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Alright! My suggestions are; 1.

put some two or more sentences at the beginning that will emphasize
your main thought and at the same time a transitional to your chosen topic. 2. add more about the
film's structure and the director's perspective of the film (medyo kulangan ko gamay). 3. please use APA
style of referencing. That's all and goodluck.

Alright! My suggestions are; 1. put some two or more sentences at the beginning that will emphasize
your main thought and at the same time a transitional to your chosen topic. 2. add more about the
film's structure and the director's perspective of the film (medyo kulangan ko gamay). 3. please use APA
style of referencing. So that I could tell if you are not really copy pasting everything. Make sure to put
some referencing. 4. Do not put yet your reflection but instead be objective to the first part which
objectively describe your chosen topic. reflection will do in the next part. That's all and goodluck.

1. Make sure you are not copy pasting but be authentic to your source and thoughts. 2. Limit to 3
examples. 3. As much as possible maintain consistency of your thoughts in the topic. 4. Use APA style for
referencing. Thank you and goodluck!

as much as possible be objective to the first part. Add more about the chosen topic and make sure the
introductory part capture everything. use APA style of referencing. looking forward!

please paraphrase if needed some text copied from the source. add more input. avoid using we
or I.

please divide your paragraphs into three; history, importance and effect. if possible paraphrase some
text coming from the net. avoid using "I" "we" and "Our".

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