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Dressing Guide
By: Juan Sebastian Rincon Martienez

What is your main objective?

Establish the patient draping technique in cardiovascular procedures
by decreasing the possibility of contamination, as it provides a barrier
against contamination, since it constitutes a barrier against humidity,
offering protection and guaranteeing safe and to guarantee safe care
for patients and the ICB surgical team at the different sites.

What is your definition?

In cardiovascular surgery, it is preferable to use packs of disposable
clothing (SMS), which is a 100% polypropylene-based fabric made up
of 3 layers (trilaminate).Two outer layers of Spunbonded and an
intermediate layer of Meltblow, which allows it to be a fabric with
very good mechanical properties, good opacity, and good opacity..

Why is it important?

To Infections! Nosocomial infection is an

infectious process acquired during
hospitalization or as a consequence of it,
and is also associated with invasive in-
hospital procedures (surgery).

What are the main

features of our
disposable clothing

Repels fluids avoiding the transfer of these in

prolonged procedures. (Adequate

Does not tear or puncture, even in difficult

conditions (adequate grammage).

Low lint and speck content, reducing the risk

of contamination with dry particles.

Maximum adaptability to the patient's

body and to the surgical team members.

Softness with the comfort and drape of

the fabric

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Serjan, María A., Saraceni, Liliana, Higiene en manos. Revista del Hospital Materno Infantil Ramón Sardá
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enfermeras y médicos». Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, vol.13, nº 1, 2005,
OMS. «OMS/ Material y documentos sobre la higiene de manos». WHO, Accedido 3 de marzo de 2020

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