. :.

Unit U : Centroid of areas, composite platcs and wires, ccntre of gravity of 2-dimensional bodic~ sec d

moment of mertla of composite areas, 1\10me,nts & product of IncrtIa, momcnt of inertia of massc " I
· . f ' I
and app IIcatIon 0 . vlrtua work s, pnnclp e

Unit III : Review of particle klnemotics, Rectilinear and curvilincar motion ofparticl t t' 1i f
. . I k" , ' .. . es, ro a IIlg rame 0
re fierence,
· . partlC e mehes,
" Newton slaws, dynanllc eqUllibnum principle of ,. 0 k
" v r ' an energy an Its d d .
• app IIcatlon, problems II1volvmg energy and momcntum .

• •
Unit IV : .Analysis of n single particle; Appl ication of Newton's laws to the mOlion of a system of
partlclcs. llllear and angular momentum, klllehc ene!'b'Y and work energy princIple for a system of particles
principle of impulsc and momentum for a system of particles. •
Unit V :Transl ation and rotation about a fixed axis. gcneral plane Illotion. absolute and relati"e velocity
in plane motion, angular momentum of a rigid body in plane motion D' Alembcrt's principle, oroblems
invoh'ing the motion of rigid body and system of rigid bodies, prInciple of work and cneq,,'Y f~)r a rigid
body and a system of rigid bodies, conservation of energy Impulsive motion.
1. Beer Feerdinand P & Jolmston Jr. E. Russel ; Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics & Dynamics.
Metric Edition. Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi. 1990
2. Shames, Irving H. Engineering Mechanics (Statics & Dynamaics).Prentice Hall ofIndia, Ncw Delhi,
1998. .

3. Greenwood, Donald T. , Principle of Dynamics, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jercy.

4. Merium, J.L. & Engineering Mechanics (Volumc I & l/), 3rd Edition (SI vcrsion), John Wiley &
Sons. Inc, NY.) 1996.

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L T P Cr.
ME 191/192 Manufacturing Process Lahs. 1/ II - - 3 1.5
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Students will he allocated either ofthe following groups in First Semester and the other group
in Second Semester

GroUI) I : Basic Carpentry operations and tools used with practical exercises. Exercises on metal working,
Forging operations like dra\ving, upselting and bending. Metal joining, introduction to ditIerent welding
processes. Manual metal arc welding equipment and teclll1iques and preparation of different typcs of
joints. Introduction to sheet metiJl work and soldering. Surface treatment and clectToplaling.

Group II : Introduction to common machining opcrations on Lathe, Shaper, Drilling, slotter, milling and
grinding and boring with selected exercises. Introduction to metal casting, moulding, preparation of a
mould of a given pattern, casting of a simple pattern. Exercises in bench work and fitting .

L T P Cr.
(*including Practice Hour)

Unit - I Introduction to Computers

Computer S)'stems - Classification (Microcomputer. Minicomputer, Mainframe, Supercomputer),
Components of Modcm Computer System, Personal Computer (PC).

Operating S~tems - Introduction, File and DircctoI)' Structure, Over\'ic'w of DOS, Windows and UNIX
Operating Systems.
Editors - Introduction, Basic Features, Different Types of editors (text, graphics etc.), Ovcrview of
major editors (Wordstar, Edit, Turbo C Editor, Notepad and ' vi' editor)
Unit-II Fundamentals of Algorithm & C Programming Introduction to Algoritlml, Flow chart, Algo-
ritlulls of simplc problems, - detenllining minimum, Series Computation, Factorial computation. Sorting
etc. Introduction to C .programming.
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L T P Cr. •,

• lUI tl'cngt h 'Of Mntcrinls 2 .... 1 0 4 ,
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Analysis of Stress and Strain. Elastic and Plastic behaviour of engineering materials, Mechanical
properties. Analysis of simple state of stress and strain, Elastic constants, Examples of simple stales of •

tension, compression and shear. Analysis of two dimensIOnal stress and strain on inclined planes by analytical
and graphical method - Mohr 's circle, Principal stress and strain. •

Analysis of detenninate structures - Bending moment and shear force for single span, overhanging " •

-, and cantilever beams, three hinged arches for different types ofloads, relationship between load, bending
•• momcnt and shear force. Analysis of pin-jointcd tntSS by analyticalmcthods .
Stress in Beams: Bending stresses in symmetrical section, Solid thin-walled and composite section, ,l
efficiency of shapes, Shcaring stress in syuulletrical and unsymmetrical sections, Solid thiq-walled and
• •

compOSIte sectIOn.
Torsion: Relationship between twisting moment, shear stress and angle of twist, torsion in circular shafts,
Helical springs and carriage springs, Torsion of non-circular sections - Engineer
,.. 's approach. •
Combined stress: Broad categories of problems, ntles of combination. Cases of eccentric loading,
Dams, retaining ,"valls, Chinmeys; middle third ntle. Cases of beams with oblique bending, bending and •

shear. Bending, shear and torsion. Failure theories.

Tests Book,, :
I. S.M.A. Kazmi Solid Mechanics Tata McGraw Hill
,I 1976, N.D. •

2. E.P. Popov Introduction to Prentice Hall of

India, I987 Mechanics of Solids New Delhi -
I R efe rence Boo)<s:

3. S.P.Timoshenko Strength of Materials, D.Van Nostrand Co.NI~w

Part I & II Jercy, Ncw York 1962
4. O.P. Jain - do - Nemchand Bros.,Roorkce

5. B.C. Punmia Strength of Materials /' Standard Pub.Distributor. . .

Volume 1 & 2 / Delhi, 1968 •
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3 I 0 - 4


llnit - I 'I'b . d
Dimensions and units, system, boundary, types of systems and boundaries, property, cycle, thel modynamic equl I num an
Quasi-static prot'ess. . '
Pn:, sme and its measurement, zero'th low ofthcmlodynamics, temperature and Its measurement, numerical problems.

IInit-1I . .
Thermodynumic WId mcchuni ' ' definition of work, displacement work and its expressions, en~ine indicator and I.ndlcated
work, introduction to 2-slrOke and 4-stroke engines, heat, work and heat as energy interactIons, Joule 's experiment &
mechanical equivalent of heat, first law of thernlOdynamics for cyclic and non cyclic processes, definiti~n of energy as a
property, internal energy, enthalpy, specific heats, first law for a control volume, steady flow energy Equallon ( SFEE ), and
It'S appliclItions,
numerical problems.

Pure suhstlll1ce, di fferent phases of pure suhstance, two-property rule, property diagrams, tables and charts, equat~on of st~te
of an ideal gas, t--r , t- p, p- v, and t- v diagrams, phase boundaries, S-L-V region, CP and TP, dryness fractIon and. Its
mensurement using throttling calorimeter, limitations of throttling calorimeter, separating & throttling calorimeter, numerical
• •

Limitations of first law, heat engine, heat pump, refrigerator, second law of the 11110dynamics- Kelvin Planck's and Clausius
statements III1d their equivalence, elliciency of heat engine and coeflicient of perfonllance of heat pump and refrigerator,
reversihle and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle and its elliciency, corrolaries of second law, the thermodynamic
temperature scale. inequality of Clausi us, entropy, principle of increase of entropy, isentropic process, t- s and h- s diagrams
( Mollier chart), second law applications, air standard otto, diesel, dual, simple Brayton and steam power cycles (Rankine
ycle), numerical problems. •

Modes of heat transfer, Fourier's law of steady state heat conduction ( one dimensional conduction), thellJlal conductivity
and its unit, conduction through slab or plane wall, conduction through composite walls and hollow cylinders, convective
heat transfer, Newton's law of cooling, combi ned heat tran sfer, electrica l analogy and overall heat transfer coefficient,
radiation, black body, emissive power, emissivity, Kirchoff's law, Stefan Boltzmann 's hiw, numerical problems.

I. Thermodynamics. An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A Boles

2. Engineering Thermodynamics by D. B. Spalding and E. H. Cole.
3 .Engineering Thermodynamics by R. Joel.
4. Engineering. Thermodynamics by P.K.Nag.
5. Engineering Heat Transfer by c.P.Gupta and R. Prakash. •

- - 4- - 4
Introduction to graphic. lang~ag~, Instrumen~ and their use, Conventional .Lines and their uses. Printing of letters and
numerals, Methods of dlmenslol1lng. Construction and use of scales, ConstructIOn of cycloidal curves and involutes.
Necessity for orthographic projections I" & 3'd angle methods of projection. Projection of points & lin th .
planes, Projections of plane surfaces. es on ree coordmate

Orthographic projections of simple machine parts on different planes. Choice of view Hidde r p' .
view drawings. Necessity of sectional views and their drawings. • n mes, reparation of multI

Axonometric Projections. Drawing of isometric projection of simple solids' Development of f: .
and methods of drawing. ' Sur aces of SImple solids. Use


I. P.s. Gill, "A Test Book a/Geometrical Drg. , Katson Pub. House Ludh '
2. Warren J. Lucadder, "Fundamentals 0/ Engg. Drg. . Pren. Hall, N. Delh~'10·
• 3. N.D. Bhall, Elementary Engg. Drg.. Charotar Pub. House, Anand, India.'
L-T.I'· f) -C
, 3 10 - <I

llnll I:
Fluid Properties & Fluid Statics: Units & Dimensions, Dimensional Analysis, Signilicance of non-dimensionul numn.:1'1
as applied tn Fluid Mech. [luid as continuum, Incompressible and compressible Fluids, Stress at u.point, NeW1on 'b I.uw of
.I ~cosity, Newtoni"'l Fluids, I hermOd),nanli cl Hydrodynamic pressure, Manometers, Hydro-statIc forces on , ubmcrlled
plane and curved surfaces, Rigid body motion of fluid .

Unll 2:
Fluid Kinemalic~: Eulerian & Lagrangian description of fluid motion, ~elocity & Acceleration, Stream Line, Pptll Line and
Streak Line, 2- 1) Stream Function in Cartesian & Polar Coord inates Translation, Vorti city & Angular Velocity, Irrototillllol
Flow, Clrculi,'iion, Velocity Potential, Relationship between stream' function & velocity potential for 2-0 potential f1owl,
Flow classification. .

Llnit J:
Fluid Oynamics:System & Control Volume, Basic & subsidiary Laws, Transport Theorem (no proof), Laws of conservation
of mass. momentum & Energy; Integral & Differential Approaches, Euler's & Bernoulli's Equations. Bernoulli's Equation
for Steady flow of an incompressible Fluid, Applications.

llnll 4:
ripe Flow: Laminar & turbulent Flows; Friction Factor, Moody's Diagram, Energy Losses Through Pipes, Bends & "ipe
fIttings; Velocity Distributions in Pipes; Power Transmission Through Pipes; Constriction Meters, Pitot & I'i tot-Stutic

Unit 5:
1-0 Study Cnmpressible Flow:Velocity of sound, Isentropic flow, Stagnation & Critical Conditions, Reference Velocities,
Area ratio a~ a Function of Mach. No., Mass flow rate, Flow through nozzles and Diffusers.

I, F. M. White; Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill.
], M.J, Fox & A, T. McDonald; Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley & sons.

•• 3 I ,j


(Chemical I Petro-Chemic"t Engin<ering)

'~ Convenl.ion and symbols used in Engineering Drawing as per 151 recommendation. Assembly & part drawing of !imple
?,sembloes (bolts. nuts & locking devices) and sub-assemblies of machines, engine components, vices, valves, pipe and pipe ,
" Jomts etc.

Introduction to contputer graphics: Wire frame, surface, solid modeling schemes, Hardware and overall organization of
,•, CADD software, Drawing editing, Printing, Dimensioning, Commands for 2-0 Drafting, Basic concepts of3·D CADD .

• I. MSidheshwar, P.Kannath & V. V. Sastry; Machine Drawing, Tata Mc Grow Hills •

], R. W. Leigh; Auto CAD Concise Gllide to COlllmand Features, Galgotia Publications.

3. P.s. Gill: Machine Drawing; Katson Publishing House
4, A, Yanvood: Auto CAD-2000, Addison Wesley Longman Publications

• ,- - j"l-/ 101 '-V V' J/'I - ~


Unit I:
Data Analysis: Basic statistical concepts; measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion of Data No.nllal . l, chi-square and F
distributions, CLT.

Unit 2:
Interval Estimation of parameters; 9raphical representational curve filting of data.

Unit 3:
Instrument Systems. Functional Elements of a measurement system; Classification. Static and Dynamic Perfonnance
Characteristics of Instruments; Transfer function, Independence Match ing.

Unit 4:
Principles of Transudation and Transducers-analog and digital ofdifTerent types; amplifiers, fitters, indicating and recording

Unit 5:
Measurements of force, Strain, Torque. Power. Pressure and Temperature etc.


I. B.C. Nakre & K.K.Choudhry; Instrumentation. Measurement & Ana~vsis, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. J. Homan ; Experimental Methodsfor Engineers, r'edition, McGraw Hill (2000).
3. Walpole, R. E.. Myers, R. L.. Myers, S. L. and Ye K., "Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists ",
Pearson Education

3 I 0 - 4

Review of laws of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Joule Thomson
relation, Equation of state for ideal and real gases, Compressibili ty factor and law of correspondi ng states,
Development ofthelltlodynamic tables and charts, (enthalpy, fugacity and entropy), Problems.

Dalton's law and Amagat's law as applied to ideal gas mixtures, Internal energy, enthalpy, entropy and specific
heats of gaseous mixtures, First law applied to gas-vapour mixture, The adiabatic mixing process, Wet and dry
bulb temperatures, The psychrometric chart, Psychrometric processes, Problems.

UNIT 3 •

Basic refrigeration cycles ( ~versed carnot, vapour compression and air refrigeration cycl@ aRalyses), Va\?l?ur
_absorption cy-cJe, Refrigerants, Domestic refriger'!tors, Problems. _ ~
Classification of compressors ( reciprocating and rotary type l,Volumetric efficiency, Multistage power
requirements, Calculation of cyl.inder dimensions, Axial flow and centrifugal compressors, Problems.

1. Sonntag, Borgnakke and Van Wylen, "Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics", (jh edition,
John Wiley and sons, Inc.
2. Rogers and Mayhew, "Engineering Therm odynamics Work and Heat Transfer", ELBS.
3. c. P.Arora, "Refrigerolion and Ail' Conditioning", Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
4. 4. s.M. Yahya, " Turbines, Compressors and Fans ", Tata Mc-Grow Hill.
5. P. K. Nag, "Engineering Thermodynamics ", Tata Mc-GrGw Hill.

• •

3 I 0 - 4

IS and ISO codes. Conventions and symbols used in engineering drawing as per IS r:ecommendations. Fre~-hand sk.etching
ofbolds. nuts and locking d~vices etc. Assembly and part dr"wII1gs of simple assembhes and sub-assembhes of machines VIZ
Couplings. Clutches, Toolposl. Engine components etc.

Introduction to engineering graphic'S. Hardware configurotion for <'Omputer aided d~s ign and drafting (CADD), overall
organization ofCADD software; Drawing, editing, printing, dimensioning commands for 2-D drafting; Wire frame surface,
solid modeling schemes; Basic concepts of 3-D drafting.

I. P.s. Gill; Machine Drawing, KalSon PublishinK House.
2. N. Sidheshwar. P Ka1lnaih & ,'. V. Sastry; Machi". Drawing, Tata McGraw Hills.
J. R. II'. Leigh; Auto CA 0, Concise Guide to lommand Feolllres, Galgotia Pub.
4. Tom II'. Berghauser; The illustrated Auto CAD Book.
5. Grover & Zimmers Jr .. CA D/CAM, PHI

4• I 0 - 5

troduction: Types of design, General considerations and procedures of .!'lachine design, Types of loading. selection of
materials and its designation, Design stress & factor of safety, seicctig,ll of F.S. Application of theories of fai lure to design.
- . , . . .
. · 2:
'gn for fatigue strength ; S-N -diagrams, Low & ll igh Cycle fatig ue, Endurance limit modifying factors, Fatigue strength
nder Iluctuating stresses, Cumulative damage, surface strength .

of solid and hollow shafts subjected to torsion, bending and axial load for strength and stillness. Shafts subjected to
. loading, Design of Keys, Splines, pins, cutlers and shaft couplings.

Unit 4:
Screws, bolts and their types, bolted joints including eccentrically loaded joint, riveted joint and power screws.
nit 5:
Belt Drives: nat and V-belt drives, etTect of centrifugal tension, initial tension, maximum power, Design of nat and V-belt,
esign of ropes. •
I. Joseph E. Shigley: Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill.
2. MF. Sp(J1/; Design a/Machine Element, Prentice Hal/.
3. Sharma & Aggarwal; Machine Design, KOiria Publications.

Monday, May 24, 2010
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410 - 5

Unit I:
Link, pair and kinematics chain, Constrained criterion, Mechanism, Four link planar mechanisms and its inversion, Simple
Mechanisms (Straight line motion mechanism, Pantograph, Engine Indicator, Hook’s joint and steering Gear mechanism).
Unit 2:
Velocity Analysis in Mechanisms; Relative velocity Method, Instantaneous Centre Method. Acceleration Analysis in
Mechanism; Graphical Method, Problem involving Corrioli’s acceleration. Klien’s construction, Velocity and
Acceleration analysis in simple mechanism by analytical method.
Introduction to synthesis of Mechanism: Type, Number and Size synthesis, Mobility of four bar linkage Grashoff
Criterion Dimensional synthesis, classification, Graphical Method (Three Position), Motion Generation, Path Generation
and Function Generation; Analytical Method (Three Position), Error in Synthesis.
Unit 4:
Gear Drives: Introduction, Classification of gears, Gear Nomenclature, Tooth Profile, Interference on Involutes Gear, Path
of Contact, Arc of Contact of meshing Gear, Gear train: Simple Compound and Epicyclical gear train.
Unit 5:
Types of Cams and followers. Motion analysis of followers, Graphical construction of cam profiles for different
followers, Pressure angle and cam size, motion analysis of cams with specified contour.

I. S.S. Rattan; Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., N. Delhi
2. J.S. Rao & R V. Dukkipati; Mechanism & Machine Theory, Wiley Easter Ltd.
3. A.K. Malik, A. Ghosh & Gunter Diurich; Kinematic Analysis & Synthesis of Mechanism, CRC Press

Syllabus Page 1
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L-T-P-D-C 0 4


Unit 1:
(a) Introduction : Problems in Engineering Design, Division of Design Project, testing models, patents and agreements.
(b) Welded Joints: Types of Welded connections, Design of Simple and eccentrically loaded welded connections.

Unit 2:
Bearings & Lubrication: Types and laws of friction, Types of Lubrication Hydrodynamic and Hydrostatic bearings, Ball and
Roller bearings, Method of load estimation and Selection of bearings.

Unit 3:
Clutches & Brakes: Plate, Cone and Centrifugal Clutches, Shoe and Band Brakes, Calculation of Heat Generation.

Unit 4:
Springs : Design of helical springs subjected to static and dynamic loads, design of torsion and leaf springs. elementary
idea of rubber springs.

Unit 5:
Power Transmission with Toothed Gears: Selection of Gears and Gear Materials, Tooth Forces, Design of Spur, Helical,
Bevel and Worm Gears.


I. Joseph E. Shigley; Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill.

2. M.F. Spott; Design of Machine Element, Prentice Hall.
3. Hall, Holowenko & Laughner; theory & Problems of Machine Design, McGraw HilL
4. R.s. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta; A Text Book of Machine Design. Eurasia Pub.
5. Mahadevan & Reddy; Design Data Hand Book, CBS Publishers. Delhi.

Syllabus Page 2
Fluid Machinery
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Unit l&2:
Hydraulic Turbines: Classification: Energy Transfer between rotor and fluid in Turbomachines; Impulse and Reaction
Turbines-Pelton, Francis, Kaplan and Tubular Turbines — Theory, Losses, Efficiencies, Performance Curves; Draft Tube,
Cavitations, Governing. Similarity Laws: Similarity Laws, Specific Speed, Model Testing, Instrumentation for Testing of
Hydraulic Machines.
Unit 3:
Pumps: Classification; Centrifugal & Axial Flow Pumps —Theory, Working Principle, Heads, Losses, Efficiencies,
Performance Curves, Surging. Cavitations.
Unit 4:
Compressors: Classification; Axial Fans, Multistage Axial Flow Compressors, Stage Efficiency, Performance Curves,
Surging, Choking and Stalling.
Unit 5:
Positive Displacement Pumps: Reciprocating Pump, Gear Pump, Vane Pump and Screw Pump. Hydraulic Systems:
Accumulator, Intensifier, Hydraulic Lift, Fluid Coupling, Torque Converter, Fluidics.


1. Jagdish Lal; Hydraulic Machines.

2. Cherkarsky; Pumps, Fans,Compressors, Mir Publishers.
3. Vasandani; Heat Engineering..
4. Shephered D., Macmillan; Principles of Turbomachinery.
5. Sayers A. T.; Hydraulic & Fluid Machines, McGraw Hill.
6. Beckw,th, Lewis Buck & Marangoni; Mechanical Measurements, Narosa Pub.
7. Govinda Rao, TM H.; Fluid Flow Machines.

Syllabus Page 3
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11:27 PM



Unit 1:
N.C. Machine tools, Automation and N.C., CNC. DNC and AC, Programming for NC, Industrial Robots, CIMS. GT,
Cellular Manufacturing. FMS & Al.
Unit 2:
Tool Engineering, Principles of Work Holding, Design of Jigs and Fixtures, Design of Single Point Multipoint and
Press working Tools.
Unit 3:
Human Factors Engineering Introduction. Safety and Design, Environmental considerations, Product Liability.
Unit 4:
Inspection and Quality Control, Product Quality, Quality Assurance, TQM, SQC, Acceptance Sampling and Control,
Reliability, Non-Destructive Testing, Automated Inspection.

1. Groover & Zimmers; CAD/CAM-Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, PHI, 2000.
2. Pandey & Singh; Production Engg. Sciences. Std. Pub. New Delhi, 1992.
3. Mc Cormich; Human Factors in Engineering & Design. TMH

Syllabus Page 4
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9:50 AM


Unit I:
Energy sources for the generation of electric power, Principal type of power plants’ their special features and application.
Direct energy conversion systems. Selection of site, Major Power Plants in India and future development scheme.
Modem steam power station and its layout: Classification of steam generator, their special features, performance and
efficiencies, Steam separators, economizers, air pre-heaters, super heaters and super heat control, Draft system, Furnaces and
combustion equipment, Steam turbines and their governing. Fluidized bed Combustion System, Introduction to Cogeneration.
Unit 3:
Coal and ash handling. Condensers. Cooling towers and spray ponds, Deaerators. Feed heaters, Water conditioning plants.
Unit 4:
Nuclear fuels. Generation of nuclear energy by fission. Moderators, reflectors, coolants. Nuclear reactors, their types and application.
Radioactive waste disposal and safety aspects.

Unit 5:
Power Plant economics, Load duration and load curves. Influence of load factor, capacity factor, utilization and diversity factors,
Energy storage methods. Energy management. Instrumentation in power plants. Environmental aspects of power plant operation.

1. El- Wakil; Power Plant Technology, Mc Graw Hills.
2. Skrotzki & Vopat: Power Station Engineering & Economy, McGraw Hills.
3. Weisman & Eckart; Modern Power Plant Engineering, Prentice Hall.
4. P.K. Nag; Power Plant Engineering, Tata McGraw Hills.

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Unit 1:
Introduction of engines and their classifications, Firing order and its determination for multi-cylinder engines, cooling system
and lubrication system and their classification, Braking systems and their types.
Unit 2:
Carburetor and their different types and determination of fuel air ratio and problems, fuel pump, fuel injector. Introduction to
fuel injection system in gasoline engines.
Unit 3:
Types of ignition system, Battery ignition and Magneto ignition systems their basic requirements and their standard wiring
diagram. Types of spark plug, Hot plug and cold plug, Ignition timing, Spark advance and Retard and their control by
different mechanisms, types of fuel injection systems.
Unit 4:
Transmission train, conventional and non-conventional drives, Clutches, Gear boxes, Synchromesh device, Propeller shaft,
Differential axle.
Unit 5:
Suspension system and its types, steering system, steering geometry wheel alignment, wheel angles, Differential, Catalytic

1. Frazee Bedell; Automotive Maintenance & Trouble Shooting.

2. Frazee Bedell; Automotive Fundamentals.
3. William H. Crouse; Automotive Mechanics.
4. Joseph Heitner; Automotive Engineering.
5. Newton & Steed; Automotive Engineering.

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Unit 1:
Thermochemistry : Fundamentals of Combustion Stoichiometry, Enthalpies of formation, reaction and combustion,
Adiabatic Flame Temperature and Equilibrium Constant kp, and related calculations.

Unit 2:
Kinetics : Empirical Analysis of Rates of Reactions, their temperature dependency. Chain reactions, fundamentals of
gas phase reactions, problems.

Unit 3:
Flames : Laminar Premixed Flames, Burning Velocity, Effect of Stoichiometry, pressure and temperature on burning
velocity, Methods of Burning Velocity Measurements, Explosion limits.

Unit 4:
Diffusion Flames : Fundamentals, Jet Diffusion, Single Droplet Burning in a Quiescent atmosphere.

Unit 5:
Emissions: Fundamentals of Combustion Generated Pollutants, Combustion Efficiency and Minimum Pollutants
Considerations. Fuels and Their Characteristics.


Borman & Ragland: Combustion Engineering, (McGraw Hill, 1998)

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L-T-P-D-C 0 - 5


Unit I:
Fourier Analysis, Free Un-Damped & Damped Vibrations of Single degree of Freedom Systems, Coulomb and Structural
damping, Equivalent Systems.
Unit 2:
Forced Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom Systems, Transmissibility, Excitation due to eccentrically rotating
masses, Vibration measuring instruments, Sensitivity of instruments, Critical speeds of shafts.
Unit 3:
Free and Forced Vibrations of Two degrees of Freedom Systems, Closed and Far coupled Types, Introduction to Matrix
Method, Vibration Absorbers, Whirling of shafts.
Unit 4:
Introduction to multi-degree of freedom systems, Eigen value problems, Holzer’s method, computer programmes for
Unit 5:
Approximate methods for determination of first natural frequency, Dunkerley’s and Raleigh’s methods, Lagrange’s
equation, Simple cases of continuous systems, Introduction to condition Monitoring of machines.
I. S.S.Rao, Mechanical Vibration, Prentice Hall.
2. J.S. Rao & K. Gupta; An introductory Course on Theory & Practice of Mech. Vibration, Wiley Eastern Lid.
3. William P. Thomson; Elements of Mechanical Vibrations, Prentice Hall.
4. G. K. Grover: Mechanical Vibrations, Nam Chand Bros, Roorkee.

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Unit 1:
Fundaments of jet propulsion. concept of thrust and efficiency themiodynamics analysis and performance characteristics
of nozzles. Thrust coefficient of nozzle, real nozzles.

Unit 2:
Performance characteristics of propellers, fns and jets for propulsion. basic configuration and analysis of turbojet,
turboprop, turboshaft, turbofan, ramjet, scramjet and pulsejet engines. typical performance characteristics of modem
propulsion systems.

Unit 3:
Aero-thermodynamics of Subsonic and Supersonic Inlets, Combustors and after burners for different propulsion systems.

Unit 4:
Basic Configuration and constructional detail of solid and liquid propellant rocket engines, static performance of rocket
engine. Concept and requirement of multistaging. desirable properties and performance of solid and liquid propellants.
Basic design consideration of rocket nozzles and combustion chambers.

Unit 5:
Non-Conventional rocket propulsion systems and their basic design considerations. Electric, Electrothermal,
Electromagnetic and Electrostatic rocket engines. General applications of electro-propulsion systems, nuclear propulsion


I. P.P. Hill & C.R. Peterson; Mechanics & thermodynamics of Propulsion, Addison Wesley Publishing
Company (Text Book)
2. Bathie; Fundaments of Gas Turbine, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Sutton & Ross; Rocket Propulsion John Wiley & Sons

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