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‘197, 2308/2022 ‘Th ghinhér Enquiry ~ Dich edu Anh Viet | Quiziet | Hoc phan, sdch gido khoa, cau héi Enquiry - Dich cau Anh Viét Tim loi giai s4ch gido khoa mién phi Tw idl quyé' Tim kiém trén Quiztet > That ngi® trong hoc phan nay (20) ic cau hi héc bia nhéy nhiing (oi gidi duge chuyén gia bién sogn cho sach gido khoa ctla ban. We are interested in Cutter Model 05 and we shall be obliged if you will send us a auotation for this machine, CChiing t6i mun mua may ot kibu 05 va chung ti rt biét on rnéu ngai giti bao gid may nay cho chiing tO We indebted for your address to the Trade Delegation of Japan in Hanoi Nha doan dai biéu thong mai Nhat Ban & Ha Ngi ma ching t6i duge bidt dén nga We would also like to point out that we Usually settle our accounts on a D/A basis with payment by 30-day bill of exchange. CChting t6i cling muén chi ra rng chiing t6i thong thanh ton theo dibu kign nhé thu chdp nhan chizng tir véi vigc than toan bang héi phiéu 30 ngay. One of your clients is desirous of purchasing motorcycles for his stock. Mt trong nhiing khach hang cia quy céng muén duge mua nhting xe may nay Please make us an offer with your most favorable terms and conditions, Lam on giti cho chiing t6i m@t bite thu chac iéu khodn ma quy céng ty hay dung nha, Lwu va chinh stra In Ghép Xuat Nhing Xéa Enquiry - Dich cau Anh Viét hitpssquilet.comivr7 165415 13'enquiy-dch-cau-anh-vietlash-cards! 1 ‘1197, 2308/2022 ‘Thé ghinhér Enquiry ~ Dich edu Anh Viet | Quiziet We are pleased to inform you that there is steady demand for Sanyo brand refrigerators in this market and we would like you to send us an offer. Chiing toi rt vui long a8 théng bao véi quy céng ty rang nhu ‘cu cho tii lanh Sanyo thi én dinh trén thi tréng nay va ching tdi muén quy céng ty gti cho chting téi mét bie thu chao hang Ht your quotation is competitive, we are ready to place large orders for chemical products. Néu gid ma quy céng ty béo canh tranh, chting téi sn long dat mét don hang Ion véi nhiing san phdm héa hoc. We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are essential Ching t6i phai ré rang tir ban dau rang bao gia canh tranh la quan trong ‘When we place such a large order with other suppliers, we usvally get a 2% or 3% discount. Khi ma ching ti dt mét don hang In véi nhimng nha cung cp khdo, chting tdi thuréng durgc chiét khdu 2% hoc 3%. Your name has been given to us by the British Chamber of Commerce, Tén ciia quy céng ty 44 dug phéng Thong mai Anh dua cho cchiing tdi. We have seen your advertisement in the latest issue of the ‘Agriculture’ Ching ti da thay quang cdo ctia quy ngai trén sé méi nhat cca ta "Nong Nahigp’ We have learned your name and address by the introduction of the Japanese Embassy, who has advised us that you are the sole exporter of Chiing t6i duoc biét vé tén va dia chi ctia quy céng ty qua sv gi6i thigu cia Bai str quan Nhat Ban - ban 43 gi6i thigu véi cchuing 16i rng quy cong ty [a nha san xuAt duy nhat cia We are interested in the purchase of your range of .. advertised in .. and would tke to know if. Ching téi rat hing th dé mua nhding san pham clia céng ty V8 .. durge quang céo trong ... va muén biét rang nbu (Our company is one of the main producers of.. in Vietnam. Céng ty chiing t6i 1a mét trong nhirng nha sén xu chinh cia . tai Vigt Nam. Enquiry - Dich cau Anh Viét hitpssquilet.comivr7 165415 13'enquiy-dch-cau-anh-vietlash-cards! ‘1197, 2308/2022 ‘Thé ghinhér Enquiry ~ Dich edu Anh Viet | Quiziet We would tike to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the leading trading companies dealing in all kinds of material for textiles industry. Chiing 161 muén bat idy cor hoi nay 8 gid’ thigu ban than chting t6i la mét trong nhiing céng ty throng mai hang dau buén ban moi loai nguyén ligu cia nganh dét may, There is a brisk demand here for high auality T-shirts of the type you manufacture now. C6 nhu edu r&t lon v8 do phéng chat rong cao ctia loai quy cong ty dang sén xuat hién nay. At the moment, we are in the market for. and we shall be glad if you will quote us. Hién tai, ching t6i dang & trong thi truréng .. va chting tdi sé rat vui néu ban bao gid ching ti We would be glad to receive specifications of your new personal computer IPC, together with your current export price list and particulars of shipment, Ching 16i rét vui khi nhan duge théng sé ky thuat ca IPC may tinh ca nhan méi eta quy ngai, cling véi bang gia xudt khdu hign tai ola ngai va théng tin chi tiét v8 16 hang, We shall be obliged if you will send us the prospectus, quote your latest price land state the time of delivery with your most favorable terms of payment. Ching t6i sé rét biét om néu ngai giti cho ching t8i té quang cao véi bang gid méi nhat va néu 6 thai gian giao hang vei didu khoan thanh toén ma quy ngai hay ding Your name has been given to us by the British Chamber of Commerce, Tén cia quy céng ty 44 durgc phéng Thuong mai Anh dua cho cchiing t6i. hitpssquilet.comivr7 165415 13'enquiy-dch-cau-anh-vietlash-cards!

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