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Efficacy of dental prophylaxis IN BRIEF

• For the prevention of caries in children,

(rubber cup) for the prevention

dental prophylaxis need not be provided
either at a recall visit or before the
application of topical fluorides.

of caries and gingivitis: a For the prevention of gingivitis in the
general population, dental prophylaxis at
recall appointments is not effective for
the prevention or treatment of gingivitis.
systematic review of literature • Dental prophylaxis remains of benefit for
child management and for stain removal
and aesthetic considerations.
A. Azarpazhooh1 and P. A. Main2

Background The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the efficacy of routine dental prophylaxis applied before
professionally applied topical fluoride (PATF) or at a regular recall visit in the prevention of caries or gingivitis. Types of
studies reviewed Ovid MEDLINE and its allied versions; CINAHL; Cochrane Library; EMBASE; Health and Psychosocial
Instruments; HealthSTAR; International Pharmaceutical Abstracts; and ACP Journal Club were searched for English and
Human articles from 1966 to 2007 for original in vivo English publications assessing rubber cup dental prophylaxis. In
vitro studies, case series, case reports or letters to editors (not containing primary data), editorials, review articles and
commentaries were excluded but were read to identify any potential studies. Results One hundred and eighty-nine
articles were searched for relevancy resulting in six original studies that met our inclusion criteria. There was a unanimous
agreement in four studies that a dental prophylaxis is not warranted before a PATF for caries prevention in children.
A generalisation on dental prophylaxis before PATF cannot be applied to adolescents and adults. Available evidence
(two other studies) fails to demonstrate any benefit in the prevention of gingivitis from further dental prophylaxis at
interval used for recall examinations. Clinical implication To prevent caries in children, dental prophylaxis need not be
provided either at a recall visit or before PATF. Dental prophylaxis at intervals of four months or more is not justified for
the prevention of gingivitis in the general population.

BACKGROUND acted as a barrier, inhibiting fluoride uptake enamel in vivo by comparing profession-
Dental prophylaxis typically consists of and consequently reducing the clinical effi- ally cleaned and uncleaned teeth. Tinanoff
placing pumice or an abrasive paste in a cacy of the topical fluoride application.2,3 et al.2 concluded that the acquired pellicle
rubber cup and applying the paste to the Many clinicians believe that the removal does not inhibit or retard the deposition
clinical crowns of the teeth using rotat- of the acquired pellicle, plaque and other of fluoride in the surface enamel. Bruun
ing rubber cup at slow speed. This aims at substances adhering to the enamel by pro- et al.4 agreed. Results demonstrated that
the complete removal of plaque, salivary fessionally applied prophylaxis results in a plaque-covered teeth took up more than
pellicle, materia alba and extrinsic stains greater amount of fluoride contacting the twice the amount of fluoride than was
found on the crowns of teeth to reduce and enamel surface, thus enhancing the effi- taken up by cleaned teeth. This suggested
prevent future dental caries. The clinical cacy of a PATF,2,4 and an expected increase the presence of plaque and materia alba
protocol for performing a routine dental in the reduction in the incidence of caries. on teeth might even contribute to a greater
prophylaxis before professionally applied The removal of plaque can be effectively uptake of fluoride through increasing the
topical fluoride (PATF) was first advanced accomplished with a toothbrush. However, exposure time of enamel to the fluoride
by Knutson.1 The rationale behind this was the belief is that the acquired pellicle, a contained in the plaque. Steele et al.6 con-
the belief that materia alba, plaque and thin organic layer adherent to the surface ducted a similar study with the addition
other natural coatings on tooth surfaces enamel, can only be removed by pumice of assessing the effect of tooth brushing
or other abrasive prophylaxis.2 The role of and flossing before PATF. They found that
bacterial dental plaque in the aetiology of tooth brushing and flossing before PATF
gingivitis and periodontal disease has been resulted in higher retained fluorine [sic]
Community Dental Health Services Research Unit
and The Department of Endodontics, 2Department of well established.5 Part of the prevention concentrations in surface enamel than did
Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of such conditions is based on limiting prophylaxis either using a fluoridated or
of Toronto, Room #521A, 124 Edward Street, Toronto,
Ontario, M5G 1G6, Canada the accumulation of micro-organisms on non-fluoridated prophylaxis paste.
*Correspondence to: Dr Amir Azarpazhooh the teeth and maintaining a flora that is These studies show that the flow of
consistent with periodontal health. fluoride ions into the enamel is not inhib-
Online article number E14 Three separate studies have evaluated ited by the presence of the acquired pel-
Refereed Paper - accepted 23 March 2009
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.899 the effect of dental prophylaxis before licle, plaque and other natural substances
© British Dental Journal 2009; 207: E14 PATF on the amount of fluoride uptake by on the surface of teeth. However, these


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findings on the amount of fluoride uptake

by enamel cannot be directly correlated Table 1 Yield of the literature search
with the clinical initiation and progres- # Search history Results
sion of caries.
1 (Dental prophylaxis or tooth cleaning) in title or abstract 1,463
The dental profession has, in the past,
accepted that periodic dental prophylaxes 2 (Caries or Gingivitis or Fluoride or acidulated phosphate fluoride or APF) in title or abstract 100,890
result in beneficial consequences for the 3 1 and 2 579
periodontal tissues. Thus, many provid-
4 Remove duplicates from 3 225
ers include dental prophylaxis as a gin-
givitis prevention measure at each recall 5 Limit 4 to English publications 207
appointment. Studies in the 1970s dem- 6 Limit 5 to human studies 189
onstrated the frequent use (bimonthly)
7 Limit 6 to year = “1966 - 2007” 189
of dental prophylaxis preceded by a
comprehensive oral hygiene instruction 8 Updating the search strategy #1 to #6 from 2007 to February 2009 23
(OHI) session as a measure to improve 9 Total included for Title/Abstract screening (#7 and #8) 212
gingival health among adolescents.7–10
10 Included articles after Title/Abstract screening 62
However, more recent studies do not
support the efficacy of the sole provision 11 Included articles for critical appraisal at the full copy stage 18
of the dental prophylaxis procedure for 12 Secondary search from references 4
the prevention of gingivitis.11–14 In partial
13 Scored for critical appraisal (#11 and #12 above) 22
support, in an earlier Cochrane review,15
insufficient evidence of either beneficial 14 Excluding those with experimental design of prophy application (for example, once a week) 10
or adverse effects of routine scaling and 15 Critically appraised and scored 12
polishing was found. This was a review
16 Scored but not meeting routine prophylaxis criteria, see Table 5 5
of different time intervals and was for
periodontal health.
An earlier evidence-based report on 1. The dental prophylaxis should be used to the above-mentioned questions, we
oral hygiene practices states that dental as part of a comprehensive prevention assumed that any benefit in improved
prophylaxis or polishing (no scaling) is programme designed to improve health outcomes must be both clinically
not warranted for periodontal disease children’s ability to maintain their oral (ie the smallest difference that clinicians
prevention and is solely an aesthetic health. The use of dental prophylaxis and patients feel improves oral health
procedure.16 Others have issued state- should be considered as an educational or wellness) and statistically significant
ments on this practice. The American tool to allay patient fears regarding the (p <0.05); and if there is no benefit at the
Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA) manipulation of oral tissues threshold of both clinical and statistical
has promulgated two position papers 2. A patient-appropriate dental health improvement, then the procedure
that are relevant to this discussion, the prophylaxis should be performed should not be used for that purpose. To
first on polishing,17 in which they recom- when indicated, in conjunction with correspond to conventional recall frequen-
mended polishing to be performed only OHI, periodic oral examination visits cies, we selected only the studies with
as needed and not be considered a rou- and other indicated preventive care. prophylaxis given at a recall appointment
tine procedure, and a second on dental at intervals of four months or more as our
prophylaxis,18 in which they stated that This evidence-based report seeks to working definition of dental prophylaxis
‘there is no evidence that supragingi- assess the efficacy of routine dental provided at recall appointments.
val scaling and coronal polishing have prophylaxis applied before profession-
any therapeutic value’. The American ally applied topical fluoride (PATF) or at METHOD
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) a regular recall visit for the prevention of Literature search
has also addressed both prophylaxis and caries or gingivitis for all patients. More
oral hygiene in Vision, Mission, Strategic specifically, the report attempts to answer Literature searches of the 1966 to February
Directions and Policies and Guidelines in the following focused questions: Does den- 2009 database using Ovid MEDLINE and
their reference manual.19 The recommen- tal prophylaxis provided at recall appoint- its allied versions; Cumulative Index to
dations for ‘oral prophylaxis and topical ments reduce caries increments, on its own Nursing and Allied Health Literature;
fluoride treatment’ (noted as ‘especially or in combination with PATF, or improve Evidence Based Medicine of Cochrane
for children at risk for caries and peri- gingival health? Central Register of Controlled Trials;
odontal disease’) is to provide at 12-24 Caries increment is the amount of new Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews;
months throughout their childhood to age caries since the previous measurement in Database of Abstracts of Reviews of
18 years. The ‘Clinical Guideline for The the sample of the study and is a measure Effects; EMBASE; Health and Psychosocial
Role of Prophylaxis in Pediatric Dentistry’ of success or failure of the intervention. Instruments; HealthSTAR; International
recommends that:19 In order to find the most relevant answers Pharmaceutical Abstracts; and ACP Journal


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Table 2 Quality of published evidence

Recommendation grades for specific clinical preventive actions

A The CTF concludes that there is good evidence to recommend the clinical preventive action.

B The CTF concludes that there is fair evidence to recommend the clinical preventive action.

The CTF concludes that the existing evidence is conflicting and does not allow making a recommendation for or against use of the clinical preventive
action, however other factors may influence decision-making.

D The CTF concludes that there is fair evidence to recommend against the clinical preventive action.

E The CTF concludes that there is good evidence to recommend against the clinical preventive action.

The CTF concludes that there is insufficient evidence (in quantity and/or quality) to make a recommendation, however other factors may influence

The CTF recognises that in many cases patient-specific factors need to be considered and discussed, such as the value the patient places on the clinical preventive
action, its possible positive and negative outcomes, and the context and/or personal circumstances of the patient (medical and other). In certain circumstances where
the evidence is complex, conflicting or insufficient, a more detailed discussion may be required.

Levels of evidence - research design rating

I Evidence from randomised controlled trial(s)

II-1 Evidence from controlled trial(s) without randomisation

II-2 Evidence from cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably from more than one centre or research group

II-3 Evidence from comparisons between times or places with or without the intervention; dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments could be included here

III Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience; descriptive studies or reports of expert committees
Source: Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care21

Club were conducted. The subject heading therapy or prevention.20 This checklist con- fluoride on defs/DMFS/DMFT increments
‘dental prophylaxis’ was combined with sists of questions addressing ethics, study over a period of time. As seen in Table 3,
several key words: caries, fluoride, acidu- design, methodology and appropriateness Ripa et al.3 (randomised clinical trial, Level
lated phosphate fluoride (APF), gingivitis of the results to the population of interest. I) and Houpt et al.22 (prospective, level II-1)
or periodontal disease, harm, benefit, risk The cut-off point for inclusion was set at carried out similar studies. In both studies,
in title and/or abstract. The searches were 11 (out of a potential score of 16 for the children (1,453 children aged 10-14 yrs
limited to English language articles and checklist), resulting in a total of six arti- in the former and 1,519 children aged
human trials. cles. For each included article, the level of 9-13 yrs in the latter) received twice yearly
evidence was rated according to the clas- APF topical fluoride gel-tray treatment.
Search strategy sification developed by the Canadian Task Before the fluoride treatment, children
The articles were limited to original Force on the Periodic Health Examination21 were divided into three groups: Group 1
human studies assessing rubber cup den- (Table 2). received prophylaxis with non-fluoridated
tal prophylaxis. All other studies includ- paste, Group 2 brushed and flossed their
ing in vitro studies, reviews, case series, RESULTS own teeth under supervision, and Group
etc were excluded but read to identify With the use of the inclusion criteria, a total 3 had no specific tooth cleaning procedure
potential studies. Further articles were of four articles relating to dental prophy- before the topical fluoride treatment. These
identified by reviewing the references and laxis and caries prevention and a total of children were followed up for three years
bibliographies of the retrieved articles. All two articles relating to dental prophylaxis in the former and for two years in the latter
articles at each stage were independently and gingivitis prevention were selected for study. The results of both studies revealed
reviewed by both authors and discrepan- inclusion in the evidence table. The level no statistically significant differences in
cies were resolved by consensus. The yield of evidence and the recommendations for DMFS/DMFT increments between a PATF
is summarised in Table 1. Twenty-two arti- each article are listed in Tables 3 and 4. A with or without a prior prophylaxis (grade
cles were retrieved, of which ten were not further five articles (Table 5) are addressed of recommendation D/E; see Table 2)
relevant to the focused question of this since they are widely referred to, but in Bijella et al.23 undertook a longitudinal
review and therefore did not meet our reality do not address routine prophylaxis clinical study (level II-1) to evaluate the
inclusion criteria, mainly because these as defined in this review. effect of dental prophylaxis before the
articles had experimental designs of pro- topical application of acidulated phosphate
phy application (ie prophylaxis) at a more Dental prophylaxis fluoride solution applied twice a year in
frequent interval, for example once a week.
and caries prevention 160 schoolchildren aged 7-10 yrs. These
The remaining 12 were scored using the We searched for studies that assessed children were divided into three groups:
Checklist to assess evidence of efficacy of the efficacy of bi-annual applications of Group I: control group, had no treatment;


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Table 3 Summary of level of evidence and recommendations for dental prophylaxis in caries prevention

Author, Level of evidence
Population Intervention/Test Control Outcome appraisal
Date recommendation
1,453 chil- Efficacy of prior tooth cleaning on Positive control DMFT increments for three years by Group Three year I E:
dren aged bi-annual application of PATF over a Group I: I: 2.02 ± 2.35; II: 1.98 ± 2.07; III: 2.01 ± 2.14 results Good evidence to
10-14 yrs three-year period, biannual PATF. Biannual PATF t test: NS (non significant) Large loss to recommend the
Ripa et al., 949 in Group II: brushed and flossed. and prophy Neither toothbrushing nor dental prophylaxis follow-up in exclusion of dental
19843 sample at Group III: no prior cleaning. with non- before PATF enhanced the clinical efficacy of year three. prophylaxis
year 3. fluoridated PATF. No control
paste for outside
care stated.

1,519 Effect of various tooth-cleaning tech- 542 additional Two year DMFS increments by groups Two year II-1 D:
children niques on the efficacy of semi-annual children I: 2.05 ± 3.4 study Fair evidence to
aged 9-13, PATF over two years (four times). examined and II: 2.48 ± 4.2 No control recommend the
Newark, Group I: prophy before PATF. received only III: 2.14 ± 3.4 for outside exclusion of the
Houpt USA. Group II: cleaned own teeth prior to oral hygiene Control: 2.50 ± 3.9 care stated dental prophylaxis
et al., PATF. instructions No significant differences in the groups
198322 Group III: no prior cleaning. but no PATF
as parental
permission was
not obtained.
160 children, Effect of toothbrushing and dental Group I control, DMFT/DMFS increments over 18 months by 18 month II-1 D:
Brazil prophylaxis before a PATF. no treatment group study Fair evidence to
Group II: twice yearly PATF, prophy I: 3.9/9.2; II: 1.4/3.3; III: 1.4/2.4 No control recommend the
with non-fluoridated paste. Statistical difference between the control for outside exclusion of the
Bijella Group III: twice yearly PATF, prior group I and both groups II and III is stated in care stated dental prophylaxis
et al., tooth brushing with non-fluoridated article but no p values were given. Differences No calcula-
198523 paste. between groups II and III were not significant. tion of power.
Treatment provided 64-72% caries reduc-
tion. Dental prophylaxis before PATF does not
enhance the caries preventive effect of a PATF

High risk Biannual (twice yearly) versus annual Routine DMFS increments over three years by group Three years 1D
children with or without prophy to children practice. Age 6-7 (176) No control Fair evidence to
Age 6-7: Age 6-7 (176) Age 6-7 Group I: 3.82; Group II: 5.04; Group III: 3.53; for APF or recommend the
n = 176 Group I: (45) annual APF + no prophy Group IV Group IV: 3.93 treatment at exclusion of the
Age 10-11: Group II: (45) annual APF + prophy (47) biannual Covariate baseline defs and DMFS were sig- family dentist dental prophylaxis.
Johnston n = 153 Group III: (39) biannual APF + no APF + prophy nificant for three year defs + DMFS increment;
et al., Ontario prophy Age 10-11 p = 0.01. Main effect (Prophy) p = 0.23
199524 Age 10-11 (153) Group IV Age 10-11 (153)
Group I: (33) annual APF + no prophy (45) biannual Group I: 2.57; Group II: 2.66; Group III: 2.80;
Group II: (45) annual APF + prophy APF + prophy Group IV: 2.26
Group III: (30) biannual APF + no NS for interaction and main effects

Group 2: twice yearly topical application of a prior dental prophylaxis and annual Persson et al.13 performed a randomised
of APF solution with prior professional and biannual APF applications for high- community-based trial (level I) to examine
prophylaxis with rubber cup and non- risk children in age groups 6-7 (n = 176) the efficacy of bi-annual dental prophy-
fluoride paste; and Group 3: twice yearly and 10-11 (n = 153) years initially. Their laxis for the prevention of gingivitis as
topical application of acidulated phosphate findings were consistent with all of the measured by bleeding on probing, the
fluoride solution with prior toothbrush- above studies; neither the provision of gingival component of the Community
ing with a non-fluoridated prophy paste. prior prophylaxis (as compared with Periodontal Index of Treatment Need
They followed the children for 18 months non-use of a prior dental prophylaxis) (CPITN). The subjects were randomly
and concluded that the addition of a prior nor bi-annual PATF resulted in statisti- assigned to either a control group (usual
prophylaxis did not enhance the efficacy cally significant three-year reduction procedures) or four interventions with
of the bi-annual application of fluoride. in mean caries increments (grade of incrementally more complex preventive
Results indicated that toothbrushing before recommendation: D). strategies: two-hour cognitive behavioural
the PATF may be slightly more effective training (group 2), behavioural training
than a prior prophylaxis in decreasing Dental prophylaxis and gingivitis plus weekly chlorhexidine rinse (group
facio-lingual and proximal caries (grade The literature search revealed a limited 3), behavioural training plus weekly chlo-
of recommendation: D).23 number of studies evaluating the effects rhexidine rinse plus semi-annual fluoride
Johnston and Lewis24 performed a ran- of dental prophylaxis on gingivitis preven- varnish (group 4), behavioural training
domised, three-year, community-based tion. Two articles addressed the issue of the plus weekly chlorhexidine rinse plus
clinical trial of professionally applied benefit from routine prophylaxis provided semi-annual fluoride varnish plus semi-
APF gel involving the use and non-use at the recall appointment. annual prophylaxis (group 5). ‘The control


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Table 4 Summary of level of evidence and recommendations for dental prophylaxis in gingivitis prevention

Author, Critical appraisal Level of evidence

Population Intervention/Test Control Outcome
Date comments recommendation

60 to Four intervention groups, with incre- Control Percentage decrease in Three years 1 E:
90 years old mentally more complex prevention Group 1: gingival bleeding baseline to No difference in the Good evidence to rec-
n = 297 strategies received own year three: reduction of gingivitis ommend the exclusion
USA Group 2: behavioural training choice of Y1 Y2 Y3 between subjects of a dental prophylaxis
Group 3: added weekly chlorhexidine dental care, 1: 20 22 23 who received and did
Persson et al., rinse primarily 5: 20 19 23 not receive dental
199813 Group 4: added semiannual fluoride emergency. Similar for groups 2, 3 and 4. prophylaxis
varnish No significant differences No control over the
Group 5: added semi-annual prophy. across groups or time care outside the study
No power calculation.

423 subjects Different frequencies of prophylaxis Group II: Gingival inflammation Three years clinical II-1 E
17 to 22 year Group I: initial prophy, 12 and 24 Initial prophy Prophys annually trial, blinded examiner, Good evidence to
old US coast months then at 6, 12, Base Three year no random allocation recommend the
guard cadets, Group III: initially then at 4, 8, 12, 16, 18, 24 and 30 I 0.13 0.37 stated exclusion of a dental
Suomi Connecticut 20, 24, 28 and 32 months months. 2 0.14 0.35 prophylaxis
et al.,197314 All received PATF initially and at 3 0.12 0.32
12 and 24 months. All 0.13 0.35
No clinically meaningful
difference after three years

group received dental care as they pre- DISCUSSION therapies, and changes to (lengthening) the
ferred, primarily emergency care.’ During recall interval for low risk patients.26,27
their three-year investigation, no signifi- Caries prevention In agreement with this, in a 1997 survey
cant differences were found between the All studies that investigated the efficacy by Main et al.,28 only 16% of the 1,276
test group receiving a dental prophylaxis of prior prophylaxis (polishing) when per- dentists interviewed in Ontario, Canada
and the control group receiving no treat- forming PATF have been carried out with were aware that it is not necessary to pro-
ment (grade of recommendation: E). This children. Thus, the recommendation made vide a prophylaxis before topical fluoride
study included a broad population mix, can only be applied to children and a gen- application to achieve maximum caries
with subjects between the ages of 60 and eralisation cannot be applied to adolescents protection. It was estimated that $100
90 years old (mean age 72.8), allowing and adults. Only one study considered million (1997 Canadian dollars) is spent
a recommendation to be made for the other factors that may influence DMFS/ annually on combined prophylaxis and
adult population. DMFT. Additional research to evaluate the PATF in children. The Canadian Universal
Suomi et al.14 performed a longitudinal efficacy of dental prophylaxis before PATF Code system uses a system of units of 15
study (level II-1) on the gingival and peri- should be conducted on a larger scale with minutes as a basis for setting fees. Thus, if
odontal health of cadets aged 17 to 22 over respect to sample size and age range, with a procedure takes 15 minutes it would be
a three-year period on different frequencies all factors that might influence the clinical one unit of time. Based on the 2007 fees
of prophylaxes, ranging from once every outcomes considered. we can allocate time to PATF and prophy.
year to three times per year. Initially these In 2002, Houpt 25 also addressed the chal- The amount of time (per procedure per
young men had better dental and general lenges of implementing change even when person) allocated to polishing procedures,
health than the general population for their one recognises the necessity for change. He code 11101, or $33.46 in the 2005 Ontario
age, with baseline gingival inflammation cites two examples, stating that he changed Dental Association fee guide, was 15 min-
scores of 0.13 (n = 423). After three years, his prophylaxis protocol in the 1980s once utes, while the time allocation for a PATF,
gingival inflammation scores in all three clinical research demonstrated that it was code 12101, was the equivalent of just over
groups were 0.37, 0.35 and 0.32 respec- not necessary to do a prophylaxis before 10 minutes at $23.66. Total fee for provid-
tively. They found neither statistical nor topical fluoride application, and the chang- ing both services, ie codes 11101 and 12101
clinical differences among the three groups ing protocols for topical fluoride applica- was $57.12 Canadian.29 If the prophylaxis
in relation to gingival inflammation, sulcus tion. He comments on the slow adoption procedure were to be eliminated, up to 15
depth or attachment loss (grade of recom- of change in regard to the provision of minutes of professional provider time and
mendation: E). These investigations further fluoride in fluoridated areas. This editorial $33.46 could be saved. Thus, the elimina-
justify the recommendation for the exclu- generated a flurry of letters on the need tion of the routine use of dental prophy-
sion of dental prophylaxis for the preven- for prophylaxis, for the AAPD guidelines laxis before a professional topical fluoride
tion of gingivitis. These studies provide the to more clearly define when not to use a application could result in considerable
evidence that there is no therapeutic effect procedure, for guidelines based on current savings of oral health resources in both
of dental prophylaxis for the prevention disease patterns, for evidence to address private and public practice locations. This
of gingivitis. cost-effective use of professionally applied would permit that time to be available


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Table 5 Studies not meeting routine prophylaxis criteria

Population Intervention Intervention Critical appraisal Level of evidence

Article Outcome
description Test Control comments recommendation
400 subjects (211 males Group 2: individual remedial visits every second Group 1 (n = 100) – the One-year follow-up same measures as at the 1- Loss to follow up = I E:

and 189 females), month (six times/year). At the first visit, information on control group: no remedial baseline examination. 13% after three years. Good evidence to
20-27 years, from a caries and gingivitis/periodontitis was presented and visits, (ie no organised The remedial measures undertaken during the first 2- No control over the recommend the
Public Dental Service oral hygiene instruction was given based on plaque prophylactic measures year were repeated for the next two years with care outside the study exclusion of dental
clinic and from a disclosure. This group was randomly subdivided into two for caries and gingivitis/ yearly follow-ups, the last one being the three- 3- No similarity in prophylaxis
private dental practice, halves: 20; n = 50 received no further professional tooth periodontitis) but had to year follow-up baseline plaque score ‘The statistical analysis
Jönköping, Sweden. cleaning, after first 2 month visit. The other half (n = 50) answer a questionnaire Plaque indices (PLI) and gingival indices (GI) over showed that the best
At baseline: groups was randomly divided into two sub-groups to undergo about knowledge of dental three year period: predictor of good
Hugoson 1 and 4 had statistically professional tooth cleaning at each visit crosswise in diseases and oral hygiene All programmes resulted in a decrease in PLI and GI. gingival status at the
et al., significant lower two quadrants: for 21 (n = 25), teeth in the right maxilla behaviour. The subjects Three year results: three-year follow-up
200733 number of sites with and the left mandible and for 22 (n = 25), teeth in the were recalled at 12-month In all groups the number of sites with gingivitis was good gingival
gingivitis and groups left maxilla and the right mandible were professionally intervals for follow-up decreased (p <0.05). Group 1 had statistically health at baseline.’
20 and 21 22 statistically cleaned at each visit. examinations, identical to significantly more sites with gingivitis (p <0.05)
significant more sites Group 3 (n = 100) – individual educational: three visits the baseline examination, than the other groups. The difference between the
with gingivitis than the at two-week intervals the first year and OH assessment over the next three years test groups was statistically nonsignificant
other groups (p = 0.05). at baseline and every follow-up year The greatest decrease was found in the group
Group 4 (n = 100) – group education: the same that was followed-up every two months.
educational material as in Group 3 was provided to 10 Professional tooth cleaning was nonsignificant
groups (10 individuals in each group) for the clinical result.

216 children Information re aetiology, combination of two- or Brushed own teeth with Percentage gingival index score = 0 Four years I D:
Group I: age 7-8 three-weekly dental prophylaxis with comprehensive 0.2 fluoride solution once (estimates from Fig. 3) Not able to demon- Fair evidence to
Group 2: age 10-11 oral hygiene instructions (OHI) and PATF per month YR Test Control strate elimination of exclude for prevention
Lindhe & Group 3: age 13-14 0 25 24 gingivitis of gingivitis
Axelsson, Sweden 1 75 18 North American
19737 2 76 40 patients would not
3 78 42 attend or pay to attend
4 80 44 every two weeks for
Adults N = 555 375 in intervention. Combination of two- or 180 in control group. Percentage gingivitis score (estimates from Fig. 2) Six years 1 D:
Three age groups: three-weekly dental prophylaxis with comprehensive No dental health YR Test Control Significance not stated Fair evidence to
Group 1: <35 oral hygiene instructions (OHI) programme during the six 0 21 18 Values estimated exclude for prevention
Axelsson Group 2: 36-50 years, other than annual 3 10 20 Clinical implications of gingivitis
& Lindhe, Group 3: >50 years recall 6 4 24 North American patients
198110 For age <35 years (group 1) would not attend or
Not able to demonstrate elimination of gingivitis pay to attend every two
weeks for cleaning

© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

255 children Intervention group (113) received basic caries Control (113) received New carious tooth surfaces during year I year 1 D:
10-12 years, Jonkoping, prevention programme and monthly dental prophylaxis basic caries prevention Exp Con P Clinical implications Fair evidence to
Badersten Sweden and comprehensive OHI sessions, following red dye programme (classroom 0 1.8 2.0 NS North American exclude for prevention
et al., disclosing toothbrushing with 0.2% M+D 0.6 1.3 <0.001 patients would not of gingivitis
19758 fluoride every 6 weeks) only B 0.3 0.3 NS attend or pay to attend
L 0.7 0.9 NS every two weeks for
Significant reduction in the frequency of gingivitis cleaning

78 high risk children 37 children at 12 months. Given complete restorative 33 children at 12 months. Gingival index scores I year 1 D:
aged 7 years care before baseline and at six months. Complete restorative care Exper Con Clinical implications Fair evidence to
Poulsen Stratified by smooth Received bi-weekly dental prophylaxis and OHI for 12 before baseline and at Base 1.22 1.52 North American exclude for prevention
et al., surface lesions on months and bi-weekly fluoride rinse six months. 1 yr 0.52 1.05 patients would not of gingivitis
19769 permanent teeth Received no prophylaxis. Base sig: p <0.05 attend or pay to attend
Denmark Received bi-weekly fluoride I yr sig: p <0.01 every two weeks for
rinse cleaning



for needed services in other people; as an expectation. In fact gingivitis can develop for additional research on the therapeutic
example, more topical fluoride procedures when teeth are professionally cleaned at benefits of prophylaxis.
could be performed, permitting more chil- intervals greater than 48 hours.34 Moreover, It is therefore recommended that:
dren to access and benefit from PATF for the cost-effectiveness was not substantial • For the prevention of caries in
caries prevention. enough to justify recommending the pro- children: dental prophylaxis need
Nainar 30 confirms the economic savings cedure for clinical use with all children.8 not be provided either at a recall
as follows: ‘evidence-based caries pre- It should be noted that these studies visit or before the application of
vention will likely result in a significant applied both dental prophylaxis and com- topical fluorides
decline in preventive services revenues prehensive OHI together, making it difficult • For the prevention of gingivitis
and create additional capacity in pedi- to determine which was responsible for in the general population: dental
atric practices’. He suggests that the time any reduction in gingivitis. For an appro- prophylaxis (rubber cup) at recall
saved by eliminating routine prophylaxis priate decision, it is essential to determine appointments (of intervals of four or
would permit paedodontists to provide the effect of the dental prophylaxis pro- six months) is not effective for the
services to more of the population: ‘This cedure alone, without OHI. Studies that prevention or treatment of gingivitis.
economic impact will likely be absorbed by followed the methodology consistent with
the current undersupply of pediatric den- prophylaxis alone11,12 concluded that there It should be noted that there was a lim-
tists and by the reformulation of practice was no significant difference between the ited number of studies identified in the lit-
revenue streams’. experimental population with prophylaxis erature that answered the review questions
Of interest are articles investigating and control population without prophy- (four for caries prevention and two for gin-
evidence-based dental prophylaxis educa- laxis with respect to the gingival health. givitis prevention/treatment). Therefore,
tion in post-doctoral paediatric dentistry This suggests that the reduced severity of more studies should be conducted on a
training programmes.31 Their findings that gingivitis, seen in the earlier studies, was larger scale with respect to sample size
74% of the training programmes (in 2001) attributable to factors other than the dental and age range, with all factors that might
routinely recommended dental prophylaxis prophylaxis. Therefore, in the majority of influence the clinical outcomes consid-
for all recall patients, and that only 51% the adult population with gingivitis but ered. Moreover, each patient is unique.
of the training programmes had modified without evidence of periodontitis, frequent Therefore, dentists should appraise the
their teaching to substitute toothbrush dental prophylaxes are not warranted. applicability of these recommendations on
prophylaxis, showed that only half of the It should be noted that there are lim- the individual’s basis based on their pro-
post-doctoral programmes in the US taught ited studies available on the efficacy of fessional judgement. While the evidence
evidence-based practice of dental prophy- prophylaxis to improve gingival health does not support the application of dental
laxis for recall patients. They also surveyed carried out with adults and there is none prophylaxis for prevention of dental caries
AAPD members in active private practice carried out with children. Future studies or gingivitis, it remains of benefit for child
in the six New England States in 2001 to should be conducted to investigate more management in particular, and for stain
assess their provision of dental prophy- clinically relevant intervals, ie limited to removal and aesthetic considerations.
laxis.32 They found that 93% routinely bi-annual or annual intervals and inves- Declaration of interests: the authors have no
recommended dental prophylaxis for their tigating the efficacy of dental prophylaxis declared financial interest.
recall patients (99% for plaque, stain, and/ treatment alone.
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