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Homework: Reading Comprehension Activity

Instructions: Fill out these questions as you read the passage. You will receive a homework
grade for this activity.
1. What words in the passage were new to you? Write them down and look them up in
the dictionary. You should include a minimum of 5 words.

a. Dawn: the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.

b. Summit: the highest point of a hill or mountain.

c. Track: a rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed.

d. Witnessed: a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.

e. Displace: take over the place, position, or role of (someone or something).


2. Which paragraph in the passage was most interesting to you and why? Please share in a
few sentences.
The most passage interesting for me is the paragraph C, when the writer mentioned the point of
view what the people have about the volcano, make noticed that every person visited this place
because differents facts, one of then for religious facts, others for test of strengts.

3. Do you have a strong opinion about this passage? What is it? Please share in a few
I think it is unpredictable when these events will occur, but I am sure that many scientists
have studied these types of elements of nature and should predict with technology a
sufficient time before the explosion and when people should evacuate.

4. Is there anything in this passage that you can compare to your personal life or that of
someone you know? Please share in a few sentences.
Similar to Mount Popo, in my country many people visit Mount Sorte with the belief that a real
charge of energy is concentrated here, they perform rituals and petitions, and others visit this
place every year to celebrate some promises to the Saints.

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