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Name:_____________________________ Curr/Yr&Sec:__________ Date: ______ Score: ____

Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory

(Adapted from Walter McKenzie, 1999 of Surfaquarium Consulting)

Part I: Give the numerical score for the following statements as they apply to you.

4= always 3= frequently 2= sometimes 1= seldom 0= never

1. I keep my things neat and orderly.

2. I enjoy reading all kinds of materials.

3. I can imagine ideas in my mind.

4. I easily pick up on patterns.

5. I enjoy making things with my hands.

6. I learn best interacting with others.

7. I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs.

8. I enjoy categorizing things in common.

9. Step-by-step directions are a big help.

10. Taking notes helps me remember and understand.

11. Rearranging a room is fun for me.

12. I focus on noise and sounds.

13. Sitting still for long periods of time is difficult for me.

14. The more the merrier.

15. I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject.

16. Ecological issues are important to me.

17. Solving problems comes easily to me.

18. I faithfully contact friends through letters and/or e-mail.

19. I enjoy creating art using varied media.

20. Moving to a beat is easy to me.

21. I enjoy outdoor games and sports.

22. Study groups are very productive for me.

23. Fairness is important to me.

24. Hiking and camping are enjoyable activities.

25. I get easily frustrated with disorganized people.

26. It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others.

27. I remember well using graphic organizers.

28. I’ve always been interested in playing an instrument.

29. I value non-verbal communication such as sign language.

30. I enjoy chat rooms.

31. My attitude affects how I learn.

32. I believe preserving our national Parks is important.

33. I can complete calculations quickly in my head.

34. I keep a journal.

35. Performance art can be very gratifying.

36. The cadence/rhythm of poetry intrigues me.

37. A fit body is important for a fit mind.

38. Participating in politics is important.

39. Social justice issues concern me.

40. Putting things in hierarchies makes sense to me.

41. Brainteasers requiring reasoning are exciting.

42. Word puzzles like crosswords and jumbles are fun.

43. Spreadsheets are great for making charts, graphs, and tables.

44. I remember things by putting them in a rhyme.

45. Arts and crafts are enjoyable pastimes.

46. Television and radio talk shows are enjoyable.

47. Working alone can be just as productive as working in a group.

48. Animals are important in my life.

49. I can’t begin an assignment until all my questions are answered.

50. I write for a pleasure.

51. Three dimensional puzzles bring me much enjoyment.

52. Concentration is difficult while listening to a radio or television.

53. Expression through dance is beautiful.

54. I am a “team player”.

55. I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it.

56. My home has a recycling system in place.

57. A structure helps me be successful.

58. I enjoy playing with words like puns, anagrams, & spoonerism (rearranging/changing
59. Music videos are very stimulating.

60. I enjoy many kinds of music.

61. I like working with tools.

62. I dislike working alone.

63. When I believe in something I will give 100% effort to it.

64. I enjoy studying Biology, Botany, and/or Zoology.

65. I find working on a computer spreadsheet or database rewarding.

66. Foreign languages interest me.

67. I can recall things in mental pictures.

68. Musicals are more interesting than dramatic plays.

69. I live an active lifestyle.

70. Clubs and extracurricular activities are fun.

71. I like to be involved in causes that help others.

72. I spend a great deal of time outdoors.

73. Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied.

74. Debates and public speaking are activities I like to participate in.

75. I am good at reading maps and blue prints.

76. Remembering song lyrics is easy for me.

77. I learn by doing.

78. I pay attention to social issues and causes.

79. I am willing to protest or sign a petition to right a wrong.

80. I enjoy working in a garden.

Part II: Now, transfer your response to each item on the corresponding box.

L-M 1. 9. 17. 25. 33. 41. 49. 57. 65. 73. TOTAL

V-L 2. 10. 18. 26. 34. 42. 50. 58. 66. 74.

V-S 3. 11. 19. 27. 35. 43. 51. 59. 67. 75.

MUS 4. 12. 20. 28. 36. 44. 52. 60. 68. 76.

B-K 5. 13. 21. 29. 37. 45. 53. 61. 69. 77.

Inter 6. 14. 22. 30. 38. 46. 54. 62. 70. 78.

Intra 7. 15. 23. 31. 39. 47. 55. 63. 71. 79.

Nat 8. 16. 24. 32. 40. 48. 56. 64. 72. 80.

Then, add your numerical responses in each row and write the sum (total) on the last column to get
your score for each intelligence area.

Part III: Now, transfer your scores below and plot them on the bar graph provided.





L-M V-L V-S MUS B-K Inter Intra Nat

Scores: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

LM- Logical-mathematical BK- Bodily Kinesthetic
VL- Verbal Linguistic Inter- Interpersonal
VS- Visual Spatial Intra- Intrapersonal
MUS- Musical Nat- Naturalistic

1. In what area or areas (if more than one but with the same score) do you excel? (Identify only the
2. In what area or areas (if more than one but with the same score) are you low? (Identify only the
3. What will you do to improve in the area or areas where you are low? (You can search in the internet
for the activities/strategies for this question). Use the table below for your answer.

Area or areas Where you are Low Activities/Strategies for Improvement

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