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void Delay (int x) {
TIM2_CR1 = 0;
TIM2_CNT = 0;
TIM2_PSC = 7999;
TIM2_ARR = x - 1;
TIM2_CR1 = 1;
while ((TIM2_SR & 0x0001) == 0);
TIM2_CR1 = 0;
TIM2_CNT = 0;
TIM2_SR = 0;

void main () {
RCC_APB2ENR |= 0x00000204; //Enable Port A and ADC 1
RCC_APB1ENR |= 0x00020001; //Enable Timer 2 and USART 2
GPIOA_CRL &= 0xFFFF8900; //Port A pin 0 & 1 as Analog I/P
GPIOA_CRL |= 0x00008900;
ADC1_CR2 = 1; //Enable ADC
ADC1_SMPR2 = 8; //ADC sample time 7.5 cycles
Delay (10);
USART2_CR1 = 0x200C; //Enable USART and Tx/Rx
USART2_BRR = 0x45; //Set Baud Rate 115200
int x = 0, y = 0;
float f;
char z[5];
while (1) {
ADC1_SQR3 = 0; //1st conversion on PA0
ADC1_CR2 = 1;
while ((ADC1_SR & 0x2) == 0); //wait till TC flag is set
x = (ADC1_DR & 0xFFF);
f = x * 0.0008;
gcvt (f, 5, z); //C++ function to convert float to Array
usart1_string (“Potentiometer 1:”);
usart1_string (z);
usart1_sendByte ('\n'); //go to new line
usart1_sendByte ('\r'); //carrier return
Delay (500); //wait 500ms
ADC1_SQR3 = 1; //2nd conversion on PA1
ADC1_CR2 = 1;
while ((ADC1_SR & 0x2) == 0); //wait till TC flag is set
y = (ADC1_DR & 0xFFF);
f = 0.0008 * y;
gcvt (f, 5, z); //C++ function to convert float to Array
usart1_string (“Potentiometer 2:”);
usart1_string (z);
usart1_sendByte ('\n'); //go to new line
usart1_sendByte ('\r'); //carrier return
Delay (500); //wait 500ms

void usart1_sendByte (unsigned char c) {

USART2_DR = c;
while ((USART2_SR & 0x40) == 0); //wait until the TC flag is set

void usart1_string (unsigned char *word) {

while (*word) {
USART2_DR = word;
*word ++;
while ((USART2_SR & 0x40) == 0); //wait until TC flag is set

void Delay (int x) {
TIM2_CR1 = 0;
TIM2_CNT = 0;
TIM2_PSC = 7999;
TIM2_ARR = x - 1;
TIM2_CR1 = 1;
while ((TIM2_SR & 0x0001) == 0);
TIM2_CR1 = 0;
TIM2_CNT = 0;
TIM2_SR = 0;

void main () {
RCC_APB2ENR |= 0x00000204; //Enable Port A and ADC 1
RCC_APB1ENR |= 0x00020001; //Enable Timer 2 and USART 2
GPIOA_CRL &= 0xFFFF8900; //Port A pin 0&1 as Analog I/P
GPIOA_CRL |= 0x00008900;
ADC1_CR2 = 1; //Enable ADC
ADC1_SMPR2 = 8; //ADC sample time 7.5 cycles
Delay (10);
USART2_CR1 = 0x200C; //Enable USART and Tx/Rx
USART2_BRR = 0x45; //Set Baud Rate 115200
int x = 0;
float f;
char z[4];
while (1) {
ADC1_SQR3 = 0; //1st conversion on PA0
ADC1_CR2 = 1;
while ((ADC1_SR & 0x2) == 0); //wait till TC flag is set
x = (ADC1_DR & 0xFFF);
f = x * 0.0427;
gcvt (f, 5, z); //C++ function to convert int to Array
usart1_string (“Temperature:”); /
usart1_string (z);
usart1_sendByte ('\n'); //go to new line
usart1_sendByte ('\r'); //carrier return
Delay (500); //wait 500 ms

void usart1_sendByte (unsigned char c) {

USART2_DR = c;
while ((USART2_SR & 0x40) == 0); //wait until the TC flag is set

void usart1_string (unsigned char *word) {

while (*word) {
USART2_DR = *word++;
while ((USART2_SR & 0x40) == 0); //wait until TC flag is set


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