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The Mathematics Club at California State University, Fresno


Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Mathematics Club at

the California State University, Fresno. In the following we will refer to
it as “Math Club”.


Section 1 The purpose of this organization is to provide students with

opportunities for association and interaction with math people:
students, faculty and staff who feel that mathematics is the greatest
thing there is. The organization intends to spread the love of
mathematics to the obscure areas of the world where mathematics is
feared and/or disrespected. All these objectives should be achieved
in a collegial manner.


Section 1 This organization is a recognized student organization at

California State University, Fresno and adheres to all campus
policies as set forth in the Handbook for Student Organizations
and Use of Campus Facilities and Grounds.

Section 2 This organization may establish Standing Rules to govern

administrative procedural matters (such as time and location of
meetings, etc.). Standing Rules shall not conflict with these bylaws.
Standing Rules may be adopted, amended, or temporarily
suspended by a majority vote present at an organization meeting
where a quorum is present (advance notice is not required).

Section 3 The rules contained in the most recent version of Robert’s

Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary
authority for this organization and shall govern in all cases to
which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent
with these bylaws and any special rules of order the
organization may adopt.


Section 1 Membership in the organization shall be open to all those

regularly enrolled California State University, Fresno students
who are interested in membership. There shall be no other
requirements for admission to regular membership. Each
regular member has equal rights and privileges.

Section 2 This organization may have associated members who are non-
California State University, Fresno students. Associated members
shall have all membership privileges except for the right to vote or
hold office. By California State University policy, no more than 20
percent of the membership shall be individuals who are not CSU
students (e.g., faculty, staff, community members, students at other
colleges, etc.)

Section 3 Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student

officer positions shall not be limited on the basis of race,
religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender
identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or
disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that
discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin,
ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status,
citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.


Section 1 The organization's elected officers are the President, Vice

President, Treasurer, and others as needed.

Section 2 Powers and Duties of Officers:

a. The President shall function as the organization's top executive
officer, preside over all meetings, and draft the agenda for
meetings. The President shall serve as the organization's official
spokesperson, expressing the organization's policies, views, and
opinions in its interactions with the school and community at large.
All committees and committee chairs must be appointed by the
President. The organization may provide the President additional
powers and obligations.

b. In the absence of the President, the Vice President will preside

over organizational meetings. The Vice President is responsible
for carrying out all legal responsibilities delegated to him by the
President. If the office of President falls empty, the Vice President
will take over.

c. The Treasurer is responsible for the organization's financial

operations and budgeting, as well as maintaining all relevant
accounting records and preparing monthly financial reports for
membership. This documentation must be kept in conformity with
generally recognized accounting principles. All dues and fees are
to be collected and deposited by the Treasurer. The Treasurer
shall keep bank accounts in the name of the organization, and
allowed disbursements must be signed by both the Treasurer and
the President.
Section 3 Qualifications necessary to hold office in this organization are
as follows:

The student organization's president and treasurer must achieve

the minimal qualifications for Minor Student Representative
Student Officers..

Minimum Academic Qualifications

Students must be matriculated and enrolled at an ESSU Can-avid
campus and maintain an overall grade point average of at least
2.0 per term. The students must be in good standing and not on
any form of probation.

Incumbent Unit Load

While holding office, undergraduate students must earn six
semester (nine quarter) credits per term. While in office,
graduate and credential students must complete three semester
(four quarter) units. To retain eligibility, students enrolled at
quarter campuses must attend a minimum of two quarters
during the academic year.

Incumbent Maximum Allowable Units

Undergraduate students may acquire no more than 150
semester (225 quarter) units or 125 percent of the units required
for a specific baccalaureate degree aim. Graduate and credential
students may earn up to 50 semester (75 quarter) units or 167
percent of the units required for their graduate or credential
target, whichever is larger. Students with more than this number
of units will be ineligible for minor student government


Section 1 Every year, the President, Vice President, and Treasurer are
elected. Elections are held at the start of the fall semester, in a
regularly planned meeting of the organization with a quorum
present. Any meeting where an election is to be held must
provide at least one week's notice.

Section 2 Officers may be nominated during the regular meeting preceding the

election. For each office, nominations may also be made from the
floor right before the election.
Members may nominate themselves for an office.
Section 3 The officers shall be elected in this order: President, Vice President,
and Treasurer.

Section 4 Officers will be chosen by majority vote. If no candidate receives a

majority of the vote, a runoff election will be held between the two
candidates who received the most votes. In the event of a tie, the
election will be decided by completing a Sudoku puzzle; the
candidate who completes the puzzle correctly in the least amount of
time will be elected. At every meetings when elections are held, a
faculty advisor should bring a Sudoku problem.

Section 5 When possible, votes should be cast via secret ballot; nevertheless, if
there is only one contender for an office, a resolution to elect the
candidate by acclamation may be presented.

Section 6 Officers will take office on the first day of the semester following
their election and will serve for the whole academic year.

Section 7 Officers may be removed from office for good reason. A petition
signed by one-third of the total number of voting members must be
submitted at a regular meeting to commence a recall election, and a
recall vote must be held at the following regular meeting. The
officer who is being recalled must be given written notice of the
recall at least 72 hours before the meeting at which the recall vote
will be taken, and he or she must be given an opportunity to defend
themselves. To dismiss an officer, a two-thirds majority is required.

Section 8 If an elected official is unable to complete his or her term of

office, a special election will be held to replace the vacancy. A
vacant office may be nominated by any eligible member, even
those already in office.

Section 9 All officers are required to attend at least 75% of the meetings held
during the semester. Absence from these sessions will be read as
the officer being unable to discharge their duties, and consequently
unable to complete their term in office. This signifies that the officer's
position will be filled at the end of the semester. Section 8 contains
more information.


Section 1 Throughout the academic year, regular meetings will be organized

on a weekly basis.

Section 2 Any elected officer has the authority to summon special meetings.
All members must be given at least 24 hours notice before the

Section 3 A quorum of the members is required for business to be undertaken.

There is membership. A majority of the voting membership constitutes a
quorum for this organization. For this organization, a quorum is defined
as 50% Plus 1 of the voting membership.

Section 4 To vote, members must be present. Voting by proxy or absentee

ballot is not authorized.


Section 1 The organization shall appoint a university adviser who is

employed on a half-time or greater basis as a faculty or staff
member by ESSU Can-avid. Advisors cannot be auxiliary staff or
student assistants. The adviser is responsible for carrying out
the duties outlined in the Handbook for Student Organizations
and the Use of Campus Facilities and Grounds.

Section 2 Advisors are appointed for an academic year or until their successor
is chosen.

Section 3 If the organization deems an adviser to be ineffective, the

advisor(s) may be dismissed from their position by a majority
vote of a quorum of the membership in a regularly scheduled
meeting. Prior to such a vote, a minimum of seven days' notice
is required.


Section 1 This organization has the power to assess membership for

specific objectives. A quorum of the membership shall resolve
assessments in a regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 2 Alcoholic beverages may not be purchased or reimbursed using

organization funding.


Section 1 Any member may be suspended or removed from the
organization for behaviour clearly contradictory to the
organization's Constitution or conduct that grossly damages
members' rights to enjoy the organization's advantages. A
member must submit the alleged offense in writing. Following
submission of the alleged infraction to the organization, the
accused member has the right to a hearing before the
organization at a regular meeting and may be suspended or
expelled only with the positive vote of three-fourths of the voting
members present. The accused member has the right to appeal
an unfavorable judgment in a regular meeting, and the accused
person will be reinstated unless the suspension or expulsion is
accepted again by three-fourths vote.

Section 2 In executive session, the membership will study the hearing

report, and the member accused of misbehavior will have an
opportunity to refute the information in the report. The member
accused of wrongdoing must leave the room for the balance of
the discussions after making a statement to the membership.

Section 3 The membership shall first vote on whether the member has
committed misbehavior. If the membership concludes that
misbehavior has occurred by a two-thirds vote, the membership
shall then establish suitable discipline by a two-thirds vote (s).
The conclusion must be communicated to the accused member
as soon as possible.

Section 4 A member who has been suspended or expelled may be

reinstated by a two-thirds vote of the membership.

Section 5 The University may put an organization on probation for failing to

follow university regulations and responsibilities, as well as
financial commitments.

Section 7 If a student organization loses recognition or benefits as a

result of the Director of Student Involvement's actions, it
may file an appeal with the Dean of Students.

Section 8 If the group does not accept the decision and/or the sanctions, it
may submit a final appeal with the Dean of Students within ten
(10) work days of receiving written notification from the Director
of Student Involvement. The written appeal
must describe all of the reasons why the student organization
does not accept the Director of Student Involvement's decision
The Dean of Students may meet with representatives of

organizations or make a decision based on the information
given for evaluation and the written request for appeal. Within
ten (10) working days of receiving the appeal, he or she must
notify the organization in writing of his or her decision and any
consequences. The decision of the Dean of Students is final.

Section 9 A description of the student club & organization conduct review

process is available:


Section 1 Proposed revisions to these bylaws must be given to the membership

in writing one meeting before the vote on the amendment.

Section 2 Amendments to the bylaws require the consent of two-thirds of the

voting members present at a regular meeting. Unless otherwise
specified in the amendment, the amendment takes effect
Section 3 Any revisions to these rules shall be submitted in writing to the
Student Involvement Office at Eastern Samar State University,
Can-avid, within two weeks following approval.


Section 1 If the Math Club goes out of business, all assets will be transferred
to the Math Department for use in promoting the love of
mathematics on campus.

These bylaws were adopted on 10/13/08, and most recently revised on 11/15/12.


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