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Атестат про акредитацію відповідно до ДСТУ EN ISO 15189:2015 (EN ISO 15189: 2012, IDT) № 30001 від 04.09.2020 р.

Інформаційно-сервісна служба: 0 800 21 78 87

ТОВ «МЛ «ДІЛА» сертифіковано згідно вимог міжнародного стандарту ISO 9001 Акредитаційний сертифікат вищої категорії МОЗУ МЗ № 014792 від 27.03.2020

Unit №013 Kyiv city, Chokolivs`kyy boulevard, 19 Patient:
Voitiuk Kateryna
Date of birth: 01.04.1948
Gender: Female
Requisition number:
Lab accession number: 505042018
Collection date, time: 27.01.2022 7:35

Test Name Result Units Comments
Primary sample: venous blood
Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-Cov-2, < 0,9 negative
IgM antibodies to S protein, semi- Index < 0,9 0,9-1,1 grey zone
quantitative >1,1 positive

Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-Cov-2, IgM antibodies to S protein, semi-quantitative

Immunoglobulins М(ABBOTT) - target S / ARCHITECT i 2000SR (Abbott Laboratories)

Head of the General Clinical Nesenenko O.V.

Ліцензія МОЗ України АД №071280 від 22.11.2012 г.

An asterisk (*) flags results beyond reference range. Print Date 27.01.2022 14:06:43 1 ( 2 )
Атестат про акредитацію відповідно до ДСТУ EN ISO 15189:2015 (EN ISO 15189: 2012, IDT) № 30001 від 04.09.2020 р.

Інформаційно-сервісна служба: 0 800 21 78 87

ТОВ «МЛ «ДІЛА» сертифіковано згідно вимог міжнародного стандарту ISO 9001 Акредитаційний сертифікат вищої категорії МОЗУ МЗ № 014792 від 27.03.2020

Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), COVID-19, IgM antibodies S, semi-quantitative

Negative: IgМ antibodies were not detected
• You have not been exposed to SARS COV-2;
• The infection has occurred recently (less than 7 - 14 days ago) and enough antibodies have not been
produced yet;
• Your body has not developed antibodies to this particular antigen;
• The acute phase has passed and the antibody levels have dropped.
If you have symptoms of acute respiratory disease or have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, it
is recommended to take a PCR test.

Positive: IgМ antibodies were detected

IgМ • a sign of the COVID-19 disease beginning/disease course;
• it may also be a sign of immune system nonspecific reaction associated with other diseases.
According to the MoH of Ukraine Order №722 dated 28.03.2020, it is recommended to take a PCR test.

Questionable: it means that the result is inconclusive, which is considered as neither positive nor
• You have levels of IgM antibodies too low to be detected, which may occur at the beginning or at the
end of the disease course;
• it may also be a sign of immune system nonspecific reaction associated with other diseases.
It is recommended to get tested again in 7-14 days!!! Consult a doctor to evaluate the test results in
combination with clinical data and results from additional tests.
Ліцензія МОЗ України АД №071280 від 22.11.2012 г.

Print Date 27.01.2022 14:06:43 2 ( 2 )

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