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ICT Activity

Follow the steps in creating a power point presentation presented below. You will be graded based on your outcome.

3. Launch the Powerpoint program. In the Title bar type “ MY PRESENTATION”. In the subtitle bar, type your name.

4. Choose a design for your presentation. Click the “Design” button at the upper left portion in your powerpoint
presentation. You can choose any design for your presentation. Observe the picture below.
5. Add more slides to your presentation. Notice that there is a separate area to the left of the screen where your first
slide is located. The first way to add a slide is to right-click the area under where your first slide is located and select
'New Slide'. A new slide will appear. The second way to add another slide it to click 'New Slide' in the toolbar above
the slides.

6. In the 2nd slide, type “ My Second Slide” in the Title bar and describe anything good about yourself in the add txt
bar. See the picture below.
7. Add another slide, the same process in step 6. Put “My Third Slide” in the title bar and write your family
background in the add txt bar. Copy and fill in the data shown below. Please observe the picture.

8. After creating the presentation, you need to put Transitions every slide. Click the “Transitions” button located in
the upper left side of your slide. You are free to select your desire transition type.

Do not save your work in the laptop. Call your teacher when you are done to check your output.

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