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Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Technical Paper

Effectiveness of filter gabions against slope failure due to heavy rainfall

May Than Thar Cho a, Anusron Chueasamat b, Toshikazu Hori c, Hirotaka Saito a,⇑,
Yuji Kohgo a
United Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Institute for Rural Engineering, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Tsukaba, Japan

Received 18 July 2020; received in revised form 19 November 2020; accepted 18 January 2021
Available online 27 February 2021


Slope failures due to heavy rainfall events are phenomena that can cause serious damage to social infrastructures and the loss of lives.
Based on previous studies, natural slope failures are generally shallow and originate at the slope toe where infiltrated rainwater has accu-
mulated and saturated it. Hence, it is extremely important to prevent these initial failures from inducing entire slope failures. In the pre-
sent study, firstly, 1 g model tests, called G series tests, were conducted. In the tests, a gabion filled with filter materials was placed at the
slope toe of each model for reinforcement and to drain the accumulated rainwater from the slope toe. Filter gabions have been found to
shrink the failure regions and to significantly extend the time until slope failures occur. The failure mechanism in the G series tests was
almost similar to that in cases without filter gabions if focus was placed on the slope above the filter gabions. However, the drainage effect
was small. Secondly, P series tests, in which a filter gabion with a pipe was introduced for each model, were conducted. The results of
these tests indicated that the displacements significantly decreased as the diameter of the pipe and the depth of the pipe’s insertion to the
surface layer increased. Water did not discharge through the pipe until the pore water pressure around the pipe reached positive values.
The failures always started when a phreatic surface appeared on the slope surface. Thus, it is very important to prevent a phreatic surface
from forming on the slope surface. The adequate arrangement of a filter gabion with a drainage pipe may increase the potential for slope
Ó 2021 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Keywords: Slope failures; Rainfall; Unsaturated soils; Pore water pressure; Filter gabion

1. Introduction nes of the slopes are 30–50°, and (3) the slopes consist of
permeable residual layers on relatively firm rock founda-
Natural slope failures due to intense rainfall events are tions (e.g., Yatabe, 1987). Many studies have been con-
induced every year in many countries. Table 1 lists the ducted using 1 g physical slope models to investigate the
recent serious sediment disasters due to heavy rainfall in mechanisms of slope failures due to heavy rainfall (e.g.,
some countries. Field investigations have indicated that Orense et al., 2004; Tohari et al., 2007; Tokoro et al.,
most failed slopes exhibit the following common features: 2012; Chueasamat et al., 2018). The results of the studies
(1) the depths of the failures are less than 2 m, (2) the incli- indicated that slope failures are always generated when
the area around the slope toe is nearly saturated, while
the other parts of the slope remain unsaturated.
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Chueasamat et al. (2018) recently reported that, as infil-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Tokyo University of Agriculture and
trated rainwater cannot flow out from the surfaces of
Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan.
E-mail address: (H. Saito).
slopes during rainfall, it accumulates at the slope toe. Fail-
0038-0806/Ó 2021 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

ures originate from the slope toe and are triggered by ing the seepage water. The filters are usually characterized
cracks that appear in that region. Therefore, it is necessary in terms of their particle size distributions. They must be
to prevent the initial failures from inducing whole failures. sufficiently fine relative to the particle size of the soil they
It may be effective to reinforce the slope toe, drain the accu- are protecting. Gabions are more flexible than other mea-
mulated rainwater, and reduce the pore water pressure sures as they allow vegetation to grow, they are permeable,
(PWP) levels. and they typically require very little maintenance. Another
Many corrective measures for slope stabilization have advantage of employing gabions is that the rocks and/or
been used in practice, such as cut and fill solutions, piling, gravels used to fill the gabions can be obtained from
rock and soil anchors, gabion baskets and mattresses, drai- sources on and/or near the site. Recycled materials can also
nage, retaining walls, and the use of geogrids in embank- be used as filter materials. Skilled laborers are not required
ments. Some methods are costly and require great care in to assemble and fill the gabions with filter materials.
order to obtain the desired target design and effects, while Gabions are therefore inexpensive compared to other avail-
other methods can lead to environmental problems during able retaining structures.
the process of their application. For example, installing a Next, the performance of a filter gabion with a pipe was
concrete wall or framework and piles can change the investigated. Greater drainage effects were expected when
groundwater table and the habitat of the surrounding using a pipe. Horizontal drains have mainly been used to
environment. stabilize slopes against deep slope failures, especially land-
In this study, a gabion filled with filter materials is firstly slides. Rahardjo et al. (2003) discussed the effectiveness of
introduced that can protect the slope toe from surface soil horizontal drains for slope failures due to rainfall. Their
erosion. The gabion is referred to as a filter gabion in this results indicated that horizontal drains were most effective
study. Filter gabions are usually adopted to stabilize river- when located at the base of the slope and played a minor
banks, steam banks, shorelines, road embankments or role in minimizing infiltration into an unsaturated residual
slopes against erosion by acting as retaining walls. How- soil slope. One benefit of using horizontal drains is that
ever, few studies have attempted to investigate whether a they can lower the water table. Naresh and Uday (2016)
filter gabion placed at a slope toe can enhance the discharge analytically investigated the effect of horizontal drains on
of the water that has accumulated at the toe. Hopkins et al. slope stability by setting drains at five different locations
(1975) discussed measures to minimize the effect of seepage with respect to the slope height. The analysis results
on the stability of a slope mainly by designing some drai- showed that the horizontal drains were effective in stabiliz-
nage systems such that the phreatic surface would be main- ing the slope, but their effectiveness was less than that of a
tained at a lower elevation within the study area. Freeman retaining wall, and that the most effective location for set-
and Fischenich (2000) studied gabions for streambank ero- ting a horizontal drain was the lower end of the slope. In
sion control. Nakazawa et al. (2018) conducted full-scale this study, the performance of filter gabions with and with-
shaking table tests to evaluate the resistance of gabion- out pipes in stabilizing slopes as well as the slope failure
retaining walls on roads against earthquakes. Nakazawa mechanism were experimentally evaluated using 1 g physi-
et al. (2019) performed tensile tests and replication analyses cal slope models.
on wire meshes to promote the broader use of gabions for
disaster prevention and to investigate the deformation
2. Experimental tests
mechanism of gabions.
Filter materials are normally used in embankment dams
Each slope model used in this study consisted of a shal-
((MAFF, 2003). Filters are beneficial in embankment dams
low permeable surface layer on a relatively firm founda-
and their foundations for preventing the erosion of the soil
tion. The structure was similar to that of typical natural
particles from the dams they are protecting and for drain-
slopes. The experimental slope models consisted of two

Table 1
Serious sediment disasters in last five years.
Year Country Cause Number of victims
November 2015 Myanmar Heavy rain 116
May 2016 Sri Lanka Heavy rain 101(+100 missing)
August 2017 Democratic Republic of Congo Heavy rain 200
April 2017 Colombia Heavy rain 336
September 2018 Philippines Heavy rain 78
June-July 2018 Japan Typhoon 225
January 2019 Burundi Heavy rain 45
July 2019 Nepal Heavy rain 55 (+30 missing)
January 2020 Brazil Heavy rainstorms 70
July 2020 Japan Typhoon 77 (+7 missing)
July 2020 Myanmar Heavy rain 174 (+more than 100 missing)

M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

are: (1) Df15/Dp15 > 5; (2) Df15/Dp85 < 5, where Df15 is the
particle size of the filter at 15% passing, while Dp15 and
Dp85 are the particle sizes of the soil being protected (i.e.,
Kasumigaura sand) at 15% and 85% passing, respectively;
(3) the grading curve of the filter is roughly parallel to that
of the soil being protected; (4) for soil being protected
which includes gravel particles, the material Dp15 and
Dp85 should be analyzed on the basis of the grading curve
for soil finer than 25 mm; and (5) the filter should not con-
tain more than 5% of fines passing 0.075 mm, and the fines
should be cohesionless. These five filter laws and two addi-
tional conditions have to be satisfied when selecting the fil-
ter material. The additional two conditions are: (a) if the
soil being protected is sand or soil, the maximum particle
size should be 75 mm; and (b) the permeability of the filter
should be 10 – 100 times larger than that of the soil being
protected. While criterion (a) is to ensure that the filter is
sufficiently fine to control the erosion of the soil being pro-
tected, criterion (b) ensures that the filter is more permeable
than the soil being protected.
The physical properties of the materials, namely, the
Kasumigaura sand, DL clay, and gravel, are summarized
in Table 3. The grading curves of the three materials are
shown in Fig. 2. The soil water retention curves (SWRCs)
for Kasumigaura sand and DL clay (Chueasamat et al.,
2018; Hori et al., 2011) are plotted in Fig. 3. The SWRCs
predicted by the Tangential model (Kohgo et al., 2007)
are also depicted in the figures. The grading range of the
gravel is in the yellow region, which satisfies the five filter
Fig. 1. 3D view of 1 g slope model. laws, as shown in Fig. 4.
The construction procedure for the slope models was the
materials: Kasumigaura sand for the surface layer and DL same as that used in Chueasamat et al. (2018). The slope
clay for the firm foundation (see Fig. 1). Kasumigaura sand models were constructed in a steel soil tank with transpar-
is natural sand taken from Kasumigaura Lake in Ibaraki ent glass on the front side. The base firm foundation was
Prefecture, Japan, while DL clay, classified as silt, is a com- constructed by firstly compacting 20 layers of DL clay,
mercial and artificial material made from silica, kaolin, and with a thickness of 5 cm, at a compaction ratio of
pyrophyllite. This soil is often used in Japan for element D = 100% and a water content of approximately
and model tests in the field of geotechnical engineering. x = 17%. Compaction ratio D = 100qd/qdmax, where qdmax
Thus, its physical and mechanical properties are well is the maximum dry density obtained from a standard com-
known. The dimensions of the model, including a filter paction test (JIS A 1210) and qd is the dry density of the
gabion and a pipe, are shown in Fig. 1. In all cases, the soil. Abe and Hatakeyama (1991) pointed out that when
dimensions of the slope models are the same as those the water content of DL clay is less than 17%, the distribu-
shown in Fig. 1, with the exception of the gabion part itself. tion of the water content within a soil sample will be
The slope was 122 cm in height (including a height of homogenous during the compaction tests. Thus, the water
100 cm for the DL clay and a height of 22 cm for the content of 17% was chosen for this study. The surface sand
Kasumigaura sand), 42 cm in crest depth, 70 cm in width, layer was then constructed. It consisted of 23 layers with
and 184 cm in base length. The inclination of the slope was different thicknesses (i.e., 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm), and had a rel-
45°. ative density of Dr = 25% and a water content of approx-
The tests consisted of two series: G and P. Slope models imately x = 10%.
with different sizes of gabions were used in the G series, Constant intensities of I = 50 mm/h for the G series and
while slope models with gabions and pipes were used in I = 60 mm/h for the P series were applied for the rainfall
the P series. The conditions of the tests are summarized from 4 m above the soil tank using an artificial rainfall sim-
in Table 2. Each gabion was filled with gravel at a density ulator. The rainfall simulator was equipped with square
of q = 1.60 Mg/m3 under an air dry condition that satisfied spray nozzles to supply uniform rainfall to the maximum
the five filter laws (MAFF, 2003; U.S. Department of the possible extent.
Interior Bureau of Reclamation, 1987). The five filter laws The filter gabions used in the G series tests are shown in
Fig. 5. Each gabion box was made of wire mesh (4.0  4.
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

0 mm). The inner walls were covered with nylon netting (0.

Rp (%)
84  0.84 mm). The filter material consisted of grading-

adjusted gravel that satisfied the filter laws. The dimensions

of a standard gabion, which was also used in the P series
Inner diameter d (mm) tests, had a length of 20 cm, length of 30 cm along the
slope, width of 62 cm, and height of 21 cm. In the P series
tests, two different pipes with inner diameters of 56 mm
and 107 mm (outer diameters of 60 and 114 mm) were
used. They were inserted in the surface layer at different

lengths, which are expressed as ratio Rp in the following

Gabion size h/H

lp  lg
Rp ¼ 100 ; ð1Þ
where Rp denotes the ratio of the relative pipe inserted

length (%), ls denotes the lateral sand layer length, lg

denotes the lateral gabion length, and lp denotes the total

pipe length (=ls + lg) (see Fig. 1). In total, three cases were
Degree of saturation Sr

compared in this study, as summarized in Table 1.

Small holes were drilled in the part of the pipe that was
in the surface sand layer, as shown in Fig. 6. A packed
drain, which was filled with the same filter material as
described above, was placed inside the pipe to prevent pip-
ing from the sand surface layer (Fig. 6). Details of the ini-


tial conditions of the slope models are summarized in

Table 1. During the experimental tests, pore water pressure
Dry density qd (g/cm3)

uw (PWP), drainage weight, and displacements were mea-

sured. A total of 20 and 23 pore water pressure transducers
(tensiometers) for the G and P series tests, respectively,
were placed at the locations depicted in Fig. 7. Further
details are available in Chueasamat et al. (2018).


The particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis method

was used to detect the displacements of the models. Firstly,
the GeoPIV program (White et al., 2003) was used to esti-
Water content w0

mate the displacements in the G series tests. However, the

accuracy was not satisfactory (see Fig. 10). Thus, the PIV-
lab program in MATLAB (Thielicke and Stamhuis, 2014)
was used in the P series tests (see Fig. 14). The main differ-



ence between the two programs corresponds to the image


evaluation method that identifies the correlation of both

Rainfall intensity I (mm/

images before and after the deformation. In PIVlab, the

direct cross correlation (DCC) (Okamoto et al., 2000)
and discrete Fourier transform (DFT), utilizing fast Four-
ier transform (FFT), were used. However, in GeoPIV, only
the FFT was adopted.


3. Experiment results
Initial conditions of slope model.

In this section, elapsed time t denotes the time that

passed from the start of the rainfall. Elapsed time tf
Without filter

denotes the time when the first failure occurred. When

the first crack was observed on the slope surface, that crack

was denoted as the first failure. These definitions are the



same as those used in Chueasamat et al. (2018).

Table 2


M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Table 3
Physical properties of materials.
Materials Symbol (Unit) DL clay Kasumigaura sand Filter materials
Density of soil particle qs (g/cm )
2.653 2.692 2.78
Maximum dry density qdmax (g/cm3) 1.52 1.664 1.85
Minimum dry density qdmin (g/cm3) – 1.358 1.612
Optimum water content xopt (%) 17.9 16.2 1
Maximum particle size d max (mm) 0.039 0.76 37.5
Coef. of permeability k s (m/s) 6.68  107 1.25  104 1.25  102

without a filter gabion. Thus, a filter gabion can signifi-

cantly extend the time until slope failure occurs.
Fig. 9 shows images that were captured from diagonally
above the slopes at the end of the experiments. In all cases,
surface failures occurred. The type of slope failure was
dependent on the size of the filter gabion. In the case with-
out a filter gabion and Case G-1, relatively large and evi-
dent failures were observed. Meanwhile, in Cases G-2, G-
3, and G-4, the failures were muddy and showed fluid fail-
ure. The fronts of the failures were mostly consistent with
the crests of the filter gabions (hereafter this position is
called the apparent toe) and the failures extended to the
upper parts in all cases. The sizes of the failed areas
Fig. 2. Grading curves of materials. decreased as the height ratio increased. A filter gabion
can not only reduce the failure size, but can also extend
3.1. Effects of filter gabion on slope stability (G series) the duration of rainfall until the failure occurs.
Fig. 10 shows the displacement vectors estimated by the
The experimental results obtained from the G series tests GeoPIV program during the experiments. Large displace-
are shown in Figs. 8–12. Fig. 8 shows the relationship ments were observed only within the surface sand layers
between first failure time tf and height ratio h/H, where h in all the cases. In the case without a filter gabion, the dis-
is the height of the gabion (=49, 107, 211, and 283 mm) placements were induced along the slope, while those in the
and H is the slope height (=920 mm). The elapsed time cases with a filter gabion were dominated by horizontal
of the first failure, tf, for height ratio h/H = 0 (i.e., without components. The displacements were specifically concen-
a gabion) was obtained from Chueasamat et al. (2018). The trated on the failed parts that extended from the apparent
value of tf increased approximately linearly with an toe to the upper part of the slope, as observed in Case G-3
increase in height ratio h/H. The value of tf in Case G-4 at t = 150 min and Case G-4 at t = 220 min. The areas with
was approximately three times larger than that in the case the estimated large displacements became smaller as the
height ratios (h/H) increased. In Case G-1 at t = 81 min

Fig. 3. Soil water retention curves (SWRCs) of Kasumigaura sand (K sand) and DL clay.

M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

within the surface sand layer. As the first failure occurred

at tf = 55 min, the failure progressed upward, and the
entire surface failed later. The complete failure occurred
after t = 70 min. At t = 75 min, rainwater infiltrated the
DL clay foundation.
In the cases with filter gabions (Cases G-1 to G-4), neg-
ative PWP values, whose suction values were higher than
1 kPa, still existed in the sand layer even after 60 min,
and rainwater infiltrated the DL clay foundation. Positive
PWP values were observed only at the slope toes and/or
the boundaries between the surface sand layer and the
foundation. The times of first failure tf, for Cases G-1,
G-2, G-3, and G-4, were 73, 99, 115, and 148 min, respec-
tively. Furthermore, focus was placed on the behavior of
the slope after the first failure. In all the cases with filter
gabions, phreatic surfaces appeared on the surfaces of the
Fig. 4. Grading curves of gravel. The red line exists within the yellow zone slopes at levels higher than the apparent toes. In Cases
that satisfies the five filter laws. G-3 and G-4, the phreatic surfaces appeared at much
higher positions on the slope surfaces. The entire sand lay-
and Case G-4 at t = 267 min, the displacement vectors were ers were saturated. Thus, as the size of the filter gabion
scattered. Hence, they revealed the limitations of the Geo- increased, the amount of infiltrated rainwater stored within
PIV method. the surface sand layer also increased.
Fig. 11 shows the temporal changes in the pore water Fig. 12 shows the seepage velocity vectors estimated
pressure distributions until the failures occurred for all within the surface sand layers before and during failures
the cases. The initial distributions at t = 0 min were similar for the cases without gabions, namely, G-1, G-2, G-3,
because negative PWP values were observed within the and G-4. The velocities were estimated with the same pro-
Kasumigaura sand layer and DL clay foundation in all cedure as that used in the reference (Chueasamat et al.,
cases. In the case without a filter gabion, the positive 2018).
PWP values appeared only within the surface sand layers In most cases, as depicted in the case without a filter
during the rainfall events. The air entry suction values of gabion at t = 40 min, and in Cases G-2, G-3, and G-4 at
the Kasumigaura sand and DL clay are identified as t = 60 min, the seepage velocity vectors were directed
approximately 1 kPa and 10 kPa, respectively, from their towards the DL clay foundation layers before the failures
soil water retention curves depicted in Fig. 3. However, occurred. After the initial failures occurred, the infiltrated
the surface sand layer was almost saturated, and the DL rainwater velocity vectors changed direction, became paral-
clay foundation was still unsaturated at t = 40 min. At lel to the slopes and flowed downward, and stagnated
t = 60 min, a clear phreatic surface (uw = 0 kPa) appeared behind the filter gabions. As the infiltrated rainwater liter-

Fig. 5. Sizes of gabions used in G series tests. The gabion in Case G-3 was selected as the standard one used in the P series tests.

M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

(a) Two different inner diameters of (b) Filter materials for packing
pipe, d = 56 mm and 107 mm drains

(c) Small holes drilled in pipe walls

Fig. 6. Drainage pipes.

Fig. 8. Relationship between first failure time tf and height ratio h/H.

Fig. 7. Locations of PWP transducers.

ter gabions can reduce the failure size and also prolong the
ally accumulated behind the filter gabions, no drainage of
duration time until the failure occurs. However, the drai-
infiltrated rainwater occurred from the slope. Conse-
nage function was significantly poorer than expected. In
quently, the PWP values increased behind the gabions
this section, the performance of filter gabions, with the
and the increased areas progressed to the upper part of
addition of pipes to enhance drainage, will be discussed.
the slope. This phenomenon can induce the initial failure.
The gabions are referred to as filter gabions with pipes in
this section. Three cases with different inner diameters
3.2. Effect of filter gabion with drainage pipe on slope and different pipe insertion depths, as summarized in
stability (P series) Table 2, are compared.
Fig. 13 presents images of the final slope model cases
In the previous section, the effects and functions of filter captured diagonally from above the slopes. In Cases P-1
gabions on slope failures during rainfall were clarified. Fil- and P-2, relatively large failures were observed as the entire
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

(a) Without filter (b) Case G-1 (c) Case G-2 (d) Case G-3 (e) Case G-4
Fig. 9. Final failure situations in G series test cases.

slopes flowed downward. In Case P-1, cracks and a sliding are compared. The displaced area in Case G-3 is seen to
down failure were observed at the crest. In Case P-2, some be larger than that in Case P-2.
cracks appeared on the slope surface just above the filter Fig. 15 shows the PWP distributions during the tests.
gabion. These cracks slowly expanded until other cracks Furthermore, Fig. 16 depicts the temporal changes in terms
appeared around the slope shoulder. As the cracks of the amount of drained water from the pipes. Fig. 15
appeared at the slope shoulder, the upper part of the slope shows that the initial PWP distributions are almost similar
moved downward until t = 300 min. Afterwards, there was in all cases. In Case P-1, positive PWP values are observed
no significant sliding downwards. However, some cracks under the pipe and around the slope shoulder at
were found on the crest and lower parts of the slope sur- t = 70 min, which is almost consistent with the commence-
face. In Case P-3, no failure occurred, and the slope ment time of drainage, as depicted in Fig. 16. At
remained almost the same as it had been in the initial t = 80 min, the area with positive PWP values around
situation. the slope shoulder expanded and that around the pipe also
Fig. 14 shows the displacement vectors that were esti- expanded upward. The initial failure started at t = 80 min.
mated with the PIVlab program. In all cases, visible dis- After the initial failure occurred, the area with positive
placements were observed only in the sand layers. In PWP around the slope shoulder disappeared. Thus, in this
Case P-1, some displacements were observed around the case, the positive PWP area at the slope shoulder can trig-
slope shoulder at t = 80 min. The amount of displacement ger slope failure. The area with positive PWP values
was not significantly large, approximately less than 1 cm. around the pipe continued to expand slightly until the
Furthermore, the dominant direction was that along the end of the test at t = 120 min. This implies that the infil-
slope at the mentioned time. As time progressed, the dis- trated water was not able to drain sufficiently through
placements increased. The maximum displacement was the pipe.
17 cm at t = 120 min. The area of concentrated displace- In Case P-2, the area with positive PWP values near the
ment was almost consistent with that in Fig. 13 for Case pipe expanded rapidly from t = 60 to t = 100 min. After
P-1. In Case P-2, the area of concentrated displacement t = 100 min, the positive PWP area remained almost con-
was similar to that observed in Case P-1. However, the area stant until the end of the test at t = 300 min. Conversely,
was slightly deeper than that for Case P-1. The amounts of the phreatic surface was observed on the slope surface just
displacements were significantly smaller than those in Case above the filter gabion. This can induce cracks and failure.
P-1. The maximum displacement was 4 cm. In Case P-3, Fig. 16 shows that the amount of drainage linearly
the displacements remained small during the test, while increases from t = 120 min to t = 300 min, where the slope
the dominant direction was that along the slope. In com- (i.e., drainage rate) is 0.063 L/min (1.05  106 m3/s). In
paring these three cases, it is found that the displacements this case, no positive PWP was observed in the DL clay
remarkably decreased with an increase in the pipe diameter foundation.
and pipe insertion depth to the surface sand layer. The dis- In Case P-3, the areas with positive PWP values were
placement vectors shown in Fig. 10(d) for Case G-3, at observed at three locations, namely, around the crest of
t = 150 min and Fig. 14(b) for Case P-2, at t = 240 min, the slope, within the lower central slope, and around the
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Fig. 10. Displacement vectors with elapsed time in G series (I = 50 mm/h and Dr = 25% for sand surface layer).

pipe at t = 80 min. This situation helps maintain a stable the amount of drainage linearly increased with time from
condition because these three areas with positive PWP val- t = 180 min to t = 300 min. The drainage rate was
ues did not appear on the slope surface. The drainage 0.070 L/min (1.17  106 m3/s). The water flowed into
started at t = 100 min, as shown in Fig. 16, when the the pipe through the small holes on the pipe surface and
PWP values under the pipe exceeded 1 kPa. The positive through the end of the pipe. The infiltrated rainwater
PWP area that initially appeared behind the pipe expanded around the pipe was drained sufficiently. Based on Figs. 15
slowly upward from t = 100 min to t = 300 min. In this and 16, the accumulated water in the surface sand layer did
case, a positive PWP was also observed in the DL clay not discharge from the pipes until the PWP values around
foundation. The positive PWP area in the DL clay founda- the pipes increased to positive values of 0–1 kPa in Cases P-
tion was larger than that in the other cases and gradually 1 and P-2, and 1–2 kPa in Case P-3. The drainage in Case
expanded with the passage of time. Fig. 16 shows that P-2 started sooner than that in Case P-3. This could be
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Fig. 11. Pore water pressure (PWP) distributions with elapsed time in G series (I = 50 mm/h and Dr = 25% for sand surface layer).

because the phreatic surface around the pipe formed more pipe surface. Meanwhile, in Case P-2, the seepage velocities
quickly in Case P-2. decreased just below the phreatic surface. The seepage
Fig. 17 shows the estimated seepage velocity vectors velocity was normal to the end of the pipe. In Case P-3,
within the surface sand layer along with a phreatic surface the shape of the phreatic surface and the flow of the infil-
denoted by a red curve for each case. The procedure to esti- trated rainwater were more complex than in the other
mate seepage velocities is the same as that mentioned two cases. The phreatic surface undulated. This may have
above. In Cases P-1 and P-2, high seepage velocities were been due to the drainage effect by the inserted length of
obtained around the slope shoulders. This phenomenon the pipe and the arrangement of the small holes on the
may be related to the cracks observed during the experi- pipe.
ments due to the failures, because the seepage velocities Fig. 18 shows the temporal changes in the PWP values
near the slope surface were also high in Cases P-1 and P- observed at tensiometers P5, P10, P15, P17, and P18
2. This phenomenon could not be observed in Case P-3. installed around the pipes and near the slope surfaces.
In Case P-1, the seepage velocities decreased just above The red arrow shows the first failure time tf for each case.
the phreatic surface before they increased again below the In all the cases, the PWP values were initially negative. The
phreatic surface. Given that the prevailing direction of focus was then placed on P15, P17, and P18 that were
the seepage velocities was normal to the pipe, the infiltrated installed around the pipes. The PWP value was the smallest
rainwater drained through the small holes drilled on the at P17, higher at P18, and the highest at P15 in Cases P-1

M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Fig. 12. Seepage velocity vectors with elapsed time in G series (I = 50 mm/h and Dr = 25% for sand surface layer).

and P-2. However, in Case P-3, the order of P17 and P18 increased at approximately 40 min. The increase in PWP
was opposite; and thus, the PWP value at P18 was the values at P15 decelerated at around t = 10 min and stayed
smallest. The values at P15 and P18 increased rapidly as constant (=1.0 kPa in Case P-1 and =0.2 kPa in both
soon as the rainfall started. However, the values at P17 Cases P-2 and P-3) for approximately 50–70 min. Subse-
firstly remained at the initial value for approximately 20– quently, the values increased again to the final constant val-
30 min and then increased rapidly. The values gradually ues of 0.2 kPa in Case P-1 and 1.0 kPa in Cases P-2 and
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

(a) Initial condition (b) Case P-1 (c) Case P-2 (d) Case P-3
Fig. 13. Final failure situations in P series test cases.

Fig. 14. Displacement vectors with elapsed time in P series (I = 60 mm/h and Dr = 25% for sand surface layer).

P-3. The PWP values reached these final constant values at These behaviors were seen in previous literature (e.g.,
times when the drainage rates were almost constant at 70, Chueasamat et al., 2018; Kitamura, et al., 2007), and
110, and 160 min in Cases P-1, P-2, and P-3, respectively. may be types of typical unsaturated seepage behavior dur-
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Fig. 15. Pore water pressure (PWP) distributions with elapsed time in P series (I = 50 mm/h and Dr = 25% for sand surface layer).

4. Slope failure mechanism due to rainfall

In general, natural slopes have a structure in which a

shallow surface sand layer lies on a firm foundation (e.g.,
Yatabe, 1987). The stabilities of these slopes have been
studied through a series of model experimental tests.
According to previous tests without filter gabions
(Chueasamat et al., 2018), the failure mechanism was
understood as follows: (1) at first, rainwater accumulated
at the slope toe, the PWP values increased there, the effec-
tive stress values decreased, and the first failure (flow slide)
occurred; (2) after the first failure, two types of failures fol-
lowed as the final failures, namely, surface slide failure and
retrogressive failure. The surface slide failure was a large
shallow failure. This type of failure may be induced mainly
by decreases in shear strength due to saturation of the
entire sand layers. In the retrogressive failure, small
Fig. 16. Cumulative drainage of the pipes. sequential failures occurred after the initial failure. This
type of failure may be induced mainly by decreases in the
effective stress levels.
ing rainfall infiltration. They could be almost simulated by In the G series, filter gabions were set on the fronts of
the saturated unsaturated consolidation analysis method the slope toes. In the G-1 case, positive PWP values were
(Kohgo, 2020). measured at the shoulder and the toe of the slope at
The PWP values at tensiometers P5 and P10, installed 90 min, as shown in Fig. 11(b). Hence, the effective stresses
near the slope surfaces, oscillated in Cases P-1 and P-2 after decreased there, a reduction in shear strength was induced
the first failures occurred, while the values in Case P-3 did and, as a result, the first failure occurred. The final failure,
not oscillate. In Cases P-1 and P-2, failures occurred, while seen in Figs. 9(b) and 10(b), may be categorized as a sur-
in Case P-3, no failure occurred. The oscillations may be face slide failure, as described above. In Cases G-2, G-3,
related to the cracks induced by the failures. and G-4, a similar failure process to that in the cases with-
out filter gabions was observed if focus was placed on the
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

Fig. 17. Seepage velocities in P series at t = 120 min (The red curves represent the estimated phreatic surface.)

Fig. 18. PWP changes at slope toe with elapsed time.

slopes above the filter gabions. In other words, the first fail- In the P series, filter gabions with pipes were set on the
ures started from the same levels as those of the crests of fronts of the slope toes. In Case P-1, in which a pipe with
filter gabions called the apparent toes. The first failures d = 56 mm and Rp = 70% was inserted, the drainage
were mainly due to a decrease in the effective stresses. through the pipe started right after t = 70 min (see
The types of final failure were the surface slide failure in Fig. 16) when the sand around the pipe was saturated, as
Case G-2 and the retrogressive failure in Cases G-3 and shown in Fig. 15(a). At the same time, the isolated positive
G-4. The sizes of the failures and the times to the occur- PWP area appeared at the slope shoulder. This isolation of
rence of the failures were smaller and longer, respectively, the PWP may be related to the drainage through the pipe.
than those in the cases without filter gabions. The initial failure started there at t = 80 min due to the
M.T.T. Cho et al. Soils and Foundations 61 (2021) 480–495

decrease in effective stresses. Then, large failures followed increased. Furthermore, the drainage from the inserted
rapidly. Based on Figs. 13(b) and 14(a), the final failure pipe never started until the PWP values around the pipe
may be categorized as the surface slide failure. corresponded to positive values. High seepage velocities
In Case P-2, in which a pipe with d = 107 mm and were observed around the slope shoulders, where the
Rp = 35% was inserted, the drainage through the pipe cracks appeared when the slope failed.
started at t = 60 min (see Fig. 16) when the sand around The failures always started when a phreatic surface
the end of pipe was saturated, as shown in Fig. 15(b). appeared on the slope surface. It is very important to pre-
Afterwards, the infiltrated water drained out well such that vent a phreatic surface from forming on the slope surface.
the slope maintained its stability longer than that in Case This is the same as the important point related to the sta-
P-1. The initial failure started around t = 100 min when bility of fill dams for seepage, namely, that a phreatic sur-
the phreatic surface appeared on the slope surface above face never appears on the downstream slope surface. The
the filter gabion, as seen in Fig. 15(b). The failure mecha- adequate arrangement of a filter gabion with a pipe, which
nism is similar to those in the G series. The first failure prevents a phreatic surface from forming on the slope sur-
occurred at the apparent toe due to the decrease in effective face, may increase the potential for slope stability.
stresses. The final failure gradually progressed because the
phreatic surface did not expand to the upper part of the Declaration of Competing Interest
slope, as shown in Fig. 15(b). The phenomenon whereby
the phreatic surface did not expand to the upper part of The authors declare that they have no known competing
the slope was due to the drainage of the pipe and the dis- financial interests or personal relationships that could have
persion of PWP through the cracks induced by the first fail- appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
ure. This dispersion can be seen in Fig. 18(b) for which the
PWP values measured at P5 and P10 oscillated and became Acknowledgments
constant or slightly decreased.
In Case P-3, in which the pipe with d = 107 mm and This study was supported by the Japan Society for the
Rp = 70% was inserted, the phreatic surface did not appear Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Grant no. 18H02296). The
on the slope surface above the filter gabion, as seen in authors are grateful to former members of their laboratory
Fig. 15(c). Thus, no failure occurred. The phreatic surface and the staff of the National Institute for Rural Engineer-
moved to the upper part of the slope with the elapsed time, ing, Tsukuba, Japan for their help and contribution to the
but the surface did not appear on the slope surface. By series of experimental model tests. We would like to thank
comparing the distributions of PWP within the surface Editage ( for English language editing.
sand layer at t = 100 min and t = 300 min, shown in We also thank anonymous reviewers and the editor for their
Fig. 15(c), it can be seen that the shape of the phreatic sur- constructive comments on our manuscript.
face did not change very much.
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