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July 12, 2022

BSN 3-YC-3 CWS111


Do you consider yourself as a good and responsible citizen? Why or why not?
I rely myself on being a good citizen. I actually rarely take anything that may
improve my country, but at least I don't do anything that might harm it. As simple as
staying at one's house. I don't yet have the authority to assist others, but I do have
the authority to stop from doing actions that could make the situation in my nation

Explain each factor of the active citizenship education as shown in the picture

Active Citizenship Perception- Numerous actions fall under the category of "active
citizenship," including petitioning, protesting, running for political office, voting, and
volunteering for charitable organizations. Participating in the democratic process is
one of the most significant instances of active citizenship. Engagement in civil society,
community, and/or political life that is marked by respect for one another,
nonviolence, and adherence to democracy and human rights. Active citizenship
recognizes that all people and groups in democratic societies have the right to
participate in the establishment and maintenance of that democracy; having the
right to take part in all democratic institutions and activities in that society, having
the duty to guarantee that a wide concept of politics encompasses all interpersonal
and structural ties within the social system.
Social Accountability- By bridging the gap between what people desire from their
governments and what they actually do, social accountability means giving people
more power and holding them more responsible. The factors are Many social
accountability efforts concentrate on strengthening the communication, negotiation,
and information-sharing channels between the people and the government. The
willingness and ability of citizens and civil society to actively seek government
accountability is another key determinant of successful social accountability. These
factors can represent a major obstacle in contexts where civil society may be weak
and notions of citizenship are undeveloped. The willingness and ability of politicians
and civil servants to account to the people is a third critical factor in achieving social
accountability. In light of the three components of social accountability—
information, voice, and negotiation—and the willingness and capacity to engage in
those components of governmental actors to communicate with the public, listen to
their concerns, and interact with them is crucial. Finally, social accountability is
strongly influenced by a range of underlying political, legal, social, cultural and
economic factors. These factors are crucial in figuring out whether something is
feasible and the possibility of social responsibility programs succeeding.

Intercultural Awareness- Community where all cultures are deeply understood and
respected. The creation of strong connections and the exchange of ideas and cultural
norms are the main goals of intercultural communication. Factors in intercultural
awareness are knowledge, attitudes, skills of interpreting and relating, and skills of
discovery and interaction...and the development of learner’s ‘critical cultural
awareness’, with respect to their own country and others.

Awareness of Democracy and Human Rights- Human rights are part of the idea and
idea of democracy since they are the foundation upon which democracy is created,
in front of everyone on the democratic ideal. Therefore, a democratic system
includes the respect for human rights. The factors are Making into account, historical,
political, legal, economic social, cultural, religious, ethnical and technological factors
that enable or hinder human rights protection, this report sets out the cross-cutting
issues that may inform the Union's future direction.

Thinking and Research skills- Thinking about the thinking in order to carefully reach
a goal. According to Robert Ennis (1987) thinking is rational, thoughtful, and focused.
Choosing whether to act or believe whereas research skills is the ability to look for,
identify, collect, organize, evaluate, and use or present information that is relevant
to a given issue is referred to as having research skills. factors are the variables that
the investigator controls to see how they affect the response variable. Only a tiny
subset of values, referred to as factor levels, are possible for a factor.

Interaction and Intrapersonal Skills- The basis of two-way communication is

interaction skills. Successful communicators may initiate and participate in a
conversation. For effective communication and collaboration with individuals and
organizations in both your personal and professional life, interpersonal skills are
crucial. People with good relationship-building and collaborative abilities often have
these traits. While the intrapersonal skills are a type of self-communication. Because
they deal with one's inner self. Your ability to control your emotions and deal with
difficulties you could encounter at different points in your life depends on your
intrapersonal skills. Self-confidence is an example of an intrapersonal talent that is
similar to emotional intelligence. Factors are Self-concept, self- reflection, intra
monologue, self-love, ability to understand one self are the other factor that are
stated as affecting factors of our intrapersonal communication.

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