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1. Is money important to you?

Absolutely. I can buy things with money and give presents for my family on
my own money. It makes my life more meaningful. It’s motivation to push
me forward and make me work harder to enhance my life. For me, money is
just never enough.

2. Do young people in your country like to save money?

Well, this may depend on where they live. While Vietnamese youngsters in the
North tend to build a nest egg because they want to have a comfortable life in
the future, probably even after retirement; those in the South usually shop till
they drop on their payday and tighten their belt for the rest of the month.
3. What do young people in your country save money for?

I suppose it’s up to different purposes. While the young save money for travelling or
paying tuition fees, the elderly tend to keep money for health service and their kids or
maybe a financially comfortable retirement. However, young people have more
desire than the seniors so they often spend more than their savings.

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