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Activity 1. Read the following scenarios below. Pick one and write a position paper based
on the scenario you have chosen.

A. The student council is petitioning to prepare an arts festival in your school, but the
administration is reluctant to agree to the plan because it involves taking two days off the
students’ normal classes. As one of the organizers, you are tasked to write a position
paper which argues your stand for the establishment of the activity to the administration.
B. You would like to establish a new student organization for a hobby or sport you share
with almost a hundred students in your batch. However, the head of the club
organizations think that establishing a student organization is unnecessary because you
all talk about your interest outside school anyway. So you write a position paper to
outline your arguments so that the head can see your stand on the issue.
C. You and the teenagers in your community would like to recognize a concert as a fund
raising activity for the street children in your city. The community elders disapprove
because it would eat up much of your time for school and that’s what you area planning
is a job for adults. As the leader of the group, you are tasked to write a position paper
addressed to the community elders to show your arguments on favor of organizing the

Activity 2. Write a position paper. Assume the persona of a student delegate attending an
international youth gathering. The task of the students is to present an argument on an
issue which directly affects the Filipino youth. The students will come up with a writing
situation for their position paper by filling out the items below.
E. Issue: _______________________________________________________________________
F. General Purpose: ____________________________________________________________
G. Specific Purpose: ____________________________________________________________
H. Target Output: _______________________________________________________________
I. Audience: ___________________________________________________________________
J. Writer’s Persona: _____________________________________________________________
K. Tone/Formality: ______________________________________________________________

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