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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu



Quarter 2- Week 1

What is society? what drives human beings to establish societies? have you
ever pondered how your work has defined you? have you ever thought about your place in this
world and among the people you interact with every day? have you ever reflected on how your
presence has affected the world and be all around you?
The human person exists to relate with others. We are by nature as social beings
because we tend to go out of ourselves to form bonds and relationship with others. Throughout
a person's life, he/she experiences a variety of relationships that helped shape him/her as a
person. Infants first relate with their immediate family and guardians as the source of basic
needs. As they grow, they expand their horizons and start relating with people who are not part
of their immediate family. They established friendship beginning in their childhood and into the
teenage and adult years. As we grow into adulthood, our relationships and responsibilities also
change because we play more significant rules in the community, we lived in.
Society also refers to a companionship or friendly association with others, an alliance, a
community, or a union. Philosophers consider society the product of deliberate actions by
individuals who come together in pursuit of common goal. Society is considered unique among
all other groups because of the nature of the human persons that compose it, as well the
relationships among its members. They can transform themselves and attain development
through their interactions within the society.

Learning Objectives:
In this module, the learner is expected to:
a. Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are transformed by
b. Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems.
What I Know/Pretest:
Direction: Write T the statement is TRUE if and F if it is FALSE.
________1. You lived in a society today.
________2. A peaceful society must have law and order.
________3. Philippines is a perfect society.
________4. Racial discrimination is good for a white society.
________5. The rule of law is important in a society.
________6. A good person can make another person good.
________7. Sin and immorality will not destroy a society.
________8. Rich and poor must NOT live together in a society.
________9. Each individual must be accountable for his actions.
________10. Any person who broke the law in a society will be disciplined.
________11. Drugs and alcohol will make a society peaceful and progressive.
________12. Justice is only for the rich and not for the poor.
________13. Philippines had already an organized society before the Spaniards came.
________14. Our “Barangay system” is the testament that Filipinos can organize society.
________15. Every society is unique from each other.

Activity 1
Name of Activity: Let’s Ponder!
Direction: Complete the phrase to form a complete statement. Write your answers under
1. In my family, I am the___________________________________________________
2. My friends told me that I am _____________________________________________

3. My teammates, they said that I am ________________________________________

4. In my school, I consider myself ___________________________________________

5. In my community I am _________________________________________________
Lesson Proper:
I. The Social Contract Theory:
During the Enlightenment, social philosophers pondered the natural laws that govern
human societies, and in their discussions, several philosophers put forth their theories
regarding the formation of societies.
Enlightenment philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques
Rousseau were are among the most prominent social theorists who tackle the origin of human
Key terms and Keywords
A. Natural State= An imagined human condition removed from modernity and
civilization. Examining humans in their natural state afforded these philosophers an
opportunity to discuss the origins of society and relate them to other concepts such
as man's intrinsic nature and liberty.
B. Social Contract= An agreement where individual sacrifices and amount of their
freedom and submit to a higher authority. in this way society is able to function and
meet the needs of the many ensuring the survival of the humanity.
C. Consent of the governed= Persons in their natural states was more cooperative
and reasonable and that society is formed through the consent of individuals that
organized it.
D. General Will= The assumption that the people have empowered the government to
act on their behalf and that it is considered to be the best judge of what is most
beneficial for the society.
E. Original Position= Humans would naturally seek a just and fair society in an effort
to look out for their own interests.
F. Self-Interest= The actions of individuals in meeting their individual needs also
further the interests of the other members of the society.
G. Common Good= Our human nature drives us to do what is good and we recognize
that other persons also desire goodness as well. This also refers to the social
condition which enabled persons and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve well-
II. Famous Philosophers and Their Views About the Social Contract Theory.
A. Thomas Hobbes= For him, persons in their natural states are governed by their
desires and these often lead to conflict with their fellow men. Society therefore is the
means by which people seek to control their natural tendencies and impose order.
B. John Locke= For him, he considered persons in their natural states as more
cooperative and reasonable and that society is formed through the consent of the
individuals that organized it. Social contract is a covenant among individuals to
cooperate and share the burden of upholding the welfare of the society.
C. Jean Jacques Rousseau= He believed that even if the people are the ones who
organized society and established an authority or government, in extreme cases, the
government is able to impose its will on the people.
D. John Rawls= He explained that human beings approach social cooperation in a
rational manner in order to meet their individual self-interests.
E. David Gauthier= He described peoples’ self-interest as a significant factor in
building and maintaining societies. People choose to cooperate since it is beneficial
to meet their self-interests. But this selfish interest benefit society as since the
actions of individuals in meeting their individual needs also furthered the interests of
the other members of society.
III. How Human Relations are Transformed by Social Systems.
There are a number of reasons why people allow social influences to affect their
thoughts and behavior. One reason is that we often conform to the norms of a group to
gain acceptance of its members. Supporters of basketball team voluntarily wear shirts of their
teams to feel a part of the group. Friends may also wear similar clothing to their peers to
experience a sense of belonging and to emphasize their shared ideas.
Group conformity can also encourage cooperation when attempting to achieve a shared
goal. When an individual is able to exhibit a minority influence over a wider group, he or she
can persuade that group to work collectively. For example, charity organizers recruiting new
volunteers advocate improving their community (e.g., litter picking) in a way that cannot be
achieved as easily by just one person acting alone.
However, cooperation can lead to a conformity of views, resulting in a phenomenon
known as groupthink. When this occurs, team members adopt agreed views and actions in the
pursuit of a given goal but reject criticism from individuals who oppose or question the group’s
behavior. This lack of critical thinking can have a negative impact on a group’s performance as
its ability to evaluate its own behavior and adapt to changing conditions is impeded.
Social transformation in this context requires a shift in collective consciousness of a
society — local, state, national or global — so that reality is refined by consensus. This often
happens by external stimulus and sometimes intentionally. Scientific discoveries have
triggered many social transformations throughout our history as have religious and royal
edicts. Cities which have reinvented themselves serve of examples of conscious
transformations of a social type resulting in reinvigorated and revitalized populations, economic
prosperity and restored civic pride. Some countries have achieved these intentional social
transformations, one such example being South Africa in 1994 when it ended apartheid. Social
transformations are such when they sustain over time where attitudes and values are held in a
completely new context or paradigm based upon different assumptions and beliefs.
IV. Basic Elements of Society
A. Individuals F. Local Business
B. Families G. Educational Institution
C. Communities H. Trades and Crafts
D. Local Government I. Local Organization
E. Church/Religious Institutions
Enrichment Activities:
Independent Activity #1:
Name of Activity: My Ideal Society!
Direction: Describe your ideal society. Create a paragraph of more than 20 sentences.
Independent Activity #2:
Name of Activity: I Love my Own, My Native Land!
Direction: Draw a map of the locality/community where you lived. Highlight important
landmarks like schools, hospitals, roads, barangay hall, basketball court, and etc. Place a big
arrow on your own house within the community with a caption “My House”.

 Society was brought about by the human desire to relate with others. society is
considered a product of deliberate actions by individuals who come together in pursuit
of common goal.
 Society greatly influences the individual as if determined to certain extent of person’s
identity. Society makes possible the emergence of certain individualities, which are the
result of the persons interacting with other members of society.
 Social transformation in this context requires a shift in collective consciousness of a
society — local, state, national or global — so that reality is refined by consensus. This
often happens by external stimulus and sometimes intentionally.

Name of Activity: Balanced Society!
Direction: Every society desire progress and change but the higher the progress attained; the
risk of hazards also increases. How can we balance progress and hazard for a growing and
progressing society?


My Reaction:

Post Assessment:
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the best answer on the blanks
before the number.
(15 items) (2 parts)
A. Multiple Choices
_____1. What is an agreement where individual sacrifices and amount of their freedom and
submit to a higher authority?
a. General Will c. Social Contract
b. Natural State d. Consent of the Governed
_____2. What is an imagined human condition removed from modernity and civilization?
a. General Will c. Social Contract
b. Natural State d. Consent of the Governed
_____3. The assumption that the people have empowered the government to act on their
behalf. What is it?
a. General Will c. Social Contract
b. Natural State d. Consent of the Governed
_____4. Persons in their natural states was more cooperative and reasonable and that society
is formed through the consent of individuals that organized it. What it describes?
a. General Will c. Social Contract
b. Natural State d. Consent of the Governed
_____5. This also refers to the social condition which enabled persons and groups to fulfill
their goals and achieve well-being. Which below fits to the description?
a. Original Position c. Common Good
b. Self-Interest d. Social Contract
_____6. The way society is able to function and meet the needs of the many ensuring the
survival of the humanity. What it describes?
a. Original Position c. Common Good
b. Self-Interest d. Social Contract
_____7. What condition in which humans would naturally seek a just and fair society in an
effort to look out for their own interests?
a. Original Position c. Common Good
b. Self-Interest d. Social Contract
_____8. This is the actions of individuals in meeting their individual needs also further the
interests of the other members of the society. What is it?
a. Original Position c. Common Good
b. Self-Interest d. Social Contract
_____9. “You” as a part and member of the society. Which of the following element you
a. Family b. Church c. Individual d. Local Government
_____10. The basic and most important element of the society where values are nurtured and
the need to be loved is meet.
a. Family b. Church c. Individual d. Local Government
B. Matching Type: “Who Says What?” Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the
best answer in the blanks provided
_____11. Jean Jacques Rousseau a. “Human beings approach social cooperation
in a rational manner in order to meet their
individual self-interests.”
_____12. John Locke b. “Society therefore is the means by which
people seek to control their natural tendencies
and impose order”
_____13. David Gauthier c. “the government is able to impose its will on
the people.”
_____14. Thomas Hobbes d. “approach social cooperation in a rational
manner in order to meet their individual self-interests.”
_____15. John Rawls e. “Social contract is a covenant among
individuals to cooperate and share the burden of upholding
the welfare of the society.”

1. Abella, Roberto D., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person (2016); C & E
Publishing Inc.,
2.Loreto G. Camiloza, Edgardo B. Garnace, Rommel M. Mazo, Evelyn D. Perez., Philosophy
of the human person: an introduction text for senior high school (2017)., Phoenix Publishing
3. InterSubjectivity.Slideshare.pdf

Quality Assurance (QA) Team ANA LIZA B. LAYASAN

Education Program Supervisor in Social
(Content/Language Evaluator/Reviewer)

Education Program Supervisor in LRMDS
(Content/Language Evaluator/Reviewer)

Division Illustrator (Designate)
(Lay-out Artist/Evaluator)

Recommending Approval GENDA P. DE GRACIA

Chief Education Supervisor, CID


School Division Superintendent

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