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Computation, Fractals, and Boundaries

Mark J. Stock

Abstract the coffee), but these terms are so small that they shouldn’t
Fractals are systems with similar geometry or statistics affect the general outcome and we will ignore them.
at multiple length or time scales. They are a naturally- Due to the parameters of this specific physical system
emergent phenomenon in many physical systems, but the (size and speed of the spoon, viscosity of coffee, etc.) it
complexity of real physical systems limits their applicabil- can be shown that only viscosity, momentum, and spoon
ity to small ranges of scales. Nonetheless, fractal mathe- motion are needed to adequately quantify (or simulate) the
matics are used frequently in computational physics to im- mixing. These three “forces,” or terms in the equation, are
plicitly model those scales which exhibit fractal-like behav- present at all scales of the flow, but only one or two are
ior, while different scales of motion are simulated explicitly. dominant at any given scale. The chart at the top of the
My work as a scientist and artist deals primarily with the next page illustrates the regimes for these three forces.
scales of space and time that must be explicitly simulated, Obviously, there is no flow at a scale larger than the size
as they represent the boundaries between regimes domi- of the mug. Below that scale, the motion of the spoon dom-
nated by fractal or simpler behavior. inates over momentum and diffusion, causing the largest
eddies in the flow. The behavior of the smallest scales is
1 Scales of physical systems driven by diffusion, which is where the actual molecular
Matter and energy exist as structures at all observable mixing of the cream and coffee takes place. It is the middle
length and time scales from the diameter and vibrational scales (of this and most other fluid systems) where neither
frequency of subatomic particles to the width and age of diffusion nor large-scale energy input dominate the motion.
the universe itself. The physical laws that we use to de- In this regime—fluid turbulence—the statistics of the flow
scribe the behavior of the universe do not change when we are the same at all scales, which describes a statistical frac-
look at different scales. For example, the equation that best tal. In this simple example the fractal regime is very small,
descibes the influence of gravity (to isolate just one of the not even covering one order of magnitude (10:1 ratio of
primary forces) is the same whether we apply it to a galaxy scales). In the largest fluid systems (like the ocean) it can
of a billion stars, to two people on a bench, or to three cover up to six orders of magnitude (106 :1).
atoms in a water molecule. Intuitively, though, we know
that gravity is not the most important force acting between 2 Fractals and causality
two people on a park bench, and it turns out that it is even Fractals were originally concieved as geometric forms
less important among neighboring atoms. that repeat and nest at multiple levels. A more modern
The ranges of scales in space and time in which a cer- definition has fractals encompassing all forms of statisti-
tain force or effect is predominant can be called that forces’ cally self-similar geometries. These are structures which,
regime. Those regimes are determined by the relative im- though not precisely identical at different scales, exhibit
portance of all of the forces affecting an object. The rela- similar qualities across scales. Certain equations that
tive importance of the forces is indicated by the magnitude show up in nature allow forms that exhibit statistical self-
of the associated terms in the equations. similarity; one of these is the momentum equation from
As another example, consider mixing cream into coffee. fluid dynamics. Other natural fractals such as plant branch-
The equation governing that flow contains about five terms: ing, coastlines, and fracture surfaces are the result of much
one for the motion of the spoon, one for the momentum of more complex equations.
the fluid, one for the for the difference in density between In all cases, though, the fractal itself gives no indi-
the cool cream and the warm coffee, one for surface ten- cation of the underlying equations—only the opposite is
sion, and one for dissipation due to viscosity. Other terms possible. Thus, accurate simulations of natural phenom-
are present (such as the Coriolis force of the Earth’s rota- ena, which recognize the existence of the upper and lower
tion, and the gravitational attraction between the waiter and scale boundaries of the fractal regime, must begin with the
physical equations. Describing nature with only fractals, where new shapes and forms emerge, far away from the
while easier mathematically, ignores much of the potential monotony and statistical uniformity present at interim
beauty of nature. scales. How interesting is an acre of the surface of the
ocean, despite its abundance of detail, unless it is affected
3 Computational physics by the motion of a boat, or a rogue wave, or a rocky shore?
It would be an equally egregious error to ignore the frac- I am drawn to these boundaries in scale because that is
tal regime when performing a physical simulation. Many where the interesting non-linearities arise, and where an-
methods to predict the behaviour of complex physical sys- alytic and fractal mathematics are of little help.
tems often involve explicitly simulating the large scales of
motion (such as the spoon and the coffee cup) while con- 5 About the artist
currently modeling the effects of the smaller scales. These Mark Stock is a programmer, researcher, and artist who
smaller scales are often statistically self-similar (as is the explores the boundary between the real and the unreal
momentum regime in the coffee example) and the model- through the sciences of fluid dynamics, computer simula-
ing step can involve fractal mathematics. Very simple (dis- tion, and visual perception. He has been producing art for
sipation) or self-similar (momentum) regimes are thus less seven years and has had work appear in juried exhibitions
interesting to the practitioner of computational physics, for five.
and are rarely explicitly simulated. Mark had his start with simulation and visualization by
programming Moire patterns and particle dynamics rou-
4 Boundaries tines on a Commodore 128. His interests in mathematics
The scale regimes that I feel are most interesting from and programming followed him through high school and
both visual and computational perspectives are the scales led him to acquire several degrees in engineering at the
at which multiple forces overlap and compete for influ- University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
ence. From the coffee and cream example, these are : Mark’s interest in photography led him to discover com-
the largest scales where the motions caused by the spoon puter graphics as an undergraduate at U-M. He spent sev-
are limited by the size of the coffee cup, the scale at which eral years exploring different techniques and tools for cre-
the eddies from the spoon decay into self-similar eddies, ating virtual images. In 1999, while attempting to debug
and the scale at which momentum is still barely capable of some of his simulation software, he rendered the suspect
folding layers faster than diffusion can blend them. Only program’s output with a highly-accurate lighting visualiza-
physical simulation (in my case, computer simulation) can tion package called Radiance. This inadvertent discovery
properly predict the behavior of natural systems in these of an unnatural beauty, hidden within the sciences of com-
regimes. putational fluid dynamics and radiosity, prompted Mark to
My goal as an artist is to use my training in computa- pursue digital image creation as a hobby and an art. Mark
tional physics to mathematically isolate the many forces works for a small fluid dynamics research company in Cal-
present in the natural world and probe their scale bound- ifornia and develops his art in his free time. He currently
aries for beautiful images. These scale boundaries are resides with his wife and two cats in Newton, MA.
Figure 1: Red Streamlines, 2004, Mark J. Stock; 24” digital Lightjet print
Figure 2: Twigs #23, 2005, Mark J. Stock; 24” digital Lightjet print
Figure 3: Open House, 2006, Mark J. Stock; 24” digital Lightjet print

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