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A Detailed Lesson plan on Mean and Variance of random Variable


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;

1. Illustrate the probability distribution table of a discrete random variable;

2. Define mean and variance of a discrete random variable;
3. Compute the mean and variance of a discrete random variable;


A. Topic: Mean and Variance of a Discrete Random Variable

B. Mathematical Concepts:
Mean of a discrete random variable
C. References
Mercado, J. P. (2016). “Next Century Mathematics: Statistics and Probability”. Phoenix
Publishing House Inc. Page 31-41.

Antonio, J. F., (2016) “Math Connections in the Digital Age: Statistics and
Probability”. Sibs Publishing House, Inc. Page 19-29.

D. Materials:
Chalk board (chalk)
Worksheet (Passport Acitvity)
Manila Paper

E. Strategies:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Review and Motivation

You have already learned how to find values

and compute probabilities corresponding to a
given random variable presented in graph and
probability distribution.

Think of your dream place that is outside the Student 1: Ma’am, I want to go to Disneyland.
country that you want to visit the most. What is Student 2: I want to go to South Korea.
it? Student 3: I want to go to USA or Hongkong.

Student 1: ½ ma’am, maybe.

What is the probability that you will reach that Student 2: I am very much sure ma’am that I
place? will reach that place. 100%. The probability is
Student: I don’t know ma’am. Zero

We will see if your dream will come true. We

will have an activity where in it will tell if you
are capable of making your dream come true or
not. Are you ready? Yes, ma’am.

But first, you must have to get your passport in

order for you to be admitted to the international
airline. In order that your passport to be valid,
you need to go and get stamp from the front
desk clerk.

But then again, getting the stamp is not that Wow. This is interesting.
easy. I give to you your passport now and
inside that, you need to accomplish the tasks
that are present in there. Once they are
completed, and then come to me (as front desk
clerk) and you will get the stamp. Once you get
your stamp that means that you will definitely
make your dream come true.

I will give now your passports. But, first thing (the students are excited)
that you must do is to listen to my instructions.
Yes, Ma’am.
Do not turn on the pages unless, I will say so.
Reaching your dreams starts from you. You
must be a good listener and follower. Is that
clear, class?

Welcome to the probability dream come true.

Now, turn to page 1. “TABLE ME OUT”
“A dream doesn’t become reality through
magic, it takes sweat, determination and

A fair coin is tosses thrice. Let X be equal to
the number of heads (H) observed. Constrcut
the discrete probability distribution of X.

Problem: A fair coin is tossed thrice. Let X be

Read the given problem, and then make a equal to the number of heads (H) observed.
discrete probability distribution table. Construct the discrete probability distribution
of X.

Outcome No. of Heads


x 0 1 2 3
P(x) 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/8


Are you done?

Is your table is have
Do you the any
same withMean
idea about this?and(a table will Yes, ma’am.
be posted in front)
Variance of a Discrete Random Variable?
How about computing the value of the mean
Congratulations! You’ve pass the first
and variance of a probability distribution of a
discrete random variable? You better listen to
your speaker and get important informations
Now, turn that
to page
to accomplish the
succeeding tasks. Good luck and be alert!
In order for you to enjoy your trip, you need to
listen to the orientation of the tour guide first
that will be send now to you in advance.

Let us familiarize ourselves with the term

Mean and Variance of a discrete random

Mean of a discrete random variable - weighted

average of all possible values of the random
variables X.
- Also known as expected value
- Denoted as E(x), x or μ. Ma’am that is what we call “myu”.

What do you call this mathematical sign (μ)?

Very Good. How do we compute the mean of a

discrete random variable?

If P(x) is the probability of every value of x,

E(x) or μ = ∑ [x P(x) ]
x is the possible outcomes of the random
P(x) is its probability.

For example:
Grade 11 students were asked to estimate the
length (in inches) of a table. The error in the
estimated values were recorded and tabulated
as follows:
Error (x) 2 3 4 5 6
P(x) 0.25 0.1 0.3 0.15 0.20 E(x) = ∑ [ x P(x) ]
= [ (2) ( 0.25) + (3) (0.10) + (4) (0.30) +
Based from the table, what is the mean of the (5) (0.15) + (6) (0.20) ]
random variable X using the given formula? =( 0.5 + 0.3 + 1.2 + 0.75 + 1.2 )
= 3.95

Therefore, to get the mean, we need only to

multiply the value of the random variable and
its probability and then, get their sum.

Now turn to page 3. x 0 1 2 3

P(x) 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/8

Based from your probability E (x) = ∑ [ x P(x) ]

distribution table in page 1, = [ (0)(1/8) + (1) (3/8) + (2) (3/8) + (3)
compute for the expected mean . (1/8)]
= (0+3/8+3/4+3/8)
= 3/2 or 1.5

1.5 Ma’am.

What is the computed value of the mean of

random variable x?

Alright. Very Good. You have passed again the


Then, let’s go to the variance of discrete

random variable.
So, what is all about this variance of discrete
random variable?
It is the measure of how spreads the data are. It
measures the variation of the values of a
random variable from the mean.
- Symbol used for variance is σ2.
If P(x) is the probability of every value of x,
σ2 = ∑ (x- μ) 2 P(x)
x is the no. of possible outcomes of the random
μ is the expected mean
P(x) is its probability

From the previous example, what is the

variance of the discrete random variable? x 0 1 2 3
I’ll introduce to you the alternative method if P(x) 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/8
computing the variance. Here are the steps;
1. σ2 = ∑ (x- μ) 2 P(x)
σ2= [(0-1.5)2 (1/8) + (1-1.5)2 (3/8) + (2-1.5)2
(3/8) + (3-1.5) 2 (1/8) ]
σ2 = (0.28 + 0.09 + 0.09 + 0.28)
σ2 = 0.74

Now turn on page 4. Going back to the first

problem in page 1, compute for the variance of
the discrete random variable. Activity:
Listen to the speaker.
In your own words, define;
1. Mean of a discrete random variable

2. Variance of a discrete random variable

Are you done on answering? Now turn to page

5 for your last task.
Turn your passport on page 3.
Now, you know the guidelines, you are now
ready to apply them.
Based from the probability distribution table
Students will do this in a group setting.
on your first page, compute for the mean and
variance of the random variable.

Using EXCEL mobile, please solve the sample Students will present each of their group work.
scenario and data given to you.
Presentation of outputs of each group Students will give varied answers

SD is like what mathematical process?
How will you compute SD?
Why SD is useful in statistical process?

In statistics, the standard deviation is a
measure of the amount of variation or
dispersion of a set of values. A low standard
deviation indicates that the values tend to be
close to the mean of the set, while a high
standard deviation indicates that the values are
spread out over a wider range.

The standard deviation is used in conjunction
with the mean to summarise continuous data,
not categorical data. In addition, the standard
deviation, like the mean, is normally only
appropriate when the continuous data is not
significantly skewed or has outliers.

Students will answer the sample problem as a


 A researcher has recruited males aged 45 to 65
years old for an exercise training study to
investigate risk markers for heart disease (e.g.,
cholesterol). Which standard deviation would
most likely be used?

ASSIGNMENT : A teacher sets an exam for

their pupils. The teacher wants to summarize
the results the pupils attained as a mean and
standard deviation. Which standard deviation
should be used?

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