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Emily Molino
Evidence is number is the number of the outcome
Self Leadership
Evidence #1

This is one of the many

Zumba IMLeagues sign ups
that I went to
Evidence #3
A picture of my lifeguard

Evidence #7
My bid to join the sorority I am a
part of
Leadership Theories
Evidence #48

The cover page of the declaration my

classmates and I created
Evidence #46
A screenshot of Fugacity week on
Inclusive Leadership/Diversity and its Application to
Evidence #86
This is a screen of a video that we had
to watch as part of the course on
Evidence #97
This is a post about the diversity
dialogues from our Vice President of
Equity and Belonging VPEB Olivia created
Critical Thinking
Evidence #98
This is a screen shot of the midterm paper I had to use a lot of the principles
of critical thinking to write
Evidence #103
This a picture of an email mentioning that we were going to brainstorm for
fundraising ideas
Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills
Evidence #145
This is my email
stating that I made
it to the second
round of orientation
leader interviews
Evidence #153
A screenshot of my about me
blurb on the URI Society of
Engineers (SWE) website
Evidence #159
A email about be being a returning mentor in the women In Engineering Peer
Mentor program

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