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Lataja Burt


Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1. Raise your hand to 1. This is a way to 1. Verbal warning 1. Entire class will
speak communicate without receive 1 dojo point if
interrupting class class rules are followed
instruction and talking for the day
over classmates.

2. Follow instructions 2. It is important to 2. Earn misbehavior 2. Individual students

follow teacher dojo point can earn 1 dojo point
instructions so that throughout the day for
everyone can safely staying on task.
learn and understand

3. Keep your hands to 3. To keep everyone 3. Minutes from recess 3. Students can buy
yourself safe, we need to make time for the individual dojo coupons that
sure that we are not student or class if gives them a special
hitting, scratching, necessary privilege in class.
grabbing, poking, etc. (Worth 20 dojo points)

4. Be kind to others 4. Sometimes we may 4. Parent contact 4. Students can buy

get upset, but it is from the treasure box
never okay to name every Friday if they
call or be mean to have earned at least 50
anyone in the class. dojo points. These can
This classroom is a safe be saved up to buy
space, and it is multiple things on
important to be kind to Friday’s
each other to keep it
that way.

5. Do your best 5. You may get stuck 5. Referral to the office.

on something that you
are working on. When
this happens, it is
important to not get
frustrated and give it
your best shot.

Ms. Burt’s Behavior Management Plan

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