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1. Ialready saw some bill of quantities documents during my on-the-

job training, wherein I found out that this is a document that
contains all the materials and labor required to build a structure.
It is important because it contains exactly how much a construction
is. But unfortunately, I haven't tried to study the bill of materials
thoroughly yet, but I am willing to study and try to do BOM soon.

2. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a tool used to organize and

complete tasks in a project. It is a hierarchical outline of the
tasks that are required to complete a project. Using this, they are
breaking work into smaller tasks to make the work more manageable and
approachable. On the other hand, a Gantt Chart is a tool used to
illustrate a project plan over time. It is useful in planning and
scheduling projects because it provides a visual of what needs to be
done and when.


When I am doing the working breakdown structure, I observe and find

out that it is difficult to make WBS when you don't know or you're
not familiar with the process or work you are trying to break down
into manageable tasks. Since we are using WBS to make the work more
manageable and approachable, I tried to make one using the data given
in a module. I've noticed that before creating a work breakdown
structure, we should first study the tasks that will be broken down
before encoding them in an excel spreadsheet. Similarly, I had
difficulty creating a Gantt chart because I didn't know enough about
the construction work on a site yet. 


After I did the working breakdown structure and the Gantt chart, I
concluded that it is best that before doing the WBS and Gantt chart,
we first study the work we are going to break down so that we can
create manageable and approachable tasks that are not complicated at
all. Since the purpose of WBS and Gantt charts is to make the work
needed to complete a project easier to manage and assign to specific
individuals, we should create ones that align with the purpose. And
after studying the work, the next thing we should do is to make a WBS
and Gantt chart that are easy to read and manageable. The WBS and
Gantt charts we are going to make should be organized, easy to read,
and contain the information needed.

Post-lab questions:
1. Using Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), it reduces the complicated
activities that need to be done to complete a project. Using this, it
will become a lot easier to assign tasks that you have broken down
from complicated work into manageable tasks that need to be done to
specific individuals. WBS is important because it will make it easier
to see all the work needed by breaking the work of a project into
smaller pieces. It is a tool that defines a detailed cost or time
estimate and provides guidance for schedule development and control
that will help the project manager most.

2. Before I created the Gantt Chart, I did the working breakdown

structure first. Using Excel, it becomes easier to encode all the
details neatly. But, doing Gantt Charts is not easy, and I think the
reason why is that I don't know much about the construction site work
enough yet. I found it difficult to break down the work into tasks
and to give duration to specific tasks. Honestly, encoding
information in Excel is easy, but it is difficult if you don't know
what to encode. When creating a Gantt chart, it should be neatly
organized and contain detailed information needed for construction
work, so we need to be careful with this information too when
creating a Gantt chart.

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