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1 : Mass Media :

media is :television ,radio, newspapers, magazines ,billboards, social media

 Definition:
Media is a means of communication that disseminates information  (news, music,
education, movies, etc) from the source to the target public . Any media intended
for the larger audience is called mass media.The most popular types of mass
media include Newspapers, Radio, Television, Internet, Magazines and more!

 Functions: inform, educate, entertain, advertise

 Type of media: traditional ,print ,electronic/broadcast ,outdoor media ,transit media

digital media/new media/internet

2: Social Media:
 Definition:
 Social media is a collective of online communication channels where
communities interact, share content and collaborate.
Websites and apps dedicated to social networking, microblogging, forums, social
bookmarking, wikis, etc are examples of some types of social media.

 Type of social media: social networks, media sharing networks, social blogging
networks, discussion networks, review networks

 Different uses of social media:

communication, collaboration ,opinions& reviews, brand monitoring(share
information about business), entertainment, media sharing, paid advertising,
networking, search for new opportunities.

 Pros of social media: speed up communication, allows you to keep in touch with
people, improves socialization even for the introverted, promotes safety,
compassion and empathy.

 Cons of social media: lacks Emotional connection, causes privacy issues, facilitates
laziness, decreases face to face communication skills, leads to cyber bullying.
3: Mass media vs reality:

 Mass Media: reflects reality: the voice of the voiceless, effective and wider
communication, cultural Diversity, Encyclopedia of information.

 Mass media creates new realities:

Mass media manipulates and controls our perception of the world. It has
created virtual realities, and representations which do not correspond to the
real life we live in.

Bias is manipulating information, intentionally or unintentionally, in a way that

influences how it is interpreted.Every news story is influenced by the
attitudes/background of interviewers, writers, photographers, editors, etc

Stereotypes often show how a certain type of individual or group is commonly

viewed based on real or imagined characteristics
Censorship is the control of speech and other forms of expression. Severe
cases exist where the government controls the media.
Infotainment Because entertainment sells, media outlets often use drama
sensationalism to attract audiences forming.
Distortion : People compare themselves to unrealistic images on social
media of what they believe they should look like.


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