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Activity Portfolio

Paula Barajas

California State University, Los Angeles

CHDV 4460 Therapeutic Play

Professors Rita Goshert and Debi Fingerhut

May 19, 2021


Table of Contents

Activity Page

1. All About Me……………………………………………………………….. 3

2. Felt Puppet………………………………………………………………….. 4
3. Personalized Pennants….…………………………………………………….5
4. Body image………………………………………………………………….. 6
5. Autograph Books……………………………………………………………. 7
6. Parachute Jumper……………………………………………………………. 8
7. Foil Sculpture………………………………………………………………… 9
8. Target Practice………………………………………………………………..10
9. Put a Smile on Your Face…………………………………………………… 11
10. Memorabilia Frame…………………………………………………………. 12
11. Origami Crane (Hope)……………………………………………………… 13
12. Window painting……………………………………………………………. 14
13. Pain Chart/Meter……………………………………………………………. 15
14. Balloon Football…………………………………………………………….. 16
15. References…………………………………………………………………… 17

All About Me

Activity Objective: Help staff in the hospital understand what I like where it can help me reduce

stranger anxiety and separation by socializing and educating the staff taking place in the

playroom (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, tape, markers, 11x14 paper, Alphabet letter stickers, magazines, scissors

Recommended age group: Adolescence 12-18 years old

Special considerations: Adolescence might not feel comfortable with their artistic paint like

drawing ability. For example, I cut pictures out of magazines to represent my interests like I have

picture of my favorite fruit to eat such as mango. Adolescence might encounter if they were

working doing this activity perhaps needing assistance in cutting pictures from magazines if he

or she is mobility impaired.

Subjective commentary: I was in my dining table while watching my movie while I created this

activity I really got to know myself a little bit better in my likes and dislikes on things.

Felt Puppet

Activity Objective: Children may not want to speak with an adult, by giving the child another

form of communication can help promote self-expression (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, white coffee filter, colored markers and tape

Recommended age group: school age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: Children may not feel comfortable using a sock although using a coffee

filter can be fun. School age children have difficult using their motor skills practicing with the

markers perhaps needing assistance when cutting the coffee filter.

Subjective commentary: While creating this fast activity, I really got enjoying speaking through

my puppet with my sister.


Personalized Pennants

Activity Objective: Helping individuals foster their self-esteem by identifying their personal

talents and feelings (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, colored markers, construction paper, scissors and tape

Recommended age group: school-age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: Children may not have a steady hands while cutting felt material due to

sensitive touch, construction would be best. Children might encounter if they were working

doing this activity perhaps needing assistance using markers or scissors.

Subjective commentary: I had fun decorating my pennant and I realized about myself

developing positive affirmations to myself is a great way in giving me confidence anytime I may

not feel so great and I can demonstrate to others


Body Image
(Body Perceptions)

Activity Objective: Individual will be identifying body image issues by addressing body image

distortions and expressing his or her feelings related to their own body (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, three different colored markers and three white construction paper

Recommended age group: Adolescence 12-18 years old

Special considerations: An adult speak with the adolescents in how they have an option to

whether to participate or not because this activity may be threatening to them.

Subjective commentary: Working on the activity, it actually increased my awareness of my

body especially my increased focus on my appearance and body weight especially my legs.

Autograph Books

Activity Objective: Involve a group activity that will foster socialization to which the child can

keep as memories (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table. colored markers, construction paper, and staples

Recommended age group: school-age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: When planning the activity, it is important to determine a comfortable

environment where the children can socialize.

Subjective commentary: I enjoyed doing this creative activity and asking my siblings and

family in writing a message in my autograph book.


Parachute Jumpers
(Panic & Fear)

Activity Objective: To feel at ease and familiar with medical equipment/supplies (Hart and

Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, colored markers, surgical mask, and paper clip

Recommended age group: school-age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: There is no writing in surgical masks, let children know they have the

opportunity to decorate the mask (parachute). Children might encounter if they were working

doing this activity perhaps needing assistance using markers or tying paper clips to the surgical


Subjective commentary: I was excited about this activity in making it unique in adding my

personal drawing on the surgical mask and I was able to toss my parachute jumper into the air.

Foil Sculpture

Activity Objective: The opportunity for children to release tension or frustration, and thereby

allowing children in cognitively working through their tension or frustration (Hart and Rollins,


Material list: table, heavy aluminum foil, scissors, and image of the sculpture digital

Recommended age group: Adolescent 12-18 years old

Special considerations: As the individual setting the activity, it is important to understand that

tension reducing activity are not for every teen. Also, adolescent may encounter if they were

working doing this activity perhaps needing assistance in cutting pictures from the aluminum foil

if he or she is mobility impaired.

Subjective commentary: Making this activity, I was not a fan, I had difficulty in forming the

animal I had in mind which was a turtle but worked through my frustration in coming to a

solution in choosing another animal which I choose to sculpt a giraffe.


Target Practice

Activity Objective: To identify what makes the individual fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.

as well as have an open discussion with therapeutic counselors (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: colored markers, construction paper, cotton balls, table and tape

Recommended age group: School-Age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: Children might encounter if they were working doing this activity

perhaps needing assistance using markers.

Subjective commentary: Doing the target practice activity after two attempts the cotton paper

landed would always land on frustration which made me critical think why I am feeling

frustrated and found I was not happy with the person who parked in my home driveway.

Put a Smile on Your Face

Activity Objective: Using humor to help children promote positive laughter (Hart and Rollins,


Material list: table, construction paper, scissors, paint brushes, tape and colored markers

Recommended age group: school-age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: As a staff member working on this activity, it is important to remember

ethnic, racist, sexist and religious should be prohibited. Bullying should not be tolerated and

recognize the inappropriateness humor. Also, children working on this activity may require

assistance in cutting small construction paper if he or she is mobility impaired or has an IV in

their arm.

Subjective commentary: Doing the activity, I had fun in being creative in drawing simile faces

and I made three samples. I demonstrated my smile to my siblings to which they smiled back.

Memorabilia Frame

Activity Objective: To promote coping with grief by creating small memorial of his or her loved

one (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, Alphabet letter stickers, frame, 4x6 photograph, stickers

Recommended age group: Adolescent 12-18 years old

Special considerations: As a staff setting this particular activity, it is extremely important to

remember that children grieve differently.

Subjective commentary: I was named after grandmother when I was born and this particular

activity I did get emotional due to my grandmother passing away a few months ago, this activity

remined me about the how energetic and caring she was and the memories we had along the

years. My grandmother is placed in the center of the photo.


Origami Crane (Hope)

Activity Objective: To support cultural differences by creating a cultural art symbol (Hart and

Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, construction paper

Recommended age group: school age 6-12 years old

Special considerations: Children working on this activity may require assistance in ability to

follow and fold the construction paper if he or she is mobility impaired or has an IV in their arm.

Subjective commentary: This activity took me more than thirty minutes to complete, and I will

say patience would be considered as a special consideration since folding perfectly can be

difficult to do and it can take some time to make.


Window Painting

Activity Objective: To help cope with isolation by providing sensory stimulation through

drawing (Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, window, water colored markers

Recommended age group: Preschooler 3-6 years old

Special considerations: Children might encounter if they were working doing this activity

perhaps needing assistance using water colored markers.

Subjective commentary: I felt good doing this activity, it is something out of my comfort zone

in drawing on my bedroom window. I am a fan of Disney and I drew Mickey Mouse.


Pain Chart/Meter

Activity Objective: To reduce pain by providing children a visual tool to report their pain

(Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: table, colored pencils, white construction paper

Recommended age group: Adolescent 12-18 years old

Special considerations: Children might encounter if they were working doing this activity

perhaps needing assistance using colored pencils if he or she is mobility impaired.

Subjective commentary: I have to say doing this activity in my dining table, it was simply easy

to do and also easy to visualize the difference between least amount of pain from 0 to 4 and the

highest amount of pain in the meter is 6-10.


Balloon Football

Activity Objective: To improve respiratory function in lung expansion in clearing airways

(Hart and Rollins, 2011).

Material list: Table, one balloon

Recommended age group: Preschooler 3-6 years old

Special considerations: Children may not feel comfortable in doing the exercise because fear of

chest pain having a nurses or a specialist is encouraged. Staff should monitor respiratory status of

children participating in this activity.

Subjective commentary: It was a very fun and exciting activity in playing balloon football with

my brother across the dining table and also seeing who’s has a great respiratory function.


Hart, R., & Rollins, J. (2011). Therapeutic activities for children and teens coping with health

issues. Wiley.

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