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Report Writing

‘Who needs Fireworks?

What comes to our minds when we hear the term ‘Fireworks’? The very
obvious thoughts are bright, sparkly, colorful, but is that all to it? It’s
true, fireworks are beautiful and a view worth watching and admiring
but is it necessary that they have to be blown every often? Let’s be
realistic here, every celebration, whether it’s happiness or sorrow,
fireworks are supposed to be blown, as if it’s a tradition that is supposed
to be practiced every once in a while.
There’s a saying that every good thing comes with a price that needs to
be paid; and fireworks are no exception. Block out the thought of the
money that you buy the fireworks with as the way of payment because
that’s not my point, we pay for it but it’s a deadlier deal, it’s ruining us
Fireworks have a very dark side along with their bright side, it’s the
injurious effect it has towards our home; the earth. They have a major
negative effect towards our environment; being the fact that they are
laden with chemicals which our obviously dirtying our atmosphere.
Not just harming the environment, they are harming us humans too, we
all know how sensitive we are, and the chemicals released by these
fireworks show no mercy to us instead they gift us with different deadly
diseases, each disease being the outcome of each different chemical used
in the fireworks released.
Millions are spent, more like wasted, on the firework displays. It’s true
that the people enjoy but isn’t it selfish of us that we are harming our
environment just to enjoy a few minutes of chemicals being blown off to
the sky? I don’t know about you people but its pure selfishness to me,
nothing less nothing more. It’s highly immature to waste so much
money on it every time.
The reason behind my point of view is not that I don’t like fireworks, I
do like them and I’m a human after all, but just because it’s beautiful
and attractive doesn’t mean that we organize firework displays so much.
Keeping it limited is a way we can both enjoy and prevent any kind of
destruction. After all we only live once and I am pretty sure we don’t
want to lose it because of the constant use of fireworks.

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