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Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery


Biogas production from co-digestion of different proportions of food

waste and fresh bovine manure
Monaliza Mirella de Morais Andrade 1 & Bárbara Ribeiro Alves Alencar 2 & Nathalia Pereira Leite 1 &
Alessandra Lee Barbosa Firmo 3 & Emmanuel Damilano Dutra 1 & Everardo Valadares de Sá Barretto Sampaio 1 &
Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes 1

Received: 13 March 2020 / Revised: 17 June 2020 / Accepted: 19 June 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

The present study aimed to evaluate the process of anaerobic co-digestion of different proportions of food waste and fresh bovine
manure. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory (using 250-mL reactors) and in a pilot-scale biodigester (8 m3). The
laboratory experiment was conducted with batch feed systems testing three food waste (FW) and bovine manure (BM) ratios: 0:1,
1:2, and 3:1 (equivalent to 0, 33, and 75 % of food waste in the digester substrate, respectively). The pilot-scale biodigester had a
continuous feed system and received a 1:2 FW:BM mixture ratio. The highest accumulated biogas production in the laboratory
was 273 mL g-1 of volatile solids (VS) in the treatment with the 1:2 FW:BM ratio. Concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFA)
greater than 8 g L-1 inhibited methane production, except in the treatment without food waste. In the pilot-scale biodigester,
concentrations of VFA were below the inhibitory threshold, and the biogas and methane yields were 271 L kgVS-1 and 220 L
kgVS-1, respectively. Therefore, food waste can be successfully co-digested with fresh bovine manure in continuous feed
digesters, with an initial organic load rate of at least 2.74 kgVS m-3 day-1. Future studies should aim to test progressive increases
in food waste load to identify the threshold for inhibition.

Keywords Organic residues . Anaerobic digestion . Biodigesters . Methane

1 Introduction composting and anaerobic digestion. These processes not on-

ly represent an alternative to reduce the environmental impact
The proper treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste caused by the inadequate disposal of these organic wastes but
are a challenge due to the high proportion of organic matter in can also produce methane and biofertilizer [2–4]. Therefore,
its composition. The recycling and treatment of this organic they represent an opportunity to recover energy and nutrients
fraction to recover energy are rapidly emerging as effective from organic residues.
waste management strategies, diverting it from landfills, and The process of anaerobic digestion can be influenced by
generating income [1]. Currently, the most used treatment several factors, which may inhibit the production of methane
processes for the organic fraction of solid waste are [5]. Due to the high content of readily biodegradable ingredi-
ents, food wastes are rapidly hydrolyzed, and this can lead to
the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), especially
* Monaliza Mirella de Morais Andrade
propionic acid, which can result in the failure of the process in a short period of time [6, 7]. An alternative to obtaining a
better biogas yield is to co-digest food waste with other or-
1 ganic residues, seeking an adequate nutritional supply, the
Research Group on Biomass Energy, Department of Nuclear Energy,
Federal University of Pernambuco, Av. Prof. Moraes Rego, 1235, dilution of toxic compounds, and an increase of the biodegrad-
Cidade Universitária, Recife, PE 50740-540, Brazil able organic matter load [3, 8]. These organic residues can
Interdepartmental Research Group in Metabolic Engineering, also be a ready source of inocula, providing microorganisms
Department of Genetics, Federal University of Pernambuco, to accelerate the hydrolysis of organic compounds and biogas
Recife, PE 50670-901, Brazil production and, consequently, reducing the residence time of
Federal Institut of Pernambuco, Recife, PE 50670-901, Brazil the substrate in the biodigester and the time of operation [9].
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Several sources of inocula can be used in anaerobic the food preparation, such as rice, beans, and meats, were the
biodigesters, such as sewage treatment plant effluent, stabilized same almost every day, but there was some variation in minor
effluents from operating anaerobic biodigesters, or manure from components, such as fruit type, so that the proportions of the
cattle or other ruminants [10–12]. Anaerobic sludge from sewage components in the food waste had some daily variation. Once
plants may be difficult to be obtained in many locations, requir- a week, all the waste generated during the day in the restaurant
ing prior authorization from the management company of the was collected and piled on a large plastic canvas in a screening
sewage treatment plant and transportation to the place of biogas yard. The waste was then mixed and removed from the pile by
production, sometimes distant and difficult to access. Obtaining applying the blocking technique, according to NBR 10007 [15],
inoculum from substrate stabilization takes time and requires an in which the waste contained in two opposite quadrants is sepa-
appropriate area to store food waste before feeding to the rated and mixed again, repeating the process until a uniform
biodigester [13], and some regions may not have operating sample of approximately 2 kg was obtained. The samples were
biodigesters to supply stabilized effluents. On the other hand, ground in a food grinder and dried in a forced ventilation oven at
fresh animal manure, in particular from ruminants, is a ubiquitous 40 ° C. The dry mass was milled, sieved in a 2-mesh screen, and
substrate in most areas of the world, and the co-digestion of food stored in a screw-cap plastic container containing silica gel until
waste with fresh manure can be performed in a stable manner the time to feed the small scale biodigesters (AD1). A subsample
without the addition of anaerobic sludge [14]. Bovine manure, was analyzed in relation to its chemical composition (Table 1).
for example, in addition to being a good nitrogen source, has Food waste collected daily in the restaurant was also used to
microbial communities that can assist in anaerobic digestion. feed the pilot-scale biodigester (AD2). After sorting and removing
Therefore, the use of fresh manure eliminates the cost and time inorganic materials, the organic wastes were ground in knife mills
to obtain inoculum from sewage plants or from substrate stabili- and transferred to the feed box coupled to the biodigester for
zation and facilitates the adoption of anaerobic biogas production dilution with water and subsequent pumping into the biodigester.
in rural properties and small remote communities. Two sources of bovine manure were used in the experi-
However, the co-digestion of food waste with different ments. Manure from the first source, denominated as manure
sources of inoculum may affect the biodegradability results, 1, was used in the AD1 experiment, and it was collected at a
as a consequence of different microbial communities and sub- dairy farm where the animals were kept in a semi-intensive
strate chemical composition [13]. Little has been published system (feeding both in the pasture and in the barn). Sampling
about the behavior and the possibility of co-digesting without was performed at dawn in three barns where the animals were
the addition of adapted inoculants, such as sewage sludge or kept confined at night. Portions were deposited in 5-L plastic
stabilized biodigester effluents. Considering this lack of infor- bags and kept under refrigeration at 4 °C for a few hours until
mation, the objective of this study was to evaluate the process the moment of use in the experiment, which was setup on the
of anaerobic co-digestion of different proportions of food same day of manure collection. Manure from the second
waste and fresh bovine manure both in batch feeding digesters source (manure 2) was used in the pilot-scale biodigester
in laboratory assays and in a pilot-scale (8 m3) continuous
feeding system biodigester. Table 1 Characterization of food waste (FW) collected at the restaurant
and bovine manure (BM) used in anaerobic co-digestion

Parameters FW BM
2 Material and methods
Moisture (%) 70.8 85
Two experiments were performed at different scales. The first pH 4.8 7.9
experiment consisted of batch tests conducted in 250-mL glass Alkalinity (mg·L-1) 128 Nd
bottles at 36 °C, hereafter referred to as “AD1” (anaerobic Total solids (%) 29.2 15
digester 1). The second experiment was conducted on a pilot- Volatile solids (%) 92.5 54
scale (8 m3) tubular model biodigester (referred to as “AD2”). Total carbon (%) 46.8 43.8
Total nitrogen (%) 4.04 1.69
2.1 Collection and preparation of food waste and C/N 11.6 25.9
manure samples Hydrogen (%) 5.6 5.11
Sulfur (%) 1.5 -
Food waste samples were collected at the restaurant of the COD (mgO2 L-1) 116.13 -
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) in Recife, Phosphorus (%) 0.096 -
Pernambuco, Brazil, from January to December 2016. The food Potassium 0.30 -
waste contained mainly rice, beans, meats, pasta, vegetables, Calorific power (Jg-1) 18660 17123
fruits, cereals, and fats, together with wastes from vegetable prep-
aration, such as peels, stems, and roots. The basic components of Nd, not determined
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

(AD2) and was obtained at the experimental station of the where Vb (mL) is the volume of daily biogas production; P
Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco - IPA, in São Bento do (mbar) is the pressure difference; Vhs (mL) is the headspace
Una municipality. The herd of dairy cattle is raised in an volume; C is the molar volume (22.41 L mol-1); R is the
intensive system (fed exclusively in the barn). The manure perfect gas universal constant (83.14 L mbar K-1 mol-1); and
samples were collected after pilling the feces deposited in T (°K) is the absolute temperature.
the barn floor of the farm and homogenizing it with a hoe.
The collected manure was stored in 200-L plastic barrels and 2.3 Experimental setup of the pilot-scale biodigester
transported immediately (3 h of travel by truck) to be added to (AD2)
the biodigester feed tank at UFPE.
Before the beginning of both incubation experiments, the The pilot-scale experiment was conducted in a continuous
manure was diluted 1: 1 (v/v) with non-chlorinated water to 8 m3 biodigester, tubular model, made with flexible PVC
decrease the concentration of solids in the substrate and to laminates, structured with black polyester fabric (Table 2).
facilitate pumping. The compositions of the food waste and The study was carried out at the Experimental Biorefinery
bovine manure samples are presented in Table 1. of Organic Solid Wastes of the Federal University of
Pernambuco, Brazil. Since the restaurant produces, on av-
erage, 1000 kg of food waste daily, the anaerobic diges-
2.2 Experimental setup of the batch tests (AD1) tion system was defined to be continuous, with daily feed-
ing. The digestion technique was single phase, anaerobic,
The small-scale anaerobic co-digestion experiment was per- wet, with a working temperature in the mesophilic stage
formed using batch-type biodigesters, following the method- of 36 ± 1 °C and a retention time of 27 days. The pilot-
ology adapted from Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP)
scale biodigester was previously fed with bovine manure,
and originally proposed by Owen et al. [16]. The biodigesters diluted with non-chlorinated water in a proportion of 1: 1
were 250-mL borosilicate flasks, with an effective volume of (g:g), and operated for 30 days. After this period, the
150 mL. Each flask had a nylon cap with one valve for biogas
biodigester started to be fed with food waste.
collection, connected to one 1 kgf cm-2 manometer, with a 0.2 The pilot-scale biodigester operated with an organic load of
kgf cm-2 scale, and screwed with a ring rubber seal. 2.74 kgVS m-3 day-1. The stability of the system was evaluat-
The experiment was set up as a completely randomized ed for 30 days, performing weekly measurements of pH and
design, with three replicates, and three treatments, corre- VFA concentration in samples collected through the lateral
sponding to 0, 33, and 75 % of food waste and the com- flanges of the biodigester. The performance of the anaerobic
plementary proportions of fresh manure (100, 67, and digestion system was evaluated by quantifying the daily bio-
25%) in the digester substrate (on a volatile solids basis, gas production, with weekly determination of the biogas
gvs). These proportions were based on the study by Zhang methane concentration, quantified collecting the gas through
et al. [17] and corresponded to ratios of 0:1, 1:2, and 3:1 of a gas line–coupled valve, and storing it in gas-impermeable
food waste to manure. plastic bags.
After feeding the digesters, the pH of the manure and food
waste mixture was adjusted to approximately pH = 7.0 with
calcium carbonate. Each digester was closed and, to ensure 2.4 Analytical methods
anaerobic conditions, N2 was circulated for 2 min while man-
ually stirring in order to remove the oxygen present in the Total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) contents were deter-
internal gas atmosphere and dissolved in the solution. mined according to the APHA [19]. The pH of the food waste
Subsequently, each digester was wrapped in aluminum foil samples was determined using a portable pH meter (Digimed)
to prevent exposure of the substrate to the light, which could
harm the microorganisms and alter the biodegradation pro- Table 2 Mass and volume of the substrates used to feed the pilot-scale
cess. The digesters were maintained in a bacteriological oven biodigester (8 m3)
at 36 ± 2 °C for 65 days.
Description Bovine manure1 Food waste2
Biogas production was checked daily by the displacement
of the manometer pointer coupled to the cap of each reactor. Fresh substrate 1600 kg 70 kg day-1
The volume of biogas produced was calculated from the dif- Total solids 200 kg 11.9 kg day-1
ference in daily pressure using the equation described by El-
Water 1.61 m3 0.07 m3 day-1
Mashad and Zhang [18]:
Volume of substrate added 1.68 m3 0.08 m3 day-1
P⋅V hs ⋅C Total volume 3.29 m3 0.15 m3 day-1
Vb ¼
R⋅T 1
Single application at the beginning of the study; 2 Daily additions
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

after diluting them with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 2.5 waste (FW 0%), which was still neutral (7.06) at the end of the
(mass basis), under horizontal shaking for 10 min, and waiting experiment. In the treatment with the highest proportion of
for 30 min before reading. Elemental analysis (C, H, N, S) was food waste (FW 75%), the pH became excessively acidic
performed using an EA300 Euro Vector elemental analyzer. (4.16). Therefore, the co-digestion of manure and food resi-
Phosphorus was determined by colorimetry method in a dues is a viable alternative to alleviate the inhibition caused by
spectrophotometer and potassium by flame photometry in a excessive acidification, provided that the proportion of food
Digimed photometer, according to the methodology for plant residues is less than 50% [21]. Similar pH values have been
and organic residue analysis [20]. Carbon and nitrogen were reported by Zhai et al. [22], with pH values dropping to a
determined by combustion at 925 °C in a CHNS-O elemental minimum of 4.8 in anaerobic reactors with a sludge and ma-
analyzer, using BBOT, cysteine, sulfonyl amide, and methio- nure ratio of 1:1, and by Khairuddin et al. [8], with a minimum
nine as standards. pH of 4.5 with food waste and anaerobic sludge in a 2:1 ratio.
Characterization of the biogas (in terms of CO2 and CH4) They suggested that the buffering capacity of the stabilized
was performed by gas chromatography, in GC-Master equip- inoculum increases with the increase in the incubation time of
ment with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD), using a the substrate and residue mixture.
Porapak “N” column, with an oven temperature of 60 °C The reduction of VS did not differ among treatments,
and sample injection of 100 μL. The standard gas used for reaching around 98% in all of them. The degradation of VS
calibration consisted of 60% (v/v) CH4 and 40% CO2. in anaerobic digestion systems varies widely [23], depend-
Data of each analyzed variable were submitted to analysis ing on the chemical composition of the food waste and the
of variance (ANOVA), and the averages were compared by type of manure used, 9.01 and 8.21 g L-1 in the digesters
the Tukey test at the 0.05 probability level. containing food waste (FW 33% and FW 75%) (Table 3),
while in the biodigester without food waste, the concentra-
tion was below 1 g L-1. The stability of the VFA concen-
3 Results and discussion tration in the absence of food waste may have occurred
because the C/N ratio was equal to 25.9, within the 20 to
3.1 Small-scale reactors with batch feeding (AD1) 30 range, suggested as ideal [24], contributing to the prop-
er release of NH3 and providing the concentration of VFA
The initial pH in the mixtures added to each reactor did not was equilibrium of the system with the formation of acids
differ significantly in the treatments with the different propor- as intermediates in the digestion of manure.
tions of food waste in the digester substrate (Fig. 1). In all Other studies have suggested that severe inhibition of
treatments, the pH decreased during the digestion, but the methane production may occur due to the accumulation of
reduction was less pronounced in the treatment without food VFA as long as the waste content in the biodigester exceeds

Fig. 1 Initial and final pH in an

anaerobic co-digestion systems of
bovine manure (BM) and differ-
ent proportions of food waste
(FW) in batch feeding small-scale
digesters (AD1). Means followed
by the same letters are not signif-
icantly different at the 5% signif-
icance level by the Tukey test
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Table 3 Reduction of volatile solids (VS) and accumulation of volatile [18] reported productions of 570 to 621 mL gVS-1 and
fatty acids in an anaerobic co-digestion systems of bovine manure (BM)
Marañón et al. [26] 644 to 880 L kgVS-1. Our lower yields
and different proportions of food waste (FW) in batch feeding small-scale
digesters (AD1) could be due to the high acidification in the digesters with the
addition of food waste and the absence of a stabilized inocula.
FW proportions VS reduction (%) VFA (g L-1) The biogas production in all treatments peaked in the first
FW 33% 99.0 a ± 1.15 9.01 a ± 3.61
10 days of incubation. In FW 33%, about 60 mL gVS -1 biogas
FW 75% 98.6 a ± 0.57 8.21 a ± 0.55
production peaks were observed until the fifth day, being re-
duced to 16.3 mL gVS-1 around the 15th day, and tending to
FW 0% 98.2 a ± 0.57 0.052 b ± 0.15
stabilize from the third week until the end of the assay, with an
Means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at the average yield of 6.2 mL gVS-1. Biogas production in FW 75%
5% significance level by the Tukey test reached 14.0 mL gVS-1 on the first 3 days of incubation,
decreasing to an average of 7.5 mL gVS-1 around the sixth
50 % [21]. In the present study, only the treatment without day, 6.2 mL gVS-1 on the sixteenth day, and tending to stabi-
food waste (FW 0%) had a VFA concentration (0.052 g L-1) in lize from the twentieth day on, with an average production rate
a range considered adequate for a stable anaerobic digestion of 5.3 mL gVS-1. The rapid reduction in the biogas production
system [25], which demonstrates that even a relatively low rate may indicate that the available organic matter was rapidly
proportion (33%) of food waste inhibited the process in the degraded and may have favored the accumulation of volatile
small-scale batch feeding digesters. Therefore, we observed fatty acids, jeopardizing methane production (Fig. 3).
that the stabilization of the anaerobic digestion process, even The behavior of the biogas production curve in the FW
with a food waste proportion lower than 50%, might require 75% treatment differed from those of the other treatments.
intervention to contribute to the buffering capacity. This inter- Production peaked at 11.5 mL gVS-1 and then decreased to
vention could be the addition of a base, co-digestion with 66% of this average, increasing approximately 6% by the
higher ratios of an alkaline substrate, or maybe recirculation thirteenth day. The trend towards production stability oc-
of the effluent. curred after about one and a half months, with averages be-
The accumulated biogas production was favored by the tween 5.6 and 4.2 mL gVS-1. These low values may be due to
addition of food waste, compared with the treatment which acidification during the first digestion stage, which is not com-
received only manure (Fig. 2), and the production was higher patible with the normal growth of methanogenic organisms
in FW 33% than in FW 75% (273 and 232 mL gVS-1, respec- [27]. These results corroborate those of Li et al. [28], who
tively). The lower production was probably related to the pH reported that the substrate/inoculum ratio was the main factor
decrease observed in FW 75%, due to the food waste propor- affecting anaerobic digestion during the initial phase of the
tion exceeding 50% [17]. The accumulated yields are lower process. The possible inhibition of methanogenesis due to
than those reported with co-digestion of food waste and ma- acidification caused by the accumulation of VFA and low
nure with the addition of anaerobic sludge: El-Mashad et al. pH values was irreversible.

Fig. 2 Accumulated biogas

production in anaerobic co-
digestion systems of bovine ma-
nure (BM) and different propor-
tions of food waste (FW) in batch
feeding small-scale digesters
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 3 Daily biogas production

rate in an anaerobic co-digestion
system of bovine manure (BM)
and different proportions of food
waste (FW) in batch feeding
small-scale digesters (AD1)

Accumulated biogas production stabilized at different mo- As a consequence, in the third week, the VFA concentration
ments for the different treatments, ranging from 57 days in increased to 1526 g L-1 and decreased to 1515 g L-1 in the last
FW 33% to 62 days in FW 75%. Anaerobic digestion with week. The variation in pH mentioned above is within the
high concentrations of solids (> 15%), such as those in FW optimal range to maintain a stable process of anaerobic diges-
33% and FW 75%, which operated with 15 and 20% of total tion [29]. Similarly, the process of methanogenesis operates
solids, respectively, require inoculum application, due to the best at a pH range from 6 to 8, which favors the proliferation
long time required for stabilization of biogas production [24]. of slow-growing methanogenic arches [30].
Khairuddin et al. [8], co-digesting different ratios of food The biogas yield ranged from 130 to 330 L kg VS-1, with
waste and bovine manure, with the application of inoculum the production peak on the 17th retention day, after which it
and total solids concentration around 20%, reported 40 days oscillated to reach a new but lower peak (260 L kg VS-1 ) on
for stabilization of biogas production. Zhai et al. [22] reported the 20th retention day (Fig. 4). Since the biodigester was fed
a period of 45 to 56 days to stabilize biogas production in with food waste collected daily in the restaurant and its com-
digesters with 23% of total solids. However, establishing the position was slightly heterogeneous on a daily basis, we hy-
ideal inoculum selection for anaerobic digestion of food resi- pothesize that the volume and composition of the biogas
due is still a problem due to the heterogeneity of residues [10]. formed may have varied in part as a response to the quality
of the waste. The average biogas yield was 39 L kg -1 of the
3.2 Pilot-scale digester (AD2) food waste, on a fresh weight basis, lower than those reported
by Rapport et al. [31], in the range of 100 to 150 L kg -1, and
In the first 2 weeks of digestion, the concentration of VFA was by Grimberg et al. [30], with a mean yield of 120 L kg -1. The
reduced from 1346 to 1214 g L-1, while the pH increased from low yield may be related to the short retention time and or to
6.49 to 6.71 (Table 4). In the third week, the pH decreased to the food waste composition. This result points out to the need
6.54 and increased again in the last week of digestion, to monitor, during the feeding of the biodigester, the propor-
reaching the same value observed in the second week (6.71). tion of the main types of components that make up the food
waste, which may significantly affect its chemical composi-
tion. In the present study, we have a value of the average
Table 4 Weekly chemical composition of the food waste, based on composite
variation of pH and Weeks pH VFA (mg L-1)
samples taken during several days, but do not have data on the
accumulation of volatile
fatty acids (VFA) in a 1 6.49 1346 daily variation of food waste quality.
pilot-scale anaerobic 2 6.71 1214 The concentration of methane in the biogas of the pilot-scale
continuous digestion of 3 6.54 1526 biodigester varied between 58 - 60%, which is in the same
food wastes and bovine range of other studies with similar experimental setup.
manure (AD2) 4 6.71 1515
However, the average methane yield in our pilot-scale
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 4 Daily production of biogas

and methane in a pilot-scale an-
aerobic continuous digestion sys-
tem s of food waste (FW) and
bovine manure (BM)

Volume (m3 kgVS-1)

biodigester was low, varying from 75.4 to 198 L kg VS-1, with excessive acidification and accumulation of VFA, which re-
peak production on the 17th retention day, after which it fluc- sulted in a methane yield of 220 L kgVS-1 during the 30-day
tuated to reach a new, but smaller peak (135 L kg VS-1) in the trial. Therefore, food waste can be successfully co-digested
20th day of retention (Fig. 4). The methane concentration in with fresh bovine manure in continuous feed digesters, with
most similar studies reported in the literature generally varies an initial organic load rate of at least 2.74 kgVS m-3 day-1.
between 60 and 64% (volume), with an average yield of around Future studies should aim to test progressive increases in food
220 L kgVS-1. Grimberg et al. [30] reported similar methane waste load to identify the threshold for inhibition.
concentrations (from 59 to 60%) but higher yields, reaching up
to 380 L kgVS day-1, in 5 m3 biodigesters, single-stage food Funding information The authors acknowledge the CNPq, for financial
treatment and a load of 3.79 kgVS m-3 day-1. This higher vol-
(Processo 454423/2014-4) and the doctoral scholarship grant (Processo
umetric organic load suggests that the increase in the organic 141364/2014-9) to this research. This work is part of the National
load may favor the increase in methane concentration. Zeshan Observatory of Water and Carbon Dynamics in the Caatinga Biome -
et al. [32], working with pilot-scale biodigesters with organic NOWCDCB, supported by FACEPE (grants: APQ-0296-5.01/17;
APQ-0498-3.07/17 ONDACBC; APQ-0532-5.01/14), CNPq (grants:
loads of 2.60 and 10.65 kgVS m-3 day-1 and retention time of
441305/2017-2; 465764/2014-2), and CAPES (grants: 88887.136369/
54 and 13 days, observed a maximum methane yield of 327 L 2017-00).and FINEP (CT-Infra 01/2013 - REF 0648/13 - SUGERE).
kgVS-1 and a minimum of 121 L kgVS-1. They pointed as
possible reasons for the maximum yield the inversely propor-
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