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2022-1 Handong Character Building Class

End-of-Semester Report

Name: Aruzhan Omarova

Student #: 22100830

Part A: Questions About You

1. How has your character developed over the past 16 weeks? IMPORTANT – this
course has been only one experience of many. Your answer is not limited to the topics
we discussed but should cover any developments you wish to describe.

During these 16 weeks, I have noticed huge changes in my character. Thanks to this course,
firstly, I learned to control my mind. I began to think more positively, to see more good things
than bad things. In all of this, I put God first. As a result of this, I notice that my life has
become brighter and richer (even when compared with the previous semester). Secondly, I
began to take care of myself, my health, my condition. Of course, I understand that studying
is very important, but after our course, I realized that first of all I need to think about health.
Also, compared to last semester, by the end of this semester, I feel much better than last
semester. Thirdly, I learned to interact with my fellow men. I began to hear and understand
them, show love and improve our relationship. It has helped me in many areas of my life.

2. In what ways would you like to build or develop your character in 2022? What practical
steps can you take to support these developments?

Of course, I want to keep improving and developing my character. I know that I will not stop
there, but I will move forward. To do this, I am going to continue to give all my experiences
and problems to God, put God first and continue to pray. I will try to always think positively.
I will try to enjoy every moment of my life and appreciate it. Also, I want to continue to
develop relationships with my loved ones. To do this, I will try to hear and understand them,
improve our relationships, try to please them and show my love, and of course, pray to God.
And most importantly, I want to continue to take care of my health and condition. After all,
without this, I will not be able to translate all my plans into reality. Therefore, I will improve
my relationship with God, I will pray and take care of my health and of course I will develop
both morally and physically.

Part B: Questions About the Course

3. What went well in this course?

I want to express my deep gratitude to you Professor. Because thanks to this course, I began
to think about important things and aspects of my life. I began to listen to myself, began to
change and develop myself, and most importantly, I became closer to God. This course
helped to further develop me as a person and correct some of my mistakes.

4. What didn’t go so well? (Possible answers include the topics, the structure of the classes,
the group arrangements, or the lack of variety.) Please provide an alternative or possible
suggestion in this answer.

I would like this course to have a little more variety, some kind of group projects (for
example, to conduct interviews or do research on topics that we have covered). Add a little
more creative side. But overall, this course is very good! He really changes students and
helps them!

5. What was the workload like in this course? Too easy About right Too hard

Thank you, Professor, for your great job! It was amazing semester 
May God bless you and your family! Have a nice summer break!

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