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Quarter 4, Week 5
Subject & PPG
Quarter 2 Week 15 Day 1
Grade Level 11 Dd/mm/year
Topic Citizenship
Competenc Explain the importance of active citizenship HUMSS_PG12-IIg-1
Learning 1. Identify the importance of active citizenship.
Objective 2.Appreciate the roles of active citizenship.
3.ETo determine the level of awareness and to fully understand
their moral responsibility to self, others, and community
To determine the level of awareness and to fully understand
their moral responsibility to self, others, and community
To determine the level of awareness and to fully understand
their moral responsibility to self, others, and community
3. Determine the level of awareness and fully understand their
moral responsibility to self, others and community.
Reminder: This IPAD can be the quiz, formative and summative bases of learners’
performance. It can be compiled for their group and individual

Remember your past experience which you had neglected responsibilities towards
self, others, and to the community. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

After answering the table, answer the following questions:

1. What are your rights to the community that you did not pay attention?
2. What are your responsibilities to yourself, to others and to the community that
you neglect to perform?
Active citizenship refers to the idea that citizens should actively participate in their
community and democracy, rather than just passively receiving benefits and services. It
involves taking an active role in shaping the decisions and policies that affect one's life and
community, and working to make a positive impact on society. It also refers to the active
participation of individuals in the political, social, and economic life of their community,
state, or nation.
There are several reasons why active citizenship is important:
It promotes democratic participation: Active citizenship ensures that citizens are
involved in the democratic process and that their voices are heard. By participating in
elections, attending community meetings, and engaging with elected officials, citizens can
help to shape the policies and decisions that affect their lives.
It fosters community engagement: Active citizenship encourages people to get
involved in their communities and to work together to address social, economic, and
environmental issues. This can help to build stronger, more cohesive communities and
promote a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.
It promotes social justice.Active citizenship can help to promote social justice by
ensuring that all citizens have an equal voice and opportunity to participate in decision-
making processes. It can also help to address issues of inequality and discrimination by
empowering marginalized communities and promoting greater accountability and
It supports personal development: Active citizenship can help individuals develop
important skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. It can
also provide opportunities for personal growth and development, such as through
volunteering, advocacy, and community leadership.
It strengthens democratic institutions: Active citizenship helps to strengthen
democratic institutions by ensuring that they are accountable to the people they serve. It
can also help to promote trust and confidence in government, which is essential for a
healthy democracy.
Directions: Using the Venn diagram write the qualities or virtues you have/haven’t as
a good citizen in a separate sheet of paper.


How would you classify yourself as a good citizen and why?How could you become a
good citizen?How could you contribute to the civil society as a good citizen?

Association and Composition: overall content 15 points

Creativity and Neatness: Appearance 5 points
Originality: Theme 10 points
Total: 30 points

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer, and write the capital letter of your
answer in your answer sheet.
1. What is the legal status of citizenship?
A. The right to vote in elections
B. The act of actively participating in community activities
C. The legal recognition as a member of a particular country
D. None of the above
2. What are the rights and responsibilities typically associated with citizenship?
A. Only rights, no responsibilities
B. Only responsibilities, no rights
C. Both rights and responsibilities
D. None of the above
3. How does citizenship contribute to a sense of belonging?
A. It doesn't contribute to a sense of belonging
B. It provides legal rights and protections, fostering a sense of belonging to a
C. particular community or country
D. It only contributes to a sense of belonging for certain individuals
E. None of the above
4. What is the difference between citizenship and residency?
A. There is no difference, they are the same thing
B. Citizenship refers to legal status, while residency refers to physical
presence in a country
C. Citizenship refers to physical presence in a country, while residency
refers to legal status
D. None of the above
5. How does dual citizenship impact individuals?
A. It allows individuals to have multiple passports
B. It restricts individuals from traveling to certain countries
C. It has no impact on individuals
D. It has impact on individuals


1. C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A

Philippine Politics and Governance – Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode

TOPIC Citizen Participation in Governance

LEARNING Explain the importance of active citizenship HUMSS_PG12-IIg-1
OBJECTIVES 1. Define citizen participation.
2. Identify the rights and opportunities that allow for citizen
3. Assess the importance of citizen participation
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answer on your answer

Suppose you were given the opportunity to initiate and change a rule or policy at home, in
school, and in the country. What would these be? Use the table provided to write your


Rules or policies that
I want to change

Rules and policies that

I want to initiate

What made you want to change or initiate these rules and policies?

Do you think it is better for those affected by the rules and policies to participate in
decision-making processes? Why or why not?

Do you think that ordinary Filipino citizens are capable of participating in

governance? Why or why not?

Citizen participation in governance refers to the involvement of citizens in the

decision-making processes of government. This can take many forms, including voting,
attending public meetings, participating in consultations, and joining advocacy groups. The
goal of citizen participation is to ensure that the voices and perspectives of citizens are
heard and considered in the decisions that affect their lives.

There are several reasons why citizen participation in governance is important:

It promotes accountability: When citizens are involved in governance, they are

better able to hold elected officials accountable for their actions. This helps to ensure that
government decisions are made in the best interests of the people, rather than in the
interests of a select few.
It improves decision-making: Citizen participation can provide valuable insights
and perspectives that might not be considered otherwise. This can lead to more informed
and effective decision-making.
It increases transparency: When citizens are involved in governance, they are better able
to see how decisions are made and how resources are allocated. This can help to reduce
corruption and increase trust in government.

There are several rights and opportunities that allow for citizen participation in a
democratic society. Some of these include:

1. Freedom of speech and expression: Citizens have the right to express their
opinions and ideas freely, whether through public speeches, writing, or other
forms of communication. This allows them to share their thoughts and opinions
with others and to hold their elected officials accountable.
2. Freedom of assembly: Citizens have the right to gather and protest peacefully,
which allows them to express their views and bring attention to issues they care
3. Freedom of association: Citizens have the right to join organizations and groups
that align with their interests and values, which allows them to work together to
advocate for change.
4. Right to vote: Citizens have the right to vote in elections and referendums, which
allows them to choose their leaders and have a say in policy decisions.
5. Access to information: Citizens have the right to access information about
government policies, decisions, and activities, which allows them to make
informed decisions and hold their elected officials accountable.
6. Public consultation: Governments often conduct public consultations to gather
input from citizens on proposed policies and regulations, which allows citizens to
have a say in the decision-making process.
7. Participation in civic organizations: Citizens can participate in civic organizations,
such as community groups, non-profits, and advocacy organizations, which
allows them to work together to address issues and promote change.
8. Right to run for office: Citizens have the right to run for public office, which allows
them to become directly involved in governance and represent the interests of
their community.
Access to legal recourse: Citizens have the right to access the legal system to seek
redress for grievances or to advocate for their rights, which allows them to hold their
elected officials

9. Transparency and accountability: Governments are expected to be transparent in

their decision-making processes and to be accountable to citizens, which allows
citizens to monitor and evaluate the performance of their elected
officials.emocratic process.

10. It promotes social justice: Citizen participation can help to ensure that the voices
of marginalized communities are heard and considered in decision-making
processes. This can help to promote social justice and address issues of

Direction: Identify the rights and opportunities that allow for citizen
participation.Write your answers in the box.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer, and write the letter on your answer
1. Which of the following statements best describes the importance of citizen
participation in governance?
a) Citizen participation in governance is essential for promoting social cohesion
and reducing poverty and inequality.
b) Citizen participation in governance is essential for promoting democratic values
and institutions and fostering a sense of responsibility and engagement among
c) Citizen participation in governance is essential for promoting economic
development and
growth and fostering a sense of responsibility and engagement among individuals.
d) Citizen participation in governance is essential for promoting environmental
sustainability and conservation and fostering a sense of responsibility and
among individuals.
2. Which of the following statements best describes the role of citizens in governance?
a) Citizens have the right to participate in governance and hold their elected
accountable for their actions and decisions.
b) Citizens have the responsibility to participate in governance and contribute to the
betterment of society.
c) Citizens have the duty to participate in governance and promote social welfare and
d) Citizens have the obligation to participate in governance and reduce poverty and
3. Which of the following statements best describes the benefits of citizen participation in
a) Citizen participation in governance promotes transparency, accountability, and
b) Citizen participation in governance promotes social cohesion, social capital, and
c) Citizen participation in governance promotes economic development,
and innovation.
d) Citizen participation in governance promotes environmental sustainability,
and awareness.
4. Which of the following statements best describes the challenges of citizen participation
in governance?
a) Citizen participation in governance is limited by poverty, inequality, and lack of
to resources and opportunities.
b) Citizen participation in governance is hindered by corruption, nepotism, and lack
transparency and accountability.
c) Citizen participation in governance is restricted by political instability, conflict,
and lack
of peace and security.
d) Citizen participation in governance is impeded by lack of education,
awareness,and capacity building.
5. Which of the following statements best describes the role of the government in
promoting citizen participation in governance?
a) The government has the responsibility to promote citizen participation in
and ensure that citizens have access to resources and opportunities.
b) The government has the duty to promote citizen participation in governance and
elected representatives accountable for their actions and decisions.
c) The government has the obligation to promote citizen participation in governance
reduce poverty and inequality.
d) The government has the right to promote citizen participation in governance and
social welfare and social services.


Subject Political Engagement and Youth Empowerment
Grade Level
11 Quarter 2 Week and
Political Engagement 15 Youth
Day Empowerment
3 HUMSS_PG12-IIg-1
Topic 1.Identify political engagement and youth empowerment.
2.Assess an existing program that addresses an issue related to political
engagement and youth empowerment.
3.Analyze the role of youth in shaping Philippine politics.
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answer on your answer sheets.

Directions:Write at least 3 sentences that best describe the image below in a

separate sheet of paper.
Political engagement refers to the various ways in which individuals participate in the
political process, such as voting, attending public meetings, contacting elected officials,
and engaging in activism or advocacy efforts. Political engagement can take many forms,
from individual actions like writing a letter to a representative, to collective actions like
organizing a protest or rally. Political engagement is often seen as a key component of a
healthy democracy, as it allows citizens to have a voice in the decisions that affect their

Youth empowerment, on the other hand, refers to the process of enabling young people to
take an active role in shaping their own lives and communities. This can involve providing
young people with the resources, skills, and opportunities they need to become agents of
change, whether in their schools, neighborhoods, or broader society. Youth empowerment
can take many forms, from mentorship programs and leadership training, to youth-led
initiatives and advocacy campaigns.

Both political engagement and youth empowerment are closely related, as young people
are often at the forefront of political movements and social change efforts. By empowering
young people to become politically engaged, we can help ensure that their voices are
heard and that they have a stake in the decisions that will impact their futures. At the
same time, political engagement can be a powerful tool for youth empowerment, as it
provides young people with a platform to advocate for their needs and priorities, and to
work towards creating a more just and equitable society.
Why is political engagement important?

Political engagement is important for several reasons:

1.It allows citizens to have a say in how they are governed and ensures that government
policies reflect the will of the people.
2.It holds elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions, which helps to
prevent corruption and abuse of power.

3.It allows citizens to shape the direction of their community and country, and to advocate
for policies and laws that benefit marginalized or underrepresented groups.
4.It fosters a sense of civic responsibility and ownership, which can lead to greater social
cohesion and cooperation.
Why is youth empowerment important?

Youth empowerment is important for several reasons:

1.Young people have a unique perspective and set of experiences that can bring fresh
ideas and innovative solutions to the table.

2.They are the future leaders and decision-makers of society, and empowering them to
participate in the political process can help to ensure that their voices are heard and their
needs are met.

3.It helps to build their confidence, skills, and knowledge, which can benefit them
throughout their lives.

4.It fosters a sense of belonging and investment in their communities, which can lead to
greater social cohesion and cooperation.

Directions: Examine the following items if it is part of youth engagement in the public and
civil affairs. Write POWER in each item if it is about youth engagement.
1. Sangguniang Kabataan
2. Participating in community projects
3. Lashing sentiments
4. Protesting in the government
5. Instigate riots

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer, and write the letter that
corresponds to your answer.
1.What is political engagement?
A. The act of ignoring politics and avoiding civic duties
B. The act of actively participating in the political process and making informed
C. The act of blindly following political leaders without question
D. The act of using political power to oppress others

2.Why is political engagement important for youth?

A. Because it allows them to have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives
and communities
B. Because it is a waste of time and energy
C. Because it is only important for older adults to be politically engaged
D. Because it is a way to gain power and influence over others
3.What are some ways that young people can become politically engaged?
A. Voting, attending town hall meetings, and contacting elected officials
B. Ignoring politics and avoiding civic responsibilities
C. Using violence and intimidation to achieve political goals
D. None of the above
4.What is youth empowerment?
A. The act of giving young people the tools and resources they need to succeed in
B. The act of oppressing young people and limiting their potential
C. The act of ignoring the needs and concerns of young people
D. The act of exploiting young people for personal gain
5.Why is youth empowerment important?
A. Because it helps young people develop confidence, skills, and agency
B. Because it is a waste of resources and effort
C. Because it is only important for certain groups of young people
D. Because it leads to dependency and lack of ambition

Political Engagement AND Youth Empowerment - Q2 Module 13 (SHS PPG MELC13) - Senior
High School - Studocu

Subject Political Engagement and Youth Empowerment
Explain QuarterEngagement
Political 2 Week 15 Day
and Youth 4
Empowerment HUMSS_PG12-IIg-1
Topic Citizenship
3.Analyze the role of youth in shaping Philippine politics.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answer on your answer sheets.

Directions: Using the Venn Diagram below, cite similarities and differences
about Political Engagement and Youth Empowerment.Use separate
sheet of paper for your answers.

Political Youth
Engagement Empowerment
The role of youth in shaping Philippine politics is a topic that has gained significant
attention in recent years, particularly with the increasing involvement of young people in
various political and social movements. The youth sector, which comprises individuals
aged 15 to 30, makes up a significant portion of the Philippine population, with
approximately 40% of the country's population belonging to this age group.

One of the key roles that young people play in shaping Philippine politics is through their
participation in the electoral process. The Philippines has a relatively young population,
and the youth vote has become an important factor in determining the outcome of
elections. According to data from the Commission on Elections (COMELEC), the youth
vote has been steadily increasing over the past few elections, with young voters
comprising around 20% of all registered voters in the 2022 national elections.

Young people's participation in the electoral process is significant because they bring
fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. They are often more open to change and are not
bound by traditional political ideologies, making them more likely to support progressive
candidates and policies. Moreover, young people are more likely to be influenced by issues
that affect their lives directly, such as education, employment, and social justice, which
can shape their political choices.

Another way that young people are shaping Philippine politics is through activism and
advocacy. Many young Filipinos are actively engaged in various social and political
movements, such as environmental activism, human rights advocacy, and anti-corruption
campaigns. These movements often raise awareness about important issues and push for
policy changes that benefit the youth and the wider community.

For example, the youth-led movement against the proposed Charter change in 2018,
which aimed to amend the 1987 Constitution, was instrumental in raising awareness
about the potential risks of the proposed changes and mobilizing opposition to the
measure. Similarly, youth-led groups have been at the forefront of campaigns against
climate change, pushing for policies that address environmental issues and promote
sustainable development.

In addition, young people are also playing a key role in shaping the political landscape
through their involvement in political parties and governance. Many young Filipinos have
been elected to public office, with some even holding key positions in the government. For
instance, the current Secretary of the Department of Youth and Sports, Mr. Francisco
"Kiko" M. Nograles, is a young politician who was elected to the House of Representatives
at the age of 25.
Finally, young people also face challenges in terms of funding and resources. Many young
politicians and advocacy groups lack the resources and funding needed to run effective
campaigns and implement their programs. This can limit their ability to compete with
older, more established politicians who have greater resources at their disposal.

Directions: In your notebook, draw a cartoon which highlights the theme on: “Youth

1. Uniqueness and creativity – 10pts..
2. Concept and interpretation – 10pts
Total=20 pts.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer, and write the letter that
corresponds to your answer.

1.Which of the following statements best describes the role of youth in shaping Philippine
A. Youth play a significant role in shaping Philippine politics by actively
participating in political campaigns and elections.
B. Youth play a significant role in shaping Philippine politics by advocating for
policies that address their concerns and needs.
C. Youth play a significant role in shaping Philippine politics by holding elected
officials accountable for their actions and decisions.
D. Youth play a significant role in shaping Philippine politics by promoting political
apathy and disengagement.
2.Which of the following statements best describes the impact of youth participation in
Philippine politics?
A. Youth participation in Philippine politics has led to a decrease in political
apathy and disengagement among young people.
B. Youth participation in Philippine politics has led to an increase in political
awareness and engagement among young people.
C. Youth participation in Philippine politics has led to a decrease in political
corruption and abuse of power.
D. Youth participation in Philippine politics has led to a decrease in political
violence and instability.

3.Which of the following statements best describes the challenges faced by youth in
shaping Philippine politics?
A. Lack of resources and funding for youth-led initiatives and organizations.
B. Lack of political representation and participation in decision-making processes.
C. Lack of access to information and political education.
D. Lack of support and encouragement from older generations.

4.Which of the following statements best describes the role of social media in shaping
Philippine politics and youth participation?
A. Social media has facilitated youth participation in Philippine politics by providing
a platform for political expression and engagement.
B. Social media has facilitated youth participation in Philippine politics by promoting
political apathy and disengagement.
C. Social media has facilitated youth participation in Philippine politics by promoting
political violence and instability.
D. Social media has facilitated youth participation in Philippine politics by promoting
political corruption and abuse of power.
5.Which of the following statements best describes the future of youth
participation in shaping Philippine politics?
A. Youth participation in Philippine politics will continue to increase as more
young people become politically aware and engaged.
B. Youth participation in Philippine politics will continue to decrease as older
generations become more politically active and engaged.
C. Youth participation in Philippine politics will remain stagnant as young people
continue to face challenges and barriers to political participation.

D.Youth participation in Philippine politics will decrease as social media becomes

less influential in shaping political discourse and engagement.
1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B

Writer: Kim M. Brigole
Illustrator: Kim M. Brigole

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