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Here are the top 15 things poor people do that rich people don't.

Welcome to our channel, where you can get inspiring and exciting videos to spark
your interest in becoming the next billionaire. Hello there, and welcome back to a
whole new video. We are aware that many of you watching right now are finding
ways to attain financial stability. So, to show you how much we care, we put
together the top 15 things that poor people tend to do, which determine their
mediocre lifestyle.

But just a little disclaimer for all, please handle this information with caution
because it might be a little different for each one. Still, it can really help you think
about your current situation and what you could stop doing to improve your life.

The sad part is that some people would always get offended by our video, but we
know better. So, go ahead and bash us in the comment section because while
you're busy being bitter, the future billionaires watching are already taking down
notes on how to step out of their bad habits and get on their way to self-

Rest assured that our video is helpful. We decided to consult some of our dearest
friends and mentors who have reached financial success and asked them to share
their experiences and opinion about the difference between the two statuses in
their everyday routine.

But then again, some people are exceptions to the rule because of circumstances
beyond anyone's control. Still, there is no harm in trying to gain awareness,
especially to the habits and activities that give you a slight edge because who
knows, maybe if you actually stop making those habits, you might get the chance
to reach the goal of your dreams. So, here you go, 15 things that poor people do
that the rich people don't:

First on our list, Watching TV all the time. Well, look at it this way, if you include
watching your favorite TV Show in your everyday routine, I can bet that you are
probably poor. It's amusing how poor people spend too much time watching
meaningless television shows. It can be so addicting that it can actually hold a grip,
and it will be hard to escape it. Now, how can you know that you're watching TV
way too much? Well, if you are "updated" with all the celebrity gossip and you get
no chores done because you are hooked on a TV show episode, then that's one
way to prove that you are spending too much time on TV. Watching way too much
TV does not do you any good. Focusing too much on watching celebrity news adds
no value to your life; it only gives weight to the celebrities who spend their time on
TV instead of just watching it as you do. So, snap out of it because even if you tell
me that you are watching the best TV show ever created in television history. Stop
it because no matter how much it amuses you and helps you disconnect away
from the world, it does not help you deal with your problems or allow you to
actually focus on your goal. Yeah, you can watch TV shows for a bit of time each
day because, just like what John Lennon said, "Time you enjoy wasting is not
wasted time." Just make sure that you control your screen time and avoid getting
the hook to your "favorite" news channel. A little explanation on what I meant with
not allowing yourself to get hooked on a news channel; well, one apparent reason
is that TV stations are usually biased in the content that they show. So, instead of
wasting your time on TV, go surf the net to give you the motivation to strive to
move and do your thing by watching what the world is like now and imagining all
the possibilities it offers you.

Second, Eating Fast Food. As the famous saying goes, "Health is Wealth," but it
seems that most poor people don't even try to get to know what they are eating or
if it is healthy for them to consume because of their lack of nutrition knowledge.
So, unfortunately, they end up filling their bodies with too much sugar and fat that
contains no nutritional value at all. Eating fast food actively lowers your body
function, and if you are not 100% healthy, you cannot function to your fullest
potential. If that's the case, you will probably suffer in all aspects. It can alter your
life uncontrollably by affecting your physical, mental, professional, and even the
romantic element of your life.

Third, Buying products on sale. A little advice: the only things you should buy on
sale are stocks and nothing else because you purchase an item that others didn't
want to buy. Sale items can be deceiving you to stretch the money you have
budgeted, and you might end up buying something you don't really need. So,
instead of buying rejected products, you should focus on conserving your money
and actually buying something that you know you deserve.

Fourth on our list, Waking up late during the early years in life. Many say that poor
people are seen to be lazier than rich ones. Before you get bothered about what I
said, let me put it this way. Waking up late on your early days does nothing but
waste your energy and time. Instead of using your youth to establish the success
that could help you in the future, you are wasting it on meaningless activities that
push you to feel tired and thus, lead to oversleeping. This might also lead to you
having to work a lot harder later in your life just to get by. Also, we have done our
research, and it seems like the most prosperous people in the society, Elon Musk,
Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, to mention a few, all wake up early to jumpstart their
journey towards attaining success.

Fifth, Being too invested in sports. Well, unless you are a professional athlete or an
owner of a successful sports team, there is no reason for you to spend too much
time being too updated about sport-related activities. So, stop spending all day
watching who will win the championship cup. Just like the number 1 on our list,
being invested in sports can turn into another escapism that can distract you from
actually achieving your goals.

Sixth, Do not shower daily. Now, you might find this weird or funny, but it turned out
to be true. When you really think about this fact, you will realize how most jobs you
can find require human interaction nowadays. So, how can you attain a successful
exchange of value if you have poor hygiene? You have to consider how you present
yourself to your employer, colleagues, and clients because, my friend, can actually
help them trust you more. Remember, no one likes to spend time with smelly
people and don't look neat and clean. So, how can you attract more clients or even
potential partners to listen and discuss business with you if you look like a
homeless person because you haven't showered for days. So, funny as it might
sound, the first step to being rich is as simple as getting an early morning shower.

Seventh, Blaming personal mistakes on other people. Now, be honest with me, how
many people have you heard mumble and grumble that they are not successful yet
or, worst, try to blame other people or circumstances for their lack of success. Yes,
some things are out of our control, but it is proven that 99% of what happens to
our lives is up to us. We are in charge of everything in our lives; relationships with
others, health, and everything else. So, if we want to change something for the
better, we have to take charge of it. When something happens to you, try to take
note of your reaction because a poor person would focus on acting like the victim
in the situation. Still, the rich people would look into the situation and figure out
what happened wrong, then try to alter it so that it won't happen again in the future.
In that case, while one person victimizes, the other uses it to improve themselves.

Eighth, no savings. The odd difference between the rich and the poor is that the
poor usually do not prepare for what will happen next. Putting money aside for the
"rainy days" is a must because you have to be ready for anything that could
possibly happen. Learning how to save is the first step to growth because it can
attain a certain level of stability. For example, if something unfortunate happens to
you and you have money set aside, you can just easily put an end to your problem
and move along with your life. However, if you don't have any savings, you have to
uproot your life and be forced to sell your assets or take a loan just to pay off what
needs to be paid off. These examples are the same, but the one is left in the same
situation minus the savings, but the other has to experience drastic changes in
their lifestyle or is now in debt to a creditor. Now, looking at an opposite situation,
what if an opportunity appears? The people who got money saved up can get the
chance to upgrade their lifestyle, but those who don't have any savings are forced
to pass on the opportunity because they can't obviously afford it. So that,
everybody, is the why the rich are becoming richer while the poor are becoming

Ninth, Using credit cards or taking out loans. Another significant difference
between the rich and poor is how they use credit cards. One simple rule to follow is
that if you're using credit to buy something that does not produce you more money,
then that means that you are using it the wrong way. Credits should only be used
for investments, which could widen your opportunity to earn more money. It's not
something that you should use to buy appliances or gadgets. Well, unless those
things are going to aid you in making money or something that you need for your
job, but if it's for leisure, then the answer is no.
Again, the goal is to earn money, not figure out ways to spend it more on useless
things. If you really want that new phone, start saving some money and buy it when
you can come up with the amount you need.

Tenth, Having more kids and having them early. It might be a hard pill to swallow,
but you have to remind yourself that having kids can be really expensive. Yeah, it's
fun to do the act that makes them, but you have to try and assess if you are ready
to take on the responsibility of being a parent. If you live in a developed country,
having a child can cost you about $250,000. So, with a lack of education and other
circumstances, many poor people tend to have more kids during their younger age.
While the rich people tend to wait for the right time when they are more financially
stable and can provide their children a good quality of life. This will result in
prepared parents who can allow their children to progress comfortably when they
are born. Those parents who aren't ready might put their unborn child through
financial struggle as soon as they are born, forcing the already poor parents to
work harder than they already are to make ends meet, which is not a good way to

The eleventh thing the poor do that the rich don't is not having regular health
checkups. As we have previously discussed, a person can succeed more if they
take care of their health, and one way to do that is having regular checkup sessions
with your doctor. This comes in handy when you are hypothetically inflicted with a
severe illness. So, suppose you take your checkups seriously. In that case, this will
give your doctor a higher chance of detecting this illness earlier and save you the
hardship of having to pay large sums of money for treatment and recovery if it was
caught too late because you did not get your checkups. Unfortunately, things could
still end badly, and you could still lose your life despite the fortune you and your
family spent for you to get better.

Twelfth on the list is spending money before acquiring it. This could end badly
because spending money that you don't have can lead to never-ending debts just to
get by. You have to realize that you have to prioritize the bills you have to pay. So, if
you start spending money on things you do not need, it could end up with you
having to borrow money just to cover all your expenses. That is why to avoid the
hardship of dealing with debts, you have to set your priorities straight, and if you do
not have the money to spend on some things, be patient enough to get back to
work, earn money, then get it.

Thirteenth, hanging out with poor people. As others always say, you are the people
you spend time with. So, let me ask you if you spend time with 4 poor people, who
do you think is the 5th one? You have to understand that the people you associate
yourself with can also determine your success in life. To change your fate and
actually get a higher chance of becoming rich, you have to assess if the people
surrounding you inspire and push you to be successful because they are doing
great things that allow them to succeed in life. So, don't be afraid to check on the
people you have on your side and don't let them drag you down to suffer the same
fate they have: having to live a poor and miserable life.

Fourteenth, Never following through with potential ideas. As I have shared with you
earlier, there are things that we cannot control. For example, we cannot control
who our parents are and what kind of society we are born in, but we can maintain
the effort and hours we can put into our dreams and goals. We all have 24 hours
per day, yet other people get to do a lot more than others because they dedicate
themselves to learning and developing the passion they have. That is why it only
takes a short amount of time before they reach the goal they want and become
successful. Surveys have shown that 9 out of 10 businesses fail during the first 3
years. Also, do you know how many companies failed just because they never got
the chance to start? Well, the answer is simple, and that is all of them. That is why
the moment you have an idea, put your heart into it and put it out there to test if it
works. If not, listen to the feedback and suggestions, improve your idea, and try
relaunching it. To tell you frankly, it took our team some years of continuously
writing thousands of articles before even deciding to start making YouTube videos.
Don't give up on your dreams, even it fails a lot of times. Let it motivate you to do
better because you might be surprised how it can actually make you successful
and rich in the future.

Last but not least, the 15th item on our list, Believing that others should help them
be successful. Now, if you have this mindset, snap out of it because you have to
remind yourself that the world does not owe you anything. You are on this journey
by yourself, and the earlier you accept that, the faster you will get to the top
because you will realize that the only person you need to become wealthy and
successful is yourself. Just keep adjusting and never stop improving yourself
because you are the only one capable of solving your problems. Just face them
straight on, and you'll be surprised that along that journey, you will get the chance
to meet people who share the same drive that you have. If you don't, you might be
part of the majority that is bound to fail.

This video is pretty long already, but I just hope that all the information in this video
will help you with your journey to becoming a successful and wealthy person. Also,
if you know some people that embody any traits included in our list, do them a
favor and let them watch this video.

Then, my team and I are interested in what you think are some things that you
believe poor people do that rich people don't. So, why don't you add them to our list
and type them in the comment section below. But you know, what's more
impressive? You are still here, so to thank you for your dedication to finishing this
video, here is a bonus fact about poor people. Poor people are more religious
compared to rich people. A statement like this might have brought chaos if I
mentioned it during the start of the video but let's focus on the fact that statistically
speaking, the rich rely on their own human being forces. At the same time, the poor
tend to trust mythical creatures that will appear and give them some kind of reward
for doing good. Don't get me wrong, we all heard CEOs and other wealthy people
include God in their speeches, but they are not really that religious. One perfect
example would be Mark Zuckerberg, an atheist, but after considering a future in
politics, he decided to change his stand.

At this point, if you are still here, it really shows how serious you are. So, why don't
we make it official, go on and type "I will be rich" in the comments and make your
goals public so that we can hold you accountable for them soon. Thank you for
spending your precious time watching this video. Don't forget to share, like, and
subscribe so that you will never miss any of our videos. Actually, to start, we picked
these videos for you to watch next. Thank you, and we'll see you in our next video!

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